WEEK ENDING, SATT7RDAT. JULY 23. 1945 THE CAROLINIAM PAGE THRBS Dr. Spaulding Urges Busi ness Methods For Farmers CLAFLIN COLLEGE GETS NEW - Staff of Sf. Emma 'Belmeadlan • .)iirh;im — "Tt'cich the liirmi'is t > n.si’ busini SR mt-lhods. iin.J t-» k* cp bfHiks." wa.s the advic« ofi hy C. C- Spiiuidini!. prf.3idi.-n' nf thr N. C. Mutunl I.iti- In.3iir:inc,‘ Company, and the Uurnam. N. C.. Mech -nic.-; and Fainni.- Bank m an adt|pi-."?s bi-fori' the Bi>iilh-irii rr.nUTcnci' nf Ciilnrid State and District Exti-nsinii Servict* s'-ipcr- vi.sitnrs. mi'ftini: hi-n last wc-uk at lilt IJ. S. Dt-partiiicnl nf Api.rui- fijrr, “You nni-d In krt'p bonk'." Sp.iuldina ScikI. “if for no other rp;i,«on than to knew when to «o u1 nf hu.sinoss.“ The banki i .and msuranco hi-ad ritrd «‘\amnl*'s of viirtcwiful rolnrod farir.ii.; wh: wore gro.s.stnB from Slft.lKHi to SI- 000,1)00 anniinltv throuah rar«'!’u‘. businesi; manaecment of thfi- farms. Shovvinc how fonrmi.s and 'ihar«’fr^|pct. mav climb int.. nu'ncr.snm thrnueh aoid bii.sjiii-.s-' manacernrnl, Spauldmu point- I cut how his bank had loaned an indobipd tenant farmer money on- \»ai- to make a crop. The man made ennuBh to pav off his d- b'. and make the down navmi'n* on a farm of his own, Soaitldim: .s-ii.I that for ni'arlv 10 vi-avs prior th - man had bten ei>minK leit ,n debt to hi.s landlord ei-'-ri nr. Theaddress by SpeuMinii w a made durinc the openiiu: yess.^ien i‘f the six-dv eonfen ne«‘, Ttier*' wire 30 rettional. Slat.- md D'.s* tiir* siin«Tvi!ior.« in u!;erd;-n''o. rcrre.sentini2 14 Sniithi-in Stnte.s. Miinr nrnhlejn.s eonsideii'd hv ‘h conferres were mi'thi’ds jif as.'ist- inc farm-nnnded v«-?. r.ins md di.sniaeed wnik'-'-.-i in c ltin« e--- tabli.shi’d on the land, hi lpinc i-ol- orrd farmer.*; in adiustina ir. m-• rhani/i-d eotton nrodiietion. and findinc wavs toward imprneine rural health facilities. Spaiildina not nniv pointed out how hu.sinrs.-; m-thocls could )>e applied in the oni'r.ntion of a faini, hut hr .also told the suoer- eisi*rs how he was encouraainc 4- H boys and airD to ra;si mor- livestock for marki t and kei-p rc- rord.s of nrnduc'ion costs. His hank is offering ^700 in pri/e.s to Noith Carolina 4 Ifers fn i-ncou. - aC4 better breedmir ,if livrstnek. W\KV COeVTV T't’7 I I R >IF>!RVRs .\\n l \R>tf:RS riCVKIVt; XT ( II\V| rxKK RALEIGH 4-H CIn. rre-nhers and (iriults ..f \V;,|; r .-os- holdin:; a Counly-u id.- [.i-iiie to- day .Fr d.iy. .-t Ch \ i' P .i k The program will ;;et uiiricrw.iv it UOO A M. .md last throU-ii-. ll 40 .\ M. ‘ftor which :he .e..*• iiion..! fe.i'uroi will bc.{in i.id lc-» thru '■no p M Acc.'i-dioji t.i W c D.u i-iu'or’. AcricnJtiirnt Ext. n.-nm .\ :.-r.i .f ti.e 'e r-lli-.’i* Exteii.-i I. S r-ic. lh‘-se t.ikinc part on •od -\ - pro- cr.->m tre R E J.m. !-. Stale le-e and t-H ch-b Spe^talir*. Grernsbe:-;-; ■f-jmc' Russ-t] Ad.iio^. vice pri‘-.i. ■drni of ih-- 4-H Cl'ih Cou.’- '■il; Mr' Mott'. R.rb*-. pn-stder.» of 'he Home D. ii'on Coan- ril. Ella Mac Dorier. president nf t'^c tH Club C.ur.ty Counnl. i. d nrr*eH t.a:.-, pre.-ident >f ’he t^ounty Council. F.rni im n and wo -it;. 4-H lUih It.ns and irl' h-ive I oki-d f. rward to thi> icrreational event .-.i'h ureal ar.tie.natinr 27lli Annual Conference PRESIDENT Of Agrieiilliiral Teach ers Held At Va. Stale Baltimore, Md. ~ It was an nounced last w'(H.*k*that the trus- - lees of Claflin College and the Board of Education of the Mcth- r.t-Tt nuiiTTDi-' tV- 17 » . mciist Church elected Dr. John J. .1 ~ Si-abrook. teacher of PhilosoDhv . , Director of the Morean ChrLs- ■tili.rc tenehers uas held .it , Center, to the Presidenev iif V iiKiniii Shite Colloec A hiclili.tht |,i, m.,,,.. claflin C.llieso. of the confer.-nce foreslr.v dim- OranceburB, S. C. Dr. Scabroo'.i ‘ • Ii.ir.iiioii under the direction etj,s ,1,,. fifth nre.-iident of Claflin, .S C Hiib.u i stale tni eshir 'f! n hich teas founded in 186P. His ...1 Lnlvcr-sHy X^rglnia. As •*'p.edccc.ssnrs were Dr. Alonzo I -i.i: of this, twenty tCiichers wc.-eiA^-ph.ster (l86l)-74). Rev, Edward, i l. tted in attrnd a .)-e.«lry Work-iCooke (1874-84). Rev, L. M Dun-I .'hop .-1 the Virginia Randolph Hi -h tor. (1884-1922). Dr. J. B. Ran-1 Srh d during he vvrrk of Aufiust 20 dolph (1922-45). The new Presi- f.ir more infensivo training. Ea-h df-nt will report for duly .some-: I'f liio ,ii neparttnents of Vocation-1 time in Augu.st. He will be re- I .\-riciihun- in the State will in- turninc home a.s he was born in t-liide f. rr,«iry as a part of its pro- Orangeburg and his familv home' Ei-om during the 194.')-1946 scho.1iLs there, ; '■ ''f ] The training and experience of: .-Niuiiher phaic of 'he conference j President Seabrook fit him for Was given to land-use proolems ln:the tasks and responsibilities he; .1 tot it farm program under the di- will assume. In addition to the re'-»i,.n .’f rrember.s of the St.ile idiploma he holds from Claflin, he Soil Ci.n.scrvation Service Under I re reived the A. B. d gree from ii e Ic-ader hip of Mr M. T. Carter.! Clark College, the B. D. and D. D. '-ociat*. priifc's.ir fif aqrlcultur.ll dtgrees from Gammon Theologi- cr-nomics at Virginia State Col- ,csa1 Seminary, LL. B. degree from tl;r confrence di voted som-* Howard Universit.v. and the LI timi- to the Land Grant Colic je M-degree from Boston University ’ •ti.dv on postwar planning. Further 'study on the graduate; Mr. D J Hi.ward, state supc--- pursued a» Garrett Bib- vi-or of .igricidliiral education pit- In.stitute. Boston University, iv;'d thi- summary of the year’s I’niversilv, and Nortb- Worlr Thi' r. p -rt .showed that 51 ''v.-^lem Univer.sity. of :he ."3 deji..rtments .derated dur- Dr. Seabrouk will carry to his ll'.' ifitl-4o with a to*n1 of 64*>,'5 hi Pus»ftun rich and va'*i7vl t->.- '^Ivldiials rearhi-d thr.uah all-da,-.. |RV'S^^es as teacher, pastor, ad- d.Tv-unif, part-time and eveningbusiness man, com-, 'h.-ols Tn the F>od Pnductiop niunity and civic worker. He sery- AVar Trainlnu Pi-..-.r:im 2.85.5 in- -“d -' Pastor ol .Vl.‘!'odist Chur.-h- dlvlrii al.-: ’.‘. ere rt arlied thottic-h ’."1 -In'^-ies In Farm Muehm- rv re- ni' nnd Pr.iiiuctiun conservation n.1 prorev'lng f od*f. - Farm Pan-1- I'es. During the conference twenfv- *hre.' teacher-; .nnd ‘etchers train- were awarded the ten years' service kev for h. ei»- been In the \*oC!'t’i .nal .TCricultura! work for *t'n or more year*: Mr. G. AV Owen'. -lirinB ^sl^_l_ei-chur^ lri,lne_r imd D.-an of Mob. Busmi-n in .Atlanta. Ga.; Gary. Ind.. C'l'unibus. O.is.i. and Baltimorv-. i Ma. He wa.s a teacher in the Busi- | nt ss College. Savannah, Ga.: High School, Atlanta. Ga.; Samuil Huston College, Austin. Te'.as: Langston University, Langs to:. Okla.: and Morgan State College. .Administrative experience Ls an iiiiptirtant as.set for a new college ] piesident. Dr. Seabrook ha.s ROCK C.ASTLR, VIKGINt.A. The “Belmeadiiui'’ Is the nwnthly publication nf student aetivitlea at the St. Kmtna Military .Academy. It is prodtM'cd by the eaxleU theniselves, under the supervision of a faculty iiii‘iiii>er, and goes not only to (he homea of the parents hut also to .Mumnl nieiiilterK in all perta of the vounlry. Many former students of SI. Emma are now in ihe servtee, ami the “RelmeaiUnn" follows them to every corner ol the world. The stafT iiiembeni cnihuKia.sliealiy devote their spare time to the pupc‘r. outside their regular high school studies, teade or itgricuHiiraL courHcs and military activities. .Shown In tlie Pholi.grapl., front row. left to right, are CpI. Theo- (lore .Adams, age Hi (New .Jersey); Pvt. Wesley Cook, age 1.5 (Peiitisyivaida): and 'pl. Tliomas Octove Goudean, age 18 (Mississippi); all Assm-iate Rdilora. Second mw, 3d Lt. AValter Ross, age 17 (South Curuiiiia). Corresponding Secretary; Pvt. IJouald Colliii.s. age 15 tlHiiiois). Sports Fklitor: CpI. Edgar Rc*dni»nd. age 17 (IJlsl. of Columbia). .Alumni Editor; S/Sgt. Walter Iju'cy, age 16 (Virginia). Inquiring Reporter: 2d Lt. l-'erditiaiid WHsem. age 17. (Maryland). Cadelehings. Back row. ('pi. George E. -lones, age 1.5 (Virginia). Associate Editor; ('apt. Williur B. Clarke, age 17 (New York). Edlior-ln-Chlef: Fr. Casl- mir. O. S. B.. Facully .Adviser; Capl. I.en>y Davis, age 17 (IMsI. of Columbia), Humor Editor. (ieoi-oia Conservative In Dies' Old .loh LAADLORDS MAKE REFUNDS '.•rtfA R T^.om.i', '.'-ho «nrc' him were amonc :h-e whe hiiv.i ?: d -c-e" tw‘’ntv vp.''re of service. Thv annunl n'nferencr was under '! • direclfon of Mr. A R Th-'ma.-!. He id of M-p D-p-irtnn nt of .Atrrl- ••ii*iii-cl Education, Virginia State Coll UP - - V tt.xs StOVK K.\TI(IM.N( AXII.I, rNI) ON ,11'I.Y At Rationing i»l 4a,s ''ove7 - both Ci kii.j and heiitii.4 t,\pes—to* c.-n- simvi.-i. will vnd July 3J. it wa. .mnourt-ed »hi' \vv*ek by Thvodo.;* > .Iniinson. Raleigh OP.A district The annminci-rror.t L'lli wed a .■oii;' OP.A-WPB siati-ment which iid .ombination ringt-.s, except '■"l-g.i;- c mbinaMon.-, .-I.';! -.vill be •: Id > i-rTifir.'iti'-frffe .afier ih.ii date. (• ; t-s t- ex;"! lined 'ni-t ,il cook ing. crimbiii.Ttion nil-jis 3t.>ve« and 'll cnnver.iioii burners for .-Jti-vcs •' ill remain rationed WASHINGTON. D, C tCNS) -i DURHANf — Landlords in the u k-. Southern Con ei vaiive — 'Yet seven defense rent-control areas of alth of such expvncncc He^ha; , R^.^kin ,yp.," NATIONAL OSO REPRESENTA TIVE VI^S GLUB RALEIGH — Rverend AVilUam ; E. Hu^gfin, Religiouj Consultjtnt, Army and Navy Department Y'VCA New York City spent three days visiting at the Bloodworth Street USO Club h was Hnii-iunccd this week by Wc.sley F, Taylor. Director of the Club. At the meeting of ;)i« Girls Ser viee Organization Tuesday night Reverend Hogan spoxe briefly on “The Job Ahead." as we carry on the work of service to men and wi-men in the armed forces. He urged the staff and volunteers to continue the splendid work so nob- Iv begun and to inerea.se their »;f- fifclency through training rppor- tunilles offered through the cluh'.' activity program Reverend Hogan spoke in high praise of the fine fae- illtles provided for-service person nel and of Ihe cordial welcome which is in evidence as service men and visitors come in contact with junior and senior h-istcs.scs oi duty at the club. During the r.set of this visit Rev Hogjm had several conferences with the dirotior and ;daff member.-i studying and evaluating the elutes conseling Vnd rrligicus programs. FSO STAFF GETS NEW MEMBER RALEIGH — Mr Conrad Walden who is at the present time servi.nc as USO director in a relief capa- f-lty will erme to the Bloodworth Street USO to ,^«>rve as relief di rector during the month of Aug. Mr. Taylor, the present director, will be away at that lime for one month’s vacation. Mr. Walden has served as direc tor of Seabrook Road USO. Fayette ville. and also as relief director at Greensboro. V Tvieezprs are useful for plucking out threads which have become caught in machine stitching. aut-r. Dt-un of Student Acl.vities, Hvad of .Academic Dep.irtmvnt.s. Ct‘llfgv Chaplain. Supvrintvndent ot thf Stewart Hou.sc in Gary, an I Man- Stephen Wood, v.ho has been is Rep. ,ke Raleigh district Office of Prlc' fl«*ctod chairman of the House Qn- Admini-siration refunded tenants a American d. \ .Aftivilie-;' •presents ; Di,o,-.or ,>f th.: M„r„an Christia., ! VT? ' fntL.r at .M«„«an Stall- ColU-«.-. 1 i ‘.’L Committee. $8,259 44 alleged overcharge.*; rural Geor- and paid penalties aggregating I to the Treasurer f the gan Stale College, i ' ^'’**‘'** States. James T Taylor. titl ^ R-'-kl.. hailMhPaeu-chair- a-.i.tant ortlcor. .said lodn, orod W„rk at thi- Board of T.-m- n-sU' »f'-' r. I am-,■ and Public Morals. Youtli _ OPA invMiaali.m -f claims 0, \\'ork«*i d the Board of H o m v Mission, and Church Extension. s,art,-d bv Bishop O.sman C. Bak- bi th of t.ie Methodist Church;'pj- j consequence of the Claf- itnd Teller of th*- htis' philanthroov the name of tenants of rrnl ceiling violations during the sixty-day period end ing June 30. Taylor saii Taylor urged citizens who nav- Sav,no.s B.ink and ti,, .school''was" ineworated « '-'“"e Bikik-k' Savanuah. C .v....... .....a..>sv».o»vvi ■» R. altv CorDor.i!:(m: nrkanizer of ciaflin'u'niv'-'r.sitv"in’'r8'7'2"“ipilcr Intvrdenorninational Min'- ihe name was ohanfied to Claflin t h e infe-;talion' ccurred 'f sftrs' In.stitutv of Oklahoma: and College UP active partiii^^nl of the Inter The campu.s comiist., of about fnith-Interracial Church nf Balt- t'.ventv-one acivs almost ctntral- u B- k u- A in O-angeburg. a »i! ... of about 8.000 population. There Cjafl.n Couege owe.s its birth, ere fourtwn buildings and an en- n,. do nianv other in.-;titutinn.s for r,-»''-nfnt nf 30(i colored iK'oDle. to the spirit ijid. Mrs, Opal McDonald Seabrook. • vision of the misstomirv wave, wife of the President will be an wartime is -I'.,! >mni''di ,fft>ctive personality on the cam *— horn fill ' .h«‘ Civ.. AA ar ^d pus. She is an accompli-shed mus- . .- (irian. a teacher and charming jrs to report overcharges to thi- Rent Contr"! nffice.3 In the ares " here the violations occur. He sale offices .ire conveniently located In _R»h.igh. Duiham. Oxf'>rd. Hender son. New Bern. Elizabeth City, Fayetteville. Laurinburg. Wllmlng- ion, JacksonvlHa, Goldsboro ann Burlington. Control of rents In defense area- the greatest importance in the ex’er-pressfng bat tle against mfl.ition. Taylor .said. He advised 'enanta to refuse In ■here the land receipt fo: Herts to the S'-.te Collece Exten- r-’. . Srmur! Hou-ston College'and'the »mouni paid Under the law. n* u- ^ raf.m. nf Boston, gave.;,-.nsider-.mc.s1er'.s degree at Columbia Uni- a tenant cannot legaltr be mon«-y to a.ss.st in the work s-ersitv in (Guidance and Pe: .son- • victnd frr failure to pay rents in ,ne! work. i x'-e>« of ti-e ceiling CO „r \ mi, area, oi .North Car Governor -if Mas,sachu.t-lf.s .indli-.i (r.d her ba b •u*-'- di-rt-r-** jt i"-d would ^mt give - M.*- philanthropic father Mr. Leo iSrmue! Hoiuston Cnilnffc and^thr the amouni paid Unde Tortured man gets help! 4 Lemon Juice Mixed at Home Relieved RHfUM4r/C PAlh soys Sufferer/ *T have used ALI.tNTHJ for aerera. fflonths. I could hardly walk no accoum of my knees. But now those pains art relieved. I caff go like a race horse MW,’* Mort Shepard of Ohio. Doo’i he a victim of the pains and idles caused hy rheumaiism. lumbago jr neuritis without trying this simple, iDcxpeosive recipe you can mix at tome. Two tablespoons of ALLEhfRU, plus cbe juice of lemon in a glass oi water. Your money back if oot entirely wtishesL Just 85* at all dnig stores. Buy ALLENRU today. Veteran Worker Dies On Job Mr. Louis Burnett. 77-year-oId employee of the Stale T^aborntury j of Kyglone, died suddenly while nt work on Tuesday morning. He wa.s discovered unconscious' in the; hallway of the main building of the State agency and the Cary R’jad about 10 a. m., and died shutrly afterwarri. He apparently died of a heart attack. Conorer Banks said. Mr. Burnett was one of the State’s oldest employees in point of .service. HOME MAKERS CONFERENCE AT IIA31PTON, AUOrST M HAMPTON INSTITUTE. Va. — The second annual Home Maker* Conference ol the Hampbrn Insti tute summer school will take place August 1-3 on thr Hampton campus, according to an ani. unrement made tr>day, July 25. by Miss Gram Hcev.se. chairman of the DivisWn of Home Economics which is spm- •>oring the conference. Open to all interested home mak ers. as well as to teachers of home- making. county agents, and Jeanes .supervisors, the iwn-dsy conference will stress food and clothing con- -servation, family relatl nships, fam ily planniiif, and the relatiomshlp of the family to Ihe community. Accummodati ns are .nvuilablc for a limited number of visitors wlu may wish to stay on the campus during the home maker* conference. Rewn-attons should be made it >>nce by writing to Miss Reeves at Hampton Institute AUBREY WILLIAMS EDITING farm MAGAETNE — I MONTGOMERY. Ala. fCNS) - ^Liberal Aubrey Williams who was the center of a bitter Senate fight : last Spring. Ls now editing and pub lishing a form magaziite here. Wil liam.; ww nomintaed by President Roosevelt as Admini.3U-atnr of th* Riirak Electrification Admyiistrg- tion, but failed to win because of bigoted Southern Scnatoiv. - A REFIWCD HAIR DRESS r ia Ski :r»iiii»» qfery nt (tart of >tag*. club, radio ood dldoc- >oinm«fl( HoW. To*. •••, diodld wUocV boouMfy, and elcmerii* your earn b»ir. SMOW warn HAM MAUTVtCg b » r»- Afwd »'• ol*d "Snow Ivy—Um SNOW WMnS — Pepn-CtAa Compont, Long Jdmd Cffg. N. 7, See and hear Coleman Hawkins, fomoug tenor aazophonigt, and hig orcheetra M -rUf^- t f r? ClafUn Has Rich History ■ T^,',‘ ^ J'./ Claflin College owes its birth. '■ "1^, exj-l 'ined hi*t .il cook- manv other institution.^ for .ino cclorcd petmlc. to the spirit and ''■‘J*' vision of the missionary wave \>'hieh swept the eountrv imm^di- atclv following the Civ;’. War jind horn emanripation of .slaves. The and t-H Ch'b Spcr;ulist. Grecnsboi" • f'lmp. Ru'.-;ell .Ad;im--, \ir*- orcsi ■f^nt "f th- t-H n.ih (’oiinty (:ou:i ' ii: Mrs M-iltic R:irb »•. president lug. romhinalioti nil-'jas nl, 'tf 'tu' Home Demon-.irpiion roiiii- -41 conversion burners for 'll: Flla .Mie D'tzifr. president of •-• ill remain rationed ii.n ( H f'Hi') C tUi.ty Coiiiifil; .md V Rerfell f.ane. pre.-ident >f the Itcai'y infestation- "f '"nunly Council, '■ Tni.s have ■ jcnrred in miitiy to- t./jp HonorahVe "wiiTi-'im” ri-ifli‘n F-rm m. n ,,1^ Ml b,,>-co ann,-his areas ..! North Car- Governor of Massaehu.setks onrj hoys anri .-ril have I oki-rt forwarh ohna. acrarrtins to rep, rts of farm hi.s phil.-tnthroDic father Mr Ler. reoluinal eve nt tvilli areal .aenls to the .Stale Colleae Exten- ri.nllln. nf Boston, E.ive .-.-n.sitlei ■ •'^'Vie- monev to assi.st in the work to this antif'ioalioit /A-Vi5 -f ). \ {TILL U. WORRY ASKS., f 'f IIow far from llie end are you?” A' located in Orangc’ourg. a tity of about 8.000 population. ’There arc fourteen buildings and in en- r.t'hoenf nf 30(1 Mrs. Opal McDonald Seabrook. wife of the President, will be an effective personality on the cam- pu.s. She is an accomplished mus ician. a teacher and charming ho.«te.ss. The Claflin first lady e.i.cric’ her bac-hviur’.! dcg.ce at Srmuel Houston College and the mcster’.s degree at Columbia Uni- v(r.sitv in Guidance and Prison- nc! work. son, New Bern, Elizabeth Cil\. Poyelteville. Laiiiinburg. Wilming ton, Jacksonvllla. Goldsboro ann Burlington. Control of rents In defense area- during wartime i* of the greatest Importance tn the ever-pressing bat tle against inflation. 3'aylor said. He advised tenants to refuse to pay rent.s in cases where the land io'd would'5iot give e receipt fo: the srnouni paid. Under the law. n«* said, a tenant cannot legally be fvicted for failure to pay rent.s in excess of the ceiling. iches caused hy rheuniaiism, lumbago it neuritis without trying this simple, inexpensive recipe you can mix at xune. Two tablespoons nf ALLENRU, plus the juice of lemon in a glass of water. Your money back if not entirely ntished Just 85* at all drtig stores. Buy ALLENRU today. P 4ie4Ac liAet imaI^ ! • 'bbcv Prpti-Cola Componp, Lmg fda^ Cff», M 7. ' - -y "Everv (jny nv>.*e t:* 1 ri'->r'‘ re I •’» t’ ■ I -.’th-'rope Of roitrw* you don't know ju .t io'w m.iny mi' •s .tr-' Iv:' in >'>*ir •.•.tr...H-.it ”ou Jo know you’ll get if' y -i: n-'jl'V it, «id m , u you five :t ;*are. night now, in hot w- -, her curf' rno.^n f.>od fr***h .iurnmN-.^r: .Motor (')il...corr’. ' • •’f watch on b->!'er\* .m ! ne irer the end - y • i Let yonr T^ ’p : he .;nr>' t^l'm. u • P' " ' i Be 'jrie. no! -*»rr' ... ami ^ \\ F i K 'k r ( V.1! T, extra c«r,*ful • Iv i&sso: cerR sa*. es W9ar s I ,v I) A i: 1) • Ml. ( t» \ ' t» J N F V. J • ITS HARVEST TIME And Now, As Never Before, Our Farmcr,*^ Need All The Flelp They Can Get. It 1.-; urcrent that ovpryonp who can IcnH ovcf.v aid possible to the Farmc,' to make this the jrreate.st hHi v(‘.si in the history of America, See and hear Coleman Hawkins, famous tenor saxophonist, and hie orcheetra “R C tastes best to me!’’] says tCOLEMAN HAWKINS CMOtaMI UtMtT i»!f e-'t ,t4:- lUlUW BOfJU

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