railroad liens PACE BOND MART gales For Full Session Prove Smallest Since June 17 NtiW YORK, June 30—(iP)—A handful of railroad issues moved •head fractionally to a point or p-.nre today in an otherwise quiet jjp-d market. Sales of $2,770,000 vore the smallest for any .session since June 17. 'Among carriers showing Im provement were Illinois Central 4; ? up 1 Vi at 82, International Great Northern 1st 6s i’and convertible 4V2S, Lehigh Va •>>- 5s of 2003 stamped St. Louis Southwestern 5s *of ’52" and jome Missouri Pacific liens. Rate Increases Of interest to investors was an pn i cement that the nation's rail roads plan to ask the Interstate Go: merce Commission for freight rate increases up to 25 per cent in the east and to 15 per cent in the rrest and south. In other sections of the list gains were posted for American Tele phone 2^4s of ’61. Consumer 2%s, Jones and Laughlin Steel 314s and National Steel 3s, all fractionally higher. Pennsylvania Central Airlines | ;s were off 5 at 45 and Silesian American Corp. 7s sold at 55, off 197a from the last sale in March. The Silesian American corp. is e holding company for mining nrooerties in Polish Silesia. . Bonds Down Low-yield bonds were down .1 of a point on average in the As icciated Press compilation to 114.9, a new 1947 low', and foreign govern ments also dropped .1 of a point to a new low for the year of 72.5. In the foreign government list Australian 3%s were off 1%, Co penhagen 4%s were down 2, and Uruguay convertible 4%s off 3%. U. S. governments were unchang ed to off 1-32 in over the counter dealings. The Victory Loan 2%s of Dec. '67-72 were off 1-32 at 1028 <32 bid'. BOND QUOTATIONS A T and S F 4s 95 ..128% ACL 4'is 64 —.—107% Can Pac 4s perp -97% C and Ej Inc 97 ...- 30% Cr: and R 4s 34 -50% Hud C 5s 62 A--83 H and M 5s 57 _... 54% Ills-Cent 4%s 66 . 82 L and N %s 2003 ___105% Mk and T a] 5s 67_57% N Y Gr 5s 2013..80 Nor and West 4s 93 _134 Nor Pac 4%s 2047 .. 96% Penn R R g 4%s 65 ...108% Sou Ry cn 5s 94 _118U West Md 4s 52 _101% FOREIGN BONDS Aust 31 4s 56_98 Braz 6%s 2657 _55 DAIRY PRODUCTS CHICAGO, June 30—tJP)—Butter firm; receipts 1,116,553 (two days); eggs firm; receipts 29,872 (two days'. VENETIAN BLINDS ILL SIZE BLINDS MADE AND REFINISHED STBICKLAND VENETIAN BLIND W08KS ’hone 6404. Castle Havne Road —FOR— CORRECT TIME Call 2-3575 —FOR— Correct Jewelry VISIT ar" Wilmington’s Largest Credit Jewelers Believe/t or Not f by RIPLEY 11 1_, REFERS OKLY to COLOR IT IS AN ANCIENT WORD MEANING "BLACK*) C^TALFLU.P filter CO. n Milwaukee,Wise. HAS NEVER HADASTRIKEGR SLOWDOWN OR AW,KIND OF j£ LABOR TROUBLE ! ItBty? JoeAuberschek, Prop. ^g IS THE PRESIDENT, TREASURER^ SECRETARY, CASHIER,SALESMANA AND EVERYTHING ELSE INTHE fl COMPANY AND WORKS AS _S 4 WAITER BESIDES/ 0 "th,s7oor 'l ' 1pi FELLOW LU. ricu Talked 700 much 4- X, —. niU . t. Jp a gravestone inRutlamo,Ga. / PR. FILLER Dentist Brooklyn,N.y. PECK and FLY '' HAS AVOKE LIKE A STEAMBOAT HHBTli C°P» l’>7. K)— -Stocks — Irregular; oils, spe cials advance. Bonds—Mixed; price changes narrow. Cotton — Quiet; trade buy ing; liquidation. CHICAGO Wheat — Strong; commis sion house buying, hedging light. Corif — As much as 4 cents up; rainfali in growing areas. Oats — Strong with corn. Hogs — Steady to 25 cents higher; top $25.25. Cattle — Steady; top $29.50. NEW YORK, June 30—OPp-Quiet strength of oils and special stocks, a number touching New Year’s high, kept the market generally on the i^jgrade today although most rails slipped and many lead-, ers elsewhere were different. Dealing tapered after a fairly active opening. There was a mod erate buying flurry around mid day and subsequent slowdowns. Prices hardened selectively in the final hour with the pace quicken ing a trifle. Plus marks of frac tions to a point or more predomi nated at the close. Transfers of 670,000 shares compared with 650, 000 Friday. The month’5 volume was 17,482,740 against 20,615,786 in May and was a low for any month since September, 1944. Bidders Timid Bidders were more or less timid in the face of the coal labor sit uation and other threatened walk outs which may seriously affect im portant industries. The Associated Press 60-Stock Composite was up .1 of a point at 64.2 although the rail average was off as much. It was the narrowest market since June 9. Of 875 issues registering 380 rose and 283 fell. Spencer Kellog, in further re flection 0f an earnings jump, add ed 4 points at 58, a 1947 top. Oth ers recording peaks for the year were Celanese, up % at 22%; Pure Oil % at 25 % Shamrock Oil % at 26%, Texas’ Co. % at 64 Vt, Standard Oil of Cal. % at 60, Shell Union Oil % at 30% and Socony % at 16%. U. B. Steel Gains U. S. Steel was up % at 66Y4 ar.d Bethlehem % at 84 despite a drr,i in this week’s ingot capacity of 24.7 per cent, widest since last December and ascribed mainly to falling coal supplies. Chrysler gained 1% at 108%, General Motors 1% at 59, Ameri can Smelting 1% at 59, Joy Mfg. 1% at 35, U. S. Gypsum 2 at 101, Allied Chemical 1% at 177, du Pont 1% at 192% and Union Carbide 1% at 105%. Bonds were mixed. Commodities climbed. At Chicago wheat ad vanced 2 to 3% cents a bushel, corn 2% to 4 and oats 1 to 2%. Cotton was up 15 to 90 cents a bale. On the rising side of the Curb were Cities Service, Fansteel, Sentry Safety Control and Tish man Realty. Slipping were United Shoe, Aluminum of America, Con solidated Textile and South Penn Oil. Turnover here was 170,000 shares versus 200,000 in the pre cedediog session. WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YORK, June 30—(£>)— Mon. Fri. Advances _380 357 Declines _283 338 Unchanged_...212 201 Total issues _875 896 LOCAL QUOTATIONS (Furnished bj Allen C. Ewing A Co.) BID ASKED Aviation Shares .50c 4.85 5.06 ACL of Conn 4.00a 52 1-2 54 Boston Fund 2.18b 30 03 21.66 Caro Insurance 1.40a 29 31 DeVilbiss 1.00a 17 17 5-8 McBee .40a ex div 10c 7 7 1-2 Mass Inves Trust 1.66b ex div 25c 25.00 27.08 Nat Transit .75a 14 3-4 15 Peo Sav B & T 3.00c 80 — Red Rock Bot (Inc., Ga.) 10 3-4 11 1-4 Sec Nat Bank .60c 28 29 1-2 Stand Stoker 3.00c 19 S-4 21 3-4 T W P Common .60a 8 1-4 9 Wii S Sc T 2.00c ex div 40c 49 — a. Indicated annual dividend rate. b. Income and profits dividends paid in past 12 months. c. Paid in 1946. The above quotations are nominal and are believed to be indications of the price at which the securities may be purchased or sold. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT NEW YORK, June 30—(JP)— Sales, closing price and net change of the fifteen most active stock* today: Sinclair Oil 18,100_15% up % Comwlth and Sou 18,100 .. 3 no Schenley Distill 14,100 ~30% up % Socony Vac 11,900 _16% up % Std Oil Ind 9,500 -41% up % Sunray Oil 8,800 --10% no Armour and Co 7,400 —14% up % Pure Oil 7,400 -25% up % Nat Distill 6,700 _21% no Sears Roeb 6,300-38 up % Tex Gulf Prod 6,200 ..14% up % Gen Mot 6,100 -59 up 1% Jox Mfg 5.800 _35 up 1% Std Oil NJ 5,700 _76% up Vi Colum Gas, El 5,500 _11% up % Dial 2-3311 For Newspaper Service The showpiece of all 1047 cars ! a ★ The Champion...The Commander The extra-long-wheelbase Land Cruiser Completely new postwar dream cars EVERYONE knows there is no mistaking a postwar Stude ' baker for any other automobile. You can identify this showpiece of all the 1947 cars a block away. It’s this year’s dream car, too, in riding comfort, handling ease and brilliant performance. Self-adjusting brakes—"black light” dash dials—wide-vision windows—it’s a completely new car in features as well as style! BARNES MOTOR CO 113 Chestnut St._' * Telephone 5676 LIVESTOCK CHICAGO LIVESTOCK CHICAGO, June 30—(A*)—(USDA) —Salable hogs 9,000, total 12,800; fairly active and uneven; general ly steady to 25 cents higher, sows included; most upturn on butchers weighing 25&-300 lb.; tob 25.25; bulk good and choice 170-250 lb. 24.50-25.25; 260-280 lb. 23.25-24.50; 290-330 lb 21.50-23.00; around 375 lb weights 19.75-20.00; good and choice 300-425 lb. sows 18.00-19.75; 450-675 lb weights 16.00-17.75. Salable cattle 1,500, total 15,200; salable calves 1,500, total 1,500; fed steers apd yearlings including yearling heifers steady; strictly good and choice graces active; largely steer run; choice weighty steers topped at 29.50; most choice offerings 27.75 29.00; good and choice heifers 23.50-26.00; average choice offerings 26.50; stock cattle steady; medium grades slow, bulk 18.00-21.00; cows in moderate sup ply, strong; cutters 13.00 down; most beef cows 13.50-17.00; good cows to 20.00; bulls active, steady at 18.00 down; vealers steady at 24.00 down. RICHMOND LIVESTOCK RICHMOND, Va., June 30—VP)— (USDA)—Livestock: Hogs—Mar ket steady with Friday on all weights. Top $23.00 for good and choice 180-240 lb barrows and gilts. 90-100 lbs $15.00; 100-120 lbs $16.00; 120-140 lbs $20.00; 140-160 lbs $21.00; 160-180 lbs $22.00; 240-300 lbs $21.50; 300 lbs and up $20.50; good sows under 350 lbs $17.50; 350-500 lbs $16.00; over 500 lbs $15.00; good stags under 350 lbs' $16.00; over 350 lbs $14.00. Cattle — Market opened slow, about steady on slaughter steers. Bulk medium to good $20.00-23.00, odd head strictly good higher. Re ceipts other classes very light. Cows quotable steady, canners and cutters $9.00-11.00; fat dairy type $12.00-14.00; good beef cows $15.00 16.00. Medium to good sausage bulls $12.00-15.00. Vealers slow, not fully established, quotable top around $22.00. Few lots good and choice spring lambs $21.00-22.00. COTTON NEW YORK COTTON NEW YORK, June 30—W—Cot ton futures registered gains of 15 to 90 cents a bale in moderately active trading today. Prices at one time dipped 50 cents a bale under the previous close on considerable profit-taking, but the general trend was upward on persistent covering in nearby July, along with mill and commission house buying. The market drew suport from Washington advices that differ ences over the form of the cotton buying program for Japan had been settled. This was expected to ex pedite further government buying of the staple for that country. The program called for purchase of 300,000 bales of cotton and 50,000 bales of spinnable waste be tween now and October 31. Some quarters expected the Commodity Credit Corp. to ask for offers of some 75,000 bales about mid-July. Spot cotton markets were quiet, reflecting tightness in old crop supplies while the textile market held firm. Futures closed 15 to 90 cents a bale higher than the previous close. Open High Low Close July 37.64 37.65 37.52 37.62 up 9 Oct 32.72 32.91 32.66,32.80 up % Mch. 31.18 31.18 31.13 31.29 up 6 May 30.73 30.92 30.67 JO.85 up 10 July 29.75 30.00 29.75 29.96n up 18 Middling spot 38.14n off 1. n—Nominal. NEW ORLEANS COTTON NEW ORLEANS, June 30—{IP)— Cotton futures advanced here to day on buying, stimulated by fa vorable textile r^jorts and claims of the heaviest ball weevil infesta tion in South Carolina in years. Closing prices were steady $1.45 a bale higher to five cents lower. Open High Low Close July 37.45 37.50 37.40 37.40 off 1 Oct 32.75 32.91 32.66 32.79 up 10 Dec. 31.73 31.97 31.70 31.90 up 19 Mch 31.17 31.39 31.17 31.34 up 29 May 30.65 30.91 30.64 30.75 up 20 NEW ORLEANS MIDDLING NEW ORLEANS, June 30—(TP)— The average price of middling 15 16ths inch cotton at ten Southern spot markets today was 35 cents a bale lower at 37.40 cents a pound; average for the past 30 market days 36.75. Middling 7-8 inch average 35.84 cents a pound. NEW ORLEANS SPOTS NEW ORLEANS, June 30—(£>)— Spot cotton closed steady $1.25 a bale lower. Sales 47. Low middling 32.15. Middling 37.15. Good middl ing 37.85. Receipts none. Stocks 77,072. CHARLOTTE SPOTS CHARLOTTE, June 30—{TP)—Spot cotton 36.30. The Neighbors By George GtarJk --" 7; MA fine honeymoon! You can’t even speak to me because it might scare the fish!** 4 This Funny World > J V XJJ v &SL ~f“ 1 _^ McNggght Syndicate, lot. Stock Market Quotations By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Pre* Yes vious terday Close Close Alleghany __ 3% 3% A1 Chem and Dye_175% 177 Allis Chal Mfg .3544 34% American Can _92% 9244 American Car Fdy_4244 42% American Roll Mill_28% 28 Amer Smelt and Ref 57% 59 A T and T _165% 155% American Tobacco B _ 73% 73% Anaconda _34% 34% Arm 111 _1444 14% Atlantic Coast Line — 52 52 Atlantic Refinery .... 36 36% Aviation Corporation .. 5% 5 Baldwin _18 17% Baltimore and Ohio -- 10% 10% Barnsdall _26% 26% Bendix Aviat _ 31% 31% Beth Steel__83% 84 Boeing Airp _15% 15% Borden _41% 42% Budd Mfg _10% 10% Burl Mills _17% 18 Burr Add Mach _- 12% 12% Cannon Mills __ _ Case J I __ 37 36% Caterpil Trac _58% 59% Ches and Ohio_ 4544 45% Chrysler _1064s 108% Coca Cola __ 171 Coml Cred _..— 41% 41% Coml Solv __24% 2444 Com with and South ..3 3 Consol Edis ..26% 26% Cons Vultee ..— 12% 12% Cont Can _..._ 38 38% Corn Prod _63% 6344 Curt Wright _ 4% 4% Curt Wright A ..15 14% Dow Chem __ _ Doug Aire _54% 54% Du Pont ...191 192% Eastman Kod _44% 44% Firestone __ 47% Gen El....35% 35% Gen Foods _39% 39% Gen Mot_ 56 59 Goodrich _ 58 54% Goodyear __46% 46% Gt Nor Ry Pf ... 404s 41 Int Harvest _ 88 88% NEW YORK PRODUCE NEW YORK, June 30 — (U.R) — Produce markets: potatoes (dol lars per 100 lbs. unless otherwise indicated.) firmer maines katan dins, No. 1 4.00 bid, katahdins, No. 1 50 lbs. 20.00 bid; green mts. No. 1 4.00-.25; green mts. 50. bags 2.10 bid. Calif, long whites No. 1 5.25; poorer 4.00-25; North Carolina — cobblers — No 1 washed 4.15-.50; commercial washed 3.10-.50; No. 1 B washed 3.50 asked; No. 1 3.25 4.00 ungraded 2.25-3.25; cobblers, commercial — 2.25-.50; No. 1 B 1.50-3.00. Virginia cobblers 1 3.50 4.00; No. 1 B 1.75-3.25; sweet po tatoes (bushels-baskets) steady. New Jersey Jersey , type, No. 1 2.00- .75; Jersey type, processed 2.75-3.25, Jersey type, 1-2 bushels 1.00- .75. Yams: (bushels-baskets) North Carolina, No. 1 tub—best 4.00- .25; jumbo tub best 1.25-.50; No. 2 tub best 1.25; Louisiana, Puerto Ricans, Crates Bu 3.75 4.50. Dressed poultry: irregular. CHICAGO BUTTER CHICAGO, June 30—(4P)— (USDA) —Butter firm: AA 93 score 68.5; A 92—67; B 90 90-65-65.5; C 89— 63.5- 63.75. Eggs firm; large No. 1 and 2 extras 49.51; medium extras 44.5- 45.5; standards 43.5-44.5 cur rent receipts 42.5-43; dirties 39.5 40; checks 39-39.5. WASHINGTON POULTRY WASHINGTON — U. S. Grade A large 25 +o 58; fryers, broilers and roasters 32 to 33. bit Tel and Tel...11% 11% Johns Manv _43% 42% Kennecott _43% 44% Ligg and M B__ _ Loews _21% 21% Lockheed -11% 11% Lorillard _20 19% Mont Ward _58% 58% Nash Kelv ..15% 15% Nat Bis _28% 28 Nat Cash Reg_38% 38 Nat Dist_21% 21% N Y Cent ..14% 13% No Am Av _ 7% 7% No Pac __ 17% Packard _ 5 5% Param Pic _25% 26% Penney J C _43% 44 Penn R R .. 19% 18% Pepsi Cola_31% 31% Phillips Pet.. 59 59 Pitt S and B _ 7% 8 Pullman .. 56% 56% Pure Oil.. 24% 25% Radio _ 8% 8 Radio K O .- 12 - Rem Rand _31% 32 Repub Stl_24% 24 Reynolds B ...40% 40% Sears _37% 38 Soc Vac ..- 16% 16% Sou Pac _41 40% Sou Ry ....34% 33% Std Br...27% 27% Std Oil N J .76% 76% Stewart War_15% 15% Swift _ 33% 33% Tex Co _63% 64% Un Carb _104% 105% Unit Airl _22% 22% Unit Aire __ __ Unit Corp . 3% 3% Unit Drug ___ _ Unit Fruit _ 52 52% Unit Gas Imp .21% 21% U S Indus Chem_48% 48% U S Rubber...145% 145% U S Smelt and Ref ..45% 46 U S Steel .. 66 66% Vanadium __ _ Va Caro Chem __ 6% Warner Pic _15% 15% West Un A_ 20 20 West El __27% 27% Woolworth _48% 48% CURB Can Marconi .. 1% 1% Cities Service _86% 37% Colon Dvmt _ 3% 3% El Bond and Share __ 12% 11% GRAIN CHICAGO GRAIN CHICAGO, June 30—(A5)—Corn prices climbed more than 3 cents a bushel in futures trading today. Oats and wheat also were more than 2 cents higher at times in active trading. Continued heavy rains in the corn growing area of flood-harass ed Iowa, and trade reports that northern Illinois corn generally was late, were bullish factors. Oats moved upward with corn. Wheat moved higher on good buying and a general absence of the hedging pressure which is usual at this season, when the crop is moving to market. Wheat closed 2 to 37/g cents higher than the previous finish, July $2.18%-$2.19, corn was up 2% to 4 cents, July $2.00%-%, and oats were 1 to 2% cents higher, July 98%-%. Open High Low Close Wheat July 2.16% 2.19 2.16% 2.19 Sep 2.12*4 2.16 2.12 2.16 Dec 2.11% 2.15 2.11% 2.15 May 2.09 2.12% 2.09 2.12% Corn July 1,96% 2.00% 1.96*4 2.00% Sep 1.78*4 1.82% 1.77% 1.82*4 Dec 1.60% 1.63% 1.60% 1.63% May 1.57% 1.60% 1.57%. 1.60% Oats July 96% 89% 96% 98% Sep 84% 87% 84% 87% Dec. 83*4 84% 82% 84% May 79% 81 79% 80 Oats July 96% 89% 96% 98% Sgp 84% 87% 84% 87% Dec 83% 84% 827/g 84% May 79% 81 79% 80% Lard July 19.20 20.15 19.15 20.00 Sep 19.50 20.60 19.50 20.40 Oct - 19.75 Nov 19.37 20.15 19.35 20.15 CHICAGO PRODUCE CHICAGO, June 30—(U.R)—Pro duce: poultry; 29 trucks; steady; hens 27 1-2; lekhorn hens 21- fry ers 31-32; broilers 30-31; colored springs 33; white rock springs 36; Plymouth rock springs 36; old roos ters 16; geese 15; ducklings 20; tom turkeys 22; hen turkeys 29-30; guineas 25; common barn pigeons 3.00 doz; ducks 13-15 1-2. Cheese: twins 33 1-2-34 1-2; sin gle daisies 37-37 1-2; swiss 48-52. Butter: 1,116,553 lbs; firm; 93 score 68; 92 score 66 1-2; 90 score 64 1-2; 89 score 63. Eggs: 29,872 cases; firm; ex tras 1: 48-49 1-2; extras 2: 47-48; 3 and 4: 44-45 1-2; standards 1 and 2: 43 1-2-44; 3 and 4: 43; current receipts 43; dirties 39; checks 38 38 1-2. CHICAGO POTATOES CHICAGO, June 30 — Ufl — (US DA)—Potatoes;. arrival 391; ob track 320; total U. S. shipment*' Friday 1,019, Saturday 806, and Sunday 215; supplies moderate; demand slow; market dull and un settled; Arizona Bliss triumph* $3.25 (U. S. No. 2 quality), Pon tiacs $4.00, Long Whites $4.55-4.65; California Long Whites $4.55-4.7i Bliss Triumphs $4.75, Pontiac* $5.20-5.25; Virginia Norfolk sec tion Cobblers $1.20 (all U. S. No. 1 quality washed except where noted). NAVAL STORES SAVANNAH, Ga„ June 30 - M — Turpentine, 59 1-2 offerings, 147; sales, 142 receipts and shipment*,' none; stocks, 5,085. Rosin; offerings and sales, 223; receipts, 1.788; shipments, none; stocks, 14,284. Quote: rosin prices: B D and E, 67C: F G H and I, 700 K M N WG WW and X, 730. NC—VA HOG MARKETS RALEIGH, June 30 — (A>) — (NCDA) — Hog markets steady with tops of 23.5U at Rocky Mount, Greenville, Fayetteville, dinton Warsaw; and 23.00 at Richmond; and 23.25 at Smithfield. LET OJ STOBE YOUR CUBED MEAT Protect It from Skippers dur ing the warm months! Restaurants — Grills We cater to the needs of restaurants and grills In pork cuts, steaks, ham burger, welners, poultry. Our Specialty! Commercial cutting for retail stores and restaurants. ALL SERVICES GUARANTEED FROZEN FOOD LOCKEB AND PROCESSING CO. 1802 No. 5th St. (Hilton) Dial t-HM IN BOTTLES AND AT FOUNTAINS Pepsicola Company, Long Island City, N. Y.^ Franchised Bottler—Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co.( of Wilmington, Inc. Effective July 1,1947 _—_ ASHEVILLE SHELBY CHARLOTTE Good news for vacationists and travelers... more time for work Wilmington* or play ... no change of bus! • ASHEVILLE EXPRESS — DAILY —Lv. Carolina Beach 11:80 A.M. Lv. Wilmington 18:40 P.M. Arrive Asheville 9:15 P.M. —Lv. Asheville: 9:00 A.M. Arrive Wilmington 6:35 P.M. Arrive Carolina Beach 6:20 P.M. • CHARLOTTE EXPRESS — DAILY —Lv. Carolina Beaeht *1:50 A.M. Lv. Wilmington 12:40 P.M. Arrive Charlotte 5:80 P.M. —Lv. Charlotte: *8:46 P.M, Arrive Wilmington 5.35 P.M. Arrive Carolina Beach 6:20 P.M, For detailed information on EXPRESS BUSES and our many other regular schedules, set your local ticket agent! UNION BUS TERMINAL PHONE 2-2481 Queen City TRAILWAYS CHARLOTTE, I I. • No Extra Fara • Limited Stops - Only At These Points • To Charlotte Asheville and Return! — Carolina Beach — Wilmington - Whiteville — Lnmberlon — Laurinbnrg — Rockingham — Wadesboro — Monroe —Charlotte —Gastonia — Kings Moantain -Shelby — Forest City ■ -t—»—ji— •-Bramunm I ? a