Individual Stocks Tilt Upward On Light Sales Customers Exhibit Caution! On News Of Possible Control Return ■VI \RKETS at a glance ?,KW YORK, Oct. 28— (API — Stocks—Mixed: eiected issues resume recovery. j-50Ilcls—uneven; some rails improve. Cotton—Irregular; mill buy ing, profit taking. CHICAGO Wheat—3 to 5 cents higher; Southwest needs rain. Corn—Strong. Oats—Strong. Hogs—Unevenly 50 cents to gj .00 lower; top $26.00. new YORK, Oct. 28.—(AP)— Individual stocks tilted moder a{f]v upward in today’h market although many leaders suffered from slight selling. 'The fact that a big batch of favosv.ble dividends failed to fpur the majority of issues con cerned tended to chill bullish sentiment to a certain extent. While business optimism and hopes that the technical posi tion of the list would bring a ,4;p inspired some buying, boardroom customers exhibited considerable skepticism. Ac counts were trimmed by those who had the idea that certain federal economic controls might be reinstated in the fight against inflation. A number of earnings recessions also accentuated cau tion. Steels enjoyed a forenoon bul ge but failed to .ollow through. Special issues die well. Offer ings were a bit more insistent in the final hour and minus signs , shade in the majority at the close. Dealings picked up now and then but slowdowns were frequent. It was the second full aession under the million-share mark since Oct. 9. The day’s ag gregate of 930,000 shares compar ed with 850.000 the day before. Composite Off The Associated Press 60-Stock Composite was off .1 cf a point at 66.3, cancelling Monday’s ad vance. Of 1,000 issues register ing. 383 fell and 370 rose. U. S. Steel finished up l-a of a point at 76 3-8 and, after the close, directors voted a dividend ot $1.25 on the common, against $1 paid previously, and in ad dition declared a special dis bursement of 75 cents a share. It was the first special since Oct. 29, 1929, on which date it was recalled, the stock market vent into one of its most severe slumps in history. The company reported net of $2.58 a share for the September quarter against $2.65 in the June period and $3.11 in the third quarter of 1946. Norfolk and Western added 1 3-4 at 60 1-4 on a raised quarter ly and extra. Union Pacific was up 2 at 147, and Skelly Oil 2 at 96, the latter at a 1947 peak. In the “new high” class also were Texas Pacific Coal and Oil, up 1 1-2 at 44 1-2; National Supply 5-8 at 22, International Silver 7-8 at 63 1-4 and Anaconda Wire and Cable 3-4 at 65 1-2. Retain Gains Modest improvement was re tained by Bethlehem steel, Gen eral Motors, Goodrich, Mont gomery Ward, Sears Roebuck, Deere, Sperry, North American, Westinghouse, General Electric, Owens-Illinois, 'Santa Fe, Stand ard Oil (NJ), Warren Foundry and National Biscuit. Pittston Co. declared the first dividend or: the common since 1931 but the stc.jK dipped 2 1-4 to 35 1-2. A sharp drop in net depressed Wright Aeronautical 5 1-2 points at 58 1-2 On the ofi side were Republic Steel, Youngs town Sheet Graham Paige, Con tinental Motors, International Harvester, Douglas Aircraft, American Telephone, Consoli dated Edison, Kennecott, Allied Chemical, Johns-Manville, N. Y. Central, Pennsylvania Railroad, Great Northern Kailwa- , North ern Pacific and Pepsi-Cola. Bonds eased. At Chicago grains strengthened. Wheat ended up 3 to 5 cents a bushel, corn 1 3-4 to 4 1-4 and oats 1 7-8 to 2. Cotion reacted at the last and emerged with losses of 35 cents to $1.35 a bale. In the Curb Elliott Co. was up a point on a resumed dividend. Gainers were Noma Electric, American Cities -ower, Humble Oil and Salt Dome Oil. Kaiser Frazer skidded, along with So notone, Tilo Roofing and Ameri can Gas. Turnovei here was 330, 000 shares versus 370,000 yester day. WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YORK, Oct. 28—(AP)— Tues. Mon. Advances 370 310 Declines 383 420 Unchanged 247 253 Total Isseus 100 983 RAILROAD BONDS IN NEW DECLINE Losses Tuesday Place Group Within Close Dis tance Of 1947 Low NEW YORK, Oct. 28—(API New declines among railroad is sues in the bond market today put the group within flirting distance of the .owest average price level of the year. The Associated Press average of 20 representative railway bonds dropped -3 of a point to 91.1 against the i947 bottom of 89.8. This in turn is the lowest since the market hit 79.5 in 1944. Losses were fractional for the most part and a moderate num ber either held their ground or edged forward. Trading volume was swollen by the debut on the exchange of American Telephone and Tele graph’s new convertible de bentured, 2 3-4s of 1957. The Is sue, selling on a “when issued” basis, closed at 112 after moving a trifle either way on turnover of $772,000 face value. Total business increased to $5,180,000 from 3,150,000. DAIRY PRODUCTS CHICAGO, Oci. 23—(AP)— Butter Firm; receipts 328,209. eggs irregular, receipt* 8,236. Stock Market Quotations By The Associated Press Pre- Yes vious terday Close Close Alleghany . 3% 3% Allis Chal Mfg . 41% 41% American Can . 88 8814 American Car Fdy .... 46% 46% American Roll Mill .... 33% American Smelt Ref 65 6414 A T and T .158% 157% American Tob B . 71 69% Anaconda . 35% 3514 Arm 111 . 15% 15 ACL . 52% Atlantic Refinery _ 36% 37% Aviation Corporation .... 5% 6 Baldwin . 18% 16% Baltimore and Ohio 1314 1214 Barnsdall . 33 33 Bendix Aviat . 35% 33% Beth Steel . 92 96 Boeing Aire . 22% 21% Borden . 46 44% Budd Mfg . 12% 12% Burl Mills . 21% 21% Bur Add Mach . 16 15 Case J I . 44% 44 Caterpil Trac . 58 58 Ches and Ohio .. 45% 64 Chrysler . 65% 64 Coca Cola . 178 Coml Cred . 47% 4714 Coml Solv . 23% 23% Comwlth and South 314 Consol Edis . 25% 25 Cons Vultee . 14 13% Corn Prod . 6714 66% Curt Wright .. 5% 514 Curt Wright A . 18% 17% Dow Chem . 39% 3914 Doug Aire . 63 58% Du Pont . 190 190 Eastman Kod . 45% 44% Firestone . 53 52 Gen El . 37% 371'8 Gen Mot . 60% 59 Goodrich . 58% 59 Goodyear .-. 48 47% Gt Nor Ry Pf —. 41% 40% Int Harvest . 88 88% Int Tel and Tel. 14 13% Johns Manv . 45 44% Kannecott . 47% 46% Loews '.. 21% 2114 Lockheed . 15% 14 Lorillard . 18% 18% Mont Ward .. 58% 58% Nash Kelv . 18% 17% Nat Bis . 3114 32% Nat Cash Reg . 41% 39% Nat Dist . 21% 20% N Y Cent . 15% 14% No Am Av . 9% No Pac .. 23% 20% Packard . 5% 5% Param Pic . °3% 22% Penny J. C. 43 % 43 Vs Penn R R . 18y8 17% Pepsi Cola . 29% 27% Phillips Pet __ 62% 58 Pitt S and B . 9% . 9% Pullman .. 54% 54% Pure Oil .. 27 26% Radio . 9% 8% Radio K O . 12 11% Rem Rand . 16 V* 16 Repub Stl . 28% 28% Reynolds B . 41J4 39% Sears . 37% 38% Soc Vac ... 15% 16% Sou Pac . 45% Sou Ry . 46% 37% Std Br ..... 28% 27% Std Oil N J . 76% 76% Stewart War .. 16% 16 Vi Swift . 34% 33% Tex Co . 59% 58% Un Carb . 107% 106 Unit Airl . 23% 21 Unit Aire . 22% Unit Corp . 3 3 Unit Fruit . 57% 58 Unit Gas Imp ;. 23% 24 U S Indus CJiem . 44% 42% U S Rubber . 49 48% U S Smelt and Ref .... 48% 46% U S Steel . 76% 76% Vanadium . 18% 17y4 Va Caro Chem . 8% Warner Pic . 14% 14 West U.... %or.... 7/8 n7/B West El . 29% 28% Woolworth . 48% 48% CURB Can Marconi. 1% 1% Cities Service .:. 40y4 39% Colon Dvmt .:. 4% 4y4 El Bond and Share .... 14% 14% CHICAGO BUTTER CHICAGO, Oct. 28—CAP)— (USDA)—Butter firm: Prices 1-4 to two cents higher: AA 92 score 74.25; A 92—72.5; B 90—68 68.25; C 89—66.25-66.5. Eggs steadier; unchanged mostly to a cent a dozen higher outside of medium No. 1 extras at 50 51.5. Dial 2-3311 For Newspaper Service WINTER IS NEARER THAN YOU THINK... So Buy These BEAGON 100% Wool BLANKETS Here is the perfect blanket for this winter. 100% wool with rayon satin binding ... and they’re perfect with the exception of being slight ly less than standard width. They’re 63 to 69 inches wide and full 84 inch length. They’re ideal for twin beds and many can be used for double beds. The colors are green, peach, blue and dusty rose. Be sure to get your blankets now at this special low price. ' NEW YORK PRODUCE NEW YORK, Oct. 28—(UP)— Produce markets: Potatoes— (dollars per IOC lbs. unless otherwise indicated.) Steady. Idaho Russet No. 1 $4.25-4.75; 10 b bag 58-60; Long Island Chip pewa No. 1 $2.75-2.90; No. 1-B $1.50; Long Island Green Mts. 50 lbs bags No. 1 $1.45; Long Island Green Mts. No. 1 2.50-3.15 Mo. 1 poor $2.25*2.50; Green Mts. Mo. 1-B $1.50-1.60; pickouts $1 00 1.25; 10 lb bags .32; Idaho Rus sets 50 lbs bags No. 1 washed $2.60-2.75. Sweet Potatoes — (bushels— baskets) firm. New Jersey, Jer sey type, No. 1 $’.25-2.25; New Jersey, Jersey type, medium $1.00-1.25; Va. Golden No. 1 $1.50; Maryland Golden Wax No. 1 $1.75,2.50; No. 2 $1.00. Live poultry: Dull. Rabbits 15 30; fowls 22-41; broilers 34-41; Pigeons 60-65. CASH GRAIN CHICAGO, Oct. 28.—(AP)— Wheat: none. Corn: new—No .2 yellow 2.:36; No. 3 2.31%-2.35.%; No. 4 2.18-2.20; old—No. 1 yel low 2.40 %; No. 2 2.39^1-2,40%; No. 3 2.38y4-2.39; No. 5 2.27% 2.28; sample grade 2.06-2 21. Oats: No. 1 heavy mixed 1.20; No. 1 heavy white 1:20-1.21%. Sovbeans: No. 1 and 2 yellow 3.32. Field seed per hundredweight: Timothy 4-65-4.95; red top 14.50 15.50. Barley: malting 1.85-2 90; Feed 1.75-1.5. NEW ORLEAN MIDDLING NEW ORLEANS, Oct. 28 — (AP)—The average price of middling 15-16ths inch cotton at ten Southern spot markets to day was 55 cents a bale lower at 32.5 cents a pound; average for the past thirty days 31 62 Middling 7-8-inch average 30.77, CHARLOTTE SPOTS CHARLOTTE. Oct. 28—(AP) —Spot cotton 33.40. CHICAGO GRAIN CHICAGO, Oct. 28.—(AP)— Wheat futures turned strong to day after three moderately weak sessions, with the December con tract climbing back and forth above and below the $3 a bush el mark again. Wheat Open High Low Close Dec. 2.98 3.00# 2.98% 3.00% May 2.86% 2.88# 2.85% 2.88% Jly 2.51 2.54% 2.51 2.5314 Sept 2.46% 2.48 2.46% 2.48 Corn Dec 2.22% 2.25% 2.21% 2.25% May 2.16 2.19% 2.15% 2-19% Jly 2.08% 2.10 2.07 2.09% Sep 2.00% 2.01% 2.00% 2.01% Oats Dec 1.14% 1-15% 1.14% 1.15% I May 1.05% 1.07y4 1.05% 1.07% Jly .92% .93% .92% .93% . Soybeans Nov. 3.39% 3.40 3.38% 3.40 Mar 3.36 3.37 3.35 3.37 Lard Nov. 22.80 23.42 22.80 23.05 Dec. 24.80 25. „0 24.80 25 20 Jan. 24.20 24.70 24,20 24.60 Mar. 24.07 24.65 24.07 24.52 May 24.20 24.75 24.10 24 75 NEW ORLEANS COTTON NEW ORLEANS, Oct. 28— (AP)—After advancing in early trading here today, cotton fu tures declined under hedge sell ing and long realizing. Closing prices were steady 55 cents to $1.40 a bale lower Dec 33.03 33.20 32.76 32.86 off 21 Mch 33.29 33.43 32.93 33.06 off 21 May 33.23 33.42 33.95 33.05 off 18 Jly 32.37 32 57 32.11 32 19 off 14 B-Bid. COTTON SEED OIL NEW YORK, Oct. 28— (AP) Bleachable cottonseed oil futures closed 25 to 35 higher, sales 50 contracts. High Low Last Jan. 23.25 23.25 22.75B Mar. 23.20 22.75 23.00B May .23.10 22.90 23.00(6 Jly. 23.10 23.10 23.05B B-Bid. NC.-VA., HOG MARKETS RALEIGH, Oct. 28—(AP)— (NCDA)—Hog markets weaker with tops of 23.50 at Rocky Mount and Richmond; 23.00 at Green ville, Smithfield- Mount Olive; 23.75 at Clinton-Warsaw-Lum berton-Chadburn; and 24.00 at Fayetteville. RALEIGH POULTRY RALEIGH, Oct. 28.—(AP)— (NCDA)—Raleigh egg and poul try markets steady; U. S. Grade AA large 67; fryers and broil ers 30 to 31. The diet of the short - eared owl is about 99 per cent mice. I CHICAGO PRODUCE CHICAGO, Oct. 28—(UP)— Produce: Poultry: 33 trucks; un settltd to firm; Broilers 33-37; white rock springs 31; Ploymouth rock springs 31; colored springs 28; ducklings 30. Cheese: twins 41 Vi-42; single daisies 43 12-44; rwiss 63-66. Butter; 328,209 lbs; firm; 93 score 72%; 92 score 72; 90 score 68; 89 score 66 Vi. Carlots; 90 score 68; 89 score 66%. Eggs: 8,236 cases; irregulars; extras 1 unquoted; extras 2, 54 56; 3 and 4. 48-50; standards 1 and 2 47; 3 and 4 45-46; current receipts 45-56; dirties 36-37 %; checks 35-35 Vi. LOCAL QUOTATIONS : Furnished by Allen C. Ewing tc- Cl. • BID ASKED Aviation Shares 50c 5.32 5-78 ACL of Conn 4.00a 52 54 Boston Fund 2.16b 20.35 22.00 Carolina Insurance 1 40a 26 28 Chase Nat Bank 1 60a Ex Div .40c 36 1-2 38 1-t McBee .40a 7 7 1-1. Mass Inv Tr 1.89b 25.75 27.84 National Transit Co 3 5-8 3 7-1 . Nat Tran Pump & Mch Co 6 1-8 6 3-4 , Peo Sav Bank & Tr 3.00c 80 — Red Rock Bot (Inc Ga.) 6 7 _ Sec Nat Bank 80c 27 28 1-t Standard Stoker 3.00c 21 1-2 23 1-2 T W P Common .60a 8 8 1-2 Wil Sav & Tr 2.00c 49 — a. Indicated annual dividend rate. b. Income and profits dividends paid in past 12 months. The above quotations are nominal and are believed to be indications of the price at which the securities may to purchased or sold. DIXIE BELLE DIXIE BELLE Distilled Dry Gin 4r DISTILLED FROM 100% GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS 90 PROOF $ PINT *270 4/5 QUART CONTINENTAL DISTILLING CORPORATION, PHILADELPHIA, PA. “I like to see kids get a break,” Says BABE RUTH, Farmer Yankee star 1 suppose most kids don’t give too much thought to parents—unless they don’t have ’em. I was an orphan myself, so I know. And I suppose no future major leaguer, sliding into home plate on a sandlot, ever thanked God for his legs —but he would if he’d ever had to wear steel braces, like so many kids do. I like to see kids get a break. And every day thousands of them are getting that break through the Red Feather services of the Community Chest. Maybe it’s in the form of a loving foster mother or . dad . . . maybe it’s the finest medical care when he’s sick . . . maybe it’s the training and example of clean living and straight thinking he gets in a “Y” or a scout troop . . . Maybe it’s the fun of a summer camp. What ever it is, it’s a swell break, and Tm for it. Everybody gives, they say, to the Community Chest campaign. And it’s easy to see that when youngsters in a town get a chance to grow up with love and happiness in the® lives, everybody in that town benefits. So you don’t have to BEG me to give. Tm proa9 to have the chance. ' This Message Is Presented In Behalf Of Wilmington’s ommunity Chest Drive By SPOFFORD MILLS, INC. Wilmington, N. C.

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