SOCIETY Woman’s News KAY GOODMAN—Social Editor Dlal 8-3311 dates to remember TODAY t:SC p. m.—District No. 9 of the North Carolina State Nur ses Association will meet in the Nurses home. Re ports of the state meeting held in Asheville will be given. |;JO p. m.—The Woman’s Mis sionary society of St. Mat '{■: thews’ Lutheran church will meet in the parish hall. Mrs. C. F. Seitter will be hostess. Mrs. P. E. Bowers will lead the devo tional. THURSDAY S p. m.—Informal bridge tea given at the Cape Fear Country club. Tea served at 5:30 p. m. Reservations are necessary. t:00 p. m.—The Baptist Prayer service of the Carolina Beach road will be held at N C. Sorosis Educational Meeting Set The Educational department of North Carolina Sorosis will meet Thursday evening at 6 o’clock in the Sorosis clubhouse with a pro gram to celebrate American Edu cation week. Speaker of the meeting will be H. M. Roland, superintendent of Schools, who will address the group on Education of Youth for the “World of Tomorrow”. A short musical program will be presented by members of the junior high school bands under the direction of Richard Dobson. At the conclusion of the pro gram a social hour will be held. All members of Sorosis are cordially invited. HelpKidneys If Back Aches De jo* suffer from Getting Up Nights, Backache, Nervousness, Leg Pains, Dixsi noss, Swollen Ankles, Rheumatic Pains, Bladder Weakness, Painful Passages, or feel old and rundown, due to non-organic and j non-eystemic Kidney and Bladder troubles? If so, try Cystex. This great medieta*, a doctor’s formula, has hei' I thousands of sufferers for over ! ‘JO years,. Usually the very first dose of Cystex j starts to work immediately to help you in these three ways: 1. Helps nature remove irritating excess acids, poisonous wastes and certain germs. 3. This cleansing action helps nature alleviate fnany pains, aches, soreness and stiffness. 3. Helps reduce frequent night and day calls, thus promoting better sleep. Get Cystex from your druggist today. Give t a fair trial as directed on package. Money '*ck guaranteed unless Cystex satisfies you. Whamr 1 jo Daniel Greens 90 with me I Complete your wardrobe rom these beautiful new arrival*. While # T, «4*95 CINDERELLA BOOTERIE 113 No. Front St. the Myrtle Grove com munity building. 8 p m.—The circle of the Lake Forest womans auixilary of the Myrtle Grove Pres byterain church will meet at the home of Mrs. C. B. Newton, Mrs. Newton and Mrs. Britt Gore will act as hostesses. 8 p. m.—The Letltia Rebekah lodge w'ill meet in the Odd Fellows hall. Members are urged to be present. 3 p. mp—The Lake Forest Wom an’s Civic club will meet in the clubhouse, formerly the Lake Forest library. 8:15 p. m.—The Goldenrod chap ter. 142, OES will meet in the Masonic Temple. FRIDAY 3:30 p. m.—The Crepe Myrtle Garden club will meet at the home of Mrs. W. E. Starnes in Garden City. SATURDAY 6:00 p. m.—The McClure Pres byterian • church league will sponsor a chicken supper at the community hall in Castle Haynes. Ad mission tickets may be ob tained from members of the league. Supper will be served from 6 until 9 p. m. 8 p. m.—Saturday evening din ner dance at the Cape Fear Country club. Reser vations necessary. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. A1 Bartlett of iVayne, Mich., have arrived in ;he city for a visit to Stanley Ftehder at his home on North 15 ;h street. Mr. Rehder and Mr. Bartlett served together in Cam aany H, 262nd, Sixth Infantry, 36th division in Normandy dur ing the war. Friends of Miss May Phelps of Southport, will regret to learn she is critically ill in Dosher Me morial hospital, Southport. Mr. and Mrs. Hargrove Belamy have returned from Chicago, and Washington, D. C., after spending the past week with Secretary of War and Mrs. Kenneth C. Royall. While away Mr.and Mrs. Bellamy attended the Army-Notre Dame game in South Bend, Ind. Sgt. and Mrs. Robert O. Wil liams, Jr., have returned to their home in Fredericksburg, Va., after spending the past week end with Mrs. Williams’ parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Futrelle of Winter Park. BIRTHS DONALD RAY LANE, JR. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ray Lane of Burgaw, announce the birth of a son, Donald Ray Lane, Jr., November 8 at Marion Sprunt annex. Chopped hay must be well cured before it is put into hay mows. YOUR FUR COAT . . Docs it need alterations for the new season? Does it need repairing of any description? Consult Our Stylist Mrs. Harriet Pylant In Our New FUR RESTYLING DEF\*rn\lENT must be ready to “meet force with force.” Speaking in special American Legion Armistice Day cere monies held at the Legion home, despite inclement weather which forced cancellation of a planned parade through the downtown sections, yesterday, Baddour, a World-War I veteran, declared that America’s “strongest desire is for peace ” He recommended, speaking for the Legion, a redistribution of power on the security council and the abolishment of the veto power on matters of aggression as improvements for the United Nations organization. He also recommended a settling of dis putes by a majority vote in the world court and creation of a “tyranny-proof would police force” to enforce United Nations directives. Universal Training The veteran of five War 1 bat tles and five years’ service in the United States, England, France, Belgium and Mexico added his voice to the American Legion’s support of universal military training. Declaring that other countries have such military training pro grams and emphasizing his be lief that preparedness would help prevent future war, rather than promote it, he said that “Uni versal military training is the democratic way of sharing both responsibility and opportunity.” During their Armistice Day ceremonies the local Legion naries were hosts to the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Disabled American Veterans and the United Spanish-American War Veterans at an Armistice Day banquet folBwing the speech. Local government offices were closed yesterday, but stores re DOG DATS IN CALIFORNIA SAN FRANCISCO « ft) — Leave your dogs at home if you intend stopping overnight at any of Letitia Rebekah Lodge Will Meet Thursday Evening Letitia Rebekah Lodge, No. 8, IOOF will meet this Thursday evening at 8 o’clock in the Odd Fellows auditorium. A special program, “Building Old Glory” has been arranged for this occasion with the fol lowing taking part: Mrs. Viola Jones, Mrs. Julia Brindell, Mrs. Lois Albright, Mrs. Nell Dicksey, Mrs. Rena Ellis, Mrs. Sallie Her ring, Miss Blanche Jackson, Mrs. Etta Jordan. Mrs. Virginia John son, Mrs, Susie Justice, Mrs. Leona Matthews, Mrs. Eloise Woods with Mrs. Helen Sneeden at the piano. Members are reminded to bring a towel and wash cloth. Duplicate Tournaments Prove Popular High scorers of the Duplicate Contract Bridge tournament played each Monday evening at the Cape Fear Country club un der the direction of Mrs. R. D. Cronly, were Mrs. Almeda Stewart Edwards and Mrs. P. R. Smith, North-South and Mrs. E. Kedar Bryan and Mrs. Alice Morrow, East-West. Turning in second high scores for East-West were Miss Kitty Corbett and Miss Edith Graham, while for North-South second high scorers were Mrs. Oliver C. Hutaff, and Mrs. Sam Nash, Jr. The following guests were among the bridge players: Mrs, Louis Orrell, Mrs. Norwood Orrell, Mrs, Emsley Laney, Mrs. W. E. Curtis, Mrs. Louis Hanson, Mrs. O. Lang Hogon, Mrs. Al meda Stewart Edwards, Mrs. P. R. Smith, Mrs. A. B. Cheatham, and Mrs. Harry Wellott. Mrs. J. F. Hackler, Mrs. John Bright Hill, Mrs. J. S. Zapf, Mrs. George Garey, Mrs. Harry Sto vall, Mrs. E. C. Hines, Mrs. Oliver Hutaff, Mrs. Sam Nash, Jr., Miss Caroline Flanner, Mrs. Bob Black and Mrs. Paul Campbell. Mrs. Rinaldo B. Page, Mrs. N. A. Avera, Mrs. Donald King, Mrs. E. K. Bryan, Mrs. Alice Morrow, Miss Mary Ann Cheat ham, Charlie Blake, Mrs. Will Bellamy, Mrs. T. E Brown, Miss Kitty Corbett, Miss Edith Gra ham, Dr. and Mrs. James Smith, Miss Martha Stack, Mrs. James Walbach, Mrs. Bereniece Stell ings, and Mrs. Harriss Newman. JAYCEES RECEIVE THIRD A AWARD Local Club Ranks Third In Nation In Project Completion — President Hal Love revealed that the Wilmington Junior Chamber of Commerce had re ceived “A” certificate number three, indicating the local club ranked third i nthe nation in performance and project com pletion recommended by the U. S. Chamber of Commerce, at the regular dinner meeting of the JayCees Tuesday evening at the Friendly cafeteria. Jesse Sellers announced that Robert Lee Humber, Greenville, N. C., author and authority on world government would discuss world problems at a free lecture Monday evening, November 17, at the New Hanover high school auditorium at 8 p. m. Highlight of the program was the introduction of Miss Betty Britts and Robert McCall who won top honors in their respec tive divisions in the “I Speak For Democracy” contest recently held at New Hanover high. Har ry Dosher introduced them to the Jaycees and they presented their winning speeches. Other contestants will deliver speeches over local radio stations according to the following sche lule, it was announced: Wednes day, WMFD, at 6 p. m.; Thurs day, WMFD, 6 p. m.; Friday, WGNI, 6 p. m.; and an interview of the contestants by Eleanor Watts over WGNI at 10 a. m. Saturday. How To Relieve Bronchitis Creomulsion relieves promptly Be cause it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, in flamed bronchial mucous mem branes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the un derstanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION for ConzhsjChest Colds, Bronchitis No Baits. No traps. No muss. Clean and easy. That’s Mouse \ Seed. Chemically treated seed the kernels of'which mice eat—then they die. “A saicer and seed is all you need.” Place where mice appear. The modem way to kill mice. Excellent results for over 50 years. Avoid sub stitutes. Get the genuine. At drug and other dealers. No mail orders. W. G. Reardon Laboratories, Ine» Port Chester, N.Y See Our Collection Of rt. MODERN BEDROOM SUITES PEOPLES FURNITURE CO. 257 No. Front St. Dial 9592 Methodist Youth Plan Play Tonight The young people of Trinity Methodist church will present a three-act play, “Chintz Cottage” in the assembly rooms this eve ning at 8 o’clock. Members of the cast include: Ruth Anne Fisher, Willie Stan ford, Carolyn Shirer, Janice Garrett, Mary Katheryn Davis, Charles Caudill, and Donald Bennett. Bea Holmes is the director of the play and Miss Dorothy Lew is adult advisor. Franklin Gra ham is in charge of the set. Proceeds will be used to send delegates to the National Metho dist Youth conference meeting in Cleveland, Ohio, December 28 through January 1. Double Filters# for EXTRA QUALITY-PURITY -I,. 4.771 This name, Moroline, guaran-) BURNS teea highest quality. Only 10c. MINOR- I I CUTS CHAFE SCRAFESjl FOR FASTER RELIEF NEVER Wait TillaCoU GetsWorse! Quick! Um Thus* SpecUT Poubiu-Puty No»e Drops^ A little Vicks Va-tro-nol in each nos tril relieves bead cold distress fast! And if used at first warning sniffle or sneeze, Va-tro-nol actually helps to prevent many colds from developing. Try it! Follow directions in package. VICKS VA-TRO-NOL --- Photograph^ CHRISTMAS C A R » 5 Made From \our oWa Snapshots ORDER Now CAROLINA camera 121 Market Street Dial 2-2882 WHEN CONSTIPATION mckes punk as the dickens, brings or. stomip upset, sour taste, gassy discomfort take Dr. Caldwell's famous medic™ to quickly pull the trigger on lazy nards” and help you feel bright ui i chipper again. I DR. CALDWELL'S is the w r.derfnl He. na laxative contained in good old Syrti Pepsin to make it so easy to take,' MANY DOCTORS use pepsin pretan. tions in prescriptions to make the met cine more palatable and agreeable ii take. So be sure your laxative is «n. tained in Syrup Pepsin, INSIST ON DR. CALDWEU S-the |,. vorite of millions for SO years, and |(g that wholesome relief from consjp,. tion. Even finicky children love it. CAUTION: Use only as directed. mlcumb I SENNA LAXATIVE CONTAINED IN SYRUP PEPSI! DIAL 2-3311 For Newspaper Servi* AMERICAS MOST DISTINGUISHED 'PACKAGBV RICt yet* W Seen memdedng and yellow carton. LONG GRAIN—in jreen and yellow carton. fTyou' ve been wondering about new- ways to make meals different and better, WondeRice offers an easy, economical solution. Snowy-white, all-purpose WondeRice goes with any meal and in many differ ent ways. Less wondering and worrying about meal planning when you serve plump, whole-grain WondeRice. It’s rice at its peak of perfection. WAITON RICE Mill, INC, STUTTGART, ARKANSAS ! all over town ... still shining! 7HESH/NE THAT STAYS because it has a hard-wax finish1 GRIFFIN Here’s how to get more shoe shine with less shoe shining, griffin abc wax shoe polish has the higher bard wax content that gives you easier, brighter, longer-last ing shines. Use griffin abc wax shoe polish for the shine that stays! | BLACK, BROWN, TAN, OXBLOOD in the easy-opening can. P*S« Remember self-polishing GRIFFIN - * P for quick and easy shines.