l/fittfJjwe flafiAesco MARGARET NICHOLS C Ceprfrghj, ,m. Maiyeit) hiM, Dl,„liM t> ^ ^ (HAPTER NINETEEN When Alison went downstairs, j e heard voices outside. Viola was clearing away the iishes. * “Mister Sam’s car won’t tart,” she said, “the battery’s aone dead.” Presently Teresa came in v.ith a purposeful air. She had thrown her mink coat over her ,iavy slack suit. “Oh. Viola, I’m sorry. I’m racking mud. But Mr. Tar j.gnt's car won’t start and I’m ^riving him in to his office. Men’s Wool Sweaters Long Sleeves Cardigan Style alues $1 .49 o 5.95 ... 1 4 ape Fear Loan Office 12 S. Front St. Quality Concrete Products Co. building blocks comply We Specialize in Quality With State And Federal Government Requirements Princess St. Rd. Dial at City Limits 2-1078 Good morning, Alison. Sleepy head. Is there anything I can get you in the village, Viola? Greceries? Meat. “Yas’m.” _ “Where’s a pencil and paper? I’ll have to write a list.” Obviously Viola kept all such matters in her head. She looked nervous and bewildered. She looked as if she had a good mind to drop the dishes and run. Teresa moved too quickly for her and asked too many questions. ieresa said, “Never mind. I’ll find them. We can’t keep Mr. Tarrant waiting.” “No’m.” In an atmosphere of' tempo rary tranquility the doctor came. Alison liked the aging, lumbering, tired country doctos, who truly looked as if he slept in his clothes. No matter that his fingers were stained with nicotine or that his spare, sandy hair was a stranger to a brush. No matter these things when you saw 40 years of skill and experience make a sick child well. A man of few words, he had no bedside manner, no charm of personality, but like Sam he would dignify any house, anywhere. As usual when they came down he sat for a few minutes to give her her instructions as to the child’s care—her diet, so many hours sitting up today, Per medicine. Either shy or ab sorbed he had scarcely noticed Alison. But this morning, squinting through the smoke of his cigaret, he looked at her quite directly. He spoke slowly. “You’re Mrs. Tarrant’s sister” “Yes.” No doubt he had for Calvert RESERVE BLENDED WHISKEY The straight whiskies in this product are five years or more old. Thirty-five per cent straight whiskies, sixty-five per cent grain neutral spirits ...fifteen per cent straight whiskies six years old, twenty per cent straight whiskies five years old. 86.8 Proof. Calve rn ^RKSEHVBp --I CSg&rk mmu«* •4gS $2.10 PINT $3.40 ‘A QUART CALVERT DISTILLERS CORPORATION New York City gotten that in the beginning she had told him she was Sam’s sister-in-law. “Has Mrs. Tarrant gone back to Washington?” “No. She drove Sam to his office. His car wouldn’t start this morning. She isn’t going back until she takes Suzy with her. I suppose this is rather an awkward situation.” He nodded under standingly. “Divorce is always awkward when there are children. There isn’t much of it here. Divorce. I mean. I suppose you’ll call us conventional, even pro vincial.” “But everyone here knows that Sam and my sister have been divorced, don’t they?” “Of course.” He smiled slightly. “But people will talk, you know, and mind other peo ple’s business. It isn’t entirely malicious. In large cities people don’t know very much about one another, while here every body knows about the other fel low — how Sam, for instance, ran away from school his first day there and hid in the shrub brey, the time a swarm of bees chased him all the way home and how he looked when he gave his first public debate in high school. There’s little that can be hidden in a small com munity.” “I know. I grew up in one in New England.” “I thought so. You don’t look much like a city girl. Or maybe you don’t like my saying that because you’re trying to look like one.” I don t know how to try to be anyone else, doctor.” Though she smiled at him, she felt uneasy. People were talk ing about Teresa living in her former husband’s house and driving him to his office. Her flaunted air of possessiveness, even glimpsed from a distance, was unmistakable. The doctor was trying to tell her that they didn’t like it, that they didn’t think it quite decent according to their standards. Perhaps some of them were making fun of her. And all of it together wouldn’t be good for the strug gling young editor, the servant of the public. She said, “You’ve known Sam a long time, haven’t you?” “Since his first lusty howl. I've seen babies wanted and I’ve seen them unwanted, but I’ve never seen one wanted more than Sam was by his par ents.” He raised heavy lids and looked at her. “But I can’t stay here because while it would be SHIRTS ini Approximately..... 1h/£ w In A Family Finish Bundle. WHY PAY MORE? CAISON BROS. Ldv. & Dry Cleaners Dial 2-3678 Roaches! Roaches! It’s not a shame to have ’em but it’s a shame to keep ’em—when you can get SHEPARD’S GUARANTEED ROACH KILLER. At all leading drug and gro cery stores. Manufactured by Jos. C. Shepard Wilmington, N. C. Super-safe This winter, keep your car super-safe from freeze-ups with super-safe Super Pyro . . . get: New Anti-Freeze Protection! New Anti-Rust Defense! New Freedom From Odor! Ask for Super Pyro today - in the gold-and- 0N^ purple can! U. S. Industrial Chemicals, Inc. S^GAL. Super Pyro Anti-rust ANTI-FREEZE with new freedom from odor Radio Programs WMFD 1400 On Your Dial TODAY 6:30—Coffee Club. 7:00—UP News. 7:05—Coffee Club. 7:30—Musical Clock. 7 :55—North Carolina Highlights. 8:00—News With Martin Agronsky. 8:15—Star-News Commentator. 8:20—Musical Cleck. 8:40—NBC Musical Reveille. 8:55—UP News. 9:00—The Breakfast Club With Don Mc Neill 10 :00—My True Story. 10:25—Betty Crocker’s Magazine of the Air. 10:45—The Listening Post. 11:00—Breakfast in Hollywood — Tom Breneman. 11:30—Galen Drake. 11:45—Ted Malone. 12:00—Noon Day Musical. OVER THE NETWORKS OVER THE NETWORKS - Time is eastern standard, for central standard subtract one hour, for moun tain standard subtract two hours. Some local stations change hour of relay to fit local schedules. Last minute program changes cannot be included. —TODAY— 6:00- News Report 15 Min. -nbc Newscast Every Day—cbs Network Silent Hour—abc-east Kiddies Hour (repeat)—abc-west Network Silent (1 hr.)—mbs-east Kiddies Hour (repeat)—mbs-west 6:15—Sports: Concert Time—nbc Guest Talks Time—cbs 6:30—Red Barber and Sports—cbs-east Lum & Abner (repeat)—cbs-west 6:45—Newscasts by Three—nbc Lowell Thomas (repeat 11)—cbs 7:00—Radio Supper Club—nbc-basic Mystery of the Week—cbs News and Commentary—abc Fulton Lewis, Jr.—mbs 7:15—News and Comment—nbc Jack Smith and Song—cbs Daily Commentary—abc The Evening Concert—mbs 7:30—The House Party—nbc Bob Crosby’s Club—cbs Lone Ranger Drama—abc Leland Stowe—mbs 7:45—Kaltenborn Comment—nbc Ed Murrow News—cbs Sports Comment—mbs 8 :0O—Dennis Day Comedy—nbc American Melody Time—cbs Mayor of the Town—abc Racket Smashers—mbs 8:30—Great Gildersleeve—nbc no discredit to you, I’d very shortly fall asleep.” Apparently Teresa had cut quite a figure on the village street, for when she returned she looked amused when she said, “The way people stared at me! Don’t you suppose they’ve ever seen a mink coat before? They’re positively quaint. When I said, ‘This order is for Mr. Tarrant,’ to the butcher, his jaw dropped. ‘I’m Mrs. Tarrant,’ I told him. He was rather sweet. I doubt if anyone here knows Sam and I were divorced. How is Suzy this morning?” “Much better. The doctor was here. Suzy wanted to know where you were.” But Teresa had not been so worried about her child, Alison thought, that she had forgotten to bring to the farm a colorful and attrac tive wardrobe. Nor did she fail to keep in daily communication with her office in Washington. “I’ll go right up and see her.” But the telephone rang and Teresa went to answer it. “This is Mrs. Tarrant,” Ali son heard her say decisively. “Yes, Mrs. Tarrant. I’m sorry, he’s not here, but you’11 find him at his office.” Teresa’s possessive love re vealing itself in any number of ways. . . . But while her love made her more beautiful, be cause love is the greatest beau tifier in the world, it gave her no peace. It was like a forest fire seeking new timber to ravage. It was as though she were tormented by the ques tion, “What next? I must have this and more.” Always more. And to Alison it was indispu table that for as long as Sam had been gone, Teresa had wanted him back. She might have been a new person, but she was not. The only differ ence between the Teresa who had said, “I’ve put all of that out of my life forever” and the young woman who looked at Sam with insatiable eyes was that her true feelings had triumphed over her pretenses. Sam’s quiet strength and his reserve forbade any clear un derstanding of his feelings. He was by turns amusing, intro spective, interestingly con versational. He told them stories of the lighter side of war and of odd characters he had met in France and Hol land and Belgium. But Sam committed himself to no one ex cept to his child. One day when he came home he found Teresa mending his old clothes. She was wonderful at sewing. A darn could scarce ly be seen and a patch was hardly noticeable. He stood still and smiled gratefully. She said, smiling, “I had to. I hope you’ll forgive my going through your things, but you left this morning with a hole in your sock. I found a shirt with only one button on it.” “I’ll feel like the best-dressed man in town when you get through, but my inelegant wardrobe is hardly worth your valuable time, Teresa.” “I can think of no more re warding way to use it than in this way.” “Very nice of you to do it for me.” She laughed. “Stop being so modest, darling. .You underesti mate yourself, Sam.” When Viola announced lunch Teresa went in and sat at the place that Sam’s wife would co cupy. (To Be Continued) How To Relieve Bronchitis Creomulsion relieves promptly be cause it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, in flamed bronchial mucous mem branes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the un derstanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION forCoughs^ChestCoIdSiBronchitU Dr. Christian, Drama—cbs Vox Pop Interviews—abc Quiet Please, Drama—mbs 8:55—Five Minutes News—cbs Billy Rose Comment—mbs 9:00—The Duffy Tavern—nbc Morgan and Ameche—cbs Abbott & Costello—abc Gabriel Heatter Comment—mbs 9:15—Real Life Drama—mbs 9:30—District Attorney Drama—nbc Sweeney and Murch—cbs Jack Paar Comedy—abc RFD America Quiz—mbs 10:00—The Big Story Drama—nbc Whistler, Mystery Drama—cbs Bing Crosby Variety—abc To Be Announced—mbs 10:30—Jimmy Durante Show—nbc Escape, Adventure Drama—cbs Henry Morgan Show—abc To Be Announced—mbs 11:00—News & Variety 2 hrs.—nbc News, Variety, Dance 2 hrs.—cbs News and Dance Hour—abc News, Dance Band 2 hrs.—mbs 12:00—Dancing Continued—abc-west There are more than 2,500, 000 oil - heating installations in the United States. CORNS GO r Enjoy quick relief and speedily remove aching corns with thin, cushion ing Dr. Scholl’s Zino pads. Cost but a trifle. - -—i Dial 2-3793 For Prompt Delivery On Fuel Oil FOUNTAIN OIL CO. Castle Hayne Road It's Right I m Always Ask For H SALLY ANN BREAD u A K ti S FOX'S ROYAL BAKERY ■ 1306 Market St. B The AUTOMATIC Laundry 19 6. 16th St. Dial 2-2022 Leave your laundry here and save time and work on your wash day. FOREIGN EXCHANGE NEW YORK, Oct. 28.—(API Closing foreign exchange rates :ollow (Great Britain in dollars, others in cents): Canadian dollar in New York open market 9 15-16 per cent discount or 90.$6 1-4 U. S. cents, unchanged. Europe: Great Britain $4.03 3-16, off 1-16 of a cent; France (Franc) .84 1-8 of a cent, un changed; Sweden (Krona) 27.85, unchanged; Switzerland (franc) (com’l) 23.40, unchanged. Latin America: Argentina Free 24.94, up .01 of a cent; Brazil Free 5.50, unchanged; Mexico 20-62 unchanged. The idea of using sound waves to shake dirt off fabrics was de jveloped from the wartime As I die submarine detector. The discovery of a new comat, Eridanus, in South Africa has been announced by the Harvard Observatory. ~ - ' ~ ■* THE WONDER FLAME THAT COOLS AS WELL AS HEATS Don't Underestimate The Convenience Of CITY CAS USE IT FOR COOKING • REFRIGERATION HOT WATER HEATING AND SPACE HEATING If Yon Are Building Or Remodeling Plan Now To Fully Utilize CITY GAS In Your Home. It's Sale, Clean, De pendable And Economical. Our Repre sentative Will Be Glad To Consult With You Concerning The Conveniences De rived From The Use Of CITY GAS. Tide Water P ower SERVING SOUTHEASTERN NORTH CAROLINA THREE GREAT NEW PACKARD EIGHTS — 48 The news is out! The news of Packard’s introduc tion of America’s first full line of all new postwar cars! And already, a motor-wise nation is agreeing: “Those ’48 Packards are ‘out of this world!’” New Free-flow styling! Stunning new beauty that steals right into your heart! 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