'N AACt' Inaugurates Mrst In-Service Training Inst. Business woman vperares f ri 1 •- IWI _ . Successful Trucking Company Peglcr At It AgaiH^ iNOW NFW YORK More thiin twtn- ly-flve cxcrutivc «cri(’tiirip! nnd Service; Edward L. Bornays, Public R'lali ns expert; Dr L. D Red- kr, u.„rkrrs rcprosf,...l„^. law. collcctj. NAACP branches throughoul Ihe Now Yoik City Public Library; rniintiy were n. .itier.danrc* W-d- Junn ShuuiT. prusram directur. nc day fur the upeniiip scsKiun -if b •Slali.m WFIL, Philadilphia; IJr. richl^lay l-Servicc Trairmig Insli- frank S Hme. Racial Relatiun- tiifr ponsn.erl by the nati'>nal uf Advisor in the C'.mnii>sinner; Hin ficc. The Institute is dcsixnt*-! t - X-wb>ld Morris, president, New K'vp first hand knnwlidjto --n ;-ll Y- rk Ci'.y Council; Dr. B T. Mt- pnasps nf NAACP aciivity and to Clniw. Mou-iliii! Analyst. Natinnul pres-’nf and dpvolnp -hr he-it t.ch- PnbHr Housing ARency; Geor-ce niqins for hranch and ronimiinity , Sc.iiiylrr. New York editor; Pilts- acfjnn Inward ihe oliminulinn -'f hiirRh Courier, Mrs. Marvel Cooke, major minority prnblinis. n. naainu idi'i r. Pe-ipU-s Voice: After cref'liny.s were extendid to .lultus Adams, assi'ciate editor. New llT croup by NAACP Secretary Vi.;k Amiieidiim News. Ludlow Waller White and Ella .1 Raker, direrti^r "f branches. dc1eB:ite« t- th" Wednesday se«''lnn. held in Rand srheol were adrire.ssed by Mr O •fame* Flemitic. irgii nal dirertor. Philadelphia Office FEPC: Dr Al- cernon Black, ehalrmaii, City-Wide Citizens' C‘>mmit*ec on Harlem, larence .I.'hns'-n. rcRional director nf the Public Housing Authority: Maid.) SpriiiiiiT. r(‘j)re8entnllve of the Il.r.WU. and Roderick .Steph ens. president nf the Slcpben's Coal Cimpiniy, the Br-mx The subjfcis d \Tred respectively, wi-re Terhniqiies C.'i- Action Ihrouch tD Oovrrnmenlal agencies; i2i C-m- miinity Action. i3' TlirouCh Lab r Action, ') and Thmi-ah ManuB-- men’ Riitiseqnent secM.ins. meel- itic finm July 12 ihnnmh July 10 will rover NAACP membership rampaiqns: public and prlva'e hoiisinc; politirni ar'ii-n; Rai e re- l«iii'n-». NA.NCp branch administra tion; Civil liberties and leaal re tire- P lice and NeiJn> e.immuni- ties; lecislalion and lcj;lslative tec.i- niques; >ervicini: returninc 'Aar leferao-; public relations .ind pro- piiUanda terhniqii s; r.idi-i and vis ual aid:, mi ti’i |)->Iitaii dailie.s and Nerro weeklies. Speakers will i. elude R-iy Wil kins; Daisy E Lampkin, NAACP field secretary. .Xtu reny Chailes Ahianis. direcior. .Naiional Public P, ’i :iiii> 1-,inference Dr Dan Dod son, New York Mayor's coinipittee tip tjnit>, Dr, L-.ster Dix. assistant dir rN>r. Bnteau of InterctiMural Fdnrati-n N «m,i Jei-.s m. NA.ACP a-sistanl tu-M -eciet.iiy, Glosfer It. Current, executive secretary. De- iron liranrh N.\.-\CP. Mrs l.illian H Warin't Imokkcepcr. N.-\.-\CP Na'itma! Office; Mr> Lillie M Jackson, prt-sldt nl. Baltimore branch X.-\.\C'P; Mrs. Carolyn O M-"Tf. rxeciitive st-i-relaiy, Phila delphia tiranch N.\.\CP: .Mrs Lula n White, executive -ecretary, Hous- *'11 braiirl'. N.A.XCP. .■\rfhur B SpinB.ain. prisideni, N\.-\rp Board of Directorv. Thiirco- d Marsli.ill. penal o‘uns'1. N.A.-\C'P; Edward R Dudley, NAACp :i.sm-! oil -peci il e'luist 1 Hon Lewis .1 V ili nline. Polii-e Commi'Sitiner. N'w York Citv. Dr Fdi'.nn J I.urns, executive director. Society f'lr lTevenU.ni -if Crime; folia F Baxtur. NAACP rerr.irch d'paitnient. Lesli.- Perry, arim.nistrativ*- issistant. N.N.ACP W.a-'hineti n Bureau. Capiain Ever ett F Morrow. Vefeians' Person nel Division. New Y-’rk Selective Werner. i*ditor. New York Ace Victor Ricsel. labor odit-ir. .New V rk post, .Albert Dut.sch. editorial -ti'fl. PM, New York City. NAACP Asks Anion Agaiiisl Col. .Sol'vav CINCINNATI. Ohm — Members of the NAACP Board 'if Direct'us. at their July meetiiiR here voted unanimously to request the War Di partment to iiivestiente and take ^ wliatevcr appropriate action is indicat'.'d acainst Col. Robert Scl- vay, former commander of the 4771*’. B-imhjirdment ?roup. for is-; si.inc .in order violutiiic a W.ir Diparlincnt directive banning di.-*- (Timinati'in C- l-niel Selway's order re ulled in the original atrest of iOl ; Ni-cro ofi'ictT.s at Freedman Field.' f T cnlorlna a whltr- officers duo The NAACP's formal dcma.id now bcimj drafted for presonlati-iii to the War Department will cite excerpts from the transcriiit nf t slim ny frf-m the c-nirts-martial of r.icutenaiil.s Maisden Thumps- n, Jr. nnd Rliirlcy R CHnt-in. recently acniiit d 'if charges ■ : ei'ilaiing the illegal 'irrici issued by IS-' It’s Wagner Labor Act Ki.shop Harris Speaks In Winston-Salem Winston-Salem — Bishop Brav- iil R. Harris, newly elected bi- Tuenly-tuo ye.irs .ac.» Mrs. (ii-n|-i;e Brown lotiiui lierseli a wiihiii with .in inipiut.iiil i Siiould she liquiciiite her late liiisli.mil's Inisiness it hersell? .She decided upon ihi- hitter (nurse (lie nl tlif most suecessful iriu-kii. sylvaiiia. heine exclusive triid.ei In -She is sliov. II u itli lier mnn.ign . ( U'lMjcrto. 141 Cniversiti. Ill Scranton. I'a., '•eisinn to make, or should she run ind today she has linns ill .Vortbeasleru Prnn- .ill .\ A P Stores in that .irea I'.iiivilh- Smith a ur.iduate oi Ben Davis Not Yet Endor sed To City Council By ALP Testimony in the ' - Necro officers who w.-ro hcl'-l unde a-’ers* for fli days, show'- • rther Ih that Colonel Sehvay rcpurii d hi. ■wn st.itcmentji m.odc e-irlier ro- itardine the diieciive issues The N.AACr will press vic'-rousAv the demand for puiii.shmcnt of this of ficer. PAMPHLET TELLS 'MENACE .MEANNESS OI RACIsM" IN PS Demotj; )f L-bi.r Pa City Council Nor Cuun.y Cuminiti cMitic Party taken ar tion as yet, th- ugh D; !- -l;.!! 'illC Wlt:i ' ounfy leaders B'.'i 'h .ALP \«-r-nihi h.i- the NFW YORK CITV -WDL) — C r n un.s* P,u'y .; ha-l the lj.u;y .Anicrira's -struccic to free itself of Worker vhich is -jffie'.il .iii»..n -f the "menaci and mci.iiiies.( of rac- '‘‘V Piu't.’ . . ut u-.si i.. The .NLP i-m" in field - f employment has aircadj ie-un.ited Fujene Ci>n- and cli'iice of vocations i.s told in nally, it- xecutive 'Cirelaiy so "Jobs With'III Creed or Color." by .y tn- liu itkiicy ,ib.iul Davis. W I’ifred R lu.shcnhi sh. n-'W avail- In^d ..nd experienced ; airpaui er ’ able Ihrouch Workers Defense Lea- In i D.iilv Work edit rial d.ited .•'I''. 112 E. lO’h St. New Yi.rk ■' !'• IJ'h }> \ j- u eded a- 'oiiu This pnmphlel is the most r.impacl of *he mot iirominent Negro h-.ii- over .ill story of the Fair Emrd-iy- :i: t( - untry .md in du- .-\!.P nient Pr.ictice Comittee, ilu- |;i- b- . ' di--ien.i'in'.- ii m th’i- far. it ha-, hm -i*jt f ’Vhich it came, the i-or'd’d Me po/aled Iv.d.T- -n.-i orijency 'if s-ilvinc il and ways in • rg.tniza'ion- .f ’he .Ne^ro people 'R*-' De.spite her, who .are official- of the ’■ 'oi.iieilman Bi-n ty Furtliei ni->ie, the parly cont'‘n.l.-, * -II. uiisl P.arty de- 'h.a* fw.- vandiriat-.s will have ,i' Asserted. "Union .Munec., he hasn t .is yet bLon en- tendency to split the ALP vote, do not call .strike Qor.-^od by the .An enciui Fcd-ration i.u toeii nu.st sienificant re.i- td by the - vet’* NEW YORK CITY iWULi — Westbrook PcHler, whose effects to distort truth to prove his point have made him well-known to work ers and col-ired pe .pi- in the U.S., in confronted with the fallacy of his attaiK on the Wagner L.ibur Relations Act in a inter by A!- ^ed Baker Lewis, president, Trade sliop to Liberia in the Protestant Hialtn Insur-,ii;pij,^jf,pal Church, was in the Id tl,dl„,rover ii'ooo'rolk^rw t'"’ 1“' resenting the tiny defented minor- Stephen s Episcopal Church, ily in .National I,ab«>r Relalions corner 11th Street and Highland Board elections are .inwilling un- 1 ion mtmbers. In elections to settle disputes between different union.!, the vr lor no union has averaged one ( ..tnt Mr Peeler writes . colutr. called 'Fair Rnouah." for Hcar.sl newspapers. "Mr Pegler makev the .imnzing statement that the "Wagner Luboi Rciati.ins Act drives mitlinns of workers into unions against tieiir will.' There are about 12j)00.(W)0 or ganized workers in the United States, Of ihtse more than 1,000.- 000 are railway employees, where i another law. "The Railway Labor, Adjustment Act applies, and not ' the Wagner Act Fully one third of the remainder are min'rs. building, trades workers, clothing workers' and many others who were organ-1 ized before the Wagner Act was en-| acted. Many of the tithers canac into the union.s under the regu'a-' tion of the War Labor Board, set up by the Presidint .ind compv’*t>d of equal number of repre.-ientatives of employers, workers and the pub- [lie. not under the regulations of the I National Labor Relations Board .set at the 8 o’clock service. . Bishop Harris was formerly rec- I Showing Peulei .- icimrance "I of the Grace Episcopal .exlstini; labor siiii.-ii ions as wen ns Church, Norfolk. Vireinia. and ignor.ance nf the law he attaoked. secretary of Negro work . l Mr. Lewis pointed out the column- department of Domestic Miit- ists statement that poor union gjons AccordinR to information I members wrre- forced to picket as nceived, he plans to leave for his 'Unwilling striker.- «..ii...i . I Raleigh Btianls Send Groups For Induction RALEIOH — Raleigh's two draft boards test Thursday released tha names of the latest group of Ne gro selectees ordered to Fort Bragg for induction. The Board No. I list: Jihn An drews Hinton, William Beacher Baxter. Delira Battle Hall, and Wil liam Haywood, Jr. The Board No. 2 list: Walter Hill. Jr., John Arthur Smith. LeRoy OouAlass Brown, Arthur Carlo Cannady. Eddie Williams, Garfield Howard, Robert Alexander Ed wards. Wiilio Harris, Jesse James, Barbour. Wayman Douglas Wright, John Charles Braddock, James Wallace Hicks. James E. Rogers, Ben Poster. Guy Evans, Elbert Fos ter. Jr., Charles Lindburg Webster, George Robert Evans. Quinton Jones, Charles Arto McCray. Mack Leon Veasley, Willie James Me-1 Dr-nald, WiQie Ralph Alston. Ches- to* Autbar DbRiF. 3t.. Otho Young, Tbonu** Keerney, Ed-V ward Pranris Heyword. Sandy JudH. * Johnell Patridge, Waymon Rowland, and Julius Smith. Jr. V This year's spring pig crop was sevea per aenC smaflar titan In 1944 but twelve per cent larger than the average tor 1933-42. say author ities of ^ OSDA. IF ir S leiFSIN YOU HP M>tSIN T&my BISHOP HARRIS .'trikes calle(i in Liberia in the fall of (■ councils and this year. He will be the third bi- xcciitivo board.' (f-.op to go to Liberia this yeai. unless iiuth'iriz- j h e other being Bishops Willis h.’lmiiiB v.itf of King, of the Methodist Church. .1 return I.. i.k- 'm is th.it the pin ty .ms been sub- their membe.'.i Richt now most end Bishop J, H. Claybourne. na.-j the New York ject to much publiei’v as a C m- union leaders are riinninc them-1 Father Quentin E. Primo. Jr. Demu- muisi ihti By nomiiiatinc Davis, selves ragged tryinc to pre'-ent irector of the local St, SterAen’! iffioial Hc- the tKirty will iinly add more heat their members from st,’iki,uj bemuse 'Church, reported that the appear- ‘hv flit- the inrri ase in the c st of living lance of Bishop Harris drevz a ea- The I'-immiitii.'t i’.niy intends to is much greatei ih.in the increase pacit.v crowd, and that a c]h.ss desigiuiKi Davis despite the .A1 P. in wnce rates .iH'iwed by the War|v.a.s confirmed in connection with ■ I ; - P'lr',* i.r the He- I.nbor Board under the f.ittle Slvel thf service. liublicjR Party Tlu-y .-..y they won Formula, so that unii ii members. The prelate left the citv im- ' in l94:t ..nd they can not the hmders. are demanding'mediately following a reception d > It ag-.iit strikes ■■ ,'htch over’’ cilizen may help. BIT AN EXTRA ROND! «hi> have (•..me 'o res.*rd the part; • . l..'h:cr foi i>rnur' '( .»nd un.ty' The NLP has !m'’ricd jut 'he- Hudsori’Bclk s Hudsoti'Bclk s LOW PRICE BASEMENT STORE Is A Complete Department Store Within Itself “WHERE THIRFTY SHOPPERS COME-BUY-SAVE” BASEMENT STORE 'iamiM CAiouwA-1 ^ d a p-Ji'.’y if I'lilv d-s '{Il oin^ mem- iiar Mothers Form New (.haplers In Sintr RAL! ■ — Mrs. Lillian Liican. presid'ii. ’he Slate Chapter of .Xnionrati War M Jthe.-s, orcaniz-d chillers in Gresnsbiiro. Mi’hafn' .ind Winston-Salem, recently, and ’ War Motlicrs Form -New (ihapters In State . RALEIGH — Mrs, Lillian Logan. ' pre5ld‘‘nt of the State Chapter of j .American War ?.1.ithe.-s, organized chapters in Greensboro, Mebano I and Winston-.Salcm. recently, and I installed officers in the.'ie chapters ! The chapter in Greensboro was j .'pons'irJri by the City USD and was made cilywide. Mobane and ' Winstcn-Salt m had very Impres- j.'iv*> .'C:vices :n their local chapt»’r> ! and plan-i f ir t-xienslve programs I In the camp- f"r the ^umml‘^ wer.’ I discus.scd .Mr,--. Is.ibolk> Hiidge and Mr’' I The VV.i.«hinyton Hawkins fam- P-'lly Byrd iirRanizod a chapter ‘ ily, shown above, are m jtten- in Garner tendance at the A, .md T. College All mi’thiT’' Pxpres''.'d ’heir will j curivnt summer .-(vbuol .ses.sion iune« In wet to work at once to | They at e, reading from left to jiin P e 'tiler mothers in their ef- right. .Mrs. Hawkins, Mr. Haw fnri.s »o d" some worthwhile work, kins, and their two daughton* for oui biiy.s comfort 'in rheir ru- Phyllis kseuted on lapi and Ber- tiirn h'lmc, I nice. Mr. Hawkins graduated t.rt us keep the home fire* burn-1 from the ci-llege in 1926 and has Ins Let us kei p alive that which - .■‘erk ed .is principal of a Rober- thev are fijiting f-T. Let us gel .'on County Training School for a War Miohrrs' Chapter in ex-ery j the pa.st 15 years. Hjj wife. too. ’llv and 'own in the State Let US wirk’ Work’ Work' And lire. Cali -m ua. vve are ready Given in hilt honor at the home of Mr. and Mrs Thomas Hooper. , Sr ! V J GRTH HONORABLE OisrHAKGK ; 'UGUSTA. Ga, — William B. ■ Fain. Jr. of 7 Chatham Terrace. Haleigh, has received an honorable discharge from the Army for med ical reasons and has returned tt, liis home. He was a Technician Mh Grade with the Engineer Corps overseas and was discharged at Olive Gen eral Hospital here. dSSTBUy roR TAKE HOME SIX BOTTLES PEPM-COIA COMPANY, LONG ntAND CRY I, N.V. BOTTLED LOCALLY BY NtANCHISIO BOTTlMf • to help. R- member mother's of the State' "Wo Shall N'll Dio." tcaclK-s m the public >chouls ti:at cuunly. Bernice is a Junior 1 Jicolloao .ind little Phyllis is enr'Jlk'd in the day nursery of the colkse. HIDE AWAY GRAY HAIR SLICK-BLACK First t’aplist (ihiirch I’lircliascs Properly The report shows that two of the I II) fiiiidiiieb on the streets in the ! cities und t wns of North Carolina ■ ecurred in Raleigh. Other towns \ and cities reiHiriing fatalities were Burlnclon. Churl'ilte, Faith. Creena- RAI.F.IOH — Ti e boara nf trua-|horo. Rocky Mount. Thomasvill-. tees of the First Baptist church Sat-' Whitnel. Wilson :ind Winstnn-Salcm. irday purchased property at tI8-|with -ne each. HR Fast Morcan Sln*et adjoininR During May. -S3 person-s were kill- he rear if 'he church , ' d .ind 279 'were injured on the The property, con.sistinc of a i skeet and highway.! of the ^tale. tiuilding occupied bv Mernman i as C'impared with S,7 killed and Jt)3 Motor C'lmpanv and .. re.ip lot. is j injured in the same month last Sn by 21fi f« el II was purrhi.s.-d by , yk'ar, Ward's report reveals. Cities fr- m ’he Foceni Really I -md towns reported 273 accidents, and Insurance Cotrparv for $2.S.n(X). >e.sulting in (ieath to 10 persons F r the present, the church will -md mjuiy to 93 Rural ureas re- ent the building to the Merriman poptid 208 accidi-nb!. resulting in Mfitnr Company, but the church | death .t 4:t persons and injury to plans eventnully to u-a* the newly- 186. aenuired property to enlarge Us V- Sunday school space The church's Of the 489 prisoners of war in Si nd.iy srhn >!. with a membership North Carolina, 139 are harvesting of belwei’n 900 and 1,000 the Largest Negro S’lnday schnnls in 'he South. Th" First Baptist Church, which ' as a membership 'if I.'200. has been situated m the soulh.'jst eorner of M'irvan and W '- mtipton Slre"ts for fW) vears The Rev O. 5 Bi M'li-k h,v h.-en p.i-tor f ’he church for 24 y' .f-s. V- Ralrigh Leads In Pedcstrain Deaths R.ALEICH Raleigh led .ill cities and t'lwns in 'he Sta’o diirine V.iv th' number >f iKTsons killed 'in II..- -li.-cl ..CLMi-Uiii - l! a rep it 'd and ffi-ed crops. 30 are in dairy ork. and '270 are engaged in gen- -il form work. .yI ('..ni ’f Mk'tor Vehivlv.s T il iddu’ W.irtL -M OF fXTBA COST ACfORDINi; TO PLAN f ample caie Here’s Your Kj dunce To Make Quick Money ‘***’.‘•**} miBul* KBrningB up l« Mb Sby bt MS* n»fa quirk ManTpLB Fullue.SpiT, lum, !»ll l oloTBg IK-Ph UW fB.BBaB liw »f SIMipfr BMaaiM WWII BIT PuwiJBr. IU*wh CrvM. IntefiM. i*w9lty. Ft- ’"'u'kTWO hill UNES —SOr-BdlSe gnodB SbWb (Md* m Bigl>t. H»a and WuiKMi ol •« a««a *B- -4 NO RXeuiKNCB NEEDfcO SEND NO MONEY! Get FREE Samplt! JIrtT tCMB TOU* NAM AM* AGBNEM and wi Ml tar r*Ef SAMPLE of SWEK' ..EOR UH BROWN aSeplin Me .Yaaipln CBM U««r. PONT WAITI WnU togay Ibr on> U«7 vALMon enoDucTs compant MtlMnnigan *'»>•. * OiMt FB-lu7 «*»ia*. i«, I*.' riMP L rAttmar la. * MAMOUNAt NOW! Unrestricted Choice Entire Stock of Summer Dresses REDLCCD VVtlbliL tSulL\{J S\‘LXt.UA\ JLLV Ul KT A A V Mai 'irii. LAr.Oi-ilNlA.'i