F .1-- • • Sailor Criticizes Texas Naval Base A/ r TEA CHERS SALARIES INCREASED L INI AN RAI£IGH. NORTH CAIiOLINA SATI RDAY, JANUARY 13, 1945 PRICE FIVE CENTS EGES DIS- 1INATIQN AT .NAVAL BASE i> (iUAIlA.M VOiJK *C.\o» — A '.111.-I ui cm.all. Tixu.-. V.-1 a.t uies c^ommittee Condemned NF.W YORK-- Condcnimng the cioation ol a permanent "Dies Com- t'l that committee of jil-'tvnl t.. miplement >l:v W.'.la V\lK>l'C uppr.iM- ,i00 Nesio M-;.n>eii arc s;.,.- .ade one ol tne most s-i.- ni.ciosuics on segrogutioi) ■ i.icv prejodice that l.as the attiniioti .,1 lus p- j . r ime. imer said that the b-'- ' I ach-.nfes td, dirty aiid beyond human endurance. 23 chow halls." be dec!...- •f .s only one reserved for crsonncl, Recreation for us of 10 pjoI * iblts. one beer rid the movies At the mov- have cut a small door in which acc.omodates oii.y portion of the men at o.ie • go into the decent Xocro III section, it was necessary restricted pass/ otherwise at liberty would be nicked here patrol and taken back lavy base and their priv.l- ' tailed.' dinn I. th- 'aiior it I’ast cent of the men who corre )ase are grads of the Avia- lachincst Mate School of .Memphis, Tenn, and hold certifi cates from the Mavy Bureau of Aeronautics. This makes them "cll- mble to repair all types of modern nai.il iiircraff Instead. :ne wtrk lli.y '.ro given "is equal t.v com mon labor.' Wilit te-rs in his eyes,. the sailor declared ''th.it the Presi dent's older t. bury the Old Jim , Crow jjolicy in the army had no, effect where he was stationed; and i .ha* he and the other thousands of U. S. NAVY "Chow" .s good, judgiog fi'iin me inroads made on a tray in the mes.-. hall of the U. S. Naval Training School tWRJ Bronx. N. Y.. by new "boots/ left to right, Melba Roberts, 325 Negro VVAVEIS are undergoing six weeks "boot ' raining. Note white and colored dining together and apparently having a good .t ^ Navy often accused of being • jnile at it. ho^cd of racial prejudice, isn't I U. S. Navy Photo rcleasc'd Uiru aJlow’ing it St Bronx Scohol where Continental Features. .d. ^tSth Street, Springfield, III, Jessie Richardson, 4327 Vin- leones Ave., Chicago, are positive ^Opportunity^ Tells About DeBerry Wins High Court Verdict BILL INTRODUCED :BY SENATOR 'PITMAN OF LEE RALEIGH — In the Sen..c this week Senator J. C. Pittman of Lee, miruduccd a bill asking lor an in- crea.''e of 1(1 per cent in gross sal aries lor ah tcacncrs ama principals m public sehouU of North Carotin.■ for the IujI four montni. m the cur rent school year. ihc increment would be on tlic oasis of the present salaries plu the war bonus, and would be piia .n monthly mstuilmenu. Ttie measure was referred to the .Appropriations Commillce. Th; aim of the Pittman bill is to provide immediate improvc- rueiii of the teachers' ana princi pals' salaries, and covers a period .'or which appropriations were ori- ii.-ially made by the 1943 General .Assembly. .At present, a beginning teacher loceivvd $j8 per mot.th for nine • Continued on back page' RALEIGH — In the State Su preme Court last week, William De Berry, labor organizer, convicted in Forsyth County on a charge cf assaulting Louise Johnson, white employta of the R. J. Reynolds, To bacco Company. In the Federal v'ourt room at Winston-Salem, won hi.s rase against '.''C State SuDerior Court. The defendant's contention in hb ppcal was that the State could not legally try his case since the *t- i ged ass.iult took place on proo- rty of the Federal Government The Supreme Court upheld this eontentoin. DeBerry's arrest followed his al leged asault upon Miss Johnson luring the noon recess of a Wa*- Labor Board panel hearing involv ng labor relations at the Reynold's olant. He was fir«t tried and con- deted in the Winston-Salem Muni- I 60-d.iy sentence. He then appeal- d to the Superior Court, where his ■onvirtion bv the jury resulted ir I 60-dav sentence. H thne appeal ’d to the Supreme Court The labor organizer was at the hearing as an international repn sentative of the Food. Tobacco and Agricultural Workers Union o* America tCIO) and Miss Johnson spoke as a leader of the company union of Reynolds' employee*. Calif. High Court Out- Laws J.C. Aux. Unions San Francisco, Calif.—In up- holdi-'gan inj'inc'aon granted to Negro employees at me Marm- snip oCrporaiion at Sausaliio, the Supreme Court of Caiuomia, es- tauiished a precedent outlawing cliscrimuatory pracuces of jmi- crow auxiliary unions. The case v/as lUed originally by Josepii James, president, me i>an Fran cisco Branch NAACP and omer workers, and argued by attorneys George K. Andtirson, and Heroert Resner. , . , Tne Cour*. ruled that a labor union must admit Negroes to fmi meroberahip or not uy to enforce a closed siiop agreement. The pinion, written by Chief Justice the closed shop agreement against them." If the bargaining union wishes to maintain itsc losed shop, it must accept into full member ship all work^rswith out regard to race, creed jr color. Alleged Burglar Shows Race Pride CHAPEL HILL —Probable cause was found in Recorder a Court Uat week in the case af Erold Clifford Trottman, member of the Naw ,„o 111! dent's order to bury ihe Old Jim , ✓ Crow j)olicy In the army had nO|»i effect where ho was stationed; and i tha; he and the other thousands of 'jpgrn .«pamen who suffered, were Ring (or'nai.unal unity behind: j^^aying to God that something] ill-out war effort." 'would be done to investigate the NFW YORK— Condemning the |x,»,tiiuiil to ihut committee of creation of a permanent "Dies Com- -jncir.lM is pl.dged to miplement imttev' as a 'aiick niancuver on spvaker Rayburn's opening speech the part of a small clique which counter to the interests of the ii . . . - - lion, the election mandate of the .\ir, .Maishall's statement follows■ situation so that they, too. would people and dankeiou.s to the sue- tn full; ■■ : beln'ated with the same respect and cessful prosecution ol the war," "Comiress. facl with tremendous ,(](,(.pricy shown their white mates Opportunity^ Tells About The Negro In Armed Forces liqui Mr. George Marshall, Chairman of the Naional Federation for Consli- tuliunal LilMirtie.N today called upon members of Congress to insist that there be no repetii.on of the "divi sive policies and tactics of the old Dies Committee.” "Coming as it did on the heels of Speaker Rayburn's call for na Uonal unity behind the war," Mr. Marshall said m a statement issued today. "Rankin's trick whicn • viv- cd the Dies Corrmitlee as a stand ing committee of the House was an act of outrageous and flagiant disregard of the wishes of the elect- • ed leadership of our country and of Ihe people as a whole." Members of Congrc'oi were uiged by Mr. Marshall to insist that icp- rcsontatives appointed to the new committee be those wt o oppose any continuation c>f the policies and practices of the old committee. "The entire nation hailed the elimination of Martin Dies and three fellow, committee members from the ranks |'nml | the cause of detno- ital lo winning the war, has fighting f"r igiil ..ff-iiijard by a shek (^r^cy. r f’l. the part of a small V iiicti IS counter lo the in- m\\ si ITENCED FOR >f the n..lion. the election ASS.\ri.’i INT. WlHTi: AV.AlTREISS osiiuliite .f the people and dan- — — , ,.,11 to thf sutxi ^srul prosMu- GHEF,NVII.LK -A„ Ircw Thr,,pc, 10I1 of the war. -5. was found guilty in Police "Coiniiiii O'- it did on tiie heels Court, of u.saii]ting three white f Speaker R.,yburn's call for na- waitresses at a Dickinson Avenue i.nal unity behind the war, Ran- restaurant here, and was sentenced nil's tuck which revived the Dies lo six years' on the roads — ■nri’mittee a.s a standing commit- .voars in each case, et- of Ihe House was an act of The waitresses tistified .itragcou.s and flagrant disregard Thorpe made passes at tticm and crop ^.^rk- uultalions. i^hc.v of the Alected leader- i insulted them while they were on ;he fabe arrest ol 4U gro woiw oaiianoiis. FORCED LABOR ENGULFS NEGRO CHILDREN IN FLA. National League. "Let's look at •t.e Kecord. " based on official gov ernment information, brings to- gtlher the activities of Negro iioops on the battle fronts of the „ , world. The co-orage and heroism Ft. Lddeiudalv, Fla. —F‘*ri L;sa-combat troop;., and tlie sigm- Ihai dcrdales bean ciop, the same part played by the and fioo which was lesponsiblc foi heroes of the war: engineers,^r_i New York—A comprehensive *|^||«||a|||aai PAn eSTorcMis'^LSed^Uifcu^tluOMMISulU rUn i^ue of OPPORTUNITY Journal N'-aro Life, published by the r -l.ot'a tV4k at two Conlinucl .in back page) ' duty. “Threw Tradition To The Winds For Permanent Peace”—Geeene Negro enudren share in the struggle lor survival " * ■ ul the democratic ideal. The issue dtu U id and transportation niorctd laoor i companies show that Negro men by im to «j .i*f community, ciosiug the, sch.' ils and d-nying 'h' lr risiU.s ij a i.ve puol.c education. A special corrc.'.pondini wfilea in Uie January l.->i is*ue of The Call,' Sociaitst wet-kly. of Congress." Mr .Marshall said.' Negr. ••Community leaders, who have re- «; >• .a p;o.u.sely iliu-strated with pbo- logiaphs ol Negioes serving wi'Ji me miantry. artillery, signal coips, tank C’jrps, air forces, med- ihal icai corps, military poUce, ;«cn- RAI.F.IGH - - Speaking at the an- out our laxity, for Instance, r^hools for Negro ciiildren are be- u.eiar^, ' e!;® blic meeting of the Raleigh in allowing the erection of white jr,g closed from Decemoer 1 to cipat.on g _ — — _ . . . P . . .... ni,.Lina k#>:icrkn- ill iTiecl 1 Citi/ens Committee on Sun- schools in“ Raleigh with gy.ntiaa- July 1, the bean - a*cUvitlM ^of'amy nurses E.,., ™ '.?/h ch„S the l^rs. N.- Negro Veteran Comes tSitorial by Alphonse insists that return- icu on Da4^ page* perfo tee, practically all of whose mem bers were repudiated at the polls, must Le blocked.” At the same tune, a wire from the Federation to Chairman Robert Doiigaton .1 tlv Hou.'C \V..>^ .md Means Coinmittc-c urged the ap- Negro Labor Organizer Wins Hotel Suit manent peace. g„ without uniform thiMV. tr..diimn to Sueh as the foregoing are ihe lu/e new tr.iil in •‘jealm.s of reality " of which the •.tlif.,' iFtC .r>-aker .speaker alluded, and of which he said, "The entering wedge into • ..\ampU-.4 to fur- realms is the ballot. With th.- ti..(, Ml Gret-ne ballot we can and must elect men to office in Raleigh who are pledg ed against these barriers. Then. GREATEST YEAR IN HISTORY FOR NAACP TDP NEGRD ARMY New York—As a significant step Tile LflUri fUieU UUl ■ luwui union must adnui Negroes to lud n. -nbersbip or not uy to enfww a closed shop agreement. The opinion, written by Chief Jusuce HnLl S. Gibson, stated: "An arbiirardy Closed or parti ally closed union is incompaUDie -- iih a closed shop. Where a um- n has. as in tnis case, aiiameo a _jonopoiy of tne supply oi labor by means of closed snop agree ments and other forms of collec tive labor action, such a union occupies a quasi-pubiic position simuar to that of a puoiic service business and it nas certain corre sponding obligations.” Justice Gioson ruled that “the discriminatory practices involved in ihut case are contrary to the public policy ot the United States and this state,” and added: ''Ne- »i boosting public morale, partic- jgroes must oe admitted to mem- ularly in connection with war oership under me same terms fund drives, Eugene Kinckle and conditions appiicaole to non- Jones, General Secretary of the Negroes unless me union and me (Conunued on back page) employer refram from enforcing Suspended Sentence For Xssailants Whose Victim Required 75 Stitches RALEIGH — In Wake Superior stand. He testified that the af£ri> Court on Tuesday, Wayne Ycargin , began wnen Smith walked ovei lo the car cursing him, Parun anc three girls who were in the car. H -na Kenneth l-arlin, while mjiji ol Holly Springs, received sentences of 12 months, each, on me roads, suspended on two-year probation and on condition that they remain 5uber and usvl'uUy and gainfully employed. The men pleaded guilty to assault with a deadly weapon on James Smith, Negro, also ol Holly Springs. , Judge W. H. S. Burgwyn ordered i the men lo pay .he court cosu, and mer I Smith's hospiul expense which ! were incurred when the man was I forced to remain m the hospital one I week recfcivUig treatment for lw-> —r,, ,■ , long gashes on the face and throat •At the annual mecl- ..ere; Judge Jane M. which required 75 stitches, can extend our realms to the i,;g held at 69 Film Avtnae, Jan. Voik; Elmer A. Carter, rtew xo x. the trial Smith testified , iinty and Stale. 2. The National Association For hussell Vi. DavenporL New Yorlt, ... .. Assuring his audience of th. ir the Advancement of Colored Peo- Charles R Houston, lights in exerting force to bring pie reported the greatest year in D. C.; Dr Jam« J. M^endon, about civil equalities. Mr. Greenp the history of me 35 year-old or- Detroit, Mich.; The^ore M. Bei rrferred to the Constitution of the ganization. A niemlx-rship total- vy, (/mciniuli. New Yo that on the night of November 25, he and some friends were standing about McCullerV Filling Sution near Holly Springs, when Ycargin „ - . , . , , vrtrk and Partin drove up The two men, „.,r. , unitfd .Statos which, "al lirst was ling 400,000, a loUl revenue ol Singleton, Jama^a, new loriw NMW \ORK .WLD|--..\ 2 'v“ ■ . .1. ~U i n.> M.iccio S'- ,, „t traditions, but was ju-.u,822,24, detailed reports o( de- Those roeletl^ vlVu■ "SSuical :"You niggers better t-kc it easy" for S500 as.nn.t '.lie lintel Knickcr. , tv.ug,.,., Uilcn.e j partmontal activities, and the Alexander, New York, K^oe , a„,,ue„d wiih. 'The hell bockcr in New '.nrk City lor do- i_cugne is more than woithy nl ..ivileges to all cltlrena with, election ol seven new directors to jJunjetv Oklahoma cw. t^.., dying a room bec..n..__ol his race , ,, , 3,, amount Uy rnch nnbli- the National Board were leatures Dr. John B Hall, ^tnn. I S„nih continu- to William Bowman. Ncgr. organ- . 1 nun that n will continue wriUiams orcsid. highlighting outstanding acnieve- Dr. Jolm Hayni^s noimc^ we returned and ire, ,,1 the bn.tcd .4utomob.! ,„g „,„i, ,i g-.n. „ mis meeting, and tne present ment and progress in 1044.- iork; Hon. I Ve'aigm walked up lo him, struck W.ire.ets. CIO. was eo reeognino,, and the ceiperati.-n ,,„„,„nice members were elected OrMtings Irom Waller White, New' Y ork. *^1 I him over the head with a hammer co-.irt ihi-? week foi $2.)0. Buwman -.nothcr year N/\ACP seerelary now m me Pa- Greenwich, r 'and knocked him to the g-ound. ininr.cdiritbly c. ii'.ribut (I iiie HI'ney -..t,, .vp-r'^rontH by Mox T ' ‘ cific as New York Post war cor- Martin, Atlanta, Ga., Amy ^ . still down. Smith h.-W. s Rranted ic.’hf \V..-«r5 DO- rK lM.!!. .il 'i'J-. Br..adw.iy. .Newj v^^ile men's work shoes went respondent, were read by R'JF Ala ■ Dr'i-aid Partin cut his face and throa» fcr.Ne I.eaoie, which handled Ih*. , j-, cotin-el of the WDku. pgr cent in price in World Wilkins, acting socrealry. Arthui - and with a knife The two scars were ca50 for him tl- Umted Auto . i -.-(.1 a crimi-^ent con- B. Spingai-n, pres.de;nt ol me Av IS Workeri-CIO. . ....c'-n n ;..a T.--t Martin pei cent. SOcaUon presided T^e New di- wlei ' Yearg.n was Uien called to the Bow- .S'lchols th- Ki.idu I bockcr Potcl reports. rt-ctors elected at the meeting tconlmucd on oacic imk manager -yIio tuifl m March, 1943'“ In a Ictt'^r t" the I eagiK-, . on back pagei I Tune In Station WR-AL Friday at 7:30 p.;.’.. Liatcii To 'THE NEGRO NEWS OF THE WEEK” A Weekly Feature of THE CAROLINIAN denied E‘ wmnn ■or. wh . '.v. t v. 1944 .11 d . t III ji.,l*..r Sb- Thi.s was tl;- kind in p;,k5- -rv 4.f ; ;69') The “hian- Janii- . 4 '-.ut.cc d to 30 days . ftin . f dd the fine. (,i t L-oi.viction of its Yt'fk St ite silice the Civ 1 Ri.'ht- Acts of - •• • itf .111- c.Tie by the H t K icl.rroGcktr :f ii recogni- lii • ,11. nior.i1 .11 v.'f-ll On finan ce I rt-Npon-ioility of the hotel in u) holding 'he l.w It should point way to the «-nf.>-cement of an- ti-discrirhinalion laws by the other hf-‘-1 ••' the J- *e .ond city," Dei sm - c-'d INCLUSION OF ANTI-DISCRIMINATION CLAUSE IN PROPOSED FULL-EMPLOYMENT BILL URGED NEW YORK—The inclusion of a clear anti-discrlmlnalon clause -n full employment legislation propos ed by Senator James E Murray if being urged by the Workers De- cut, tibl. to vork ood uilllng ltd i crimlmitin.. on tb. b..B of meb, Gtlmartin. WDI. clmlrmun, pointed Work has the right t- a useful and , color. .clig'’”i ,n..t; lallty or an- out in a letter lo Sen. Murray. The muneralive job in the industries i c»*slry. in the alb^aiion °P' League, meanwhile, i.s continuing CHAPiuL HILL —Probabli caw wu found In Recorder'! Court Uit week in the case of Elrold Clifford Trottman. member of the Ntw band, charged w 1th lirvt degree jurglary when he was found m the and Emma, age one year — while on December 2i. He was bound over to Superior Court without privilege of bond. Mrs. Wiley reported that the roan gave no reason for entering tne nouse, and while he patientiy waited for the police, he repeatedly wm>- pered, "1 oon'l want Ihu to nurt ny people." ^ Buster Burgess Charged iPith Murder Fayetteville. N. C.—Buster Bur gess, age 43 years, is being held )n a murder charge of *llling James Taylor who lives at 219 McKay SL , When interviewed by law of- .'icials Burgess stated that he and ms wife were asleep about 5:15, .vhen mey heard a knock on the door. He said he asked who wai ■Jiere and received no an swer, but a few minutes later, faylor broke down the door and ^ entered the house. As Taylor claimed that he left the Hmo. him, Bdrgess said station and returned later that eve jj^g ^hot in self-defense, whicn rs- ning to gel Partin's car. On this whited in Taylor's death, trip he asked Smith why he haul Burgess and his wife op-ra cursed him cMlier. Smith then ^ small store al 427 . tiled to open the car dbor, Yeargu ,j| living q-jari' rs .n .... lontmued, and cursed them agaii. ^ the building. It was then that Ycargin got out o. Until Tuesday, when me case Uie car with the handle of a hai.i-lwas given a preliminary heamg er to hit Smith. j;n Mayor’s court, Burgess was The two girls said they saw all held uimout bond. In Mayor's the light lip to the cutting — they court Burgess was tried and turned their heads in time to miss bound over to Superior Court ■ Continued on back page) and placed under a bond of $l,i>00. 76th Annual Report Of N. C. Mutual Life Ins. Co. In his address to the policyhold- .continues to make substantial an. trs of North Carolina Mutual Life consistent progress in ail phase Ii'surance Company at their an-;of operation.” . nual meeting January 8th, Dr. C. "Notwithstanding the nfe in; Spaulding, president, review ed in deUil the company’s ope- laiions during the year 1944. High tribute was the mem ory of the late B. L. McDougald w ho died October 3, 1944. In re ferring to his passing. Dr. Spaul ding acknowledged the loss to the Compi-ny of an able, faithful co- wot'ker, stating in part; “Vice President McDougald will be sore ly missed, but in his passing we shall gain inspiration in the mem ory of a life unselfishly devoted to the welfare and progress of tnose he scrv.xl. We shall continue to gain inspiration in the mem ory of his unswerving loyalty and devotion to duty." "Although the company has lost scores of its represenUlives to the armed forces. Dr. Spaul ding continued, “and while the or shop.s or Ollier's or feinns or' portunitics. In the upgrading to secure passage of the jeonflier that "is being waged _ n ines of the nation." a more spe-, workers on the basis of bill for a per- throughout the world has prwent- Icnse Leesue. Although Seetlon 2 cilic onti-di eriiuin.Unt, clause ^ toS jS i tnenent Practices Committee, ed new and pe^exmgproblMS, of the bill which has been drafted sought training .0 pe rm i tuithout amendment as tn coverage Hhis has Ofily served as a stlmu for submi^ion to the next Con- "To be "'hcv A.Vo^^S.1 or^ llus to greater effort. The company gres-. declares that "every Aroeri- vide that there ihall be no dis- differenUal In pay. nev. Aaron suiance business is not a direct factor in war prod'jction, it nev ertheless recognizes a definite re sponsibility. This responsibility is being met in part through the in vestment of the reserve fund of the company's policyholders in War Bonds, which investments are serving as a direct linkneiog aid in the war effort” “The extent of these invest ments is reflected in the fact that during the three war loan drives of 1944. North Carolina Mutoal invested $1,600,00 in United Slates government bonds. A sub scription for an additional $500,- 000 worth of the 6th War Loan issue has been made, to be de livered during February of the present year. At present the com pany owns $3,412,450 in govern ment bonds, which holding re presents the combined contribu tion of over 400,000-polie/liolders' ot the company towards the na tion's war effort Not only will (Continued on back page)

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