t : r.ic:!. TUOIERS iSh ★ ★★★** ★★★★★★ ★ ★★*★★★★+★■* ★★★ GHOOL ★ ★★* *★**★★★ DEMOCRAT MEETING FOSTERS BOLD MOVE SEEK OUTLAWING OF WHITE SOUTHS_RULE COLU: 'HA, S. c. 'ANP) — Bold moves to uiitlKw the white south ;iiid extend membership to Negroe^s in the Dcmucraljc pail> ihetv wei^ main accon.plishmenu of the N.i* Uoiial Council u Negio D.mK'io'' which cnoed u '.wo d.i)' >essioii hei- Tuesday iii^lU, iitJikiiig '.he fn^' meciin>: of that oiiJiiuatiwn >>> 'h deep south Re^>)lu'io^^ •hy . venti m Tue.sd.iy .ittcin >o>i culkd to. the National Demo iatic coiri!; r... exerting .nunedMte and um l levs pressure tipun lU -outherti to open them up ' j N» t{ru«> ji u denial of off’ce ui p>i>iiiori *o p'. sons h'ldiiiK ledeiai posts wt’ achieve them through alliaiu > with groups who prevent, by -ich* :> ■ and device, then ele.tiuii ■)> > pouitmei'iv ihrongn prevent.lu p ticipation by a inajmity •>( it., tcllnw citizens The liillci !■ ■lutinn. iilfiei.ils ex plained, was aimed at o-sting whilt. ftxleral nfficr h ddc.' '. ho .ne eu power ihiuugli he white pi > mnry. SKKK LV.VCHINf., POLL TAX RFMO\ AL Resolutions ,»Uo ...lied loi m • medinic p.i.-ts-Kc ‘ t lederul uilb '.■> eliminate hnchiiig and 'he poll lax. the latter to tx- done by U‘;;islalii>n rather ifan by c•>n^tll•Jlioll.ll amend ment. The eonvci'sion. attended bi some HOo delegates from iiuitheiu. western and eastern Mate.-, also re quested that more Negroes be ituc. (ederal posts, particularly tho-.' agencies dealing with labor, hou^• ins ttnd riglilh of veteran.' Imou’ iatc passage of a permanent FEPf bill and one to exten- federal aid to *110031105 were requested Presi dent Truman was praised for his administration, but was urged t- guard against domination of it by reactionaries and groups hostile Nerroes High point of the convention w m Its concluding with complete agita-. mont among the delegates that pmb-, lems iffertina -.^uthdin Negroe-.! were also problems etlecfiiifi Ne i grosc In the northern, eastern and! to education were requested. Presi dent Truman was praised for his .dministration, but was urged i. guard against domination of it by rMctInnaries and groups hostile >> No: roes. High point of the convention w its concluding with complete agree ment among the dotegntes that prob lems riffecling scuthern Negroes were also probtem.s effecting Ne- grosc in the northern, eastern and western sections The council went on record as intending to prose cute to the fullest denials to south ern Negroes as its first Job. Host to the convention was the Progressive Democratic party of •1 ontlioion »>v1» naan Ediirators Bejiin Probt- To Determine ('.aiise Of Anti-Negro Strike GARY. 'ANPi — A probe into the cause of the recent anti-Negro school strike at Forbel High School has'been launched by three educa tors. who arrived here last week fr-m Northwestern Ifniversity and Ohio State Univ'i-sity. The three educators. roque:'ted •o come here to study conditions by a group of civic organizations, pai - ents of students and the Gary board of education, are Dr. .T. M. Hughes, dean of the school of education at Northo-estern; Prof, Eugene F. Law ler, also of Northwestern, a. d Di. Rorl W Andcr.«in, professor of cdu-j cation at Ohio State. j They will delrrmine whether i Richard A Nuzum. Frocbel prinel-, pal now on a two-week leave of ah- .encc. should be ousted .as while ^tudents demanded when they dem unstrnted against Negro students Nuzum. chaiged with being pro Negro, defied the strikers in back ing the right of Negro students to attend the school. THE CAROLINIAN Teachers Leave School When Co-Worker Framed .OHIiSTON .S k ANP* — T-i** •oachers in the Fxigefield county A',liked . ut of class- h'lr.il .\()i:tii ('.•tROl.lN.' WKKK i-NDlNr. S.ATURI).4Y, ocToin.i: 27, r.ii.-i i’l:irF, nVK CKNTa Poll Tax Issue To Be Liberals Weapon lest the young woman. T iomcr. the statement asserts. In sisted that a warrant be presented • hire Monday morning o pio- fot the young woman and Edwards ;l ;tv;i 'he fram.iiig and jnil- left ,, j . « of -I ei.-wuikei .III .ifidavit When the teachers walked out »ni ,l.d with 'he South k uolina con- the incident stirred the community fence of NAACP disclosed Tu '-nver the week-end, Dials flnaUy confessed the disorderly conduct ll.Acvei, quick ac'ion and dis- chtige was falw and that ! of t fi-Rud'Tly charge and mistaken Miss Smvthe for another : link' •t.e i)f ,1 M.A bond Oictid* mg woman, effC'' • d 'i.pei iiit. iidciU into • 'h.it cn the night about H o'clock. YWCA INTER RACIAL MEETING HELD IN RALEIGH KALEIOH A iw . day Inf-i-’ It .t-ial Siighborhood meeting warj .Id di the YWCA -white) .)n O t | ■7-lB with a deleg.ition from l)ur- i..ni. Hi. li Pdiit. W.nslonSfem.' Chdilotte and Raleigh The the.ne .f Ih. . .nferenev wn., ‘Whei- \> > Un Fr-'in Hen” lod wa^ ,-‘n«d ■•'c lltt. Yilth a devotion U-d by J D Frcen an of Wilmington ■ "d .III addri - «»n Inlerpreiing the '■WCA in the Commoi.ity’ by M , 'K.itbenne Uiowne of Raleigh Dnufi the ewritig i Fellowship , Dinner was given at the Arcade jlloiel honoring the ..ui of town -uest Ml--. L. F Pernn presided ai tins dim er. During the evening's .t «ion the sJouriier Truth Branch was re- • i>on.sil)ie for the Musiea’ Program with Mrs. Minnie H Fn-sman of the Management Committee as accom panist The .'peaker was Mrs Ma- Mlitlu'll who spoke on ‘The Nation ,.l Board and the C. mmunity As- WASHINGTON A.\ bfrs of the inti-fxiil “■ ipnittei- in the - . id -ck, ;« 31-l.itivc I the National Mm' nd the CO tell ■ that by liber.il* a-lect«il ilvg.v 't: firce.i must be t.ike somewhere, and hi ... tbe anti poll tux issui be fev that linl-ditch light" ^>ie com.mitlei met i ’ tl. di the Naii'-nal C'..nn: A^lith the Poll T.1X for puiposi-' and heard ttu* pi>-p- i made by Haddock In '.he ahsen - o| 8en Pipp I' Flond.i. the group i> bung bt-adi d by St’o James Me id >D' ol Nt-w Y- rk Ten days • T - Mead i -Id .. Democialic cwucu) that the -..iili w. - pi.ntic ally in control f every vDrihwhil • ommittee in the sen i and house, atvt the inability of liberals to gel important pieces of lejislall n thru was attributed to their obstinacy He «id that their intransigen «• might cause the paity to lose N* ■■ Yatlt Sti'te next year .i^glMork's view is that an i. tl uM be selected on •.ehtch -iTl li erals and progresMves ran .>;id will stand firm to bieik ?lii- .nflucni . snr! he -uggcjlcd 'hi* it be 'h- p-»ll ti-x bin. alnady ihroiigh th« '• llrrmediate n-aiiion . n ' '--.-r- I pU-te. bui .-ample vii-''.- wire 'V-•• ihi' iiroposal i' an . i-e.-pliible o’ INTEREST IN PINE ISLAND CASE MINTS Columbia, S C. .ANP> — Sta:. ...Oo u..s...'t in ih4 lape an-l n uibcr ol 10 year ola i-ila Be'!.- (. ^iter, oL Pine Isiand on Aug ,.i ila^ mounted. John H McCray, e iiLoi of the Ligiilhouse and In- li .inei- here wnich uncovered th' el line, u'pui ted Tuesday. .McC' av .-aid that Mxiri-* of viti A.. s, many whit, a among lliein h o :«quested information this •■•ik n- to wh.it step.s had be» n n.v.df to apprehena tne crimina' ar.a .Mon. the crim* Last wei k. -l-n.j H liinton. state NAACP proidem. had requ.'it.*d an ir fContmucd on oaek page- jii ■ Vnnti f-e** ; I. f Priniip.il I h.i' 'o r. tuiT M nd th.- corner. I ; -ri the siieet. loni I'.-hind .. 'rec i ll. Miss Jtnkins • -la-d to flee buck; h'lini but Miss I ipe and found hrrs«-lf held bv city otfic-i i-i. b .. h- fcnriul .)! .1 general piompily ...cniilied himscU. I. pi,I II i-l iiht s, and pi o- •ii-cfl ih* ytn.ng woman An geu-d by hci reiusal. he oromptly i-.d - .11(1 chaiKed her with isoiderly londucf Chief >f Poil-'c Ed'.vards )s ac- .lee-t of hi.'ing puisued Ml-s Jen- kin.', ‘he slal.ment sets forth, but tjy the time ne reached the Toomei house, tbe incideiU had be n ifliil- • d Mr T -iFer, not knowing vhn the man wu* nor hi* race, h d procured a .shotgun. When Edv ..- •- rapped at the door. Toomei ■> teti- ed it with the gun poised and uidn't lower it when he recogn* ed " .iiel l. jrnid he '\unted to ar- person. hitsprintTng DAR REPORT AT AT U,S, EXPENSE WASHINGTON. D C. In# liii 1 that annual re;)OfU of th* O.iughters of the Am...can Rcvolu- • ,>n II • urinted at Government ex pense was disclosed today by Le»* He Perry. NAACT Washington .o, in 4 telegram of protest to S.-n.ilor Carl Hayden, chairman of ;h. Senrte Corrmittec on Printing Perry -aid that the DAR has issued mounl reports for the past 47 years, all of which have been printed by the Government Printing Office a# State Documents. The last report, which ‘MIS printed in '.M5. is a 2W pag. b.>oklei. Perry said. The NAACP urged Senator Hay den and other members .jf the I ■ i-iittu- ti iiitioduce and consld iti- n immediately to repeal .. .eril.in 'f the law. contained in .•\ft incorporating the OAR. au- .lio-i/ing the Daughters to mak# up annual report of its activities to the .Smithsonian Institution and Congress. iContinued on back paget Says School Stri kes Show Neglect of Young People Hotel honoring the -.ui of town guest. Mrs L. F Perrin presided at this dinner. During Ihe evening'# sr.'-slon the Sojourner Truth Dran.h was re- ^ponsible for the Musical Program with Mrs. Minnie H Freeman of the Management Committee as accom- paiiiit The speaker was Mrs Mae ne aaio mat uict r- in^t cause the patty tu lose New State next .vear. I JgitalDek's view ia that an U tnuet be selected on which'all tfr erals and progresMves can and will qand firm to bienk rhi> influence snd he suggested 'hni it be thr poll t, X bill, already thioii«h the h-tui-c i Immediate reiiclion e th.it IContinued on bock pugei ltd ne vvanteo i Mitchell who sooke on ‘The Nation-1 .,1 Board and the Ccmmunily As- \ proposal i.- an .ice.-ptabic Says School Stri kes Show Neglect of Young People ...mtion. vio»-a Meanwhile, the n iH- i-.-. v On Thursday morning. Mrs. Mar/ ..nnnunred ‘hat William; maRSHALLTON. Del lANP. llecoMe of the I Green president of 'he American i .'trikes of high jchool y. tilh. YWCA led the «leyo! FedciatiDn of Labor had wired -.111 iccently m New York. Chi- ■ he delegates divided themselves affili«tes urging them to use|;;,ao. and G-.ry. against the pie- ilu groups for ...a til their influence in support of ] y( jir^roes m the schools HR-7 The The. fot ly rejected group there is no gen- will to bring them into the f the community." , ire reaping a strange and biller ^vav,“f;,rici’than their parents and Dr Johnson spoke ..s a .luiced also harvest of our neglect of youth." become ashamed of their -.f'he National Comml-sion on emi grants of hildien of thi* other generations ... . •djnslmeot arc much >1 i lan e The ohildr n learn city I'fe fii-ici than their parents and '' their themselves discussion of the h.i I of work in which she had In- (roh, .Mr-. Robert rcrrcR. ,r- ' -....k u„,,o,d . «c,h..,n. of ,;,7 ch.lSrcL eye. ■; o,,,;,.. H,„c mch f., wom*; J," I ■ uvic md welfare leaders of . - — ! ;>el.iv ;ir' ;it the Kruse School Sal- d.iy H" -poke at a lunche-m • c 'ing relrbriPing ''w 2,tth anni- j cf-ary of the sehixil. a stale insl'- iddrcss ! rc'ideiit YWCA ‘Continiiefl Director of the ed from the Negro r.ix; hack page! oiM-d was knocked SHAW Ol'KKATtS Nl.’HSKKY Thirty->ix thildren luv cared f'>r dally III the nui.'cry ^ehool opei- alcd by Sh.iw Univer.'Uy i-. i mrr.unity 'crvice to parents who are ernpl lyed during rhe dav III 'his pi-Tiiti' .tbov- 'WO of 'he .-ij ymg a .i- .iwing p>-i • a.i'ker l.r-'i.s on From igi.i jiv M; •ilyn I'lidges. Hold.-n .md Mrs Alma leachi-r ol three md four , children Tax Exemption on DAR Hall Opposed by NAACP SlllVi OI’KHITES M i{si;in st iiool. WASHINGTON, 1). C — Legi.'l..- -‘'li"' lion proposing the removal of the conui tax-exemption provision from Con- Hitlei atltution Hall, owned by ^e Daugh- ^ col... .11 Shaw Unl- jres into coni- and service i- Committee Gets Evidence Of Police Brutality and JC .'.PRINOFIELD, III. -ANP' Jim b.-i daugih«r. MisS Anna Bee Bra.I- I ns .md jiolice brutality are a j^.y , .-.■ rkei of Ea t St. eality here in Springfield, last red- [.omg, 1)1. and Kenneth Sugg. • •• plme of Abraham Lincoln »nd ,,,p„d of Mi- Bradlev. - I'e npitul All three were aiT--tcd following All investigation by the Chicago ,m alleged •'•'‘‘T''”'’o ivil l.ibefTies corr.m'Uce rcve.-)led Bradley and Miss R 'th Ven ’.ai '.Here are no N‘gro schooL Police made the teachers here. th.at Negro citizens; ber 21 by breaking -ui't arcepi I Jim ciow bathing of Mrs Bradley w beech and that drug -tores, rcstau-j rant, the affidavit 1 lilts .in-i taverns ov>eralcd by' d4.\e.ir-»lil woni.in whites bar Negroes even in Negro; upc nseious by .lir xi .^lslrKt^ poolnayms carry milk in miUee reporK and was ho.spiuuz.'o their ice-boxes, the committee re- the St John ho-pMal. She su- pmt s..id. bu aust •Hie child n who tained two broken ri‘>s she i.um^ irequeni th«'in are that youi g." ^ A Negro mother vsas tcld by a, ed twice, placed undQ two ^nn ,Mut. d.Klor III .. public dm. : of $1,000 ..nd $5 lt00, -I will not ilhnd a N«‘gio , oy $ti0 He paid th.- money to Nam. II I had -I pM-»tTibe for her, If Siiom. a pi.,f. ^smn.d J*'" V ..‘.Id be ..r.s. .lie ' here, he charges The daugthcr. Ml** With 'hat vetmig *he c 'lomlttee 'Ji ulley. was held Ifi days m ja o n-res.-tativ.. O.aten little, wh- , vagr..ncy charge had answered .,n ui;;.-nt le.tuesf by All tH. -e repnrl pol'ce iiilimlda ".e jimioi 111,inch -if th*' loeal -i.'!; ..nd thr NAAfT’ and *iher inaignant citl- 'o run them ii iiive-.tig.li. three poliee bni-, lest- 'vere ii '..lily c..ses The priPCip.iK were, .. -h tn - 'Iv' Wilii Br.idl. y 64-yeai -olI Hughes the • in.n. -.f I World W .1 I veteran', di.scl.aed for dclinqi.en 'Negro girls D J ihnston lik- ncd the stu kc' to the riotous demonstration staged by the so-called bobby-roxers di.) ing the war. both being evidence r •)-- u).controlled f.ustr. tion. disturbed t>ersonalities' In the race ; 1-1 his aiidieni'c. thc-e v-.nii- p.‘.'plc had i way of giving •.11* to their mgressivencs*. an.t gainst ii'hool rootin'* .,„d .hr ..nmll, hr.-,.R.r. di.or,.,,,; .rod bdh,.. lor m.-y lircome .im- .ppranled by thr chi drm» biimib lew., if dOI drwrrighl anll.rc.l." U » l>cp»r,mcn. of U.hdr, Wr Dr JnhnsK.n ,t.-,tcd The NeSn. o' ’.’'‘k"',.? .rf wr'to. *r.ni famdv he mrth r poined o-it. sion of national heal.h art welfai* dor. not havr ihr hopr ol rvriitual program, lor children and youth. Flight of Negro from South Seen Adding to North-West Tension NEW YORK movement -CNS' - The tii.y Negroes 7rom th 'armers together with the ••rvlc# men. with their fresh awaren**# o Ihout fear of d..rlpllnr -Th. y J**"':'.7';',7‘M'7,Vc..ud. dcmocalric hrrlu.gr r.n t hr.p b,.. could get ay with It becau»e of gressing w ith such ,to the h me pjcjudices of their parents and mg to Dr Gr-o F-dmund Haync ithout a and even their oublUi of civic leader thr losed Th^: • he said i‘*d ‘o acutenei the North and The eiluiatoi made • pica n-l foi race sHuaUun in ,1. equal ihane.* fo; - happv n'-t West. ; till Ilf- for everv .^menc 'i Hayn •hild or ' 'that we cannot glv.- department of R.aee ReKitionsM t hetr." but at least f..i a 'leason- Fed-ral Council n (.1 chuiicc .a such a Ufe.“ Christ in America, . . Im-quiililies of opiortiinity. h * 'h*' a.... - 11 our children and sout irn^rs^ munilief .IJout'^ whiX’^thVy hw* much .iffect add greatly to the race problem ol """'"’'"I.fThr ‘"Ha^n^l. grr.Uy ronrrrn«i with the tenant farmers who are bemg •,ti\*>reed from the soil by mecb«n- •Uiry of th. i«al farm marhlnery ’ But th* ^n- the ant farmer can t compete with me- r Churehes >f ehanical devises so he has become -xp^ains further .. «« ^ trend - Thus he Is being rat-ed off the land^ t Then they drift to the ritiea. but ■ dig’-ee. nut bear m»M West - Is by .I-Jdge C nw.iy out of town The ar- ide by 'ix fK.Utvmv. Negni, Officer Joe (.'..mtnitu-f s lej) rt;-' .ifip.il Th.- if t, ters of the American Revolution. ' ‘ ' will have the supjKirtot the NAACP I'• -ooum' .-Ni-t throughout the country, it was ..n. j n-al-/iti-iu ih.it tlu-> . nounced here this week The DARl'^v-lny HitlviKn. in (r. refused the use of the hall to Hazel, pvimi't. d it to 41 ow Scott, pianist, for a concert because ;a*id uiirv-bukul !-...re u she is a Negro. The organization is 1 •‘’l-'t-- Th. N.\ \C I» I..-» free of taxes on the building .nnd.'v'e "vi th \s.«i)vi.itioii land because it claims to be a pub- v'.’ill l.aive iiu -tirie un'i lie institution, serving all the peo- ^vet the withdra pic of the District l‘v'> ' *•» > bt 'u fii- The movement to remove the lax 1>AK enjoy.-, a# a quoM .-xemption is being in-.'ialed on the “tunliun grounds that since the hall bars Ne ' G'e imbln gro artist.', it i- nt.w a private en* Icrprise and should pay taxe*. In New York. Wal-er White. N. A. .V C. P •.e.-ietiiiy. issueil the foi. lowigii .'tatemeiil; "Theie is hm itmi. .'uii.pleie bjfo- nieter ol the low eSlalr to which the Oaughteis ol the American Rev*.Inti 1. have sunk 'han the fa.-i that lla- oicainzalion's sole (iefuinl- ix vxenip- wliieh till' puiitic in ulit l...\v foi.-lven Tiu.-iai foi .Intending Ihe li(nebfv>n Hu- Invilutii.ii tor wh.vh she tiad avccp'ed pi 1*1 to Ihe de Dial of 111.- use of Cimstiliillon Hull U. ll.i/el Seotl But hei reply. •Why n.ii?" Ill i»-'i...iise I-. .. ii.Wh|.Ji»e, on Id vepl r).\i: l.nly fiiiui. outlast of U>e Itaiikiii .unt Bilbo Rvlusal action of lu-r distmeuisl*. i>e of C'insUlullut* Hall U) ceMtot.' as First Lady.” the nuisviy school oper.ited on it- campus The university adopted the project ihu ye.ir when the Raleigh not w-nhoui public school -ystem h..d to dision- -ii-.ins If* .1 bnue because fcder.il funds unde; ii\. hel(>.-rt the I.anhati. Act were no longer •rmanv but avallble. According to a stalen em utK-h.-ckul by Di HoU-rl l> Daniel, Pre.siden' -.he I'.iib-i : biiiMii.g 'p.tnamten- al Comii ii : n.-o .iinl -..laties "f the staff arc J whole furni hed »>y Hie university The .tilled l.i ff- .osl .f f-’od .ltd upiipmenl Is met I.. .uiitimniny The -chool. by iNiig »xii' and suiHTvision cJiil-lren duritig the working icl.-J • p.ireiits to accept gain- rTi pli'vnit-nt unit .if the Divi-i.iii -if I'alo Di Nel o:. H H nils, chnn- llu school at pres, ql cares fo- ■Midi 11 Mis Jemietle S Kil- I- director Old IS .I'Si'ted by I. .c)-ei- Mis K N' Cuinbo and Ahn.i Ti.yller. and six Shaw n.vitition* stiulcnl) Hoi.is ate from 8 o'clock dis.ipis.ln ti. th- ii.orningf until S in the .ifter- w.U. Ill' l.■■-'l The scIkxjI day provide* 4 - program which includes (Continued on back pagei URBAN LEAGUE APPEALS TO TRUMAN ON DAR I*r.»t..stiliK thi- action nl' the II.AIi in dcnviiii; th.’ U.S.’ of (’.in.-titiition Hall. Kiik.’io’ Kinckl’’ .lon,..s. (I.-n.’ial S.-. ivtaiy of tli.’ National I rhan Lcagn.’, sent the f.)ll.)VvinK t.’lottrani to Pj-.’si.l.’iit Truman: ■ rlllS IS Til KXl-llKSS Till-; SINt LIIE llul'K THAT .MK.ANS M.AY BE KOINI) rilltOltill YOt 1: l-OWKllS ANIITIIDSHUE THE CONGBES.s OK THE I'NITEI) STATm TO KOIK E THE DArOHTEILSOF TllE A.MEKIfAN llEVOl.l'TION TO Ol’KN THE DOOItS Oh" ('ONSTITI TION 11 ALL TO ALL AirnSI-S ItE'-IAUDLl’-ilK OK llArE. CBEED OK I'OLOli "THKKE I'.AN IlK NO id'K-STION TH.A F I HI' H ArilHTKKS OK THE A.MI'KK AN KEVOH TION IS A .SK.\ll-l*ITJLlf INSTITI'TION WHICH MI SI ANSW El! TO THE A.MEKICAN I'l BI.IO AND TO bKMOCKACY KOI! ITS STEWAIinSlIll- •ITS MO.ST KECENT EVIDENt K OK IIEAI- hf.iv ly *n children in minontv groups He discussed in particular •ho plight of Negro children p.'" - •; ip..ting in the nia** migrations -he fields to the fities, ,,nd from the south to the north .md is.'gM) Rewai-il (Iffpretl llv li.l) 111 Fla. I.vnrhiii!: , nl rated'' with millnn.. , race* Involved ' Now- the migtating heard American Colleges Vie'wed As Agents of Nat’l Disunity NKW YORK -ANP* A rewaiO r SVX) for informatior hading 'o ^ -lie iir.st .md t imviCirn of the l»er- j; sons wh.i lyiu-hed .fe>v J Payne m ^ M.idi'oii. FI.I -*ometinie« 11 ,ind 12 was posted lust week t'X thi •ii.- Inteln.Ttional Ia*b *• defense P.ivne who had ph-adid not guil- -\ .1 fli.rge -if attacking a fee- e.u -oM white girl, w-.* taken from Ih- M.idi'oi. jail end .-hot to dealt) .^•.lanta vANP) - Aim-tican Ik-ge* were viewed ajs the ag*nts natumal disunity here lajt I ok during a charter dav pro- am Jt Atlanta universitv bv Dr. D PatU-rson. Ill, basis of race muit paradoxi cally depend on the *ocial unity V e exhibit as we attack a mul- 'iplicitv of problem# under a var iety of circumatancea." The (h. ''.*nging oroblema b«^ f. u our nation "relate to youth and their right to health, ^uea- - d joba." Dr. T’ocT tnin. rocrealion an "" i.on cilleg.s t"dav is whither j. ,,,,.,.^00 gaid week t)y v shall a.'siime u role of true — ..(ifixhip In the future, he «aid. .|- continue a* ‘ an an-a of #i-rv- ,1 for an economy dominati'd oy , ^elfishne!^.« which i# inevitably DKWEY WANTS BAPTIST CIIORrS TO TOftR DAR HALL* NEW YORK 'ANP)— Hitting at p home of Sheriff 1 unguarded over- He had been brought to Madi- mf'U nee# 1 .11 r.tignment .ifter Th,. |.iil tiext t I OI.IIH nigh: r f held in Raiford state prison -nice fj,. ^mld lfade.'-«hip 1... ,rre*i .ni Julv 4 He pr.nl.ved th earlv New Kng- * ‘ ^ ^ t '-inrt •*hite teachers, mostly mu- Th,. ,.’v..iU h- hrou-hl th torch .i.-tdc !.y the 11.D from the -Vnna -u-arnine to the ebiirtren of Damon fund, .set up to commuror- fnedom. He reminded h'- •le md to -oniinue the woik of P; toner* tha» "the right to o*- All" D.-mon wh'i until ner death measured acordins III 1»44 was f*r 11 year* »e«relH.y irt'ividnal human vvojfh t.f tin mguiuzalmn th..n classed and s'n.r'Mghted .ind’a soclPtv which the Daughter* of the American R^- ■ nsi.sts upon out moded easle and oJution and their ban c ;-ns reJafiotxs” . Sc*ti ippearlng at Constitution R. Thinn . Di. P.'ittcTSon explain, d. m Washington, Gov Thomai «ive to strengthen ihe di vet'iv. Dewey said Tuesday after h##^ the nation to the mg a Urge chorua at the New Yoi* , . -.’.'.oardv of \t internal welfa-i 'stale Negro BaptUl convert^ I rd the d.-nia' of its oppoi tunitv that he would like to lake th* slng- ralh't conrt.*miu*d ni -.s on ii nationwide tour, including DAR halls." Dewey. Hi44 Republican pretKwn- 't.il candidate said "Mo*! of all I’d like to take them to DAB halto. A yieai man'- pe'/ple m.ght dUcovwT that the American revolution waa fought fur the derr.vratlc prlncij^ that iiU men ar* created equaL’