FACE TWO THE CAROLINIAN Raleigh Personals Aotivitips At Blood- «ortli Street LSO (iliil) HV A'lA'lAN MrLENDUN Mr W.IhrrI H son ol ..lid Mr.- W. U Uci.Htnt h;H tf. w., h:ii^,uin. IJ C. iiftei '1 itiiii. with 111- tHiniiy .iiuJ f, icntiF jii the city. MoMcnn 2-C Kviiit* DpI.niiic oi • hr S N.tvy. i-- in Ihcvisiinnf •hr t' s N’iivy la ptnciintt lti» finlouKh in the city with iiis f.im- ■b Irit'iids. Ml's Maty K Cliirkr of 710 IdU- wild A\f ha.s rpujiiicri to luc ciii Rflor \ HCiitioniin; in Pctff.sbuTti. \^l Hnd W.oliii.Ktoii, IJ C S-Sfjt Clari'lico Holmes vuIli.iii "f the Fiifopi'iin tht'iiici' of w.if i.* vi i’iiu; hjs wife, Mi's Lilli. Wilson lloinu-s of A07 Tiick. r St Mrs. Caiheriiip fliirt has letin-ned tn the vily after vacationing ii. Chp'^trr. Pa where sh • visited her htishand. Mr. Ciareiice nurt, form- erly of this city. 'Mi- Fred W nth ..f E W.-rih St and children. Silv.r and Fr.inK and ilr and Mts Gtm-ye Worth have returned to the city after \'ls- din,; for several days in Now York Cli.v, Chester. Pa. and Ballimnr Md Ml 7.. N .lone."' of TL’Si S Blount CIlAVrs HI'IGHT.S BY A.V.\ f» MORGAN Master Capes H.dl, Jr of .i Hyde Terrace celebrated his second birth day recently. Mrs H. Uilliam.s of M Smith Plaza has been sick for several days. Lillie .Miss Annie Loui.se Davis ' f 8 Smith Plaza has been ill for .'•rvetal days and her many fri«*n.L bojie that .she will soon be well. Mrs. William Brooks of a Chavis W{iy was called to tne bed of her father. My GiUi of Garner. •N. C. Mr Earnest Robin.-on of lO Smith PIhz.i has relumed to his home after beitu; in St. Ajities hospital fnr several days. Mre Ro.-ia .Mae Butlir and •''y. Jr have returned to the city • ftiT vi-iiint; with fflativcs and friends in Washinuton. D C. )tr-- .Mildred Parker of Smith Plaza has returned home after at- irndinc a dinner parly honorint Mr*' Dolly M Trevan. bride elect. The Prayer Band met at the home f Mi> Fftie Dailv. 21 Smith Plaza nn Monday niyht. Mr ,-ind .Mrs, M. Watkins of 6 Irpfietl Terruce had a., tlieir ijupst over the wtH-k-eiid their dautthlcr. rrc rilla Mae of Wii.sliington, U. C Mr. and Mrs. Luke Th. tnas of 11 Irerti-ll Terrace hud several of their relatives piic.st ..ver the week-end RALLIGH — A larcc .ind .St, was host to the Booker T Wash- Ihusias'ic itroup of .'ervicimea inttton Club nn Sunday, Septi-mber CISO's participated durinu the w 2.J Special ;uest: .Mr. Cleophcr end. (Slav of .New A’ok City who made a short talk. The next m-.etina The .-pici..l ti.itun- on the will be at the home of Mrs. Joe nisnt promam ' K.i rtu> Sunday, Octobe: .21 S Haywood St. 7th icK l.e-n ol ihi- Soldiers, sailors, and marines of Mr Cleopha Gray of New Yo-k tty i- home visiiiny his wife, Mrs Gray of 417 Cannon St. Bryant of 1001 Girls Service Oruiini4.itlon t-njoy “d the uutdoji- acti\ity .After tiu welner roast, the crouo returned i- the louDce and paitieipoleO in Mrs Soplu.. Bryant of 1001 S ^'incintf, pniK ponn. .sinnin;'. ..nJ . . r- n St. has returned home after bow-Iir.rf. In charge of the Saliirdui- vi.-nintj her .sister, Mr.- G. Wilson "‘G'ht proi>iam was .i coinmm. ..f Norfolk. V|i. GSOs eon pi'sed, of li,. prt.«idcnt. Miss Laura Brown, Mi,-- .Mis Aniju O'Kclley was host- -’^•'tchell. chai:m..n if th.- -.s to ihi- .Auxiliary Board of Trus- eomnuttec fur arrar.gvment.s, Mis.-v. lee.s of Si. Paul's AME Church on M^'raarei Leach and Catbeliiin Wednesday alleniuun al her home Yc/ung. The Sunday inonutu- bie.ikt. Two delicic inor and ftllowsbiup hour was atimd ' bv a large number of service ir.eii. In addition to the reiiul;) b.i.ikfasi. cuftei- and doimhinits ar. Ilirnishcd through co.irle-y of th. ICC..I chapter of.the N-NACP. ^ ' Boy V Scout News ^ I Boy }^sr\ Scout News BY . F. NEWKLl cuuisvs serv- l ;.lis .M.iiT.iv Lijjhlnei wa- guest -I till club Th.ise picsent: Mi.ss ILichel McCauley. .Mesdumc.s Eltu ■fibbs. Rosake Luni4,'21iza Duvi.s, \urelia Brown. Cluirlc.-" Haywcori, Teneva Williams, Ida Reid, Lacy ■liorion, Lflit- Journer, Audny Sutulay nieht a Jreeni. Minnie Whiting and Rev ’r Woman' was .d Ml.- C C Scott, The next lyaudiencL.or.se iii-c line, will be at the home of ;,r,d vi.-ilors, Its Geneva Williams. Among rei-enl visitors to the clu. oiiduels Siiers«ful Rally "-'0* Mr. J W Jo.vner, forn .. -i.i! The Kayeitevilk- Street Baptist "''mbei of the Bkioilworth Strec hiirch rui.-ed S3.2.A3.4b m a rally l-’SO Club. Sunday, Si ptcm.Ler 23. Th.3 movie "That Oiii •hown to n capiici vici-men. hostessc- SATURDAY, SFPTEMa^ 29, I94S DR. WALKER TO BE A?! “li' ST. PAILSINDAY 1944-4.') as compar«tf «lth 26,370,-> 000 the year bef.-ire ^nd » five-year I averaRP of 30,99.^.000 bales. RALEIGH -- At 11 a. m. Sunday, SiptembFr JUlh, Dr. 1). Ormonde Walker of Bethel AME Church. HuffnUi, N A', ex-pastor of St Paul Church and former President of Wilberforce University, widely kn.vwn speaker of force and pow er. will be the speaker at St. Paul AME Chinch. The pastor, Rev. C. C. Scett an ti-unces that at this time The An nual Fall Revival will begin and last for one week. The Kcv. A. M. Jones of High Point, an evangelist of note is to be the speaker fur these services from Monday night throughout. The public is invited to al] these .'crvices. nuTinl enabhd them ' four yeai !:()\tesF('IT)ses ISITH (;RAM) AEEAIR nav off a '’''••''•"r '-f ih. bt of S.A.OOO tbat was scheduled f’^9, j K 0 clock All members are urued to attend. Ricliunl B. Hurrlsdii Bejiins School Term , SEL.MA, N C. Sep- 2» • Hic-n- ard B Harri.-on .Nchool opened here List week under very favorabh condition.-, for a banner yca.'.. •v.irk. il wa- indica'crt by .M 1. Wilson, principal of the .school Tc.nchine staff increased to twin tv-five with the gain of one in- btruclor this year, and the student bidy is expected to appreciably increase, although there are no ex act figures nvnilable -.1 ihi.-- time N.imc"- of the teachers al the school follow- Mr..-. Winnie M Lac • well, Mrs. Callie O Siler. Mis. BcalrU-e C Fireman. Mis.- Naomi D. Watson, Mr.- Priscilla J Baik v. .Mrs Mildred W Wi' on. Miss M F B 11 Mr.s Kmesiinc A. Colev, "■ K-ii.-v r, Garls/Ie.i. Mis- Ruby E. Peacock, Miss Dorothy F.llu.tt, Mrs, Callie .A Rich.ird.'on, Mr.s El-'uise H Sherrod, Mis- Thelga ‘^'-.M-leit.. Mr-. Flora B Holt, ML« Cora M. .McKoy. Mrs. R.nrhel H Dean. Miss HiTcti A Morris ;n, Mi- - . J^j1l s.ii... Eugenia T. John son. Mi.ss D. R. Walk-.T. Mrs Eliz abeth K. Hawkins, Mrs. Bi-ttie J. Arri'ioi 'tv Carl L Ea.s’erling, M. !. Wilson. Principal. he (eared he audience might nut , think the sum wurthwnile, hi her-i- tated and then said, ‘ rhe Chairir.u:. of the Scaich Commitlt ihrougi'- Te ..ffori of •hc.-c lovely young ladies and friends of ti'e cause beg to aubment the building fund by iiti- addition of the norein staled aniijiiu. One Th.iusaiul iiineiy-ihrce dollars." RALEIGH - - An apology Our xpielani friend.s will paid ni the • lay of this wriieiip concerning he enjoyable s./cial -ir en Tut.-day ighi .f last week Conditions ovi'i huh we had no control trade il .n|)os-ibk- t.i keejt our iiromise ence it appears a week later. -.11 e.vpressnii of appreciation anri latitude froc lh»- City-Wide Se.iieh oininitiie is i-eri.itr.ly in order, so; Kind friends of St Ambrosi, noth I ai.d .»ul of the ci-y. we extend ) you our hcaiTfclt thanks for yuar ind and loyal support of our pro- H-t The Search fm the l.arly with the most Lovable Disposition, It h .s -een quite ardi-jus and exciting oin th» vt ry beginning and tlie .een interc.st thta the public ha.- raiiifcstcd in the Search has been iitensily Rn.tifyirig tc us The . limax wa.e re tched Tuesday veiling at the Co'.unade when ihi inal decision was announced that Ldi-igh bi asl.s not only one but liny individuals po.->csstng won- t'lful cbaracferi.'tU's the type e have prevjou.-ly described Thi- ' ing true the judgi-s decided to .I'oup the winners for first, second id third prizes. The program c-ansisled chiefly of most cordia> and hearty welcome turn the rector. Rev J Howard hompson A beseeching yet stir- ing addrcs.s to the young, by Dr. J. ' Plumrr.er warning them of the 'f.ills lliat rob us of -lur manhood d w.imanhiMKi. The eh.iirman .md inistress ol . ren otiies extolled the merits and iiTut’s of a Lovable Ui.-position htpieinbii ' lo.ii d twenty- I three in-w .-ludi'iii ni.rses enter- i. ing thu porlJils of Srlnt A^d«i> I •School of Nur'iiig. The -t^r.lent* j haikd from five different states. ! North r.nrolina. St^uFr Car ilin.i. Virginia, and Panama Canal Z 'nc. The Orir-ntation period exienn- ed through lljp Iveok of Septr-n.- tpv 1-8. .Sortie of tho blghli.’hts Rev. 0. Orman'! Walker To Speak At l'',lk.-' An- niier.sai'N Seniee H.-'.I.KKiH Fi-ifii-.j of EJk.- .No. 277. 1- l.itiii.ate to h...c •s till |. in.'ij) •! pc, !:(r for th- .r ;?:.ih aimivei ar;. - -. ir- -S mo. y. kVpi Miller 3IIII1. '.he IJev D. Ol- n .md Walker, pastor of Bethel .A -M. !•• (Tuireh .f B.ff.ito, N Y Wert; a tour throo.-h the i ity via-hns. an addii-; c.v I'lot. t. H McCleruiy, D.reieoi ul Elducalmn U ,Saiti; fiMige and t-in- to till- Lincoln and Amhas- fadoi- Theaiie, Mi- L L. Ed- wai.is. Adn.r.ii'.i. Clerk .>f 5;,ini •Ague. 11" piial. giiv .iii inspiring '.ill' E'riri.r, night. .> social ws -tud.ll' .ic^iug hosi C-.ni; run • U.S(i of .soldi." ei very u al'O .«prnf ; , :1'." -oli'iii ■ ii'f \ I'v : ilm'ila:i I'l i..y M;: Li..y F June.-. Sup- ' rvi ol of II me Eaoii .inic- ii. th" St.ae f.f North C-Tollna Tie It W, I if bl. Paul A.ME Cburcb. havaig utne R.i!' ..;t. a. a yi-ung p:.-.ica- or. he succe-fully ;a.-toi'>'il this church Old wa.' ,eli\e ii. civic -.ml c'f rnnnifity pro,*c!: .-Among hi.-: many w-rrhy lamtr hulj.ais in ;ho eomniimity, was th'- or'-Mio/.iti-.n of th«- fii.-:t iTiar'eteri .N* -- . S'o’' Tri'Op m the Soufti While hi-n he fui'heic-d ids Irainln" by attending Uii.v.T.-iiy ;ind i>rgaiiized reh- tious 11; i-hrr-lrauun.. '.r.'iips'. He ei'ined an eiiviahie rrpuliilion as a foii'f ful s'p.-aker ind many forums .-uuf'hl him .'s an orator. •After leaviii;; Raleigh, Rev, Walk- 1 '.-tir-.l the laeg.-rt rhurrh' the AME connection in Pcnsylvimia, Ohi • .-ltd New York. He a!.-> . e ve ' as jir.-'ident of Wilbei forci' Uni versity for a number of years. In lue-entin;; the Rf I) Orrr.and W; Iker. Fi ielilj l.odi'c- brings to Rail :’I. ,1 foimi'i- ciii/eii, a i-i n- miauly .md eivi l"aL r ;.l,-o a foreefiil and fearless speaker t'l; .vh.v M.iggii' K Eilio'; reeeivi-d ' • 'ir -f Arts Mgree In E.Umer.- lary Ealucation from the Uidver- -iiy of Mulligan, Klloiii'; fuliiie pkiii.s are to COIllilUie til -tudv .4he i-i n week wa.-- com hided with a very ifal.-. -upper .Snturda..' evening. Th •tuuen;- arc as follows: Margaret Lattimore. Hamp ton. Va; Surah Smith. Warsaw; Label Cameron. Erwin; Jose- piiine Mitchell. Margar.'t Cle- TTiints’, Durham; Heilie Williams. E'retnon’. Ethel Ander.-on. Cristo bal. Can.'il 2>ne; Daisy Carvnin, Ruth Grfiy.-on. Denmark. S C. Chaiiiy Nix n. Castle Hayni'; Jiwet .'v'.ii'.back, Tliclnia Stan- . k, V,.,''.-.ille; Menntc Liliv, n -r'kingh ini; l.ue 'De.in Campbell, Cl ikton. Ara Gill. F.'izabethfown Lucille R’"'gir.s. Spartanburg. S. C'.; Ophelia Bethea, Durham: Lot- lie Moore, Trenton; Ethel Daw- G‘-i.i»boi-o: Lillie Baker, Pactolus; C-iitheritU' Arrington, Raky Mount: Alice Brewington. vituvll’e. .ind .Annette Byrd Houston, Texas. NEGRO DOLLS Every home should have s Colored Doll. We offer in this sale two na.sliy numbers. With hair, moving eyes, shoes. stoeklngB. nicely dressed. PRICF. $4.98 and $6.59 If C.O.D. postage extra.—Dealers-. Agent.s W'anled AVrite NATION AL CO. 254 We'd 13Sth St.. New York. 30 FOR TASTY FRIED CHICKEN COME TO MORGAN’S Tea Room 7HICKEN SHACK Half Chicken or « A Chicken Sandwich BEER SOFT DRINKS Comer Croaa and Lake St. CA R TER Electric Company Anything Electrical 3 East Lenior St. Dial 20841 PAINT - PAINT 1.49 Gal. 12 years of satiafaelloa. All Colors—Stsizu and Emmsla. Mail Orders Rremidly Filled Railroad Salvage Co. 329 South Wilmington Si HOME-COOKED FOODS •And what s meal It wtll be-i- seasoned exactly right, and ev ery dish boastlnc a real bomO' cooked flavor. B & H CAFE 411 8. BLOUNT 8T. Royal Prl.-Sat. James Cagney—In •OKLAHOMA KJD ’ —Also— Joitn Parker—In ADV. OF KITTY O’DAY* Sun.-Mon. Jack Randall—In • STARS OVER ARIZONA” Tues.-Wed. Edw’ard G. Robinson—In "WOMAN IN THE WINDOW” Thursday BARGAIN DAY —Double Feature—r CAPITAL COCA-COLA ItOTTLlNG CO. 51.5 W. Morgan .St. Ambassador LINOHAI Kanfosd Seouts Hold Coeri ef Honor The Lee Counly-Sanford Boy Scout Court uf Honor wa.s held on Wedciisday night of September 20 Merit Radges were aw.irdcd In cyc ling to Troy MiKire. Je-w-sc McLeod. Winiam Marsh, and James Hooker; ill lir.'-l aid ku Ti-.fy Moore. Je: McL'od and James Honker; in eiu Ing to James Huoktr, Willi; Mi-fj-h. Troy Moore wa.s .idvanced to the rank of Star Seoul. Earle Smuts At the .September Uoiir! .f Hon or Western Butler of Troop .52. R:i leigh. t«mpl“ti.Ll all n-quiienuiitf for the coveted Eagle Scout rani and Will be awarded this rank the October Court of Honor. Calvii Hubbard of Troop 33 -'f Durhaiv coffjjileied al liequiremenls for tin Eagle Rank and will be awarded fame .11 the Oelober Court of Hon or 'in Durham. Scout Butler if now .1 Fcnior at the Washingti.n Hijrti School. ILileigh and Scout Cal vin Hubbard is a student at Hamp- t.'in Institute. The Engle Rank i> the hcighesl rank in Souting The.si two Scouts are the third and fourth Sfout.s in ihe l;i-:t twelve months li- he iiWHided this rank. New Scout Troop -Xt Fiiqiuy Springs A new Boy Scout Troop was reg- istored Ihe past week in th«- office of the Occonneech.e Council will', the. Fuquay Springs .Negro Hi^h .School as the .-punsoring institu tion. Members of the Troop Com mittee arc; L. M Burton, Dr J B. Pavi-t. and J. S Davis. Halifurd Judd m the Scoutmaster of this new unit. This brings the total t ten' new Scout Troops organized , second Wilson. Principal, forums foughi him lo ;in orator. .After leaving Raleigh, Rev. Walk- the !i"-g SI church' .roup the winners for firf id third prizes. The program c-inslsled chiefly ol w. • •hompson. A beseeching yet stir- taied and then said. The Chairnr.i ing addre« to the young, by Dr. J. of the Seuich Conirnittt- i„a them of the ■*-i- effort of these lovely . - - itfalls that rob us of our manhood ladies and ot^ li’e cause beg In pri" Ohi ’ and New York, 'rie also ferve through' as pre-ldent of VA’iDieiftircc Uni- ■prumn-.,T .■..nins ,h... of .he '■7f,fr..'”nUn,7he'’Ro.,°V'o™,-.nd H «.• ,m-mhn)d to aubnu-nt the bulldlug fund by uw Walker, Fi'ieiitj I.i^gc brings o ■?hr.h;;:™Lo »„. mi,.,.., ... .-.dhlon o. .h, nere.„ Ro e,.. . o,™.- e, to,,. ., e.nf- .rerronies extolled the merits and anuant. One Thausund iiln.ty-tliree munity .md civk .'Irtufs of a Lovable Disposition dollars." lid encourngeri those lacking to You can imagine the applau; ..itu.of,, .,»« «inro it strenethens l.vcry one was astounded and su. loth character and personality and prised. Little did they dream r.f noir .Street nt 3:30 PJt.. ’Scnck"' Z 'rf mi ‘“Afu^rSnks .nd ,kOre .h„nks Of th,. 20,000,000 or morn blj- til smiking exisienve mere agree- from the rector, the evening was'fnloes that once roamed o\tr the hk 'To. fo^oke^ ,.pe„ t.. .-„ci„lh.lng ,„d, for w,.st, oolv a tc-w .o.h,m toth. :hcr.. merriment. Then followed remarks concern "e beg tmn- and .space heie to iiig how the votes were rated. Mr. metition with appreciation the en- I H Roberts and Mrs Gertrude couragin gnnd c.mrtcous assistancc- iirt-s awardcLl the prizes amid cournging and courteous assistance ilie cheers and .ipplauscs of th" especially Messrs. Jervay and Uidteiice Swain who not only gave the City* The Conlest.mis Skuted on the Wide Sc;irch fitting publicity, but '.lae .ill g'Wnod m evening attire .il>o gave vot'- in geiifrous amoutits made a .-irikmg picture while they U) our conte.stants. .-Again we thank 'he genetlcmcn r the Elite Soeial Club for tin lie of the beautiful Coloiiade II as a treat to gather there Lastly, but of great Importnnci e thank the ladies for parttclpai- ii! in this contest helping there ■ ■ St, and forceful and fearless speaker. The >er\ ice is to be held in the Cri"hv-Giirfield Scho.il on Fast L' For P*r«oT)filjx«d Hand Lauadrv PhonF 4100 MODERN Hand Laxindrv 411 Ob«rUB Read WkM Mir- M.iggu- E, Ellio't rccfivi-d ' istfr .{ Arts gree In E.Kmen- tary Education from the Univer- ."lly of Michigan. Mi Elll.iitt'N futuie plans arc to continue to study. She is a gramm.ir grade teacher in the Croshy-Garfiejd Scheol of this city. CLASSIFIED AN INSTKECTEIl and manager is needed at Starks Beauty Col- ege. .-Any graduate fruni this school of two or more years experience may apply tirtte Marks Keauty t'ollege, Raleigh, N. C. IF A'Ol" are lonely, write Box 32. ( larklon. Wash., Send stamp slciii'd graii.'usl to the bouquet* hrown them conevrniti’i their vir- lies, thiir Imline.ss and the meri-! Diloui. work they had accomplish- i^cordvd - te fOUUW!-. The first piiz.f group -jf lour . - ... having "locunid the highest num-' by to make possible the new her of votes Ambrose. We icon truly say of Mi- rathciiiie Young of the them that they really do measure I'lfsbylcrian Church, won an All ' ihr- formular here to for 'Mi-io' Vaiiii.v Set. Miss Mlriatr stated of the Most Lovable Dispo.M- Horton of the First B.iptisl Church tion: for they do possess, won .1 of Twin Crystal Boudoir A rh-rry maimer and winning Lamps; Mis.-* Melba Boykin rf '.At | smile Ambrose won a Rhinestone Nec'it- | And kmdiv ■ ice now popul.irly called a chock* I worthwhile. r. '!is.s Gwendolyn l.lRon also of. They're thoughtful St Ambrose, a Double Stilng of fas- ;i:;iling UtaiH E’or the hecund pn ,j group of three ■O'-*’.A I attract /iiieniion f / Invite Popuhrlly andRomane, . '""S word to make others ■ord and deed Unselfi.sh love is the ‘need there was' That formed disposill. ns rare ti, ..inner.-;, luimelv: ^ find. die Griswold of the First , We perused with earn md bore in Hapii.-l Chureh rie.-lvet a rare and i rrlnH ^ a unique Silver Extension Brai elei; I Trnll.s of t haracter herein defined >ii.- G. rtha Devane of St. Ambrose. I Patient, faithful, kind and true a Gold Cross :md Chain of chain.mg '.A loving service they found to do -ize- Nile's Norma Wall of St. Am-'Thev. so endowed were He-iven ',ro-e iiii Orientid Gold pendant i Sent Necklace ' them, wu.'s our .nLssioii The third prize, to a group ol • bent four- Little Mi.ss G.raldim- Ham.-: Yours f :• a good cause, gratefully, ,.f E-ayeltevllle Street Baptist,The Chairman. .... Council in the Negro Division ! Church won a Leiithe*" Note Book, i in 1945. j IMioil and Paper filled, leady foi , Ralelgh-Wake County U.-hool; Mrs. Martha Constant of Court Of Honor Presbyterian Church. A Deviled The Raleich-W:ike County Boy i F.gg-Cry.stal Luncheon Set withi PRAYER I of prayer. ' Have you o problem" Are you un- day, September 2.5lli. The foilowing i odist Church. A Pearl Chneker " vou'^txmr'lie dtb* ^?{ave'*ynu Merit B„dkc, t.-orr owted.-d, homo *„r to n.okh. .J;: y.,t,7o,,el/“ repairs to Ceola Green, life sav-i Miss Elsie Howell ol rust Hap ,.-k,w.iolri v..ii like to ing to Western Butler, camping to.'it Church, Silver sucee^ at d Roland Watt.s. James Wallace, e.ii- Set with Ear Rings to match. ^ pentry and painting. ;,11 of Troop Congratulate the winners!! ' .32. James Miller of Troop .57. pion- Voles were scored as follows: coring and life saving- J C. Lyons Misses Melba Boyktn.s 23.000; of Troop 104 P;ithfinding antF art.; Gwt.ndolvn Ligon 21.685; Catherine Archie Terry of Apex, Troop 121 Young 16,010; Lucille Griswold 13- hiking, 907; Miriam Horton 15.999; Gcrtha North Carolina Scouters Conferencf DeVane 12,438; Norma Wall 10.8.5(1: The North Carolina Scouters Elsie Howell 4,490; Geraldine Hat • Cakference now beimi held at rls 3.898; Martha Constant 3.800 and Johnson C. .Smith University. Char Geraldine Turner 3.800 lottfi. is YVt’ll represented by the Hats off to the Luck.v Ones! Occoneechee Council; those attend- Next following, Mr. A T White, ing* from the Occonee'-hce Council treasurer of the St. Ambrose Build- incrude G. F Newell, Council Field Ing Fund was called upon to give Executive; J W Eaton. Leadership Hie financial out come of the con- Ti.Xiini' Ch.iiiuuin- Fatli.r J H l.-st project He -.lowly drew from TbonipKim. Ri-\ St U.iul Etips, .md hi . pocket check rejiiing slow • E. Jones ly md rotber reluctunlly as tho Have You Tirci!, Acliing Bacii ? Lot a SPENCER • Relieve back-.strain and lessen your fatigue! Phone 2-3116 MRS. MAUDE Z. SMITH 518 E. Worth St. CAPITAL COC.A-COLA BOTTLINtl CO. 515 W. Morgan 8t. Ambassador ILlMCiMLM Now Playing "ALONG CAME YOUNG" wiMi Cary Cooper—Loretta Young Sun.—Mon.—Tues. "YOU CAME ALONG" Starring Robert Cummings—Lizabelh Scott Wed.—Thurs.—Fri.—Sat. "GUEST WIFE" V. h Claudette Colbert —Don Amcchc SUN., MON., TUES. SEPT. 30 . OCT. 1-2 WE CARRY A FULL LINK OF BEAUTY and BARBER Write For Price Lists We Ship Anywhere KLAREX Beauty Products Co. 1730 FULTON S3 RECT Brooklyn, (13). New York VAY AL aX At IlHTY, GAS. .AFTER OVER-I.N Dll.GENCE IN EATING OR DRINKING. T.AKF. DELICI OUS. DEPENDABLE CONSTIPATION EFFERA'ESCENT POAA'DERS The care oJ y.jur health should form your most important duty. The ) worse enemy of your general good ■ htiilth is the waste natter that I ferments in your inte.siines. Clean j vour inlesiines and vou will ex- I mrience the gentrul good health : ..nd the joy of living. For internal ! cleanliness, however, do not entrust ‘ your 'ielicare digestive organism to any ordinary product. Be choosy -lake delicious. effei:tlvc VAVA- LAX IN ECONOMY BOTTLES Sl.(K sent anywhere—SAVE C.O.D Ch.nigps- .Send money with order to; VAYA PRODUCTS. Dept. 37 !42 East 4Ist Kt. New A’ork 17 AGENTS WANTED If you have any of th- above prob lems or others like them here is good' new.s for you. The New Glory way of prayer is helping other men and women to unfold Joys and Happiness Whethe:' you have .ilways believi-d in orayer or not oiir new way of prayer may biiii: l.uik mid Proi-perily Iti you mnl miickiy l.'o. So. If you have a prob li-m don't wait .mother minute, jus' send your name ani iiddress and a 3 cent stamp for full information about our New Way of Prayer Mil NEW GI.ORV EEI l.im'SlIlP t'.O. Box y$8, Bfidteport. ('otui. A Lifetime in Flame* Why fake chances on burning up a lifetime's effort in a single terrifying hour when il'» so simple and inexpensive to pro tect yourself against any possi ble mishap. Your home and family can be absolutely pro tected from ANY disaster at but a few pennies a day. We'H show you how. SEE YOUR LOCAL AGENT BANKERS FIRE INS. CO. DURHAM. N. C. The Raleigh Funeral Home Ambulance /ervice 310 East Davie Street GIVES EVERY CASE PERSONAL SUPERVISION BY: Trained Attendants in the recently completely overhauled Ambulance, equipped with fan, basin, running hot and cold water, basainet, mirror, electric light and heater; comfortable cot. Available at alt hours by Dialing 2-2835 r. A. HAYWOOD. Owu*r “Girls On Probation” Starring BORIS KARLOFF — LON CHANEY With John Carrtidine — J. Carrol Naiah Oddity “IMMORTAL BLACKSMITH" "HOME MAID" Specialty MUSICAL METROTONE NEWS WED. and THUR. OCT. 3-4 9f “House of Frankenstein TAUAILAH BANKHEAD— CHARLES COBURN ANNE BAXTER — WILIIAM ?:YTHE With Vincent Pneo—Mischa Auer—Sig Human Specialty “MY TOMATO" NEWS “Shadows of Chinatown" Chapter 3 T T FRI. andSAT. (Double Feature) OCT. 5-6 KEN MAYNARD—In I” “A Royal Scandal and ‘Flaming Lead Featuring RONALD REGAN “JUNGLE QUEEN" Chapter 2