SOUTH’S US DUE TO POVERTY W. J. Kennedy Takes Oath Of Office Give White And Negroes Good Wages And It Will Be Solved, Says Gov. Arnall Ali ul ihe Swuth’s current-iHa 4rt « diieci leaalt o( puverty, me race pioLiem tnciuded, Goveriui tills Ainull ot Ge>jr^ia eliaijirs iu a Signed aiiieie in the cuiient la- sue bl Cullier's, in which he de- laounces lazy suuthein guvemineiii, (he pull tax. and deina- gOautk whv mouse racial hatreds III foiecaililig (hat ttm Suuth is soon tu idKe ht-r place in the indus trial wuild and "achieve her prop er destiny, Cuveinoi Ainal dc- klaies that any plan tu cure the &->ulh ui iis ilU must, as "its first orrtei uf Puaiiiesi, uriiiB about j higher aveiage incuine fur both white and Nettioea. "The South has suffered wiin Jiiteriority,' Goveroiir Arnall says. "The aveiage American annual In* Cuine at the time of Hearl Harbor was SOH. In the Suuth it was $314. The avfiage Negru income was considerably luwer. No plan to cure the South of its ills will succeed vhich dues nut make that differen tial Its first order i>f business. "The so-called race questicn is «ii economic »nc, nut s.’cial. Pay the Negro good wages fur his work, give him the uppurtunity to demonstra'e his own capacity tu learn, work and earn, give him hU Cunstitu* ttuiial right.c and you have solved this distorted so-called race prob lem Onl» the demagogue tries to make political capital of social eguality. of racial iiuermurnage. ' Governor Arnall predicts that once the South becomes "Rennine- ly prusprruMS, so that there is eco nomic opportunity for every clti- len. white and black, the two races wtll live on friendly terms" He then charges that the South's low income is res|)onsible for scjualid housing, liiadequtue diet, the dis ease and high mortality rate of the Negro citisen. The Georgia governor calls ex- Govfmor Kugene Talmadge. whom he defeated a' the polls, a 'dicta- tci" and '*more than anything else a labblr louser," and declares that "the south has at times given the rest of the country reason tu think uf sonie of hei governors as clowiu jiul uf sume ot hei legislaiuies as Juiiiliiatej tjf chailatans ana seals Wags." The Georgia legislature he re- cjiN, took dictatorial powers fik.m (he guVeriU'i, hilled the "panl’j!i racket. ' refuiined the "infamous pri son system," and gave suffrage tu citizens of ig within the first 21 days of his administiatiun, and lie predicts that Georgias forthcom ing new constitution will piolnbil ■the already discarded poll tax." "It Isn't good to hear (he screams (gainst abolishing the pull lax," he (avs. "coming from the politicians wlio are afraid that the men uvei- eas fighting for their right to scream niay vote the amount uf sine- •iires." In denouncing "lazy government in the Smith, Governor Arnall points to the long fight aguimst high freight rates in the South us set by the In- erstate Commerce Commission. When the ICC declined to lower the high rates, year after year, he charges, "our officials shruggiKl Iheir shoulders, exhibited the palms of their empty hands and in too many Instances went buck into their dozings." Co\*-rnor Arnall recalls that the I U. S. Supnine Court, i.t his request. I lias agreed to sit as a jury to lis- ' ten to the State of Georgia argue ithr* the high and discriirvinutory ' freight rates are depriving the .South of her Constitiitioniil rights, i and then says; "The Interstate Commerce Com- , iiislslon suddenly admits that the , setup is unfair Suddenly, after all these years. fT rules tnat beginning • August 30th. rates fur the South I shall diop ten per cent, and rates i for the North increase ten per cent. Why At last w» are awake, fight- 1 ing. "We do not ask for Industrial de- veh pment. for example, at the ex- ; peiise uf any other section of the I country. . but with the elimina- 1 tlon uf unfair and discriminatory freight rates, certain industries will mevitabiy cun( to the Suuth — W'CMleiis. wood pulp, ceramics, plas tics. metallurgy." THE CAROLINIAN VOLUMK XXVI. NO. 7 h.\i,kh;ii. .n', c. WKKK KNDINO, SATURDAY, .lULY 28. UM5 I KICK KIVK CKNTS LEADERSHIP IN POLL TAX FIGHT ACCEPTED BY SENATOR PEPPER WASHINGTON, D C— Senator Claude Pepper uf Florida appar ently has relinquished his bitter utlitude .against the (Irogress of the Negro, us was observed during the unforgettable FEPC bottle, and i has accepted the leadership of the coalition aim is the uboli- ' tion of the poll tax in the Senate Thi- coalition, comprised of vig orous representatives of both par ties. include Senator Homer Fer guson 'Ri of Michigan. Jamis Mead iDi of New York, .Arthur Capper iR. of Kansas, Harley M Kilgore 'D.* of West Virginia, and; Wirren O Magmison 'Dj of Wash ington. j The disgraceful performance of I the now-famou$ fillibusters. Bilbo | and F.astland. against the FFPC. drew only disgust from Mrs Kalh-1 enne Shryver. executive secretary | ' f the National C.imirittee to .^bnl- .ish the Poll Tax. who believe th.ii 'lemiK-ratic-mirided Senat-irs hav : seen for themselves that such ”ir- • responsibility Is made possible by ' poll tax di.Kfranchisement." and that members of both Houses mus' I realize more fully now "the threat; j to majority representative gov'Cm- ' menl in the poll lax than any occur- , lerice n recent years" CIO headTavors l‘KAISi;i) FOR Y(0KK IN SHAW drivf; PACRequests Support Of FEPC As Pledged By Parties Neffro Rand To Welr.ome DAICC lU umnco C. A. HAYWOOD Shaw ITiiiversity's New Devel opment Campaign headquarters recently paid high tribute to Charle.( A Haywtiod, Sf.. Chair man of the Raleigh Negro Cam paign division, for his nul.tand- Ing .services in the local SimulUinenusly. the headqi announced that the amount of money subscribed by Raleigh Negro c, izens is more than a ffturth of the current quarter- million dollar gv;al. The campaign to raise $250.- OOO for the erection of an ad ministrative building and a dor mitory was launched in Raleigh early In the year. . M. RICH AMED TO EDICAL ASS’N URHAM "• The recent appoinl- by Governor R (Iregg Cherry illiam M. Rich, superinteni- of Lincoln Hospital, Durham, member uf the state medical commission, recently created ict of the General As.sembly,' 1 well he Considered a sing i- i honor to the race. Rich will be the only Negro ei of Ihe commission whose' will be that of disbursing! 194(1-47 the total of one mil- dnllars fur medical care of the t of the state, expenditure of p $.‘H),000-loa'» established for medical stu-. •Iso w'ill be one of the re-' itie.s of the commission, ’•F tl'c supervision over a far-; reaching medical .service and hos pitalization proRnirr already in ef-. feet in North Carolina This pro gram includes the conslructiGn of hospitals throughout the state where neded with the' aid of state funds. Formerly of N irfolk. Mr. Rich has resided here for about 25 years, and prior to his acceptance of the siiperintendency of the Durham I NEW YORK — Rvqustiag that Robert Haiinegun and Herbert Brownell, chairman uf the Democra- ! tic and Republican parties, call special meetings of their nutoinal I commitees and "declares publicly I their support for a permanent Fsrir ' Employment Practice Committee,*' the National Citizens Political Ac tion Committee today emphasized , in letters to the party leaders that ' they have "a responsibility to the country and their parties to use their full authority, and prestige u>' carry out party pla'^orms and pledges. The letters in the party chieftains a.sked for prompt replies as to ac tion that could be expected. Signed oy Elmer A. Benson. Chairman of National Citizens PAC'.s executive .•ouncil, the letters were accompan ied by a committee statement out lining the grave crisis in race and religious relations. Benson, in St. Louis, one of 19 cities he is visiting on a cross-coun try trip to discuss with local lead er* incumbents and candidates worthy of independent .support in (he 1945 rongressional elections, told a press conference. "We are unalterably opposed to any mem ber of the CongreM '•r any candi date for Congress who would use the floors of the House and Senate as sounding boards for Hitlers race theories" Benson demanded that "the political parties adhere to their platforms." and warned, "failure to do s'> will result in the loss uf faith of millions of independent JOBS FOR ALL SAYS GOVERNOR R. GREGG CHERRY DURHAM — “Any citizen In North Carolina who is denied job opportunities on account of iiis race or color, ha.s a just complaint against society and must be accord ed a hearing." said Governor R. (Jregg Cherry in his opening re marks Ilf an address on opening day of the three day .-econd annual c.nference on Race Relation* at North Carolina Culltge here on July 11. The topic of the confi-rence was Race Relations and Ihe Problems n| Earning a Living' Continuing, the Gi’vemor observ ed that ’ ll is a part of the Ameri can creed that a man ought to be able to rise according to hlx merits and competence, and the encourage ment, and a wide open road must go to ability and character. Dr. James E. Shepard, president of the college and Dr. N. C. New- bold. director of Negro education, co-ordinated in making the plans for the conference. On Thursday. Dr Mabel C. Car ney. pr ifessor -emeritus of educu- ,.>n r-nlMfnhi,, rrnit-nr«itv l*H .1 SWORN IN AS MEMBER OF RECREATION COMMISSION RALEIGH - W. J. Kennedy. Jr, vice president of the N. C. Mutual Life Insurance Company, Durham, was sworn in as the Negro member of the newly organized Recreatioa Commission along with R. L. Mc Millan of Raleigh, who was elect* ed chairman In its first organisa tion meeting which convened di rectly after the commission was sworn in Wednesday morning Id the Governor's office. Other members of the Commis sion are; Mrs. John G. Hewitt of Charlotte, Charles W. Gunter of Gastonia, Montgomery Hill of Greensboro, the Rev. Charles S. Hubbard of Roseburu, and J^n C. Mackerell wt Banner Elk. John R. Larkin. Consultant on Negro Work, State Department of Public Welfare, Is serving on the 30-member advisory commission, which will serve the Recreation Cummiiuion In an advisory capacity. The C^miiilssfon is made up of rep- n-sentatlves of various activitleie, I ^ .kUp* and agencies. Covernos j Cherry. In naming the advisory commission earlier this month, I designated Dr. Russell M. Grim- I rran of Chapel Hill as its chairmap. The Recreation Commission was created under a law passed by the 1945 General Assembly. It is author ized to accept gifts, bequests, de vises and endowments. Funds (or the (^ration of the commission will be supplied from the Contingency and Emergency Fund by the Governor and Council of State. Ex-officio members are Govemoc Cherry, Dr. Clyde A. Erwin. State superintendent of public Instruc tion; Dr. Ellen Winston, SUte su perintendent of public welfare, and R. Bruce Etheridge, director of the State Department uf Conservitioo and Development men chaigr.. iT!.il int SOJlh r "J* ' Income b resjionsiblfe for .••qualid housing, inadequtae diet, the dis ease and high mortality rale ->f the Negro citizen. The Georgia governor calls ex- Oovemor Eugene Talmadge. whom h^ defeated at the polls, a ’dicta- ict" and "mure than anything else a labtle lOuser." and declares that "the .south has at times given the rest nf the rountry reason to think of some of het governors as clowns for the North increase ten per cent. Why'.' At last w* are awake, fight ing. "We .'o not ask for Industrial de- velopmei.t. for example, at the ex pense of any other section of the country, .but with the elimina tion of unfair and discriminatory freight rates, certain industries will inevitably come to the South — wcoleps. wood pulp, ceramics, plas hes. melallurgy.” Negro Band To Welcome Soldiers Who Arrive At Seymour Johnson Field GOLDSBORO — The Streets of I strong; Pfc. Addison White, who Seyniciii Johi.scn Field are now; played with the celebrated Caro- echoing the sounds of marches and ! lina Coiun Pickers; Pfc. James flourishes as martial music, long a iraditional pan of military life, agiln takes its place at the First Air Base, with the arrival Wednes day of 29 members of the 771st AAF Band This band Is asulgneJ to wel- | romt in coniing tiuops, slated for | redeployment against Japan and to play at reviews, retreats, and oilier ceremonies. TFiis band can be di vided into a iS piece dance orches tra or two nine piece ensembles. The "Melody Makers." and the ■'Syncopaiors " Thr large band will be featured on SJT radio program "Flying High" to be aired Tuesday nights at 9:3u over WGBR The Orchestra will play at the field, NCO Club. Service Clubs and Officers Clubs, also at dances at the Goldsboro Community and CSO Saunders, a tenor saxophonist wno performed with Phil Moore; CpI .Alan Williams, a member of Don Algert’s famous band and Sgt C. Perkins, formerly with the late' •»:n If'.l' TUN I.IX. ULiiii»r 111..- demm-ratic-mindod Senators have seen for themselvt» that such "ir responsibility Is made possible by poll lax disfranchisement,'' and that members of both Houses must realize more fully now "the threat to majority representative govern ment in the poll tax than any occur rence in recent years." CIO hbdTavors RAISE IMAGES WASHINGTON. U. IL —President Philip Murray of the Congress of Industrial Urgaiiizalions today is- sutS the following slalement on the inliodtu lioii ol amendments to raise the vv-ige minimum «jf the Fair La bor Staiidaids Agl to (15 cent im hour. The no welcome the introdui.-- lion a fairendments to raise the wage floor now in lh« Ftdr Labor Standards Act to 05c an hour as ail acl of justice to lU million Amei - icai; workeis and as good sound economic sense to the entire nation Susbstundard wages such as are tw - aid to inilliv.s o' Anierlcai ' man of the Raleigh Negro Cam paign division, for his outsund- Ing services in the local dri*"* SimulUmeously, the announced that the amount of money subscribed by Raleigh Negro citizens is more than a fourth of the current quarter- i million dollar goal. The campaign to raise $350,- j 000 for the erection of an ad- minislralive building and a dor mitory was launched in Raleigh ; early In the year. ! Mr. Haywnod. ;• prominent Ra- i leigh citizen, Is manager of the Raleigli Funeral Home. He is n member of the board of direclors 1 of the Mechanics :inQ F:irmcr3 i B:ink, a member of the advis»*ry committee of the I.oc;il Draft Boards, and :i member of the Ra leigh Housing Authority. Uli« Ihc commUelon ;» h, I9M c"n«rmlon«l clecllont ^ ^ loss of On Thursdoy. Dr. Mabel C. Car- and prior to his acceptance of the , do so result in the superintendency of the Durham ■ faith of Walter Hornes. mean a substandaid economy. I'np military band b: directed by Workers -eceived less than a decent; «WOJC) James O B Mosley, who mtninium are not going to be able i alter taking his A B. degree at to buy the goods and services that j Morehouse College, in Atlanta. Oa. must be sold to avert am.thn .-co- puisued graduate studies in music noirlc depres.Mon worse than any at Chicago Music College, from w'e h;jve previously felt which he h«lds a teacher’s certifi cate and the University of Mich An experat performer on several instruments, he has more than iSu compositions tu his credit. Senators I’epper and Wagner and those associateti with them deserve | the full support of all Amurictins who want to see tlieir counliy pro-.- uerous now and In the postwar. ALCCHeUC DCINr/ Paris — The United States Arroy period. ^ .u.,' Building! disclosed recently that .188 Amer- Army aVthiirities tcleased the; 'ican soldiers died between January statistics as emphasis in warning i The dance groups of the 771st are 1 and July to in France and Ger- ; American soldiers to be extreme- sparked with piVOessional talent many from drinking wood alcohol ly careful where they get tnei ^ which includes Sgt. Julius WaUon. disguised, chiefly by "bootleggers." drinking liquor. They said me | leader of the 15 piece outfit, former- ■ as drinkable liquor. deadly drinks were produced cnie • - The death toll was greater than ly bootleggers, who added flav- thut taken by communicable djs among bac. .aa=> Labor’s Voting Strength Tested In Detroit Primary Nvw York. N. Y. — Buoyed by sweeping victories scored by la- bui-end6rsed candidates in muni cipal elections Ihruugho it the na tion. CIO Political Action Com mittee officials lock forward to the August 7 primary in Detroit. Mich., as a maior of laboi'j political strength in an off-pres:- dt ntial election year. Labor and political observers ,arc also focusing attention on the 'November mayoralty race in New j(,„ millions of independent ney. prafessor -emeritus of educu ho believe thor-,tUm. Columbia University, led a Ilvelv discussion concerning prob lems of earning a living in a small town ns affected by education and race relations. Thursday afternoon members of the conference heard an address by Howard Colvin, acting director of conciliation service cf the United States Lepartmenl of Labor, on the subject. "In What Way Can Labor Groups Aid In Race Relations and the Problems of Earning A Living." J. A. Thomas, director, depart ment of industrial relation. Natlon- ;al Urban League. New York City, 'directed a discussion of the problems I of the Negro war workers anJ ; their subsequent problems during ' ‘he reconversion period. During Friday's ses-slon. Elmer Carter, member of the Five Man ..Governor's Commission to insure autopsy will be | FEPC, pointed ilie body of David P. Sutton, out the relation between Negro AUTOPSY TO BE HELD IN MAN'S DEATH FRIDAY VLCb etwiJwmeBiB ■ - Fund* for the operaUon at commission will be supplied the Contingency and - Fund by the Governor and Cowncil of State. Ex-officio members are Govemoe Cherry. Dr. Clyde A. Erwin. SUle superintendent of public Initruc- Uon; Dr. Ellen Winston. SUte a^ perintendent of public welfare. aM R. Bruce Etheridge, director of tn* State Department of Conservition and Development FlYTEilD CARRIER OF POLIO INFECTil CHICAGO — A Chicago infan tile paralysis expert warned this week that the common house fly can transmit ihet disease to hunun beings. Dr. Dallas B. Phemitter. chairman ol the medical odvlscry comnUfe# of the Cook County Chapter of the national foundation, said experi ments demonstrate the absolute need for protection ol food troin the flies. He said a series of studies at Yale York City where the CIO-PAC. Friday of this week in Sulis-i slums and low income. His sugges- T^lutSy ■ fori from natural causes or as a result i j automatically follow rings. tesU with ■ - ’ ‘he conclusion almost inesc . He saU that the paliomyellt^ virus previously had been shown Mayor State Lazarus Joseph for . irom iiaiuai — - jsiums wouia auiomuiicauj' inae/»onBhi** Comptroller ard Vincent Impel-i^f ^ blow on the head by O. Z.'higher wages, he said. A panel liitori for president of the City - • •• ly a trombonist with Cootie Wil liams, T Sgt Carl Frye who dou bled on the .saxuphone and clari net for five years with Louis Arm- troops on the continent in the same • "Scotch," or "gin." Pictured above is Tecnnician Fourth Grade Joseph H. Reid, the son of Mr. and Mrs. David H. ing an^coi.’ring to methyl alco- Reid ot 527 South East Street, ward E. Jeffries. .1 ....a «..iH it as "cognac." Raleigh. Reid is a member of the 1 Officially endorsed liitori for president of the City Cruncil. The Republican-Liberal- iFusion mayorallv choice, Judge Jonah Goldstein, was attacked last week, by Sidney Hillman, chairman of CIO-PAC and the ALP. as being a hand-picked ap pointment of Governor Dewey. Special interest is centered up on the Detroit primary for a lo- boi official. UAW vice-president Richard T. Frankonsteen, has en tered the mayoralty race and is con-ceded to be the cnief oppon ent ofthe incumbent. Mayor Ed bv the Jenkins, 55. employe of the City ! discussion followed Mr. Carter’s ad- Water Works. dress. '' Sutton was found dead in bed The conference was closed on July 13. ot hU home at 21 Bragg 1 Friday with an address by BUhop Street five days after the two men Edwin A. Penick. of the Episc^M had engaged in an affray, during diocese of North Carolina, on The I »-hkli Jenkins ullegertly struck the ‘ Contrftutlons ot Church w „“,ram diKlosed that dead ntan »lth a mtlk_ bottle. It «»« fl "UldVan.mft the Ev“ery p^uWem the Negro work- ^ food and that ■ was discussed at the conference, .earned into the intestine# on the worthwhile suagestiona ' food, “thua 'bh .'‘"“' “j* of solving them we»! in the chain of evidence support ring the threat to human beings. first believed _. . probably died from a heart at tack. since he hod bten examin ed for the injury and was told and many that it was not serious. He was .» for means (Continued on back page) exist in the intestines of Infected human victims and that it had been traced in water and in sewage. It had been shown that flies carried 92nd Infantry Division and has w^yne County PAC and expected Four High Point Persons Held On Manslaughter Charge , HIGH POINT -FiW ^rsons-' Ocie Withers and John Henry Crowell Lilly. North Lee Street. .John C Archie, Willis C. Phifer, I Let, formerly charged with boot- who died July 15. James Nelson and his wife, Marie-- ' jigging, were released on bond Carrie Archie Douglas. Templeton “k " ' '• P«"bihg h h.uring. stmh. who diud July 16. charged witli manslaughter In con-;^,„,^ , , # d- ^ a a isuio Willis row n.con will, Ih. duath. of II p«r. /h' lu,a of a groa, ■luuidlty of R.charf Archly 1261) W.llU .ow, ton. Iron, poison alcohol. phIfer s; “kohol from Ihy plan! hod been rc- "b"/iled July 16. bond was sel al JS.OOe. and those fined earlier by the Alma Desk Alfred Joe. 608 Tale Street, wh nt tha .iihar rige/aaitriui.x 1,1 Oiiu Compaiiy to Chief J. A. Lowdermilk. died July 12 „ „ of ibe other defendants al $3,000 employe at this James Lawrence ones. 1203 Hoov- Archie and Phiefer are accused' Concern Three of Archie's children er Street, who died July 13. of .teatag d.n™rl5 alLhu. victims ol the drink, havlug Elnora Polite 1 05 Downing •''i"r;^tr‘“m'p7jd*u;e‘‘.'’S “t, 'the “''of Snlicitor Lee '"wl'uiom “NoMs. Mo Woodbury dealing drink called "smoke" The 1 Wilsjn autoposies weie performed Avenue, who died July 14. N.Ss alrUTfev^ W h“e pur on .he bodies of John Henry Archie William Baldwin IS Brouka chalri orantSes oT' -moke" Iran and Charlie Davis and specimens Slreet. who died July 14 *K« tartgi rg..«tri it of slomBcli tisuss Will tw seot to Theodore McRae, ll5 Perry r«- ••ntly been awarded the com' mei riatoin below: Cl "ATION. "During the period 26 O''ober 1944 to 2 May 1945. Techni ian Fourth Grade Reid's perforn.-d i.utstanding services as Mail t *erk in Parcel Post, Reg istry and Stamp Division. Army Post Offict 92 He handled thou sands of Pi kages for troops who were norm, ly unable to proper ly post the (. As n result of his careful hai iling of parcels few requests fu: tracers ,ir claim have been made on the Post Office. Techniciui. Foulr hGrade Reid's ... receive the backing nf the Michigan Citizens Committee. Ne gro and other progresssive groups. Frankonsteen carrie.s the hope.s of workers who are fast seeing rU'’.roit. the nation’s number of production center, turning int,T I the nation's top reconversion 'headaehe, Frankonsteen has made r( conversion and full employ- menl the main aims for past-war ‘ D-troit. ' Jeffries was condemned nation allv for his anti-Negro stand ’ ing the 1943 camoaign follo’ the race riots in that city, Bankers Hold Successful Convention In Durham DURHAM — The announcement pj Winston-Salem; L. D. Brocks of ^Carolina farmers have a diverai^^ that Negro-owned and operated j^e Union National Hank of Char ; products and ralM more of menk • banks in the United States have j„,te' J. Y. Green. Jr., assistant, Mr. H»ne*. who delivered ta« aboul trebled their resources with- auditor of First and Merchants Na-1 principal addr^. declarea iMi ‘ T’JV.r in ihe ri'>nal Bank of Richmond. Va,;. private H. Mitchell, president of the educational director! banka must take the J®*'*- Industrial Savings Bank of Wash-j^e North Carolina Mutual LiJ-ivlce and guidance to ■ ington. D. C. at the annual meeting insurance Company, and greetings i matters Of finance JJ* duty in 'he registry diyirion^has sought to Negni BankerTNallonal As- Spmdding. president of | may really have ; been superior; occurred since the have office was a.,.A. .V. .wn... nf ine (Negro nanne** 4n«»iiwi»o» bv C. t., apauiaioK. picniun,, »» . / , groups bv a •‘‘"'Tf. sociation held here last week m host bank, the Mechanics and . stead of faclsm. . r >» stx-iaiion neio nciy ••• nosi oana. uje ivivw4.« Tho rao.: '"■ Slooford L. Wocron Llbroiy. Book ol thi- city Brooks explained the GI iipeiied. The courteous attention believe, however, that the over- '® session Wednesday eve- his illustrated lec-’loan program. Mr. Green spokt on and professional advice rendered (ures will not wipe out the Yriem- . w jj .be B N. Duke Wayne - ii “internal Bank Operations." »nd all patrons reflects^ high on the of Jeffries position in 1943 North Carolina Col Lure pointed out hove the Relations' was the topk standards of the Postal Service Frankonsteen will draw' a reserve system keeps banking alive' navs discussion "r„m. „1 Ih, o„H.„di„6 feojure. ’ke^« .ho Durham Ch^ Of the meeting included an Ulus- /'J ^ minimum., of the National Negro Busina trafed lecture on ■’Deposit Trends ^ ^ ^ exchanged ?deai on -4. 1—J- "Postwar Outlook for Negro Bun- standards and Arnimed Force*." Signed: E M ALMOND. Major General. U- S. Army Commanding and istzeable Negro vote. ' Besides Frankonsteen other la bor-hacked candidates in the pri- mar yinclude Trarv Doll, sec. of the Wavne County PAC. Lt. and‘Bond Investments." by .the "'n„w°,wo"J?L7’of,hl 13 Who f tSSt “ir exoininsUb., A Slrwl, who d.vd July 14 ccnlilied the beveroge suivived proposal to exhume the other bod- John Heury Arehte, 206 Cecil Schie w toWUy and permanently les has not as yet been approved , street, who^died July blind as a rssult ol drinking the officially. . “ J The death, list ;s as fbUows: Wayne, president of ,the Federai rve Bank of Richmond. Va,: In a colored movie. Mr. Hunter address by Gordon C. Hunter, of the Roxboro Bank, of the , CharUe Davis, 103 WUlia Bow, iwho died J'uiy Id- This is a testimonial of much Oeorge Edward, inclumbent. and value tu Soldier Reid and certain- Charles A, Hjll. popular Ne- ly htimuluting to all who read jrj.,, clergyman. >*f him Thou>aiiri.% of our b4iys, those unreeisterea is prin.-«-'-u,nK „ • Amaviation a4..~ or, - like Soldier Reid, are nerving in and the entire political action ma- ^ Dresldenl of the have been Improved by judicious a commendable way on land, on chinerv has been marshalled be- Robert M. . P_ _ that wnrih sea and in the air. i (Continued cm bacs page) clereyman. Repistralion ol "J North Corolinj best.raled rural bonks in the coun- unr,..,stered_ m^priwiuximk ‘SLtlo.lon, and talks by try. showsd how form o^foUo"* Robert M. Hanes, president of the have been Wachovia Bank atid Trust Company bank loans. He suggested that North At the elecUon of officers at the close of the meeting, Mr. Mitchell was succeeded by Lorimer D. Mfl- ton of the Cltiiens Triwt CwnptHJ (Continued on back pM*)