PACT! KIGHT THE CAROLINIAN WEEK ENDING, 5ATLTRDAY, APGH5T «■ IMS Continued from Front Page WAl'TISTS HOLD CONVKN- TlOX IN WAKK COl NTV thild, the H-v WilliLmp rcijlicd ••‘JVciity-fivt years bef'irc he is iiorn ” 'IfiiouKi' ihi novel use of scfrool* ikx/iii Llai-kboHrd, bvfori- the pack ed house, till- Dirvtl'.f liolnted out srvciat .in-iis of training and work 111 the Ch'irch, Mr A C Parish, piesiriviit of tilt Wake Counly Sunday Sih.-il Cuiivinlion. iht- Rev O E Duini, pitsi.hnt of HTU Cuinviifi-H. aiui pasloi of the Cross Road Baptist Chmih. and the Rev M W, Wil liams and a few others :ii!:mj;ed , lor the conference. The three-day conference was di vided as foll-iw.s: Friday, BTU Sat urday. Sunday Schfiol; and Sunday, lieiltial Thoinaiids -if Baptist? of Ralej»;h and Wake County Wt'e rejiie-enli'd tiy tilt thite hundred (1> legates .lud visitors at the meeting. Olhei speakers at ti.e v-nference weip the -Re\ Thomas Kilgon.-. serietaiy State Baptist Association. who‘.e subject was ‘-Stewartship;" aii.1 the Hev O K Dtii.n 111 reKular ptniioii whiiM- text was •Klnding • ji-id '■ The iiiatlei of ••Chiisllan Steward- snip" was dniiissiU fioni many an gles. and plans made to reilouble the Ci.nieiilioii's efioii.s next year DOROIHY HASlilNO HAS BUILT A LNiqri ALL IN ONI SALON Br&dstieet. imaiu-ial aulhorilies, B A-i Everything in Ds-ioUiy s personal ■wardrobe comet lioi.i her saioh— but of ecuise. she gets nrst pre ference Hei hats siie designs het - self, thougn net sieek hair is set at the shop Sht s not niaiiied, but slit has mere tniyi 1 000 Utters fi .ru scldiets in Europe aiu ihe Pacific ghe takes a pertL-nal interest lo each f their, -Ariting to them cc.ii- stanMj. as her major shaie ui tl.a war efiert D.:.rcihy has big ideas for the fu- cure Right away she plans to open a branch in V/nite Plains, me area el CNtertiCRf to B. Aiiman. Peck and Peck and Best and Company Bui what mostly interest' me.' •he spoke in 'sctio vcce. "is build ing my film to specialize m glori fying the Negro v.oman from all aspeciv. Our p'.cple should have special, power carefully created for ihcrr. to Blend with the difteiem hues Wnen tne war's ovei we nope lo manuiatture such make up prfcpoiations and have them here at tile salon For %'/«■ beheve a wom an no matter what comi.Uxion can ue lively to lo..k at " V JIM CHOW LAW' MAKES RLVhRSKU NEWS After puicha-'inu livr ticket ul tl;e bus station urid linUiim tlie "colored" .Section overiTow'd*'d she sat down on t h i- ■■neureat bench to the colored section.’ Ac cording lo her cxplunation. it was not long before several other col- Died Wacs joined her and eventu ally a ci.'’'ijin policeman appi.'ar* cd cursing . *id calling thein "nig ger Wenches ” and telling them they would have to move because that section wtis for white peo ple only. He threatened uriesl if they did not move whereupon Pfc. Smith told hii he should call an M, P. Angered, the civili an policeman replied he had no attack like the ones London t(‘ get m the eailv days when ail types of bombs were falling, n cthirs and lathers and children Were being blown to bits; olhei'.. v.eic .-.creaniing and crying he nealii the wrecked building and rubble. Those were the days when th« rescuees worked so long — they had to go in .shifts to d-i c;n the dead. ■ I believe if a fcw bomb.s had fcHen in the Missnssippi area it ptobablv would have changed the Senator and his followers on '-he type of poh'iic: they are utfeiliig tch American Clovernmenl." On the pi'rformance of th-j Ne gro GIs. Sgt. Corzine defined; "Again I will sav that th-' \e- gie Hooper and has perfoMn».d cx- crllently his duties m evT\ the- r.fei of war. He ha.' aLso been awarded battle decorations for gj llantrv in action bv .sotn«- of America’s greatest g-nerals. bui nut by the southern discriminators who sat in Washington and fili bustered lo di-feat .such bills as rKF(’. They never heard Uie Girinaii bomber.' coming. They ne- '-r came to see wha’ American ;roops had to confront in foreign (ojntrie.s. Thev never had the gut.' They only heard trom spec- tutors visiting Kurope and the Pa- I'lfic theatri's when- the hatlU-s lir.U once been fought. No, tliey veie in W'asliingtoii building port-war foundations lor friction and iliscTiininalioii." 'I am hoping lliat llie Sail Con tel'eliCi- will l>e d .SUCCi'Ss 111 eVerV l•^p•-l’l It L> said that it depend? on the full ooop.-iation of tn.- al- bed nations. It Is also raid that r-.ri*- -Itoit^ Will be made to abolish Nazism. But why not ch an oui own home land first’’ Thcir IS wnere ue have to live and there will never be success if we care of someone else's hrmi- .itLdrs and lei our? eo undone, ’ To Centinue right For Equality 1 can not evprtss the bitter- I felt alter reading Senator Fa.'iiands sphhee" wrote Corp Kcliy to the NAACP. The Ne arc GI 'Who has been oversea-! servine with various outfits toi 54 months declared further "We 'were sent over here to do a tob and God aoove knows w* did it. But for what I ask vou* "Senator Eastland w'as greatlv mistaken when he said Ne^ruf-.s »-uev caused America to lose prv.; tiec- all ovei E irope. If their w'j-'. any dilfe-reiitiation it tv as caused '•olelv by £o-. ollrd ‘while ;,upiem- acy.' •'We don’t want war. All we will tiv to get is euualitv. a chance at reapectable iob.s .so thel cui children can Hi-t the right ed ucation due them. And we will get them of how long It fakes. Wi- will get tliem?” V H-Pf KFTKENLHES TO FIT Al'FKOPRIATIUN and St Loul' offices, there will bv the iidditiun of one field exam iner each. This year, us you will recall. Congress upproprialed only $250,- ;HM) for the Commitlc-e’s operations, whereas, last year it totaled $.‘507,600 It was miidt- clear at the committee’s rec{ueat that the $250,000 would be used for operation? alone, and none for liquidiilion. .'h iiild the commit- U‘i' be forcc-d iiiit of husines-s. CHURCHILL IDEFEAT HAILED ‘by union leader I NEW YORK Tl.'v landslide dv- ! (.i: ,'Uff red b> llie Churchill gov- jernment in the British general el.‘c- \ lion wu» hailed today ■? "a resuu id- ‘ *ng rr-pudlation of all those whe Oa- I lieve they can piny with fas ;ists I und fasci'm,’’ by Jo:-rph Curoin. ‘ ITvsidcnl 0l the National Maritime t^nion, CIO. The maritime lender asserted that -innng the pilncipal causes which contributed to what In termed "a victory ol the common people," , were the reactionary policies of the Churchill •j.vcrnment conct-rnlog th«' Greek and Ri>lisr situations a' well us .Argentina, F''imco .Spain and the colonial co'intries. Mr Curran saw a lesson , in the British resull.s fiT "American re- .iclion.iries and pro-fascistsHe warned these elements that "the common people in .America, togeth- f r with the rest of the world, are on the march and will not be denied the kind of world for which they • have bled and suffered .'O much dur- I ing the war" He also uiged Aineilcun labor ho take u lcs.soti from the streiigih 'I’.'playecl by British labor ami in- letiMfy politieal activity on a hi'oad- II r scale N. C. SOLDIERS IN CALCUTTA, INDIA E. A. ARMSTRONG ADDRESSES WILLING WORKERS CLUB — V Money Bv Negroes To College Eiiiul May Exceed 'I'liose of 1944 1 Hew York — Conti ibulioiis to United Negro Coilegc Fund lln-15 campaign by Negroes in ier- jvice on various battle Ironts, as Well as Negro business concerns, jsi.roiHies soc'al clubs churches la n d alumni organization., 'throughout the country, cere cit ed this week by Thomas A. Mcr- jgan, national campaign chaunian. land several other Fund officials 'as the basis for their confidence .that coniribuiions from Negrosa I this year would far exceed the I more than »100,0U0 contributed by [i«egroes alone last year. I This year's national goal is il.550,000 — U.e minimum lecjuir- !ed to iliengthen and make ef fective ttie operations of the 32 intember private colleges; and uni- jvt-ri.ilies in their leaching und iCthei' services during the next year, and aLsu tu care for ret.irii- ing .service iiivn who lU-siie to IfonlinuL* their education uiuier ithe G. I. Bill of Rights. ! Mr. Morgan pointed out tlie lollowing higiilighl-s of Negro .#up- ;port of the Lund: Membe' sciiool alumni are assuming c-unip.>ign leadership in most cities; thn Har lem committee quota of $I5.UUU uas quickly oversubscribed in a jhighly organized drive; at a re- iccnt dinner mi-eting in Chicago 'attended by Negro businessmen, ,$5,200 was raised and ano’-ier ;$6,000 promised and in Atlantc, iGcorgia and Houston. Texas. Ne- igroes are conducting the entire iPund efforts. "And there are ,many other examples of this spontaneougs interest," he said. A list of conlributiorLs rek-a.'- • -fl hv ?l4f\raun u-j.': Calcutta, India - - Twenty-four sdoiers from North Carolina are members of Negro truck Co's, ol the 47th .Mobile Quartermaster Battalion, which has played an in.porUint part m the efficient op- •eralion of the large United States A'my Port installation here. The b.'ttalion is made up of of head quarters and medical detachment and the 3503rd, 35D9th. 4052nd, 415,5th and the 4383r(l companies. A constant flow of supplies from ship to warehouse and from warehouse to plane und train has bten one of the most imporiunt factors m the operation of the port. Working or a round the clock schedule, the truck compan- itf of the 47th have aided in cut ting down the unloading time of boat? from 17 to an average of 3 1-2 days, hauling every imag ir.itble type of war supplies. Soldiers of the 47lh have be- ci me just as prominent in ath letics in the area as they have in the moving of supplies, by pro ducing topnotcli boxers in the the- ali I program, winning the base .section basketball tournament ant! walking off with innumer able honor.s at the recent theater t‘':ick meet The efficiency and lovaitv with which the men have carreid out their u.ssignmt-nt ha.s won them much praise and commendation. I'lie 47th Ls a unit of Uie Base Sitii 'ti of the Inu i-P.urma the- aier, commanded by Brig. Gen. Ruhei't R. Nfvland N. C. soldiers of\fl2rd co, are: Sgt. Willis B Hazel, 12 T.issev Si- Lexington; T-4 Terry J. Graham Route 1, Troutmen: T-4 Lacies C McNair, 344 Worth St., Favelteville: T-5 Charlie Pette- wav, 814 S. John’s St., Tarborn: Ptc. Theodore R Haves, 409 W Willie St.. HiPh Pnin*. Pvi. Willi am Rissell 815 S, Caldwell St, Salisbury: T-5 Herbert E Grav er 717 S, Bloodworth St.. Ra le ivh N. C, soldiers from the 4052 co. are: Cpl. Nathaniel Williams, 148 Logan Street. Charleston; T-5 Col onel .Alston, Essex: Pfc. Jonas F. J.' hnscm. 1 Shonbrick St.. Ash- ••liie: Pvt. Thomas Caldwell. 206 Frazier Ave., Charlotte: P’.-i Bu'fer HarPTcve. 608 E. Cumo^r- lard Cf nunn. N C soldier'' from the 4155th * are- S-Set -A, Davis 51" Dupree St... Durham- Sgf •ftr'e I, Evans Ot-n. Doliveiv rowiKSville; Set. Willie Hollowav R;. 3. Box P.'ifl. Ih-ndf-r-on; Cp' h'laei .S, .McGhee, 1205 Moreheii-f Ave.. Durham; Cpl. Isaiah Robin son. HI Broad St., Fayetteville. N. C. .soldiers ot the 35tl3th ermpanv arc: S-bgt. Theodore R Jfckosn, Box ' I. Lake Wacca- niaw; Pfc. EveietU- B. Saunders. Rfd 1 Box 155. Raleigh. N. C. soldiers from the 3509t'n company are: Cpl. Charles Fau- cello, Mt. Ida Park. Marion. Cpl. Carncll Jeffers. Roxboro; T-5 Jame.s L, Thomas, Laurinburg: Fvt. Waiter Jenning.?. Hamlet; S- Sgt. Prelow Wilson.,Supply. V- N.AAGP Studies Deeisioii I'pholdiii" JG In Ham- tramck Huiisin" Ease Detroit. Michigan — Following a decision by Circuit Judge Thom- a-G F- Maher of the Circuit Couit upholding segiegation in th-. Hamlramck housing project in th" of Leioy G. While. NAACP attorneys uimoiineed tJieir inteii- titjri of further study of t!ie case Rir purposes of appeal. In coni- nunting on the decision of Judge Maher, Dr. Frank S Home. Ra cial Relations Advisor to the NPHA Commissioner .said: "If this di’clsion stand.?, the Mls- .sl'sippi pattern will cover the en tire counti'v.’’ NAAfH* attorneys pointed out Judge .Mahei. by a narrow con- sliuetion luted: ID that a clause in the contract (between tiie Ham- traiock Housing Coiiutnssion and tlie IJ. S. Hciiismg .Autiioiltvj to the. effect that tliere should be no discrimination in the selection ct tenants beca-jse of “rehgioui,. political or other affiliations, dii not apply to disciiniination based on race; (21 that due to the omis sion from the Michigan civil lights law of an e.Yphcit pruhibi- tiot: against discrimination in public housing, no infraction of this law was committed bv the Hamtramck housing commission. (31 and that the completion of its plans for a public housing unit to be occupied bv Negroes also prevented the action of the Ham- tramck Housing Commission from htmg a violation of the equal pro tection clause of the 14th amend ment N A A f' P Secretary Walter White announced th- NAACP ill exert every possible effort to appt'jj the decision in this case which ran do infinite dam-age to the lixlit of Nfgro citizen.': for dc- ! lit housing ponied by their mother at the paiuo.' Copies of the NAACP Secre- LitUe Miss Bettie Ruth Newman ti.ry’s radio report on the coodi- gave a story on the life of Moses, tiona and treatment of Nefro sol- which was well rendered. Qters during his tour-month tour Mrs. Vivian Haithman and Prof, cf the Pacific may be obtained Armstrong were asked to serve onjbv writing to the NAACP* C9 the finance committee to take ac- [Fifth Avenue, Ne\k Yuns o. N. i count of the contest money being reported. I'he contest rahy amounted to $166.07. raised by the following persons; Mrs. Lizzie Crrmartie $1.00: Mrs, Hattie Tew, $6.00; Mrs. Mary FAYETTEVILLE — The Wi’.'ing Workers Club ot Ev > Metropoli tan AMR Zion Church, sp.-nsored a most uilei'o.stiiig program und rally tiunduy evining. July 29th. al 8:00. Thi- pi oKrum b.Ran with imto-j ii^NeilT $7.48! Mr,: Minnlh Clarke. dueli,i y remarks by Ihe preside.,. ^ Elizabeth Campbell $40 ; .Mrs. Thelma Henley, who served Mrs. Callle Davis, $25.05; Mrs. Eva | :i.s mistress of cerem.mies. ^ „„ Josephine Richard-j Thu pr«gr;irr was highlighted by ■ son $1.25; Mrs. Katie Smith $2,00; j a .scholarly and challenging address Mr. Joseph Stewart $100: Mr. C. J i by Prof. E A Armstrong, who Armstrong $1.00; Presiding Elder J ! ?p«ke fnim the subject, "Creating R, Funderburk $1,00 and Mrs. Thul- New Frontiers in Victorious Chris- ma Henley. $63.50; public offering 'ian Living" and he was presented $2.29, making a total 4if $166.07 by Ihe piistor, Rev U. I. W. Me- The three highest were: Mrs. Inriis Henley, Mrs Campbell and Mrs, He leviewed the frontiers 'hat Davis, hud been created in the physical. Mrs. Henly stepped back and let p' liticul. uKricutlural. industrial, Mrs, Campbell receive the p^izi civic, recreational social und educa- which was presented by Mr. Cicero j lionul and health areas, und how in Miller. Honorable mention was giv previous und the present wars, the Mrs. Davis for her work in this applications of science and inven- rally and having been the winner 'li.ns hud wrought mhacles. and °f 'be last contest Mrs Eva Hall how from Attacks of the Revolution '‘’"s thanked for her report, even down til Dorle Miller, und General ’hough she was not a member c f the D:ivjs, we hud created new frontiers club. in Ihe Anny, Navy Air Cuips. Ma- Mr Miller also presented $20.00 fines. Wat?. Waves, etc, with great from the club to the trustees of the gulii.s. church- Mr B. F Ferguson, chair- Then chullengingly, ne urged the of the board of trustees recelv- youth the uduli.s und church to cd the report on behalf of the trus luMiich out with a duilng program expressed both conimenda- in leligious education i*iid Christian thanks. LADiRSi tlaatototf 1 DIAMOND RINfiS IC.VCII Kubtt rtmi ■!? tl.SS . Ilk ut or tots lei A ^ »A in » iBd «•«,/»!- SI Dv 7.1 ■ xf Ws ■•rk n$*r«Bi«», .m>»h «»•! EXCEL GIFT CO.. Depl. T-47 Box 9d7, Newark l, New Jersey woiship to meet the ever growing: Meinnis expresesd high und changing needs .,f the world ! Prnise for the splendid effort and nee«i of adequate spirit-1 spirit of the orgnalzation ual guidance. 'I’he speaker paid high tribute to -ipiiiiual leaders like Martin Luth er, Bishop Hoi‘,d and Father Henry Evans, the last named was the founder cf Methodism for both Negro and v/hite citizens of all this section and for whom the church was named, which church the i' -ite Hay Street Metnud’st churen sprang, a bit of unusual history. "Accept the program ot Christ, the most exatled leader in creating new frontiers in Victcrious Chris tian living. Mis. Julia Simmons gave a fit ting response to the much appreciat ed address and expressed the will ingness of the church to accept the Challenge. The An Choir .occupied the choir >tand and furnished a number of selections: Prayer. Mrs. Julia Sitn- incn-. and invocation Re'v. D. I W. Mclnnis A delightful solo was sung bv Little Theodore Yarborough, 'iccnmpanied by his rrother Mrs. Br'-ie Yurborouph at the piano. I'he puptilar Beatty Sisters Trio touchingly rang several beautifully lei'iilered muslial numbers, accom- mrnm t COLONIAL BEDROOM \ bi.* il» un 4 d M'L'tU b* I.t'h to III toiding to Jit I i-xpluiiation. ii wua not long ijt-forv .si-wi'ul ulht-i tol- o.i-d Wuis loini'd hvi and t-vuiilu- aily u ti -‘lun pedieman appeal ed ui-sii.g . nd calling ihcm "nig- yrr weiic-hu? ■ and t " ng Ihum lliey would iiavi- to move butauiie that suction wa.' for white puo ^It oiil>, H.' lliii'Utunid d. they did not inuvu ■A'liurcupon i'ti Sfiiitli told him he should r'all an .\1. P- Angt^rud. Ihu civili an polici'inan uplii-d hr had no i$i»-.l ol anvoni' ti-llmg him ho'w to handle "nigg'i wunchca." Al tl.|.s point Pic, Geoigia Boslau id Texas rebelled and said they 111 ai d ‘noiigti about niggeis" and they wouldn't stand for inoi-r. 'Ihe civ'lian polii’-'inan then took out his blaekiack und .stailvi be;iting the VVai i-ver the head. WJ.en she attempted to inleiv iv , Pit Smith was drugged acro'.' tli.- bu.' station tlooi by tne pohee- niUii who twi.sted liei vink't a.-id skinned lu : ellxnv Biloi'e it wu.' found that K-n- (lukv lias no piuVl.'loll hil .'rgle- giition III liUs and train sl.itionv. pli'. Smith wa.s unginullv charged with having biokeli lh» .'lute's jliii tioW law^ and with .is>.;iult- iro an ollicei Tlie cJiarge ■.v-.s iotc. ihangeil to a violation >! Ilii- 93rd Altli-le id -.v-il ilialllir Wllll disi;rdi.i ly ci^mhti l wlnlu ‘ii urn fti'm. -V L24l NEChO UNITS MLLPLD ACHiFVI. VICTORY IN LUHCiFL Service I'ompaiiN wua j-i dJty at HtliopMc. Kgvpl tli4 It- 7tr. LhtiiiR'ul Wjilai4 CoinpaiiV VVak at MaaStl ■•.lit, llollaiiJ. V.!.lle thi OBVath Gasoline Siippi- ‘...o- p$.n. '.'.'da statlolicd in FL-lalii. Corsica. The most distant advance iliade tv Negid ijghtirig lorn aiiic vhen the 761st idiik Battal.oii i:..-. hc- gro lank Baiioiion ec’ i i • vnt.r combat wiin the U. S. .■iimy. bat tled its '.'a'. t.> tr.e si.v;.s ..I the Enn River a; Ste'.i .-lUSiiia. where it linked up •.*. iih the So viet Army under Mart.iil I’.'an Kenev. In Italy. Negro uniii iani>c I’.nm Bari on the hcei oi the ceriiRadia, where the 647tn Miiiiar', Police Company '.vas maintain ordc.', on July 1. to tne top cf *nc o£n;n- S'ulti at Genova, pieten'; ftr.'! of the all-Negro id Infcn- • try Division. - --V pledge THEMSELVES TO GET RIGHTS AT HOME diviilual Gl ; nk'd .illei n-adinP. the Sonalkil'a iinJeiiiuciatie i'- nialks, Jlr lllO.Sr li-ielVeil Ilo.M fcgl. DiiwriVite Coj/nie .iiui 'oip W. M. Kelly je.spil-ti'.elv. hotli ill Itl; Kui'opiaii iJu-alei of opeu- Tjon:.. Sgl. Coi/ilie wiote' "I am a.sking what the tvpr of. tiling Ls supposed lu do lo a .'u1- a.«i 111 a loxliolr '^^eutilIg out a i-ounteiatlack'.’ Is it s lu posnl lo give him courage, liuild h,.' moi'ule. or i.s it that Sen ator James U. Eastland and hf yanv don’t give a «l ’’ "'J'his IS a liurd pill to take aft-ir eeeing what happened to on, Anii-iii an troops aftei being r*-- tiiiiied to tJie rear areas for Ims Pitalizatiuii I'c-centlv aft- i D-Dav Thev weien’t ol one co'oi; thev were ini'1 11. The Germans wen t.t .shooting iii't while troops, they Wen- kiling Anurivan sol ditr.'.. "It is doubtful if people like Eoatland have ever heard • bomb fell, r&uch less v/itness e bomb . there will ' field exaiii- will recull. $25U. >■1 1*( Kt rKFNClIKS TO FIT APFKOPKIATH and St lamb be hi' addition 11.ei each This year, .is you Congiesr appropriated 111(1 fill lb.- Committee's upiTatioiis. wherca.-'. last year it totaled $.507,600 It W...S marie clear at th.- committee's request that the $250,000 would he used for opiTalinns alone, and none for liquidation. >h iild the commit- t.-4 111 forri d out of husine.'s V ATA RKJFCTS \FA l•ROI•OSAf, IN RFNNFTT >IFFTIN; problems He pointed 11 the inabll of III! Council to use iiower and loice .ind (ulled attention to the lelalioiiship which exists between the extent of d'scussion and the de- to '•.'hirl, a problem may re- 'ceiM- worldwide attention and have 1,1,0$ ,il Si nliment cretitud for it ' (I'i.i speakers duii'tg the ton- $.i-ii- Miss E ',;.l I’LiHii-.d P.iienPiKitl Federu- tiiiii N’ w- Volk. Dr. Fredeiclt- A. Jai-ksoo htnilftt Coll.-ge. Rev. K 11 Crocket Bennett ColUge. Miss r.iKie F Can-phelL Memphis iTt-nn. vice pn sident ..iid H Couii- ,• II Tr.-iilioli.i piesid in of the -Ma- baiiij Sl;.lc Ten bu s College were lithei oflicei' active il'iring Ihe ses- .Ml-,ii1iiig in addition to llio7e II,Iliad abovi- '.\ii Jt-epli 1 I'. ,..k- Moiiteomeiy Ala: Mi .l;,nii- l Doui’las. Union S C’, F r WMiick (• I. Ih.iii-on l-aiiv- -T. I. Dkl'-I., ma Pi.'ident .'.llie- W Ciinnor Baltimure. J'leMdent J H r. |n4e Ih.linul Ala. MlS A .M H Sti' All. H T I'.i- liiin Ueautowiit lexui c I- Mai- pci- Atlanta. Ga. Cj W Gore. Ji I.'s-h iile. Tfci'.n >;LWi VWH»Z. sLOTT y ,1) I 0:;r.REsSMAN POWELL s. ili* I 1*0 S'” IN C'ONNECTK I T Pov.-fcil iij> years ago playing ovei . ;ii4> V.i.k ladio station ana gave ne. nrst "big-nme break whicr. ii:»,i eventually, i,- her tremendous -..c. e" in filn.s radiO and per'Oi.:d appearances Hundreds of celebri ties ar.a of the leiea couple gathered at C^fe S.ciety Upto-vn f -i ihe gala rectpiio.-i Toasts to the n ippinci ol ‘Ha^ri and Adam --.ers legion Dr Piiwell. '.it a turmer member • f ti.e New York Cit' Council, wa- r-|e$‘tvd lu'-t Noveinb-i a rupri'sent Hailem'-. new '’L'nd D.-tru't m the H $ui of Repi'f-seiital.ves Hr gr.ia- U.ied fiom I'olgjtr t'l.ivrr-ity ill I'l'lO :iiid rPcrivrd tlie drgrPr of doc- toi of divinity fioo- Shav Umver- Htv in I'Clh Hr wa ;n.M>ci:did with (hr .Aby.ssini.m H.>pti“t Church m H .rl-m’fni sevn, vi-.os bi-foi'e sue .-.■rdi'$; 111 f.'ilh* 1 u.s pastoi In .iddt- lion I)V Powell is Ihe rdit-ir and'h r of thr H;.!l"n-. m-wspuper •Ttie Peipl'-’' Voice" Miss Si-''!. w‘-o i' '2.5. recridly un- iioiincrd 'ho 1' defmitulv throii ;h with night club .ipperuncrs und will iiiii.'-ney ihroiiih 'hr U S -nd Cromda on a conent tour iii Iln- ..-i-!v f:ill It w;-5- Mi's Scott's fi-s' ruirriai-e and Or p...veil s- seem'd He "’UK f‘'rm»Tlr married to I-oliell H'n'hin'dori '-h'lw-inrl wh > I'lTuntlv ,.»4i ijnefi :• /liv'iee de'-i'ee in Reno ' N'eoridn find will return t'j her ca- f • 1 in show hiisinrs'. fir Powell eoiis,ill*-d his ennere- (;i,lioo r*-Hurdiii0 hi-, marriape to the new Mrs Fo-fell ana the result was 'onanimous approval. It-adership in most cities; tho Hai - lijii cummiltee quota of Sla.UUU Was quicklv oversubscribed m a I highly orgunized drive; at a re-1 cent dinner mt-eting in Chicago; atU-ndi'd by Negro bu.sin' i $5,200 was rawed an l :ino'n-i j $G,0fl0 promised und in Atlunt.'.' Georgia and Hou.slon. Ti'xa.s. N'e- i groes are conducting thi‘ entin- Kund efforts. "And there are many other ixaniples of this i s|>r.ntaneou.« inleiest," ho said. A list of contributiorw rel.-fw- ■ I rl this week bv .vir. Morgan wa.s fe.'.lured by significant gift.- fioni ! o'lieer.s and men of Nt'gro unii.', stationed overseas. .Among them was ont of $2,131 from the 5lDih' Prot Battalion in the Pacific The- ; ater and another of $1,026 from i a 24th Infantry Battalion fighting in the same area. Ako from the Pacific Theater: 76th AAA Gun Battalion. $330.45, HiOth Engineer .Aviation C’'*in- p: ny. $181; 839th Engineer Bat talion. $(;9(j.35: 89L't Ehgmi.-e. -Aviation Company. $553.30. 4t'i‘ Mui me Ammunition Co , 5th Field ' Depot Servi,.e Company. $4l'0, 95th Engineer General Servic,- Ki gimeni $178.76; Port Ci'.. pan ics of the llTth Poll B;it!alio'i, $385.67 Squadron "C ol tin- 44Ulh AAF Bti..e Unit at Hu Aiitiv All Fii-ld, S.mta Maria Cain, .'ent in $89.75. • Adjutant Karl B. Rug i.-j ut llu- ■5l0lli Fort U iltahon wrote .Mi'. M' lgaii "Th.- men of fhii Bal- i.'l'iiii all lia'.i- ti'uiii 1? lu 38 •I o'i’li.-s ol S'-rv’ee uv-'aej; tiu‘. .•le if' lute,1-ted Ul .‘li- Caill- Piii:ii ..lid t‘-l that us Negroes I loi lb- fului'i- .Anu'i - .M sh'iil'i out tal! I)i'hin$i m cur tight lor the tutuiv ul uui ' ion Fuundat' It, Labor und ;r.;'n idual g.fls ani.,'.’i.i0e,'i h .• ‘.loigan . .giudcJ; rstar.dar i t'nl u! NtvV Jersey, SiU.OGO; Sceor.i—Vacuum Oil Company. $5,uu0; Di)l4:in. Tcad slid C •5 - 0>'0; International Hai'-erter Co $IuOO, Radio Corpjii.tion of .Amfriu-a, $1 Uiiu M. Haril.-v Uojge, $1 uijO: Young and Rubi- ..■aii, Inc. il.OOO, Eastsn Aii Line*. Sl.ouU; Edwaid jol.n Nobla t.undation, $1.0o0; .S’ei'i Erc:h- eri Foundation, $50u. ^ab;i Br-. .'- - inc Company $500; Hoit Schaf- tner and Marx, 5250: Pheip Stokes F'una. 525u Un.ic.' Rub- bc( Workers of Atoutici '10 i. 5250. ^ V Ce(s Medical Discharge F(DRT KNOX. Ky. - Culuiiel R " 'i'lii iickoioi toil, |ju2( $'jiiimaiiilei. .mocuMC'd l.-.l.iv lhat P\t Je-'e Bean. Jr, 907 .Sigilli Wilmio;* Ml.'-!, Rali-igh. N. C, was giv$ii aj iiiuiliuiil li.-rhuiue fidin Hie Arioy I'l tile United States >n July 2> . V l-'ifli-en .Kcliijol.' foi the .study of na.-titi.s, a disi-u'e uf the oiw's ud-, del', will bt- held in the piiiici|>.$l milk shed' if Ihe State bvlwi-en August 6 and 17 NAACP FILES VOTE R^G- TSTFATION SUIT AGAINST REGISTRAR IN LOUISIANA An.endments 14 15 ani 17 of th■■ I niled States Conslituli'>n Thw .suit follnw.s closely the Vir.son filed m Alaoama in June und the Wallace Van Jack -son ca'e filed in Geoivia, The NAAf’P propose.' lo file casi.s t''roughu‘jl the south wherever diacrimmatory regiitration prac tices are pre'vale&t. A/IADTr DITfNDrtTMiyr CTTITP LET GORDON'S NEWEST STRAIGHTENING COMB IMPROVE YOUR LOOKS! Show off that Penonality.. .look your best by using Gordon's Poaitivc-Acdoa Straightening Comb. Weighted Brass head, correctly curved edge, casy-flt handle .. . heats quickly and HOLDS IT fur faster, better work. Satisfaction guaranteed. If, aftts 10 days, you arc not completely satisfied, your money will be refunded IN FULL. ; NO RISK. Order now! (C O.D. if you I wish.) SUMMER WELLES PRAISES REPORT ON NEGRO Cl IN PACIFIC New York — Commenting on Walter White's recent broadca.4 over CBS on theNegro Soldier in Ihe acitic, former Under Secretary of State Summer Welies declar ed: "I have found the broadcast' NEWARK, MO. 0! exceptional interest. It should unquestionably prove to be of' et eat value at this time.” GORDON SALES CO. Box MOTHER and DAUGHTER FASHIONS HAVE IT! Back-to-School Separates MAPLE BEDROOM SUITE — FOUR PIECES — «129 $26.00 Down 50 $2.00 Weekly A mellow maple suite with the chest, seven (irawer, vanity, sleigh bed, and convenient nite table, at a price the smallest budget can afford. This is a style that is everlasting . . . next year ot ten years from now it would be accepted as being in good taste. It is a real invest ment that includes Ijeatily, iisefnilness, and years of ser- vice. Mxactly as illu.stj*;ited. THE SWEATERS THE SKIRTS Slipover or Cardigan Boxy or Fitted Every wanted color. 3.88 to 8.70 Pleated or Gored Soliiia or Plaids Eveiy smart Shade. 4.85 to 8.70 s( Cozy sweaters and smart skirts . . . the fabrics you love, the colors you dream about, the styles you wish for . . . to take you through classes with a high eye-cue. We suggest early shopping! USE OUR CONVENIENT LAY - AWAY PLAN A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL RESERVE YOUR SELECTION IN JUIEIGB ft) FASIIOKS . tfuuronc* Balldtng Air Conditiofied for Shopping Comiort

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