Society Section VOlT^—NO. 29._ THE JfEWS _ ^UTKlg AMB) ®IL(g&gy[asfo -- WILMINGTON, N. C., SUNDAY, JULY 13, 1947 " I ♦ SECTION—JB GAY FOURSOME—Misses Virginia Best of Lumberton, Miss Ti m Wrenn of Durham and Miss Elizabeth Ann Gertner of Orlando, Fia. ,who have been the attractive houseguests of Miss Jane Hobb s at her home on Market street. Pictured with them is “Shorty” a family favorite._ Washington's Tar Heelers Take Time Out For Vacations Back Home By JULIA McNIXCH SLEAR The Capital's social whirl is sag ging a little this week, with va cation-fatigued Washingtonians re turning slowly to the city-routine. Here and there are gatherings, of course — social and otherwise. With the usual run of distinguish ed visitors and the more or less interesting events. But the cus tomary gaity, the enthusiasm, the joie rie vivre are missing-definite ly. The glorious fourth falling on Friday this year gave many people three wonderful days for the pursuit of happiness, which t h e Declaration of Independence Includes among cur inalienable rights—and it’s been pretty hard to get back into the “social har ness”. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce J. Downey who spent some time with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Julian Maynard of Newport News formerly of Raleigh, are home again, with interesting stories to relate about their grand children, Julian, Jr. and Ad e 1 e Downey Maynard. And with the three days packed with fun to re member, Mr. and Mrs. Norman H. Hicks returned to their Silver Spring home Monday. Mr. and -Mrs. John T. Cain who ac companied them to Nag’s Head swung over to Raleigh for a short v*it with Mrs. Cain’s sister. From there they will go to Red Springs ‘o visit another sister and thence to High Point before returning to Washington. Mr. snd Mrs. A. D. McFayden "ho have been visiting relatives to Fayetteville, joined their daug hter and her children in Hender sonville before returning to the capital, and Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Jones and their daughter, Janelle, Sl'e. at home again after a brie.’ "stt in Farmville, They were ac companied by Mrs. E. H. Jones, v'l0_ Mas spent the past two mpnths with her son and daughter in-law. Janelle who has lovely blonde curls and a winsome man ner is also very clever, for she has won a scholarship at the Cynthia Warner school two years in succession not only for excell ing in scholastic lines but for being the best all-round student. The John W. Lawsons who have been doing a turn about the Bay, sailing down the Potomac, just before the Fourth, are returning next wek with a series of pictures calculated to make even the most confirmed land-1 u b b e r long for the spray of the ocean in his face. Later they plan a trip that will take them to Morehaa City and other shore “points of Interest.” Brown as berries are the Tar Hels who were guest of Mr. and 'Mrs. Lawrence G. Newman over the long wek-end at their cottage at Edgewater Beach. Invited to join in the fun with the Newmans were Mr. and Mrs. William Y. Webb, Mrs. Allie Stephenson Hoke and the attract ive newly married couple, Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Wright Lewis One was Frances Hilda Johnson ). Another vacationer taking advan tage of the holidays is Virginia Kornegay who is off for Chicago where she will attend a legal con clave being held by her fraternity. Half of the fun of having been in a strange city or country is reading a friend’s reaction to that same locality. Its been a long time since we were in Switzerland. Ob viously, it has maintained through those years, its mein of sincerity and poise, it’s great beauty and the grandeur which struck us so forcibly when we were there, for the card which came to us this week from W. A. Graham Clark, Tariff Commission’s represent ative to the International Trade Conference, crystHized our own memories of that peace - loving (Continued on Page Two; Col. 5) j . ^R. AND MRS. VINCENT A. SMITH—Shown cutting their wed k\h c^ke following their marriage which took place on ,fh * (V,e Cradock Presbyterian church in Portsmouth, Va. Mrs. Smith ine former Thelma Joyce King. Weekly Bridge Parly Planned At Yacht Club Mrs. N. L. Foy and Mrs. W. A. Fonvielle will be hostesses this Wednesday at the weekly bridge tournament at the Carolina Yacht club. Mrs. J. D. Freeman is gen eral chairman for the month of July. All reservations must be made not later than Monday afternoon. The game begins at 11 o’clock and luncheon is served around T30 o’clock. Frances Sidbury Celebrated 12 th Birthday At Party Frances Lenora Sidbury, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Sidbury of the Carolina Beach road, cele brated her 12tn birthday on Mon day with a party given by her parents at their home. Summer flowers were used throughout the house in decorat ing. During the afternoon ice cream and cake and lemonade were served to the young guests. Games were enjoyed during the afternoon. TRADITIONAL CAKE CUTTING—Mr. and Mrs. L G Rasmussen whose marriage took place on Sunday, June 29. The bride is the former Juanita Bullard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Bullard of this city. Mr. Rasmussen is the son of Mrs. Selma Rasmussen of Brainend, Minn.______ Business And Professional Club Will Sponsor "Joan Of Lorraine' _____ * Three New York Stage Hits To Be Brought To City By Local Organization At the monthly meeting of the Business and Professional Wom en’s club held Friday evening plans for the forthcoming club year were discussed and new com mittees named by the president, Mrs. Ida B. Kellam. Those named on committees were; Miss Mary Henri Lennon, membership; Miss Ruth Hum phrey, program coordinator; Miss Dorothea McDowell, education and vocayons; Mrs. Bevvie Taylor, health and safety; Miss Verna Shepard, public affairs; Miss Audry Bryan, legislation; Mrs. Mary S. Conner, news service and pub licity; Miss Virginia Southerland, personnel; Miss Delores Farrar, hospitality; Miss Juanita Rankin, finance; Mrs. Mary S. Conner, international relations radio; Mrs. Doris Blomme, business women’s week. The local club is planning to bring to Wilmington during the coming season three New York stage hils, produced by the Civic Drama Guild of New York city. “Dream Girl” and ‘‘Joan of Lor raine” are to be staged, the third to be named at a later date. The following new members were voted into club membership: Mrs. Annie N. Williams and Mrs. Ruth Gurr. Guests for the dinner meet ing were Miss Katie Davis of New York city, Mrs. Lila W. Head and Emerson Head. Emerson, accom panied by his mother Mrs. Lila Head at the p:ano entertained the club with several trumpet.selec tions. Miss Chenworth, Bride t Elect, Is Feted At Social Bride-Elect To Return To Ha waii For Wedding To Lt. Kuebrich Mrs. A. M. Wilson, III, honored Miss Rosemary Chenworth at a linen and . lingerie, shower on Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Wilson’s sister, Mrs. F. M Hiatz. The lower floor of the home was decorated throughout with gladioli and other summer flowers. Upon arrival Mrs. Wilson presented Miss Chenworth with a lovely cor sage of white gladioli. The bride’s table was laid with a lace cloth and centered with a wedding cake topped with a miniature bride and bridegroom. Around 16 guests were invited. Prize winners were Miss Pat Anderson and Miss Vivian Beard. The games were followed by a delicious ice course. Miss Chenworth will leave soon for Hawa.i where she will become the bride of Lt. Daniel E. Kuebrich of North Tonnawanda, N. Y. Mrs. Wilson, who is now living in Richmond, Va., is visiting her mother, Mrs. Katherine Johnston of this city. * * * Carolyn Regisler And James Gore Will Wed July 26 Miss Carolyn Register, daughter of Gibson Register and the late Mrs. Mary Lillie Register, has set the date for her wedding to James A. Gore, son of Mrs. W-. B. Gore of this city. The wedding will take place on - Saturday, July 26 at Immanuel Presbyterian church, this city. Miss Register is a graduate of East Carolina Teachers college in June having received her B. S. degree in physical education and business education. ’ Mr. Gore is now employed as a trainman for the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad •vjrq HUBERT HAROLD McKOY—The former Dorothy Mae Cooif daughter of Mr and Mrs. T. J. Cook, Jr.,, of Lake Forest, whos4 wedding was solemnized at the First Christian church on July B. Mr McKoy is the son of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. McKoy of Princess Place, this city.___— Miss Jessie Leigh Davis Engaged To Marry William Joseph Boney ___ ★ Prospective Bride Is Daughter Of Mr. And Mrs. P. P. Davis Of Yadkinville Mr. and Mrs. Paul Price Davis of Beach Lake Farms, Yadkin ville, have announced the engage ment of their daughter, Jessie Leigh, to William Joseph Boney, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie N. Boney of this city. The wedding is planned for the fall season. Miss Davis received her educa tion at Salem ccliege, Winston Salem, Meredith college, Raleigh and received her certificate from the College of Practical Arts and Letters, Boston university. Mr. Boney graduated from North Carolina State college, Ra leigh in June 1947 and is now in partnership with his father and brother wit} the firm of Leslie N. Boney /Architects. He is a member of Sigma Phi Epsilon *o cial fraternity. Miss Crockford Becomes Bride Of R. M. Lewis The Church of The Holy Com forter in Charlotte, was the scene of a charming wedding June 23, at 5 o’clock when Miss Esther Crockford became the bride of Richard McDonald Lewis. The Rev. Iveson Noland, rector of the church, officiated. The chancel was arranged with lace fern, white gladioli, and shasta daisies flanked by seven-branched candelabra holding cathedral tapers. On the altar were vases of white gladioli and daisies. J. Henry Theiling, organist, played •Because,” “Romance,” “Clair (Continued on Page Two; Col. ♦) ENGAGED TO MARRY—Miss Jessie Leigh Da vis of Yadkmville, daiighterof Mr- , wilHam Price Davis of Beech Lake Farms, Yadkinville, wh ose engagement ^ announced today to William Joseph Boney, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie N. Bon ey of Wilmington. The wedding is to take place U the fall. _____— Slightly Off The Record Wilmington, N. C. July 13, 1947. CeaOn^eofthe"most delightful entertainments of the season took place MacMillan were Lt. Col. Crystal and Mrs. Crystal, the host s mother, Mrs Henrv J MacMillan of this city, and his sister, Mrs. J. Laurens Wright of Charlotte and Wrightsville Beach. Cocktails and h or douvres were served in Henry’s studio, which is the last word from a standpoint of enormous size, square shape, unusually high ceiling, and excellent taste in the interior decoration. Col. Crystal is instructor In social science at the U. S. Military Academy at Wert Point. Colonel and Mrs. Beverly C. Snow charmingly entertained at cocktails yesterday evening film 6:30 until 8:30 0 ^ock at their lovely home in Forest Hills complimenting Colonel and Mrs George Gillette of Atlanta, who are spending Jhe week-end at Wrightsville Beach. Garden flowers were effective^ arranged in the living room and dining room of the home, and cocktails and h or douvres wer# served on the terrace to the 75 who called during the cocktail hour. Col. Gillette is Chief of U. S. Army Engineers for the Southeastern Division with headquarters at Atlanta. Mrs. Gillette is the former Mrs. Marguerite Bellamy MacRae of this city. We heard the other dav, Peg, that the W. E. Lewis home at 15 Country Club Pines, has been sold to Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Burney who resided at 308 Carolina avenue. Mr. Burney is cor-oct -1 v__> the Loftis Construction company. Mrs. Lewis left recently for Or lando, Fla., to ioin Mr. Lewis who is interested in the fertilizer business there. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis will regret to learn of their departure from our midst. Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Hall with their son and daughter, Ran dolph. Jr., and Nancy Hall of Danville, Va., have arrived at Wrights ville Beach for the summer, having leased one of the Creasy apart ments at 6 Channel Drive for several months. The Hall family spent last summer at Wrightsville and are being cordially welcomed again this season. Mr. Hall is head of the Chrysler agency in Danville. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander S. Hall expect to move into their apart ment at the Oleander Court during the coming week. Since the return from their wedding trip they have resided temporarily at the home of Mrs. Hall’s narents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond H. Holland at 510 Dock street. Mrs. Hall, prior to her marriage on June 4 was Carolyn Holland of this citv. Mrs. Graham K. Hobbs of Raleigh returned to her home on Friday after visiting her mother, Mrs. W. H. Pemberton for a week at her hom-> on Dock street. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Adamson, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Fox of Greensboro, and Mr. and Mrs. Roger Beale of Franklin. Va., have returned to their homes after a visit at Wrightsville Beach with Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Baker of Greensboro at their summer home 319 South Lumina avenue. Mrs. Beale, the former Anne Baker, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Parker and young daughter, Orrell Parker of New York city, are spending their vacation with Mrs. Parker’s (Continued on Page Three; Col. /) MR. AND MRS. JOSEPH ROY REAVES—The former CamiB| Long, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Long of this city, shown a| the reception cutting of traditional bridal cake following their mar riage which took place at St. Mary’s Catholic church. k