,39—Radio_And Repairs ^Rodio Repairs onPTABLE! Console! Record piavcr-any radio is easy us to repair and we give guaranteed service. For an over-all tun,, -p, see w ILSON’S arc# Sales Si Service pi., mi -'TTTn DIXON'S Service Co. Ra ‘ ' ,, . niiances. Sales Ser ’ 4-22-33-44 / 54-63 V SAGITTARIUS NOU.23 'A Dec. 22 '• 1-14-25-36 . 47-58-69 I CAPRICORN, Dee. 23 4 Jan. 20 10-21-32-43 . 53-64-75 1 AQUARIUS Jan. 21 Feb. 19 *r ' 2-13-24-35. 45-S6-67 \ PISCESv« Feb. 20 •Mar. 21 < 11-15-26-37 i ■ 48-59 ' Political Pot Boils Brandon Hodges Rebukes S t a te Senator Taylor BALEIGH, Aug. 13 — (U.R) — Brandon Dodges of Asheville, who had not indicated he would run for lieutenant-governor, took care today to indicate he might 180—Legal Marsden deRossett and wife, Margaret H. deRossett, George H. Bellamy and wife, Iona Bellamy, Morton Bellamy and wife, Gertrude Bellamy, Bessie B. Ven ters and husband, S. Paul Venters, Mary B. Craig and husband, Roy Craig; Mary B. Chiswell (Widow), Robert, deRossett and wife, Anne M. deRossett, Louis de Rossett and wife, Mrs. Louis deRossett. Marguerite B. Gillette and husband, George Gillette, Mary B. Barroll (Widow), Elise Duffy Verner (Widow), William J. Taylor, Sr., William J. Tay lor, Jr. (unmarried), Jefferson Duffy Taylor and wife. Eulalie Evans Taylor, John Bcllam; Taylor and wife, Mar jorie Jones Taylor, and Major Harry Wallace Taylor and wife, Ruth Richards. Taylor, heirs at law of Ellen D. Bel lamy. The defendants, Mary B. Craig and husband, Roy Craig, Mary B. Chiswell, Robert deRossett and wife, Anne M. de Rossett, Louis deRossett and wife, Mrs. Louis deRossett, Marguerite B. Gillette and husband, George Gillette, Mary B. Barroll, Elise Duffy Verner, William J. Taylor, Sr., William J. Taylor. Jr., Jef ferson Duffy Taylor and wife, Eulalie Evans Taylor, John Bellamy Taylor and wife, Marjorie Jones Taylor, and Major Harry Wallace Taylor and wife, Ruth Richards Taylor, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of New Hanover County. North Carolina, to condemn for sale the following de scribed land to satisfy taxes alleged to be due the plaintiffs in this action: BEGINNING at a point in the Western line of South Front Street 156 feet Northwardly from the point of inter section of the Western line of Front E.reet with the Northern line of Wooster Street, said point being in the South ern line of King's Alley; running (hence Westwardly and parallel with Wooster Street and along the Southern line of King's Alley 120 feet to a stake; thence Southwardly and parallel with Front Street 90 feet; thence Eastwardly and parallel \glth Wooster Street CO feet; thence Northwardly and parallel with Front Street 45 feet; thence Eastwardly and parallel with Wooster Street 90 feet to the W'estem line of Front Street; thence Northwardly along the Western line of Front Street 45 feet to the point of beginning; the same being part of Lots 4 and 5 in Block ^8 according to the official plan of the City of Wil mington, and being the same property conveyed 'from William M. Bellamy, Trustee, to Ellen D. Bellamy, which deed is recorded in Book 320 at page 37 of the records of the Register of Deeds of New Hanover County. The said defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Su perior Court of said County and State in the Courthouse in Wilmington, North Carolina, on or before twenty-seven days after the 30th day of August, 1947, and answer o» demur to the com plaint in said action, or the plaintiffs will apply to the Court for the relief, demanded in said complaint. This the 30th day of July, 1947. A. L. MEYLAND Clerk of Superior Court New Hanover County, North Carolina By: Lois J. Ward, Asst. Clayton C. Holmes, Attorney. SERVICE BY PUBLICATION NOTICE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER CITY OF WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, NEW HANOVER COUNTY AND C. R. MORSE, CITY-COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR vs MINNIE HODGES, DAISY HODGES. ANNIE HODGES (HEIRS AT LAW OF ANNIE M. HODGES), THEIR HUSBANDS, IF MARRIED, THEIR HEIRS, DEVISEES AND ASSIGNS, JOHN DOE AND JANE DOE, AND ANY AND ALL PERSONS. FIRMS OR CORPORATIONS WHO MIGHT IN ANY CONTINGENCY CLAIM AN INTEREST IN THE PROPERTY IN VOLVED IN THIS ACTION, KNOWN OR UNKNOWN. SUI JURIS OR NON SUI JURIS, INCLUDING ANY NOT IN ESSE AND PERSONS NON COMPOS MENTIS WHO MIGHT, BY POSSIBIL ITY, HEREAFTER SET UP A CLAIM. The defendants, Minnie Hodges, Daisy Hodges, Annie Hodges, their husbands, if married, their heirs, devisees and assigns, John Doe and Jane Doe, and any and all person*, firms or corpora tions who might in any contingency claim an interest in the property in volved in this action, known or un known, sui juris or non sui juris, in cluding any not in esse and persons non compos mentis, who might, by possibility, hereafter set up a claim, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of New Hanover County, North Caro lina, to condemn for sale the -following described land to satisfy taxes alleged to be due the plaintiffs in this action* BEGINNING at a point in the Eastern line of Seventh Street which point is 204 feet Southwardly from the point of intersection of the Eastern line of Seventh Street with the Southern line of Castle Street; running thence East wardly and parallel with Castle Street 82 1-2 feet; thence Southwardly and parallel with Seventh Street 23 feet to the Northern line of an Alley; thence Westwardly and parallel with Castle Street and along the Northern line o‘f said alley 82 1-2 feet to the Eastern line of Seventh Street: thence North wardly along the Eastern line of Seventh Street 28 feet to the beginning: same being part of Lot 4, Block 79 ac cording to the official plan of the City of Wilmington. Together with a per petual easement and right of way over, in and across * an 8 foot alleyway, di rectly South of and adjoining said de scribed property. Being the same prop erty described in deed recorded in Book 103 at page 233, New Hanover County Records. The said defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Su perior Court of said County and State in the Courthouse in Wilmington, North Carolina, on or before twenty-seven days ajter the 30th day of August, 1947, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiffs will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said Complaint. This the 30th day of July. 1947. A. L. MEYLAND Clerk of Superior Court New Hanover County, North Carolina By: Lola J. Ward, Asst. Clerk. Clayton C. Holmes, Attorney* make the race and to rebuke can didate H. P. (Pati Taylor of Wadesboro. In the first open political dis pute of the 1948 campaign, Hodges sent out apress release accusing Taylor of saying Hodges had agreed not to run. Hodges, a former state senator and once a unsuccessful candidate for lieutenant-governor, said his plans were not determined. He said th “advice of his friends,” and not his personal de cision, would detremine if he would run. Hodges’ statement included what he said was a copy of a letter from Taylor to Rep. Monroe M. Reddn of North Carolina, m which Taylor told of his candidacy and hoped that it had Redden’s “sym pathetic approval.” The letter said Hodges had assured Taylor he would not run. Hodges also included copies of letters he said he sent to Taylor reminding him that the Asheville attorney in telephone conversa tions said he was “in the hands of my friends.’’ He also displayed a reply from Taylor saying he had announced for the race only after “rarher def inite assurances” from Hodges, State Sens. Joe Blythe fo Charlotte and Gordon Gray of Winston Salem and State Rep R. L. Har ris of Person county that they would not run for lieutenant-gov ernor. Taylor said he had planned to go to Asheville this week to a con vention of county commissioners, but as long as Hodges was on the fence he would stay out of his bal iwick. “Brandon, I very much regret "having made any reference t-o any of our mutual friends about having contacted you . . Taylor write. Hodges told Taylor, “I have ac quired many friends who seeming ly place a flattering appraisal on me ... I am in the hands of my friends, whose disd-om, judgement and sincerity of purpose I respect and accede to.” Meanwhile, state treasurer Charles M, Johnson in a speech to the State Associatio nof Co'mty Commissioners called for stronget local self-government and federal aid for schools. Johnson reminded the commis sioners that local legislation floods each session of the general as sembly. “With respect to purely local af fairs, the county should be sov erign,” Johnson, a candidate for governor said. He said the state should control county borrowing, sale of land for taxes, and penalties and discounts for taxes. “Apparently the only real and lasting solution,’’ Joohnson said, is a constitutional amendment de signed to relieve the legislature of the job of passing on local meas ures. The state treasurer said the 1947 appropriation of $64,000,000 for public schools was the least amount the schools required, yet was larger than the entire 1940 general fund revenue. He said North Carolina's 1ax receipts were sensitive to bus iness changes, and that only fed eral aid would support the schools properly “when our revenue be gins to turn the other way.” NO GAS PRICE HIKES REPORTED No advance in gasoline prices had been reported in Wilmington late Jast night, according to a newspaper survey, despite earlier rumors that such boosts were ex pected “momentarily.” Attaches at MacMillan and Cam eron, distributors for A j o c o products in this immediate area, said they had not heard of any increases. Present prices of 23 cents a gal lon continued to prevail. Officials of both the Shell Oil company and Standard Oil company discounted rumors that boosts were in the offing. Bladen County Negro Returned To Prison RALEIGH. Aug. 13— (JFl —When Willie Smith, 31-year-old Negro arrived at central prison today to begin serving a term of 30 to 60 years for second degree burglary, prison authorities found that he was an escapee whom they had been seeking since last December. Prison Inspector Kj'le Matthews said that Smith w'ent under the name of William Walker and was serving five to seven years for housebreaking and larceny when he and 10 other prisoners sawed their way out of the Bladen Coun ty camp last Qecember 11, and Smith—or Walker — was the last escapee at large from the Bladen j break. Smith received his latest sen tence in I.ilifut eounty several dyas ago. CITY BRIEFS Three divorce decrees were granted yesterday in New Hanover county’s Superior Court fcv Judge Leo Carr. Sam Coley was given his freedom from Maude Coley; Elijah Hinson from Earl Hinson and Daisy B. Barnes from Joseph E. Barnes. The young adult group of the Immanuel Presbyterian church, 1103 Sodth Fifth avenue, will stage a bunco party at 8 p.m. Friday in the church parlors. There will be prizes. All young adults are invit ed. A large display of De Soto and Plymouth cars on the showroom floor featured the opening of the Threatt-Jordan Motor Company at 11th and Princess streets last night at the new firm’s opening night. J. L. Allegood, R. Stewart, and E. R. Wilson will represent the Exchange club of Wilmington at the annual convention of the North Carolina State Exchange clubs to be held at the Vanderbilt hoiel, Asheville, August 15-16, and 17, it was reported yesterday by Presi dent John M. Snow. Ray Sweazey, scout executive, Cape Fear Area Council, Boy Scouts of America, will meet with parents of Cub Pack 10 at the Lake Forest Community building, Friday night at 8 o’clock. On Mon day, August 18, the executive staff will hold their regular monthly meeting in the Methodist church annex at Lumberton, from 1 to 5 p. rn. Bids for the construction of rail way extensions, taxlways, light ing installation, and other miscel laneous work at the Greensboro High Point airport are being ad vertised. The -airport was the first to receive federal funds in the Carolines for the construction of airfields. Bids will be opened in the Guilford county courthouse at noon, August 16, it was reported. to^ViC I ^rueii w \ ilt1 ...—^ » -pbde° ___ - .ill ?0*t**Vt ' #«*£ ***]&■ \ . 0,5 ', , ssfijg# \ __ • VMg8iR __— Easy Tarns THOMPSON'S BICYCLE CO. 702 Castle St. Dial 2-8061 Short pause ...have a Coke 1 IOTTLED UNDEI AUTHORITY OP THE COCA-COLA COMPANY IY WILMINGTON COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY l Wilmington City council yester day received a letter of endorse ment for its action approving a Domestic Relations court for the city from the Business and Profes sional Women’s club. Council took no action on a request by VV. N. Harris, former superior court clerk, for the job of City Juvenile judge; approved the appointment, with the cinsent of the New Han over commissioners of a commit tee by the New Hanover Medical society to >iudy medical problems, especially those at Community hos Pital. It also accepted the ap poinlment of two additional com mittee members for the '‘Our Town Speaks” project; the Rev. A. J. Howell and Joe C. Haire. The board of aldermen of Caro lina Beach will meet in the town auditorium today at 7 ft. m., to hear citizens who petitioned for a hear ing on the 1947-48 budget' and tax rate. All interested citizens are urged to attend. Wilmington Coast Guard recruit ing office announced yesterday that all men who made applica tions for the Coast Guard and fail ed to enter the service may still be granted the opportunity to en list by taking a physical examina tion. Faster Than Train A racing pigeon and an exprMM train left Dover for London at fhi same time, and the pigeon arrived 20 minutes ahead of the train, al' though the latter traveled at a speed of 60 miles per hour. About 80 per cent of our drink ing water is treated with liquid chlorine to destroy the harmful i bacteria. VENETIAN BLINDS ALL SIZF BLINDS MADE AND KEFIN18HED STRICKLAND VEXETIAI BUND WORKS Phone 6404. Castle Hame Baal COOL FRESH AIR IN EVERY ROOM-WHEN YOU NEED IT Comfort In Your Home And Place 01 Business Will More Than Re pay You For The Low Initial Cost Of A . " SILENT BREEZE EXHAUST FAX A SIZE AND CAPACITY FOR EVERY JOB Buy Now For Years Of Summer Comfort, At A Price You Will Like. Terms If Desired. FEATURES: ★ Heavy gauge, welded frame ★ Broad, high-pitched blades ★ Sound-deadening design J ★ No-wobble, oil-less bearing 30 36 -- 42 -- 50 Inch Blade Sizes .... EXHAUST HOT, STALE AIR OFIEH » f BRIHG IH COOL, FRESH BREEZES - / A Flip Of The Switch Brings Comfort / — SEE A REAL DEMONSTRATION — £ ,