TUB CAROLWtAN WtaiK BNDWG SATtmPAY, JITNE IB, IMS Continved from Front Page NAAt I’ II.STIMONV AGAINST l'I.Al'Kll.>n; .MILITARY CONSCKIl’TION possible to provide upportunitii.-s in II. -.•Kici-oltd 10 pi-i u'lil nl the «Aiii,> tu IhoM.' Ill tliC leili.iin- II.i: 00 |.ei • i.t (lii.n il I. pi.ssiidf pi.b. i.ali- • I. .III lit ..f tlii- liit.h j pi ivliivii - I i.iii III Utr lllt>^( lldliUluui jiiU rXllriiir lit wl llils iKailMr i.l M-ttii-KJlii.ii III be tuiill III I'lMilii IClni Ht le lli- Arlll) lia . ii.tliitllli i-il u *>>sllli III M-paiali- iiiloit-il aiitl mIiiIi- I'uertu Hicaii units. 1 du nut kiiiM-. v\ li.it ti-sl ul iJi'iLii Iden tity IS npjlln-:. Ul cun be applied, bet the ineie li.altei ul praetiejl ddiii-utty dues imt deter lliuse uliii iiiuhe a letisb ul rueial seg- riculiuii." Spiiihiiu; of the iesp..ii>it3*lity of the hVilenil (Pivernmenl. Hustle >uid. wliiitL-ver pi ivule iiuiividuuls tnuy do, or even the Stales within Itieii eXfUisivi- sphere, it is a basic soneept thl uiir Federal Govi rn* m ill .shall nol make ruvial distinc tions ill the adniinistrutioii of tlie iiulioiial business. This should be especally true of the rrilitary eslab- tishineiil whose very mission is the safeKuardine of the institutions ol a Uemoeraey. Wo itan little if now and III the future ll.e niilltary pro- teets ns from Hitler’s band of rac ism. yet Itself exemplifies and by Its own ort’aniaziotn impresses upon the mids of our ycunn men a domestic bond of racism equally "nt variance with democratic ideals. In eonclusion. Hastie declared. “The responsibility of Congress tr lequire .n imeqiiovical lanUiiaei that in the Army and the Navy the selection of individual.* f'T train- ini', the deteiirination of the type. (rainiiiK which an individual shall receive and the ornanir.ation of units botii for trainini! and for service •bfiU be acc mpli'hed without re gard to or distiiu-tion On account .T X HAV TM MMCIAN SLAPS 2- VLAU OLD ItAliV Fi.llowiiiti the inlervie won Mon day whicl. PS had with l)i' W'h.t-: liiu'lon. PS was called by Mrs. ^ Adaii who slutid that she had em ployed an attorney who had already, fileil action in civil court '^he case I- to be heaid in injuislrate’s couri I today iFiiday .luin- Ift'.hi. PS .;.IUtl to l>i Whiltiiicton’.s ultei.tioii the fait tliat e-iri.hiini" nave I'on.e into llnir office with leteiei.ic to llejllneiit at the loeal li.j^pit..! Patient. I.av. le poitcd llial then food I:. I>ioukIi> up III till pan- rather than lemilar china. Di WhittuiKton ..btened (hM Iheie IS j slioitaye of china eveivwlo-ie aiid that the patienl-. in Cil.v Hospital ..Iro h..\e i-, yei tliiii food 111 v.h.itevri roiitaiiie.'s they lai. Ai Soon as the •china thi|taK ■ p.i'jet,. ti.t- doctor ex- piesed arsuiai.ee th,.t ..dditional equipin.'i.l will be pi.uhasd ••\Ve an Hying t.) make the hos pital oiK of best 'civi.e I., yo’ii iiiulon. $100; Rev H T Medford a i A, C'. Foster. Wushiniiton. Suh each. DISlINGl'IKilLD J.AY.MLN. i.lFK MKMHFKS liurin^ llie session more ll.uii u iiiindrcd ikw loeri.bei,- jonieil Two I iislinniistus.l laymen v/eie ii ude iifi I ineinber:: Hon. .lohii L. Webb, ot I l.itth. Itoik. Ark., and iJi, A. S. la.ksnn. Fimmcial .Secretary of till A.MK (.'liuich A lainpantii lot .uiKiu men.bers wa- l. unelied with .1 l uii.inittei- fioin eUvIi di lioliiniu- i.oii I f the coiinliy, luider the di- ••etioii of ISishi.jj H i \Vright. Jr . \(ct.n\e lecietai.v. Ihsliop Wright ’.III in this eonneclion, “.-Ml the pvo pie need to Know is just what this .lotelli.d r.-Ul.Cll vl NrglO l.onh.s I doll..; and tliey will ho. evely Ihoughitui .ileslo .l.u.l. the ilo l.'liilicr.e;, to l,et ‘O’ellx-r and do roiix ihiiig to help ulvai.ee Itie iivie, eioiiomii' aiid O'lal :itu.;ion ol the ia«e - and ,j.u tii-ulai 1> a-, we apjjrouch the I'oi.t W.u .ea:"ii“ I'l.v joining fee I only pel yeai. which n.ai.es III- a voliiig III.ruber. Chinches nay becoice ii.einbeis Ly paying $a: e..l n.inisterul uiganizutlons pay jlO; Wfiile conferences, synods, a.s- -ociations. stale- conventieins. etc., buy $llj to $7uu according to tlieir iiember-hip. Lite membeiship is s-iO.OO. A hiRh point in th- sessions war the report of the delegate's to the S.m Francisco Confcieiue by Pr-'S- idenl Murdicai W Johnson. Rev. J. I. Horace and Rev. H T. Medford Ur. W H- Jernagiii reported pro- ';ress for the Washington Bureau which looks after all legislative mat ters for the .Negro Churches; and riishup R. R. Wright, Ji., executive- eeretary. Both reports made a profound impression on (he uud* -nci-. and gave confidence in the work of the Fraternal Council. All the former oiliccrs were re ' •lected. with only one exception. Ur. Jernagin who had held two of-, flees, relinquished voluntarily tliel •!.airmanship of the executive com- Tiilte-c in order to devote more time ■ o the Washington Bureau. The of- f (.'CI S for lf)4.^-4« are- president. Bishop A, P Shaw; vice president •it large. Rev. E W Perry; secre tary. Rev J H Moore; assi.sto->t .Secretary. Rev E. L. Hickman: secretary Rev V M. Townstnd., chairmai executive commlffee. 1 Rev. J. L. Horace, executive secre- j tai-y, Bishop R R Wright. Jr..! chaplain. Rev. V A. Cooper, sec-' retary of executive committee. Rn-.' Luther Stewart, auditor. Rev. H. B Hawkins, .-dati.sticiun. Rev J. M i Braeey. vice president and secre taries and members - f the execu tive committee for each denomin ation w»-re elected -Many disinguished leaders were pie-mt. besides those already men tioned such us bishops R F Jones, f till- Methodist Chinch. W J Walls. W W Matlla-W'; and W C. VI. .1 thf- A.MFZ Chinch; Pres- i'li^iit M W Fia/ier of the .Mississip-, in Induslial Collt ge. Dr 1. I’ Thon.-i a- Model ator of the largest Baptist '' '(cialioii of the world, Fiesident .lamiflon of the National Baptist 1 Onv cntioi). I'.islixp. I' oiin'tin. Ransom. Gregg, Greene. Sims ana •Nicnols .^enl regieth and proxi."-'. •taling that thc.v \v;e biis.v with commcnceireiU of various AMF Colleges, so did .".ishop Hamlet and Bishop .Moore of the L.ME Uhiiicn. , Dr. J. C Austin of Chicago and otii . ers' • The next Executive Committee •Meeting was set foi Wednesday, Si-pt. «Mn r 2t», :ti i.oin.sville. Ky. V MDKTM IANS .MELI in-.(ilNS Tl'ESDAY (I'll vent ions and .nniiial iiiee tings. Stale officers are. W U. Hairston. Chilli tie, pieMdinl; Poiry J Brown, Ureensb. ;o. \i e president; Peicy Hivera. Winston-Salem, sec retary-treasurer- I.evi Huinilton. Goldsburu, chaplain, .1 li. Cutchim. FiaiiKlintoii. seiKe.nil iit-aims; and W A Whit. head. Kni-l' ti. chairman of the eXicuHve boaij. 'I In- l.;idie.- Aii.viliai y to the As- M-'iation wdl in.-et ni (oimectiun with the seliioi body Mis I, 'S Ki-lsey, of Salisbuiy, e the preii- dent of tin group Mr. Rivera stattCl that he wish nl “to express' aj'pt-( lattuii to all of the loeal ii.urtician-' and funeral 'lirectors »li • have worked togeth er in this prepaiatioii fot the meel- iiig. Citizens ol the community ti-«ve also manifested appreciable inter est.” GENERAL EDUCATION BOARD MAKES $30,000 APPROPRIATION TO BOY SCOI TS OE AMERICA Cub Scout Packs. Boy Scout Troops and Senior Units, the recruiting and training of suitable volunteer lead ers and the supervi.si- n of camps iiid other Scout octivities. Since the 19-11 grant Negro par ticipation in Scouting a.s increased to a membership of over 100.000 boys and adult leaders “Experience show.-.” say.s Dr, Stanley A. Harris. Nitional Direc tor of the Interracial Service of the Boy Scouts, “ihat Negn es are very' much interested In their boys, will ing to sacrifice so that their boys may have Scouting, and that (he white men on Boy Sti'ul Executive R aids in the S-uth are tremen dously Interested in seeing this char- nicer education proer.iir of Scout ing extended to more Negro boys” MAN HELD ON MURDER CHARGE they Were told that he was being sought on a murder charge. The man was then brought here and placed In jail A'It Mng to local police. Walk er admitted striking Rogers over he head with a piece of scaffold ing and taking $2*> from his person Ife said he left the man on the branch and did not learn of his death until .some time later Since then he has hidden out in Raleigh. New Bern and Clayton Walker told p'dice that he and Rogers had indulged in wine-drink ing near the branch, and that both bp-ame “pretty drunk " Othei than it-rallirig the lick “ivc-o Rogers and the subsequent lobbery. Walker’5: iiu-mory has forsaken him. Rogers wa® identified by his fingMToints, which matched tho.'e I eld bv the City-roiinty Bureau of f.ive'lig.-ition. l.iken in 1938 when WHITE SLAVER SEMENCED MRS M B DAVIS HIGH POINT — Miss Eliza- belli !weiid lyn l^eterson, daugh ter of .vir and Mrs. Hiram Pet erson of Ik-uthsville, Va., was ma’i-K-d t'. Ur. Murray B. Uavis I'f High Point, May 31, 1945. The marriage took place in Southern Piiies- Th( bride is a graduate of A and T. College, Greensboro, and has taught science i>nd physical education in the High School at Smithfield, since graduation in 1943 She is a member of the AKA Sorority, Dr Davis is a native of High Point and the son of Mr. and Mrs O. E. Davis of that city. He has practiced medicine there since 193.5 and serves as a member of the medical staff of High Point Mem rial Hospital and a Clin ician in the City Health Depart ment. He is a graduate of Howard University, Washington, where be received hi.s B. S. C. and M D. degrees. Dr. and Mrs. Davis tre now h')ne>'m)oning at Niagara Falls and in New York City. They will be at home in High Point late tn June. NERO 4-H BOYS INVESTED IN WAR BONDS Marion, S. C. — Thirteen Negro 4-H boys and fiirl.s have invested 5243.74 in War Bonds. They used mrney earned through the .sale of hogs to make their purchases. A county-wide campaign ha.s bfen inaugurated by George Dean, Negro countv agent here, through which 4-H boys and girls will .spend a considerable portion of their earnings in the.purchase o* War Bonds. Rf.gers was arrested on a minor ch'arge. The bureau also had a photograph of the man. Although Rogers’ body was found •iiider water, it was proved that he did not die of drowning. Heavy •;ri(if-ll was given as a possible redson for the submersion. Walker has served three terms for hl:?hway robbery a^d .sentences for housebreaking arid entering. Police are giving the case a thorough investigation. Pres. Seabrook And Rev. Funder- burk Finals Speakers At So. Pines j RALEIGH — Ronald Perry. 34- your old wlilie man. formerly of Wake Forest, was sentenced to from 14-17 year.s in State Pn-^on for the murder of Lynn White, 20, four years ago. The defendant pleaded guilty to manslaughter. Perry, sought by the police foi four years, was iirre.'^ted lecenily near Roxboro when an informant tipped off the police. He offered no explanation for the kilting, but evi dence showed that Ferry killed White following an uigumeiit ovei biMdli-g whiskey The slaying was just about for gotten by the officials here a- then was on refold of the ease. No death certificate and no Ltnial permit aeie foiiiui for White .uid no kcoiU of him could be unearthed at Saint Agnes Hospital where he died A lone witne.s.- Jih.- baile> 'of New Light Tnwnship was found, however, and tii lestifii d that Her the midst of theii' argninent Jiid-e Clawson 1. VVllliuIr■.^ teiin ed the killing “unprovoked' and Periy approached the maxiiiium 'entl-nce of 21) years. l.on« Terms Meleil in Attempted Rape (lases TARBORO — On June 8. a Sup erior Court jury found one man and two boy.s guilty of attempted rape on three local white girls last spring. Each was given a long pri son term, Nathaniel Klllehrew, 28, pleaded nol guilty, but he was definitely identified by V glnia Sexto? ar' her attacker on March 18. ujid the man was sentenced to fiom lo-lS years. He was frightened away by I her screams, the girl testified. James Bell. 17, pleaded gu'lty to ' attempted rape on two sep.irate oe ' casions, one against Mrs. Joe Long, and the otticr igalrvt Sarah Rawls. • Neither attempt v iccessful His [sentence was 10-15 years on each ■count, the first -it- ic» to oe tn! lowed by the s cond. A '10-15 year prison sentence as ^Imposed on Willie Brown, who [pleaded guilty to an "tem ited as- ! saull on Doris M... . .la- 20 i Brown was with E( II heii th? 1 h'tter attacked Mis- R.. Is. The t two wen arrested after blood- I hounds were put on their tr ils. MEASURE MII.UOVTHS J OF INCH These films, like those ->f nil nn water sometimes seen on wet streets afford sclentis’i a vain thickness gage by the • olor they re flect. according to Dr Katherine D Blodgett, of Genern] Electric's re search laboratory A thin film of oU on water has a yellow coloi when the film is six rrilltonths of an inch SOUTHERN PINES — The com mencement events of West South ern Pines High School were high lighted by President J. W. Seabrook, pre.sident Fayetteville State Teach ers’ College and Rev. J, R. Funder burk, P. E. Fayetteville district. Ill delivering the baccalaureate sermon, he was sound and practical. He compared the lives and future careers of the graduating class to a baseball game. A good offense, teamwork, and the will to win were ih*- basic points stressed by him. Integrity, iiidustriousness, courtesy, and common sense were •'unipdied respectively to Die four bases the players must run . '■D(?es Man Learn by Experience?" was the theme uf the commence- ineiit addre:s uf Hresideiit Seabrixik. The fact that man so often makes the I'jme mistake repeatedly, was vividly illustnited by a second world's war that now exists in the universe. The value of time, health and sound bodies, and optimism was highly ci-nsidered by the speaker Time, because it is the stuff of which life is made, and because no one will ever be able to inveht a clock that will strike the hours lost In frivolity; health and sKund bod ies because our bodies are temples of the living God and must be kept clean; and. optimism because our evnditions are often not nearly us bad us the other fellow's — A man might grumble about having no shoes until he meets another man who has no feel —things can al ways be worse. President Seabrook left this final thought; “Man has changed himself so little in a world that he has changed so much" that we should always strive to change ourselves as wel las the world for the better. Rell-Hii|) Draws Jail iPiobable (iaiise Found 'I'erm in ShiMiting Ease RALEIGH — Lee Moore, a bell- h p iu a local hotel, was found I'uilty ih Criminal Court last week of assault with a deadly weapon . nd was sentenced to 18 months in iml. Last March the defendant blast 'd four bullets into the body of Willie Hart.sfield. who, Moore said, had accused him of larceny of a watch from a mu' :al girl friend and had threatenec his life The two met one night on West Davie Street and M-rore opened fire H, -.fv'ld was ••our'ded In 'he -^>u!d once in ■ h h? and twice in ot.e eg 'ccelved tie.i' ent it Saint Atrnes Hospital and was iisch.ir, d e nTTii r'eht M . c perm.ittd. to serve his I PPte’ -e in the Wa' Count.« Jail , ’S a hi !'*er (or t- - loi V ' 'hhv. H. L. ARIIE .\DDRESRFB iCULLMiL HMOM'l'n HUHINLKH ' ME.V ( I t’B FAYFTTEVIL L I- I Ashe, pastor of .'esi '’hepel A. I M E C iiTh . dresseu the C- I- 1 ’ ite Hei'ht« Bus.ne«- Me 'hi.r re.;ula- mei't ng -ecently at the .'^■•abr.iok Road ■ le cm- I phiisizi I 1 V becoming more civic and ecoi 'rnit n inded, ..nd urged [•he citizens io co-operate with the I fine program which is being spon- 1 sored bv the chib Mr. G L Butler if pre- dent cf ihis organization. ! The rex' meeting - ill ! e held a 'Ve. - i ’ pel in '••'■ns HiU The mil !.o liiinounred later. thick, red fo- seven millionths and blue fo leight millionths, she said Ry using this information a color jtnve *• It b'en devised for ir;easur- iiig t : i .illionths ' f an inch. Against Driver RALEIGH — Lonnie Upchurch of 721 Bragg Street, and Marshall Allen, 722 Bragg Street were bound over to Wake Superior Court last week under $100 bond after prob able cause was found in cases in which they were charged with as- sa"It with a deadly weapon, resuU- in death I The charges grew out of a recent accident letween a truck and a car driven I, t' defendants, .hich i» ultcu ill 1. ta d‘-ath for onfc 11 in and 'he subsequent death ol ‘.other The accident occuired on East Street, ju -uth of the Ca- [ i o'rrus Street iersect'on. j Ernef.; Hughes of l,i South Hay-[ woe fit’-eet died at the scene of the wreck. Dan McFarland of 1132' Smith Street died several hours i later aV Snint Agnes Hospital. I The two men got m Upchurch’s' car • •' • intersection when no i offered them a -ide. ORANGE. N. J. — Negro soldiers arc not dying to perpetuate the color line." declared Roy Wilkins. NAACP assistant secretary, In .an address before a membership mass meeting held June 3 ty the Orange branch NAACP in Union Baptist Church Mr. Wilkins gave a detail ed report of his experience as uii associate consultant at the San Francisco cunfemcce, from whlcu he had Just returned. Other speakers on the program included; Dr. Everett B Simmons, dore Inge. Rev. Thomas L. Pur- year. and J. Hicks. David De Gra- fenrr'd was muster of ceremonies Shipping restrictions under War Food Order 120 now include pota toes produced In Currituck, Cam den. Pasquotaiik. Tyrell, Hyde, and Pamlico counties i« Moot tMPOHTKD BY aiOOtBMAN MXON ' OHPOHA-nON RKV VORJL N. Y. 4 4 4 4 Suntinary of iKe btiiigel estimate tax levies for fiscal year 194R 46 for Wake County, N. C., 1> ised on an estimated valuation of $ IDO,000,000 General County Fund $ 130.000.00 t^oiuity Debt Service Fuiul_ 17,0.34.50 Comfort... and Utility Kitchen BASE Service For 4 SIX * * • • li.i ..I .it.d II...t l-.ed bl.,IIKlil Op Ml III. pan tlK.ii i.'i'iilai rl.li.d 111 Wl,ltlll.|:li.l. tnai il.*-i' I- J -lioit.-'v'e .f I'liiiid feVrlW-h. n- (i»l that Ihe patle'ils in Cily Hi.'piial ..l‘•i' h..\e |.. ,-n lilt 11 f'.t-l II' Il..tt-'. 1 (..l.t.lllie.-* Ihev (an A; s ..n Il.- “(l.ina till Itas- ' p.. '(•■ tl . .1..' I'.I eX- pie^i-d a:.»Ulan('i' th'd .liKlillon il eqni|.(iiei‘t .• ill in pn. . l.-.i.d "\Vf ;.r. living b. n.«b. Il.t hf-s pK'.l '.I be-l 'tivi.e i. ..•’li pt pie. ...id Ul. Wli.tt.iiVK.li ..nd with riiripoKilinli W(- l-iill d.. It N. ( TR ASSOUIXIIDN AU.VRIIn ( LI.I.DWSIIll' ediuati.-ii .it A ; lid '1. Colleiie in Giet-iii^bor.i dining tiic l!>39 .'um- n>i'i' >.esMi>ii anil lue o ntnuu-d le.ic!)- liig 'll '.all(.U^ i.eiil: il (Iietii. bum i.Inci' that tiiiii'. With i.veial year- •! expi-nenii- in KiieutK.ii, M f lia- icived in Giein.boiu ai. duntni cf .‘m.it ie('n':tin tor Negnes a? (Iii>-i'1"r (.r a special Nei'i.i livisimi cf the Gieen.'bci ■ iler..iti.n I). p.n tinent as (hanii an cf the 1914 .\e:l" Chii-tica.- Sea! Sal. h.i t5;vvn - hcic. and a - ccoKliii.itci and oiiev- tcr of all liibc-icul ' i- health edii- catb ii f- r Ni-gio .school.s in Gicfiis- boro. NAAC’I* SECURES RESIGNATION' Ol ■R.At K-TO-ArillCA" SUl'PUKTEU after Hie fall of Gern'.iny, became '^n issui.. it would bo the logic.il thing for Amirican Negroes and those from every part of the W'r d tn return thcie and if tlie great powers would assi>t in inrinstri;i!i zalion Ihcs.- ivirts cf the w n-ld. th.- Negro could make •» veal eoniri billion to civitiraiion “You will tiear fnim ctnors it. this connectoin, and it n hope ihel von ai' e ihi-^ your m'-st .-en i.i consideration. This i> the time far such measure »'• receive supp n ' ev-n ff'in M' enp'-.ed i' when It was first offered " TIk- Savann.ih. Cteorciri, N.-\.-\t‘t' ht.inrh rremeprsl ip and ellirens in geiier.'il w*-re ''ni? in arn “ "V i the -land t:iken bv tlie H' V Sco't Y STATE NAACP CONFAB .•ati.slact’cn cl tne regi.strar' sliould be eradicated Ironi tin .slate (.lection law.s. ' the K> vei ends Z A Do.k.-iv, C, H. Willi aiiis and il C. (.’aiTieioii 'I’lie f:iiai item of bu.-.ine.-.s wiil be Hie aiiiiuul election of offuei - It If. teliablv repoiteil tliat (I. ■ii’- 1., J.dili (.p. ehauinali -jI th- cdli Ljtion eiiinmiltee -t th.- loeal ciiaptei, J pi omui.-nt eliuiehman :.iid a faeultv m.-nihei at 'i'eaeh -i, L-llee«. loom.- Ji. a e.in.lidate tor vice pie.siil. nt ol the .stale oit’an i/.;-ll>li John.son e. leai her of th-' M.n';, Hihle C'.iv. in the.Son.lav srh..(jl ol thle Fi! t In. ti’nlioti.d churoh ari.l is a.tivflv e..iiii. cU.d v.iht ihet woik ol thl.' N.itional A'r.ieialinn h.i- th. .Acb an.cment ni I'oli red Peuph- Tlie eli'jtio'i >' offiei-r- wlii.'h will conclu h- tie- atletii..oti .'.n.l la-l s.'.s.-,fyti ..f th- 5tMe eoiifen nee. will lie look.''! (,.nn • ifit h.'-.n inl'i.-l l-v Win stm-Sal-mittY" sfa'ed K.-liurr The r-’ .ee .sf meetine for next 1 vear will :i!«o be .T-rertjined. | rFATFwvAi ffif Vfii, \rr,RO ' rHURniFs II\n f\kri \( ii ING MFFTING •ip Mathews ol W..shingt..n 52IH1 each; Rev. R M. WiUiains, Wash- I .M \V .Matthew, and W C i.callirii' th-- ink iv«,. Royers and ■ :.ii.f II ''.i- eivnn as a possible A%\ Chinch, Hres- ihe --ubseqoenl luhbeiv. Walker’s ’ redsnn foi the submersion, a/iei of (l:e Mi.-iim'p- i..,.moiv ha., forsaken ' him. \ Walker has served three terms i.Uo-iiil Colltt-e. 1)1 I T Ti...iri-. R.q'ers wa-- iflentified by his I f -r liirjhway robbi'ry ahd sentenees MoiU-iaioi of Ihe large-1 Uapint fim'i rpi ints, whii-h matched th.ise' for housebreaking and enterlng- nation of the world Hrendeiii i eM b\ Ihe City County Bureau of. Police are giving the ease a Ti«on ../I the Natior.il Baptist fove'tie.iti'.n taken in 1938 when' thorough investigation. SuntiiKti'v uf llte btitli'el estimate tax levies for fiscal year* 194f''46 for Wake (.'(unity, N. b t&eJ un an estimated valuation uf $ I (H),(MlU,000 Geiu rul County Fund $ 130,000.00 f’oiyiti f).-bt Suvii.- Fund Counlv li.iad Debt Service Fund County Sclioo):, U'-bt S.-rvice F.iiid Inci. Raleigh Twp. Debt Sei. C'-untv .Schools Cunenl Fxpen.-a* Fund Coiinlv Sehoob, Capital Outlay Fund (Hal.-igii Township h'stiniatcd Valuation $05,000,000.00) R. (J S Strit-1 Paving Assessment. Ral.'igh tfrail. d Srh.tui Supplenu-nt . Total (ii-m-ral (.!ounly R.-vt-nut- fioin A. B. C. Hoard G. iiial County Ucvi-nui- Ksl. from otlu-i soui’c’S Salaiy and Fee Fund F-st. ]even.u«‘ for l!>45-4(i County Hoad Debt Service h'st. Rev from oth-T .source.s , County School Debt Sei vice including H. (1. S, other source.s County Scho(.‘! Cunt id Expense Est Ih v. from other source-s Coiiidv Seiiool Cuirent K.\|>ciise Est. Hi-v. from other Sigurd's HjU-q'h (had. d Selumls - upplement Ust Rev. from other souice Total Grand Total Summary of the 1045-46 Wake County Budf^et by Audi.or's Office Board of Eleetion.^ Clerk ol Supei'ior Court Coioner's oifice County Attorney. Physician and Clerk to Board County Commissioners Courts D mon.stiation Dc-parlinent Health Department Hospitals Juvenile Court Libraries and Mapping Pri. ct Mi.scelhmeiju.s (File Control MLscell. Emergency) In.sjiance Premiums, etc Register of Deed.s Sheriff.s Office Sheriff—Jail Supe: !nt( nclent of Building and Ground.s—Courthouse Superintendent of Building and Gro' 'ds—Annex Tax Collection Depaitment ... Tax Supervisor'.- Office Tria.-^urer'.s Office 'I'ubeiculosis Haspilal \V;ike L’ountN Ilorm- Wuke County Welfare Department Total $529,253.58 County D bt Service Requir.-inents for 1945-4U $ 17,034.50 County Hoad Debt Service Requirements for 1945-4t) 57,275.50 County Scliool Debt S. ; e Reiviirements foi 1945-46 123,283 D'l Ralugh Township Graded School Debt Ser. Requirements 1945-46 245,332.79 County School Cuii. nt E.xpeiise Requirement.s for 1945-46 175.503.3-! C'Uifitv Scliool Capital Outlay Requirt-menhs for 1945-46 113,500.00 Raleigh Gi ailed Scho.i! Streel Paving Requirements for 194.5-46 26,000.00 Ral(-i»'}i GiadfJ School Supplement Reqpuiremeiits for 1945 46 169.OSO.OU Total $936,979.13 Grand Total 1,466,232,71 D1VI.S10N OF THE TAX KATE General County Fund . .07 Couiitv Pool and Health Fund .06 Cuiuily D(.bt Seivice Fund .02 i.'ouiity Hoad Debt Service Fund .04 County Schools and R G.S. Debt Ser Fund .31 County SehooLs Current Expense .08 I'ounly SciiiioLs Capital Outlay .O'l TOTAL COUNTY RATES .67 R *.( S L'tieet Having Assesfments . .04 P.aleigti Giaded School -Supplement .17 .88 17,034.50 40,000.00 310,000.00 80,1)00 00 9U.OO0.00 26,000.00 110,.500.00 $803,534.50 S jfiO.UOO.OO 45.357.83 103.895.70 27.275.50 58,615.79 95.503.34 23.500.00 58.550.00 .662698.21 1,466,232.71 Departments $ 12.829.50 4,889.40 26.624.65 2.375 00 5.120.00 2,662.00 39.652.00 12,178.00 20.814.50 33.125.00 16.604.00 18.000.00 7,500.00 2,596.33 22.758,00 40,982.00 12.300.00 18.374.00 11.378.00 26.747,40 19.171.00 9.912.80 29.460.00 33,200.00 100,000 00 TOTAL RALEIGH TOWNSHIP RATE KESHEC lUliJ V SUBMITTEU BY A. C. HAH , AUDITOR WAKE COUNTY- N. C. the film is six irillionthr of an ine>i mg to inillionths of an inch. slim-jim shorts - 2 91 Such a slick fit around waist and hips with two long pleats to ac- centuuli- youi willowy •‘figger.” While, Navy, Prints. Si/es 12 - 18 new basque shirrs - New . . . these hard-to-get .shirts have just arrived ! Lightweight cot ton, yet extra strung, more absor bent. Ail desirable colors. Sizes: Small. Med., Large FOR TEENAGERS. JUNIORS, MISSES IN RALEIGH IT'S DAUGHTER! FASHIONS Insurance Buildin9 Sparkling white enamel with chrome pulls. Lots of space. ly nece.'isily. *34 50 ^ 30°; Down - SI.2S Weekly ♦ - ^ Leatherette ♦HASSOCKS k95 Charge It. High Back ROCKER ^ Bright colors, and many ^ shapes. Round, square, and A bendi type. 4 .95 Charge It. Solid oak with slat seats. Keep cool this summer ! $795 Charge IL 5 301 S. WILMINGTON ST. ♦ I L