FORECAST: Wilmington and vicinity: Fair ana slightly cooler today and tonight; Thurs day fair and continued cool. VOL. 81.—NO. 107._ WILMINGTON,^. C., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1947 ESTABLISHED 1817 Conservation May Solve Oil Shortage Industry Representatives Will Begin News paper, Radio Camqaign Direct To People; Charlotte In Market RALEIGH, Dec. 23 —(&)—Rep resentatives of the oil industry ereed at a meeting with Gov *nor Cherry and State Oil Co ordinator W. Z. Betts here to day that conservation offers the j,e<t hope of solving the current shortage of fuel oil. Governor Cherry said that the oil company officials told him that they planned to begin a campaign of advertising in newspapers and over the radio urging private and industrial users of both fuel oil and gaso line to practice conservation. The governor pointed out that [f persons who heat their home with oil would cut their thermo stats from 72 to 68 degrees dur ing the day and to 60 degrees at night, they would save 15 per cent. Betts announced that represen tatives of the oil industry had agreed to meet at Charlotte some time after Christmas to draw a plan to aid local com munities of the state in or ganizing to take care of hard ship cases. Industry Cooperates “The oil industry is making every effort to cooperate,” Betts said after the meeting. “They are trying to distribute what oil there is available as equitably as possible.” Betts said that the rlans for conserving oil were completely See CONSERVATION on Page 2 Bethlehem, City Of Steel, Set For Yuletide Rites rotarians hear GOOD OIL N E W S W. s. (Buck) Morris Tells Of Great Producing Texas Fields Despite reports of fuel oil ihortages over the nation, es pecially throughout North Caro lina, there is one East Texas oil field which can produce enough crude oil to take care of the needs of the entire coun try for years to come, members of the Wilmington Rotary club were told yesterday. Boasting more tnan .so.uuu wells, this one east Texas field could produce enough oil to sup ply all the needs of the Allied nations during the last war. W. S. (Buck) Morris, nat've Wil mingtonian and current presi dent of the Kilgore, Texas, Ro tarv club, said. Morris, who is now vice-pres ident and general manager of the East Texas Salt Water Dis posal corporation, reminded the Rotarians that his last address before the club was made after he played on the Wilmington high school state champion bas ketball team in the 1920 season. Se« ROTARIANS on Page Two TRUMAfTPARDONS DRAFT VIOLATORS Over 1,520 Receive Christ mas Present Of Restored Civil Rights WASHINGTON, Dec. 23. — <U.R) —President Truman today gran ted Christmas pardons for 1,523 violators of the wartime Selec tive Service Act, including a number of conscientious objec tors. Government officials could not say how many persons would be released from custody by the President’s action. Most of the 1523, however, already have been freed. Princpial effect of the Presidential action was to restore the political and civil rights of those pardoned. The President acted on the basis of a report by his amnes ty board headed by Owen J. See TRUMAN on Page Two The Weather SUB FORECAST ii* v?« H CAROLINA—Partly cloudy and *gntiy cooler Wednesday and Wednes y night. Thursday partly cloudy and continued cool. ; ORTH CAROLINA—Fair and slight ,C00ler Wednesday and Wednesday cool Thursday falr and continued eteorological data for the 24 hours er>d 7:30 p. m. Yesterday . temperatures 50 7 a*m. 42, 7:30 a.m. 43, 1:30 p.m. ';30 p.m. 52 formal"1'46^ Min*mum -*> Mean 50, . HUMIDITY 55 881 7:30 a.m. 91, 1:30 p.m. ’ i:30 p.m gg T PRECIPITATION to, n -for the 24 n°urs ending 7:30 T* °. lnches. 4 fin f ,since the First of the month w inches. ,Fp TIDES for today °>m tbe "r'i<^e Tables published by U. Coast and Geodetic Survey) g Wilmirirt HIGH LOW unnngton -6:41 a.m. 1:i6 am.. Masonk 6:55 p.m. 1:59 p m. bor° inlet_4:15 a.m. 10:51 a.m. Sunri • n _ 4:32 P-m- 11*00 p.m. 2:27 n J*e v' :15, Sunset 5:09, Moonrise A£?°n*5t 3:38 a. m. e LEATHER on Page Two GwMuffT) Thousands Join Pilgrimage To 206-Year-Old Mo ravian Services BETHLEHEM, Pa., Dec. 23. —(#1— This city of steel and song and star blazed with its radiant message of Christmas tonight, welcoming the greatest pilgrimage of visitors ever at tracted to its yule splendor. During a single day cars from more than 30 states were coun ted as some 50,000 visitors pour ed across “hill-to-hill” bridge that spans the placid Lehigh riv er cutting through the center of the city. Bethlehem’s three hotels— like the historic Judean inn— have no rooms left for strangers. All space usually allotted to transients long has been filled by sightseers. Above the city behind the cam pus of Lehigh University shines the Bethlehem Star fashioned of more than 3,000 light bulbs and standing high as an eight-story building. Along the streets in multi-col ored brilliance are thousands of Christmas lights and in the center of the city is a huge Christmas tree, made from 50 spruce trees and hung with red and green bulbs. 206th Anniversary It Was on the North side of the city by the banks of the Lehigh river that a small group of Moravians gathered 206 years ago on Christmas Eve to give a name to a new hamlet in Penn sylvania. Led by Count Nicholas Von Zinzendorf, they met in a can dle-lit stable and gave this place the name of the little town in Judea where Joseph and Mary could find only a manger for the Christ Child. Count Zinzendorf held a lighted candle during the cere See BETHLEHEM On Page Two 1947 TRUCK CROP WORTH 16 MILLION Lettuce, Cabbage Return Highest Prices To State Growers RALEIGH, Dec. 23. —UP)— North Carolina farmers pro duced truck crops valued at $16,009,000 this year, a drop of $3,633,000 from last year, the Federal-State crop Reporting Service announced today. A total of 80,530 acres of com mercial truck crops was grown in the state this year, the report said, a drop of 14,050 from last year, and the value per acre of the truck crops dropDed $9 to $199. Prices for truck crops gener ally averaged less than in 1946,, but there were exceptions—eai’y irish potatoes, green peas, let tuce, caggage and beets. The most marked price increases were on cabbage, which sold for $52.34 per ton compared with $33.39 last year, and lettuce, which brought $4.50 ner crate compared with $1.50 last year. The 1947 growing season was unfavorable for truck crops, the report said. A late, wet spring retarded the planting seasons, and this was followed by dry weather in late spring and early summer. _ Riflemen “Rake” Funeral Cortege Bullets Whistle Through Ancient Cemetery On Mount Olive JERUSALEM, Dec. 23—W — Arab bullets whistled through an ancient cemetery on the Mount of Olives toe - forcing members of a Jewish funeral procession to dive for cover and then to make their way to safety behind pro tective fire from police. Arab sharpshooters, in this and other attacks, virtually paraly zed highway traffic in food short Palestine, and twice raid ed freight trains. A Swedish journalist and eight Jews were wounded when a r ad convoy was raked with fire near Bad El Wad on th? road from Jaffa air field to Jerusalem. Associated Press Correspond ent James E. Long was a passen ger in this convoy which twice tried to get to Jerusalem and had to turn back. Long, who narrow ly escaped b^ing hit during the fighting, still was isolated at Jaffa tonight. The Swede, identified as Har ald Hagg, had arrived in Pales tine last night. He was removed to a military hospital at Bir Yaakov where attendants said h:s condition was “dangerous.” (A Stockholm dispatch identified him as .n artist assigned to Palestine by news agency a week ago.) Four Attacks In all, the Arabs made four at tacks on convoys speeding along the Jerusalem-Jaffa road. British troops swung into action to break the Arab seige of the highway.; The Arabs were said to be led by j a man wearing a green sweater and a green stocking cap. Communal fighting flared again in the old walled city of Jerusalem, usually the scene this time of the year of Christmas celebration preparations. The funerals disturbed by typical Wilmington residence of See RIFLEMEN on Page Two RAILROADS GIVEN MAIL PAY RAISE ICC Grants 216 Carriers Temporary Boost Of 25 Per Cent WASHINGTON, Dec. 23—(U.R)— The Interstate Commerce Com mission today granted 216 rail roads a temporary 25 per :ent increase, retroactive to Feb. 19, 1947, in the amount they are paid for carrying U.S. mails. The increase, giving the car riers an additional $34,500,000 in annual revenues, will remain in effect pending action on the roads request for an overall 45 per cent increase. The carriers had asked for a 35 per cent in terim increase. In appealing for the higher rates last February, the car riers pointed out that the last adjustment of mail pay was made in July, 1928. They assert ed that their service to the Post Office Department had increas ed greatly since that time and that their operation costs also had jumped. 60 Millions Yearly It is estimated that the full 45 per cent increase would give them added revenues of $60,000, 000 a year. The increase has been op posed by the Post Office Depart ment, the National Pub lishers Association, the Nation al Council of Business Mails and other groups on grounds that it eventually would mean a raise in postage rates. In addition, the Post Office Department has asked the com mission to deiay action on the request pending their sur vey of railway mail service. The department wanted to find out whether an increase should be granted, and if so, how much. It asked Congress for $1, 000,000 for the survey and was granted $250,000._ Saved By Split Second, Pair Get Sound Advice OMAHA, Dec. 23. —UP)—A rail road engineer ' whose train nearly crashed into a car at Fremont, Neb., last Sunday to day told the young couple in the car “you were one second lrom eternity—please, for God’s sake, don’t try it again.” Neither the couple nor the en gineer was identified. The engi neer’s letter was published in the Omaha World-Herald. It said, in part: “When you drove your ear across directly in front of a speeding passenger train—it was so close that I’in the cab, could see the young girl Cyour sweet heart, I presume) throw her hands up in front of her face and cringe up against you in stark horror. “If I were that young girl I’d pull away from you, fast. You probably say you love her; I Sec SAVED On Page Two Unitejj^tates To Abandon All Defense Installations Guarding Panama Canal; Arabs Paralyze Traffic To Palestine SANTA CLAUS VISITS COMMUNITY CENTER to distribute gifts to over 325 underprivileged children at the Wilmington Junior Chamber of Commerce’s Christmas party for the kiddies. Prior to the party the children were treated to a theatre party and a Christmas dinner prepared and served by the New Hanover Restaurant Operators association. Shown above talking to St. Nick is little Miss Louise Harker, six year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Harker, 910 So. Second street and Master Lloyd Vernon Moore, six year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Moore of Maffitt Village. (Staff Photo by Roy Cook) CHILDREN ENJOY REAL YULE PARTY Cafe Owner* Join With Jaycees In Entertain ing Youngsters Santa Claus came to town yes terday. Two days ahea- of schedule St. Nick arrived at the Communi ty Center yesterday afternoon to dis ibute toys, gifts and fruits to over 325 underprivileged chil dren of this community. The visit of St. Nick brought to a close a full day of activity for the kiddies. The Wilmington Junior Chamber of Commerce, tne Manor theatre and the JNew Hanover County Restaurant Op erators Association combined to give the youngsters “the time of their lives” in the all-day pro gram. The program got underway with a t' eatre party at which cartoons and comedies were shown the youngsters. After the movies the kiddies were loaded into three lar 'e buses of the Queen City Trailways and taken to Greenfield park where they romped and played in the brilli ant sun for over an hour. Cafes Provide Meals At 1:30 the children were taken to 28 restaurants, located throughout the county, where they were served a Christmas banquet consisting of roast tur key and all the trimmings. The well-fed youngsters were then taken to the Community Center to await the visit of San ta Claus. While waiting foi* the genial gentleman to make bis appearance the boys and girls joined in singing Christmas car ols. When Santa finally arrived the kiddie were presented gifts of See CHILDREN on Page Two ‘Old Salty’ Arrives In Port With Breezy Letter To Santa t ___— U. S. DELAYS CASE AGAINST NEWSMEN Protest bTuN~ Official . Holds Up Deportation Proceedings NEW YORK, Dec. 23—UP)—1The government postponed deporta tion proceedings today against two foreign newspapermen ac credited to the United Nations) afte- Secretary-General Trygve Lie protested that such action might be in violation of an agreement with the U.N. Deportation proceedings were brought against Nicholas Kyria zidis, of Greece, and Syed Has an, of India, on the grounds they are Communists. The government initiated the action under a 1918 law permit ting deportation of aliens who are members of an organization advocating the forcible over throw of the government. Kyriazidis was released on his own recognizance for a fur ther hearing on order of Watson B. Miller, commissioner of the immigration and naturalization service. Earlier, acting on his at torney’s advice, Kyriazidis re fused to answer questions at a deportation hearing after produc ing documents to show he was accredited as a U.N. correspon dent for the newspaper Demo kratis, of Nicosia, Cyprus. No Jurisdiction The attorney contended the See DELAYS on Page Two Retail Store Employes Get Two-Day Vacation Business activity is scheduled to cease in Wilmington at 6 o’ clock this evening as local stores close for a two-day Christmas holiday, President George Hunt of the Merchants association said last night. Employes of Federal offices in the Customs building will have the afternoon off as the offices close at noon today until Friday morning. Employes of both the city and county government offices, with the exception of the police de partment and sheriff’s office, will be dismissed at 1 p. m., to day until Saturday morning, when “business as usual” will be resumed, it was announced yesterday from the offices of the city and county managers. Longest holiday among the government workers will be ob served by employes of the State Unemployment Compensation commission, who will be off from noon today until Monday morning, according to Manager William H. Powell. Postmaster W. D. Dosher, Sr., announced last night that only See RETAIL On Page Two Along The Cape Fear TRAVELOGUE — It has been said, and rightly so it would seem, that “There’s nothing new under the sun.” Several weeks ago, the ma gazine Holiday flashed an elabo cately illustrated article on North Carolina with approxima tely 10,000 words of supporting text. The feature was hailed as one of the biggest pieces of ad vertising promition the state ever got. There’s no denying that the ar ticle and pictures were the last word in promotion for North Carolina. | But, back in January 1895 '“Harper’s New Monthly Maga zine” had forged anead of Holi day’s time and done a bang-up piece, with a number of illustra tions, not only of North Carolina 4* but also its sister state of South Carolina. This story covered practically the same path and story as did the Holiday story. It opened with an introduction of the city of Charleston and moved on across the Palmetto state into North Carolina, where it played up the Capital city, went west to Asheville and back to coastal section, and Wilming ton. The story is ornamented with a picture of the New Hanover County courthouse, and the city hall in the background ;t shows a scene “preparing tuberose bulbs for the northern market,” another picture is of the phos phate mines near Wilmington, a Set CAFE FEAR On Page Two Appeals For Gifts To Wil mington Friends In An nual Message Back in the home port for Christmas, Old Salty was in a jovial mood yesterday when The Star paid him a visit in the Skipper’s cabin. Casting a wary eye to north and south, “The Beak” allowed that everything is as it should be Along The Cape Fear at this glad season of the year and then called upon the Skipper for the tenth time in about as many minutes to “Buy a drink, buy a drink.” That the Skipper had taken him at his word was obvious from the illumination that was fast accumulating on his nasal organ and bullile neck and rich ness of his pre-Yule language. Both he and Old Salty had reached a stage of mellowness only possible by frequent sorties on the pinch-bottle which reposed on the cabin’s one table and within easy reach of both. Slicing another cut from a stub of ‘eating” tobacco, the Skipper waxed loquacious on the subject of Christmas, pointing out between spasms of alcoholic hiccoughs, that it was the one time of year when a man should have a multitude of friends and not an enemy in irons. He had, he said, with consider See SALTY on Page Two MEXICO CITY HUB OF SPY ACTIVITY Nazi Saboteurs Operated In United States From There, German Says NUERNBERG, Germany, Dec. 23 —(U.R)—The German Em bassy in Mexico city was a cen ter from which master spies and saboteurs directed opera tions throughout the United States before America entered World War II, American War Crimes Prosecutor M. W. Kempner said today. Kempner hopes to be able to produce one or more of the op eratives at the approaching trial of high ranking German diplomats before an American court here. He quoted Rued Von Collen berg, former minister in the German Embassy in Mexico City, as authority for the state See MEXICO on Page Two CHRITMAS WILL BE CLOUDY, COOL No Rain In Sight, Weather man Says In Special Forecast While some parts of the east were promised a blanket of white for its Christmas Day, the weatherman has come through with better, or worse news, whichever way you may look at for Wilmington and southeastern North Carolina. The weatherman says there will be no snow for this area during the holidays. However, he says increasing cloudiness may be expected Christmas day. Cool northerly winds may also be expected to follow the increa sing cloudiness, but there is no mention of rain in the special Christmas Day forecast. ACCIDENTS KILL 101,000 PEOPLE Metropolitan Life Es mates Increase Of 2,000 Over 1946 NEW YORK* Dec. 23 — (U.R) — Accidents killed 101,000 Ameri cans in 1947, the third straight year in which accidental deaths increased, statistics showed to day. Statisticians of the Metropoli tan Life Insurance company said to date about 2,000 more persons were killed in 1947 than in 1946. Deaths from public, home and occupational accidents increased, they said, while deaths from motor accidents de creased. They estimated traffic accidents caused 32,500 deaths this year, compared to 33,700 in 1946. “This decrease in the death toll occurred despite an in creased volume of motor ve hicle traffic, and suggests that the highway safety program has produced concrete results,” their statement said. The occupational death toll was affected by increased em ployment while the number of fatal home accidents resulted in part from the larger number of children in the population, the statement said. Religious Hate Clouds Moon Over Moab Hills By ROBERT MILLER United Press »Staff Correspondent JERUSALEM, Dec. 23—(U.R) —There is a bright and glitter ing moon over the Moab hills tonight. It glints on the bayonets of British sentries guarding the security zones where Christians are beginning their celebration of the birth of the Prince of Peace. T loses once stood upon the hills over which the moon hangs, ■f. ana looked down upon Palestine. Before many more months have passed, the Arab armies may mass behind the hills and begin a holy war against the Jews. The moon mirrors itself in the river Jordan where Christ was christened and on the tin roofs of the settlement of Bet Haara va, where a young «ffew is stand ing guard. Another Jew was standing See RELIGIOUS On Page Two State Department Accepts Decision Republic's Assembly Turns Down Offer Of Long Term Leases WASHINGTON, Dec. 23. — <U.» — The United States accepted the Republic of Panama’s no-mili tary-bases edict today and order ed the immediate abandonment of its canal defenses outside the 10-mile-wide canal zone. Making no effort to conceal their surprise at the sudden turn of events, State Department of ficials said bluntly that recent anti-American student demonstra tions in Panama had outside in spiration. They said Communist played their part” in the demonstrations which helped persuade the Pan ama Assembly to reject a new agreement extending the Unit ed States’ wartime leases on 14 defensive installations guarding the Panama Canal. Congressional and military circles here were angered and dismayed over the situation, and the state Department warned that the American withdrawal will weaken the security of th« strategic canal zone. Nevertheless, the department said, “the necessary steps will b® taken immediately with a view to evacuation of all sites in th® Republic of Panama where Unit ed States armed forces are now stationed . . “This withdrawal will be com pleted as quickly as possible con sistent with the number of per sonnel and the amount of ma terial involved,” it added. “The next move is up to Pan ama,” a department official said. The cold tone of the depart ment announcement and its of ficial comment contrasted strong ly with the relatively optimisti® view aired only a few hours earlier *by Brig. Gen. Frank T. Hines, U. S. ambassador to Pan ama. Hines told reporters after a conference with President Tru man that he was “sure” the two governments would “get togeth er” and work out a satisfactory agreement. In its announcement, the de partment emphasized that failure to reach agreement on the bases “will not, of course, affect tho normal friendly relations between the two countries.” But its spokesmen made it See DEPARTMENT On Page Two FRENCHMEN MUST PURCHASE BONDS National Assembly Passes Compulsory Measure By 43 Majority PARIS, Dec. 23.—Wl— The National Assembly, approving an important section of the new French “austerity program,” to night enacted a bill requiring Frenchmen to purchase 130,000, 000,000 francs ($1,092,000,000) worth of government bonds or pay the same amount in taxes. The bill is designed to drain off surplus purchasing power. By a 323 to 280 vote, deputies approved a bill to raise the sum which will be used entirely for reconstruction. The sliding-scale levy will be made against tax payers with annual incomes o er 450,000 francs ($3,780). Originally the loan was set at 160,000,000,000 francs ($1,340, 000,000). Over government ob jections amendments were ap proved exempting farmers, large families, small business men and persons whose property was damaged in the war. Under the plans of finance Minister Rene Mayer the rest of the 230.000,000.000 franc ($1, 930 000 000) extraordinary bud get will be covered by aid from the United States. The assembly also appeared an amendment eliminating the positions of 150,000 public job holders. The Communists voted See FRENCHMEN on Page Two And So To Bed The proverbial fisherman’s luck was visited upon a citi zen of Wilmington recently when he went to Wrights ville Beach intent upon snag ging a shark “just for the fun of a good fight.” The fisherman snagged his shark without too much dif ficulty. And just as the shark yanked on his line, the fisher man popped his mouth open in the excitement, and out popped his false teeth into the briny deep.

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