1 i.i- Raleigh Personals BV VIVIAN McLendon aJjsh Beojictr Mkjetfe >i Rich, •i.ure way tiie recent house guest I : Mis. Ella of 416 East Ca- I • •u.'. Stretft I •flss Claivi Guess of Ntw York! ^ Is visaing her parents. Mr. and I Jo»- Gufss of South vVe}.t Si ! ••nsi Liealenunt Jutu. 1, Whorion (.'uinp Lee. Vu., speui the week 0 lu the city. I tit Hev. S. F. Ualy is iinprov ultei undertioiny an opciation St. Agnes huspilot. •Uss Lottii Watford of Colerain. was the guest of Mrs. •la Jones i>f 116 East Calturnis St. 'll. A E. Brown jiid Mr. E. R. am rr. itured to Wilmington on - .SI week end. •Vlre. Lillie Wilson Holmes Is stiU .lisposed. The Busines and Industrial Girls ' lab on last Thursday night pie- nted Mrs. Christine Toole a gift their regular meeting. Mrs. vision u> the advisor of the group. Miss Marjtrie Williams under- 'ent a tonsilectomy recently. Miss Jessie Lee Holden and other .embers of the family are visiting . Conn. Mr John Noble recently visited MS mother In the city. Mr. and Mr&. James A. Dew of Vashinglon, D, C.. are visiting Mr. nd Mrs. William Hurdle of Gat ing Avenue. Mr. George Johnson, Jr., of Bal- ' more, Md„ has returned home af- ♦ I a ten day visit with his grand- '.jrents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Johii- ton of 3U8 Fowle Street Miss Clorine E. Christmas Is re- • npeigHpg at ber home after un- -tergolng an uperatoln ot St Aenes lOSpItul OcconMche* Council Camp to Open Monday The Occuneecliee Council Camp will fall into lull awing ^Mundu.v. ' July 2Ji'd. when the Scoulers and Scouts from various scctioiu- of . the Council will gather at Cuiub ‘ Whispering Pines, near Cary. N. C., fo rthe first week of a three week period ending August 12th. • The activities will consist of First ’ Aid, Aquatics. Stalking. Rope. ‘ work. Hikes. Axemanship. Cour- • tesy and Table Conduct. Personal • Heallh and Sanitation. Lord Baa- en-Powell. the founded of the Bo.v ' Scout movement hud this to sa\ about Camping, "the open-air is th real objective of Scouting and the kev lo its success. But with '• too much town life, we art aot to underlook our object and re vert to type. "We are not a club —nor a Sunday school—but a school ol the woods. We mu.st e.'-t more into the open fo’ the nialth. whether of the- bodv or the - soul, of Scout and Scoutmoslei. “Tht cariiD is what the bo” lo ikr forward to i/. Scouting and is 'he Scoutmasters great opportunitv "The camp cannot fail to grip o”- - everybov with its outdoor life and taste of the v.’ild. with its imorr.- • vL-ied cuok’ng expedient.®. *h" grme over w.odland or moor, the tracking the pathinding. the pin-- eering, the minor hardships and ■ the lolly camp fire .sing .songs. In . camp, the Scoutmaster has hi.- greatest opportunity for watching ' J-nd getting to know the individii- The dance group of the Blood-lal® characteristics of each of his worth Street USO journeyed tOjbry.s, and then aoplv the nece.®- Fort Bragg on Monday night of sarv direction lo their dev'-lnp- i this week. Ir.ient.*’ Mr Willie Harris of Ports- Council Courts of Honor moutto. Va.. Is home vUiting hjs Daring the Council Camping moiher, Mrs. Hams of Smith St. 'period July 23nl lo August IJto. .. , _ , -Tliree Courts ol i'.onois will be Mr James Bryont of Baltimore, ^eid near the end - t eacn Camp- Md. hs returned home after visit- jng period. As a Sc who spends iiig his mother, Mrs. Sophia BryafW a week in Camp actually has ..n •-f 1001 South Person Street o):portunity *.o take part ir. more . , , . . Scoulcrati during the seven day Mrs. Annie Johnson of Bledsoe period than he would in filty two Avenue is able lo be out again. jtroep meetings of one and hull .. t:—r . hour per meei.n.*. For in cd.n.i -le Mr. Graham Ham.® ol Neuse was Igpi-nds over I5'J n-mrs ol Camping 1% guest of his aunt recently. Mrn. 'and doing Scouting. Here in Camp Ann Hams of 713 Ellli.gton St. jwith his Scoutmaster t.^ie Scout ^ ;— iifi able for at least one week lo Mr General Lucas of Boston, 1 take the "S" of Scouting. The mu.. G here visiting his sisters. 1 Courts of Honoi will be held each vee May . Broadie of Chavis Friday during the Camp periods, Helghl-s and Mrs. Katie Brewer ol July 27. Augist 3rd. and .August ^8 East Davie Street jo-h. Camping if vrta! pur* of ^ ' ’Seo.iting and wi'h.iui some oui- fhe R. u. 1. Society held Its an- door life for the Scouts m .i nugl 'n^nksgivinii Seimun at the Troop, the unit will soon go on }r*ce phapel Church with the pas- the "Roeks." ipr. Sfsler Mable Gary, officiating. ‘ . Subieet- The Battle of Life. Hun- A Council Own^d Camp A Great ■red guest: grand financial secre- Need in This Area Mrs, Dorothy _R PowelJ; With more than I6UU Scouts. ' Washington Hijh School Offers Sum mer Proiiram Mr. ..nd .Mrs Cha.s Ruy, ni;ii- ried on June 9 nl .“i-ao A M. at the residence ofthi bride'.- p.ir ents. 121 Fast Si'Utb Stn-»-t. R.i- leigh. Mrs Riiv WHS burr. );. K.ili ixh and was edui-uU-d at the W.u-Mtip- !«m Hish S,;i, Sh.iw Ur.ivi.rfc.- ty and C-.lumbi.i Univei-.-ity, ccmi- pk-tiiij; C()lle;;i at Shaw at the ape i.l >7 and recen.nt a .Mas ters dein'cc in Psy-.-h-jlimy twn years later at Columbia Un:vi- sity. She taiicht at Te.ichers' Col lect-. Winst n-S.ihm, two yea:.- befurt .she acc p'.t-d ; |)"sitim at her .Alma Mater a.- teacher .'ind assistant to the Regist.ar at Shaw She nyw .succeed.- Mr J Frimcis Price as Rtcistrai ol the Uni versity .Mr. Ray was als.. born in R.i- Iclgh and rect-ivt-d hi- t-ducatmn Seahrook Hoad I SO Entertains Batters ‘B’ Of Port Brajtj: FAYEirrEVILI.E - On Friday the l3th. when eveiyont- is waiy of the f' r-ryday -supefsitiuns — the Seabrut. Rood USO in cullabtira- t;;;n with t'.. ineij of Batteiy ‘B" of tht- imh Seji Bn E'ARTC. Fort Bragg, put oti a 'Supersttion Par ty" The Biii.sts entree Was made under a tail laddt-.-- u.ii-ket and all’ Black « als and l.'J's 11 n. i-\|. hence at evtry turn - if nne * d up a yhu.vt - while slu-ut and all wa- h-ivein-,- vt-t head ■it D.e sami institutions, with t. V except] -n that t-.e leceivcd hi.s M.i-lers decree f.i-orn the Unlver- -Ity ..f .Siiuthei.- C.'.liftrrnia. Mr. R-i.v I.- member - t the faculty at Ni.rO, Canilu.j Stale CoUegt for .Veiiicje-. Diiihar.i. in charge . I r.'tili' Ri hition.- .iiid has serv ed THK CARCMNMAN. a local .V*g:u iKwspapei in Raleigh, t'.fiy Frltl-i.N evening as radio Cl menii-t'ir on the Negro News of •*i, Wrrk He I- now in Califor nia w-.ere lu will study for a doctorate during the next year. Mrs Ra> h..- t-Lsnm-d her work ill Shaw as Registrar. The marriage ce-emony was performed by the bride's uncle, th. Rt-\t-.er.d Ellis A Christian, t-f \V -’oiiit. n D C Dr O. S. Hiilli.ek, of the First Baptist Cliurch, R.ileikh. i>.-sLsting. CHAVIS HEIGHTS »V MAY L. BKOAUIE I.mle Mi.-s Joe Ann High of 7 Chavis W.i> liaa been out of the Heights tor several days visiting frirnd®. Mrs. C'haiTiv Robeisuii of 19 Chavis VV'.iy has been ill igid con fined to her home Tor several days Hir many fi ie-ids h« pe that she will .lOon be able to out again. Mrs- B. Haywood, Sr. of 4 Smith Pla7a IS spending a few days with .(l.'iiive- :i N. w Voik City ilr.s-. J A High of 7 Chavis Way lelebrated hc-i birthday last Thurs- '.>y She riL'i'-id many beautiful R.ALF.ICiH ~ For the past eight years a pnigrain in Vociiiional hime Economics has been ,l'i;;reil to the people III '{iiU-ii.-l. .N'tiu nionths h.ive been giv.-n to ib.,- .-:eti.iols. de- ' hied mainlv t. the teai hmg .f chissc.®, club work and the carry ing .1.) of home proj..« ;> Di .ing Ihc summer ironth.® >p(ti'!l emphasis i> plih-td or. Adult Fduc.ii,on in IE me- making and cluo iicliv.tu.-s > This siimmei two WMikci- aie dcvoiinii thiir turn- to the m.inv Uitercstb of thi peo|..i-, m Ralei,.ii in vuri 'iH pb; • - of h/memiikin-. Sonic cour.-e.- that in;i> be incJudid .-•re — Child Car.-, ci tt.iii;- Ren - Vh'.ion. .Sewing, Canning and Pie- .-erving. Slip Covenn-i Fiist Aid. ^'hirm .Sc.‘uH-l .md Chib .Aclivitn- iu! jthir ^|le^l.,! prcf'leins These •*iir-i-5 arc offt-od fre.- to the ni’blie It at anylmvi- y-di sire n 'oin an;- grout, or get , ;tou|> estai'- Hshetl in your vicinity ..r your neighborhood, call Miss E t: Duren ■rr Mr® A M. Levingston at 9795 ! nr 3-2304 (lBEKEi^ KHAI) NEWS BY .ANN B. MORGAN Mb's Riitti Trice is visiting hei iirother in Brooklyn, New York Miss Alice Howard and biotlu'i. Frank, arc- visiting n-latives and ; friends Jii New York Mrs. Jfe'.sn Hinton and Miss jJt'.iephine Manuel have returned I home from their recent visit In 'Michigan City, wtcre Mr.- Hiiiton I visited her .sister Mr® Hn^el Jone.s and daughter. Delo-es. of New Haven. Conn . are visiting Mrs .Mary Jones on Wade Avenue. ' Mr, nnd Mr®. W R Hunter of Vandyke Avenue, had as their re cent houst guests. .Mr and Mrs Thomas Harris. Mrs Beatrice Fant. Mrs, Jone.-. Mis, Mary Nod .ind ML®s Geraldine Nntl. all of Dur ham. Group fjr, I nf the Oberlin Bap- Tist Church spcinsored u Baby Contest on Friday night, Julv 13 David Rochelle of 903 Oherlin Rond was the winner of First prize and Thomns Roy Marshall of 2 Wade Avenue. w.>n second prize CLASSIFIED AN INSTRUCTER and manager Is needed at Staiiu Beauty Col lege. Any graduate from this w-buol uf two or morr years experience may apply. vViite ntarlu Beauty College. Raleigh. N. C. \ Fonwr Raleigh Bov 1 Makes Good ! GREF.N.SHORO — Carl S. Evans. I foriTierly if RuUigh and a grad uate of Dudley high School this >enr. is now head life guard nt Windsor Con.mur.itv Center, in • :i«rnsb(iro. has returned from the Red Cit.,-- .AcquiUic Srhool which ttu- held at Tenne.®«e.‘ A and I. Coll- ge -Nashville June 20-30. His .itiendeiict- at thi.-. sc! r 1 was made poMil'It through the eo peration i-f he Gretn.sbori Chaptc.' Anuric.i. R*d Cross and t!ie Grcen.sboro Rer- r ation Department. Tr.is Wii- the fitih national acqua- tic M-hod for Negroes and wn.s af- li-nded by 0.') men and women, rep- u-.senting Hi dlflercnt state? Evans who Is ,i 1!*4-1 Eaiile Scot;;. Iii.ik advance conr e.- in accldi nt ahd prev nt.on f.i-l -nd and wa' fe*v 5Ie a/-.', att ndid the Acqua- tic Schoil coinli'eted .it North C.n- olin.i Slate College for Negroes, nurhan. hot- veai w erf he tiaik lite in.sfactoi'® courses In first aid acrid nl and preventi in an" ••.‘el - flv He will conduct life saving courses nti W'ndsoi Cenlei in Greensboro. V— Qiiarantine Orilercd By Heallli Officer RALEIGH — Di. A. C. Bulla, health officer uf the Wake County Health Department last week, de clared a quarantine of dogs in Ra-j Ir-ich and certain sections of Wake I Coiirt.v, beginning Monday and I continuing until further notice, in: a effort to prevent an epidemic ofj rabies ; The quarantine will be In effect in these areas: Cary Township, south of State Highway No. 1; that part i-f Swift Creek Township north of Macedonia running east to township line: Meredith Township. Raleigh Township; the City "f Ra- leich. and an area •■xlendtnp north from Raleigii aknc Route C-A two milrs wide on each .side of the highway, to n di.'tance of ten mile:; Under the quarantine, ‘'all dugs in said iquurantinei district shall ^be confined to the premises of Ihel owner or in a veterinary hospital; , provided, a dos may be permitted to leave the premise.® of the owner on leash or under the control of iu owner or other responsible person. Fu PwinnaMid H»a4 Phone 4100 MODERN HanrI Laundry 411 ObwUa Road CAPITAL CAB OEL t .APl'i.VL (.'tie V-l OI..\ BOTTLING C’O, 515 W. Morgan SI. dUME-COOKED FOODS And wlut • meal It will be— MiasuDed exMtIy rigbl, end ev ery dlafa boutlng a re«l heme- cooked flavor. R & H CAFE 411 8. BLOUNT 8T. NEGRO DOLLS Every borne should have a Colored Doll. I7r offer in thi.s sale two flashy numbers. With hair, moving eyee. shceii. atorkincx. nicely d re need. PRICE $4.98 and S6.59 If C-O.D. postage extra.—Dealers- Agents v/anted Write NATIONAL CO. 254 West 135tb Kt.. New York, 30 CA R TER Electric Company Anything Electrical 3 E^aat Lenior St. Dial 3084 WE CAIUCY A FULL LINE UF BEAUTY lutf BAEBEK Write For Price LiaG We Ship Anywhure PAINT - PAINT 1.49 Gal. 12 T**ra of utUfeeiioa. All Colors—Stains and EnamsU. Mall Orders Promptly nUod Railroad Salvage G>. 330 South WUmlngton St SQUARE of Your LUCKY NUMBER Over 25 ways—vertically— liurizontally—diagonally - ti. Ir.tAl VnilR l-K-lcv niim NOW PLAYING "80NG LASSI^" Staling Peter Lawfurd Duiiald Crisp With June Luckliart Sunday. .Vlonday. Tuesday ■■SUDAN" In Color Staring Muna Murtez. Jan Hall And Turhaii Bey Wed.. I'bruK.. Fri., snd Set. ■NOB HILL In Culoi With Geurge Raft. Joan Bennett. Vivian Blaine and Peggie Garner OK tasty fried CHICKEN COME TO MORGAN'S Tea Room -..end :HICKEN SHACK ''lalf Chickoa or A ChiclMo Snadwldb BEER SOFT DRINKS C«m«r Croaa nad S|, Royal Fri. amt Sg... July 28, 21 Buster Crabbe In •fUZZY SETTLES DOWN' ■ - tlio Rick Vallin In ■SMART GUN" Also Serial "The PhsiUosn No. 1 Son. Mon., July 22. 23 Tex Ritter In ■starlight over TEXA8" Also New Serial TIGER WOMAN No. 1 Tues.. Wed.. July 24. 24 Cab Calolway And His Band in •SENSATIONS OF 1945" Also Serial "G-Man V«. Blx-k Dragon” No. 13 Ttiursuay. July 26—Bargalo Day Mantan Moreland In ■MELODY PABADE^^ Alsu Anne Shirley In "MUSIC IN MANHATTAN" LINCttIN Mr General Lucas uf Booton, inass.. Is here vltiUng his sistert, Mtf May Brqadie of Chpvis Heights and Mrs Katie Brewer of ^8 EdSt Davie Street The R U. 1. Society held it® an nual Tlianksdiving Sermon at the t^race ^apel Church with the pa®- ipi. Sister Mable Gary, officiating. Subiecl: The Battle of Life Hun- ■4‘ed guest: grand financial secre tly. Mrs. Dorothy R. Powell; grand recording secretary. Mrs. Ids Allen; Mr. Reid Wal lof Lodge ifo. 7 and Mr. G. Dunn of Lodge No. 6; reading by By Mrs. Plor- Hunter; solo, Miss Cary; )vel- address. Miss Ruth Dunn; re sponse, Mr. W M. 'Taylor; solo, the grand vice president, Mrs Arella 3. Hall. ■ ■^Hjr . . heQ its regular meeting on Tues day at the Elks' Home with the Dt. Ruler Bessie H. Cavis presid ing- Guests of the evening were Mrs. Henrietta McBane. Dt. Ruler hf Star of Orient Temple No 203, Tarboro. - The Booker T. Washiglon Club will meet Sunday, July 22. at the tk^me of Mrs. Pattle L. Higgs. 213 North Tarboro Street. All members are urged to attend. The R. V. Lodge No, 36 met on Monday hi^bt, July 16. and the following were named as delegates; Mre. Effie Taylor and Mrs. May L. Brogetie The c invention will be held on July 30 at Ellvation church. | Mr John Brown and Mr. James Jones of Washington. D. C., who have been the guests of their cou sin, Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Chavis, l^ve returned to D. C- Mr. and Mrs. PntVin of WII- liam.sville. N. J., Have returned to their home af*er being the house ghests of Mrs. B'-rtha Taylor Ferrell of 80S South Hiywood Street. ■ Mr. and Mrs. Hofvey Adams of 637 South Swain Street, have as their gi-vSts, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Westming of New York City. Ml, Alexander Chalmers. 1945 graduate of the Washington High School and a former ruembM' of the staff of THE CAROLINIAN, has returned to Philadelphia after |>e- ing called home on business. TUTTLE CENTER ROPE JUMPERS HAVE FUN RALEIGH — The children enter into the Friday contests with high spirits. Fourteen children entered the rope jumping contest last Fri day while others showed great skill io stunt jumping. Wjllie Mae Branch jumped 304 turns and wo’' first prise. Mildred Hunt jumped 319 turns and won second prize and Queen Esther Hunt jumped 139 turns and won third prize. Both ^pups ghowed skill and endurance. Orange sherbet was the Dutch treat fbr ^e ahernoon. Next Friday’s contest will be varied with pad dle tennis, potato race, sack race, and fullei ed by a cook out ^rtle Center is an agency of the Community Chest of Raleigh. v«:ui Ills ■Tvouuuasi.d v;tc .s^wui is able for at least one week to take the "S" of Scouting. The Courts of Honor will be held each Friday during the Camp periods. July 27, August Ird. ano August Camping is vital part uf beo-itifig and wchuiit aomt- out door life for the Scouts .n .1 'Troop, the unit will joun gu on the "Rocks.'’ A Council Own-4J Camp A GreDl Hoed in ThU Area , With moie than 16UU Scouts. Cubs and Scoulers. making up 41 Boy Scout TYoops and nine Cub Packs to lead all Area Councils in North Carolina and vie with the Atlanta Area Council for a**- iCond place in Region Six is wurtli oui Scooters looking forward and planning for that day when tho Occnneechee mav like other smaller councils in this State and Region own their Camp. During 1845 we were not able to allow o'l of the Sco'jts who desired to erme lo Camp to registered be cause of limited facilities. Ralaigh-Wake County Oivbiertal Committoe I T’he last meeting of the R;.- It-tgh-Wake County divisional .committee was held on Tuesday night uf July lOth at the Blood- worth Street USO for the sum mer, The next meeting will he held on Tuesday September llth. at which time the officers for 194G will be elected. During the pd;U year artd half the Raleigh-Wiike ; Countv division has moved from 9? Scouts a n d 5 units to 40U Scouts and Cubs and IS units. 1 Sponoering Institution* to be Commendad on Catnpkig Spirit The Charlea T. Norwood Post of the American Legion, sponsor ing institution for Bov Scout Ttoop 57. of Raleigh, the Citizen-s League sponsoring institution f-jr Troop 101 of Henderson and the White Rock First Baptist Church of Durham, sponsoring institution for Troop 55. are to be commend ed for actually aiding the Scouts sponsored by them in getting to camp and having adequate super vision while there, 'These three institution, the writer was inform ed. have made funds availnble tn hi Ip those Scouts who cannot pa.v all of their expenses, as well ns aiding the Scoutma.sters in the transportation of the Scoiitk to and from the Camp. When a Troop is first organized one of the responsibilities a.ssumeri by the spon.soring institution, is "Se- Curiag suitable opportunity {or the- members of the Troop to spend one or more week® in camp, with adequate facilities and supervision. Any troop that spends ail of its time in a church basement or a school room is cer tainly to find a large number of their bnvs dropping out at thi end of the charter vear. The ab sence of the budget plan, the lack of some o'jtdoor activities and a ’’laisa* faire" attitude on the part of the BDonsoring institution means in time a sure death for n Scout unit. Show me a scout troop u.sing the budget plan, do ing .some outdoor Scouting each month and given some support hv the soon-soring institution and the writer will point to vou a troop with a small percentage of the Scouts dropping out. and a FAYKrrtVlU.E - On Friday tbe l3th. when tveiyune is waiy of the ev«fryday -supefsitiuns — the Seabruok Ro,jd USO in coliaburu- ti..ii with the- meii uf Battery "D" of the 16th Sep Bn FARTC F'ort Brii®K. pul on a "Sut>ersiti>n Par ty ' Till gntiily entrtt- wai- made undei ii tall ladder b.ii-ket and all' Bliuk at> and ••. - in e\i- rtf-nre ot eviry turn - if nne li-ok- d up — a phu.-:t - whiK- shi-wl and iGl w.-e b>veiii|i vvi head - II. the ifiiter nl iia- fl.Kir -- iriiu-h t.. the Kia-'t.' di»ni..y wu- Bima- >1 n vein tery -.M’h m.i- nj.ri. t-ri.v* -I:elt-(..n Tn .fl ; liii iT'ili >qi.eiiC-^» .•! the deioiiitioi.: ti.- at in- teiinis>ii.n w..- .'Xtiii ,-iM-iial, I'iib trio (N.iiip -.‘■••(i ■' Ml'>e> Ruth But- I'r, D •ri.thy Dii.ki Mildred Tiivlur sang "Dill.'; Mi- In, ' "LU Be Int Vi : .11,(1 " Jentimental Journey P': rharl*-:- Harii ni.ji •‘Embrac( abli V"U and "S- Lnnj " Elmer Tayldr c:i\( ut wit'- I Reulige Now and •■J'll Live True Tj You Tluii i!ie B.'tterv > qu.u- ft St -U the ®h jv with 1 11 Lk. True t You Pvt \V H ILiller scored n trenuiiidour hit with the crowd with ! i-. leii.lit'oi. ••! ‘ I'm Lcht.’ 7? wa® a unique affair -- and thoroughly i-nv^ed I .v lh»- parii cipants Much prai-L- pee^ lo Mr. J-hu H Thomp«on. Mr- Van R Bartio Mi*s Patvida Collin® .1 .hu Smith f-r their effort.® in makiii-.i the demra- ton*, a suctees Hottose.® on duly were Mr.®-. Meta Joen.®. Mit-® Maud Ho' d Mrs Ida F .wlrr and Mr ' V.inn S Rarne.® i -V- jr.F-TS NATIONAI. .AWARDS ' R.AI.EIGH -- Tlu Caioimu Pow- .er and Light Coni|>any has beiu jiiotitied that ile tw • most leceiit J annual report.® have received na- ;tlonul awards for oxiencnre Tlie Public Utilities Advei Using i As.® iciatiiin ciwai ded Hie cunipaiiy I honorable mentim for its 1943 an- I nual report, submitted in the 1944 'conte.®t m coinprlitinn with .ill pow er comiipnie.® in the >-.aiion .servina lOO.UOo to 400,OUO cu.stomcrs eacn ! The •highest merit " award was i received from the Financial World in its review of 1944 uninial re- pfirU-' from various types uf indus- trise Ihniughout the .lation. The (iMjnc re|).irt received h nqrab! ' .menkoi) in an annual coniest eon- .c'ueted by .\.shlon R Citliins 'if Ni-w York, (irigiiiatnr if Rcddy Kilowiat. Sc-utma.sti-r w,ho look.® upon It;- Strut rrteefihg as plav riifher than work. Campore*. Camporal and Long Term Camos A Camp(»n*»* is a big ovemigiV. camp of Patrol teams, marie up exactly as thev exist in their tioop. The Campmce in a wav is th« tin's® rehear.«al for summer camo. TrtKvp camping is simplv nil the Patrols ■Cumpnreo—cainp- jr.g together," A Comporal i.s the overnight or week-end camping o: th(> Troops from vario is coun cils. The long term camp rrci" be of variou.s kind.® .such »® In dian Comntna. Robinson Crusoe Campina Pioneer Compinq, Trav- elinq Caiups azrd Caveman Camp- Infl. jtiettiio. sevrtMj tiaj/a vtaiuii* frirnd® Mix. Charlie Robe-son uf 19 Cluivu W.iy hus lieeii ill and con fined to her home'fur itcveral dayk. |Hr many fiie'idu h pe Uiat she I w-ill be able to be out again. Mrk B. Haywood, Sr. of 4 Smith Pluza 18 spending u few days wdth ..l .tive- ;i. New YniK City. iir.s J A, High of 7 Cliavik Way (elebnited hci birthday last T*hur*- iiiy She recel\,d many beautiful , . fts. Mr and .Mr- l.ukt. Tl omui> of 11 !ri«;ell 'r;i jii-e iiiin.'unce the birth '.r ;, diuight»r uf, July It; ut their ill,Hie Both iMitiier . nd daughter arc doing nicely. I Mis Liiini® Davl- wa.- in the I Hcmhl® r-ctn‘.!y vlstiting friends Alts- Samuel Harr and children, .ic./«e and Jan;'., we;, out of the city iccently visiting Mr®. Otis Ed- w..id- r,f M-tiiod Ala'ter George and Melvin Me- D.ini'-! .ind little ®i9l: Moll.v Ann aie spending a ft w days 111 Garner, V. iiii,;( 1IU.-11 grandinothei. .Mrs. ' LuL. M.rKiin. I.ntlc M,.®.® F'ratice^ B-itcher of ' 13 Cl.iivi- W.iy who has been ill k. i .®J veral wx-ik-. 1- able to be : >-.it again , .M'S'Mi.itha H(irv -t 7 Franklin I'crrace i.- indi-''P>^ed to the regret I her rronv fiK'iids Mrr William Davl* and children. .-\nn and William. Jr. an- ®pend- mg a few days wiui Mrs Davis' mothei. .Mr. C'uit;s ot West Ra- k-lgll l.MIle Miss Jcs®u Mae Stephenson -.nd lltMe si.ster. Mildred, uf 21 f’.iunsw-ick T rrHCP, are sp; riding , their \ aciitiin with their grand-, nu.ther in ttie rural district. .Mrs. Effic Dailey of 21 Smith PI../;, 1- »n the .-ick list. ; IVrson- iicl In \rmv On Mav '4.V WiishinKl.in. D- C. — In tht- ptT- 1 ii.d between February 28 and Mav l. 1945. the Army's Negro strength increased 10.022. offset ting a drop of 11,396 previ-'uslv lepnt-tt-d. the 'War Department announced todav. Negro person nel numbered 700.304 on Miiv 1. ol which 4.1103 were Wars. A.® nl Mav 1. some 511,493 Ne- pro« s. including members nf the W( men's Armv Corps, were serv ing oversiras. Anything Electrical Eut Lcnlor St. DiiJ 30841 Railroad Salvage G). 329 South Wilmington St WE CARRY A FULL LINK UF iOlAUTY sad BARBER Write Fur Price Lists We Ship Anywhure KIAKKX Beauty Products Co. 1730 FULTON STREET Brooklyn. (13), New York You Too Mxw Get RELIEF FROM ASTHMA SPASMS Do those wheezing chnking at tacks keep you from your work or rob you of your sleep? For over half a century BRA'TER’S POW- ■'ountleiis suffer* from spasms of DfJi has brought blessed relief to asthma. Try BRATER’S FOW'- DF.’R. vou too may find soothing relief Rasy to use. Caution, use BRATER’S POWDER onlv as di reeled. Large size box SI .00 at your drjggist, or Mad cash cw money. order to us direct No goods mailed COD John K. Brater & Co. me. M9 3rd Ave. New York. N Y (16) SQUARE of Your LUCKY NUMDER Over 26 ways—vertically— horizontally—diagonally — to total YOUR I'jcky num ber. Send $1.00, and birtli- date for handmade chart. RIGHTMIRE Matbemagieian lOee-AF Elmwood Buffalo (9). N. Y. The Raleigh Funeral Home Ambulance /e'''vice 310 East Davie Street GIVES EVERY CASE PER.SONAL SUPERVISION BY: Trained Attendants in the recently completely overhauled Ambulance, equipped with (ao, basin, running hot and cold water, bassinet, mirror, electric light and heater; comfortable cot. Available at all hours by Dialing 2-2635 C. A. HAYWOOD, Owner VICTORY GARDEN NEEDS FOR A GOOD PAINT JOB USE 20th Century Paint Exterior and Interior Finishes FRUIT JARS — J Pt. to .1 Gal. TOPS RUBBERS — RtNGS CURTAIN STRETCHERS IRONING BOARDS S. M. YOUNG 206 E. MARTIN STREET ILlMCiMLN NTO«4*®TS»« ' ®. 1 SUN..MON..TUES. JULY 22v23.24 “Between Two Women” Van Johnson — w'ith — Lionel Barrymore, Gloria De Haven “POST WAP JOBS" March of Time NEWS Cartoon “MIGHTY MOUSE ANO TWO BARBERS" “SOMETHING YOU DIDN’T EAT" Specialty I I WED..THURS. ti JULY 2S.26 Here Come The Co-Eds” BUD ABBOTT and LOU COSTEaXO News Ck/tDoo “Ski For Two" "Trail of the Royal Mounted" Chapter 3 FRl.-SAT. (Double Feature) JULY 27-26 ‘Death Valley Manhunt” SlarriiiK — BILL EU.IOTT “Night Club Girl’ Iff MANTAN MORELAND All Colored Cast “OVERLAND MAIL" Chapter 7

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