Their Bloods Shall Mix In 1st And 7th aWshinglun. D. C. — Tlu' \\ j- Dfpartmcnl today annouiiocd th- award of tho Dustinguishod Su-rv- ice Cross to Captain Cnark-s L. Thomas. 24-year-u'.d Negro tom- mandor of a Tank Destroyor Com pany in France, for "extraurdin- ary heroism in action.” Captain Thomas, who tnlt-reJ the Army from Detroit, thus be comes the second Negro in the present war so honored. The oth er, Private George Watson of Bir mingham. Alabama, who received the award posthumously, distin guished himself at Pordoch Haib- or. New Guinea, in March 1943 voi.rME XXV, xr.MiiKi; NEGRO-WHITE UNIT NOW ON FRONT UNES PARIS -- After repeated request* by Negro Troops to be allowed to Join Combat unit*, some 2.300 were accepted for duty in the infantry companies of the First and Seventh armies, It was announced this week by the Army newspaper, Stars and Stripe*. According to American historical record*, thi* occasion marks the first time white and Negro troops have fought side by side on the battle fronts. The men. who will be given a re fresher Infantry course, were chosen mainly from the service and sup ply troops, with applications from port battalions unloading materiali. and from the famed truck compan ies. In one unit four first sergeants accepted demotions to the rank of private in order to be eligible for the course. The troops volunteered after a special appeal by Lieut Gen. John C H. Lee who said: ‘•It is planned to asign you with out regard to race or color to units where your assistance is needed most Your comrades at the front are anxious to share the glory of victory with you Your relatives and friend* are urging that you be granted this privilege. The Supreme Commander is tldent that many of you will take advantage of the opportunity to car ry on in keeping with the glorious record* of colored troops in former wars” , . , The men were reviewed by ilw Army's highest Negro Brig Gen B O- Davis who shared the sentiment of Pfe Leroy Kemp of AtUntlc City. N. J . who observed. •■We're all in this together now Thai's how U should be. Most of the Negro uoops in service outfits have been giving lots of sweM. Kow 1 think we’ll mix some blood with it. EMGCSEERSTiTGER- MANY KEEPING RAIL ROADS OPEN With Advance U. S. Fotces t Germany - Penetrating into Germany territory eaat of Aachen, ihe 375th Engineer General Ser vice Raiment u following ad vancing armies with rails, ties, ipikea, and heavy equipment to est^Uah neceaaary railheads foi j ihe continuous flow of supplies from Advance Section, Common-,, , j, ■ ij.ii ications Zone depots to forward^ Jim (,rOM KCp^al nlll “Smtaiiy'ImmiiKUui oi enemy |)elave(l ill Mar\ laiid tfnf^g air attacks, compan- ^ ofthe regiment are following — - Darins Nesro Captain In France Wins Service Cros^ . _ f I I e.«ei infliMciH miittinlp ffun shot evacuated.” Il, 1945. 1 he lost his life after assist ing si'voial men to safety on a i. ill tiuin their sinking boat. .S istaming multiple wounds in '.lu eiiu-st. legs and arms, the cour- agii'ls Negro oflicer won the- .Aiiiiv'.i second highest decoration by li'teially shotting his way thru th Siegfried Lino last December m a blare of fire from enemy ii, (kt-ls. artillery and machine- guns. Wiu-n Tack Force ‘ Blackshear" of Lieutenant Geii. Alexander M Patch'.-; Siveii'.a Army was org anized to .stoini and capture the strong German Fortress, at Clim- bach Captain Thomas, then a Lt was ordered to laxe a platoon of Tank Destroyers of the 614th TD Battalion and keep several of the German gun battorial occupied while the infantry infiltrated into the town around the batteries oc cupied while the infantry infil trated into the town around the ■ flanks. I How well the mild-mannered captain executed his orders is best revealed in the oficial citation. which reads as follows: (Headquarters Seventh Army, dated 28 February 1945) "While riding in the lead vehicle of a task force organized to storm and capture the village of Climbach, French. Lieutenant Thomas' arm ored scout car was s'jbjected to intense enemy artilery, self- pro- peled gun. small arms lire. Although wounded by the initial burst of hoftile fire. Lieutenant Thomas signal^ the remainder of the colurm to halt and, despite the severity of his wounds, as sisted the crew in the wrecked cat in dismounting. "Upon leaving the scant pro tection which & vehicle afford ed, Lieutenant Thomas was again subjected to a hail of enemy fire which inflicted multiple gun shot evacuated." wounds in his chest, legs and both Inducted at Fort Custer, NLch., aims Despite the intense pain as a private in January 1942. Cap- caused by these wounds, the Lt. tain Thomas had advanced to the ordered and directed the disper- position of operations se^eant m sion and emplacement of two an- the 61th Tank Destroyer Battalion titank guns which in a few mom- before he was sent to the Tank ents weer effectively returning Destroyers' Officer Candidate the enemy fire School at Camp Hood, Texas, "Realizing that he could no .where he was commi.csionod a su- Icnser remain in command of the cond lieutenant in March 1943. platoon, he signaled to the platoon ' After completing an advanced comander to Join him. Lieutenant course at the Tank pestroycr Thomas then thoroughly oriented School, he was promoted to first him on enemy gun dispositions lieutenant and sailed overseas as and the general situation. Only i commander of Company C. He after he permit himself to be'was promoted to captain Janu^y 1, 1945. Prior to his induction. Capti^iii Thomas, the son of Mr. and Mirs. Horace Thomas of 5877 Beeoh- wood Avf., Detroit, was a molc^r and metal pourer for the Ford Motor Company. He studied aer onautical meteorology and navi gation at the Cass Technical HiglY School. Detroit, and at the time of his induction was a student. at Wayne University of that city. The Distinguished Serx’ice Crow will be presented to Captain Thomas at appropriate ceremon ies to bo announced. THE CAROLINIAN NAACP Hits Navy Bias In Personal Troubles S.XTURD.4Y, M.ARCU 24, 1945 KALEK'.H, NORTH CAROLINA PRICE FIVE CENTS Veterans Need Civilian Co operation Says Mrs. F.D.R. TIAGHERS CAN- utL MEETING By A Saff Coretpondeiu KuLeii T Bes:., Lxi’culiVt- t.^Xur oi tliv .-Nm.-Job L»i.^«.•l.ll..l I. Inc, li II, n. IpiiiK P-'- Hill in Albany (Calv.iiA Si-ivH- Executive CommittM with Cairhman of Sections and De- partmenis will Hold business session. C’o-opt-rating witti the Office .-t D*-l'-nse Transportation the N- i NT.A v.'ll hold only an execu- i..i-.ini-*s session this yeai 1-.i:\-.-ix otficers of the general and its sections and vi. p.iiimi-nt.' Will meet at Shaw L'niver.sity on Saturday, March '!•. ai lu 30 A. M. A'.Ue from ihi routine busi- ni.-is of the Assonation the meet- .i.H will featured by a discussion of "Improving Professional Org- .ui.ialion and Largt-i Professional Relationships .Among North Car- Teachers" led by Mrs. An- Lauiie McDonald. Vice Pres- - - ‘ Vr,r«h rnrobi.-. P.'.l- Gi’veiisboiu (Special to iho UAKULlMA.M Ri-uuning vctc.- aiij, arriving in inia eoiuiiry now at me late ol IJ.OoU lAeckiy, neeu Uit coopeialioa ol our tiviiian lioiiie tront, Mia Llc-anor Ituose- \cii, wile ot me Piesiuenl ol me Lulled Slates, ueclaieu heie lues uay ingni in a spectn ai uie lam annual Hunu-uiaKing Institute batUUop force, wi NEGRO TANKERS mAUL NAZIS With the 301b Infantry Division Germany — WbsJi 30-caia>er ammunition Inside their tanks was c-xhaustod, men of a Nwp tank battalion force, wi^ ponsorvd by Bennett Lollege. 'staged a miniature *3astogne in' Mis. Koosl’v-l-u, wtio came to g^^yelen, Mmh 4, out from Gieensburo expressly lu speak at their stcM j^tection and , tne Insiiiuie, Uelivcied two ad- 50-caUbtr tliK anchineguns uu'Sses on Tuesuay. At 3.3U in ui-.- ^ open Oft t^. severe^ aUiinoon site spoKe to several ^nauled Nasi panichule unit# in tnousand Urt.t.-nsboru senool cmi- ^vage street fitting while cut v,i«.n uoin uie poilico ol'the An- jg bova. j I a Mernei Pteitier Cnapei and The battalilD waa part ol ”Ta«k .It u uvock Tuesuay nignt, she Force Byrne** naa*M aCier Colon-; delivered tier mam aauress m Bernard Byrne, of Bradenton, i'leiller Ciiapel on the inslituie's j lorida. Lneme, "Tne Veteran Returns to -TtMae oolorvi tankan really His Family.' have giams • IPad aacouat of To the ciuidren the wife of the ih..iMcJiv«s and our .ttfonghboya , nation’s chief executive, speakingi.^v they can fight wiiS’InIr any- in a warm and friendly manner tixbe. Byrne aaid. *'S%ay atay mat kept her little listeners' at- iq^t Mjp with the It was announced this week by Mr Wesle yTaylor. director of the Bloodworth Street USO Club, Ra leigh, that Mr. William D. King, who for the last 18 months has Mr. Wesley Taylor, director of the Fayetteville Sueet USO at Dur ham. has heea recently aasigned to the staff of the Bloodworth USO bata- Mr. King has bad soiwldcrable trainiag and antparisocs in both administrative and program actl- New Yoik — In a letter to Sec- rotary of the Navy, James V.For- resiai, Uic NAALF ui'ged specuy revision ol tne Navy uepai uucnia ; policy goveixung me piomouou of jiNegro personnel. NAACP Acting Ibfccreiary, Roy Wiutiiis cnaigeu isiaction among Negro eoiisted 'tnat the pi mcipie cause ol uissai- nien and tne Negro puulic in gen eral was the reluctance ol tne Na vy "to recognize Uaimng and n,tiit anu to reward it as it does i.nue personnel. " Lumg compiamts Irom over seas, mainland oases, and particu- laiiy uie recent two-day nunger siritce 01 Uie 34u^ Construction battalion at Port Hueneme. Salil., Ml. Wukuis said m ms leiier, "'Ii is now amiosl two eyars smee Uie Navy announced ns so-called new policy on Negroes. TAre under stand that at present mere are same 10U,UUU Negioes in me Na vy. We a-so unuer*;and mat me number ol commissioned ofiicers IS less man s4 and that in tnis total are included some warrant otlicers. "It IS assei led oy me men of the 34m beaoee Bat'waiion mat mey luive mole Uian ou men m meir unit wno are coiiege giaduales, wi.o scnulasuc uaimng and ex perience m civilian uie maxe Uuni cugio.e loi conaidciaiiou for uie laling ol lPO and lor com- mias.ons. Negro peraonnei m om- 4>i- amts at oUiLi oases make the We have ©mer LOCAL CHAHN n New York — Prominent pub lic spirited citizens have already agreed to serve as local chairmen in five large cities in the East and two in the South for the 1945 Lnited Negro College Fund cam paign, It was announced by Thom as A. Morgan, national oliairman, ports from field organizers this as he revciwed preliminary re- week. A goal ot $l,ooU,uUL) has been set for me nationwide ap peal whicn will tormally open on April .i. ' Touay Americans look upon the Negro colleges oi this country With d new concept of their im- por’ance and their poieniiauties, ' said Mr. Morgan, "More anu more wmic and Negro leaders alike s«.e in education and m tramed lead- eisnip Uie solution ot many prob lems. "Tne fme response of there ac tive men and women indicates real mutest m a national prob lem of \.ia. concern." 'me ie.iwwaig city cliairmen ive been secured uius far: \L.3,iiieiu broker. Boaton. Mass.: Henry H. Perry, oi 'me first NaiuiniU loaiias, 'ieXa.>. ^Nauiun Adams, same asseitaiion. We have omer'xjMut. nuormation mdicatmg Uiai in lii^mipnis, Ttnn ; C. Arthur Bruco, Some units mere are men who piesiuent 01 uie L. Bruce uutu^ nave lx*cn graduated irom the uompany a member best universities in me country, me trustee board at Leidoyr Several of them with advances de- 1 grves. who were respon^le citi zens in their commimiti^ sgj-JSriisaiS'issKii. teUigence, initiatve. rcsourccfu:- tkk9f judgment and kadtrship. It Is discouz^in^ destructive ^ Coiiege. • Vok cos: 1C. To! run- aecoikd vice-presidmit ol t r ol 1 '* ’ toe New York Cif^r ' u RochetOK, New Tock: Chase Natioi^ Bank and pcod- GanaeU, pi^hsher. o' ! Delayed in Maryland Mftne end air attacks, compan-, j peatM:?y“a1;d^m^Cri'w'‘'law -ipo-rbrnuJ^TwaTrad Jem in ‘-AVTSTth w„ a,^. uS. "UrvTii*‘tn'c »-to ^iled to receive favorable action St ^ one I *• *“* new as- be promoted piUy to the lower in the Maryland Slate House ol L,,.?!; ..L, “A .Unmem. Ha 1. a gradual, ol Oa. oUicer rating.. 11 ia. aU .tha iiilibuuon ; x-rv 1 vas i ai I m-. •trtibif and air attacks. ^compW' Ml ofuc xT„.u g-a TQ-Tiig cmiQien me wue ui me thomsefvea auu wirajMM.niwje’ Rclatioaships Among North Car- nation’s chief executive, spealcizig’4^r they can Xigbt olina Teachers” led by Mrs. An-';n a warm and friendly manner 0*6,'* Byrne said-'^Sley etay nie Laurie McDonald, Vice Pres- ^nai kept her little listeners’ at- right tm with the dou idem of the North Carolina Edu- tention throughout, said that great foot sobers thaL* ^ regiment are following on the heels of the combat Annapolis. Md. *^^ing aWM debris and hi on E. Hargett St. at one of how fortunate American bCiide tEe 35to Infantry Divil WTMkage iRenrMentauil?^ iudiciaVy com- the one more session children are that, unlike the chil- The battalion won a pl«e in the and enemy bombmg and shelling. Representatives jumciary com ^ .jj s},aw University, parts of Europe, Africa hearts of the men of the batUe- tot 375th ^.mile^f t^k^dyjmittee and was lost befort it^a .\j,.nibers of the Association are and Asiaf they have not known hardened 35th Division who had for serrtce. While MaSh 20 Th^^^com?!!?!- memberehiM the first hand feel of total war. fought from SL Lo to Venlo and cover the I?J1 Jnfl’a in q" aeainst the nro- °J‘ Mrs. Roosevelt told her youth- be^nd by the battle it yut up turns of rehabilitated track cut tee 'o|ed iti 9 against tne p fic^rs a complete forecast of the »qi hearers of the great sacrifice here and the spearhead flgKBng ruDon v;as'‘?eceiLd .X.s.oci.alion-.'^proapeaU for tha ‘I'afroT^ariJa'LoWia.Lwhila f’did “gS heSf tfae^rman terrain. abound artooted h? the House^^^ coming fiscial year, and colored" and mentioned the The tank battalion’s “BMlonge” teaiS. Chief 61 Staff Emeritus s3HS1iS b.- u \1 Hfjif Ti..vt,.g.« «?» Aunot! yu’J ^ant to do .to lind out ookas fired at us on the way in H. oiV-iVh. moDi^t% L Hubert things people in the past did but it was not until we, ^t to A Rovet'r a«; cMef o* staff emeri bring meanmess and unhappi- tfic town when all hell broke - TOd Lva ooDoimed Dr H"al “ “icir fallows. Try to find loose. Baaookas and ^all, came .. and h.i\o appointed Dr Hugh people who led in doing in from the sides. There must A.jThompsoii as chief of staff. have been a bazooka shell every "Try lo build character so that minute all night.” 1 you can he good and useful peo- In the midst of the melee with ; pie," she urged. sUeet fighting going on all over Mr. King has bad eonsiderable training end eioarience in both ne^ Jg^guient asid leadership. It administrative and program actl* U dUKOiOkginf kUd destructive oi. education, tlie morale of these vltiea in the field of men to be igitta «.«i — its fate in th. • outfit is billeted in aband- House would be a doubtful one. oned German trains and move in Special opposition to the bill them as they proceed along on was said to have come from Ma- their project. ryiand’s Eastern shore delegation Former North Carolinian Heads College Fund Drive NEW YORK — A nation-wide ap peal for $1,550,000 for the Ukiited Negro College Fund, which will begin April 18 will have as Its chairman, North Carolina-born Thomas A. Morgan, president of the Sperry Corporation. Former Governor J. Melville Broughton will direct the campaign in North Carolina. The private coL INAAGP Testifies For FEPC ‘With Teelir ridge and lark,” be icsoluiinti. adopted at the March' meeting ol the trublc-es. accepting In' Huystir's le^igntaion as chief of st.Tff because of his htallh and pr.ii'iiiy hnn for his "45 years of faithful and very active service" 'O llie li.ispital. Til. resolution follows: "\Vheroa.«, after 45 years of faith ful and vt-ry active service in St. Washington, U^C.- In hearing j ^ "“‘’r‘.u'',he‘':;ecc“t'‘to rt here Maroli 14 the NAACP tuiii- s^^ff of SI ed thumbs down on the T.tft bi!l|/>^nps Ho.-piial on account of his (S. 459) and urged passage with- health, and out amendment of (S, lUl) for the I -‘Whereas, the building up and de- of _a permanent' \ oh pine of St. Acnes has been ab In both acTdrcsses Tuesday Mrs. town, the Germans blew a bridge Roosevelt stressed the fact that behind the tank force. That was a desire for peace among leaders when the tank Ynen climbed on of government alone is not suffi- top of their tank* and cut l(we ciiil. She emphasized that a uni- with their 50-caliber machine- versal desire for peace among guns, peoples everywhere is necessary. 1 Continued on back page) | signment. He Is a graduate of Oa. p«.uy officer ratings. State College and Morehouse Col- more destructive of mortile when lege in Atlanta. He was for a time they see white men with much teacher of Mathematics at Kings less preparation than they have, Mountain, and later became Field and with no more apparent qual* Scout Executive of Occoneecbee ifications of leadership than they Council, Raleigh. possess, being advanced beyond Mr. King will serve as Adminis- .them.” trative Asiistant and program Di- | In answer to the Navy's excuse rector at the Bloodworth Street .that "the Negro must work his Dramatic Club. 1 (Coiuinued on back page) Ten Legislatures Considers Anti-Discrimination GOMMllTEE FOR AUBREY WILLIAMS WashingtoD>-Josephus Daniels is a member ot a Committee call ed Friends of Aubrey Williams which sponsored on March 12,19- 45 a V'a^itqflon Post _advertise- Caruuua. iiic Krehmont ^^**1 ^ 'so^th'^Ued" Fair Employment I^actice Com- ‘ most tiuirely due to his interest and CtlrlS."; Livi^on. ol-ijni^io-i.AcRM NAACP S«:re-j guidance, re.ulting not only in th.; lege, Itolisbury; Bennett rntUfle tary, noy wuki Railroads’ Race Bias Pro tected By Phillip Randolph College, tary, Roy Wiftins told a sub- development of St. Agnes Hospital j Washington - Declaring that Advisory Committee; George W, . r— committee ol the Senate Ed jcati-: but also in uromoiinH medical work 1 . * . ... . . . .ror his racial views ne nas With the coming of daylight the ment u.,uinng whether or not (Continued on back page) ipolitical reactionaries can decree 'that no presidential appointee shall take office if he opposes racial dsicrimination.” Aubrey Williams is the former National Youth Administration head who seeks Senate confirm ation of his appointment by Pres ident Roosevelt Electrification ad ministration. Mr. Williams is known as a fairminded liberal. r ilJCTro^fttonhi'-i^Sithousandt Of Negroos aro Add^ .«rotary.tre..uror of adoption of S, IDi would give i,.ich and the nciqhbcrlng country iavailable A. Phillip Randolph, Lmted Automobile Workera of hearing by the Senator Bilbo of • nraciacv fnr ; 1......1.. ...wl . - • ' ' -i-- j : g« Greensboro; and Shaw in Raleigh. "Upon how well the 32 colleges represented In the fund function." said Chairman Morgan, "largely de pends the type of leaders and tech- nlcal men that the 13,000,000 Ne groes. a tenth of oar population, will have in the future. These institu tions will carry much of the load In the complex adjustment penc« ahead. They wUl have a major role in guiding the 250.000 Negro men in the Army who plan to return to •There can never be too many capable teachers, physicians, den tists. and ministers. And in helping the Negro to help himseU. we arc also helping our world a* a whole. U his tenth of the popuUtlon can become, as much of it is already, an educated, advancing, goods-buymg tenth, our chances for a prosperous nation will be much greater “Of the amount sought. $525,000 is required to make up the different between the operating costs and the war-depleted income of the scbools; $575,000 more Is needed for build- Sf repairs: and we ask $450,000 for student aid. enlarging libraries, and general upgrading of facilities. ^ . u n u This is the second year of the gtion in employment shall ha%-c real meaning to democracy for i-u ictj; and of guiding and teach-jpresident of the Brotherhood of America; Clark Foreman, presi- Missiasippi. thirteen million Negroes, Its en-lm;- the colored medical profession. Sleeping Car Porters, insisted dtnt of the Southern Conference The advertisement cam atten- actment into law by the 79ih Con- lit. u r .solved, that the Board of that there would be no manpow- jeg, chairman of the Committee of tion to a letter written to a in gress would testify more elo- Ti n fc-s of St Ajines Hospital re- er shortage if industry and lalwr op Human Welfare; Alonzo Pere- sUtuent by Senator Bilbo wnicn qucnlly iliun words tliat the Ne- Lv-(fii||y iicccptc.- T>r. rfo.vster's resig- unions stopped their present dis- One H'jndred, San Tntonio, Tex- 'ia saW to carry regarding Aubrey gro, the Jew. the Catholic, the motion as Chit-f of Staff.’with an ex- criminations and hired Negroes as; and Charlea Zimmerman, aec-• Williams’ nommaiion the-st^- new citizen, tlie Spanish-Amer- Ipi-os.-ion of it-- deep appreciation of as he spoke at heatings on a pro- ratary, International Garment meat “We do not want this We- ican, man or women, who has|f,j.; jervicr« and interest and that posed permanent fair employment Workera. served hU country on the battle- the Board of Ti ustees do hereby ap- practices commission being held " - fronts has not fought in vain." | Huliert A. Royster Chief by a U. S- Senate subcommittee "Under this bill, the right to.Q^ Staff Enieritu?—with the hope on education and labor, vork without discrimination be- benefit by his contin- Mr. Randolph pointed out ^at cause of race, creed, color, nation- • ^ „terest and advice. And. finally actual damages and obstructions el origin or ancestry" he contmu-1,, ,, j^,. Royster has the good to the war program are resulting ed. "is properly declared lo ^ j for many years of happiness because of the absence of skilled an immunity of a citizen of the retirement. white labor and beca-ose of ^ United States. It defines with prv- n.-v.ihed funher that Dr Hugh imwilbngness to make use of the sidered unfair within the mean- Thompson be and is hereby ap- great resevoir oMuahfled Ne^o Fort Men Delivered iSombs That Saved Day On Mindoro cision what Piacticfs shall be . s,'“„''„"s,"A.nes railioail men. The' tael that the i Company got a chaiKe to lee Aubrey WUliaiM' ing of this Act; it creates proced-' f percentage ol Negro firemen has just how important then cargo ..y. -ur. Ho not iirpc which .-ideouatelv safeeuard • * • firrinripH to twentv-nino percent work really Is last December 36 gro-L ures which adequately safeguard ] ' ^ ' ' dropped to twenty-nine percent the Constitional rights of person-; vm*i t rov sTRi’ric nowN f’'um forty-one per cent on sou^- charged with discrimination; it .tV-roMOBlLE railroads is in itself indicative gives the Commission power to, _ ciw vear old Willie of "evasions, chicanery, and enforce its findings against thos:-, intimidations . . used against Ne- who are recalcitrant. .h inhiria« inut Fridav mom- Sroes, he said . Referring tj the weaknesses ob- b Further proof of these discrim- vious in these instances in S. 45j ' ® Marshburn inalions, according to Mr. lUn- Mr. Wilkins stated, "to provide, driven Iiv aT dolph. may be found in the fact that an agency created by this f L “'j® 'X of Neuse ‘-hat while certain railroads need Congress to eliminate discnmin- „ , ' -o'w' or neuse. thousand workers thou- umnlnvment shall hovc .^^hild to St. Agnes "ogro firemen, switch- year wnen oniy n wt- onty me power lu iei.oiuiii».«* * Included. 71.000 Individ- that persons found guily change ,hr»i9>t(nns contributed their policies, will leave us exact- J'Ugr.tly impt 1ms were Included. 7i.ow inaivm- uiai persons lounu guuy cridogv ; ^ ermakers and electricians are and orgalzations contributed t.heir policies, will leave us e.xact- J'lud'tly improved, but «o''knues «ooi 812 John D Rockefeller. Jr., ly where we are today. In fact. Among others who testified in ?^c’ontinuin£ as chairman of the the present Committee has re- wiin» behalf of the fair employment Aind's advisory committee and Wal- course to the President and his, by the driver that Willie was measure ^gre Henry Epstein. Hovlne of New York, campaign war powers, wherea: S. 459. look- .^kh two other children s*anhng Solicitor General of New — . . . ter Moving w n«w i- period, does beside the road and that the boy YoTk State and now head of the .initeiy one of the matt unportMt tbdr coOftitu^ and their wn- tContinued on back page) r.-n into the front of the car, -National Community Belationson Mindoro. . • (Continued on back peg*) f The ad scores by interrogating 1 implication the Bilbo attitude and ; declares that those who "stand with Bilbo must accept the Bilbo tag, and defend themselves, if ' they can, before their constituents *and their conscience.” I The ad copy reads as follows: With U. S. Forces in the Phil- Senator in a letter to a constitu- lippines — Men of the 235th Port ent (dated February 16 regarding ~ ♦« aAA «..i—^ Williams' nomination, 'We do not want this Ne- work really is last December 26 gro4over on this job.” when the Japanese shelled Min-, Wte will stand with Bilbo? Can doro Island. 'political reactionaries decree that Having gone in with the In-t no presidential appointee shall fanry during the invasion, the take office if he opposes racial Port Cennpany soldiers had set discrimination? up headquartors on the b^ch fthall a presidential appointee when Jap shells began to rain of be crucifiea by appeals to racial them from out at sea. and religious bigotry because he All hands were turned to the puts the welfare of the small unloading of bombs which were farmer above the self-interest of hurriedly sent to the air strip, absentee landlords and private As the bombs arrived at the strip, powo* companies? the planes took off to engage the The Senate will answer these enemy. questions, yes or no, when they Soon the Jap shells ceased to vote on Aubrey Williams. Those felL Soldiers of the Port Company who stand with Bilbo must ac- went back to work, thorough^ cept the Bilbo tag. and defend convinced that their job was def- 'themselves, if they can, before ctfxunittee. Ten stale iogiaiaiui'es arc cuii- siaeniig anliaiscrunination lugis- laiiun to proved lauai anu icigi- uua minoi'iiie4>, a suivuy reveavs. New KurK ^laie in enacimg the ivex-(^uum anu - uisciiminaiiou uiu into law leu tne way. 'the u.'n states snowing concern about uie luiiiie Ol racial ana religious niinoriues m pusnmg i o r anli- uiscruninaiion legislation in- ciuae iNCW Jersey, iViassacua'ielis, Cenneciicut, inuiana, Fennsyivau- Michigan, Loiorauao, New ivit-xico, Wasjimgion ana Kansas. Republicans ana Democrats alike seem iniereslea in Uie pas sage ol legisiauun that will as sure equality 01 oppurfiniiy loi nimonues. in New Jersey, lor ex ample, tne legislature received . buis, one ironi a Republican, the otner irom a Democrat. ^v. Walter Edge, New Jersey's Republican governor, has mdor.>- ed uie Democrats bUi which pro vides a non-paid eniorcemeni commission in the State Depart ment ot Public instruction. Pro visions are made ior goUO fines and 90 days imprisonment for vi olators under this bill which is expected lu become law. Massachusetts' large Catholic population has aligned itself sol idly behmd recently introduced bill to provide commission with in State Department of Labor and Industries. The Massachusetts commission would set policies, in vestigate complaints issue orders requiring -nployers to abandon unlawful e.nployment pracUces. Penalties aie provided and courts would be empowered to review and enforce commission's orders. Connecticut, Indiana, and Penn sylvania propose a plan to Mas- sachusett’s. Michigan's Republican Govern or. Harry F. Kelly has thus far failed to take a firm stand in fav or of anti-discrimination legisla tion legislation introduced in the Michigan legislature providing for the establishment of a board of four full-time members to make a biennial report to the governor. Colorado proposes legislation similar to that introduced in Con necticut, Indiana, Pennsylvania and Massachusetts, except that Colcnvdo would invest i t s en forcement powers in the State In dustrial Commission. New Mexico would prohibit un- (Continued on ba^ page) , Tfoj Chase Naitioiud Bank: 1 afluiatti publisher. . Flttabiuigh, Pa.; Irwin D. Wolf* vice-presiaent of Kauftnan De partment btores, Inr. Washington. D. C.: Mrs. William Clayton, civic and club leader. "Today hi every man’s perplex ity' over what is to become of him and his nauon in the new world growing out of the'present chaos, an important task has been imposed upon Uie educational structure of Uie country, especi ally the Negro private college,” Mr. Morgan added. "These schools now face their greatest test. They will carry much of Uie load m the complex adjustment period that lies ahead. 'I'hcy Will have a major role in guiding the quarter of a million . iNegro men and women in the armed forces who plan to return to school and college. "The needs ol these Negro col leges offer a challenging oppor tunity to those men ana women of America and to those philan thropic fun(js and business cor* poraUons who see the wisdom of i.clping the Negro to help him self," Mr. Morgan concluded. Veteran’s Head Pledges Aegro Equality ^ New York — Four l.cedoms « ure outlined by Bu^. Gen. I ank T. Hines, admmisuator of • tcran’s Affairs, in speaking on .National Urban League forum neid Tuesday night in the Ne^v .Yoik Times Half I He advocated for the rehabili tation and reemployment of Negro veterans of World U free dom from discriminaUon in thr administration of the la-w; free dom from educational incq-uali- ties* freedom from inequalities in facilities for health, hospitaliza tion, and rehabilitaUon; and free dom from obstructions to equal work and equal pay. j Brig, Gen. Hines is currently under fire for the rumored poor state of the 'Veteran Administra- itior hospital and medical care program. His policy and plans for developing additional hospitals segregating Negro and white vet- ,erans who have fought together [during the war have been vigor ously protested ^ the NAACP. Rankin Denounces Dewey For Bill Washinrton — When Governor iThomas E. Dewey of New York signed the New York State Fair Employment Practices bill last 1 MoncUy and made a law of the Ives-Quinn measure he drew (forth a scathing rebuke from Re presentative John E. Rankin (D., Miss.) for his action in providing recourse for those who are dis criminated against in jobs oa ac count of race, color, or creed 1 Represenutive Rankin said that the new law was the "greatest in- s^t to the white business meiTUr" New York.” He further criticised IGovewr Dewey for approving (Continued on back page)