0 hope school p.TA ORGANIZED OiiicmTfeHd At Meet ing; Bruton Speaker for Occasion whITEVILLETNov! 20—Mrs. , „ s. Thompson, district di Bector of the North Carolina Congress of Parents andTeach “ today announced tne or ^nizat’on of a Parent-Teacher «ociation at New Hope school. A large number of parents rid other interested persons met Friday at the school and heard L. A. Bruton, superintendent of Whiteville school administrative unit, speak on “What P.-T.A. Means to the School.” Mrs. Thompson was in charge of the organizational mewing at which officers were elected. Mrs. Thurman White was named president with Mrs. Lu cille Creekmore, vice-president; Mrs. Sadie Elixson, secretary; and Mrs. Scottie Hinson, treasur er. The new association set as its objective the improvement of the school ground drainage system and lunchroom. The membership drive is now underway. I D. (JEFF) Fennell I FORMERLY j. ROY MILLS I fifth and bed CROSS STS. Phone 6686 j ^Ts’S WAFER SLICED ftsif on lb ^7n’S RELIABLE 8-14 LB. AVERAGE I Hams lb fork loin I Roast_lb ***** j PORK _ ^ Rrains lb ^ SHORTENING Jewel lb 3b SEEDLESS ¥1 • • 15-Oz. $¥ Kaisins pt«- i.»« CAMPBELL'S TOMATO Soup 2 earns 19c GET YOUR FRUIT CAKE INGREDIENTS NOW WHILE THEY LAST WE DELIVER Stock Market Quotations Close Close Pre- Yes vious terday Alleghany . 3% 3% A1 Chem & Dye. 191 Yt 196 Allis Chal Mfg _ 40% 39% Amer Can . 84% 84% Amer Car Fdy . 44 % 44% Amer Roll Mill ........ 33 33% Amer Smelt & Ref.. 68% 69 AT&T . 1523/4 153% Amer Tob B . 70% 70 % Anaconda - 35% 36% Arm 111. 13% 14 ACL ... 48 47% At Ref . 363/4 36% Aviat Corp . 5% 5% Baldwin . 15 y4 15% B & O . 12 12 Barnsdall . 33 33% Bendix Aviat _ 32 3A 32% Beth Stl . 99y4 100% Boeing Airpl _ 203/s 20% Borden . 44 43% Budd Mfg - 11% n% Burl Mills. 20% 20% .bur Add Mach . 15% 15% Cannon Mills . 34 Case J I . 46 45% Caterpil Trac - 57% 57% Ches & O. 433/4 44 Chrysler . 62% 63 Coca Cola. 42 42% Coml Solv.. 23% 24 Comwlth & Sou_ 3% 3 Consol Edis . 21% 21% Cons Vultee - 11% ll7/8 Cont Can . 35% 35 Corn Prod . 66 67 Curt Wright . 5% 5% Curt Wright A - 20% 20% Dow Chem . 52 39' Doug Aire . 39% 517/a Du Pont . 188% 188 Eastman Kod _ 45 45% Firestone . 497/8 50 Gen El . 35% 357/a Gen Foods . 38 38 Gen Mot . 587/8 59% Goodrich .. 587/s 59% Goodyear . 46 46% Gt Nor Ry Pf-- 38% 377/a Int Harv . 88 87 Int T & T. 12% 12% Johns Man _ 44 y4 44% Kennecott _ 48% 49% Loews . 20% 20% Lockheed . 13% 13% Lorillard . 18 19% Mont Ward _ 55% 56% Nash Kelv . 17% 17% Nat Bis . 32% 32% Nat Cash Reg. 41% 41% Nat Dist . 21 21% N Y Cent. 13% 13% No Am Av .. 8% 8% No Pac . 20 20 Packard . 5 4% Par am Pic . 22% 23% Penney J C . 44 44 Penn RR . 16% Pepsi Cola . 26 y4 26 Phillips Pet _ 56 55% Pitt S & B . 9% 10% Pullman . 55% 55% Pure Oil . 25% 24% Radio. 9% 9% Radio KO. 11% 11% Rem Rand . 14% I4V2 Repub Stl. 27% 27% Reynolds B . 39% 39 y4 Sears . 38 38% [ FOR THANKSGIVING CHRISTMAS OR ANY TIME OUR MEN’S DEPT. Gffers l/ou QUALITY MERCHANDISE AT VERY LOW Men's PAJAMAS 2-95 to 5-50 In broadcloth, outing and jer sey. Solids, stripes, pasely’s and plaids. SrSKviSS PRICES I Men's ROYAL ROBES 8-95 to 20-°° Rayons, wools and cottons. In Navy Blues, Maroons, Tans, Browns, and Stripes. Strong ly constructed, nationally ad vertised. Men's JAYSON SHIRTS 3-50 to 4-50 Materials of prewar quality. |White, assorted colors. In broadcIo4hs oxfords and mad* ros materials. Men's SWEATERS 2-45 to 8-95 In Pull-Overs, Sleeveless and Coat styles. Norwegian de signs. In all colors, all wool. HEN'S JAYSON SHIRTS 9.95 are smar^ shirts in all colors that ok good and feel good these cold ~“v s. Men's TIES 1-00 to 1-50 New patterns, variety of solids, stripes and figured designs. MEN'S RAINCOATS 4.95 to 10.50 In A1 VALUABLE COUPON - BRING IT IN NOW-ABSOLUTELY NEW - VALUABLE COUPON : Engrave Your Full Name Free St1AZING neW birthstone bracelet set with brilliant birth lUtaij UMBlaiMAS ^,Ft THIS IS REGULAR $3.95 AFft specially priced r Dor inurs., § | Fri., and Sat., 1 Only At Efird's Dept Store Soc Vac _ 16% 17 Sou Pac _ 45% 45% Sou Ry .-_ 36 36% Std Brands _ 25% 25 Std Oil NJ _ 76 76% Stewart War _ 15% Swift .. 33% 33% Tex Co ___ 58% 58% Un Carb _ 105 105% Unit Airl _ 19 19% Unit Aire . 23% 23% Unit Corp _ 2% 2% Unit Fruit . 56% 56% Unit Gas Imp . 22% 22% US Indus Chem _ 41% 41% US Rubber ... 45% 45% US Smelt & Ref_ 46% 46% US Stl . 76% 77% Vanadium___ 16 16% Va Caro Chem _ 10% 10% Warner Pic . 14 13% West El . 28% 28% Woolworth . 46 % 46% CURB Can Marconi . 1% Cities Service . 39% Colon Dvmt ..4% El Bond & Share _ 12% FINAL BOND QUOTATIONS AT & SF 4S 95 119% ACL 4%S 64 98% , Can Pac 4S Perp 98% C & El Inc 97% CGW 4S 88 79 CRI & PR 4S 34 55% Hud C 5S 62A 87 > H & M 5S 57 63 MK &T AJ 5S 67 52 NYC 5S 2013 75% ; Nor Pac 4%S 2047 89% j Penn RR G 4%S 65 101 Sou Ry Cn 5S 94 116% West Md 4S 52 97% FOREIGN BONDS Aust 5S 55 102 Aust 3%S 56 98% NEW YORK COTTON NEW YORK, Nov 20—OP)—Cot ton futures closed $1.75 a bale higher to $1.00 lower today. Trad ing was active, with the price pat tern irregular. Nearby deliveries rallied sharply on mill support and short covering in December, anticipating first notice day next Monday. Later positions sagged under pressure of profit taking and hedge selling by leading spot firms. Futures closed $1.75 a bale higher to $1.00 lower than the previous close. Open High Low Close Dec 34.03 34.43 34.03 34.42 up 35 Mch 34.15 34.58 34.15 34.58 up 31 May 33.95 34.31 33.95 34.31 up 26 Jly 32.80 33.10 32.79 32.97 up 6 Oct 30.16 30.32 30.07 30.10 off 18 Dec 29.91 29.92 29.70 29.65 off 20 Middling spot 35.00N up 33 N—Nominal. RICHMOND LIVESTOCK RICHMOND, Va., Nov 20—(#) —(USDA)—Livestock: Hogs— Thursday’s market 25 cents high er on all weights; top $22.75 for good and choice 180-240 lb bar rows and gilts; 90-100 lbs $14.75; 100-1201bs $15-75; 120-1401bc $19. 75; 140-1601bs $20.75; 160-180 lbs $22.25; 240-300 lbs $21.75; 300 lbs and up $20.25; good sows under 350 lbs $19.75; 350-500 lbs $17.25; over 500 lbs $13.75; good stags under 350 lbs $16.75; over 350 lbs $12.75. Cattle-Market generally steady compared wijh earlier in the week; most canner and cutter cows $9.00-11.50, medium dairy type $11.50-13.25; good cows quotable to $15.50; good heavy sausage bulls $14.00-16.00, good beef type up to $18.00; light weights $11.00-14.00; vealers ac tive and fully steady, mostly at $28.00 down, a few choich high er; heavy calves about steady, good and choice 250 pounds and up, mostly $18.00 to $20.00, me dium around $16.00-17.00, com mon down to $14.00. NEW YORK PRODUCE NEW YORK, Nov 20— — Produce markets: Potatoes:(dol lars per 100 lbs. unless otherwise indicated) steady. Mains Katah dins No. 1, 50 lbs 1.70; Green Mts. No. 1, 50 lbs 1.70-.75; Long Island Green Mts. No. 1, 3.25-.60; 10 lb bags .37; Green mts. No. IB, 1 60-.75; Green mts. No. 1, 50 lbs ordinary 1.60-.75; Idaho Russets No. 1, 5.25-.50; No. 50 lbs washed 2.75; Connecticut Green mts. No. 1, 50 lbs 1.65-.75; Idoha Russets 10 lb bags 57-60; Nebraska red bliss No. 1A 2.75-3.00; No. IB 2. 75-.95. Sweet potatoes: (bushels bas kets) steady. New Jersey golden No. 1, 2.00-3.00; golden medium 1.00; New Jersey, Jersey type, processed 2.00-3.00; New Jersey type med 75-1.00; Maryland golden wax No. 1, 1.50-2.75; med. 1.00; jumbo 1.00; Pink hearts No. 1, 2.50-3.25; Virginia golden No. 1, 1.75-2.50; Jersey type No. 1, 2.00. Live poultry: unsettled. Geese 40; turkeys hens 48-50; toms 40; roosters old 23-25; ducks 32; rab bits all grades 15-30; fowls 28-35; broilers 34-40; pigeons 30-60; pul uets 46-45. Dial 2-1133 For Newspaper Service CHICAGO GRAIN CHICAGO, Nov 20—(JP)—Grain futures rallied on the Chicago Board of Trade today after an early setback. Wheat closed % to 1% cent higher than the previous finish, December $3.03%-%,Corn was up 1% to 2% cents, December $2.47 %-%, and oats were 1% higher to % lower, December $1.22y4-%. Open High Low Close WHEAT Dec 3.01 3.03% 3.00y4 3.03% May 2.91% 2.92 2.89y4 2.92 Jly 2.55% 2.58 2.55 2.58 Sep 2.49% 2.5iy4 2.49% 2.51 CORN Dec 2.43% 2.47% 2.42% 2.47% May 2.36 2.40% 2.35 2.40% Jly 2.27% 2.29y4 2.26 2.29y4 Sep 2.15 2.17% 2.14% 2.17% OATS Dec 1.20% 1.22% 1.20% 1.22% May 1.10% 1.12 1.10% 1.12 Jly 95% 96% 95% 96% SOYBEANS Nov 3.83 3.83 3.83 3.83 Mar 3.77 3.81 3.77 3.81 May 3.77 3.79 3.73% 3.79 LARD Nov 27.00 27.00 26.75 26.80 Dec 27.40 27.90 27.40 27.70 Jan 27.30 27.95 27.30 27.55 Mar 27.50 27.85 27.30 27.60 May 27.50 27.90 27.40 27.62 Jly 27.75 27.92 27.55 27.65 NAVAL STORES SAVANNAH, Ga. Nov. 20—W —Turpentine 64; offerings and sales, -,one; receipts 61; shipments 77; stocks 10,532. Rosin: offerings, 14; sales, none; receipts, 18; shipments, none; stocks 9,174. Quote: unchanged. Dial 2-1133 For Newspaper Service Dividend Reports Bolster Many Exchange Favorites Gains Range From Frac tions To Point Or So In Full Session MARKETS AT A GLANCE NEW YORK, Nov. 20—VP) —Stocks—higher; special is sues strong. Bonds — mixed; selected rails attract support. Cotton — irregular mill buying, profit taking. CHICAGO Wheat—rallied to close *A VA cent higher. Corn—rallied with wheat. Oats—closed % lower to 1% higher. Hogs—mostly 15 to 25 cents higher; top $25.25. Cattle—unevenly steady to 50 cents lower; top $36.25. NEW YORK, Nov. 20 —W)— Climbing special stocks helped the generaltone of today’s stock market although a number of leaders displayed a lack of en thusiasm. The biggest batch of in creased and extra dividends- in some time propped assorted favorites but failed to buoy other stocks concerned. Buying, on the whole, was credited to the belief the list would pay more attention to good business news and at least extend the re- j cent technical comeback. Senti ment also was aided by the thought that Congress would cold-shoulder stringent econom ic controls while approving Eu ropean relief. Income tax sell ing was offset to some extent by switching operations. Num erous doubters trimmed ac counts, however, or stood aside to await more light on taxes and the international situation. Forward leanings prevailed from the start. A few "blue chips” executed wide jumps but gains mostly ranged from frac tions to a point or so with minus signs well distributed ,for pivo tals at the close. It was the sixth straight session without an average loss. Dealings picked up at intervals although slow downs were frequent. Volume cf 960.000 shares compared with 1, 040.000 Wednesday. Berger's Dept. Store SEE OUR STOCK OF BEAUTIFUL LADIES FALL CLOTHING 709 North Fourth St. Dial 9647 HEADQUARTERS FOR... I •• w | For Even Member j OF THE FA MIL Yl ★ TOYS ★ BALL BEARING SKATES $3.60 PLASTIC DISHES $J.50 ELECTRIC TRAINS Complete With Transformer Also Other Models I Tricycles $14-95 UP WHITE PLASTIC PHONES 89c ERECTOR SETS $3-30 Assorted f DOLLS l ^ThkcTOR | a SCOOTERS $3.98 Value Special $£.49 Silver Skipper Outboard Motor Boats Runs 5 To 7 Hours £ /f On Flashlight «?/■ Batteries_ _ DOLL CARRIAGES sr;ly *650 General Electric Automatic WAFFLE IRONS •16™ $2.00 DOWN $1.00 WEEKLY ★ ★ PERCOLATORS cu'ps «1-95 CUPS ★ ★ WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC IRONS $1095 $2.00 DOWN $2.00 WEEKLY NOW IN STOCK! 45*000 B. T. U. American Quick Heat OIL CIRCULATORS $74.70 25.00 $5.00 DOWN MONTHLY Mirro-Matic PRESSURE COOKERS 2.00 DOWN 1.00 WEEKLY ^ (.95 Drip COFFEE MAKES $2.75 ★ ★ Betty Crocker PRESSURE COOKERS $15-95 $2.00 DOWN $1.00 WEEKLY ★ ★ WESTINGHOUSE ELEC. COMFORTER $49-85 $10.00 DOWN $5.00 MONTHLY THRU thru SERVICE 4| SERVICE we wJTf?ft*eiynRi® we 1 GROW GROW i ii Corner 3rd and Chestnut Streets Phone 5214 LOCAL QUOTATIONS Famished by Allen C. Ewing A Ca. BID ASKED Aviation Shares .50c 5.06 5.50 VCL of Conn. 4.00a £x. Div. 2.00 50 52 1-1 Boston Fund 2.16b 1991 21-52 "aro Insurance 1.40a 26 28 :hase Nat Bank 1.60a 34 3-4 36 3-4 HcBee .40a 7 7 1-1 Hass Inv Trust 1.89b 25.62 27.7t 'Jat Transit Co. 41-8 41-4 *fat Tran Pump & Mch Co 6 1-4 6 3-4 3eo Sav Bank & Tr 3.00c 80 — Bed Rock Bot (Inc.,Ga) 5 C Security Nat Bank 80c 27 — standard Stoker 3.00c 20 22 rWP Common .60a 7 3-4 8 1-4 iVil Sav & Trust 2.00c 49 — a. Indicated annual rate b. Income and profits dividend? paid m past 12 months. c. Paid in 1946 The above quotations are nominal md are believed to be indications ef he price at which the securities may >e purchased or sold. WITH THE , "GOLDEN 1 THROAT" TONE SYSTEM 99.95 easy terms Automatic Victrola Radio-Phonograph! Plays up to 12 records. Has tho “Golden Throat” tone system. “Silent Sapphire” permanent, point jewel pickup...no needles to change, cuts down “platter chatter.” Fine walnnt veneer cah> inet. Victrola 65U. "Victrola"—™. Itsg. U.S. fat. OIF. RCA VICTOR VALUE ONLY ' What a buy! It’s RCA Victor. It hat the “Golden Throat” ton* ay stem. Built-in “Magic Loop" antenna. Model 65X1 in walnut plastic, ivory version is slightly higher. Hear it! _ „ jtSg***^ 24.9S RCA VICTOR 66X2 An ivory-plastic beauty. Grace ful for bedside table ... ideal for kitchen, dining room, den or playroom. Has RCA Victor «• elusive “Golden Throat” tone system. Standard, short wave. 1 Priced lower in wal nut version. This set 4150 FINE VICTROLA RADIO-PHONOGRAPH This beautiful console gives 70s glorious tone of RCA Victor's “Golden-Throat.” Plays up to 12 records antomatically. Has “Si lent Sapphire” pickup ... no needles to change, records last longer. Standard and short-wave bands. Ask to hear 1QQ U Victrola 67V1. "Victrola"—T.M. R«g. U. S. Pot. Off. i RCA VICTOn “GLOBE TROTTER" Portable Radio Plays on battery or house cur rent. Has RCA Victor “Golden 1 Throat” tone system. Dynamic speaker. Built-in “Magic Loop* antenna, plus extra removable | loop antenna. Powerful and se lective. Pulls in distant stations. ! Case of weatherized aluminum and beautiful plastic. >r »a See it! Hear it I Only CONVENIENT EASY TERNS Arranged On Any Of The Above Radios \ \ Cor. 3rd & Chestnut Sts. Phone 5214