l^AGE EIGHT THE CAROLINIAN (CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE) ui uii.ui:tk^ klqi lsi ii'- FOlNTMt.M OF XKOKO TO BOARD OF FUl'C'AliON utice moiliunvd ua ihc Nci^ru caii- diciulc, but Ik- iiidiculLd Uiia Mcuk lie would iiol ^eek liic nomiiiaUuii. The cily-couiicil situjlioii m Uui- ham IS III shaip contrast to that in Winstuii-^aleni where O. A. Brown, insurance man. is bciii^ pruinineiilly inenliuned as the candidate Irom Wiiistoii-balenrs alniusi all Nctp'o Thirti Ward. Durham, an industrial city ot nearly G2,OOU. recently appointed several Negioes to the city Inter racial Cominitlec. named a Negro Ij the city-wide Reevea' 'on Commis sion. and appointed two Negio po lice officers. The city has also con- tribiiled generously to the Negio Lincoln Ji'C'pilal and the :stauXoia 1, walien Library. PKiISS FIGHT AGAINST LaB- Oh OhAlr 1 BLAVtHY heavy petiaiUei tuiU to unpoSe up- on lueiu a touailion wnicu ap- piuxunales slave ly al uiis sia^o ul Uic World svai u uigiisliLaun. and iiiUelelUilbie. ladieauve ol Ule elleci oi lauo: oppitoittoll li Ule lad Uial tlie vo.e was so Close in Uie House —Uo luoie Ulan lukeii uppoaiUou was t.xpeded, ycT Hie OlU squeezed lliiou^ii oy wiiiy lb W lob. ihe ' cuiipiotuise would aetualiy litcZe WuiKcls in tneii jou.', p.o- V idin^ a penally ol a ^lU.UUU line, a yeat in pi isoii, oi boln, loi Uoikeii Wlio, io. instance, aeaie jou> in wliicn Uiey ael Ito^cli alid lui ciiiployeis wiio Violate ilyillca nniii^ I t-i^uialions. It L. cuiious, Wlr. Giunailin said, Tlial llic iioUse vole should Ccilje atlei Ule loi'eed itdelial plo giant in .\*-w Bedioid, Uenouiiced by Uie Woikeis Delclise League and oUiei laboi loi'ces. nud been exposed by Hie iaoul'-iitaiiageincnt CdliuiulU;e ol Ule War IVlanpovvei Cbmniissioil as a nuiitary plot aided by tue vNwlC to discredit vcluuUuy solalioUs ol wnaLevei iiianpowei piobieais exist, i-’eei- iiig beiicatn the poulius oi wai piuducliun, we see a battle lot power between civilian agencies and uie uidilaiy uross naG to coii- lioi oui economy. As Labor ITess Associates repoi'l, Hlc peak ot Uc last pnase ol nuiiUay economic Uomuiatlon occuiied alter Uie Ueiman bieaK-uuough m l>ei- giuin, w'iicn, as a NA. luues cor- lespondeiil declares; . . . Uie Army took uver Uie WFh. Ul* Uiougti Ule mistakes weie not lu- Uusuiai nustakcs but miuUiiy er- I'oi's ... it looked veiy / men as though au elloiT were beutg inaue to cover imhuuy mistakes by ai- taehmg the bioine to saurUige ol supplies.' " SETS PHECEDENT IN MEDICINE Work, besides Uie M. D. degree, he holds the Ph. D. m cheimstry and baclei'iolog and spent 2 years in research and leuciimg of pharmocuiogy. He was luimerly a stall member ol the Department ol Phaimocoiugy at the Umversi- ly ul Chicago, a posiUon winch he resigned because ol the Universi ty ol Chicago's "Jim Crow" poli cies. Dr. Cuiiuway Imds lime to Sce a lew special, private diagno.-hic piublems m Uie eveiimgs, ui spi.e Ol a lull schedule. I»K. JAMFS F. SIIFl'.Mil) AM) I OI. C.X.MFIVFI.L JOHNSO.N iNSTITl TF SPFAKFR ■ ihuoJCii.i Ouinpucii NAaCP ABK.b nc.ALiH BILL iiM£.ND*«lLN 1 ID AID NisltGU ’ cnUaG nau iioUimg to do w.;.. ' Hie Negros susceptibility lo d.s- I . ..se, out rauiei siiows me con.-1 oiiied iinpuct ol discrdiimaiion i..! economic nie auu m ou.a'.mngj uicuicoi ois.'lstaacc. lie Jsca ..d t Nuiiipie, aisSlssipp^ wncic oc- --.p.le a .Negio pupu-alion ol i.Uit,- jiu Uieie .veie Olny U. i oca.3 p>.. HiciGatlu xKji .vegiuea di ^Jov u...- aS lew iJ ^et a.>iUe ioi o\C. a rii.i.uli Negtoc'd lit iuib--i.. bidius 01 Fioiession llie statOa O- .Segro piijd.c.oa-:, .cL'nnician.3 auu .luiiic^. ..a., allaciieu. in Ib-i-i, Wi.gn. c'i..>ie, eu Hlc'ie Weie d,aUU phy.9U.all.s .1. piivale plac'lice aliu i,.;bbo lunsi.-. ‘ Hccause ol iaee uiseiim.U...ion qualdied Negio pnysician ij nted s.ail and vn-paUeiiL piivi ■ eges Ui pi.UMc'ai,.> eVeiy iicii- .S e g. o .lOSp.La^ ill Uic cn..>a £>Utcs. Jii soUUielii aicaj), \vrig..l Uc - . viaied UiC ieodll ol sUCli picad.ee... IS an indiUeieucc- boiutiiiig on c.miUlai neglect Ui Lie atUvUuc | Ol wmie pnyiicialG toward -vcgie' palienG. ilie allielldilielll to Uic ujit proposes to relieve lacna. n.- , c-quanlies Ul iiied.cai a^oUuiC’. V bravis Iho leiusOu COl'RT NEWS Key. G. tV Lai’kiu llulds Vsaaull Guuiil hici>..ia bat'ci'H n> Alley was Ci h.vL.-.wll i ly. fviicm ictcd n. City C\ Wo CllaloC'.' ol lau' uy a^ d Was sell- * C'l.CVd to a iolal ol 12 tpoN'.JiS oil | he lv>ad.'. He gave nol.C'e ol appeal I.d Doiiu was set at ^0. llie ucunuaiu was convicleu ot .'■tealiiig a Icatliei jacket aiiu a sUit clotlics lioiii li.c- aionlguiUety aid Btuic Iiere. i A cierk in the li.eii:. woik ciatli- ig dc-panmeni ui tile store tcsti- ned ihla on .tiuieii 17. allei clieck- ng her stuck, a leatlici jacket Wus| icund missiiig. ' Cluck Lvaiis, eii.piuye ol Um stoic-j lUid that lie lecusnized balit'iiieiu •s the man he saw enter tl>c store .vtthout a jacket, and leave carry- ng one uver his am The nicidem .vas repoiied to ii>e manager, who, with his secretaiy, looked Huin a window and spied tialtcilield vval.;- tiig down Ule street with the jacket Both idenhlied liie man m Court. Saiurfield told Uie arresiiug ulli- cers that l>e bought the jacket u month ago an dhad tried to it to Sol Dosier, local pawn broker. Busier uenied Uns, saying that the jacket was a new one and that Sa;- . . 1 ..1,1 n. 0: . ' I ,.H ! SERGEANT HILL RETIRES AFTER THIRTY YEARS l^eigealU ii. L. iiii. .maivej .talids Wlln v.ap.. J. i\. lieliuei- . ou, tqwiC, company commaiid- ;, ol tue i'usc ue.aciunciu, otaUon Compicmc.it, as ..lotii men rcTuvu Itoiu aet.ve rtimj uie. Beigeani HuiVey lijj nais reUicd iioiii tile bailed oiuies .t.my a.lei a succcsslui -.ud CoiOliU. Caicei vVlUCU iasiOd bu years, be.geuiil Ilbi emisvCd ill Inc Ariiiy m (. uluntbus, Ohio; ms relucment took place at Caiup Davis, N. C.,- wTieie lie i.as been slatloited since Apiii, lb41, coining ncie liom Fort Bragg. Sergeant ILL saw lae lust Loiureu suldieis come lo Camp DavG, Olid ne witnessed the iost one to leave. Ana, aithcug'i lie has retired ii'um uie Aiiny, he nas leiiiained al Comp Davis as a civilan employee m the same depaiUueui he wuiked ui a.s a GI -Uie Salvage Depan- ihenL Sergeant iiill had a twinkle ill his eye, wiien recalled the bOys ol the lUUtii, 9Dth, and 54th regiinenG at Camp Davis, when Duvis was an Anli-air- ciaiT Arliliery camp. Although tlie sergeant came here with Ihe 99t!i C. A. Regiment, his In ail belongs to the Calvary wiifie hi .si'ivrii ..J v'.. iiLi Army l au i r, both in this loiniry and jn the Philippines. Si-rgc-unt Hill liad kind words tor Sergeant Day Red with whom he woiked and fur Mrs. Jerry MeGnee, w:' whom he was associated w..jn she Was iiosUss at one of the service clubs at the camp. He also praised ttie local USO club. ' i.s siiT i.N I'lrr I KIOR tOl RT GHI.F.WILLL • A suit, charging !'li. f .ii!e-t and injury brought .•.liiiiu: I pill I'uuiity. C.ty of Green- Mile and ihii. piihce officers for M.i.i'Oti diiiii.igiN by Mamie Lee Bar- i-.i’, V..I rivc.M'rt .n Pitt upirior Cuuii Ijci wffK. Only one balloi . ...»l by die jury, The plair.tiff charged that Police lieiljM'l E. Wool. II. Patrolman M. M .Ay.'Ci.e and .Li-p.-r .dills arrested i.M Aiiiil on .1 miscuunduct chaise ..ml a-, a ic.sult of haish 'leatiiviil at ttii-ir hands at the po- Ijci .'latinn, she btcanie partially (iisabled. Ti-slimiiiiy revealed that Patrol- . ii’an Ayscuc was not present at the lime of the arrest. William Mcrchison, 310 St^fe Stieet, entered a plea of guilty lo j driving anuutumobile while under the influence of liquor. He was sentenced to serve four months on the roads, suspended on payment tft sr>0 and costs. Alton Wilson of Raleigh, Rt. 2, WHS fined costs for speeding. Pleading guilty tu driving an au- I toninbile- without a driver’s license .-nd (.{K-rat ng the vehicle with faul- •y brakes, cost Josepli Scarborough .1 fine of $10 and costs. llrward Williams. Lightner’s Hmlditiv. pl.aded guilty tu a charge of assault and battery on his wife, I.d was fined costs. '.Vdli.iin noi,c*rs Watson was con victed of assault and battery on neatiicc Hridgis, and was ordered to jiay costs Wiiliar - l.aslie Smith of 407 North Hairin.'ion Street, was convicted of -uc-auli with a deadly weapon, and received a 3o-duy road sentence, i—lrf-nd'd on payment of costs and "'....J Lel avior for 30 days. The maiiV wife. Mrs. Grace Lee •-ii.Jh, tc.tificd that her husband triirk her \v th a stiiK She admit- 1h; • e h:.i cu him wih 3 razor l.I.'d climaxing a three-day quar- . After pktidiiM guilty to a charge I ( ill'Kal poiscssiun >f two and a i.air gallon- of nun-taxpaid liquwi, .\ll.ii! Bn.' s' f 120 North Swam 'Etuet. w:.: .iiienced to six months Mil ihc i.'.iL, >u-pend'd on payment I' f 5in and costs. ' Ph:.: lie Choi-k, 822 East Martin Slioct. was fined costs when he l>le.idHl guilty to a disorderly con- , duct charge. j .\n ixira good Victory Garden j throughout the summer and fall •mply means better health for the •'ntire family Lets get out and dig. ' C I, A S S I F I E D BUM Dl.NG LOT — 1200 Block ‘South F.asi .Street. Raleigh, 50 by |I3.‘» ft.. $130 Cash. $150 time. W. O. ' Wumble, Jr.. 23d South Boylan Ave, {Raleigh. College Teachers Write On Postwar Library And Business Survey S Q U A R E of Your LUCKY NUMBER Over 2S ways—vertically— horizontally—diagonally — lo total YOUR lucky num- Ix'r. St-nd SI.00, and birth- date fur handmade chart. RIGHTMIRE Maihamagician 1066-AF Elmwood Buffalo (9). N. Y. Durham — Demoris Lightner, cat aloguer in the North Carolina Col lege library and C. Tinsley Wilis, acting head of the college’s Depart- rrent of Commerce, have wrftten ar ticles relating to their respective fielfls in the current ‘ssues of "Lib rary Journal” and "The Quatlerly Review of Higher Education Among Negroes." Miss Lightner’s article. "'The Ne gro College Library In Postwar Planning, emphasizes libraries re sponsibilities In developing "educa tional statesmen." Willis' treatise. ."'The Need for Business Training in tbe Public Schools," advocates the introduction of a special course In business principles and practices In the schools. In her articles. Miss Lightner as serts the college library has a defi nite responsibility in the develop ment of a new feeling of social re- cponsibility among people every-1 where in the post war period. Li-' braries are also obligated to assist returning veterans in the adjust ment to civilian life. She recom mends a more extensive projection of college library facilities into com munity life. Willis, an experienced teacher of coDge business courses, asserts that the high school curriculum should be revamped to include courses in college busines courses, asserts that will enable students to become more efficient in everyday business mat ters. Some of the results that could be expected from a well planned high school survey course In prac tical business. Willis asserts, would be improvement of consumers' pur chasing habits, practical lessons in vocational guidance, needed pre employment education, and assis tance to individuals In their every day business affairs. SUIT HELPS REOPEN FLORIDA ' SCHOOLS { Fort Lauderdale, Fla. — (WDL). — Though they dented that there was diacrizninabion against Negro schools, which had been shut down in order to force the chil dren to work in the fields while white schools were open, author ities in Broward County, of which this town is the seat, have never theless opened nine of the schools. It is believed by Workers Defense League attorneys that pressure of the suit filed in federal court Jn Miami by the Clarence B. Walker Civic resulted in the decision to reopen the Negro children's schools before the time previous ly set. The Workers Defense League has been active in the case. CAPl'l Ai. CUCA-CUUA BOTTLING CO. $11 W. Motgaa 8l Arcade Shoe Shine Parlor SHOE SHINES OF THE BEST IS OUR BUSINESS 8UOES DYED ALL COLORS LADIES SmNES A SPECIALTY SHOES CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED ARCADE HOTEL BLD. J. M. MASSEY. Prop. BUY AN EXTRA BOND! When nssittf through Rocky Mount Stop at tho ALBEMARLE aPE 204 Albomnrlo Av«. Rocky Mount, N. C. BAR-B^UE and FRIED CHICKEN Our Spacialty E. N. ANDERSON, Prop. mssit. VICTORY GARDEN NEEDS Plant Your Garden Now! Golden Bantam, Stowell, Evergreen, Sugar Com— *Mowa Silver King Com" roasting ears—63 days TOMATO PLANTS IT PAYS HEALTH DIVIDENDS — WE HAVE THE SEED — SPECIAL PRICES TO TRUCKERS S. M. YOUNG 2M E. MARTIN STREET ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦❖♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Kev. G. W LiU'kiii lluldis tiapilal Luiiiercuce SAWFuhD - uii WcuiieMiay, Aiau-h za. .It two oclutk in the uf- loiiiuoii, Dr. U. W. kiirkiii upfiiud till- UuiL-igii Oibiiicl C'uiilcicnce. ilis iiiVMagv to itiv inciiibeii) oi the D6' tiicl wab: Bv nut ueceivuu, Uou is not iiiucki’d, loi wlialaoevcr a luaii tuMeth Uial .-iliall he aUu reap," I'he* C'uiilele-tiee was uigaiiize-O. AeeoiJiiig tu pio^iaiii, eveiylliing waa wisely dune. Wckou.v was ex- teiidi-ti by (he iiiJiiialera, busuiess and pioti'baioiial men ul iiie city. The Conterenee wa.% wtl led wiiii physical und apnilual luid. Al the physical table were Uit delicious Xuoda provided by Wail Biicet Bap- tiai Church, Btaiidonia l-icsbyle-r- ian ChurcJi. Fuplar Sprint^ and Bt. James AAIF Churciies. VVaiei was piovided by the* cool veins that run ttii'ough Lee* county vvliete^is situ ated Sanford, N.*C. At the- spiritual tabic were the prepared dishes, such as a liiingry soul can appieciate,. Tliese were mes.'ages from God. They were delivered by men of God who Well know the sei' the soul: Reverends Robert LaSone, R. L. Lowe, G. R. Ferry, A. W. Shir- J'leld iBio.), James Lassiter Bro.), and on Friday niglil Dr. E. F. G. Dent, president of Kitlrell College, seivcd the masters choice dish. This was a dlciue message of prophetic character from the subject; The Pi-rsislunct of Personality. Every body was vs ell fed. Along with these inspiring messages came the sweet haimony fioin liie following choirs: i.ineuluville AME, Pittsboro AME, Twibght Music Clubs Male Chorus, and Puphird Springs AMF Church The Duclorine, Polity, History, Missiunury, Rules and utlu-r phases of church necessities were ably dis cussed und (Jelcnded by Dr. C. C. Scott. Kev. J. D. Davis, Rev. R. L. I.uwe, Miss Mae N. Hupston, and Rev. G. R. Perry. During the pioceedings uf the con- feience Dr. C. A. Stroud was intro duced and presented a represen tative for R«v. Dr. J. D. Cowan, P. K. uf the Morgonton District, who was Hot able to atteno the Raleigh District Conference iiecaust of his being confined to the he'd under the care of his medical doctor. Dr. Stroud also reported that Mrs Cow- au was also confined lo her bed. The Conference offered prayer for Dr. Cowan and his family. Professor C. G Garrett of Alien University, olunibia. S. C., waa in troduced and presented tu the Con- frrence. lie gave best uf advice and very timely remarks concerning the Negro,. Mis Education and Religion. University, Columbia, S. C., was in Irodticed: Mr. Toniie Stune, Mr. C. C. Junes, Mr., GiUdie Hargette, Mrs. Vera L. Holt. Mrs. 1, Headen. Mr. L. W. William?, Rev J A Bridges. Mrs C. S. Steele. Miss Susie Stone, Mrs O. N. Farrar. Rev G \V. HarroM. rpi. G, T Larkin. Rev. W. A. Brad- ■haw, Pruf. W. B Wicker, Rev J E. WcMinian. Rrv. L A. Riilllege. and others. After the spiritual shower on Friday night the Conference closed when all arose to sing God Be With You TUI We Meet. to Sui Dosier, local pawn broker. Duster uenied Uns, saying that Utc jacket was u new one and that But terfield iieiiner Hied to Sell ur pawn ;he garment to him. One witness fur the uefeiisc, Luke Hall, testified that he had seen Sat- lerlield wealing the jacket lo.' about a month. Conceining Hie case involving the suit uf clothes, another cleik iu the store testified Uial he remem bered all cuslunie-rs to whom he sold suits, and SaUerlield wat. nut one uf them. The suit of clothes and jacket were found in the man's roum uy Sgl. F. W. Pollar, who said Uiat he hud seen Saterfield on the street a k previously with a suit Hung jvei his shoulder. Butiei field was nut represented by an attorney und uid not teslifj either case. He has a court record dating back lo 1922. KFVFKSIBLF PKOPFLl.FRb WASHINGTON — Revcisbile propellers, newest innovation lor reh’rdiiig speed o nairpianes, uo not change their direction uf loUition. (nsteud, the pitch range un variable aropeller blades is increased suffi- jiemly so that the blades cun a.-- -^iime a negative angle and thus Uia :'otating propeilei- prortuecs a ncg-.- ivc thiusi. liivestigaiioii indica'c .hat wheel brake- deciease Un. anding run of a plane to two-llurds >f the distance lequiied when no .then brakes are used. Hie rcvei- ible propc-ller is capable of deci -^as- tig the l.inding run lo less than oni hird of that distance. LEGAL NOTiGE -XECtXRlX NOTICE Having qualilred us executrix ul he EaUie of Geoigiana Wall, late A Wake County. North Carubna, -his Is to nouly all persons havhig .-laims against Uie Estate ot the said .leeeased to exlubit Hiem to the un- iesiguvd at 915 SuuUi Elate Street -taleigh. North Carolina, on or be- -ore the ttUr day of March 1949 at his notice will be pleaded in b.vr h their recovery. AU persons indebted to the said Istale will please make inuntdiatc ayinent This the ttlh day of March, 1945 Mrs. Bessie Wilson, Executrix F. J. Carnage, Ally, darch 10. 17. 24. 31-April 7. 14. iixeculrxi Notice Ilaving qualified as exoculrlx ot lie iustaie uf Georgiana Wall, late if Wake County, North Caroluui his is tu notify all pei-suns huvng •laiins against tiie Estate of tliu •aid deceased to exhibit them to ' he undesigned at 915 South State j.-itreet, Raleigh, North Carolina, I n or before the Bth day of Mur. 11946 or this notice will be pleaded ' .n bar of their recovery. AU persons indebted to the said I ELstate will please make immed. I ate payment. ' This the 8th day of Mai ch, 1945. ' Mrs. Bessie WiLson, Executrix \ F. J. Carnage, Atty. 1 March 10, 17. 24. 31-Apnl 7, H. YES! THEY'RE HERE! SMART NEW rnrrmiK] COTTON FROCKS To keep you cool and comfortable in hot sum mer days. • Cotton Prints • Fine Chambrya • Butcher Lmens • Smart Gabardines • Chintz And others too ! BUDGET PRICED 388 ^2^ FOR GRADUATION FORMALS See Mother &. Daughter’s com plete selection in just the styles you’ll want! 301 South WiImingto]i BACK THE ATTACK !! ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ CHOOSE SEVERAL FINE COTTONS AND f TAKE \DVANTAGE OF OUR CONVENIENT LAY-AWAY PLAN. m iiALEiaH rrs DAUSHTsaj * pjuwnoNS iRSuraae* Baildlag

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