PAftt! two TTIE rAP.OI.TN’TAN’ Raleigh Personals '\\TFJC F\T>TNT.. PATT''RPAY. APRII. gs, 194*'> BY VIVIAN UoLENDON Mrs. Agnes Ty.'ton of 6 Lee Street lias been elected delegate to repre sent the Capital City Temple lilO at their State Associlaion May 28- 29 and 30. The meeting will be held In Coldsburo, Mrs. Lonnie Davis of 806 South Harrington Street has returned to the city from Greensboro, where she attended the funeral of a rela tive. The Booker T. Washington Club met Sunday. April 22, at the home of Mrs. Ella Crussliugi V22 South Sanders Street, with the pveMdent presiding, llte prograni was in charge of Mrs. Ruth DaviJ, Miss Nlie Smadl and Mrs. Ella Croesling. A shower was given recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Lewis, 423 South Swain Street for their daughter, Mrs. S. Smtih. The shower was a surprise to Mrs. Smith, given by a friend. Mrs. Flos sie Botton. Those present were: Mesdames Daisy L. Harris. Elsie Powell, Lola Blount. Helen Thomas, Annie Hor ton, Geneva Phillips and Mrs. Smihfs sister. Mrs. James Jones of Washington, D. C. A very tasty repast was enjoyed by ail present. Miss Cecelia Phillips left Sunday night for Philadelphia, Pa., and New returned to the city from Fort Mc- nnd Mrs. Judson Phillips in Phila delphia and Mr. and Mrs, Soyree Whiteker and Miss Rosa Phillips in New York. Mrs. Flossie Phillips has return ed to Philadelphia, Pa., after visit ing in the city for three weeks. Pvt. Avery T. Horton spent a thirteen day furlough with his par ents. He has been in the army since December. 1944. He is now floncd at Fort McCIeU^*' Horton and .Shaw University. The following people are mak ing girnmonts for the Rus.«ian Home Economics Club IV’Uccl at ihe Washington High School; Junio At kins, Jackie Mitchell, Bessie Stroud, Mary Hinton, Angela Mcrchena, Ella Ruth Thompson. Julia Perrin. Louise Cutchin. and Lincll Winston. (iss Angela Marchena, a student of the Washington High School left for Washington Thursday. April 26, as a delegate of Ihe State Home Economics Club "Modern Home makers uf North Carolina." She was accompanied by the State Adviser, Miss Marie C. Moffit; Miss Ruth Pope of Chapel Hill; Miss Marjorie Hines of Mary Potter, Ox ford and other. They will take }art in the discus sion of organking a National Club. CUAVl^CHTS , trameu and Ft. Meade. - Pvt. Alston r*. I at Washington Higb miKiN CLEANERS Ca«h and Carry 325 S. BloQdworth St. Little Miss Annie Osborne of 7 Edgecomb Terrace celebrated her 4t hbirthday last Thursday at her home with more than 38 gucsis present for the occasion. Many use ful presents were received. Mrs. L. M. Denson of New York City and Little Frances Butcher of 13 Chavis Way entertained the little folks on the lawn. Refreshments were serv ed by Mrs. Wm. Osborne .and others. Miss Mary L. Carson of 7 Brun.®- wick Terrace ha.s been ill and gpn- fined to her home since last Sun day. Her many friends wish for her u quick recovery. Mrs. Effic Daily of 21 Smith Plaza is able to be out after a long .spell of sickness. Master Capes Hope. Jr. of 5 Hyde Terraoc is .‘‘ick and confined to his home. Hurry and gel well. Capes. Little Mis.s Barbara A. Hicks of 12 Chavis Way is able to be out •lichney i/ Wilmington to her hiimc after 1 days visiting her •artha Perry of 7 iall of 21 Chavis home after visil- arhstun, W. Va. ler and family Varina with ■ Mr. Andrew 17 Lincoln ved to learn ■llcr’s sister. Hayton. Tlic ind.ny at Ihi Jtiurch. Fifth RALLK H — The Flower Garden .Club celebrated its fifth anniver sary last T iciiday night at the Mary T, Ibert Home with dinner and a pr >gram. in which a review of the j work of the organization was given. Mrs. Lcs.sic Horton, president o' the club presided and lave a wel come to the visitors. .She also out lined the project of the club for the coming year. One of the pro jects is the completion of ihc bauii- fication of the yard at the Saiiitor- CHURCH INEWS MARTIN STREET BAPTIST REV. P. H. JOHNSON. Pastor HAI.KIGH — The .nihjccl ot the Rev. P. H. Ji'hnsiin’s .sermon Sun day morning was "The Christian Family.’ Hi.s text taken from Ephcsian.s. 3:15. . The ehurch of God is like a hu man f.'imily because membeiship is by birlli. You must t>e born again to get into the church a spiritual birth. There is a riiffer-iire from being a member of the church and heiiiB a member of the family ot God. Just at there ar- different tyjies of members of the family, iherc are differeiil kind of chureh ircmbors. Regaidicss of Jiow weak or how strong they may be they are sldl mcmb-rs of the ehurch and i^ie strong should hold up the weak. There is a certain amount of love and devotion that each mcnibi’r of a family has for his p.’rticular fam ily and this same spirit should ex ist within the ehurch. Jesse Cleveland Saundcr.e, la- porter. RALEIGH WAC TO ATTEND ARMY AIAMINISTRATION COl'BSE SAN ANTO.NIO ARMY SERVICE FORCES DEPOT. SAN ANTONIO, Texas — Staff Sergeant Mary £. Alston, daughter of Mr.'s. Paltie E. Alston. 524 Soutti P-rson Stree', Raleigh. N. C.. has just been seler*- cd to attend the Advanced Army Administration Course, The Adju tant General’s School. Camp Loo, Virginia. Employed as a clerk-typist before the date of her enlistment in th? WAC, January 2. 194.1. Sgt. Alston serves jm a iH'rsonnel clerk at th** huge Texas siyiply center. 2S FIRMS IN N. C. ON "MJ’ST" WAR PRDDLCTION LIST RALEIGH - Rockets, imple ment of destruelion. are mamilac- Hired in two Nurtli Carolina plants, rocket bodies and bairels for guns and shells trc mudi m two other pl.mts, and gun mounts arc made in two plants. Dr. J. S. Dorlon. State manpower direelor, discloses in report oil the firms in the National and State "mubt" lists, as of Marcn 15. Included in this list are i.5l firms agencies with high priority ral- ings. 20 of which are 100 per I “must' production. 19 of which •3 75 pcic lit or more on this type of pruduclion, ’.'.hile 27 firms are .5C to 73 per cent on "must" items. Sev eral hundred other North Camlina firms are engaged in highly i-sscii- tial production, but do not rate the most important "' lists. Other dc.slriiclive impkmctitv. are made at more than a dozen plants listed, includinB two pnxiucin-.' bomb |>arts and one plant each pro ducting specifically, bomb sluH noses, bomb fuses, b»>jnb cai).. bomb cluster, b;mb fins, and one a.sscmblying bomb fins, while pig lead, soft lead and antinonial lead arc produced at one plant each. Radar components arc produced at seven ptanl.s in the State, one lUsting jint radar, and one each pro ducing airhortu' parts, special radar, landborno gears, radar parks and anti-radar ulumirmm f'-il. Airplane aclivilics are carried in more than a dozen plants, six ' gaged in airplane maintenance, m airplane mixlificailon, two in iii - piane assembly, two on i>r'>duc!i tors. The Rt. Rev. Frank A. Jiihan them, one by nne. And thLs shall of Kloiiria w:«' G-’-speUr. and Bish- be our prayer, tli.ii you may show- up Edward T. Ueivby, retired .suf- y"ur people Him who is 'hrth and fragan of Arki.nsM> was Episloler. lifbd up.’ so tfda they m.y c;yl B’Viop Ik-mek puaeh e die sermon, lifted crowns before Him who si'- Bish. p Noble C. Pov.eii, Marvl.inr:. Utli uopn the tnronc, e.od jo..t ;o ,.ad th> Litany, and ihe Bi-'-lun.- U'- -"b" "f the n di emeu, ever Icci W.IS urcier.tid b> Bislu p. Mid- more p.aisiiu Him and sa.Mn;:. olcion S. Baro-vcll of Gc’ tr :.i, .nnd H"l>. Hoiy. Holy." Dr. M.ibel Gariiey, retired piu- fessor of education of Teachers College. Columbia Univcrbiiy, who spent two days on Lincoln Univcr.sity’s 'Mo.> campus la.>l week. Slic addrc.ssixl guests at a reception in her h nor, and at an assembly; visited the school's campus In general, and .•■pent bomc lime in the S'alc Uoji.nimcnl of Education. Dr. Carney, nationally known for her work In Rural Education and improvement of lelatiunships botwein the race-, was retired from Columiiia m l!42, after a quarte r of a ceiuury of service. While on the c.impus she was guest of Culiinibia gr.iduatcs and former students. .. .,,K M. C . ... AllcndiU!; Prc.-bytoi;: were the Hi--. ; ly.'.e 1-. y oi' Mi: t.nil. Al.i.. am! the R v. Hi;-haid B. r*la;t.i:. Clnirel;. Noi P-lk. TIu- Vi o. ■' - r.. T..ylo' of K« lithe,n Vir- qnij W..S D'ptily Itegisti r. K,.- :e' Eeletiion • lead i*;. HIshon Tho'V. . C- no.t. 'li.-'Uiiii of Fast C-,'olsna. EvkI.h, ; >.f Ordiii.- • !- h\ ;l)r B- V, J' hn H. .1. hh- ■: .«f. M.irdn's. N«v.’ York City; con- M'liG "f the Standing Coinm-iU by .Mr. \V.n iot> Do yn; v/arden rf Gracr* Cnouh. Norfo'k i.Ma.sUTS of t -uks weri the Hrv. . U W-lf Jr. No'V- ’ho ic'.civtxi many ,mii V mlations or Ih- iuifeilion the i.i laiuenirnt:. Al'-: Jianeilc Lane C"l‘. thoia! di Paul’.'; polytechnic ln>t ri'iH- villo. V.I.. was organist and choirn'.-isl' r Spiaking dirccilv to Ihc‘»,j -- ■k ill the Consc- Ninth C ■'.N'ow. N. C. STl'DENT III.AI.TII ASSDCl.VIIDN .MEETS ‘(ioniiniKil from pag“ ; r-is!;up riiiiel ':. ‘c.’it was fiom' I-..rjh fi;l. In Hr v '.la Kn.;; IV- ziah dud. 1 .'■aw tlv Lord .sitliii t opoii thru! liigli and lifted up." 'Hi.' Con-eci..1)011 w. •.l|..v.o hy .1 lunclu-on at the Diocesan ilou.'*.. I'lrf in the I veiling a Ic''!'- muiiial Ina.':. Mee'.-t,.’ ta.ldl in •h St J hi; s A.Mi. Ctiiiich. I"!- 1.'oy a nerption. Bisi.op Ham.-;' p-d vo t 11'. Ill'- uei. . :it'l fron* No;;ro ''! ■- out ihe Unilcd Slatfs. ■ill. Kj.i-! ; '.'as the gift of lb.- aiuirni of St. Augu-tine'' C"! R.iUii?;.. N. C.. '.C winch B'-h , Harris i.. J'. t'.rad'iale. Th« Bishop’;- Atieiirt.i w..-. given the staff the 1' .. : • ot ' Ih • t-.,'i' sioiis at Church Misii-ms Hon . . New Y-'.k. A Ihayer Bo.-k and Hymnal -.'•••n- -dvt n ly Click No. 2 of Grace Church. N' lfolk. and a Bible wa.s giv n by ih.' Hidiop and the Nem-o clergy ot the daicc-se of that of the congregation, some cigh- ’ j „ j v j ty per cent were of Bis..hp Hams’ For Penwnaliiod Hand --aundrT own raci'. j *■* #iAA ‘Tin'' Consecration Siivice w.isi beautiful i-.iui iniproisivc. and I’.ish- ..p Tlinma*. C. D irst "j E;,si C.i lina. sufoii’cil it up i.luii h.' as he 1-ft fo, h-m... "! tliuik haw ilniie ; ’tnelhiri;; to advance 'the Kingdoin of G-ii today," Phone 4100 MODERN Hand Laundry 11 ObarUn RMi! Arcade Shoe Shine Parlor SHOE SHINES OF THE BEST IS OUR BUSINESS SDDLS ALL COLORS I.ADMS SHINES A SfECIALTY SIK^FS CAuJ^FOn AND DKLIVKIIED ARCADE HOTEI. BLD. J. M. MASSEY. Prop. I LIMHiyil k‘i't. Bn hoP 111 me \_oiise- ' ^ iljo.; i .non said. ".N'ow. my The Church i-f Christ ...._ ^ brnthor, r.iav 1 ' .y a i>er«nnnl word Luke'extcndeil a to VOM. 1 bring you the affectionate • Nemo -.m.mutucants ' : greetings ' f your native St.itc aiul and vicinity, and it oi..e.'C. from your fnends. whoso r - - - name is h-cion, and from your] zi| iCCirilTn ntighboi.-! with whom y> played I Li Jj .1 o iJ « • 1 1> ns n Ind. Thirc is prill. I" 'hl» ! ,va\TI;|1 - ..arllimp MaW, twn grccini; and a rl.a an shain , rmm. Ili.H in the honor and di'‘t!n ion that > ou have achivod. There is also , atisfacticn as wc saiutc you. lx- cau'i wt \vorthily ' earned'.” The ' When asslng^ ihroUgh^Rocky riuhlnc-ss of your reco. mtion ap- IK-al.s to ;is as Just. Yi ur elcvatl'-n Bisl'.op's office i.s the Chureh'; : I f aoproval upon yoiir p. isonul its of character and the hi;'h qiialily of your vuctrs :n a new and Ving field. But ihe.'.e cr..tiry- ing apprai.s;ib are only human jiid-'Triiit,'-. Wc have a higher ambi tion for you than tha* you sliould 'rx' a jileasiire of men. We have con fidence tli.-d. under Cod. you will irjt rpret Christ to ;dl men. and c'lKCially to the- members of your own grea trace. And wh:it is nK>: wc believe tliat you arc posses'M of gifts that will eiiahi- the Nr.tin lege for .NegriK.s, and Miss Klhel Peters, of the I’;! Pan iilhond Federation of .America. Certifieale-; of mciit weie awar.i- ed to ten in.titulion.s for ixtensive im-iusinn ..f milk student diet'. Tin- .-.wards were pre- scnteii by B-.;ir Stallings Ware. direcl'T, Dany Council. Uuiham, ihiouch tl.e c(> uf the .National Dairy Council. Other awards were made as fol lows: For the most i ffi-clivc and far-rcachiiiR health p.-njcct, to Ben nett C'.Ilrgc; for the rr,->sl progri^s during the year, to North C.nrolina ‘ riTu-V.* tils ovii i Collcg^f fur Nearew: honoruLl.o f. ...i,'’ menlioii for both, and a . ire uoin-r t. prize, to St. Aum-stine’s College. '■ "him Tlusi' aw .Ids wen* -.dvcii by the / "f,' 1. im n is a IN, C. Tnbei-culusis Aoocialion. and ‘'O' “^'’t f toemhm presnitcd l.v L. 1. Bin.' Miller. /J ! ^ iMdc- r the -.-v-ii-ds w.-rc John opjmilin ity Cur affic.ion.ite inter L. L. Bing Mill.-r. as-i.-^-ant cxccii- ff'ions will .... secretary. North Carolina Tub- erculpfsh Apsociatior, y’‘4 Mount Stop at the caff: 204 Albemarle Ave. Rocky Mount, N. C. BAR-B-CUE and FRIED CHICKEN Our Specially E. N. ANDERSON. Prop. APRIL 29 to MAY I Mrs. Parkington cAiisoN — \v.\i;ri':K imihilon Kdwat'f! ArtinUl. Ahim’:. .MniH'i lio;nl. Ci’fil Kvihiway 2111(1 till' SAIN'r LIKK'S CIIOKISTKUS “TWO-GUN RUSTY” Cartoon Melrotonc News Yqu Too May Get RELIEF FROM ASTHMA SPASMS Do those wheezing choking at tack* keep you from your work or rob you of your tleepT For over ih r.. Dnr in', i - half 8 ccntuTy BRATER'S POW- >..u then. Onr in.i suffer* from spaams ol i;,nd dER has brought billed re^ to .ve sec.e.a..>. - - _ . H• r'J asthnut. Try BRA*^’S TOW- rculpsi' Apsociatior, y’‘“ -’-'‘.^"4 ' u o.rn.,nnt DER, you too may fmd soothing jVif Ailhur P. Chlppiy of 3t. , mtr. pid f.nth .iirm iii t to use. Caution, US« Augu.'-tine'.s Cullogc is prc--sidciit ''f j the Assuciatiun. and .lennic I.. Douslass, of Ihe SLite Health Ser vice. Is executive director. BKAVin W VSHINGTON HARRIS BECOMES EIGITIH msHOP OF EPISCOPAL ClIL'KCll IN LIREIUA ♦•Continued from page one) I ' of Southern Virginia, clergy ' ilher di' c-es'-'-, and ' f Southern .gjilia. rcprei'.'idf.iive.- of the Nn- Itional Co.ineil - tin- Rev. Dr. Gen. !a. Wisehiiid. Home Mi.sasiun. and 'Fr. A. Erv-ioe Swift. Cvereas Mi - sions. hishup.--. diocc-aii ami visi*- ing. Ill the eoitgn gati ri were .Mrs. A,II i.r CRir.iv... .-.v- l -MR. n-rii- FOR TASTY FRIED CHICKEN COME TO MORGAN’S Tea Room 2HICKEN SHACK Half ChickeD or A Chicken Sandwich BEER SOFT DRINKS JIWU kVfU aaa..^ relief. Easy to use. Caution, use BRAT£IR’S POWDER only a* di rected. Large siie box jl.OO at your druggist, or sand cash or money order to u» direct No goo^ mailed COD. John K. Brater & Co. me. 369 3rd Ave., New York, N.Y. (16) ;\MBASSAD0R Now Playing ■ VAN .K)HNSON j MONK’. BAKKYMOBK-- In WED. and THURS. MAY 2-3 Take It Or Leave It STA.M.HV I'UAC.Kit — .M.MMOUll-; M.XSSOW lOI.I.IO TT in Episode 6 of “ Valley of Vanishinf Men” DRIVE IN ' GLEANERS Cash and Carry 325 S. Bloodworth St. RALKIGH - The Flower Garden Club relebr.-itcd it.s fifth anniver- sai-y last Tiic.sday night at the Mary TMbeil Home with dinner and a program, in which a review of the work of ti e orgs'nizatmn was given. Mrs. 1,e«sic H’i1on. iircsidcnt o' the i-lub iire.s'dec' and gave a wel- tcome to Ihc visitors. .She iilso out lined th*' project of (he cUih for the coming year. One of the pr> jecl.s is the cnmplet: as.scmbl>ing bomb fTF Ipjid. soft iratl iiiifl . GREAT NEWS FOR WOMEN WHO DOUCHE Many Doctors today recommend the use of douches for women troubled with disc-harRC C’thc whiles"), offending odor, and minor Irritation —for women who want to be and feel refreshingly iUan, AndherFsa productforthcdouche . —Hospiialtcfled.too.wilhFplcndid \ j„nes. results—Lydia E. Pinkliam’s .Sana- live Wash, made by the same great compaoy that makes Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Pinkham’s Sanative Wash is gain ing great favor today with women. Ifa mighty effective to cleanse, relieve offending cxlor. dkeharge and discomfort of minor irritation, yet it positively won't barm even the most delicate membranes or tissues, loex- pensive, too. Any drug store. Ji CIS IS ll*v ; ficntion of the yard ut tliv Siiuitor ! ium. Mrs.' Bc.s.xie H.irri;. socictary, gave a brief history of the Club and named it five presidents; >'e.sd2imes Lila Haywood. Bello Burni to. Jat- qtiline Cooper. . nd Mr.':. E.cssic Hor ton. The fable was hoimlifully dc'cnr- ated with Ameriran Braiity Roses and Snapdragons. Mrs, Nrltic Small, Chairman of the Sorial CommiKio. prejiared a delicious menu of chick en salad, potato rhip--. devtlrd eggs, beets and ice rream and cake. present: Mrs. Clark. Small Htek-s. Mas.scnbrUR. Cvrlus. Horton. Lane, Push. Rnbin.son, Hargrove. Greene. Burnette. Austin. Irving. Jones. Young. Rogers. Dunbar. Scalc.i, Herndon. Tool . While, Har- Fostcr. Horton. Colson, and ??:'ul[71e pir. liinonial Itsid arc produced al one plant each. Radar componeiUs are ;)rc)duccd at seven pl.-ints in the Slate, one listing juit radar, and "nc each iiro-' ducing airhorne parts, siieciiil radiir. j landborne gears, radar jiarls and | .iT’li-radar aluniimim f"il. ' Airpl.ino iiclivilirs are t.irned on ..f the nro-'” do/.en pl.-uits. six eii- raged in airplane inaintinancc. of the baiiti- - uv., ir, a plane inodificatioii, two in ai> plane .isseiiihly. two on (ii-cKliKti.; d compontnls and one p’.o- ducing propeller part.-: shown li the list. Three fiims in the "imist'' :.ic engage dii; ship iiroduction. one each building shii>s. inakinj; parts and lulfilliiiu ship.-:. Nalurallv. textile pi-odiu-lioii con- aitiite the hulk of the ’-niusl" 1 ' K-tiviiie. m N'-rll: raroliii.i. which has 127 plant.-, so it-ied. Diit-l; '-an teiU-s. stieu-heis. iinimimilion liells aiifl n'aiiv '-thei- purposes i- rodticed ai 49 iilan'-'. while 47 phiiits an- making in.'ulating yarn and Hi are producing lent twill, See- firms m.ihe duck f'-.rUer tentin'; or collh. oni' make duck tents and another shelter halves. One firm North Ccirolina farmers are los ing thousands of dollars a year by bedding "string" sweet polatoos, says. .f. Y Las.saer. F.xletiMon l.oi- liruiuirist al Stale C'dlese. Lfdli E. PiQkham's > SANATIVE WASH Hot Baths Relieve Rheumatism and Miitis Relief In 7 Days or CostYw Nothing; I Wky MBlIiwo to rt*»r mawnlmr •»!« »bU polntJ 8UI.-BA1 ColloIdJl Sulphur Mlnrrul B»lh* ■! homo it u i»«w. prorm trfuimrcn lh«t nt« Srouibt hlottrd rtlltf l« thouttndt. Vour ioclor will irll >00 ih«l Sulphur nalhi uw hotllhful for til, uso on* of Ih* iBOtl *lf**tlv* niftn* knwn to ori- «neo Pf cemtinlilnc Ih* lerribl* pain* and *uff«rlnB of riiruoiaCitm. arihrllln. n*arlli*. aritilea. lumbaKo. rout and oihrr form* of'mnaeular and Jo*"* 'j'''* «ai*t. St GKAV MINERAI. BATHS contain roMoldal Sutehor and lnfT*dl- «nt* almilar to Ihot* foand In Ih* wnrld famoui miner*! aprinc*. SEND NO MONEY W*T1 ahlg SIX-BAY Colloidal Sulphar MIntral Bath* par**! port. Pay portman *1 plat portag* and C.O.D. chart**. If you *«nd *h**k or Bion*y ord«r. w*'ll pay all poftac* eh*r»*». If you «lo not obtain r*ll*I In ID day*. «*r»ly r*t*ni partlon. and w*'ll rafund your dollar without autftion. J«AIL COLTON TODAY National llrallhaidi. Inr. Drpt. T-1 • Eait 4&th St.. N*w York IT. N.l. n ri**«* ••nd m* carton of 4 bath* of Bl'l--RAT MINKRAL BATHS. I’ll pay poitiAn tl plut potlag* and C.O.D. Q I am •ntlotlax SI. You pay poatai*. * Nam* IP. . CARTER Electric Company Anything Electrical 3 East Leaior St. Blt.Win WASHINGTON ITMIRIS BLCO.MEs EIGIUn H'lSIlOl* OF EriSCOPAL CilL'IlCH IN' I.IBEIU.A • ; ♦ C'liitinued from page one) flioeese Ilf Southern Vii'Binui, elergv c-f -ifie5- di'ces*--, •-•i': -f So.ilher-i Viiviiiiii. |•epl•e-«’n4:|l|ve • of (he N ;• lion.'t (' imcil 'lo- H'-v. Dr. C'--'. A. WiM-liinil. Horn' Mi.'Lvioii. and Fi-. A. Frvii'c S'vif'. f-.f-rrea;: Mis sions, hishi p.--. d’i-)c .;n and vi--''- in:'. Ill (Ih- eoiigr; -n were Mi;-. Aitliiir M. Shertnau and Mli:.s Doio- tiiey Stabler of :li‘. N.ilional Wi-m- an’., A.ixiliary. T’l-esidme ni-:h'-!> H Si. Gi- r Tock.-r '•.':••• (’■m--'>• it.r,-. -md Bi'h- op- William A Bi'.v.r T S'-h ’ V'lrginia and F(i.'. hi I'cnick ■■I’ Noith Caiolina w re ro-con.-ccia- e.H'h pr"liie« . Ihi c ili-..-: h ■' ivhii cl. ;ii. d'K-k, iiyl'-ii ;ki-l . lary homjj paiuchule.- and yanis, Tire c-,td yarp or lal>nc -ir.’-' 111 five plants. SQUARE of Your LUCKY NUMBER Over 25 ways—vertically— Imrizontally diagonally - to total YOUR I'icky num ber. Send Sl.OO. and bir*!i- date for hatulmadn ehail. RIGHTMIRE Mathemagician 1066-Ar Elmwood Buffalo (9). N. Y. 9> i IIOMF-«-OOKEir FOODS And whal a mral It will seasont'd exactly right, and ev ery dish boasting a real home- cooked flavor. MORGAN’S Tea Room and CHICKEN SHACK Half Chicken or A Chicken Sandwich BEER SOFT DRINKS Corner Cro*» and Lake St. aF Friday and Saturday CHARLKS STAiaiKTl' - !•> "COWBOY FROM LONESOME RIVER” ■ -—also ■ ' DK'K KORAN In "HE'S MY GUY" Sunday and Monday KUSSKIJ- ILWDKN - In In "THE LAST HORSEMAN ' Tuesday and Wednesd ./ .JOHN CARFIKM) In "THEY MADE A CRIMINAL" John K. Brater & Co. INC. 369 3rd Ave., New Yerk, N.Y. (16) AMBASSADOR Now Playing VAN .K>1INS(4N I.10NKL liAKUYMORK In "BETWEEN TWO WOMEN" Sun.. Mon., Tut... KRHOL FLYNN lIKMtY HULL la "OBJECTIVE BURMA" Wed.. Thurs., Fri.. Sat. "I'LL BE SEEING YOU" v.itii f;!N(;i:i{ iiotiKiis SHIRLEY 'lE.Ml’LE JOSEI’H CO'ITON March of Time “Upbeat of Music*’ New* 1 1 TRL and SAT. (Double Feature) MAY 4 and S March of Tim,- “ of Music” News • I I'Kl. and SAT. (Double Fcalurc) MAY 4 and 5 Lighting Strikes West Willi iloli S'l't'.'l'IlJi Dark Mountain Willi U*'l)i'i-| l.owi'i’.v ;imi Kllcn Ui'fW Epi.sode 7 of “Mashed Marvel” V4)f f r€C .West Candidate For Re-election JOOOE CITY GOyei OF RALEIOH In Primary, April 30, 1945 His Record For The Past Six Years As Judge Deserves Your Support. M.'ii