.i RICIIARDCON r.;Ev-r : E. HARGETT 5T. RALEIGH. N. C. .1 White Warns of Pacific Happenings PEA OE PLANS STUDIED AT CAR OLINA EDITOR ENTERS RACE FOR CITY COUNCILMAN POST RESTORATION OF COLONl SYSTEM VdLL LEAD 10 ^bHLO ^iARIil SS ROBERT L. VANN LOSS IN UNDERWATER EXPLOSION LE. AUSTIN NKW Vi'1;k A>i • ::• i\- i , I An.' I i. ,.i: .1...' 'I'l hi .11 ! ; • I ' I \ f -i.t .mi: XN \ . Nn. i:, . i:i K . sA ! run \'t. ' t ini. ii. r.M i UAi.rii.ii. N(u: i ii cai: ujna PKK'K 1I\’K fKNTS I'l . vi.i . i -n. •, .11 . li.c J W : \Vh.;. 'i.iKKi nr M.iin Warns Permanent FEPC Endangered ;(i ( 1 rti.-lt- i Nil’ t. I i 1-1 niiiiv N.C.C0LLE0E ESSAY CONTEST Ni;\V Vf'IJK . T; . I .fl,,;, -C. I • ' iJi ;iai I'll thill . . .-.I. y. I,' Ir. .'ll . •I • I,t I, J. !• i! • lui. Imi-I- u-.i.lli C.-li I- -I,- •• 'll , I - ilmt 'll .-l:! ySHLHS iriSIT UH. Uiikbt Ai L'AftiHii un 'll !• ..I M I >.il'-. Ai t ii.i? - r ’ll. m-Ti| .'•iii'i- 'iM'k'i.- Ill iliu'.’li. ti I !*• . • I .imI fr.iti'i ;..tl >.i !• •iXi (»l . ■ ii. till RE CROSS OIVES SERVICE FAm An underwater explosion, be lieved lO have been caused by huling a mine, has ended the war service oi the Liberty Ship ROBERT L. VANN, the War Shipping Adminislraton ar.nuunccd today. The freight er was sunk in European wa ters some weeks ago. There wcic no crew casualties, and survivors have returned to the United States. Named in honor of the founder and former editor of the Pittsburgh Courier, the ROBERT L. VANN was deliv- cred from the South Porfiand yard of the New England shipbuilding Corp. October 26. 1943. She was operated for WSA bv the United Fruit Co.. Boston. She was commanded by Capt. Daniel L. Burns. 43 Palmer Street. Arlington, Mass. ANNOUNCES FOR DURHAM OFFICE S'l’AI-h I’OHKKSPONDKNCE DUKHA.M - • t.uuis K. AiisUn, edi- '•r i)/ ihv C'iii'ulinii Times and pres- iilini uf ihf Sliite Inteidenofritiii- '"'ii.il Ushei'' Assuc'i.iiion. filed his liitilion .IS cuiididulv lor the Uui' h.ini C'lly Council from this city'; Ti*iif| Wald here Satuidny fiftetn ii.iiiiii«-> hi-foic pitittmi deiidlinc. A.i-nn is the only Neern in Ihc ninniii;- in Duiham'^ cutincilmaiiii ..or. HOLLARS IN AID THREE TRAPPED wasiiin(;ton. d j. Am i i,ij Kill i.ro.v' i-h.ipU'j.i UuDUKh I u. .ill louiiliv u-|)(iiU'(i niin .1...II .M.iiou.uuu m iin.inc:a; .11,01 V. its yivi'li 1.1 .Maica U) \ • Kill 111, viuian.' anci 'ncir uin. jini. •ii-iii.dmi; 10 repoil.-; coiii- li.ict i'.v National lU-u{qu.irl> IN FIRE AS HUNiE BURNS 1 'm: llu- Oi |ih ii.iiii • (iraiivilK- i-ii ho-cl;; 1*1 . f’ .• I'lsl.l Il .'!>« .il; :i'. i . I'l.iy i.l > Il li.il.pi I i! I- .M 11-.,’ .1 . in. 1’,.. ,'i ! .10*1 . ;i no’ lir.Mai .III V iialil. w ill itii'i il .iiiu: ’ .\ii ('Inn I'liill atiiiHUiu i il f ..l'-. -.1 1, ,\1, I!'! i, . • . . .\,.i Ml (•ui,,liii,i (' il 1 ti. . .11,.,,.,. .1 :.-l.,n--l Ii,II 1 I )in K. II. 1' i, ' ■ I , ,• ■; T'.m'I- If -i 1. n.ii, Sl.i'-,-. i!!e ■ l•llll>■•. I .1 -’ll, ’ • I.: !i'- V’ ry 'iiTci - ■. I 1 - Iii‘ |jii's-iiri- , II. f,,r .•4.;i7.i !o t:i-i I’l - all- .1 I- K. A,I I., ! .\ . iation. TI, illi-i l.'ii- i'l i al'j.-il nerd amoiiiA laniil- ill III aelivi- scivicvmcn at pre.s- i.ii. nc said. Is ior lunds lo iidi Him live, nineritnneie.1, partiru- :.j:ly no.ipr.ah/ution. For tainilifs 1.1 vi'U-,j;i'. tin- ureatfi.t mod is for liviiiK e.xpnnsi’.s wnile waitmtt loi i-iuims In be .sellled or until (l.s.ibU-d veteran finds einpioy- ■ft 11 ,nfl I'l nut fnl cj,., (JM.I. I Or. E. Fi.i iitv t;i.,iti lin- '.1> ■ 'lull hut will Ihi-I lie \vi,.iii-. it ni II >' euliintal ooliev muil oh >>;.'■ iti.'euS-sid but aeti’d uimix ’* do ot!ii’r\v!.i- would iilay diieetl' ii.l.i ,l;tpan'- lr,iids in Ju-r viu.ir m pK-paitan-la anioilK om- li:llinn yeliiiw. blown ;md hlaek piop in A'ia aiui .Xfiii-a that tlu- so' THirpusc o! thr so-i'iilii'il 'wlii'i lia- I ICO'' ; to I ii'lav.- i',,!-i; r ' p • 'hi iiuj’.ioul til.- World. ■ .-^diiMhiniil hi wildi 1 111':i; hi ' .,, -■ , r rio • -i i’l.’ i Ml Me -1 : I..- .,f *■>0(1 V I’oi Scoii! C‘i!,i I (if ii • ir.iliii li- 1 , Ml • iii’i in.itKii., ,.i‘, boa. Iliimir Tiii-m1;i\ Niulit Il.M.KHni I': b.ili-ijl. Wilt;, '.’i B- % S-i ’ • C : .1 Hill,, ; V.;:! i.e lu-’d Ta ii,.y ... '• “H • I (i-.Ki Ch.ipe! .'.’i-’b, til-', fhti • H. ii,'-. I f Ti-,,”p -.7. '•I di.it .11 aditil'i.i i.cl. -.••,1..' ! .,11 .ieti„M II I lo dis- • mces ♦ cmII d Mie j.enjjlr uli.i . . y r.t ,ai ‘Ar .1- I v.pt 1 rn Ilf I' •' Orphan:.K' I,. . , Ci.'•'■tiii:;^ froi'; .. ii'n.iia.'i were pr,- M'y 1'. 'V I’arhiini n! Tinfii liic SUib' Ho.iiu Wilf.i- by Ur, Ellen Wiii-.ii,ii, ('• II n. ->ioner. i;. Ml- .! •••••I 'T f Jov rnor Gi'S'd? C'b'iiy, Mie i.,iin-|)ai dda’/'e^ piV'ii by 1' fb'veinnr Hnllentine 1 (■ ,.i, 1- r' !v ••.I- alteiidimi ' M'li- Piesii'Cnl , Frankb'i Ifn--.i vel’. l.l. Cov, nulen- d III Dr. C. C. i of N C. Miitniil tive (tai-iiliiii:>-. Ur .Shep- iM ■.•-•.I ; U-.ii 11, Oxbini. will the in.iiM .Hi-111: - II' Hu- • i.i.i of th-' 111. , uM.' .-t III'-? meet- .imoda Snr- U I'eloek. int lin.- his lii-.i I'hi i.ty rno.-.y ni.lii Ur Sb. p.ii :1. V 1.0 Ihidat'elphi.i p.is:..rat-,- whih- sore- ir,-; as rii'oider ol «lo tis. will cie- I .It till- vi-.per ieim-n id .Vortli r'.iroliiia College Sunday .after- IteqL.* sis to Ked Cro-is chapters Ini iiiuincial assistance to familie.i II. iiieii .sir, in .service cont nu'- to .(\i rajji' appioxiiiiiiti-'v SI.t>2().00U month, while financial aid to Xiti-rans and thedr lamilies has increased 5.1 per cent in the last three months. As more men are di.icharjied for dLsabilities. the r.n d for chaplei financial assist- aiiC' for viterans is expected to • i,uai that now required by active .ii-rvicemen and their families. FAyf.TTEVll.K — Cedar CreeK b-ci.nie Ihc serne of a distinctive •ind death dealing fire, on Siitur- •lay night around 9:30. .April 14tli. Mr.-j. I.ydia .Melvin, one ef the dde-t and highly respected citizens till' Cedar Creek Community, .iiid her two grand-children, Albert -iiid Berkley wore in Ihe home and had reiir.d for bed at the breaking • ut if the rire which was reportedly ■-.I'tL-d from a lamp. The grand mother upon noting die fire began lo scream for help. This arou.'Cd her son. Albert Mel vin. Sr., who lived n-.ar her. The .son. upon identifying the vo'ce of a di.slressed mother, ru.sh -.-d to the scene and attempted lo enter Die back door of the burning homi only to meet the two boys running out of he door lighted with consuming flames. iCunliiuied on back page) Protest Arrest of 101 l.f !ii-i. ('i-mp.i of Dm liiiin 1- t'ibmr t , U Roi, • •'O in. Nesrro Officer Trainees filing for the council camt •' a distinct sui jirisr ‘r. many quar- I - .111(1 followed closely in the wake of hi> paper's editorial d'-- in((.iion of what was calhd •tliiiiiea Pig I.eHdei.-aip” in Dur- h.im. The Times' April 11 C’diloriid -uider.siood lierr to b» a direct re buke to ,1. .1. Ilenders'-n, young in- siinuice 111.111. who w IS selected as Mh »Miididate foi the city-council I'O't by the Uiirham Committee on .’'Icuro Affairs. lo-al civic organiza lion, Hendcr.soii once indi-aled his interest in seckinu election, but lat- r declined to file Without calling H'nderson DV mime but wiih a vi'-’orous denun ciation of the Durham Comtnittee on Negro Affairs, ih* TIMES' edi- lori.il say.s. in part: ■•’I'hc expressed idi-a that tio member of the official staff of the committee wants to be a guinea-pig for a political experiment is no' enough. It lacks the spirit of the pioneers of this country and the .Vc-gro race to whom we are all in debted for every improvement of moflern civilization and every im- nrovement Negroes now enjoy. There is strong evidence here that there i.s too much intrabreeding of the official staff, and that maylic the Committee sh'iuld look around and do a little intermarrying witn persorm whose activities outside Du- functions of the committee are not such as to make them Impotent V hen duty demands .strong and vig orous leadership.** / Au.stin said hf h^u Jihally yield ed to the insi.«kcnce of friends only after his efforts to persuade a Ne gro to seek a seat on the council had failed. He told the CAROLIN IAN he was willing to provide '’the guinea pig leadership' that others •'shirked." THE CAROLINIAN learned thol lal business and labor organi- Fr.ii (.■biiHrlull i:; a gii-at ■v‘.-;ii I- ;i :■ Hut will !h-r lu- wi.ihi'.s it or n eoloiiial puliev inu.st not only !• (iis'ciissi d but acted u;>ori now. '• do iillii-rwi.se 'Would iilay directl- into .Lipan*-; luiiuls in her - in u'm piopiignnda aiiioiu'. one bMlio’. y liow. blown and black peop - in Asia and .Africa Dial the .n.’ piit po.se- of the .so-called white na tions' is lo cnslavi' colored pee pies throughout th-.- worlfl, ' A»l(iition;il he’.vildernicnt h.i' br-r-n creati d tlirough nit th'- P.i- cific. I fo-iiid. hv ’h- pn-judi'-c of .SI.ire .Aiiv-rican white soldt«'r. Tiiii liciilarlv offici-rs, .igainst Ni-- M'ciiiiiitii(-d oil b,ick pauei l»ov Seoul roiji'l of Honor Tiies!a\ Ni^ht I M’C. rix.'inii li.VLKICM - Th- Ttrih-igh-Wake .Vnrii Ihy S'di;’ C'-urt nl t.b.rioi will he held on Tu--sday ai aim *1.0 (Juki- Ch.ipel Me'hodi.'l C'lULcl.. Harolii Uiinii "f Tioop .-.T. -u.in-i(-d by Mie Ch;.r!-c T N ir- nuf.'i F'-i-l i-f the .-Am-1 iciin f.ei;ioii v.-ill lx iiu iirded ihi E.u’b .s, .-'(- r.,d;: . The ;i\i’..id wi'l be piecn'.- e ' 'ov ?.l.i,vo'' 0;"ili.iii, H C. n'li.iK-d till l>.irk p.iee* .iixi ludiciit. - "M.’iii ric-d- i| iii-w. Li.pi(> .lie lua.lable fi'om (•liber oji;r.iii7n'.ioe -“5 •>lat* "Xic- (.: .x-ixled ihat ni aihiilioii to dis- lilti.(ii(n of lull lii'.-'.iliiiV meet ing.s iiift I en;‘,n>tr;iti II; bo call'd 111 (li .uniaiMiilas f".' pinpo.t.. of • la.-ifi in.' th. i-'MiV- .louiid HT’C i ii.t effecting the im.bib/..iti 'n --f Mie people which b abscUilely nec- .-arv to the pu'--.,ne "1 'be bill •‘.An abimpt is being m.aii-.' Mes r.,ii';m-cd »-n b." k p.icei .1, • Si;,!. *i.J lb I Pubii. Weir.K by Dr. Ellen I Wi list nil, Coirn.is.'^ioncr. | ill the ..Lm-iuc '.r f;nv?rnoi* Grfc-;f] rv;?^ Chniy. Die j..infpar ad’Jveis u't'i • I I*'" i Ml- tlx- vepe: seimin ;,f North aiui fur vi tenms is cxpi'clvd to running out of he dinir lightixl c’arolitij College Sunday after- c,ual that now required by active with consuming flames. "oon, 'scrvii’emcn and their families. iContinued on buck page) gi\'cn by I ■ ' Till. I’uuir Victory Cargo Vessels To Carry Names Of Colleges MOBII.F. .M'l. — NcKrii pri'«- oners at the Alohlle city jail knelt in prayer. Dun lifted their vni.-es ii -pirittiali hrii told of die deaih ol I'resldrnt Koose- velt. "W lost J rood nun — the line «lu) ever helped the collcg • \\'a.ihii;4’‘i:i Th:ci iii'i iiicliidi'd in a list of lo, llVi I'dui.iUon.il iii'ia'. ,,i;;. wbiiM- names nave ix-.-n ai-ugned Ci'ili'gc. .Jiick.'on, T' l.n., i.i ii.id . cc n.il!ucl!i>:i ill liv‘ .shipy.ird.--. tile l.'iiitcd Slatc.i MaiiliiiK- Cui.. i.i;>.ii'iM aiiiiou:i(-, n 'in.- wi'vi.. Cndcr con.itruction at tlu- iictli Itiun. F.n-tictd Siiip'iiid. Inc. n„::iini';i , Mrl.. Li HOWAHIl t’lC'l'GKY, naincii lo, llow.o.i I imCJ .'iiv, vVii.-.liinutun, 1). C. .•\l the C'.ilif-'i Ilia SlMpbinl-ling Corp., Wniningtun. Cabl'., t!'- J ANE VICTtHlY, n.inii-d lor'l.an (((.'ll.'gc, .l.il'k'un. T. nn,, ;.i and , 1 ••ii.'ti ncl-iin. At Oregon Shipbuilding Cup.. Poi'tland. Ore., ’ii- TI'SKKOKI' \ ICTOIIY. namei ! .r Tu.-k. g. ln.-l,'ii'e ol .-Xudiama. is unde: ASSAOLT CASE ^OliNOOVER -111-' .iiu'ther: He \».ii the meitest I’resi- dne 'line l.iixidn ’ jiimibir mo'i.ijr.-s svinpathy - mu- fiom the nhit-- prisnnm. ■ \h teen'.ri the (oinnujii nun bi-.;hi'r-upi." one man like 111- 0,%-einor Oallcntlne. rv ' 'iu attoiidiiig! •s f-ii, late Pieshicntl Kriinklin Ro isevelt. Lt. Gov. Balen- I. -,(• iv o' -e-i: d by Dr. C. C. Slp.iuidiui. Pres.d' lit of N. C. Muliml l.if • Imii! ;m'' • Conii>a;iv (>f Utuham. mi.nxii! t ■’ileiic in tribute to (lur I.ilr,- I. Fi;in'J.ii U. Roo.se V(-!; V.-1. V d at 'he beginnin, • T Dic pri Li. n, III bi' .p c-b. I.t Cr-iv B.illrniine I- tul;«b-'i lb IMiers .Asso-i. Mon for Ifaibei.; 'he p-.ple to tied, eat.- their bv - l'- belonig them- ( • I- He ei-el ’b growth ,'f - ubitien If :•( ..I-. • :n N. C. nial • fh.i' e- b; •• Ml of liuni- -,x been .i new '|ii-'M .il'X' II diibm fur lb"’ ( "W • .re our hrotb- Tb -pi-'.kgr ::ave a .if th- t' tier.-' A.->01-1.-- nuiiud III progress if .Vni. . oilh N - ti.ivi- teen slave.'i ,1 p.i.i ,f Mw world ll> ;.i,'l-Ums d •- ‘'.,1 k p.igel Die ef hiM l.i\'0' RA; riflll 1„ . .M--ni,, ,|( ,,rc.ivt-d of i' ■ '.I' Ibi i biI: • Iu !('. ,s.(- liouiul '\ I ' ; I : ■ . :elli v.mg .. 1, , .'I b. le- ( I . I,.It. Bond v .1,- :c' Hai -Ji- 'c'lil'cd 'b.i' 'he sivi ' I..., '\ biei • I i, p' ( III M iieli Jl] Negro Marines Being Trained For Officers rl.l Istriic!:- !.. Ill l:i tiei b. bmu dab ni.'i\ be .>b;ain I the pui'Iie lebi'ion.- ol •lie slnpy.ii .I; .Xpe: i\i u.cle .i.i:i'.. Iiil the lail'li'llliie- .II', I.Hill I Hie nud,lie M:n. \l' bi'iigli 'bi-M 'ii'i- tb, I" .’ic'.e i •-I.I-I Ii.ioied lor N. - r I in Il Il I I Li.I I !\ 'll n:ii • ed to ,ia: 1,1 N ■ ,•. H. ’ha! b- ..;,w .I. -, 1 - ( . !>' Il 1 If ,11 ill • ])•,' k'f ..nd lx- '.’•.ilke.i up III Dll' 'nai; .ind I ' 'I, I', tii 'I : i> Co .! .vtic'-i'iip,,’ 1- ; a. -hiii, :i-.i .’hi j.r-t ii.u • I ik' • i:'. . : Il H.,: ’ -ia Id - : ;glii I .-,i|,l' .\;-(. t 1! l••.-Ile'd - im- . ,1.1 . •l-l'M-i to , I'l .11,(1 w.i- •li '; ’ . If (-. e'l ,’l ’he ll,;i •,.l ., ,.1, 'I .. • Mtel b,:| ’ : ■ ■ ( .. . ..(• ,1(1 Hi w.e ;.(1,( Il ', I'o I',. ; il;:i L.y .■ lu.iii , -1-. , ,11,,' h ' ',0 .-t1-(‘P' ,U ... c.-niK-.l 1’ .(I l-.i- -l-i.t, Ma: '• - 1.1 1' • lb. ■ .M- . ■ .Smiib ■ tM n,l)- \l Khui.'i On The KjiniiKi'M* Dcchircs Flino ' e. T Ml. be.lil . I I 'll I.b'iu th.it 1 • t., I 1 . fl IIV ' NI-W ^•( iRK .1 • Tb • d I id. d vi\ed ace ri^n;; to Kln-ci H«’pcr, li- ii-, li-i of I-', iliiiie .\!'i-'a/ui« ':. Pullin' ()pili..ii Poll 15 lull- 'I . pei'i.d liiei-t- iij! (,| the N .'III i.d ‘iiifiTi nc ot lllc W.-hing’on Ft ’u.' l-i-i A lo.mer le.r.' ,. ,ii • II I'.t'iiv ■!' ' '* li.igi- ILgn Sc loul. NVaynesii .1,1. \;.,:::ie l'o:i)'. tl.:ee N -g'” M/s.. Seig.iin’ .Sm nioii- w.u-: r- '.-nni • a.e bi-ing 'raine-i .i.- '>’• -i, ix-u : u:ii ii.ir-'-a- dulv la. .-,ii'ir...-:':oue.! '.ftil-i 1 1!' tl.M Oi’oIh: at'tci elgh; lUUIll.i.i .'C. . nci- .iI' III .u;neii f ui..- .'d ,' j.,. .i, ihi- I’ac'.Pc .’.ai ihciiLi • C'I'l'' iie.ifli|ii,i-tecs .■i’m''ii:i ■ a_ nat'Vo of Llb'-'ty. .Ml.s.i.. i .I In \V,eing’-in. n. t'.. 'll;-' ii,, --.I, ol Fi.iti:. T. and • ,, k . , Bei.e S.mm,111'. Sli.s . lUic.ilJen T ' ''I'e-- mill, -il' Ma:'n, - .,i oackgr-.-.iiid i -c.inh'd •• . ;,ii!s who .I’-e M'.'in 'b ’.uik- J.i.. High S;:i','l. S: .M C ni • :i;.-! 1 LMI» N'g;>> ' .'I Mi.-.s. .ml tne L■ni\>•.'. , Tor Pie M.nine f Ill Illmo,.-. h:.,-, r.,- majoiel n I'lll* no,\ m tlx- Mib Pla , ..nil:i'v c.l,,. i:-: . Ill- hrmhi •. • ,n (',imm.in ICbi.i- ■’ .!• V.'.!;,im Momo. S-.miixu i . 1 .■•It), ;r GfTi.-e' I'.an !; I.ite .-(,,,!i.i !:cub n.m’ ir. •!!•' .-Xi-'iiv. .-n’ t.'u.iui Id, \'.i rooit 'u Wti. Il :ic . nteicd the military i.,.-,.,tu’ . .( I,-.-;. '. -M 'b.-ir ■ vice. Sei ce.ii. ,;.'!i: A-'- • •nil- tlx- a •'! I,., :• lui.a 1' Vv . - ..Ir.', .1 it d p.irt owix-i n: ’ ; V, w- Pie Mac.,/ IX'. A ■u'ive 'r'l, . .Ill,III,i’. ,.i •: I >.'lumgbam, .'N'.i -.vuiii- iii.i 'i ; • s' ; cb . - 'A'll.i . S'-tviiI•.rlle,•. Bei.i'imm J. Aixb-r-ci ';ul I ;, 1 |■|b -1 n- .•...•• :i di-uPs’. !or Ti year-, lx- -P ill... Ill'. S 1 M.ii ■.‘•-ir • Fi-'b III. led I:ibif';..i' IL.’ii Seb , • ■ • • .\,| (. I ,n ;M I • .'ii'tl \,i! P; IP'' lb: niinf!i;,ni luxi M u eb , "c t' >i ^ .nil, p," U',;:,: b.i'i'. .Abi : Sip I, g. in .-\lbili’:i. (l.'i.. 'lei'e ' ,, .i,. F-i'M 'u-k K"'.-- ,1 . 'tb ‘if poled III busiix •:■- 'Kbirni-M:.* ' ticc i'if Br.'okivn. N, ton ;,n.l :ii I ■•uo'e--.. Siioi'lly afte: • ■ ' .•(■(I ;i.-. -k paul' I t'lu I I'i Pm w.'iiiuiifj I'f the Klaii'- ii'vival wilii (! »|,-‘.-iit :iu( iiKiini'ily feeling. The \i gi'o v\dl iiiobiliK Ilf Me Nil 1 \ u liui of , I --I I,,: lll.■,ll• .,1 iu’ul I'aucc. - lid Rap. r r.ii'l p( r'l'niiino \ Ml > k Dx' li i'Ui ■ if (lei)*i\iu, ibc N.-.;r ,f 111- nubl .,r -,,i.! ’b ’ lie ' id -x,' H.i.'t- li.-l.l five tur.O'-. I- thi-i. -iK Due- X’lMel- ui Mic (u- Durham Shoe Shine Boys Organize Club A bmh f,..i to •Al'hi iii'h Ainreica Is a nation of e- P'.n. r O'liii'i'il out 'll t ev rv'iii dll'' to .v;,iM to tr:ik' c\ IV 1- ''be •'-aue'!' ,t fur 'he try- 111-.- .-'o i ieix-i-.' I f the but l-'i years. •'(Ji-• ’h uer.pX- -,1 me'hin:.. t> lo aixl tlx-y will lie’ 'i..Vi' Cl-uUgh lime ix-t.' c.neh olho' If we bad pen* nioie lime hi Mu }i:is' -ejue- giitiii;; ix-enl - fr-iin 'lum>. m--li id .if N gi.-t-., we'd Ixivf IfSb of .1 i.ice yivblvin." .V N'p'i.'p. ri '\ •• ■' x. 1'. •' - P:.u.:i( P \ I t.,-’ • , f p '1 '•.•,.-(-1. •■; , o' no \r-i 'd. .“:m N'ord-m Ptieet The l.idv ' iket. fr m 'lx; w.-tev :i I *>•(' ft,-: i» w-::: ei'lcfl Roat- II-. 'I- ’h. chx'ii'el ';r'ir ’he Tiiioy HA'M • ore- - .-\:i inv'. P-'iti-m by 'he eo'-m-i'i- I . ■ d b dic'i’ioo- Ilf foul III tv. ...I .■ i, t,,.x..v.-' lb.I* ’I'c m.in ir' t (Il .M- bv .Ir, pw uin- ! le w a- ' % i.ui.n Ibv prcviuiu Saluulay nigl;'.. ’’•vi t.'i.ui I -in'l t'.e Uen;.- ’'l.. i ’ . (-1 'p.-rati 'l il- ■ Mond:iv ' i-'itan’'', w'-i;M is x !:- v.-rl I n. M S!.-ie-hiiu- B the S’;ite. Tb ■ • (lUi'.'lwoi i; f'l:- ’'c /••'I -n b:i i b -en irra’ig d Hi V. U" \!'!i 1 M,i I-' F- b-r, Pa- : ' of W'l,!. Hock Bai)' ' ■ b-neb. all uutsl.inding ftjjuic in DuiJiani •Mil - I m"-.iri.tv iictiviPe.i and J-.iclg'’ ,. . . I’-iwd W.dk-: ..f tlx- U I-'.: "! .liiv' it"'.- ,11110 oiiits. Mr,. Hus - 'Vlia>-M'- ,.ib .•• ef the St;.*.- U-partmenl "f !i‘ ;-i r« pres n’.ed Fer; --" H. Shliff'):'-' ■I !)•' t inm:ssi'>nt-r «)f Lid. i:'. iP Tlx- rlub'.s advisory -■ .mmiti" e.'c’ Monday nichf to U*ciie ■'' •ni Ltniform.s. buttons, ;ind th.. tvi>> o: c 'll - shoe -bin.- Ivix to be used be na-'- )r inbers. Membc!>liip in the club bctwffi) tin Protest Arrest of 101 Negro Officer Trainees Shii;t> T)ioU-st agaui't Mic arfe.--' ini Negru officer tiainm-.s fo. lu.sing to .igr-c in writing imt to enter Ihc white offici-is' club a: Fi.-cnian Fi-Id. Indiana, and a d. ■! nd for their iiniix diali' release ; - voic'i! by the I.vnn (.■o.xmii to .Ail di-'h Si'gi'egafion in th • 1'ned F'-rees. in i.-p.-r .-cut t.- Pi'."-: h nt Ti liman. Tb- PARALYSIS FOUNDATION DIRECTOR TO VISIT HERE Bynu of Negro Activities oi the Na tional Foundation for Infan tile Paralysis, will visit Ra leigh, N. C. on May 2nd. Ra leigh is a major point n his itinerary which includes: W'. Virginia. Kentucky. Tennes see. Mississppi. Alabama. Georgia. Florida. South Caro lina and Virginia. The National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis recent ly appropriated SI.267.600 to provide scholarships for the training of physical therapisP. to meet a critical shortage of Ihese technicians whose work ha-, become imporlani in the trc^fmrni of infantile paraly- fis, Mr. Bynum's tour is for the purpose of brinning still mere prominently the stor-/ of the National Foundation •nd its work ind to oive full details on *he program of training for physical Ihera- pists. oks P- .Vt.'Lgiil' d..ci iininiilui V piac- (•(•- -'in i'! ,'irmy pusl-j ;md 1. ,>i II !ii 'Icur- .i: I X (iftici t-.. r.'i •(- (>:• -.-ului'. T'-lC Ic.St of 111. IcMci' fulli'W.':: '• I III II’ H.(. • -. J-i T' uiixm \V il. JT lU- . . -hing* n. U, (*. ' .Ml i’ . .- .. n!' Ir Aug 1.--; H'-l-l. tb r • F:"x l.'iii n lb late Pi'c.si- d:-(-!j:r.iiiafiMn t 'lUp-- .11 ll' ,*1 I.’--! .S-.M, A 'cv u!" it f‘".-i'’n;in Fx-!'? lud. .. .-inM '.I .,f -I,, i77(h N- numb.'iidmi-nt tlioui) R-ib-r' S'i’.V.tV, .T; ,>Mlc-'ii ’''i, UT'--'' '(' ’ • •crl i.ii bi.-k i)..rc> •lu fimctioiis of the committee are not such as to make them impotent when duty demands .strong and vig orous leadership.** _ , J ' Austin sold he. h«d Jtnally yield ed to the insudence of friends only after his efforts to persuade u Ne gro to seek a sent on the coiu.cil had failed He told the CAROLIN- lA.N he was willing to provide "Die guinea pig leadeiship" that others "shirked.'* THE CAROLINIAN learned that M-vcral business and labfir organl* /.itions have pledged support to Sii'itiii. Voting for city-councilmen In Uurham is cUy-wide, The general •'lection will be held May 8. V- - STUDENTS IN PEACE MEETING STAFF CORHK.SPONDEN7E Removal Of Col. Crandall In Wacs Case Demanded Lt. Lcoii.'iid C. Hobi. (if Jlimliiigluii, W. Va.. .shown .ihovi- on Maifli .5 I'cceivod the award of Ibc Silvci Slar, He Ls a member of the !12tid Infanlrv Division, now .serving in Italy. Ttic citation read a.s follows: .\'c Yo! k I- un.-’i all b.'Vs (i;cs of 12 and l(i. The Lynn '■ iivi- t, I- ’,1 .Mii'nih .s.--i-cg( ’ n • ’( I: -i F(>''(--> j >in-' -ns .iir| in- \ I'.ii - '. li, I '.ivc a-k.'-l t I' .('I i”.i’x»n ('! Co!-:.- W,.!’-, 1 f '.[u] ill -n e.duicct; m ; •>:' 'I.e four Ncgi'u Wa.'.i. 'U! cii'H' T'lr tlx- n-m iv.il >f C "'riit.ili, t'umiiiandaiit of I.ov'il ■ IX-a! n .-r'D:i'. ■ \;'.l'i-.igb the fun W.i:'.' hiivc :i i-sjiii'.-d to diMv and ’heir : ’,'iH'(- of a vear at ha;'.! ’:ibo.' '• Ill n i'.-v. i-'-cd. ('ul. CranrI.-dl b:.- b-'cn pci'miPcd Mi ''cniiiin o'l jxi-'t -'Ix' s:jnx* t'ol. Cran-laP ‘■o bad ‘hese girls c*nirtm:i''tial- ' for refusing to he *!ic 'hl'ick '• c.-' wi'.» b.'ive to d ' 'all *h -I'- Work.' •• s;.i-l Wilfred H ■' - C'l :’ipii'-man "f tlx- ' '' ,1111'Mtb e. in a sf:it-'in-'n‘ ;'»u-''4 U' b':.diii-.!''' r; H»1 West 4')fb S’l.cl, N-...- Ym-k Citv. •■ \,. , -ij-ii-.t ,,f tlx* W*:i'*s ? -An-i if 'h'-v arc. w'';it ♦'■(• W--- T'' •'■l’•*n1cn* •loin* about it*’" T'-.- -;i 1*. m-'--'* rven’ed o’D tb-.' c'.- fill . -Lie J, .f/.r,. D,.. r -Ve-.-ll o'' 'be W;,,--.' --.-rM n- -, ’h" se-'- • l-C ,‘•11 ri \ c-ishor} from ■■un‘b-i:''>blc" x,.n,,r i!.l rlj-sfbar''es a*- a reso" of bcfirm- b*- *bo ’ - nc f'-i> •• Mt ,. '•( • Ts,... -n,)) bilo’c ’lx- N'aval Re-n ■ B.nrd. "'riiis aclioii of till' War Deparl- nn :it coming .so close upon th" :ut.(iM ;)f the Navy Departin.-nl m..y herald a new approach to Nb gro trouji.s on the part of uur b.gii c unm.ind. But thi.i approach will remain ineffective if it does i.o; lix-Lidc a change in tlx- ba.s-.' n:ilit.nrv policy of segregation. Th.‘ It ilitiiry authoritie.s cannot be d*'- pi tided upon to abolish segi'ega t.on: these conci.ssions that they .I'-e nxiking only indicate th;il tl'.ey are not above public opin ion It is ..ur task to continue tlx' liLlil iigainst segrei'atioii in th* aimed forces," conelu.led th-* s'.itement. I’lilmer Insliliilp ! iiiinclirs Drive Foi gallantry m action, on February B. 1945. in Ilalv. Se cond Lieutenant ROHR nian- ( uveied his platoon aciin.st a slroiiglv fortified enemy oo.si- tion and captured if despite in- U-n.se encmv artiilerv. mortar, and machine gun fire. After rapturing this initial obective. Second Lieutenant Rohr con tinued hLs advance up the mountain side in the face of the continuous hostile fire. Success fully capturing the .second ob jective. he then organized his p'atoon and held the position for two dav-s under unceasing artilU-rv and mortar fire. His tfficient use of supporting wea pons aided materially in re pulsing a .strong (-nemv count- ♦ attack His aggres.sive per formance under extreme com bat hazard reflect credit on his organization and the Armed Forres. Knfered military serv- ire from Huntington. West Va.. S l-Mi.i Ur, Chaih.lte Hawkinc Hin'vn. un's'deni .if JLilmei Meiro''- •i! In-tii"!e. has iirne.mced :i drh'p '■•r Sill.090 '(• be used fo- i-ejirlna "’(• : ( r "igr kii the sclxml. Spon- Log the drive for T:' 44 year-old III-an- .some of the Stale's - * oi-oni'nenf residents. .Ai •( etiiillen ir to oth- r friends of ibb I'.'iidin-i school .rr. mg N'groes M‘—. G.'ilen .S'onc of Boi|on. :i frieii:! M,,. yji.-i 31) years has offered .( ,-ift of v?..'’.!)-) toward the coniple- tioii of the fund. Lt. Rohr is a former student of A & T college, and a metri- ber of the Aloha Phi Alpha Fraternity. W'hite nt A & T Lt. Pohr was a member of the R- OTG and F.RC. and he was al s(, active in student affairs. It il roi'-ibl" that In time a farm er may Tie -.'iven a chart showing the nrobaliility of weather hazards n h • olcxlitv. fi'r virtually every d:ty of the vear. -ijivs the U. S. De partment of Agriculture. DHAPEI. HILL - Charles D. incior of Fisk University was •Ucted president of an Inlcr-nicial ciuifcrence of students representing >0 colleges and universities In 13 ■iiDx iii .Slates dodiciited to "de fend the ideals of human justice, f-eedoin and deinocra-lc action" at .(11 iii'gaiiizuttional necting held heir .Sunday at the University of N'ordi Carolina, Ut-legides to the conferenee pledged Iheinsclves to "disseminate 'iiforinallon. in.spiro action and serve as an organ of expresion for Die studenis of all Southern col- . h'ges and umvei-silles who siibscrlbo to the principles of Bretlon Woods. Uumbartnii Oaks and the World Security Conference al San Fran- ciieo tins month," The conferenee ad-'pted resolu- ' Dons asserting that agreements drawn up at Die San Frnnci’sco eonferonce should include provision for the rc-examlnation and revision of the machinery for internatioind .cooperation within five years of the date of establishment of the inter national organiz.ation: That pro visions be considered to ameixt the : urcerrent.s there made by le.ss than i.nanimous consent, that the Gener al Assembly be given power to funetinn in all matters. The resolutions also declared that the conference at San Franciseo night to state that no nation ought to set it.solf above the moral and internalional law and constiliite it self a judge in Its own cause, and there .should be included an agree- , ment for an international ‘'bill ol' rights’* assuring the right of ell peo ple regardless of color, race or r-reed. and the riglit to petition, the delegates each agreed to raise a minimum I'f S.Vi from their respec tive schools to pay the expend/ of ‘he ‘v'o delegates to the San Fi'.m- clscn meeting, Mi'«« Helen Fuller, asslgtnnl edI- ^ tor of Ihc New Republic Magazine^* -»no*h'T scheduled spe-iker. sufferwi ^ a concuslon In an automobile aeej- 4ent Tiptween Ralelah and Durharr •■nrniite to Ch.ipel Hill She Is mow In Utiko Hospital. Douglass Hunt. Unlver'>lfv of (Continued on back page)

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