V SATURDAY. MARCH 24. 1945 THE CAROLINIAN PAGE FIVE Behind The Play In Sports UY llO.\ l)F t.l-.KillBUK mki;t wii.lik joYt t;, new MADISON sqi'AKE (iAKDEN I.KDIlWKKiin MATINEE IDOL: VMi.I.lAM.s hOl l SCOKCTIER Nf o( Itif Dolutiu Altsvi ;.KW '/UHi; Hot us Aibjusds I.puilt.' DOW u lianJ:>uIl:C. liiUi- !• liow fiuiit (jury, Ihdidiiu, iiuiuiu WiHk- Juyct; ill fuL-l. bux- ii. KOI iis biti>;esi .shot hi the diin (Ill tiiiii.- Mhi'ii u buiK-h of mil- liuiidllcu spoiiaoiud Aubustd, Uuul- gi.i's Sidiivy iBvuu Jock> Walkvi ill u Modi oil Squuii. (hii'deii dcbut. ■riiL- aloiy of Ucuu J.ifk ifiiiuiii!! as one of the idylls ol modeiii pri/clitihiiii^. U strictly a •lUHs to nclifa" yaiii loiniiiisccnl tales ue used •le kids. How- evei, Joyce looms )ust as bi^, if iito bigger And the ivusou lor the Joyce iisceiidency is the terrific fijihl he put up u few weeks ago with Iki Wilhains of Tifiiloii, N J. for twelve louiids befon- one of the most eiithusiubtic audiemes at the Garden to cheer a fi^hl smce the night Henry Armslroiit; knockid oul Pedio Montanez. The fight itself 'William vs Joyce» is now m the record books. It was one of these 'torybook upset.-: in The fight itself 'William vs. Joyce) the It to 5 underdog, win cleanly and i-'oiiig iiwuy from the Trenton knuckeroo ovei ti.e twelve round couie The William-. Joyce perfor- in.ince was lontiiuious. The i.feiee. Y-iung Otto, sepaiat- id ttieiii .xactly ten times through out the inliie fight lA'hich indicates tliat there were plenty of clean punches being thrown It wus strict ly a lie.\ ini', picline sort of brawl in whi'h William--, outweighed at i:t3 1-1 to i:t(>. forced the fighting all the way, but lost because Joy on the retreat, threw tice punches. One would liave to the days of Benny la 'I’cndUr. Joe Gnus. Kul Chocolate, or Jimmy McLarin for a replicj of the c.iunierpunching m which Joyce indulged so effectively against Wil liams He kept letting Ike come m and kept backinp away and around him at all times, keeping, hi hft lab on Ike’s nose all the time. Williams has been spectacular ihs rise to fam»- "ver the short per iod he has been out there He start ed off 194-1 with a loss to lightw* igbt champion, Bob Montgomery, in which he was beaten to the canvas, and just before the year ended h: U^t a close one to Joyce. However, between those two setback-^, the Tionton Ihhtw.iight compiled a re cord of fifteen consecutive victor Its of so impressive a nature that he was established as one of the na i.on's best 13f> pounders. After losing that 1944 bout to J.iv-e. Williams won four more in a row, including one over Willie. The fight at the Garden discussed here was the rubber match, the to will six flgtllS III ,1 lovs 4i lilt’ old Kuckljiid I'ulace .iiidei uu- pioinotioiis ol A1 Doug las’. iiis lust OaiUcn uppejrance was against Wdli-jnis .loyce's b.ii.kbiouiid is intoresting. Boiii, rti-pteiiibt-i J, itilu, he atteno- -d Uooivvvll liigli Nciiool in Gary, iiidijiid, Hie home scuoul of many .ji. iiiiimit .ithletes, wiiere he play 'd basketball, pitched fur the base- >all leatii. .iiui won medals os 3 iiuidler He stalled boxing while .11 school, and tiiterc-d the annual itoosevelt High School boxing tour ney when he weiglied only 109 .A'lUllis. L- defeat) d Sal U.iil'jlr in one of iwii Olympic tryouts but n-ver to the Olympics. Joyce won 100 out of 107 jmatiiii bouts He quit e jiii.iteuis in 193g and won 27 .1 row as a pro bi-fore losing a ■ciiion. of Im eaily amateur and pro »pi .iiaiice, wen- 111 and around 'hii'.igo \\her as an ex-GoIden as pupiilji jt the Wm- ly City's Savoy Auna Tuesday 'ue-day night amateur shows- •Yboui tliree ye.irs ag. Joye trans- ed hi-, boxiiig aclutties to Cali fornia ill- hold* a win over Heniy irong, alino'.igh he sufteied a .‘ii ja Wo a result Kaglc-Eyeil Jolinny Hoxill Sparks Marinr I’eain To Vit-loi y lt> .>larinr sgt. ( ollie J. NIehol ^oll. of Wtnnnelil. I.a.i threw more effec back rtUBllNSON-COtil- RA^E TITLE BOLT TO CHICAGO IN JLNE CHICAGO lANP) — A world ellci weigh tlUe match between Kay (Sugar) Kobinson and Freddy Ked) Cochrane was reported last veek to be almost a certainly here sometime m June. Jack Hurley, Chicago Stadium matcher and Jack Keaiiis, Coliseum matchmaker, agreed that the 15- round title contest will be held at Wngley Held but no assurance had been received fiuin Hurley's back- • IS ui- Kearns' sponsors as to wheth- • r iliey will promote ihe eiicuunler. Wilhe Gizenberg, Cochrane's man- atscr, IS viewed us the key man in the solution of the title problem, lie announced ihe impending cua- te^t first from Summit, N J., where Ins protege is pepping fur a series of warmup bouts. One ol these non- title encountei> will be in the Chi- Stadiuiii on May 11 when Cochrane fight the winner of a Jack LuMotta George Costner con test. The LaMotta-Costner bout will be held in the Stadium on March 26. Gilzenberg is teported to have promised both Kearii.s and Hurley the title fight ochraiic, recently re- ised from the armed forces, is world's welterweight champion while Robinson is New York's sen- itional challenger Gilzenberg also manages Larry Lane, Trenton. N. J., heavyweight He wired Kearns that Leo Savold uffered an injury in New York ! GLOBE TROTTERS [card DOLBLEHEADS FOR LATE MARCH Members of the Tuskegee Army I In mld-»ir. However, ^e War- ci-ia iD-.ru-..uir. nnrt th*- ' hawks mov)- - ahead wiln arrow- Air Field Warhawks and the Craig Field Five arc shown fight- tiiig furously for team superiori ty during the early moment* of a recent tilt when victory dangled hawks movr hke speed and ‘rounced the Craig Field Five 5S-3S. (Official a S. AAF Phottn by AAF Training Command’ NAACP Enters Suit In Favor Of D. C. Boxers N. C. Eagles Cagers Score IbO Points On Broncos, Aggies For Second Place CHICAGO (ANP) — In response to the clamor of fans in the south west, the Harlem Globetrottars basketball team has decided to ex tend its season until late March in order to play on huge duubleheader cards being arranged for St. Louis, Kansas City, Wichita. Oklahoma City. Making these programs even mure attractive is that the other half of each program will feature Satchel Paige and his All-Stars against a strung lean:. Paige, the Monarchs' wonder hurler, has assembled a top- j.vtch cage aggregation from among ouuurdii.g players around Kar.aas City In each of thote cities, the Globe trotters, w t.o have amassed the sen sational record of 100 victories against nine early-season defeats up un ., M-ireh 2 of this year to bring their 18-year record up to Z549 victories and 20S losses, wiU SOMEAVHKRE IN THF. PACIFIC I Delayed) Kagle-iyed Johnny Bc.mU. ox-Si John University Bi.i.iklyn .star, recently sparked the tar-studded Murine Wizards to i ..■•It victi'iy iivei u hitherto un ilefejted aircraft carri' r cage team. Be\Mld)i''d by Ihe leathernecks' .1 It b.ill hjiidhiig aii'J si/./Ung pas- .11..;, Ihe toweling carrier Crew . •iiiidii'i cope will) the last breaks >iiil accurate shout,ng of Buxill and I.U- n-ates. The BrooKlyn ace started things .llmg \Mlo a couple of baskets iToi.i out III front. "Trees’' Taziola, ■ p ijiaii with the flat-top crew, luplicaled the ftat a few minutes Idler with a one-hand ciip-'-hot from town under and flipped in a nice ii. >.k sliut for good measure. Both teams muddled around in a dull grtKive for several minutes before B .b Maga and Charles Lamuiis, both I'h.l.idelphia boys, hit the jackpot .itii a basket (*ach to make it .IS Ihe quarter eiided. 'gejdf o-fteuh epher sascy aan 3V4I Lamons and Boxill got plenty of help from their precision-passing ihates in the second quarter, but -omehow, were able to garner only four points. As in the first quarter I Tr, ps" Taziola was his team's big DUKIJAM — Winner of 16 ol «.• .hootlnj Eagle pivot man, ana Mv- , .0 cage nits for the eeason. North erai Eagle -italwarta ilajed in Dur- lait .veek which may necessltale ern-... . Eagle, stored 150 ham lor the Bronco tilt end Thonau, pnlati™ ol one o, iwo ol Lf’"“"''^..‘^meh la.VTveo game, to playing Uie eeanm-i laat gama Verified by . PayettevUle Teachers Broncoe againtt the Aggie*, scored only Bill Daly. Savold s co-manager, and ^ Fayetteville Friday night! one point. It wa* hi* brilliant court "-tn'e und t„"’,ou;' A aid T,-. Agg.e. m manenverlng. howev^, thu K, up " Durham Saturday night, 77 to 86. | several Kormg opporthnluei lor the The Elaglps, twice outpointed by ^ fleet forwards, Stanley and Oal- M'lrgan’s conference leaden for breath, iheir only set-backs, are tonners- up to the Baers in CIA.A play. Tuey won cage crowns in 1940. 1942. and 1944, and w re runners-up in 1941, 1943 and again in 1945. Eagle men tors are coming to believe In •'the odd-year-jinx.'* Aubrey C. "Stinkey" Stanley, will postpone indefinitely the sche duled Lane-Savold bout in Colu-eum here on March 22. "Eighling IVlarshall” Wins Recognition In .Marine Gorps iB) Marine Sgt. L. A. Wilson, 800 Dunbar Court, Orlando, Pla.| CAMP LEJEUNE — Marine Pvt. ('hailes U. Marshall, of 1647 Vincen* Court. Baltimore, Md., known as ’Fighting Marshall.' who won recog nition as a promising pugilist before Boone and Detnam of Fayette- . lie. • orlng 10 and 12 point*, were outstanding against the Eagles at FayettevlUe, In the A. and T. fra cas. Russell Hapgood of Patterson. N. J.; -was the Aggie*’ highest acorer with 16 markera Playing itellai defensive ball in this Ult were Ag- Beaulort INCI sophomore '"ward, | gies John Ell^ ol New Yorl^lW hooped 49 p.hnla in the Eagles-last Preyer Aldredge »' Iwo^eontests, 29 against Fayetlcv.lle and Eagle. >?"”• °* and 20 against A. and T Frank Gal- Chicago and Harold Hunter of Kan- breath, freshman forward from Fay-’sas City. Kansas, etteville, amassed a total of 38 tai* .n-.i-rr . ■■ n.F-.- lution as a promising pugiUst before leys, 23 against the Broncos in his I FAYE’rTEVlLLE^ noured on the e„,..ring the Marine corps, 1. round-1 home-town end 15 against the ...g into championship lorro now gies. __ ^ _ -ru™.,, fl,,rp- Ihe Fayetteville TeacherF Broncoe WASHINGTON — The District ol Columia Branch of the National As sociation fur the Advancement of Colored Peupic un Wednesday, March 14th, tiled in the U. S. Di*- trict Court a suit for injunction to prohibit further discrimination against registered colored athlets by Tulsa and' the O. C. Amateur AthleUc Union. The suit was filed iii behalf of Willie FarralL Edward William Bangs, Henry David Porter, John Junes, and Robert Elkersoo, all box ers registered with the A. A. U. H. Johnson Aronoff, Joseph Ber- tolmi, Falph Foster. W, C. Robbins, and Charles M. Fife, members of the Registration Committee of the D. C. Amateur Athletic Union, were named as defendants. The complaint charges that while the plaintiffs are registered athletes, in good standing and are required to p.iy a fee to the Registration Comii.itlee, they are denied full par ticipation granted athletes in their sport in other jurisdictions because fnce a powerful opponent, mamlv ihe local A. A U ^hibits inter- •.rvice egeregellon,. compitltions. This control Is The da-es and places are as lol-’ .’vercised through a "sanction low. Sunday night, March 25, Kiel i'vi'leh must he secured by any or. euditorlum, St, Louts; March 26. Igantot.on sponsoring im alhleUe Municipal audiiorium. Kaneas Cl-y.,'""'Pv'!"™- Th* Mo; March 27, the Forum. Wichita, i useli by local groups ol the A. A. U. Kan • March 59. the Coliaeum, Tulsa.! throughout the country but the D. Okie. ItenUlive). and March 30,1C- unit writes on the back ol the Mcmiclpal auditorium, Oklahoma |the toltow.ng^ r^^lation: City. The Olobetiotters will make this swing right after their participation in the world's tournament in Chicago, which they have high hopes of winning as their star-stud ded persoanel of Babe Prcssleyp "Piper" Oavls. Bcmie Price, Duke Cumberland, ^scoe Julian and the uthen> la at its peak functioning mar- The Registration Committee nf the District of Columbia As sociation of the Amateur AUilc- - tic Union does not sanction mix ed racial competition or ex hibitions in any sport under its juristdiction." Accordiisgly, any infraction of this special regulation will result the suspension of the athletes Since only one team may be sent uy a local unit to such nstioaal contests as the Gulden Gloves Ama teur Boxing Tournament or tbs National Am'^teur AUiletlc Union ompctition, colored athletes are bar red from competition to which their registration fee entilit-s U.em under the national coiisUtuUon uf the Amateur Athletic Union of the Unit ed States. Dr. E. B. Henderson, Chairman of the Recreation Committee of the C. Branch of the NAACP. states that there is probaly no place in the United States where the sanc tioning power is similarly employed by a local group. Dr. Henderson states that the ab olition of the restriction against in terracial competition would bring a renewal of track and field athletes in Washington; would increase the use of r>creatlon facilities and place Washington with the major athletic centers of the country; would In crease attendance at athletic events in many sports and would justify •tiie construction of the National Stadium. "Fair play and sportsman ship learned in such competittlon tends to decrease racial tension end decreases juvenile delinquency, and are foundations for citizenship in a democracy." BLY M EXTRA BOND! velously Victories over such great; compel mg and the refusal of fur- service team* on their recent north- ther sanction to the sponsoring or- west and California tour such a* ^cratchmfi nmty , CausB fnf»eH§a For quick relief from Itching cained by ecienia. sthlete’i (on). tcabiM. inmnie*xnd uiheriichins eondiuom). use pure, cootiii*. lUerTicsteS, liquia O. O. D. PMCtceimoH. A doctoFt (onnuis. 7reMele« and euinlees Snoihej. comfnrta STrf ouickly ciltna interna iwlitnii 35e trial botiia pro*«Bit.ornwMr back. Dob taufier Aakvow druggitt today for D. O. O. FtegSCRiFTleia iiiidtT the tutelage of Marine Pfc. Iu!>emure Tu'.es, No. 3 world Heavy- ight contender, of Newton Falls, Ohio, and Marine Sgt. Hiner Thom- ranking professional fighter, of 4.137 South .State Street, Chicago, lU. Said Toles in commenting on the young fighter. “Marshall has what it takes to gc places in the ring. Fight fans * Aaw him fight before he becar a Marine, will see, some day. a real uoxer with a good chance of be coming champ." Maj. Thomas C. Letebworth, of 30o Bryant Building, Kansas City, Mo., Provost Marshall, Montford Point Camp — a funner Golden Golves judge, who now sponsort boxing smokers at Montford Point — made a keen, optimistic observa tion of Marshall; Henry "Big Dog' Thomas. ADAM'S HAT Santa Ana Anny Air base. San ] Francisco Presidio, McClellan Field, Fort Lewis, Hill Field and Mare Island Kavy Yard attest to this. A Truit 73-29 in a contest thla saw Frnnk Galbreath, FayettevlUe jwod .ct •core 23 points for the Tar Heels. His mate at forward. Aubrey Stan ley of Beaufort, scored 29 markers. Wise Anwri^s Now FigM COUGHS •r trescMel lirHeHeu Dee fe Celdo —¥n«k tKU*y', "Caiadlol" iBMsaUy yoa set the surprlM of yow Mfe — coBShlas •pacin eaeee — rtstat ftvey It loaems n» Uriek eapkins ptUeem— YVe l\eep We keenly appreciate the trust our clients place in us and we make every conscientious effort to keep faith with them. Every dtail, from first to last, is given careful supenision. Noth ing is too small, too unimportant to do—if by so doing we can console or be of service to the family. CAPITOL FUNERAL HOME brMtUu eMNr. TberVe reel ecooomy la Buckley'e all audlcetlee—do eyrtip. Half ta oee tea- Mocsfal wUl oae«lDce tae taaat akapUcal Oat DnekiaT's "OAlfADIOL” the coosti mtetmr* Mrttrair SUfaraOt—OMTa af- IU12 E. Hargett St. Phone 8-2416 RALEIGH, N. C. faetiva—faster to aettoo—taka It for nora netful alaap ualfM. DnsDsU awrywban- WAKE SALVAGE CO. HnnlirlnnAA fowe, Williams won four more in 1 row. including one over WilU^. The fight at the Garden discussed here was the rubber match, the ihird in the series. Ten of the nineteen bouts in which Williams engaged during 1944 end ed in knockouts. They includ^ W- lie Phillips. Mike DeLla. and Jt» Pirrone, all in one round, and his other kayo victories were over Jos- ey Peralta. LeRoy Saunders Clco Shans, Fred Dawson. Johnny Green. Ruby Garcia, and Dove Castilioiix Williams twice outpointed Sammy Angott. former NBA lightwelaht champion, in gruelling bouts at Phll- .-.dolphia. and the Trenton puncher holds wins over Leo Pvancls. slug ger While, Julie Kogen, Jimmy Hatcher, and I-ulu Constantino The box office situation at Hie Garden was somewhat in jeopardy .after the army picked off Bob Mont gomcry. Beau Jack, Willie Pep. Ray Robinson (who is out again), and most nf the other headline per- formers. That is why the acclaim Joyce received for hl.s startling triumph over Williams had such an effect on Mike .Tocobs, Joyce was making his third boxing campaign in New York. It was back In 193C that he rep resented Chicago in an inter-city tournament at the Garden and lost a decision to Pete Scalzo About four years ago Joyce, now a crack pro lightweight, came back L-ip nates in the second quarter, but •omelinw, were able to garner only four poiiii-^ As in the first quarter ■Trees" Taziola was his team’s big noise on both offense and defense. He came down with practically very Wizard rebound. The score vas tied up 12-12 i t half time. The Marines was 'd little time Luildmg up an 8-p -lu lead in the l.iid qiiurt'.r Two other New York 'rt*. Herbert Wyles and Edwin lit-api\ t"u klip where BoxiU and t.amons left off to keep things go ing at a dizzy pace. Unable to hit Iheir stride, mobily because of the marines' tight defense, the carrier kept replacements going at a steady flow trying to find the right combination. They used a total of :!o men for the game. Statring the fourth quarter wnere they left off, the leather necks built ip .III uiisurmountablc It-point lead and coasted to the finish while the Navy lads literally ran themselves into Ihe deck trying to stave off de feat DURHAM - Closing their cur r('nt cage season with a 77 to 3( •heilacking of A. and T.’s Aggies, North Carolina College s Eagles took undisputed possession of the CIAA's No. 2 spot here Saturday night. The E:aeli*s won 18 of their 20 tilts this season, losing two contests to Mor gan’s conf'-rcnce leaders. What happana ta the mant; thouiandt of North Carolina Mutual PoUeyhalden p» ■■ premlumiT k It Mind hi ■ tranlt (nr nit knp- Htke tha future at fo)ir family aecun with dependable North Cnr»- llna Mutual polidn. 1«% Ner* Mutiiil dollan are kept wiiitintlj at work. Ae naney not naeded to ney MBient policy ektaa eperatlnc aKpanen a laMy Inverted la n- earttiei which ylrtd oob- it ntuma, thereby the oort ti yew _.._e proteetlea to r through the pey e( dtvtduti, Golves judge, who now sjionsors boxing smokers at Montford Point — made a keen, optimistic observa tion of Marshall; He is one of the most promis ing fighters at Montford. He Is ready, ringwise, has beautiful foot work. hits hard and fast with both hands. If he fails to gain national recognition, it will not only be sur prising, but disappointing." Broad ■ shouldered personable Marine Private Marshall made his debut in the fistic world while at tending school at DougU High In Baltimore For three years he was captain of the school's crack boxing team. In addition, he found time to p.-irticipate in track and basketball. Tht Marine, now 24, a study, physical specimen, began throwing punches as a featherweight, and has advanced—during the course of his fisUc career — to the middleweight class. Fighting as an amateur, Marshall has won by decision 87 victories In as many starts. Of his 19 profession al engagements, he lost only three— by close decisions. Two of these set backs were to Johnny Flnnaxo However, he succeeded in handling Finnazo one defeat ''Ut of the three scraps in which they met. Marshall lost the third fight of his career to 212 pound Mike Emick by a deci Sion in a heated tilt. Among the ranking pugilists "Fighting Marshall" has stopped - each one by a decision — are: light heavyweight contender Bob Jacobs, now rated number six; Taylor Mil ler, light heavyweight contender and Lee Ingram, former CYO ama teur champion. Golden Gloves win ner, and former national AAU light heavyweight titleholder. Harold Hunter, Eagle Cage Ace, Armv Bound r DURHAM — Harold Hunter, stel lar guard on North Carolina Col lege's 1945 basketball team, left Durham Wednesday for hU home in Kansas City, Kans . where he will ecpoiT soon for an Army prelndur-: tion examination. A freshman at North Carolina. Hunter graduated frdm Sumner High School in Kansas City in 1944 after winning trl-Slale honors *t guard in cage competition with high school quints from Kansas. Mis souri and Oklahoma. If Hunter is accepted for the Army, he will be the third Eagle eager to be inducted within the past two months. The others were Park er G. Gardner, also of Kansas City, who was inducted February 1 and Harry Bostner. Farrell, Pa. who donned GI attire March 1. Boatner and Gardner entered the service at Fort Bragg. Si>f- OAV RACf WAS held at BiftMiNO' HAM.EMC- - UMD. IN 1669'ANO‘rw Jsf AvitPiCAN ONr M 'Of- txev fSiO fMttL e/>ft9 MO O.vf man Root W Tk£ (NnRg 1*2 HOuft9 f FEOEM WAS MOTEO FOR M'S ■PiCKOPS"- HI ONCE SENT JULES Aupy adouno ths MAChSON sa PAROfN TRACK TWiCf WiTX .K A 4IN0LI VJiULiAM Push f ■'vi'.sav' PEDEK OF CPiNADA, PRO^A-eL'/ The 5R6ATeST rider IN 6-rAV P KS RACIN3 HiSTDRy-Z/fj WOM 26 OP RACPS' WAKE SALVAGE CO. We Buy end Sell Everythliig of Value FURjfrnmF — bto/es RBFIUGEIIATORS TOOLS — RADIOS 397 S. WUmington St. Pheoe 3-3327 WVVWWXAAWVWVWVWWVWv NORTH CAROLINA iUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY C C hm MITI CUIIUW PILES mUIPPROM ITCH AMD lUM THIN WAU AND UT MCOWOII Uw Poalam—t he COIfCBmtATSD oiQtrocnt~aa tlieusaDds have. The oily base HOLDS Poalam’s medication on the smarting skin to cool and eoottae that agentalng Itch and bom. Sotd.from coast to coast for 36 years. Ask your dootor. Only MM. aU drug stcraa. P O S L A M A LifsUms in Flsmse Why take chaoeee on buinins up a Uladlflae'a elfevt In a elaote latiUylng hour whan il'e to simple and inexpanalTe to pro tect youxeeU Cfalnet any poad- ble miahap. Your bam and famUy can ba abeolutely pro- lactad from ANY dlaasiar at but a faw Donnias a day. We'll show you DOW, SEE YOUR LOCAL AGENT BANKERS FIRE INS. CO. mmHAM. N. a ... YOU CAN BE SURE OF IT WHEN YOU MAKE A PERSONAL LOAN WITH THIS BANK If 11 ta necegsAry for you to get moHDy in a hurry, to gel it without implicating a friend and without paying exorbitant interest, you will appreciate the servicea of thie bank. Our caahiere or OLe of their aaalitanta will be eager to help you. You’ll be able to put all your confidence in the person who han dles your business, for he will treat it aa it were hia own. This bank is composed of individuals who want to serve, individuals in whom you can have utmost confidence! Mechanics & Fanners Bauk DURHAM-ilALEIGH Member Federal Deposit Inanrance Corp. Finance or Borrow On You»* Car through the DILLON MOTOR HNANOE CO. Wilmingtoii at Da»i« — Phonv 3.3231

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