RAILROAD liens keep advancing rains Of Fractions To More Than Two Points At- ■ tained By Group V,;v; YORK, July 23 — (/P) • — isues moved swiftly for ®XX the bond market today in XXaiion of an upward trend *X’X unbroken since mid-June. . s 0£ fractions to more than XjX spattered the carrier *.X a; the finish. Utilities and PX'inais maintained a steady Course. f world Bank bonds also staged I ,!v,r show of strength. The f'Xc.m 3s rose to 102 24-32 ana IX sh rt-term 2 l-4s added 9-32 r jo) 21 -32. Over-the-counter deal jn the bonds said the supply IX becoming increasingly tight rd ;bat demand by institutional investors for large blocks was Cr pping the price structure. Koiclers of small lots of the bonds ,poped the market for a time, X explained, as they sold for a ,UX profit but this source ap )p;i;eci‘!o be drying up. New Financing yer financing stayed in the Etious Drinks f simmering stage with the largest sale $11,000,000 of Arkansas Power & Light Co. 2 7-8 per cent 30-year bonds marketed at 101.80. Dealers looked forward to public offering tomorrow at $5 a share uf 4,000,000 shares of Class “A” common stock or Tucker Corp., a newcomer to the automobile field. Corporates closing higher includ ed B & O 5s of 2000 at 65 1-4, Cen rtal of N. J„ 5s at 34 1-2, Chica go & Eastern Illinois incomes at 41 1-4, Rock Island refunding 4s at 54 1-2, Inti Great Northern ad justed 5s at 19 3-4, Missouri Pa cific general 4S at 30 3-4, N Y Central “A” 4 l-2s at 76 1-2, New Haven 4S of ’55 at 48 1-2, Northern Pacific 4s at 107 1-2, Frisco 4 l-2s at 51 1-2, and Wabash 3 l-4s at 99 1-2. Peruvian issues improved in the foreign dollar list. U. S. Governments held steady in the over-the-counter market. Sales of $4,600,000 compared with $4,095,000 Tuesday. BOND AVERAGES Compiled by The Aaaeelated Trees JULY 23— 20 10 10 10 10 Rails Indus Util Fgn Low Yd. Net change A.l Unch Unch A.l Unch Wed 94.9 103.4 106.5 72.1 114.9 Prev day 94.5 103.4 105.6 72.0 114 9 Week ago 93.9 103.4 105.7 71.9 114.8 Month ago 91.2 103.4 105.3 72.3 115.0 Year ago 101.6 103.9 107.6 78.3 117.8 1947 High 97.1 104.2 1 05.7 76.6 116.5 1947 Low 89.8 103.2 104.0 71.9 114.7 1946 High 106.9 105.2 109.5 79.0 120.2 1946 Low 92.0 102.7 103.3 74.4 114.3 N.C.—VA. HOG MARKETS RALEIGH, July 23—(JP)— (NCDA) —Hog markets steady with tops of 25.25 a* Rocky Mount; 25.00 at Gieenville. Smithfieid, Clinton - Warsaw and Richmond; and 25.50 at Fayetteville. Your Roaches, Flies, Mosquitoes, Sandflies, Bedbugs, and all Insect Life with SHEPARD’S GUARANTEED INSECTICIDES For Repelling Horseflies Dse Shepard’s Fly Guard FOR SAXE BY DEALERS EVERYWHERE Manufactured by JOS. C. SHEPARD Wilmington, N. C. Dial 8466 NOW You Can Buy 1 GOODYEAR 1 TIRES on EASY TERMS IOW DOWN PAYMENT—SMALL WEEKLY PAYMENTS Come In and get one, two or a set of these famous long wearing Goodyears on our Easy Pay Plan. Pay for them as you ride. Most everything in the store is available on the same convenient terms. Stop in today. mirosgh Thronsk Service W# Grow We Grow Corner 3rd and Chestnut Sts. Phone 5214 T Model 65U plays up to 12 records automatically has the famous "Golden Throat” Silent Sapphire pickup::: No needle# to change::: records ! last longer;s • ■Vietrrtt"—T.H. >H U.t fit OK. Only $99.50 1-8 Down—Balance Small Regular Payments Plays on battery or bouse cun rent. Has RCA Victor “Golden Throat” tone system. Dynamie speaker. Built-in “Magic Loop” antenna, plus extra removable loop antenna. Powerful and se lective. Pnlls in distant stations. Case of weatherired aluminum t and beautiful plastic. *CA VICTOR®*^ "GLOBE TROTTER" Portable Radio see it; Mear in vnij $65.20 1-3 Down Bal. Small Re*. Fmta. Through Thronjfh Service We Grow Airier 3rd and Chestnut Sts. Phone 5214 '— -- AUTHORIZED RCA VICTOR MALIR_ *"*..—»Q^^I.IN..IIII null III. ,UL!JJ.J.>JUJJ»'WWI ' _ This Funny World JEFF ^KEjVTE I 7~24- McNaught Syndicate, Inc^-C Contort j “Now don’t try to pull anything sensational, Henry. Just go straight to the moon and come right back'.” LOCAL QUOTATIONS Furnished by Allen C. Ewing St Co. BID ASKED Aviation Shares,.50c 4.92 5.86 ACL of Conn 4.00a #1 3-4 (S3 Boston Fund 2.16b 20.62 22.29 Carolina Insurance 1.40a Ex Div .70c 28 1-4 30 1-4 DeVilbiss 1.00a *17 3-4 18 McBee .40a 7 1-4 7 3-4 Mass Inv Tr 1.86b 26-34 28.48 Nat Transit .75a 15 16 1-4 Peo Sav Bank 8c Tr 3.00c 80 — Red Rock Bot (Inc., Ga.) 10 1-2 11 1-4 Sec Nat Bank .80c 28 — Standard Stoker 3.00c 21 33 r W P Common .60a 8 8 3-4 Wil Sav & Tr 2.00c 49 — a. Indicated annual dividend rate. b. Income and profits dividends paid in past 12 months. c. Paid in 1946. The above quotations are nominal and’ ire believed to be indications rf the Drice at which the securities may be mrchased or sold. I RALEIGH POULTRY RALEIGH, July 23—(&)—(NCI)A) —Egg and poultry markets firm. U. S. Grade AA large 56; broiler* and fryers 33 lo 34. Wfestiog^iotise MAKIS THt 0UGBOM0 AUTOMATIC MMCT KKLR Corner 3rd & Chestnut Sts. “ DOMINION WAFFLE IRON Not exactly like illustration Guaranteed $8-70 **.00' Balance Down Weekly MIRRO-MATIC Pressure Cookers $12-95 ,^•00,,ow,1 ' ■ mf Bal. Weekly Here’s Quick Relief / from Summer Heat V / C-E FANS |V ^here’a ^ / g,,^' ,0'*Pr£‘ / fuu**^“™Xfa5uk>enf / an# *r« / 1 GENERAL f ELECTRIC Oscillating FAN $15.74 (3.00 Down al. Easy Terms mmmmmmmm Cor. 3rd & Chestnut Sts. DRIVER’S LICENSE DATES ANNOUNCED FOR ONSLOW COUNTY JACKSONVILLE, July 23—Har mon James, driver’s license exam iner with the Highway Safety divi sion of the Department of Motor Vehicles, is now conducting exami nations for driver’s licenses ( for Jacksonville and vicinity. A native of Zebulon, James is at the Jacksonville City hall each Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 9 a. m. until 5 p. m. Sat urdays he will be at the City hall between the hours of 9 a. m. and 12 noon. James is located at Camp Lejeune for the purpose of conducting the examinations Thursdays and Fridays from 9 un til 5. James came to Jacksonville on Monday of this week after com pleting a course in issuing driver’s licenses. He is married and is the father of two children. _\ NEW YORK PRODUCE NEW YORK, July 23 — (U.R) — Produce markets: Potatoes: (dol lars per -100 lbs. unless otherwise indicated.) steady. California Long Whites No. 1A 4.75-5.00; No IB 3.00 asked; commercial 4.00; Arizona Long Whites No. 1A 4.85— 5.00; Long Island cobblers No. 1, 2.75—3.00; No. IB 1.25—.50; New Jersey cobblers No. 1, 2.50—.75; Jumbos 2.50; No. IB 1.50; Eastern Shore cobblers No. 1, 2.50—3.15. Sweet potatoes: (bushels bas kets) quiet. New Jersey, Jersey type processed 2.50—.75; Jersey type 1-2 bushels processed 1.50— .85. rams: '.Dusneis Dasxeis.) norm Carolina Puerto Ricans No. 1, 3.50—4.00; Puerto Ricans ordinary 2.50. Live poultry: firmer. Turkeys hens 45—48; roosters old 20—23; ducks Long Island 28; rabbits all varieties 10—22; fowls 20—38; broilers 32—40; pigeons and squabs 60—75; pullets 41—52. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT NEW YORK, July 23—OT—Sales, closing price and net change of the fifteen most active stocks today: Mo-Kan-Tex 18,600 if? Vs. Comwlth and Sou 17,500 3% no. Cair Robert 17,100 9VS up %. Packard Mot 16,100 5%-%. Armour and Co 13,100 14% up %. Canad Pac 13,000 131/8 up %. Pepsi Cola 13,000 33 up %. Am Woolen 12,500 41*% up 2%. Balt and Ohio 9,700 14% up %. Gulf Mob and Oh 9,700 14% up %. Wilson and Co 9,400 15% up %. Gen Motors 8,500 60% no. Republic Stl 7,900 27% up %. Pitt Cons Coal 7,600 25% up 1%. Sinclair Oil 7,500 16% no. CHICAGO POTATOES CHICAGO, July 23—(/P)— (USDA) —Potatoes: Arrivals 136; on track 307; total U., S. shipments 772; supplies moderate; demand good; market firm and slightly stronger; Idaho-Oregon Bliss Triumphs $3.75; Texas Bliss Triumphs $3.15-3.30; Washington Long Whites $3.65-4.00 (all U. S. No. 1 wahed); Missouri Cobblers unwashed $2.00-2.35. WASHINGTON POULTRY WASHINGTON—U. S. Grade A large 61; broilers, fryers and roasters 32. Basebaul pitchers, among them Bob Feller, the Cleveland Indians’ ace, now wear electrically heated jackets to keep their arms in con dition. WILLIAMS TRIAL BEFORE JURY Negro Woman Facing Man slaughter Charge Result Of Fracas Last April Conflicting testimony of that presented before the coroner’s jury popped up yesterday in the trial of Everlina Williams, 26, Negress of McCumber Station, be fore a jury in Superior Court. The woman is facing trial on a charge of manslaughter as the result of a fracas last April 20 that resulted three days later in the death of 73-year-old Elgin Whit field, Negro. The state contends that the wom an struck him over the head with a hoe, fracturing his skull, the evening of the day in question in the rear yard of the Williams’ dwelling at McCumber Station. The prosecution, directed by Solocitor Clifton Moore, associat ed with Aaron Goldberg and John M. Walker, completed its case during the afternoon after some time had been spent in arguments before the court in the matter of conflicting testimony presented the coroner’s jury and in the trial. i Defense Attorney Wallace Mur chison presented eight witnesses and John Edge, Jr., 22-year-old brother of the defendant. The brother testified that he and his sister went to a shack in the rear of their home the night of April 20 when the defendant said she had seen a man in the building. The witness declared that the man advanced on his sister with a knife, that she tripped over a board walk, then arose and picking up a hoe, struck the man in self defense. Discrepancy in testimony de veloped from Celie Mae Jones, 16, Negress, state witness. Testimony showed at one time before the coroner’s jury, she had testified that she was nearby at the time of the alleged altercation and heard the defendant exclaim that she was going to kill Whitfield. At another time before the cc roner’s jury she had testified records disclosed, that she did not near such a statement. Yesterday on the witness stand she asserted she was “only kid ding” when she made the remark. The court allowed the prosecution to cross-examine its own witness following arguments between the state and David Sinclair, a second defense attorney. 't The defendant will take the stand at 9:30 a. m., today. Attorney Sin clair sard. Deputy sheriffs testified they spent the night of the alleged dis turbance searching, without avail, for the defendant. Dr. A. H. El liott. city-county health physician, testified that death of Whitfield was the result of a brain injury. A hoe and a knife were presented as evidence. G. I. Flight Training Program Is Underway At Jacksonville Field JACKSONVILLE, July 23.—Ons low county first G. I. flight train ing course is underway today after more than a year of effort by air minded enthusiasts here. ' B. T. Holleman, Sr., director of Municipal airport here, said today that 14 students—four local, and 10 commissioned and non-commis sioned officers from nearby Camp Lejeune — have enrolled for the ground and flight courses. The efforts to establish the flight training course, spearheaded by Hoileman, began to materialize last month with approval by fed eral, state and city officials. Four instructors have been ap pointed to furnish the students with flight directives. Students must be ex-GI’s or members of the armed forces who have been discharged and who have rejoined the services, it was pointed out. Speaker Urges Onslow Rotarians to Advertise County Game Facilities MAYSVILLE, July 23—Declaring that the “best hunting grounds in the United States are within 10 miles of here.’’ Nere E. Day, prominent Onslow county farmer and attorney, told members of the local Rotary club at their meeting that hunting clubs should be estab lished to attract sportsmen. ; Deer and all types of lesser game abound here, and Day de clared that this could develop in to a thriving community if its natural hunting and fishing re sources were promoted and de veloped. KMDCItJ ORIGINAL VI1AMIN tree DEVOTED 25 YEARS OF HIS LIFE TO THE SERVICE OF THE BLIND / - Industrial Home for the Blmd,8nx>Wyn,N.V \ X- ^S=*=*5^\5v^L'Nff| 400 YEARS BEFORE THE WORD VITAMIN WAS KNOWN THE AMERICAN INDIAN MADE TEA FROM THE LEAVES OF THE HEMLOCK AND USED IT AS A CURE FOR SCURVY BERI BERI AND OTHER VITAMIN [ DEFICIENCY DISEASES' a*—£3 T RATS WALK ATiGHT'WTrE / \ lOOfT LONG EVERY DM f / PauI Strong - Miami .FionA* U+ «.th|hM<Sv«*"» 't*--« THURSDAY — FRIDAY — SATURDAY Here are exciting values in fine home furnishings . . . everything for th» home from Lawson sofas to breakfast room sets, at discounts from 10 per cent to more than 60 per cent! Check every item in this ad, then come down early Thurs day for best selections. We’re clearing out these odds and ends to make room for new stocks arriving almost daily. This weekend you can shop and save at Pender’s! SAVE 10% TO 60% NOW! ONLY * LAWSON SOFAS Assortment beautiful tapestry covers (Regularly 144.S0 $99 50 Only 4—Clone-Oat! SOFA BEDS Handsome striped vel our covered. (Regular- 4 ly 93 25 « A Q CQ " NOW_ K VICTORY SOFA (RNowar!y __$49.50 ONLY 1 SET DINING ROOM CHAIRS 6 mahogany finish chairs with leatherette cover ed seats. (Regularly 69.50 NOW ___ ONLY S 0\0 HICKORY PORCH SETS 4 Settees, Reg. 29.50, Now_$14.95 1 Rocker, Reg. 15.00, Now_$ 8.95 4 St. Chairs, Reg. 13.50, Now_$ 7.95 ONLY 9 METAL CHAIRS Red and white and green and white (RNeSwar.,y..6.9.5._$5.95 ONLY 7 | TABLE ENSEMBLES ^ Set includes 2 end or lamp tables with glass ^ top coffee table. (Reg SSTsow *49.50 i -mow ONLY 10 16" x 24" COFFEE TABLES Sturdy, with glass tops (Regularly 11.00 CO QC NOW ... * ONLY 8 END TABLE AND MAGAZINE RACK COMBINATIONS (Regularly 12.95 QQ QC NOW .i.-.•O.WO ONLY 12 END TABLES Mahogany finished. (Regularly OX QC 10.25, NOW __-..f,,w* OUR ENTIRE STOCK PORCH ROCKERS - 10% DISCOUNT! ONLY 5 BARCAL0AFER CHAIRS In green, blue and red. (Regularly Cfl 34.50, NOW __— ONLY 1 3-PC. SUNR00M SUITE Bent ash with blue stripe eover (RNwrly. 137:50-__$99.95 ONLY 1 . .~ 3-PC. SUNR00M SUITE Bent ash with grey and gold stripe cover (Regularly 209.95 SI 59.95 NOW __ • 1 ONLY 2 DECK OR PORCH CHAIRS Checked patterns in blue and white and red and multi-color dots. (Regularly CIA QK 18.95, NOW __ • ONLY I SUN TAN COUCH (On Wheels) (Regularly 22.50 SI 7 50 ONLY 7 LOUNGE CHAIRS WITH OTTOMAN " Well made, tapestry J covered. j (Regularly C|Q QC 27.60, NOW • hi ONLY 6 ! PLATFORM ROCKERS Sturdy, assorted colors. (Regularly C99 Bfl 42.50, NOW..__ ONLY 12 OCCASSIONAL ROCKERS Comfortable, high backs. (Regularly C|9 QC to 16.60, NOW __ ONLY 2 3' 3" HOLLYWOOD BEDS Cream leatherette headboard, box springs (Regularly 53.50 $39.50 ONLY 2 4' 8" HOLLYWOOD BEDS Mahogany headboard, matching felt mattress (Regularly 94.50 $79.50 ONE LOT BOUDOIR CHAIRS Beautiful floral pattern covered. (Regularly to 32.60 $14.95 ONE LOT BED PILLOWS Hi-grade 21 x 27, goose feather filled (Regularly 16.95 $9 95 ONE LOT BED PILLOWS Size 21 x 27 with ACA ticking. (Regu- (I AC larly 9.C0, NOW .. ONLY 8 3' 3" IKNERSPRING MATTRESSES * Includes our Logans, ' Peerless, Gray Cloud ( and hair filled Eng ’ landers. Regularly ... . $34.50 ONLY 4 3' 3" BOX SPRINGS Famous Englanders with ACA ticking (Regularly 39.50 C9Q KA NOW . ©ASP.WU ONLY 5 4' 6" BOX SPRINGS With sturdy stripe ticking. (Regu- #9Q Rfl larly 39.50, NOW... ©AS.47U ONLY 1 36" CABINET BASE Linoleum covered top. (Regularly #9Q PSA 45.00, NOW____• ONLY 4 16" x 20" KITCHEN TABLES ■ Porcelain top, with drawers. (Regu- £Q AQ larly 11.00, NOW __ ©Oit© ONLY 8 17" x 64" UTILITY CABINET Black and white, glass door top. ' (Regularly 18.00 SI 2 95 ONLY 8—CLOSE OUT! ALUMINUM CHAIRS Red leatherette with straight legs. (Regularly 9.65 gg gg ONLY 2 ALUMINUM CHAIRS Brown leatherette, springy tubular steel legs (Regularly 11.50 £7 Q£ NOW _ • * ONLY 1 CABINET-SINK Tracey stainless steel. (Regularly £ | QQ Q C 249.50, NOW .... ONLY 2 ^ CHROME BREAK FAST SETS 1 Red and white with porcelain top. (Reg ularly &£ *54.50 < UWLI 1 CHROME BREAKFAST SET (Damaged) Red and white with porcelain top (Regularly 69.50 Can EA NOW __ WaiOU ONLY 1 BREAKFAST SET (Damaged) Red and white, porcelain top, wood chair* (Regularly 76.50 C4fli EA NOW ____ Wj.DU ONLY 1—CLOSE OUT! CHROME BREAKFAST SET Red and white with plastic top. (Reg- CEA EA ularly 69.50, NOW.. . •OSf.OU ONLY 4 THAYER HI-CHAIRS Slightly soiled. Padded seat and back (Regularly 22.25 #1*1 AE NOW . Cl 1.93 ONLY 6 THAYER DELUXE STROLLERS Comfortable, sturdily constructed (Regularly 22.50 mA A. now _ 99.90 ONLY 4 BABY STROLLERS Lightweight, well made. (Regularly 0A am 7.95, NOW ____ C4iO0 ONE EOT FOLDING CARRIAGES Regular ly 18.00, NOW _ to OK ONE LOT CHENILLE BEDSPREADS In beautiful assorted colors. Regu* 28 OS larly 13.95, NOW . ONE LOT CHENILLE BEDSPREADS In assorted solid colors. (Regularly 0R OR 10.95, NOW___ ONLY 12 FIBER WARDROBES Not set up! (Regularly B.28 CQ QR NOW __-. SUMMER RUGS I UWLY Z 3' x S' OVAL RUSH RUCS (Regularly 7.80 Cf| NOW .... • ONLY 2 4' x»7' OVAL RUSH RUSS (Regularly 13.75 CO AA NOW _ OW.UU ONLY 1 6' x 9' OVAL RUSH RUGS (Regularly 26.80 ^ $15.00 ONLY 5 9' x 12' WOOL AND FIBER RUGS In assorted colors. (Regularly Kfl 39.25, NOW...OtH.UU ONLY 2 9' x 12' COIL FIBER RUGS In tan only. (Regularly 34.60 • I Q OR NOW .._. 9 1 ONLY 11 3' x 5' RAG RUGS (Regularly 6.85 CR JQ NOW -___-. ONLY 5 4' x 6' RAG RUGS (Regularly 8.60 S4.85 NOW .. ’ ONLY 11 4' x 6' RAG RUGS (Regularly 10.25 RR Rft NOW __ _ _ _ ¥ l • • ALL ALL SALES SALES FINAL FINAL • •

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