ARM Y SEIZES GERMANS, GOODS Three American Soldiers Attacked While On Guard Duty BERLIN, Aug. 13 — (U.R) —The M. S. Army has seized four Ger mans who had two secret and §!egal caches of military signal Equipment, including a device fciat automatically encodes mes sages, it was officially announced Today. U. S. Military police disclosed almost simultaneously that three American soldiers assigned to guard duty at Spandau prison were attacked last night in a park by a gang of 30 to 50 Germans, taandau prison Is where seven Nazi high war criminals sentenc ed to jail at Nuernberg are serv their terms. "The soldiers were off duty at the Time. Two succeeded in getting »way but the other man, PFC. Philip Bell of Cambridge, Md., was beaten into insensibility and Thrown into a lake. He was sub sequently rescued and taken to a hospital. One of the other m*n Teas PFC. Leo D. Wong of Hills jboro, Wis. The finding of the signal equip ment was the second such inci dent in Berlin in the past two weeks. On Aug. 1, American mili tary government announced it had discovered an illegal store of sight ing devices for guided missies >nd other equipment at two plants df the giant Askania works. American officials said German informants told them an allied military mission in Berlin had bought some of the equipment, whe Germans are forbidden to deal Jn military equipment by a law Of the allied control council for Germany. The signal equipment found in Jwo houses included a coding de vice, two special teletypes, one Bitar shortwave radio transmitter, one 20-watt transmitter, three 200 Watt transmitters, three special converters and a stock of miscel laneous parts. All of the apparatus was iormer Germany army or navy equipment fcnd “most of it was in working d-'der.” Ray Ashworth, American director of public safety, said. The coding device and special teletypes were described as ♦'scrambler” equipment, that is, When the device is hooked onto the teletypes, straight messages are translated into gibberish that is G U R R Jewelers Wilmington's Fine Jeweler 264 N. Front St. Dial 2-1511 ST’S USEFUL! FAUCET WASHERS Box of 25 ass ortea sizes from 3-8 to 1” faucet wash ers. Black rub ber compo sition. You'll Find It Here! ANCHOR HARDWARE COMPANY Corner Front and Dock Dial 5043 POLIO PRECAUTIONS BEING TAKEN BY COUNTY PHYSICIANS Precautions against an outbreak of infantile paralysis, usual at this time of the year, were being taken last night by Wilmington physi cians and hospitals. Jamas Walker Memorial hospi tal’s new quarters to be used for combating the disease, was placed in readiness. Hospital attendants declined to report the number of cases at the hospital. However, Dr. A. H. Elliott, city county health physician, reported that one Negro child had been taken to the hospital from Colum bus county for a diagnosis. No cases in New Hanover county had been reported at his office. He pointed out, however, that August and 'sometimes later, be fore cooler weather sets in, is the time of year that such cases take place. He urged precautions such as washing hands before eating and the washing of fresh vegeta bles and fruits before their use. STORM ADVISORY NEW ORLEANS, Aug. 13—