r. iiAr^QC t Refused Sriithfield Negroes FORMER SHAW COACH CRASHES NEAR REIDSVILLE TUSKEOEK. Ala. — Major Har- old D. Martin, director of the ground school at the luskegee Army Air Field, and Flight Officer Charles W, Stephens, a giudualt Tuskegee Institute, were instantly killed late Saturday when the plane In which thry were occupant.^ crashed near Heidsville. Thi- an nouncement was made by the Anny Public Relations Office Major Marlin, who served as com mander of the ground school here, resided in Washington. D C , where piloi to his entiy into the service, he was an instructor at Mlii«-r Teachers College He graduated from .Norwich Uni versity ill Connecticut in 1930, and while there won athletic letter- m four sports Several years ago he directed athletic.' at Shaw University He was an official of thr Central In tercollegiate Athletic Association and was active in the promotion ol ■ ports among tin- colleges Major Martin was the soii of J. E. Martin who resides in Boston, Mass. Also surviving are his \yif* and two sons of the Capital City, and two brothers. Officer Stephens was a tiativc of Monroesvllle. Ala. FLORENCE. S.C. TO STUDY NEGRO PROPOSAL Florence, S. C. — The possibil ity oi employing Negro puuce ul- iicers will be taken up at tiiv next meeting ol city council, u was indicated Thursday, lolluw- mg a presentation belore the couiKii of live Negro citizens oi this community. The Kev. A. W. Hill, pastoi yi Triiuty Baptist church, was ap- pointed by the city's mterraciai oody to present the proposalsjil- SIN PLANE CRASH INIAN CAROLINA PRICE FIVE CENTS ailed Wacs Are Patriot WLD Tells FR NEW QUINTUPLETS DIE WEDNESDAY Waihingion. D. C. — Quin tuplet girls were born to a 3>-year-oid Negro woman Tuesday night but by 6 a. m. Wedresday all had aied. The mother is Mrs. Ada H. Turner, whose husband Har old. is a &i.320-a-y«ar receiv ing clerk at the Government bureau oi Standards. Mrs. Turner is the mother of eignt other children, the youngest 10 months old. Two and one-half months premsdure. all but one of the quintuplets were born alive. New York City — (WDL) ~ The-tEour WACs Jailed for a year by ai Army court-martial at Ft. Lkv^s, Mass, for refusing to obey orden while they were on strike agaU^t discrimination in work as- mts and opportunities for . ig are “real pariots," Work ers Defense League national sec- retai^ Morns Milgram. said in ^ mesaye to President Roosevelt RED CROSS BLOOD SEGREGATION CHTIC PUNISHED Mis® Marg.irei Calcl- of Greensboro Girl Scouts while Cleveland — kNui.) — A pro test iu uaiiius V. benneit, aireci- ol me trederal Bureal ot Pns- cus, against me loss oi good tune oy pusonei Milton Kramer, con- ciioiuous objector, because ne prot^ted segregation ol blood oy .lie {American Ked Cross, was inadk Dy the Congress oi tUcuu cxjuajjty through its organization secc^iry, Ueorge M. Houser. Kramer was accused ol smug- glmg'^ut a letter because m luU view ol the warden at the Milan, Michigan Federal Correctional In- bittii^ai ne gave a letter to a Ked t...a6.-.^i-wua outlining his atu> tuue against the projudiced and uuscieuufic blood bank segrega tion by Ked Cross. “Tiie next day,’’ Houser wrote "We face a world race war.' Milgram said, • just because the jimcrow practices of the armed services prevent coloied peoples the world over fiom believing il IS pussiuui that uic Umieu biates wut work With them on a basis Ol full equality. Privates Alice Young, Mary h. Green, Anna C. Morrison, and Johnnie Murpliy, by foUowmg me dictates of their consciences and refusing to ac cept Army discriminatory prac tices, are real patriots, lor they acted m the best mterests of their country land of he world." Milgram told FDK that the WACs, who received dishonorable discharges and a year in jail, de served a full pardon and reinstat- ment,“ but that was no solution to the problem, wiiich needs a purge of racism from the armed services, and enforcement of the i>nti-dis- crimination section of the Elec tive Service Act.” The attending physician said that except tor the stillborn baby, ail were fully develop ed and weighed from one to one and one-half pounds each. The five were deiiered with in 17 minutes beginning at 10:40 p. m. At Freedman's Hospital, where the babies were bom. Dr. A. P. Allen said that pre natal examination oi Mrs. Turner had indicated the like lihood of multiple birtii, but that only twins had been ex- COLOR MAIN BASIS FOUND BY REGISTRAR I ., hospital Tuesday night. Her pected. Mrs. Turner walker to the husband went to bed and was awakened at 2 a. m. by a newspaper reporter who gave him his first news of the quintuplets. ARMY JC SEEN IN MOVE TO OUST ARMY MEDICS Washington — Army jimcrow was seen as the sinister motive to oust Negro doctors from thi.* jarmy. I Some have already been reduc ed to inactive asttus while it is (Continued on back puge)' Soldiers Record Praised In Book, **At His Side' Negro soldiers msde a proud record along the ledo Koad in the Chins-iBurmS'lndis war theater,; as x^rted in the book, "At Hib, Side,' the story of the American; Red* Cross overseas in World War' II. to be published on March lU! * Ki..... -- were cool, brave, and patient un- jdei extremely adverse conditions. IiicviiaLii,/ ihere weie serious ac cidents. Skidding in the sUppeiy niud was common (except tor [small stretches of crus!i«u-iock surface, the Ledo was a dirt road). By liirj L. Lusterllng Carwliruai) Kcpre.wi)UUve S.Mli'ilFJc.LU — Mr. Alex IIol- inuii. legibUar in the Sniilhlicld cainp.iigii ior Mayor, icXu.ed to Ne gro ciluens the light lo register ana vou% It was rt-vealcd here this vtCCK. Accoidiiig lo infunned sources ic-aUiii^ Negro ati.zens charged dis- 'iiii iTi.,ii.,'ii on ilic basis of color a* the rcaiun for the letistrar’s ac tion, whiL some white citizens also • :iii... tu be unsyiiipatlicilc with ihc legi.'tiar's activiiies, it was penly itpoited during peisoiial in- teryiew |jy th ■ writer, and "the y'h VI j.'is weather a political rm, tile- lihe of which iia. uot II kiiuwn [\.T many years. Tlie Whole story broke when, a teacher, whom IToiman called "a MiKiit, out - of - the • county, non .SniilhlleliJ ir..den'.,'' ti-ok iilm (Mr. Ehdnii.nj to ta.*k when h^j asked her ’ ■ 'lecitc th-- Bill „i Rights and • I t-.' the Coustitullon’' in toto, to his -i::faclion Whereupon, the ■ ’ -.".t ichte.1 •! toid her i.' wiltc out ihc constitution m long -md and A-. .in tiie Bill of Rights mf ro rctinning to register." Ac- coroing to l.is story there were tLiCfc tt-ichers who exiuricnced the I’uieul .-i.' the one m-ntioned • ve, hi.: M-cntjihri to the local pc.' tlKi/’ v.'ci'c ‘75 Negroes" re- ■i the o; Hot. H -!ir.aii rcc.ilU-d .idvising three : other prospective voters as follows: j This is a hot fight between three while njen, and you stand to gain I noilnng by voting tor one nor the I other. At ihut point," he concluded, iiiL-y th.inked me foi my advice and ; di-paitcd." , That the pn-senf mayor had been ^ previously lookibd for to be request* ; ed to call a meeting of some board in Older to consider the possibility : of removing Hulman from his post I .is r'gisirar. but could not be rcacn- j ed. was told tills roporter Il'iwcver, III an interview with I the m.iyor later, the GAROLINIAN I representative was advised by the maj’or that "I have not had any de- [mand. formfriy. to call a rreetlng of I the board. 1 have been in office for j nine years, have no interest In re- election and fed that ‘hote. running I f^r office d.ould take the initiative 1 ill miittii " Continuing he said, ; ■'1 had no hand In app-'inting Alex flo his post, moieovtr, 1 JiC oPt know that he had Mic attitude he I ha« toward col -nd pconle " mis cotiuiiuiitty. * The Kev. A. W. Hill, pasloi Trinity Baptist church, was ap- pomted by the city’s mterraciai body to present the proposals al ter that body had approved them, listed five sought-atler improve- menu. Chief among the proposals were the employment ol Negro police men and the establishment of a weekly garbage colection system in Negro neighborhoods as i.s done in white. Kev. Mr. Hill said he was most cordially received by city council and even more cordially receiv ed were the proposals. Council, led by Mayor Zoigloi, acted quickly on most of t h e sugges tions, including the improvement ol lighting in Negro neighbor hoods. resurfacing of badly worn streets, collecting gai'bage week ly, though reserving action on Uie Negro police proposal until its next meeting.— SELMA MOTHER MELS HLSBAND SELMA — Melvin Watson was i.hot and kilKed by his wife, Mrs. Lizzie Watson, about 1:15 ocluck Friday morning, according to her statement to a staff lorrespuiidcnt. Mrs, Watson is the mother of 3 children. Louise 8. Doris Jean ti. and Annie Lois 4. At a corner's inquest Iveld Friday morning, the wife told the jury that her husband came home drunk about one o'clock, whipped her and threatened to shout her. During live brawl, however, she succeeded in grabbing the gun first, shooting iii- stantly killing her husband. Im mediately af^r the shuoting she called officers who larged her in the city Jail here and later in the county jail in Smith'ield. “Though I was forced to shoot, eijen then, I did not intend to kill him." said Mrs Watson in an inter view. “I was backed in a corner with no choice buf to sjiuot, she went on. in her conversation to this reporter. In checking further with tl^ officers, it was found that they were told the same story. Coroner Durward Creech, after hearing evidence, placed her uni^r a $500 bond, which she paid. Interment was at the Red Hill Christian Church a few miles from Selina. SHOT 1HKEE TIMES; DOING ALL RIGHT RALEIGH — According to police, Willie Harlsfield. 211 Washington Street, had three bullets pumped into his body last Thursday evening in front of the Sir Walter Hotel by Lee Moore, bellhop at the hotel, and remained in fairly good health Hartsfield was rushed to the hos pital, had one bullet removed from the shoulder, one from the hip and one from above the knee, and was dlschjtfgad. *9^ Moore was arrested and charged asault with a deadly wieapon /ith intent to kill. He was released pder $600 bond. *. jr Honmed luic.^t .it Bcnnci! Cul- t^gi , Crr-or.^jburo. fur tt.«- liUh .Aii- iiiiiil Mi'ini -Milking ti liiiili- w.'i Mij EI«':hii>i Ruosov li .-\h>iv- ;ii‘ ..ni- fi> Ul till- , I Ini' lior T-.p Ifli busy day , I Ik- Fii.'!' L.idy greets Miss Margaret Cald- V. I II Wiiiston-Sakir student as- .-iM.inl in the ii r:. v. Top right. Mrs-, Roij'ivelt .ecpi.'cs flowers fioin Miss Marjoi IV Nance, Ben- iifit (‘iilU'gp fiesliinan on bi-half of Greensboro Girl Scouts while Miss Francina Ayers looks on. Bottom left, Mrs. Roosevelt re- I'Pives nursery school children, and bottom rikht she is shown giving her main address in Annie Mpiik’i- Pfeiffrr Chapel. WELCOME NEWSOFMJXEDCOMBAT UNITS ON WESTERN FRONT ' kuue agamst Um projudicad tiind \ unscientific blood bank segrega- ‘ lion by Ked Crosa. "Tiie next day,” Houaer wrote Bennett, "Kramer wai locked up I m a cell in aegregation without [explanation end two days later v;as called in to see the warden who told him he was charged with smuggling a letter out. Following this, tor eleven days Kramer was locked up in the hole. Liater on, when Kramer wac called before ilic disc4>linary committee, one year of good lime was taken iiway from him." Kramer is a conscientious ob- icontinued on back page) ami 7lli Anil F) onl.” The kllm oops oil all fronts, as well as .at ol Uie Negro people lliioUgii- il ilie nation. We shall coiUuiu- I v\oik lortuid a lime when Nt- i>. ami Wliiu suidleis Will be aiiK-U LogeliKi in camps iieiv at uiMe, ami sent m mixed units 1 '.III Uiealivs ol wai." Lu.-^-i‘ling NNC suppoil foi - iM-acel.n .e cmiipuisury imlilary .sigiii-U by 'l iu-diia! i. aining, need loi adniinislering New York. N. Y. —March 22 — The National Neg;o t'(jngr«'.s.s lin.' wiilten Fresid'111 R.msevelt and Secretary ol War Stimson, wed- cenung anouiu-eim-nt mat ’ Nigio and wlllle M'lj.ei.-v n.ia Ule llgll’.- ing togeliiei as units ul the 1. Kentucky Will Buy School Text By Negro Authors Westell Dale. NNl.’ Acting becrelai. pointed out tnat Negro soldier.-', Ill voluntei-mig loi coiniKil sn- vice, have again demulislraled then uncundiiioiijJ wiliiiigiUi..' to paiTifipali- Uilly in i-Vi-iy as-; ptet «>t the -.v.ir against lacusin' and show "eouiage and a spiril ut .saciitice equal to that >d all other U. S. figiitiiig jikii.’’ "The new pohey t)ting eairi--d out on tile WesU-rn Front,” tne Congress as.'Uii-(| the Piesid*ni, •'Will raise tin- inurale ol Nigio po.'iuai military tiainmg on an i-i|ual and unsegregaled basis. lo becreiary Siimson, Uie Con- tyUss expiessed tlie belief Dial •the iiecessitie.s ot iiuiitary efli- ciiney and iialional unity need- i-d lor linal vicloty call ioi furlh- I.J- e.xlension of deiimciacy in tiie armed luices. 'The Congress ol- fered ' Its continued support for progressive clianges which will ivt ntually eUnunate all segiega- iK-n and disciiminatury practices m the United Slates Army.’’ NO FEDERAL LAW VIOLA TION SEEN ABC SALES manager of Alii' bi-'i- N'o. 4. ii i the Wake County Ali - Cmi iiicli in l ’ .1 I’m'day n- . x.e ii.cidt-iii. MiU-iieil ad board liiat lie ■ ->f 3R biitll.a i uilhil) J half-! of i-’Kcled to ■ be ap|.eiiciPcJ lo caeli b -ttl* Wiiiii que-tioiud concerning the laige iiiiieiint ol whiskey sold to this .1 (■•imr. .Milcln-ll replied that the (I...II had iiicuirt-d his smypathy by . vt. i-y lilt he was givmg a barbe- eiie .-.uppei for jaboul 7.) persons, iiid iieedid additional whiskey. .Mitchell admitted his wrong doing on this su.ie. Cari'ful check at the .-■lore sliowed no discrepancy in -i! . >i- toupon reci^id.-i. Jeiiiigaii, fined last fall for p>s- s I'^ii of iiun-taxpai:i liquor for the put pose of sale, was arrested soon alUr poliue watched him from a squad ca> earry the whiskey fn.in .!’> --toic to an automobile. Tn :pite of what they had just ‘Continued on back pagei E'lanklori, Ky. — Two text- buuk.s written ny Negro authors ami deaimg spccilicuny with the iii-gro 111 J lavuraoie hgnl wer>. auopiej and uppioveu itceniiy lor ail tne .senoui.s o., Uie iVen- lucky State Text Book comiiiki- Sion, It war; leai ned lu re Balur- day. A CJnId's Story of Uie Negro " oy Jane SiiackU-loid and Negro Aiakei's ol History' by Garter G. Vi'ooclson were placed on the in ii- tiple list tor social studies lor the liitli and sixth grades respective ly. Botii books are published by tile Associated Publishers, Wash ington. D. C. This is tile first time text books by Negroes liave been adopted lor Kentucky or (or any other south ern slate, said Mrs. Lucy llarth bimlh. president of Uie Kentucky Ntgru Educational associaUun and a director of the Association for ttic Study of Negro Life and His- toiy. The adoption of those books IS largely tiie result of the per sistent efforts of Mrs. Smith who has long advocated the use of sucli text tor the general im provement of race relations and who has pushed this matter thm to its cumplt'tion. Throughout Kentucky, inde- pt ndent school districts are now selecting text books from the multiple list prepared by the commission that wiU be p-rrehas- d by the state for use in the schools, Mrs Smith urges all prin- ^nildrcn of the state. "The vast majority of text books ufed in the public schools eith- t-; Ignore the Negro or inaccurate ly cover his role in the develop ment ol the nation. In the inter- c-sts of establishing a hrm foun dation for racial good will, ell children, white and colored should have accurate and com plete information on the truly wortwhile accomplishments of the Negro." said Mrs. Smith. 'The placing of these books by the state text book commission on the multiple is a great step for ward.” TWO ACQUITTED; OTHERS SUSPENDED IN CIGARETTE CASE RALEIGH Six persons, charg ed with participation in a "cigaifitte ring." were tried on Monday in City Court. Two defendants received ac- quittaL\ and the others y^ere given suspended terms Err|3st Ricks. 45. of 3l6 South Tar- boro Street, and Dave Weaver, 47, ol 203 East Cabarrus Street were acquitted. They were charged with S. C. Capital Hesitates on Hiring Negro Policemen Columbia. .S. C. face of certain mem!»e council was regauJ'-cl likily to spell death for a ix*m wed propos al to employ gi'oe.-; :i> polie- of ficers in this city. A pl>a for the eni|.'loymi-ii» o! Negro officers, th(‘ third in thr --’ years, was made by the Rev. II B. Butler, representing th' Negro An about (Jaiy Ptischal repo-tcdly favored belief that if Uie Negro officers . - - . ‘ receiving eight cartoons of stolen and teachers to interest themselves in these books that I ^ *®'^‘’****' they might be used for all the [ Pleading guilty were Chester Y. ’ Smith, 30, of 218 1-2 Camdeo Street: Jacob White, 49, of 118 Smithfleld Street: and Chester Debnam. SO. of S20 Cannon Street. Smith and White were charged with larceny and receiving. White pleaded guilty to aiding and abert- ing in larceny and recfeivlng, and the plea was accepted. Both men were sentenced to one year on the oads, suspended on payndent of $M sS'r.iil .common (except -Jorfto hi.. po«. RchCrou oveneu in World War II, to be published on March ID by Coward-McCann, New York. Building the Ledo Road thru the Burmese jungle was one of the engineering marvels of the global war, the author points out Army bulldozers, trucks, jeeps and rock crushers, transported 15^,- 000 miles from the United States, did a wonderful job. So did the United States Army engineering units, predominantly Negro, ac cording to Korson. The Ledo Road, o^ned up a lane route into China and permitted the shipment of vital war goods to China. "Even before grading, surfac ing and drainage, U. S. Army motor convoys, driven by Negro soldiers, moved in a steady stream in both directions," states the audior. “Among the U. S. Army units in app'iintUig ... (except Yorfto hH post, morehytr. 1 gn* ..-.x. small stretches of crusUcu-rockikiiow that he had (he attitude be surface, the Ledo was a dirt road). 1 has imv.nrd col't-ed people.** Some trucks failed lo make the "That is not the law." the mayer steep grade and oveiturned; some ropi^cd when .-isked about the mat* sideswiped each other. Occasion- ter of writing the whole Constltu ally a truck would not negotiate tinn and reciting the Dill of RIjijii a hairpin curve, left the road and , prerequisite to regUstering. crashed into the bottomless gorge; This investigator, r.ot satisfied with the "smart teacher” story made . , ;; — gorge below." The American Rt.>d Cross open ed a chain of clubs along the Le- do for the entertainment of truck man drivers, road builders and main (Continued on back page) the rounds of th(b town, only to find ihnt. the indivi(iuals to whom Hoi- referred as teachers, were merely neatly attired cosmotolo- (Continued on back page) Alabama Fii t All-Negro Jury Rules Against Suit UIC w. u. AUlwmas first lie objected him from her restaur* stationed at various points along ,^**‘Negro jury returned a verd^ict -j^t. the road, the 823rd and 45th En- plaintiff in a S5,000 Negro jury the first in gineers, and the 45th and 21$t ^cre last week. j^js county or state in the mem- Quartermaster’s were composed ' The suit involved the shooot- ory of court officials was compos* entirely of Negroes, except for,ing of James Thomas, a minor, ed of 11 men, by agreiment of officers. American Negroes, who by Mrs. Olivia Nix. a restaurant Horace Affod, defendant’s attorn* far outnumbered white soldiers on proprietor. Thomas was shot by ey. and Harrison Kendrick the road, made a proud record, the woman, who claimed he [ plaintiff’s attorney ’ Red Cross workers said that they threatened her with a bottle, when HIS LAWYER SAYS HE IS A MORON Ernest Brooks, fifteen'year* old youth, who will die in the State’s gas chamber May 25, un less his lawyer. C. J. Oates, of Durham, effects an appeal to f'oiiR mim PliRPLEHEUfJ the State Supreme Court. “Br(X>ks is a moron.’’ says At torney Gates. (Photo through courtesy New Hanover Identi fication Office). Ernest Brooks Sentenced To Die; Moron, Says Gates (By Staff Writer) Moore, district solicitor. Brooks Wxlmu^ton — Ernest Biwks, first-degree burg- fifteen-year-old Negro youth of' 2^j,y j.gpg ^ ^j^ite this city, will die tn the State s, woman. l).( proposal, urging that Coluni- were not to be given full powei 'ind costs and two-years probation, gas chamber May 25. 1D45. ‘in- Brook.;' c^se created con b.:i adopt the plan put to effect authority us policemen, they , The one conviction was in the Tess Attorney C. J. Gates, his col- ^=A'rabS in^lerest here because of at ChaiTolU*, N. C., two years ago. should not lx* hired at all. case of Flora Duke. 818 Manlyjcred lawyer, effects an appeal to extreme youth of the defend- But informed sources revealed Chief opposition to the thiring idreet. charged with receiving 401 the State Supreme Court. Judge because a Durham Negro J pi.i2zelle. Snow Hill jur-|jg^ygj. handled his defense, Ne wt. _ prtmoimced , ' gro lawers seldom practice in the that Mayor Marshall after com- of Negro officers comes from cartons of cigarettes, knowing them niunicating with Charlotte offici- Councilman J. S-. Fgrr. present *o be stoL-n. She was sentenced to aLs expressed dislike of the Char- commissioner of police, who ob-'^our months in prison, suspended lottc plan, which limits the pow-' jccts on the ground that il would payment of costs and one year- er of Negro oficers to the status I involve a "change of policy.” The'probation Citizens committee. Mayor Fred of "stool pigeons” of "info men.” (council is slated to vote on the D. Marshal] and Councilman The mayor, it was said, hold the proposal March 27. »i. uri^uiivcu wiiciivc gj.Q lasers seldom practice ii Brooks I^day ni^L focal courts, though they are the verdict return^ by the thlr-1 receiv^ here. In fact, teen-man jurj^. which deliD-^ j^jg^ ^t- The victi.nizcd concern was Wal* erated about six hours after hear-1 ireen's Drug Store here. ' ing pleas by Gates and Clifton (Continued on back page) One Negro blui:iack*t and 3 ^1- rines were awarded the Pur ple Heart recently for injuries re* ct in action against an enemy ot the United States, the Navy DtparUnent announced this week. Andrew Uroy Flyna, steward third class, USN, of 1709 Thurm ond Street, Winston-Salem, N C was presented the medal at the U. S. Naval Air Facility, officer, loi mjurics received June 6, 1944. The other three awards went to members of the U. S. Marine Corps, who were injured July 24, 1944. in the reoccupation of Guam. They were struck by shrapnel when the landing cratt on which they were loading am munition came under enemy mot- ar fire. Their names are as fol lows: Pfc. Darnell Haynes, who en listed in the Marine Corps in No vember 1943, and left for overseas duty April 1, 1944. His parents, Mr. and Mrs, Luberthe Johnson, live at 200 North 10th St., Mon roe, La, Pfc, Wilbur J. Webb, Jr., who enlisted in November 1943, and left for oiisrseas duty in March 1944. His mother, Mrs. Pink Webb, lives on Route 1. Jackson, N. C. Pvt. Jim W. Jenes. enlisted In November 1943. and left for over seas duty in April 1944. His par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Will Jones, live at 101 North B Street, Mid- and. Texas. They have another son in the service. Corp. Will Jones, Jr., who Is with the Army In New Guinea, All three marines are now serv ing with an ammunition company of a Marine field depot in the Marianas Islands.