-M.’i.N'... .PA . Raleigh Personals Bt VIVIAN BfeLENDON ids wish for ht-r The Business ;md Industrial Girls Her irany^ Club of the YWa-4 will give a Quitk rf i'liril ;jarty at the Bloodworth Streoi . ft i ^ i. USO on Monday night. May 21st., The wlTon s Club bad its legu- Games of whist, bridge and pino- lar meefOing Thursday evening at thle will be started promptly at 7 00 at the .Mary Talbert Homo. 8:U0. Priztj will be given to the Mrs. R. E. Watts, a member of the couples with the highest score in, Executive BOard. logether with oth- each game. Do come and bring your ers were elected ns delegates 10 the partner. The Y will be benefitt‘Kl Federation at Rocky Moun'.' by the receipts. Saturday, May JU The' Alpha Zeta Slgnia chapi.-r if ■ All trends of .Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie I Delta Sigma Theta sorority recent- Davis of 606 South Harrington St., * ly entertained members of Alpha are m deep sympathy with them in Rho chapter and their friends at a the passing of Mrs. Davis’ neice.' picnic The picnic was moved in- Mrs. Booms, in Ballimoie, Md Mrs. > doors because of inclement weather Davis left Tuesday morning for' and was given at the home of Soro' yjitiniore. where stie will accom Margaret Bugg on Tarboro Road. Soro Patricia Stewart was sponsoi for the group. She was assisted by Sorors Ethel Lytle. Etta Duren. Margaret Bugg, Rosalee Hill and Corinne Adams, Sorors Florence Davis and Marie Peters, faculty members of Virginia State College and members of the Delta Chapter there, were the out of town guests. Mrs. Lillie Wilson Holmes left on Tuesday night for New York to visit realtives. Pvt. Arthur Baskerville i.as left for Ohio. Seaman Jimmie Taylor Is visiting m the city. Pvt. Poe is visiting ih parents. puny the body to Winsboro S C. CUAVISUEli^TS Mrs. Josh Hunter of No. 11 Smith Plaza, has ivturned home from St.j Agnes Hospital where she has been; a patient for several days. I Mrs. S. Smith of Balitmore, Md.,| Isthe guest of her daughter and son-1 in-law. .Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hicks tfj 12 Chavis Way. The Cradel Roll department of: the First Baptist Church held ilsi monthly birthday party at the homoj of Mrs. Oscar Kendall. Sr., 21 Chav-; is Way. It was largely attended. All, children had a fine time. Master Harvey Chandler of 11' Chavis Way has been on the sick list fur .several days His many , ... I frintds wish for him a uulck recov- Mr. Davi sof South Bloodworth, Street has been indisposed for a few j ^ Moore of Smith, was ihn luys. ] guest o fMrs Effle Daily for Moth- Mr». Sarah Davis is visiting rela-! tives la Henderson. Mr. E, R. Swain motored to Wil mington on a business trip on Mnn- da.v. Mr. W. H. Wheeler of the Me chanics and Farmers Bank, Dur ham. visited the plant of the Caro linian on last Friday. ■ ■‘s'- f ■. • ■,- .. lu. L'lin .-3 b.-i.d • • K t’l . I • ' 1 ff '‘i." ’ - ■ • - . "V ^ k’.. c L A s s i n! ’. r s ♦. \* tn'-tj:! « vi •s I.. I'l-.i -t Mir: • ,,,tii. .nil'i.d. 1.1.1V ap.’t' will'- , 1: l'•i;a '• .i,u manlier . Si.-aul* { -l- >•, ., ihi. -i-h'i 1 1 - . \»ji rleir 1 •Mjrlis I. ai.f CARTER i'Jlecti’ic Company .Anythin" Electvicai i'. 'Tff- 3*'' V ^ W i . -Tr-i sst' • 1,'ch' d u{ : ,nlt M. 1 .;y I'.r -f H..flrr..n. i n.i/i : .1. hi, Mrs Ida Wall of Washington. I).' C. has relumed home after visiting; her sisters here, Mrs. Mabel Os borne of 4 Hyde Terrace, Mrs. Ada Hicks and Miss Lena Hayes of East] Cobarru.s Street j Miss Queen Osborn-' of Woshiiic-1 I'm, D. is the guest of her moth er, Mrs. Mabel Osborne of No Hyde Terrace. Little Patrioch Hinton of No. 121 Smith Plaza has been on the sick ' list a few days. Her many fric ds nuni clSlhing exhibit Friday. MW : " ;?e^nvitJd to“"e,‘ the iSm? Jade by the 9th. 10th and 12th graders ^ Mrs, Cassie E. Spence visited her j UBEKLIN KU4D NEWS mother. Mrs, Mltlie Minter in Ld- The Clothing Department of the Washington School will give its an DURHAM - Tic ci attractive Allaync Turiior, Duilr.u; frc-hhiuaii c'-vd, a- ' '•.!•• .‘''i- \ Club of ly-l.V wa; Uu- It..U;c cV.ir, i'-,,;,.., s at the C’hii.'M amiu.ij .M.i> .1 u h. H f.irmal hehi Ihtn- m n'otly 10 .Noi’i. . ■!., I Ciii-.tlina Colh;’*' Wi.ii.tii.. (Jyiii-. Dui Im nusiurn. imIU: .Mi.s.t Tunii'i'. diiujiiier tu liicU.' Jf law .schiM'l ilt aii, i>r. A L. Tiiii.i-". | U’Ih IS show 10 iovn nylil i»l,'.!o hi-1'..h’'l I,. \ .A'' iiig assi'-ii-fi with hi I ucciriiti I'-j Ni'i’Ili f■..I'olina folh merit by .\li ■I'l.oii..t uu Joh 1 WaiUi 11'.! r- p.ttfl W.ill. J .Ti !b;r .1 ■ ' .Mu. .Sphinx fh.b ol Il.lt R'ch lield of .\!i. rjliv, 1-.:. ' staiid.s ai .Mi 'I'l'itt • ioH ai.U ■ •.''i' -'i r " Cu-tis .M Qi.kk ol Jli'.h Foil.', pit-. :Ta‘!.o;i iderit. h'tld- ioiici'n' • • .• t. 1 ■ J'ictored ui top pht,:.. •,(! the fio Rut. 11.> row an; h-tt to i';;l.l Sphinx ..lub \f)ir h'..( I. ]m, ...Irl.-hl.t, -•it S .let If f; Washington School PTA Close-, Good Year For P*rsm«U:ed 1-1aoI Laundry Phone 4100 MODET’N Hand Laundry 11 Ob«rl'.n Road SQUARE of Ycur LUCKY NUMBER Ove. 25 'w.'ay.s vt'tticnlly— ;ioi'l/.jn'allv- cliuEonally— to tola! 'YOIJR i jckv num- h- r. Send :^5.00. and niri;) dat* f.tr li.in-.lniade cliail. RIGHTMIRE Mdlhcmagiclan 1066-AF Elmwood Buffalo (9). N. Y. hngton, for Mother's Day. Mrs. Spence Is a teacher at Friendship •School In the Apex township. Mrs. Mary M. Rogers of 317 Can non Street, has returned home af ter spending Mother’s Day with her daughter, Miss primrose Rogers in Richmond, The Progressive Council of Elks held its regular meeting on last Monday evening at the Elks home. which convenes in Goldsboro M.'‘y 28th. 29th and 30th. Tlit Usher Board of the Rujlh, Mertttial Church held Its regular rnonmy meeting at the home of Mr Beatrice Little. .W Souih T’‘'“$On Street, with the president. Mis* Hosa Parker, pre.iding. BY ANN B. MORGAN Sgt, Worth Smith 's visiting his! v/ife on Bedford Avenue. ; Misses Ruth Trice and Mary W Turner of New Bern, were in tlic city over the week end. Mis.s Gwendolyn Gill of Scotland I Neck was in the city for .Mother's Day Miss Elizabeth Gill ef N, C. Durham, was In the city ove; the week end. There will be an International 'FtMilon Review on Tueiduy night, May 22. in the Oborlin School Auditorium at 8;30. The Ladies Auxiliary met with Mrs. Katie Hunter on Monday eve ning. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGE WOMEN MEET MONDAY. MAY 21 .\i.'..blc the ft.l- K;.-r f ; Ml V. .W M K. I .ic'.ii and .Mr- Mii . 'i ■ 1. V. Sl.i". 11 lloll' W'tii.." t! Gill R' '.I' -uid Hi-'.' Club ••S.'X'Kdiication " fl., i tided ill a RALEIGH «- Al il 1 lur. .-i.; of the y.ur, Tiiui-diiy niyhi, .\i.iy lb. the Wii-hin«t’.n School I'i'.’i under the pri->idnicy 1.1 Mi- Sin. eon Poole glancul ba k'.vnrii ai it> ai'coniplisbini'til The grf.ilt sl forwai.l moving to;.- tributiun to li.c sun '. of tiic was the oryanization "f the Gr..:. Mothers by Mr.-. J'uitii- M •^.nith. Their spt cial pr.ijeci w ^ ^ ^ raising of funds to jmrehas.- j. p" tor the Elcrrcnt.iry lib.aiy. A ^hc oc; .' ■ n.iirinan, .,lr larity tonlc.tl in which many i t- .Mvvd, ers participated was fp»iiM»r(xl foi ' ' this projm and nctU-d SLki. Mrs.t . ......f.,.-.,]. t, ,f ^cal 1. n: Mari. PhHpot. Grade ..lotoor of .Mt- ^ N H. Morif..n .won firM - Ti.i-bbdi- ir i?i'of Lo Icav'. whilo ,vlrs. EMh.r If.iywoiKl. .p.i^h prot.-ln, r .. and rihofl;, .■May.'. Oiade .d-th '.voa >«-.•. ndl j^ d in :liry f.nd. piace. In Un- hu h rli' ' 1 fh.-i'* w- j a to- for f.i-t Hayw.x.d. Gmd .Moii,.-'- of li vVHt.N THItOffill GLEANERS Cash and Carry 325 S. Bloodworth St. FOR TASTY FRIED CHICKEN COME TO MORG.\N’S Tea Room CHICKEN SHACK Half Chicken or A Chicken Samdwich DEER SOFT DRINKS -ole. ..nd Mf- Giarto .M ’hi r .-I .S V. I'c iH»f KY ..loi N'T s ^r jni: The Progressive Council of Elks held it* regular meeting on last Monday evening at the Elks home. Mrs. Fieg"»I*Jane|.vas ^nc^ed de late to attend the State Ansociation which convenes in Goldsboro Mr.y 28lh- 29th and 30th. TliC Usher Board of the Rmfli. MeiBWlal Church held Its regular monroy meeting at the home of Mr4 Beatrice LiHle. .‘>07 Souih p'-rton Street, with the president. 'MisI Itosa Parker, presiding. Mrs. Jannie Mack of Philadelphia, Pa.,' is the guest of Mrs Maggie Gray of South Wilmir.iton .Street. Mf*. Lillie Johnson of Garner Road ha* been sick and con.met! to her' home for several days Hurry and get well, Mrs. Johnson Mm. A. Green of Fayetteville St. Jh a patient in McCauley hospital. Miss Elizabeth Gill cf N. C. State. I Durham, was In the city over the, I week end. ,! There will be an International b'ashion Review on Tuesday night,. 1 May 22, In the Oborlin School Auditorium at 8:30. The J.adics Auxiliary met with I Mrs. Katie Hunter on Monday eve ning. NA'nONAL ASSOCIATION OF l ULLEGF WOMEN .MEET MONDAY, MAY 21 RALEIGH The Raleigh Branch of the National Assoention of C.il- lege women will hold Its final mee*- • Ing of the year at Miss M. B. Biigg's residence. 219 South Tnrhoro Street. The hostos.ses will be Misses Louise Cooper. Ida Evans. Rachel McCauliy, M B Rn«p. Misdamea M.iMie Atkin. Albert.i Levingston. and Ethel Claik. officers foi the next year will be rliosen. raising of funds I" iimcl...-* bo ., for the Eierrcnlary lib. aiy. A p-pi.- Uirity c'ontc'l in which many moih- ers participated was ^poIlSllrl•d fo this project and m ttid Mt •• Marie Fhitpof, Grarle Mot... 1 of .'.I,. N. If. Morgan .wai firn iliac , while M'S. Esther n.iywoofl, Ml . May.'- G.ade Moth r. -x'oi. -.vend place. 111 the l.U'li cli- • I iheio a tie for t !'l pi- ‘ •■l'••-' el. .. Haywood, Gratle .Moth'' '■! '1' '' Toole. and M ' E'l,. It-.ch'ih , Glade .M 'her ol '.vi S. V J'. . Prize.s weic av-iid.d tlu- c ants al tuts lucliu.: I’ •' decid.d to !,.k i.i. 'o'e ..f all Gi, o. Ao.ther' al Hu- ih - '-'Uiiflay, ,i,. 20. at -1 o'cl.ick. Another l.a ’ '■ ' ' . f.'ne yeai -• .• the •• • ' , K.,i,.i pn • E •! >'• ly as ct- I III .11 '■ th.' 1 loci.ir. ■ !partni'.- M.imzu.' ’.vere u:ii fro* AMP. ASS A non ^ Now Playing li. G . IJ' H • .. !•» "Diamond Horseshoe" i In Technicolor Sun., Mon., Tuc.i. •». '' M'm-' AMP. ASS \I)OR ! Now Playing 'i , . i I I! • I'. "Dian^ond Horseshoe" In Technicolor Corner Croa* end Lake St. Royal Friday and Saturday ilop.ilonq Carsidy — In "My-.iery Man" CAPITAL CAB CO. uHOoa amvKK SlUOtf'j. BOTTUKO CO. 511 W. A Bt. PAINT - PAINT 1.'19 (;al. 12 years oi satiAfaction. AU Colors—Stains and CnamelL Mail Orders Promptly FUlad Railroad Salvage Co. 329 itoulh Wilmington SL —also- u m .\ IHK KV MOI i PROCLAMATION! TIIK PKOI’I.F; of liAI.F.lGH AND SlIItROl'NDING lERUlTOUY ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT WE ARE. CELEBRATING OCR 1st Anniversary THANKS TO YOU IN ADDITION TO OUR STOCK OK PAINTS WALLPAPERS and GIFT ITEMS WE HAVE ADDED A COMPLETE LINE OF ARTIST SUPPLIES EVERYTTITNO FOR THE ARTIST SPECIAL PRICES GIVEN TO WE CARRY A FLLI. LINE OF BEAltTY and IJARBER TbACHERS STIDEINTS SEE US FOR MATERIALS MCBLEy’§ PAINT AND WALLPAPER CO. 113 S. Salisbury Street WHOLESALE — RETAIL RALEIOTS ART CLINTKR Write Fur J’ri.^u I.iats We Stiip Anywhere kIarix Beauty Products (!o. 1730 FIII.TON STREET Brooklyn. il3). New York HOMF.-COOK' 1» FOnilS Ami What a meal It will be— seasoned exactly right, and ev ery dl.xh boasting a real boiae cooked flavor. B & H CAFE 4H 8. BLOUNT ST, TflRUt I TOP \l 'IHI ALBEMAinilCAl'E 20-1 Afbcmarie Ave. Rocky Mount, N. C. BAR-B-CUE and FRIED CHICKEN Our Specialty E. N. ANDEHSON, Prop, You 'Too May Get RELIEF FROM 1 asthma spasms ! Do those wheezing choking it- ! tacks keep you from ycur work or 1 rob you of your .•'leopT For over iliuif a century BRATEIR'S POW- irountlees suffers from spasnv .if ? ’iFJt has hroughl blessed relief to .asthma. Try BRATER’S POW DER, you too may fmJ soothusu , relief. Easy to use. Caution. iie HRATER’S POWDER only as ci reeled. Large size nox $1.00 a' ,our drjgg'.st, or e^nd cash or money order to uj direct. Nc. 'uuds mailed COB John K. Brater & Co. INC, ’,60 3rd Ave.. New York. N.Y. (16) Hot Baths Relieve Rheiimatisin and Arthritis Sun., Mon., T’je.-.. "Womrtri !n Ih- W.vL. Thun., Fri.. S.it. M .-‘in . L- "GUder!.leeve’* Ghost" Sunday and Monday H , . .i I-. J Friday and Saturday Hop.»lonq Cassidy — In "My-itcry Man" .-..-also Arcade Shoe Shine Parlor ■SHOE SHINES OF THE BEST IS OUR BUSINESS .-t!4*I.S DVl.i) .\f.L COLORS I.ADIIN SIHNFS A SPECIALTY SUOK3 CAIJ KD FOR AND DKLIVFHED ARCADE HO .fcE ELD. J. M. MASSP^Y, Prop. M- 1; "Gilderslecve's Ghost" Sunday and Monday "Oull.iw Tr •!" Tursdny and Wednesday ■'The Mask of Dimilriouc’ Thursday BARGAIN DAY Double Feature Thai the s.id occasion of a f-.inrral is observed with the utmost d'gnity a«rfl beau ty—If you ask »•* to take caro of every detail. LINCtltN TH( .SUN.-MON.-TUF.S. Raleigh Funeral Home C. A. HAYWOOD, President Phone 2-2035 Raleigh, North Carolimi 24-HOUR AMBULANCE SERVICE MAY 2H-2I-22 For Whom The BeH Tolls Stiu-rifijr — u.Mi'i f'ifii i'.i;. lyci” . i;|-';(-M.VN 1: - il-. I.il, .A '’!,.. 1- ri.,.i.,v;,. ( ;iM(l I’ .'.ii'ni; C.utoon ’’Di-vk Soup” Mi'trftoni- WED- rm'P.s. MAY 2:{-2'1 Relief in 7 Days or Cost Yon Hcthing ] Tortured man gets help! nUF r> -uarr TlRhurM - Lemon Juice Mixed at Home Relieved RHEUMATIC PAIN sa/$ Sufferer! **1 have used AI.I.rNRIJ fur srverit (nonihs. I muld hardly walk «m amumt of my knees. Bin miw iho'^ pains arc relicsed. ■ c.n go like a race hursc now," Mori Shepard of Ohio. Don't be a viitim of the pains and aches caused by rheumatism, lurihago or neuritis without trying this simple, inexpensive recipe you can mix ac home. Two iahlcsp«x>ns of ALLENRU, plus the juice of ' a lemon in a glass of water. Try a bottle TODAY! Be en tirely saiisfird w iih it — or uiuiiey bask. ^ Sdf. U(ug stores. > mils' D. lll•••■ I'0.1 I in Ihf . .sL\H Ml AIGM.V all |> ..r I •>.i) rli.rk ' 10 wax If > ml nl.u rfutid iour Jullar witliunl cur.liun. M\lf. ( H PON TODAY Nali^mai llralthaid., inr. Ii.‘l>l. '1 ! C K»Ht t:ih -SI.. N.» Yi.rk 17. .S.l. rlfOM- '.•nd rarli-n cf t hslUs of SI l,-K\Y MtSt.HVI. IIVIIIS. I'll pav p-.lman SI plea anJ « .O.li. I I am e-irloaint St. YuO pa; po.tafr. Addrr*i t.lj— VICTORY GARDEN NEEDS Plant Your Garden Now! Golden Rnnlam, Stowell, Evergreen, Siignr Corn— “Iowa .Silver King Corn” roasting ear.s- ^^3 days Save Your Garden Us«i ROTENONE DUST OR SPRAY KILLS ELAN BEETLES POTATO BUGS. C.W.V XCE AND TOMATO WORMS VIGORO GARDEN FERTILIZER Wn.L INCREASE YOUR CROP S. M. YOUNG 206 E. MARTIN STREET Marriage is a Priv'ate Affair \ TT i:N!t: nilli .I;.' ■ l-N'ir. 'L ' !" • . Bill r.l'.loll 1.1 tli.ipUr. n "V-.ll'v ,if M.'n" ■'ANCF.L PUSS”Cirloon NKWS T T FRI.-.SAl. (Double re.-ihire) MAY 25-20 The Round Up The Kid From Spain I'iDDIK ( ANT 1)1; Episode 10 of 'TilE MASKED MAKVEI.'

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