I PENDER FURNITURE COMPANY .... .x - ....v*" f Ghe gift ' she’ll thank you for forever! Only On Easy Terms A full-size ironer built to do a full-size job No waiting for this marvelous new Glad . on ... you can buy it today, have it de livered in plenty of time for Christmas. See our One-Minute Shirt Demonstra tion ... see how she can iron with a touch of a single knee control—zip through hardest-to-iron-pieces in minutes —how the Gladiron w heels where she-wants it. Then folds and stores in 1 }A square feet of space. Bank at The Bank of Wilmington R E P A I R L 0 A N S Corpora^011 ^CC0U^ business Loans ' Safe Deposit Boxes Che flank Of iOilminglon member FDIC Up-To-The-Minute Weather Reports 1 Daily 8 A. M., 8:30 P. M. Over WGNI I C1IAPTR 34 The parlor of the modest home-stead, dusty from long neglect, lay before her. It was empty. But in the gray powder which passing months and years had sifted over its neat carpet, she could make out vague loot prints. A man’s, footprints. They led from where she stood, un certain to a second door at the opposite end of the room The kitchen door, she recognized, be cause the layouts of such houses were so uncomplex. It, too, stood a trifle open as if waiting for her . . . , Just beyond it, as she started forward, a floor board creaked. “Joe1” She was racing toward tliat’small, homely sound al ready. Now she was thrusting the inner barrier out of her wav. was plunging headlong in . ...•■■■■■■■■■Illlllllllllllll to his mother’s kitchen. “Oh, Joel!” He stared at her. “Cammie! “Beefy brought me,” Cam heard herself babbling eagerly. “He—he said that maybe you’d want to hear something I have to tell you. Joel—I‘m not marrying Herbert Powell. And I never was going to.” She was not certain what re action she had expected her pell-mell announcement to evoke But certainly it was not the dull, cold lack of interest which lay on his strong-boned face as he looked back at her. “Oh?” he asked politely Why not?” . . “Because—”. Her cheeks flushed hotly, but she had to say it. No matter how disinter estedly he studied the tip of her nose, she had to say it. “Be PIBHIHHKpBppH FOR SHALLOW WELLS FIG. 2090 "MARVEL”. Capacity: 275 to 600 gallons pet hour. Quiet operation. Timken roller bear ings on crankshaft. Ball bear ings on crank end of connect ing rod. Automatic air control. Stainless steel piston rod. | Many other features. • Increasing thousands of families are buying water systems before spending money for less important modern conveniences. And more and more people are buying Deming Water Systems after they know about their many superior advantages. The Deming "MARVEL” Shallow Well System illustrated . . . like all other Deming Water Systems ...is so QUIET you can’t hear it run! Dependable, too! And it costs so little to run. See us about Deming Shallow and Deep Well Water Systems. There’s a right type at the right price to meet YOUR requirements. (r'm I YOUR FAMILY ^DESERVES IT/ Mill & Contractors Supply Co. DEMINC PUMPS 121 North Water St. Phone 7751 cause you are the only man ever could love, Joel, by any possible stretch of the ^imagina tion. That’s the reason.” For one more instant the win try barrier held there in front of the unblinking blue eyes. | Then it cracked, cracked into a million pieces. A bright mist burned into its place. Cam neveo knew whether she moved first, or whether it was Joel. But his arms were hard around her, where a second ago there had been such distance between them. , , , “Darling!” he whispered, choclfingly, into the windblown hair, “Cammie, I love you so! she breathed, clinging to him. “I should have known that,” “My heart kept telling me so. But everything else fitted to gether into such horrible tight and complete picture—such an ugly picture. When I heard Maurine talking to you on the telephone—” “Maurine? Joel puneu his rumpled head unwillingl}'. “But I’ve never said anything to Maurine, by telephone or not that could hurt you, Cammie I’ve never talked to her on the telephone at all, except to ask her for a casual date or two. What did you hear?” “But—but I heard her end of it!” protested Cam. “She didn’t know I was coming into the i house, and I heard her telling j you how she despised you for | intending to get a Dean’s Award through making love to me. And later, after I’d corned ed her when she had to admit to me that you’d told her—Joel! Why, she wasn’t talking on the tele phone at all!” “Not to me, certainly. But why —?” “Because I was wrong about her not knowing I was on the steps. She must have watched me coming up the hill. Of course she knew!” ! “How the dickens did she j even know I’d applied for a Dean’s Award?” Jol demanded. ..ed. “Your father suggested it weeks ago. But I never really intended to use the apnlication he gave me, not until Beefy beat it into me that you’d . want—” His shoulders stiffened slowly. “I think you and I had better have a little talk w7ith Maurine” “The very minute we gex beck to Cartersville.” | “We don’t have to wait for Cartersville,” he cut in. She s here in Acadia. She’s at the inn in the village, right this minute, waiting for me to close up the house. We came here on the , same train.” “Maurine came all this way with you? But—but why? “I didn’t know she was aboard. Not until after we’d pulled out of Cartersville. She d come to Mrs. Funk’s and—well, I thought I’d persuaded her there that some ideas she had were just the result of a lot of overheated imagination. Any how, I didn’t see her after Beefy and I left the rooming house; j not until the train was under ] way. And after that—oh, she seemed so upset at the idea of mv selling the old place that I i hadn’t the heart to cold-shoulder ; her. Cam—” He was biusning. now mw- i 1 self. The recital of what had j happened on the trip to Acadia, that interlude between the col lege station and a flag stop 50 odd miles away might have ruffled the composure of a man about town. And Joel Conroy had never pretended to be a so phisticate. His chivalry was ha tive to him, bred in his bone ' “Cam, she—darn it, she asked me to’marry her. She s;*1(i s.he d comfort me. She said she didn expect me to love her right away and—and well, for just a little while there, I almost weakened.” j i Her eyes were on his. via you, Joel?” “By the time we’d gotten oft the train *nd I’d taken her over to the inn to wait I’d gotten my balance back. I told her so. But she went right on begging me not to sell the farm. It seemed almost like a fixation with her, by then. Say, if Bee.y s out front with his car,” he said “what are we waiting for. She s only five minutes from here. But before he would let her go, his mouth came down over hers and possessed it. His kiss was - swift, but it was thorough. It burned white fire along Cam s V6inS TO BE CONTINUED Red Cross To Aid Navajo And Hopi Indians With Cash WASHINGTON, D. C. To help the thousands of destitute Pun iab refugees in India and Pakis tan the American Red Cross has shipped 10,000 sleeveless sweaters for distribution there by the Indian Red Cross society. The consignment of r’-. ■ er-pro duced woolens is divided into two parts, 5,000 of them going to the New Delhi branch of the Indian Red Cross, and 5,000 to the Karachi branch. Dial 2-3311 for Newspaper Service XM\S TREES from 3 to 15 feet Holly, Xmas lights and few extra bulbs J. F. KLEIN SINCLAIR SERVICE 12th and Market 8t». Third Sunday School League Being Organized Wilmington churches have re quested the formation of a Third ‘Y’ Sunday School Bas, ketball league, Adam Smith secretary said yes er • age of the ^---ors would_un_ der 17 years, he said and play would be from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday afternoon. All churches that are interest ed in participating in the newly formed basketball league are to meet with Smith at 8 p.m. Monday, December 22. The purpose of the league is to increase the attendance at lo cal Sundav stl ools, and to give an outlet for competition satd.Var,°US ^ Bapt., L. F. to ^ab«nacl« terian First Baptist, Fir,p% by., St. Andrews Vyf Pres* Sunset Park Baptist '0^ churches are invited to rSf* Pate in this league. ParH«* SAFETY NOTE! KEEP Your Money In A Bank, Not In Pockets Or At Home. LOOSE Money Very Often Becomes LOST Money!! ... OPEN A CHECKING OR SAVINGS ACCOUNT WITH WS&T TODAY! Safeguard your cash ... Pay your bills by check. ‘Every person should have a bank account, man or woman. Your business will be appreciated at the Wilmington Savings & Trust Co. THE WILMINGTON SAVINGS & TRUST CO. ESTABLISHED 1888 MEMBER THE FEDEDAL RESERVE SYSTEM MEMBER THE FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORP. At Christmas And Every Day It’s Diamond Solitaire *50 Three Diamonds *99 Bridal Pair $69 Fin Diamond! <129 Both Rings *150 i Seven Diamonds *79” ! Christmas and Mistletoe come but once a . year . . . the diamond ring you buy is .a ^ year-round, life-long reminder of your love for her ... or him. Our selection makes it a thrill for you to choose . . ■'Her" Birth itone tiflj M9M : At Reed’s are only the finest diamonds . . . selected abroad b' our own experts, mounted by our own craftsmen . . . shipped dire ' ’ store in Wilmington from Amsterdam in Holland. Our direct ' > eliminates the “middleman” profit bringing you genuine savings . found only at Reed’s! Initial It Diamonds *45 "His" Birth stone Ring *55 t Three Diamonds »2995 (Prices Include Federal Tax) ★ NO CHARGE FOR CREDIT ★NO INTEREST ADDED “WILMINGTON’S LARGEST DIAMOND IMPORTERS ’ 5 jeweiebT^TS 7 NORTH FRONT STHEEL REED’S FOR DIAMONDS

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