-•i TO Kt( L I *. I •> Cl. 'i lii. l.-ii» JOHNSTON COINTY NEWS HY MRS 1. MAYNOH SMITHFIELU - i ‘ ivli . L> llu h Hitt left Sunday y,^,' tor u tw,(> wet-k visit in Broiiklyii filibusurinn i Nnv V.rk. wilt, Mr atitl M: Will .ioiiiil Wilson (.pm Mlli.r „ >p.-,,ditl)4 I •tl II Plain Talk U>. .AKI-; ON TALK. SHORT ON ACTION r.-ktii. . ho are -in* liU iiiste.id I'KOV- .ll-K.Xi I ri\;.l«il thv Sonat*- iiiid pie.. 'iii(uted (o tiic armed lone: r.a- |^ >(»•!,ditp s>,i,,r t.ii,.- ii, .New Sulk and Ball. ii.or- with relative- ..nd iru-tiils He, hurLaiid Mt H ifft 'I'hi.nia--, li li Suuddy lo jiiiii h.-i Ji.iy will • I.ei/ -.uii I,, VVa huii-tni. and ; p, nd tome tiiiis- With h,jn uImj .Mrs. Gn.s- iia Thii,iia‘ it. Balilninre. Mf'. Laiivenia Dew and liitle SOI. hav» ifluni.d home afl.i : ^ s(jrr,diiiv b week In Nfwp.j/t Ni w-, Va., wilh I.ei s,>iei-in law. Mi.; Mfar.v .Marlin /•Ire H A (;rea>. > is witiiik i , inthfr and n.oihei, .vl, ajid Mrs Will futi'iall .She has as he, hk:,!; Mrs. Blaim- and .Mt* Wynn of. Fdenion idr. and .Mi.s HiHh-initti of H,»'" • moiid. Va. ar Byrd 53l.na:i.v h m rei.ii-se upened by'ol .Ntwpi ihe ehoii -n.ipni'. .Sfripture 'e-i ■ i Mi was read t\ Rev H h .}:,.n,.-. • n n, Hf took h>‘ tf-x! fi.,n; tli- Viih sonit ilni I'haptet of inr pic.plirt .,t Js-.iiah ‘ ' Pray. . n\ l-. . , i.rf.-, . v. ,||, ,,, ,1.,, ; Rpv H. D. Davit oanit to the i ni.d vhot.x n,i 1,.- t, m -Oui 1 Whom We Se. v,- H .API. . 1- a wonder/ui sermon. Mrs Lenora Griff,; h*J ar dinner guestr Sunday Rev ..nd ton Place. Brooklyn* Mrs. Wilcox and Rev Fiaiu’u John, ed Sunday to spend II.. .ilioiit tl;,-. ai.d ({U'.-:ioll VMin pi»r I- ifdf.id tilick. hold ma>•^ ineen.us t., | iMtt .'i demand tni> w,. .la i'l ai tiere and yiijn- and bemoan ■a. wc take I., tl. ludpii amt n long .inJ iirt'suiii. M-rniiii,' nui .'ixnu. and then w, w.nd ei.Mlnne with a wii.d.v prav- m, um- 111 Ki-n. lai but to :n lo HiHn.-mitt, \i'iiinp ilrs „l New,-, and .Ml- b,\ N.-eru ■« iitnities oI Jon„>un t d.iueh- >iid .r.ihii- HV il'LUiS A. AOAMS few civilian .Negion fer. '1, then 1 fforih of TALK. tK.ur.ii .SFKVH KS I.VG GKOl’.N'HS Be.-i Job oi all it- being contribut- ea by uur ^Olll; anil relative.s in iiie •■i.i ed I rceti who are .saci ilicii.g life and limb to p’ ov.* w ..r, n- titkd to ecomimic, pditical and .-.o tial fre.-duni They rra?onably expevl lhal Uie. ^^forl^ III, th.. battlefielda be paial- 111 d on Die home lioi.l to n riree >0 th.n Dk light that lu in. ahead will n d b«. loo hopeless. In- sead, the lec-.id leviala Dial ihi' .'.tleiition ol iht fulkr a home een ■iT on h.lk and ••iiuie writuiK- ' 'I'he , few eoiR-rele rams .seem tn be Diose wrantfd b\ ihi. w hlle ni:.n j When he bI.e^ acUaiia' .. for hiii ael! I It i.s liiu- lhal unde Ih. late Hre idem Rouiev.li the Negro made i.ll.iin advant.iyes tn the line nf: Ignition if hi- .ibilily, e-.en if RURAL EDUC.ATIOff WEEK AT HAKPTON INSTITUTE HAMPTON-mSTITUTBr “Va. *- Rural EdeQti>?n Week is being ob served at the Hampton Institute summer school this week, July 33> 28, under the general direction of Miss Mabel Carney, professor eirel ti-s of education at Teachers Col lege, Columbia University, and out- i>- > rlty on problems of rural education. • HAMLET” A T HAMPTON 1 the week-lohg “Arts of the Thea- , Hamlet’s mother, and Dodson Owen Dodson’S modern .-.iream- ' tre” festival ot " ‘ ' ' lined production of Shakespeare's ’•Hamlet,” with a rusl nf young > • V.'iK aclma and avis design* ed by Cliurles Sebiee, will briug b.. a cliise on Saturday (July 28) • festival ut Hampton Institute. Shown above, left to right, are Gordon Heath, staff announcer for Station WiMCA, wlsj will play the title role, Dorothy Aleca, RuaenwatU lellow. wh.t will play -hiirsclf. New Ycrk poet and play wright, who is also directing per formances of ''Outward Bound," a contemporary drama, ut the festival. f : I'h .iilv Born b.ib.\ b ' nictly with .Ml- l.iz/ie Em \U. i. ih, .-r.i |{v\ Fi..mi- '.tolled rigi.:!y and imdt-i the con- ' .int .iperv!-iiiii ut the while man [IS Ih'. final author.ty Such wa- and still i.i the case in the mimei- ous "advisory'' jobs the Ru-.sc- Veit a.miiiii^ti.iiii n tinn-.d ovei to " ■ • I . '•'•'1 liim t.. I ai.d thi’t.UK- -rlaiii State guv JISTICE By J. Wesley Copeland •h. flo Dir Whil Moth. b.iby dull son YWCa met at th* home .il Mrs Rcerib BrizicD Moi.day nuhi Th, hostess served c&ke ar.d Iced unnk' We are glad to know that Mi iviiltcn Car.r.ady coniiues tc improve »> ui C'lif- V , arriv week with his f.iDiei and mott.ei, .,1i and •Mr- Tiov Eai.on .Mr Henry I..mr uf Durham vi-il- ed hi5 brutht. S>K*M., l..*ne tieir l|nd thi-y vls.ird thru psient* in "Next Door” «r ted shear- du k e TEHSONNKl. IK INSt KAlttb I It 1- al.-o true that Dir most out- j -.landing advance by 'he race ha^ been In the armed force- where Die Neyro offn-t i personnel hat been I'llpled ovei that of Wcild War 1 ■ndfi Pit- uleiif Wondiow Wil-uny ■ •iili-.Negr, Denii.cratn- m.irtiine ThH wai ha; bioughl a Negru a • itr. e-i.eial m ttie army in.il.y uthei- Wi-ai tl. im-iyjiia if I'oionelt. majoii. captain- and lien- lenar.l; However, in Dr light ot the til.-torv and puliiies 0/ thi" ‘O.intry, .is well a- the real back- -M oml of Du- war. one would not a-k amis- if hr mquir-.d funhir int D.e qiir-'tioi. anil f.. md tr.at th* Roosevelt policy of l.berality m ad- ■•■iicir.g the .Negro in the armed srrviff War not done "according to pl.m ■' Pearl Harbor posed many qurs- Hons am^ng them a peitlnent mg involving cr.b-,r II will be remeiu beivd -till that Done Miller, first Negro Naval hero, was a mersnian [.nd cmifined to that status because of Dif i.veiall pi.licy of the Navy Department Theie wa.- also discerned In sub -equent actions by Wasl.ingtoii a disturbed state uf mind about the so-called pro.J.ipani‘9e subversive acts allegedly committed by certain eioups jI misguided Negroes in H irlem. Chicago and Detroit. In estimating the con.seqiient-ea, it may be said that the Nei”''} yained from the wry evident mi.scoiiception of when- his ioy.dty lay Thus, it would seem that Roose velt acted more to attain a cerlnln g- al m welding all American ele- neiit- Inin a more rr less soU l fr>nt again.st the "Yellow lliaii lioiii ally real veiievulent Di.ttnn. towiiid the Neyro’- cause. KKCOGMTION NOT DUE NOTES : ana ei onoiiiic .strength, we con ly of the Boy Scouts of America ha.s iil.l, o. no.h.nt Thi. 1. I. hie,, making m, iiispmlin,, i„ur n. -till .1 white mans woHd. the is- .u.s u( 111. t ,hny smni lo point _ _ I to one ot white supreiracy :isidtf During tins period Scuuter, , . , , . . . fioin Die obvious iiccesstly of t-li;ii- Haysbert visited Du- following ^ have btc-n wondering what inaling a d.ingerous foe. Couiiclls: Piedmont Council wilh lustuf- the Amer.can In uur case thi.s is still a white Custuni.i us the headquarters town, pt^ople. Southern people, are prac- [nai.V coi.nti-y and .11 li.i lalkiiig Occ./neechei- Council Rak-igh; living now. ipus, on Wilinin|;toii: Greensboro; a few days ago a friend of col. radio, .md in th wiD not Ltnrii];!- th.il bit until Wo prove a- III LUiifurm wiiat wi ■I tiially Kolng to hat. La )i'.l. mine and his companion were fiv- on Cape F i.ii Charlolte, H idsville and Coi itualion The inspection covered campsite . , , . v» » are oui |dc:.criniun and uwiiei-hlp. operal-! ^ Newark. N. J. say by •**« practices, prugiam and adminis- Tusktgee, Alabama. They ran tratioii. leadership and personnel, ixito a storm and were forced holds and giving no quarter. cooking and service, medical exoiii-.down ~in Griffin, Ga. To attain status we must al-ih>i«tIon and care, toilets, drinking . Both occupants of e plane, b.v ndn re-peel fi riiii the white man. |and bedding, swimming, jtht; way, were colored Lieuten- Uiiui We ale willinr to actually j Waterfront protection, firearms,'ants: Li. Herrington and Lt. Jack- figM wi- w-ili always be bound to; fransportation and five prevention i son. One of them is a veteran of itiiig a': ''wards' ufjand suppression. 'the European war. who as a fight- jer pilot, had shot and been shot COOKl.VG IMii at many times. After risking his It ,k . . .... . il'lt- he had returned home hoping ii.A that to find equality and consolation, orioi, cooking had its After running into the storr in.irt».*r n a •**|the pilot wos forecd to land a m f Lat! years ago To cook the L civilian land field. They found , ^ f ground no one around at The field, there- .vhn -rnnieiit ai.d with "no rights . bjuiid lu respect BY F. NEWELL MAJOR OBJECTIVES OF KCOIT MOVEMENT To reach with high quality )t leadership, the utmost number of boy;. To hold permanently In the membership in seme capacity every buy who joins a Troop, To enroll new Scouts and find places fur them in Troops. To bring about the f-ii'ination of new Troops in con nection with responsible institu- tioiis. To secure steady advance by Scouts toward the Eagle Scout award. To build up a atrong, ac tive older Scuu and Veteran Scout , (onstituency. To secure the highest Belli , u«-gree of Troup efficiency through Patrol urganuation. Tc have every Scout pifiperly uniformed as a help to him and aid in maintaining pub- iie Interest us a Scout. To secure If that be the case, then It can ; ffjj. every Troop Uie advantage of bt safely stated lhal this recognl-, ,onu* form of Local CouncD .super lion came w ithout under action on vision, our part a-Adt- Iroin writing notes _____ to the- PreMdenl lo complain of tlds ' NATIONAL STAFF MEMBER t-r that. VISITS NORTH CAROLINA Il can also be observed that our COI'.NCILS advancement in thi- nostwai neriod . 18 inches square, Ig inches deefJ. Build a crisscross fire on a plat form of slip wood across a hole. On the third layer of wood place a layer of stones, one half-brick l*e, Light and keep fire blazing for about one and on? half hours, until the stones are almost at white heat and have fallen into the hole. Now. working rapidly shovel out burning pieces of wood and level stones and «naU on the bottom of the hole. Throw in about a peck of vegetable lops or sweet leaves 'wild grape, maple, sweet gum. sycamore) moistened with water. Place on the leaves a 2 1-2 pound r-hicken for fere the two pilots were forced to walk to town, about four miles from the field. After retching town they went to the police sta tion. where they requested to use the phone to cal) their base and report their accident. The police at the station told them that they could not use their phone. The pilots then asked them where they could find a cafe or a place to get something to eat. The ans- swer received was, ”We don't know”—The pilots asked where they could fin-l a plaec to sleep d the .same answer was receiv ed, Then they asked how they could get transportation back to the field .so they could sleep in rery three campers, and for each I' lmper. 1 potato, I sweet potato. . carrot. 2 ears of the plane, the -ame riegat.\.» an- corn, l green bonunu and for des-[sw'r was received sert, ! apple. Cover with more Now—kIo vou call 'that justice? g> ul I weUliiiy all American ele-jtjve older Scou and Veteran Scout tl fii.- Intti a more cr less soli J ^, unstitueiicy. To secutt- the highest frznt against the "Yellow Per D " ] degree of Troo,^ efficiency through thill fiom any lewl venevolent iU'lHairol organization. Tc hove every tiiittoii-. towiiid the Nei't'i's cause ticout piflpvrly uniformed nr a help RECOGNITION NOT DUE 1 to him and aid m maintaining pub- 1'4» NOTES hit; interest as a Scout. To secure If that be Da- case, then it can i every Troop Uie advantage of be safely stated that this locogui-, form of Local Council super- tioii came without under action vision. our part aside from writing notes ' to the President to eonplain of this NATIONAL RI'AFF MF.MBER or that. VISITS NORTH CAROLINA It can also be observed that our COCNCII.S udvamement in the jioitwar period must be based on the amount of Within the past three weeks. H. , , , • „ fu .1 u.i-fiii iiisuil'L- for without such H Maysbeit, AHSiBtunt to the Na* ,at you d be screaming "J,".I, (,„,i,ica. .. mul Dircc.or of Healtl, and Sate- leaves then close the hole with heavy, wet burlap bag or gunny sack. Bury completely with dirt, so that no steam can escape. After about two hours of cooking, open vour IMU carefully. Serve sand wich style and watch it disappear! l^AMi* VlblTA'lTO.NN Persons who are planning to visit any of the Boy Scout Camps and have in mind taking a swim will be required to present their medical examination blank showing thiit they have hud a physical check in the last five days. This is a regu lation of the Buy Sciiits uf Amer ica, Visitor day at the Occoneechee about two hours of cooking, open your IMIJ carefully, Serve sand- ‘vich style and watch it disappear! t^AMF VIMTATTII.NN Persons wlio are plauuing to visit any of the Boy Scout Camp* and have in mind taking a swim will be required to present their medical examination blank showing thiit they have hud a physical check in the lest five duy.s. This is a regu lation of the Boy Scouts of Amer ica, Visitor day at the Occoneechee Camp will be Wedne-duy of each week and the Court of Honor will he held each Friday night at 8:80 jack DAVIS 8y TED WATSON Mo MOCCA/y Afi/P TViJCA Jie/yffi "jy 7h£ WAyofi yytu iAr' i^iimVsteelp .'HtJiPFwese OFflCER/NFOBM'O HEliNABMiEeWT RJTZOANPBSNPIT VMDOP^mNBe EB/IVeP.^ MEANWHMi, LT. JlM^TEEi^ANP «BViayTAL OVER their PRE- PtOAMENT.-.-SUP- PENL-Y THESE ii A-SOUNP..,/-? a WALT / THI^. l-i A SbpiuT WE HAVEN i, &CX)P PAY POR-SWIAWAIN^ &OTOUE gATHIf^ By T MELVIN B,NOr-^''CAUSE THEViSj "assy THEIR TRUNKS •WE 'wOULW'T HAVE Al WITH IHCMAU-OFr^ TO WORI^YAgOUT , fYXNOW.VWLV IF ^ (WE WERE ELEPHANTS] VWE No cooperation, no coniHderation. no consolation. If that Lt called juulce or denorratic irfloa to treat .someone in the wav describ ed; especiallv someone who has risked his life for America: sjome- one who has been through tlie hell of the present war. If that is justice—all mv life I have mis understood that word. One of the words that we have been fighting for; one of the words that is the basic of our America Democracy. Ju.stice is a word that every real American should understand .'md practice to the fullest of his m tal capacity and physical strength. 1 am sure that Japanese immi- ffranto wn-ilrt Kava r»»r«»tvAH ed: especiallv someone who has [risked his life for America; nom^ ■ one who has been through the ;lu 11 of the present war. If that is (ju'Hiee—all mv life I have mN- ' understood that word. One of the words that we have been fighting for; one of the words that is the basic of our Amt *ica Democracy. Jiwlice is a word that every real 'American fihould understand and practice to the fullest of his men- ,tal capacity and physical strength. 1 am sure that Japanese immi grants would have received bett"r tientment than these colored pi lots did; if thev had been in the same situation. liiCAL NOTICES ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE ' Having qualified as Adminlatra- |l- lx of the estate of Floyd D. Pearce, late of Wake County, N. C., this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 30lh day of June. . 1946 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of theh- recovery.'All per sons indebted to said estate will make immediate payment. This 30th day of June. 1945. ‘Mrs.) Lucy Fuller James, 'nlntstratrlx llu .t. State Street Raleigh. N. C. July 7. 14. 21, 28-AUg. 4, It. EXECUTOR NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY .Having qualified as executoi nf :h-* Estate of William Scott. decea.s- late of Wake County. North Car pi na, this ie to notify all persons having claims against the Estate of aid deceased t.- exhibit them to the undersigned at 4I0 Baker Street, Raleigh, North Carolina, on or be fore the 16th day of June, 1048, or this notice will be pleaded in bar f their recovery. All persons Indebted to the said Estate will please make Immediate payment. This the leth day of June, 1945. H C HIGH, Executor F- J Carnage, Attorney June 22, 29-July 0, IS. 20, 27 EXECUTRIX NOTICS NORTH CAROUNA WAKE COUNTY Having qualified as executrix of the Estate of Hattie J. Wooten, de ceased. late of Wake Coun’y. North Carolina, this Is to notify an per sons having clalme agalns the Estate of said deceased to exhibit them fo the undersigned at 220 East Ca barrus Street Raleigh. North Caro- ^ llna, oh or bef re the !6th day of June, 1946, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the s»|H Estate will please make immedlatt payment. This 16th day of June, 1945. LUCILE GRISWOLD. Executrix P. J. CARNAGE, Attorney June 22. 29-JuIy 6, IS. 20, 27. Dring the week intensive study will be made of specific Issues and probhms In nnal educaUoo sub- mlKSd" by' teachers, homelhakers and others enrolled In the summer school at Hampton. IN THE SITF.RIOR COCBT •NORTH CAROUNA WAKE COUNTY NOTICE HARVF.Y HAYWOOD VS. OFORClA HAYWOOD THE DEPENDANT, Georgia Hay- ■t ‘d will take notlcb that an action entitled as above has been coin- nienced in the Superior Court of Wake County, North Carolina^ to obtain an absolute divorce on the grounds of two years separation, as provided in the Statute of Noclh Carolina, plaintiff and defendant having lived separate and apart for more than two years preceedlhg the institution of this action, and that the said defendant will, furthar take notice that she I.s required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Wake Coun tv, North Carolina, in the Court- ouse in Raleigh. North Carolina x)d the 27lh day of August, 1945, or within thirty days ihPreafler, and answer or demur to the complaint of said action or the plaintiff win apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. Thi- ?5tl. day of .Inly. 1945. SARA .ALLEN, Assistant rtE.if „t c,,„o,., r Court. .. P J. CARf^AGE, Attorney July 28-Aug. 3, II. 18. EXECUTRIX NCTICE north ACROLiNa WAKE county Having qualified as executrix of the Estate of Annie A. Gorham, de ceased late of Wake Coutit.v. North Carolina, this is to notify all per sons havii;g clairns . agglnst the f istate of said deceased to exhibit hem to the undersigned al 114 Egst Lenoir Street, Raleigh, North Caro lina on 01 before Ute igth day ql July, ltH6. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the Estate-will please make immediate payment. This I8th day of July^ 1945. Addle £. Qorh&m Logan. Executriz P. J. Carnage, Attorney July 28-Aug. 3, II. 18. 25-Sept. 7. TAN .TOPICS By CHABie^ AUIN I saved all your old suits, but I had no idea you’d gainet) -fifty pounds. '' ''it/zltW*" ATru/t We Leep We keenly appreciate'tlie trust our elieiiU place in us and we make every eonsiMentious effort to keep faith with them. Every dtail, from first to last, is ^iven careful supervision. Noth* ing is too small, too unimportant to do—if by so doing we can console or be of service to the family. CAPITOL FUNERAL HOME 1012 & Hargett St. RALEIGH, N. a Phone 8*2416 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NORTH CAROUN A WAKE COUNTY - Nellie McCuUers Bell Hinton V«. Austin Hinton The defendant, Austin Hinton, will take notice that an action en titled as above has been commenc- in the Superior Court, of Wake County, North Carolina, to obtain an absolute divorce on the grounds of two years separation, as provid ed In the Statute of North Caro lina, pontiff. and defendant hav- NORTH CAROUN A WAKE COUNTY Nellie McCuUers Bell Hinton VL Austin Hinton The defendant, Austin Hinton, will take notice that an acUon en titled as above has been commenc ed In the Superior Court, of Wake County. North Carolina, to obtain an abaolutc divorce on the grotmds of two years leparatlon, as provid ed In Ute Siitute of North Caro lina. plaintiff, and defendant hav ing lived separate and apart 'for more than two years next preceding the Institution of this action, and that said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear St the office of the Cleik of the Superior Court of Wake Coun ty. North Carolina, tn the. Court house in Raleigh, North Carolina, on the 8th day of August. 1945, ox within thirty days thereafter, and answer or demur to the complaint of said action, or the plelntiff will apply to the Court for the relief V nanded In said complaint This 14th day of July. 1945. SARA ALLEN. Assistant Clerk of Superior Court F. J. CARNAGE, Attroney July 14. 21. 2e-Aug. 4. ADMINISTRATILX NOTICE Having qualified as Administra trix of Vera Taylor, late of Wake Connly. North Carolina, this is to notiiy all persons having claims sgainst the estate to present same to the undersigoed at Raleigh. N. C.. an or before July 24. 1948, or thk notice will be pleaded in bar uf heir recovery. All persons indebl ed to said estate will please make immediate payment. MARY POWELL. Adminis tratrix uf estate of Vera Taylor, decetied. W. G. Mordecal, Cl«!rk Superior Court. July 28Aug. 4. Il, 18, 25-Sept. L IN THE 8LTERIOR COURT BEFORE THE CLERK CITATION TO INTERESTED ' PARTIES IN RE CAVEAT NORTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE WILL OF HATTIF J. WOOTEN. Deceased To Geori Barnes, WilUani Barnes and Mary Williams. aA three of Baltimore, Md.. Ooveronr Foust and Hilda Fousf, addreases uhknowri, Pearl White of Washlnk- tin, D. C., Helen Green Darden w New York City. Varnell ‘ Clafk Hobbs of Ne' raska, Herman WfB Hams, Jr, 1620 Lamar Court. BaK timore, Md., Eleana Wooten Gk1t* rett, 4208 N. £. Bennlngt Road, Washington, D. C., George E. Woot en United States Army and JmM' M. Wooten. United States MUiy, and all.others interested in 1C^ estate; !■ . Vou, 'and each of you, as peraodk’ Inteiested in the estate of (he MW Hattie J. Wooteir, are hereby fttW- ffed that Leslie Wooiun. FraHIl Wooten and Bessie Atkins hovilll' entered a cave&t to tlie probaM^ Iianis, Jr, 1620 Lam,ir Court, BaK timore. Md.. Eleaiia Wooten Oal^ rett. 4108 N. E. B«nnui«e Rudd, Washington, D C.. George F. Wdot* en Uttlted States Army and JeelM M. Wooten. United States AtfjM, and all others interested In ifiU estate: * Vou, ’’and each of you. as pemojU interested in the estate of the Ml* Hattie J. Wooten, are hereby nkW* fled that Leslie Wooten. Frarfil Wooten and Bessie Atkins havIfQ' entered a cavekt to the piobaM^W the paper writing put porting to'te the will of Hattie J Wooten. kM having (lied the bund requlradP^ law, and the case having b«te transferred tn the Superior CtdlM ti’'r trial at term, you will ap|iMf ai the September Term. 1945. ' hi Wake Supertoi- Court, which sdtf term couVenes on the 17U) de^' 'dl September. 1945. and make your* selves proper parties to the sa9l proceedings, if you choose. This 25th day of July. 1945. SARA ALLEN. Assistant Clerk of Superior Court of Wal* County July 28-Aug. 4. ii. 18. CAPITAL COCA-COLA BorniNo CO. 615 W. Mergisi Bt. Finance or Borrow On Your Car through the MOTOR FINANCE CO. Wilmington at Davi* — Phonn 3*3231 TIRE RECAPPING CRAFTSMEN IN BUILDING AND RE- BUILDING FINE TIRES Alt Size. P««taii#er Car Tlraz Call 3-1333 McNEILL'S TIRE SHOP L«t*r McNeill, Owner 32B Cebemit Street

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