Irish, Southern Cal Only Major Tilt Left On College Slates 100,000 Fans May See fl0tre Dame Play At Los Angeles t;gW YORK, Nov. 30 — UP — * Dame and Southern Cali ?°‘ia wnl battle it out Satur in the only college football ®a'Lp left with a national sig nificance before the bowling ,n‘‘ ‘let out with the loudest h^ter since Rip Van Winkle et the Bearded Little Men in Z Catskills. . _ , Some 100.000 fans in Los An gles will get a peek at the heralded Irish, the nation s top "ted eleven by last count, and T! Yew Year’s Day in Pasadena “ similar throng will eye the Milled Michigan operatives in action against the Trojans in the F‘Notfe°WDame and Michigan, 1he country’s No. 2 eleven, have ! , fighting it out all year for 1 mvthical National cham rvonship. which places Southern L 0n the hottest seat west of cing sing. The Trojans, tied by rice and all - conquering since, ,rp rated fourth behind South ern Methodist. A double win by .,,, Californians would set seis w-roranns a - trembling all over "/nation but such things have vgpoened before. jjotre Dame. Michigan and Southern California all were i