SIN . Ilh i i\\i' W'i:i:K KNi)iN(; sati cday, Arr>t .-sT jr., i.M.\ New York Show fronts RV lifts UK I tlOKBUl) Ldclu ivc to 'Jt'l yufti J'iiOI,€utton9 Hot Lips Pagf is strictly a jive artist from ’way bacV Well, as far back at the ciayt whert he tooted the trumpet and solidly "sent" di> veriion seekers frequenting Har lem't Small’s Paradise. And f.*om that nitery Page went to bigtime and has become a sensational box office smash. At the Oynx Club he thrilled cafe society. So you tee the little man with the trumpet who is to embark on a cross-country tour on September 15 with his band—is by far a Jump, Jam V Jive specialist. “Rhapsody In Hliie” A Tribute To .Ne;i (i Ai t HOLLvtvOOuT Calif oi.e uf Hollywood's finest iriLuti; tu the Negroid Irfluonce iii Ameiic.ui rnuslc win be heard ii the AVarnei ^os. film. "Rhaps-idy itt Blue.” Thi: is the long-ev. rilled musical br- graphy of the late Gv. igv Geisiiw in. aoon to be released t . the nation's theatres. More than uf any utliei native composer, it Is said ilml Ge--rge Oershwin captured tia- ino-id nl American life in his imirical com positions. No writer of poetry, pro.-ie or song, could bt- hciaKied a.s tiul> representative,vv.'h>>;f in bis works he had dov uineriti-d tin- positive impref.Int. .m Anieneat. an made by the -Necn. n.' he worked, sunp. and foiii’hi fm Amer ica’s grentnes' Georae Gei-.hwin recognized this axium. and thiougii- cut his senKs and cadences, synco pations, and dramHlic impulses ul the Negro are Invi-xhlv heard In the pictiire his t..inoU3 con cert piece, "Rliap-iKlv in Blue" is Introduced m New V >rk's Aolian Hall by Paul Wl-.tvmin. ju-t as it was In 1924 As iMiyi.iu- knuw^ it is a tone po'-ui ..f thi big city - yet its 8ophl*-ih’tj«-d urb:in Mouiids give way InterniiUeiilly to Die wail cf the bliK-s. the plaintive chant whicii is of unmi tukeuble Negro origin. To George Cer.«li\vi:. Diis was no ae^dent. Thi'iiiuyh wuiMluan that he was. he was well jware ul tfie nature and form of his snurce ma terial. Ho spent many hour.- traver sing the street# of Negro C'lmmun- (Hes both in Uk- N. rth .md the South in order that in'- highly sen sitive ear could liuthfnlly interpret the melodious strains which emit NKW VORK - Harlem's world ! tamuus Apollo 'Dieatie is bein,i • r.iade completely ver at the cost of Sfj.OJO- Tile hjuso that built the bands re,jpetis August 23. ar.d th' h.atiegoers who na in to hear , 1-ui- Ku:.seH and his orchestra plus b-.t-k Watson and the Brown Dots • and other uttructii'ns will be in troduced to a theatre comparable in appearance inside as well as out- Blue to any ul the uUtei sWauk Lroawday playhouses Frank Schiffman, managing di- tcctor of the Apollo said that con- ■r::iy to rumur.s the theatre has not closed down in order to give his >taff u ctnince to clean the spittoons t and sweep up. Schlffnian, culled "baady" by thuusimds of perfurtn- f!s. .-aid It roiled him tu think ! that au.vune would have such a 'yiewp.mi ot his efforts. He pro ceeded to show me through tiic ' iilace tiicii in process ii' btdng deco- ,.;ted. He tuok me from t - attic to the and from back i" ' t'onl aiid even I, hard-boiled as I attempt to he in such things, could rot hi'lp f:om being ^mp^es^ed The 1. 'dies' raoin, f irm rly a ; -rtiall cubbyhole of mi affair, ha.s been enlarged to a comfortable I lunge with full length mirrors cuv- ir-iinc the walls, tugs on the floor. 'numbet uf ttlephune booths, and fuP il.'y iKiw'Icr Scl.dfliiian'.'- c.-rpentL-r-' pliunbeis, and p.aint- • IS and iiK'i'huiiics ii.vaded the noii’i- I »>in tii ll>e ba »-iiient. >'U-ari- • d It oiit, y -uipk'Ct lv Io:e out Mh'.ie r'Ctions of'the wall to eiiharge it into a cnmfortdbh', colorful smok- :t g reem with facilities for washing, "■havmr. and a number of tcleph-rne booths. Th>' old ri-ke; rsal hall, located In ;he bastmetit of the 125th .Street theatie. where all the great band.t ’ hh'. h' e played theio have re- heaised bar been changed and con verted into u recreation hall fui mc’i.bei f Dk Apollo Th*alie staff Jr thir room underneath the Apollo. It was once damp and the crack"d and peeler!, such D-.kc KlHngl ri. Cab Cal- I ioiicl Hampton. Cuotie Wil- riiick Webb, Don Redmon, T Bi.'idersun. Karl H.nes. the Sw eethearti; of Rliythni. Count Basie, 'tl ufle Hopkins, Chi'rlie Barnett. , Ocorae .•\ul’i. Boyd Raeburn, and cfuintUsss others have gone through ■h'*ir p.Tces There uch the.itricnl greats as , Pill Robin- n. F.tliel Waters. Lena [ikcnv. Cle.i Brown. Una Mae Car- lidi-. B'Mie Hohdav, Flla Fitzger ald. .S-vanich Churchill. Cbiltoji I and The Four Step Broth- -rs. The Nicholas Brother?. The Peirv Tiiolhers- Willie Bryant. Ralph Cnuivr Pigmeat Markham, and r.lhei.s. all of vihoin have put ■ on th. Ir numbers for preview bv . Srhfffrnan In the past ‘Them «la>s i- gone forevei." All actors, bands, and oth '*- peWormer* will henceforth do ihrir rehearsing on the second floor, nrar the front wh.*rf n large room bos been con verted into ji comfortable, airy, and • 'lenn rehearsal hall The t-endstanri on the stage hau been rebuilt and wired so that the ■^tace hand® wor>*t have to push It best sound equipment tn Hiirlem at least. The whole place is being re decorated, seals recuvered. and va- il'iUs oUier impiovt-iiicnls put in u- Scuiffman piepares to rcopin on August 24U). With such a theatre. Schiffman hupc-s to show the greut- : cst attraciiuns m Negr show busi- ' r.css, js Well ivt the •.of attriicti.His I in white show «ireies to HarUtn I Audiences. The Deep River Rjy4, one of Anurica's lavurlte quartettes, after appearing on the Ameri- Negro Musical Festival pro gram with Lionel Hampton's Orchestra and Anne Brown, th* popular singinx star of concert. Mireen. stage anrt radio, are booked for a tour of UieatreA uall- b;.nds Ifani-' SEEIN’STARS WITH DOLORFS CALVI.N* NEW 'VORK CITY CNS) — A brand new revue is now being plan- i.vd lu be so clossol it promUe. to -urpjbs anything done on the Nt gru stage in the pa,--! 20 years. ic-vue IS said to include such stars as the dynamic Peg Leg bates and ihe ftoothign-voiced .Marva Louis with Joe Ziggy Johi.sun acting as m. c. ai.d producer. An underrated swtjig band, iiont>-U by CoUridRv DavL-. b expected n supply thf niusK- as a chorus of SO girls. Dane iiig in pie..f?iL,ii, will add native bejuly to the netting. The Unit is expected to get uiideiway In Sep- umber, It uring th*- nation right InUi '.lie New Year THIS IS NEWS: Liuh Arm trong Celebrated 26 years ot show busl- nes-. in Hollywood where he began ••Carib .Song." Katherine Dunham's musical opens at the Subtrl Thea tre ill New Haven, Augus*. 3U. Is due fur a Broadwiy .-howiiig Sept 25 at the Adclphi. It. cast boast'- William Franklin and Avon Cab Calh. voy is living to got plane priority for his band to irnv el The false UP, fla?h Bnnouncing the Jap surrender tw-o days before It was official, was found to have come from one of "tnree spots in the opJ South." ON THE BFAM. . , Tommy Dor sey's male singer couldn't sing "01 Man River" over the air. . . The war over, leaders proclaim the world will never be ul peace until ‘•‘r en and India are free. .. A pe tition Is being circulated in Harlem to prevent atomic Oombing b«>ing used aguiii't people, only as weapon jguinst the enemy in forts, etc. . . ! The PM reviewer think-x ! Bucklln Moon rhouldn't have nam d his new bc-,k "Primer for Whit* Folks" — that it is a primer for the “advanced” whi need It slUl. Ro bert Hiirri--'. piaiiixt, plaved the do ing concert at summei schools Benedict and Allen University. . . They had been postponed due to an injury to Uie artist's left hand. . Nrwrspie Magazine will carry a story on Marva Louis in Koitywoud m their September issue. . . . Louis .r.irdnn due back SeptemUpr Bth Hhs film, “Caldonia" plays the cir cuits over the cjuntrv Sensational Brother and Sister Gimbination • Giving St. Louis Nitery High Class Entevtainment Dots And Dashes Cttli^lht le ftii Vain fat-.'irjrieoi Lila Johnson and her brother Buddy ttnset) are really tn the groove at the Plantation Club in 8t. Louis, Missouri, where the musical aggregation is headed by Buddy with sister Ella on the vocals. A great com- liinatiog, diversion seekers frequenting the spot rate the srster-brother team one of the nation's best. Having recorded “That’s The Stuff You Gotta Watch" (Oecca Records, exclusively) Ella and GuOdy are i*i lor a series of engagements extraordinary after their Miasouri date. To give you an idea of the sopiilarity of this great orchestra, booked for an appearance in Camden, N. J.’s Convention HaM for l.ahoi- D-iy—the advance sale of tickets indicates that a police line v.'>ll have to bo called out to keep :he babhy soxers in check. iFJiioi' i»j ihji'i $bt uug tn- nally >>/ ' - bit * Buddy And Band Lauded By Broadway Columnist BV BILL CHANDLER HOLLYWOOD, Cal.—When Haz el Scott c.vnie to Hullywoud to work ill Ihv pi ..le Hhapjody in Blue.' Woi-nir Biua. iiiquii-cil if she coal''' sing Gershwins hit song. “My Man" in buth French ond EnglUii. | Slu- leplieJ that site c. ulJ. and m | i Hebrew too if they wt.heQ. Th'.y| later learned >he speaks 12 l;i>g.i- ' egf#. and si g# in scveial mure! Denied Uve in her curr.:iU film. "The Corn Is Green." Bette Davi^ ietD a double dose in the picture she ha# just Coiopletod Stulen Life." Tl’.eieln. she plays twin sls- who love the same man — Gle:m Furd . . . Illinois Jacquet really taken over Cenliai .Ave- Of a Saturday night, try and gel into the Club Duwrbcat where holding forth . . . Barbara Stanwyck wha is now bving seen ••Christmas in Cor.necti*-it;" Alexis Smith whose next l.s "Rhap- sudy in Blue;" a..d Lauren Bacall, all are superstitious about remov ing their wedding bands in pic- tuies, Consequently makeup artisL- ir-vcr the rings ao tti.*y do not :how . . Ed James, a local .id has lied up KPAS far his radio show tugged, "The Cupper Caravan" which will pipe into the ether mu- from Clubs. Alabam. Last Word. Rtndczvou.---. Cafe Soci-ty, and the Rhythm Club Ed sav-^ it’ll be the longcrt air jump sh* w on th - Coast Anybody wondcriiig when they'll set a chance to view Joan Lorring ■the gal who almost stole "The Corn is Orton.“ can rest easy. She’ll be seen l.i ‘Thrie Strangers." in the company of such able chnrac- tL-r actors as Peter Lorre and Syd ney Greenstrert . Dotiie Seamnn cx-showgirl is no longtr hos tess It the Last Word Cafe . . . Regarding kissing sieiies, Janie--' Wo.itf Howe. Die famous ranieramun says thui a too fully dress takes away froni the aiidi- i’> appreciation '"f that delect- ! art. Jimmy should know. He's n w behird iht* letl^e^ on Warntr's “Confidc.itial Ai'em" .-nuiTing Chas. Roier and l.nur* n "The Look" Ba call . . . Rex Ingram, recently n- oortccl to have purciia.sed a play. "The Newark Playboy." rio pun in- It-nded—Rex (iptrate? m New York •md Hollywood) states he may di- the Louis Sobol. p«.p'jtar columni.'-t of toe New York Jouin.l-Anien- can, along With the Hcarst News- Buddy Johnson, creator of th popular luiluby, "Baby Don't Yoi Cry" and other Deccu hits is coi icntly appcaiinu jn n limited tour under the txclusvie management of pi'pvit, was u guest one evening, the OaU- Agency, Inc. Sobol's pop lar and widely-read Buddy .ftihnson made a metoric colunm had tnis to say few days rise in a number of Broadway hot later: wwknic .*1? Wi- ran iid'o-i-f ;i new- CHARMlNf; !)AMSEId5 VOTED THE BESTS NEW YORK tlPSj — Lovely Lcliiii Mae Harris, glamorous D»- . res Brown and exotic Bettye Mays — u trio ot goud-loukeis — are now the lop Tropical Tan Trio, ac- ..rding to a letter received by Laurie ,\Iucfie. assuc .ite editor of Independent Press Service. A deluge of mail trom Cl guys stnfioned in the South Pacific have - I Great i-Dinliinution 1 of TalfiitPtl 'Vunip” j ^ Muoit’ians lay Braadw-ny production opus t- accept a part in ' St. Louia Woman, the muskal which -Ar thur Freed. Metro ptuduct-i. b ph.ii- ning to J.'ji iMo Times Square Ui ^}lI>wcuse Lena Horne Faye tn ei»on. wife -f Btig, Gen ElliOtt Roosevelt. i.“ 1 ue in town to c i->!8ri m the Warner Bio.-* film, ‘ Daiicin*' with Tears." She ll sha.e h..i...ri ith Zachary Scott . .Maiceli Mayis. the l aw York soiiKwrite. ' on the Coast, has knocked out •>ne8 which Timniie Rogers i« pla..'ilrx to rec-rd for Exoebior. They are ".'ve Got a Gal That's ■' and I’m Just 23." and 'Drop An ther Nickle in tht Juke Box " .ena Torrence the movie bit play r whose husband was killed in action with the 99Di Pnihuil Squad- on. was d*.wn from Vai Veide ov- ■r the wti'k-end looking mellow In a Chinese coolie straw bonnet that rtually shwuted. I.ily Dache' . ere's a thumb-nail sketch on De.i ms Morgan now starring in “Christ mas in Connecticut."- He cun milk a cowr. He listen'; to speeches but seldom believes what in tiean. He tins fun 8 hi;, own parties and at thcr jieople's too He’ll sing at the trop of a hilt. He likes picnic#, par- irnlaily with hix children. He used ’.M w.,rk in the lumbering bu.xiness with ills father. He doesn't walk nider ladiiers. And a piano xlighily out t>r tune jars his musical nerve- Ann Brown De-ires To Sing For All - .Mr. Bilbo! NEW YORK 'IP.Si — Anne 'Town the beiintifiil .iiid l.ilanted • nrert stai ha- app«. m a ser ies of Aineiicaii Negro .Music re>- ivals in CliiLUgu. St LuuU and Detroit. in spite of the fact that '!te was the viciiin of what many '-•rm Hi.Ilywoi-d's “ inear cam- laign" Ul. Race stargi Is boukt-d olid for a series of concerts in the '.'nlted Slates and Canada up tr -.nd through the winter season of 940 Miss Brown has informed hoe •nannger Albert Muitni in New >'>/rk Dial she is especially aitxi«inii I ippear at collogea and imtltu- Inns in vn.-ious section# uf Ihe '‘■imiry to exclusive Negro ai’d- li-nces because often music lover* .lie denied that privilege when Jim Crow laws are In existence Community groiipa interested In presantirg one of the ‘tar* of " y and Res?" mi- ical opera for a .vorthy ause vvuuiU do well to enn- ■act Mr. Moiinl at ht« .ffiees: 11# W.*st .57th Striet. New York. N Y The fact that the erstwhile star if "Porgy and Bess" and the film "Rhapsody In Blue.” the ep'c on George OershwiiTs lift In whb'h 'ilm niakt-up men In the cinema capit'jl smudged up .Mis# Brawn’# vot'd-looks. wants tu play the ’solid South' i# a .slap-in-lhe- face to Sen ator Bilho who bus been shooting his n..>uin off in a very un-Am«r- ican manner FMdie Viiioon. the popular bines singrr with Cootie WU- llama Orcheiitra. will debut with his own ork early in Oct under Gale, Im-. management. Hawkins Opens Stage Door Eanteen ■f 1i, ll.!* chant whii Negro (■i-i-’in. To George Gu-ti.'-r. Un# wa- ii sccfd'-nt. 'I' -.. -lift all 111.I he w; •. he w.i- -•II "• .ri oI tti- nature and fuim >1 !■> nu teiial. Hr .-tn-nt h»Lii- tiavi-i- slng the sij-ei-t* f .V - n. c-mmun- Hles both in Dk N’ .th th*- !■ South in nn'i-r th.ii In-- hn-hly sen sitive cni.ld I.. ' .;iter|ir»i If the meloniuii.- - which emit from eveiydaj I-.'-u-. lif. Tli.'ii Insertion g:t^ i l.,: ii.u i, .i n.ivm iUld a zoxt um ..i..;,.- i. li i; c.-t -.-n'.. •-! classical V* >•!;; cl A flirlh. I .-’-j.tV'- of .lulhell- e' tlciiy in the \V;,i . f Im is « '• through til. l.,ci Gci hwi- music is rend* I: ! ‘i;. .u'i'’ v !. know the N--;- • murlc-1 ‘dimn ' Anne Bi-i'-.iii 1* i.‘- !:ci « xc*-|*;i ■1..1I ' voice to tin- uf "Siimm.-i - • time.” fri.m C'iiwTii's folk-'-pi'. .1 ’’Porgy .'ind Be Ha/el ScjH. '• queen of bouiM vy .1 ic, pL.y.s a medley of Gci-hwi.. •;;;.- ut Die piano. And, .1 jci vi .-.i-ly mentl"n- ed, Paul Whit- m..n . i.;i hi bu'id figures t! cougli-.i t (h*- (.ickIii tinn One need oidv to r«fei to White- man's fiiiiK-js recur-D -1 R'-’!t- In’ Chair ” featuring Mi>drj»rl to know frnni vvlieia-- cnnii of the insj);i'aii'in for hit siyl*' All In ail. th* picture "Rhaps.-- dy In niut" say with mu-ic whrd has often heen id through other medium* Ti-at 1 - iliut this c-'un- try of our:' is ''in of numy h. rita.’p.s. heartachc.s. md hu -- n me of Which are i.f ;hi- :.-c Ci hn- >;i ia.«- — but nil hiiviiig 111 ihu'.g in can- mon. They arc American M. 'h- ll hiffiii«n i( aIi'-iii Ii;iv- :• fii pnvie-A' jjijj ’ ; i- Ul w lx. k I’r.mcr for Whit**! ' F"lk.s " — Dial 1: i» a primer L»r th® ■’ idvunc 'll" w-h - need It still Ho- ' " I* -*i!* f i.’vi : " All '"'rt H'-rri', piaiii-'* plnvi-d the do* Iris. Mid .th-• pe-fnrmcr* - J'** conwrt at summei school* -f. i-'h ri-' Dil 11 reheiii'ing Benedict and Allen University. . , nd fl-m r. :n the fron» 'They had been pi-Mpuned oue to an con-'artist's left hand, . . •( rnmf .'riable airy, and ' Ncvvspic M.igazine will carry a irtory r.-hc-t's-il h'dl h*'’ Mrirvn l.ouis in Hollywood 'n n, , ' .'“-tlnd’i.n ih« rtage hnn-'h-Tr September issue... Louis n rebuilt and win- - - that the ! ^ -n buck Septemhsfr 8lh V .i-d- vv .n’t hav.-> *0 push It ”‘3 film. “Cnld.inia" t-lays the cir- w.rd an ! hr.*! ns In th- ' «ver the country - .. th. •- h.-n- v'-'*' rt It v ill m-V hv it«.->f. •-hctih ■!!> rniitroHfd The miisl- cl ..I-, who i:-'«d »'i fit (,n siiff-bnrk r-':iii-: -.nrl *-liim*‘'v tr^ to dlmh to I. ii te. i h>'ii th--v due for .i . • , • - ti .-It |» new chniix- ' -Y- H nnd «ti v i'«ed hv S*-hiffman •f ih: ' huDi .-•n the order » : chair with a wwive’ • ll. c ;.II‘VV the musicians In' • I *.;\v;i.i|, hnik'vnrd. sTrieway.-. • inv -' av exceot straight un •ri-. :.tkm-t;.lkie'' ■ v s’, m s-i sue- - f. (Iv used hv (he Armv for oral |i n of messin*'* nnd sle. • !. ir i-.-itii- tnen^rvornU’d In the . ..‘v . ■ ! sf.t-iin that Schiffman '• ■•’.••'alli'd in the dlo follow- . -j 'hi of vi!,.l m.iterlrils 3ailev hy th. WPR in \V..shingtin. inur h In f--1 tin- .Aixdln will be the ri’Iy ti in New Y rk City with vuch equlpm.-nt since It was the firi-l t*- t kc advanta-tf »f the re- 1 onvern u procram tiuit relased -i limited amount if such equipment for livihan u>t. I'l '-airs in the pr ijection booth, hi.iti.i n.-w jir-ji-ctiin mu’hir.e#, the hti-t on th.- market have beer. In- d..lle*l. thuv g-vlng Du- Apollo the ^ext Door” ®r ted shearer F.verytime an annuuncemeni is made that a new show is be ing cfl'4 the preKv agents get busy vvhh slnrle* about this or that star being "groomed" or "havins signed" for the lead. As soon as someone puckered hl.H or her lips and said that "Strange Fruit" was to he made Into a plaj and presented on Broadway — Ihe stories were rampant that Mary's little lamb or Little Miss Muffett would get the lead. Come now bos's. 2(ltli (eiitiirv Gabriel ■Searehes For Gabe Tbe Second BY LAURIE MACFIR By Broadway Columnist VOTED HIE BESTS 1.0 > .-Is Joliiiboii. cie..tor of the popular lullaby. "Baby Don't You Cry" and other OcLCa hitN i.- cor- unlly iippcaiiny -n « lunlled tour utider the cxcluavic management of ..uis hobol. p pillar columnist • N*-v. Yo.i; J0U111..I.. long With Die Hiar-I New gue;l one evening - u ll now ti ■rdir the Oi.U Ac.encj', Int Ruddy Johnson made a metoric rl*e in a number of Umadway hot spots, an extensive toiir of Kuro pean capitals and wiili ihe of eminent music critu-.', «•* :l At Barney Callant’s hi New York City, where Btiddy and Hi- Hand | completed a lotm eniuntenunt, , crowds were tunic*! away niKh;ly i and only the pressure of ndv-tnee! banking compelled him to end his puinilar lun there It wa- wiiih- play ing nt thi- vvell-kn.’vvn nii’ht-.ciKit NEW YORK 'IPS) — Has any- •Jii - seen a ‘ avvk’’ Honest, we're not kiddiir... Urgently wanted .tc biiyi 1# cne hiwk Uumc) accordiim to the bovs in Er?kine The Hawk) Hawkins' bam. The boys would -ery much like tu hear from u h:iwk owner. They tried the zoos nd the pet sliop?. but ll was strict- v "nothing doing.” Rw.son for th: r.inlic h'gh-and-lovv hunt for the >ng tailed bud of prey Is the bi* h-..-8' hlTihday and also the first Rr .idway appearance of toe Hawk- ' la' band a* the Strand Theatre in w York CMty. On such a mom entous double uccusion. the boy.- hi ghi soiuethitig ..huuld be don. ;> the way *if u gift — and since 'he band has no mascot — !•* — -hr - -.:rch for a hawk Any *f the jiveders who know ■f the whereabouts of a sw**.t k. plt jse conluc! Mr Han v Gi'litste.n. Manager Er‘kim' Hawk- t»s b.ind. care Strand Theatre, Now York City Mr. Goldstein, and the members • ' • '-in'-' crew. I . i.tee the hawk will live l lu- host of pli st. .-o.-iety. The bird will he chn.ii -i-d "Gabriel, the Sec'-nd" and will leave on an cn- (•‘iisive tour of the country after the current Strand engagement Diet, rest, exeicisc — everw con-, Will l:f given Die new ma.'*. t He 'or she) will be intro- ; duc«-d tn the most elamorous peo pic in !t1i * nl-rl ii’uncnt world . .nd will the boy ; believe, through ly enjoy his '.ir licr' new life .\ci'. .duig to V-’ 's Collegiate ' Di - fnalih!' a hawk has a long tad 'and long legs ami corn*-# in varie- tiis lik ••Buz?:urd?, Kitis. and Sharji-Shinned Hawks." Hawkins’ bandsmen say the ‘harp-shinned hawk sounds like what they’re af ter. ... he's already be hipped / ti the Jive Don't let this urgent' .pi'a go unanswered! Caldonia! j jCaldcn.a! Has anyone got a hawk? ' Stage F(‘i- .Action Group Doing A RemarKa- ble Jnb ; NEW YORK 'IPSi — Stnae For ; Action anm-unevs (ha*, with it.*! per- fo’immce on Tutsduy next beforr tile Midiown Community Center the pl-'v. "The Man With the Three- 'Cornered •Attitude’" by Peter Mm- ! tin. will reach its 50th performance. ■ This play has been part of Stage For Action repertory for the pj"t six months and is coticemcri with (lie pr blem of Reernvorsion. post War Employment and Inti mation- 111 Unity. -A-s with all Rt«BC For Ac Hon pl.iys. Du- material contained within is continually being revised 0 ;.s to iH‘ up-to-th.-minute topi cally During this pniod it has b'-cn -con 1 y some 20.000 people ir '• p rive '.or.m .hs Perf. rmnnee- l:iv bv-en ■•('•'r' in .\rmv Camps, ILSO Ci'oters. lUM.SW.A in Camden. N J.. Unitt-vl Sterlworki*; '1 IU.lhlch..m, Pa. fU numerous PT.A m"*-tings and many eommun'- ty n.tllie.v ' a'l week v.hi-n it v;i-' pr.-^cnled i-foro a meeting of Steelworkers 111 ncDilelu-m. Pa., for Philip Mji- ray D:iy. one of it? n. st itilei.-tefi n \. -I- Philip Muirav. Pres ident of the National CIO. w!. 1 . i ro much interest in the i>or- 'ormance that a late;' ronference i> biirg held in disco?, means by which a cl'ser n-latiomldp bclvve-n 'he NHlion.d CIO an 1 .Stage F-.r .Action might be effected Stage For Action also hn? in it • ’■*'|iert 'v. "Deci'inn.” an expose uf 'he wt'kim?! of na’ive farrisrr. by ' dward Chn'-lnrov; "Skm Pri e play that eo-':tarr*‘d E!nid Rap- hru-l. an imiinrtant r .nlrilniti*'n to the camj.'ii .11 arain-t race *Hscrim- ir atoiii: and r.’adv '*0. n our lOl'i vei.-iii n .if “J.H' M.-GInnacul." .• Dmely, t'.pical 1* vue. V - - ROI.STFHS STAFF N'-'V YORK ilP.S. -- I.auiU' Macfie w'hn joined up with Ilm O'dt’D iidciil Pre- Si-r*-!*'*' on July ha- iipon nr.imotpd t - the post of associate editor and automatical Iv become# assisVtnl to Ted Yates. edUor-in-chiof. it was announced Si.'biirs popular and widely-r.ud oluinn had this tu #u> u few day# altr- .... We run across .1 new ftar In the m.ikinB. “Velucity" Johnson;. He wrung melodie-, iicw and ,.ld out uf a tiny bat- uud pfano Hi.-i pl.iylng will make you weep with ei-si.itiu apprceintion." Buddy IS u popular pianist nnd he plays and situ* hi> big hit numbers. •That's The Stuff You f»otl;i Wateb" and "B .by, rion’l Y*ui Cry” along with o’her favorite? which he ha.s origin.itr-d .and re- •• 'idtii for Decca. such .a.;: ?.1r. John.son." "Slop Pretending'' ami •'Let's B*'r.! Out Some I. .v* ." Th.fc the tunc.« that kyrock- eted him to fame, Hiram Johnson, Rudiiy’.s brother, by the way, is one of ihe nation's lending promoters. He h is succes;- tuHy biioked "named bands” in every key city along Ihe Atlantic •onstl'ne. On Labor D iy, Hiram has -ecurrd Camden. Now Jersey's Con vention Hall f ,r 11 dance de luxe with, of cuurse. Buddy Johnson’s Orchestra as the ntlryction. P- .S Now i« the stuff you really gotta watch! tan topics -NLW YORK i!i LJii.i Mae Huiri% glnjnoro' 1 ri“ Brown and exotic bt.iye May la of guud-loukets — are Tropical Tan Trio, ac- ■u a letter received by ' .V M..cfio. a??ociate editor of Independent Pres? Service. A dtlugc of mail Irom GI guys 'tall* n*-d in the South Pacific have voted iliese three beauli.s not only lh. ir favniite pin-ups but as the most talented of the young singing ‘tars in shi.vv biz "What I w.nild lik>- to see now l.s for Du'se girks to get a few thou- -tand photo# made uo and auto- .nh them. Y*-#. th«‘y might well pick up their Tun mail at our office I' cati-O ill 48 West 48th Street In this city," Miss Macfie continued, "we are .still getting requests for Jean Park- phot is which have long since been discontinued due to the i:ict tiiat Mi.'is Parks retired from th« stage nnd broke up her nll- ul . 1, Ot cuur.Ke Ihe boys in the lined forees don't know it, but it’s .“omo job I'vcn to get the girls to send us picture#. Unpatriotic. I call it " SIGNS NEW DRtTHMER Buddy Johnson laift week signed Harold .Austin formerly with Cecil Seolt's Orchestra (o a Innx term eontraet. .-Austin re places Gi-nrge Jrnklns who rot a pink sl'p. • By CHARLES ALLEN riv Cr.' r-l-M Mils Macfie. a brllhnnt feature writer will perform dl#'- editor. Tab Smith {above) is a sensation with his ork, a combination of eight mueicians at New York’s Savoy Ballroom where also another greet maestro (Tiny Bradshaw) Is swingin’ out nightly. Tab who hails from Kingston, N. C. started music at the errly age of 14 and comes from a musical family. You will soon be dancing to the tunes of this talented artist and his ''jump'’ musicians who are on the pbeat with the downbeat. Petite Bett}. Mays is an added attraction in the vocai deoartmenL -V.. Eddie A’inoon. the popular blur* singer with Coutie WU- ^ ItsinK Orrhestni, will debal with hix uwn ork esriy In Oel under Gale, in*-, managevient. Hawkins Opens Stage D*H)r (!anteen NEW YOHK .IPS) - Er-lkll» Hawkins and hi# bund cuiTeiitiy Ducking '.hem in ul the Strand Tl.eatie, literally and musically gdve out with '‘swing " opening iho g.^tes of the new. teenporarv loca tion of the Stage Door Canteen, in the Hiiicl Diplomat on W. 43rd St. When the first GIs i nd their h'*;- tessc.s marched thru the portal# Jf the boy.n' new cnlo-tainirient haven. Hawk and hi? crew played the maestro's latest Jivt- specialty. , "Swinging n the Stage Door." com posed ill honor of the occasion "Yesterday luui 1 was on the wrong lute: inly ot find YOUR LOCAL STATION —1240 KC— WRAL Features.. - Good Music Morning—Noon ■"' Night MORNINGS TEMPUS FUGIT 7:00 to 9:00 MAIL BAG 11:00 NOONS QUEEN FOR A DAY 2:30 SUPERMAN 5:15 HOUSE of MYSTERY to TOM MIX 8:00 NITES FULTON LEWIS . . . . 7:00 NEWS of RALEIGH .. 7:15 GABRIEL HEATER . . 9:00 Yep.... You 7/ Agree THERE’S GOOD LISTENIN’ Morning—Noon—Night “"WRAG .YOUR LOCAL STATION Member Tobsecu -N'etwork

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