I RMLROAD FOR S254H)0 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ' ★ MEMPHIS MINISTER JAILED IN TRAIN ROW SEABOARD SUED IN MOTHER- CHILD BEATING Refused To Give Up Seat In Colored Coach VOLl'MK XXVI. NO. 2.“, ii.MJr'lCH. .\01:T!I (’AUoLIN.^ W i-.i.K KNDINC SA'I l KD.AV. OKCK.MiJKIi I. r.»ir» I’liK'K FIVK CKNIS TRAINING URGED Youth Foim Oiganizatioii CGLJtlHNSGN - FEDERATION OF liRObSUSi: OF JOB YOUTH MEETS Wa bANi*) Coionol r Joi.iidi’ii, «-xci'ulrt\‘ .tji ti tin- Uijeetor of II.* ti.inai .Sfi .ii'o. uryt-d Ne- tl.» fviiiii*-n in an address buiulav' t.i Uik«- ad\anlay*- of Ui‘- billion (tiiilurfi worlli of i dui'ation t>.a: i.s availalilc to them annuafiy now and u.-i*- a to t-quip them- ;,t lor lont>-i an){f postv.ur jobd. Till (.olonfi'^ adciii-Sd hiKhlighl- fd a .spi'fial vid*i»n.s’ ob.'^eivance diiina which war irophi^j; and sou^enirii tV'ire dU'»p]:’yef^aD.d-®‘^4 sctvnfm.m of World war i( wer-- pr*}ii‘nl'd peace awards in rcco«- r.'l'tin Ilf lindi contriliution to thf liMn.atinn of pe-ai' iTi the w.irld. \niiiiil; t!'". ' i'o ^■•f’ojvp(! tlio." ' av arils wi re Col. Johnson, for- ii'i r .SiU. .I-iM-pii K. Albrniiit * f tl.i' Veil ran, administration wl.o r.i...., III. (:. ■> Olo.-O N R.-arl- LONUON Tv.0 colored dele- !)(8tes from the United State were I among the eight from America plac- I ed upon the Council of the newly i organized World Federation of iOerrociaiic Voulh formed here at ttus dose of the 12 day mietinj; of yimth delegates from 63 nations. Tile Negro Council members arc GlotUr Cunenl of the NAACP and Egtgr Cooper of the Southern Ne- ^jr^Youlh Congress. Other United i S-&8. Council members are Elsa Nati«u»l ilHMtxial Council, YWCA; Thomas Neill. United Elec- jtrical. Radio, and Machine Workers. CIO; Frances Damon, Aineriran ' Youth fara Free World; Russell Junes, National Inlercottegiate Chri lian Council. Nauini Chertuff . ’'.ifitor Hatl.iss.ih; and A.llce Horton. United States Sluleiit Assembly. nTTw YORK ANPi - Attorneys acting at the request of tin- Inter national Labor Dcfen.se have filed suit for $2‘),0U0 damagf.s again i Ihe rt*cei\er.s for the Soaboaid Air Line railway f.r complirilv in the heating up of u Negro woman pas- .senger and her infant son. it w:i!, announced Tuesday. Mr.s. Nina Beltran of New York and her fivc-ycar-old child were the victims of the assnull, which o«* curred ni ar Hamlet. N. C., Aug. 7 Mr.s. Ikitran was traveling to Celiimbia, S C . with her child. Be cause the jim crow car wa.s full, .she and a number of other Negro pas- sfctigers sal in the next oar. 'Hie con duct ir repeatedly ordered her and the others to move into the jini crow cur. Because there was no scat for her and her child. Mrs. Bel tran relumed to the ether car. At Hamlet. N. C.. the conductor called a local policeman, who. a; the conductor’s request, struck Mrs, Beltran and tried to f.^^cc th five-year-old boy to carry a hoa\' mteaFo into the jirr crow car. When the child could not lift the bag, the policeman, encourag'd by the con ductor. struck him and knocki 1 hirnye the floor. Mother and .con were fin.ally ph.. - sicafly pushed inla the jim crow coach, where they stood the rest f the way to Columbia. S. C At Columbia. Mrs. Beltran wa- so ill that she went to the station agent, who. realizing the ri'piins,- bllity of the railroad for her condi tioi). arrang'd f>r he.- hospitaliza tion fore nearly two wrtk.c at rail road expense. Mrs. Beltran, wh • lives in the Bronx is still und'.- medical care because of the injurii ‘he rc'-eived at tiiat time. Samuel Shapiro, of Neuberger. Shapiro and Rabinowitz. filed th- suU on behalf of Mrs. Beltran. "The facte • hr'-^fs ©•■•♦•re'&ot ununia!,*' Louis Colman, II.D secre tary. said in announcing filing rf the suit. ’’If they were, it would no* !)e so important. These cases of he- •tial brutality aaginst Negro pem ple in the enforcement of the bar baric segregation law.s of our sou*:. NE!:::sPAPER STORY SAVES AOOUSEU FATHER CONWAY. S. C, lANP) How newspaper story effected his re lease from jail and probably saved him from a stiff sentence though ho was innocent, was told here Tnurstlay night by Nolan Carter, -13 year old father of Letha Belle Cart-r \vh..se rapc'l. murdered o.i\ wa- found by hi-n and his six year old son, Joseph Benjamin, the . : i: i; oi Augu.-i Ij. on Pine Lland r her. Cartel warnil. uumped the hands of John H. .McCray, editor of 1 the Lighthouse and Informer at ; . .. .1, C i .d ANP tone.-- I ^indnit who broke the case open by diggnig out imp rtant facts counyt authorities sought to con ceal. I’M't r. Ei ther nf nine chiliren. I 'Continued on page 8i MiinphLs (ANP) — Rev. A. L. Tumor prominent minister and busme.s.s man of Memphis. aAc> {King forced off his train c.‘ Shreveport. L.T.. w’hile enroute t Dallas to attend a CME confer ence. finally n-ached hU dcstina- tii.M .short lit both money and valuable time as the result of a |x rnicious jim crow practice, it was learned this week. The conductor on a Texas and Pacific passenger train had R v Turner arrested when the mini sitM-, obpsrving that there w. on ly standing room in the “colored coach." asked him to move to n a ceach assigned to whit'- pn"' gers. Apparently resent'r. request, the conductor called lire oflicer and had the mi' t.iken from the train. Rev. Turn- r r- r ai’-- at Shrevi port for • a day, and was re'e ■ .'I cVrn '■ court judge that “.vn trouble," The minist - .C17.50. .ind h.-'-’ '• ' ^l.'i a.'^ counffe' V*- Legion Defers Action On Color Bar Against Negro, Chicago lANF) -• N'lg:-' vet eratis of five soul-iorn i’.alt.- v,ii. have to wait anoiiier year to' they tan exctpl to enjov ihe lUiil to organize, or join, Ai: •!" l.cgiun posts. During the three hilarious con vention days here, three resoPa- tions to abolish jim crow within the grrat American Legion, rep resenting approximately 1.500,000 Vi'ca^ Wa^X-and -U vets., IKilTeTy‘deferred, or put asidi'. Un til next year when the national i exoutive committee is supposed to di nil's former Ni gro fighting men have adequately .studi.-d the quei- tinn i-f racial discrimination whif’^ Mu right to orm Legion posts in .southern flates. MANb UOLY iCw.'i ’ 11. r.’LCi. Atldu.d (ANPi — /*! ana ruijan Loui 1/ lUit week were pri./i>i:.y -n. mysicrious ciicumt.ance* sar* rounding the murder or Lyii' wood Jennings, of Fairbum. whose buiiex-riddle body was found in an 18-foof welL Jeanings had been shet wUb-a ud lat head lorwaxiir'' lalo the wtdi- i A teanrhino p«rt7 found fhi body after the man had bean reportad misting for uma tune. Pcltcs Komer Almon. of Fairburn, and a coroner's jury ordered him held in conneefton with the slaying. M. Vo,4 •kaU.-a Tmi. Till' eulonci'K address tiighiight- vd a .special veternns' ohservanco duiing which war trophits and Isouvunira^w^re .d^lryed^aai^; 9;^ RervncOfhvm of World War il were presented peace awards in recog- r.ifon of their eontribut'on to the u.Miu-ation of pe;ue in the world. \nHinfc those who received tl»p.~ - avanls were Col. Johnson, for- irer Sgt. Joseph K. Albright of the Veterans admini-stration. who n presented Geii Omar N. Brad- !i V at till- ohs'ervanre. and the Rt V. t;. Dewey Robinson, pastor -I' t'anjphi II and a former chap- Cumberliiiul County UiiiU-U War Kiifid. .N'l"- U.M'ieii "Kiek-Off Luncheon at Ihe Person SIreel UbO KcatlititJ finia left to light; ■Mis. M R. Williaiu.s. Captain of Ruial Schuols, Suihtvisoi of Ne- gio Schools in Cuinberlaiiil Couii ty; Mi.M. I M. Kyei. Captain Hu lai Section. Ncgio lloine Ueinon- slratiuii Agent, Cuinbei land t*>Uily, Ml-. N (.1. Long, Cap tain Noriiiaii (1 Long I'liaplain USA i-ori Uraiig; Maj V. M Rob- erlMin, Vue l.'haiinian UiuUd W:,r Fund, Sp'-ciuL Services Of ficer. l-oil Hiagg; .J-jsepti F I’licc, III. 'c;i'i Ciiinbeiland (.'oiinty UnilcHl War Fund, Williani D. King > laniiiiiKi ciiairman Negro Division of United War Fund. Diieclor SeabriHik Road USD; W. M Shav.. Chaiiinan United War Fund, I *1 Itiia- lei ; Rt v. J. F. Meniu.s. p(e.siden( Intcrdenuiiunj' tioiial Ministerial Alliance, Pre.s- bytenaii Pastor. Kev D. 1 W. Me- Innls, Reprisental ve Inlenlenoin- inaUonul Mini-tei lal Alliance, Pa.stor F.vun.s Metropolitan A.MK Zion Chuuh; Member of the Ne gro Division (’otninitlee not shown in i>icliire: Miss Beatrice M Cox. Sccr.-iary, Director Per son Strei-l USO; K A. Arinslron,.. Publicity Dii'clor, l-.di'-Ji Fay etteville Curuliniaii; B. B (lail- Iji'd, (.’apl'iin Rural .-ection. Ne gro County Agent; Samuel Drake. Special Gilts aptaiii. Tile Negro Division repurtx-d $I.32.>>H in a two weeks eam- paign $.'j7.'iH4 ab.ve 1SM4 qiiuto. .Ml King said, ••the Neijro pr-ojile of Cuniberlaiid County lallied '.M'll to Ihe War Fund in the most ilifficiill yeai since tiie National War Fund has been on. ' TRUMAN HEALTH PROGRAM PRAISED NAB 2 AS TRAIN ROBBERS WASHINGTON fANP) — Despite V/ashington (ANP) — Two Ne groes are under arest and a thu d IS sought bv week, when a souili bound freight train just out of Wmshingloit was robbed in ap- piuvcd wild west fasiiion ui'.d an unidentified amount of bond'.d wiiiskrs removed fioni the cai Janii'.« Brown. .36. of BulUnior. and Rutu.s Wiliam. 33. of Ale.xan- dria, violation of tlu- Virginia .Al- cr'hoiic Beverage law. Williain.s was rel-used in S3()(M) bt'iui t(>r a hearing Monday in Faiitax Cniintv, Virginui. Meanwlnlc-. fe(h lal action arain.st ttu' pair, eiiarging tli m with til It fioiii inti rslate con' nuTce. appeared likely. Tli- KiP said it was waiting the aetien of the U. S. attorney ix-f ire lodgin'; dtlaimrs again-I th«‘ men. The wliisk' V wa.-- shipped fmin BifVokIvn and eonsigned tn Mi- Viyginia At''n!i.il'i Bev> rage Con- ♦iP' hoatd > f Ri •hill in • • The .arr . ■ • W'I'* mad" liv ('at'’ y‘0ul s p- II' a v.nuu I. •' Ihc P F ,.iui P ad; I I tr**-'- tiear 1. t’oii. T'.at.-en ..i- .f ti, fetr hn -I. -1" 'V' ■ • r. ' . . I The Lnrt'in man -a"! h" w i- jctiKiin'' *F’" *h" cinitv of the train mid erv wh“n h ‘••a’'- a tavi".n»i Jiff i>|. main road on a tmthwav tlial leads into a swamn BVckifig tile pat'i with truck h. w I- ; ' ' . • ' '.'k.'d over t" iti' t.-'xicab saw it con- iContinued on page 8) the iiugbi-ar of state administratiun and the lack of clarification as I'l how the plan relates l.i othet pend ing In.iUh legislation. President I'ruma: ■ health prop; sal is a defi nite .step fill ward in the slow effo'-t •ji extcD'J medical services to those ;,t the botl m ef the ecoiunr.ic ladder, says Dr. MoiitaRue W. Cobb, pr. i!t of the .Medical Chinirgical so ciety of the District of Columbia and a stale vice president of the Naldnal Medical Associatinn. • ;\ie\\ d l>y ANP shortly af ter President Truman'; health pr i- posal to congre.s was made known In- Cobh .aid. ’The Pre-idenfs pro posal rejiresent.s a rcalizalion of the iiiiporiance of health U> the national •rlfar add' d, however, th it it was j har t.i what extent poorly cir- i--taiic'id gr up.s would ben. fit th-s or any .thcr plan now- be Said he, "Any form BALKED IN POLICE RAPE CASE fill, .Tohri-son delivered .n prac- I'ta! informational address which tuuehi-ti on many problems of vi tal interest to veterans. He urged Hie vefi-ran.s to lak«- advantag- it the oduf-ntional npp»')rtunitiiN of- feivii imiiei the CM Bill of Kighls. he. “The goveiiunt nt is will ing to spend up tn $1,100 a war Ifor the fdueation t>r each man anti woman who .served in this wa;. Thai Would aniuunl to over a bil- ii.in dollai-s a year for Negnie-s alone — more money than has be n available for the eduucalion of all N'-gioes since the Civil '■ h>' colonel I'liipiiasi/ed the im- poitance of vix'ational training, pointing out tltut in our rapidly ih.nging technology, il will be r. fis.s.'irv for men Ui have such .• n.iig five, or 10 years from i.j.v in cider In g« I or hold a 1^. Cooper of the Southern Ne- 'gi^Youth Congress. Other United IStlfeg. OouocU members are Elsa NatiqfialWnst^’ial Council ' YWCA; Thomas Neill, United Elec- j trical, Radio, and Machine Worker-t, iCIO; Frances Dainun, American ! Youth fora Fret* World; Rus.sel1 Jones, National Intercollegiate I Chri tian Council. Naomi Chertoff, 1 Tiinior Hadassah; and Alice Horton. I United States Student Assembly. Mr. Current of the NAACP told i reporters that there was a division j of opinion among the twenty dele- j gale? from AmeHonn and that prac tically all the decisions were by ma jority vale rather than the unani nu'u;; vote which ha.s been asserted. He aid a minority of the U. S. dele gation had agreed on the fallowing roi-ommcndations to their organza- lioii in the young adult age group. ■'Further, we advise that no meet ing be held to consider such an or- ganizatoin until the entire Ameri can Delegation return: to the Unil- ed States " Mr Current, who is the executive iContinued on back page) MKiMPHIS (ANP) — Justice trembled on a “cross of prejudice’ here las> wo kas 50 or more white men publicly adinittid that in ,i case involving a Negro and a white person they could not be fair to the Negro. This development w.as enact"d in the fii'.st divi.sion of criminal en 111 wli.ii Atty. (Jen Will Gerbei .sought to empanel a jury te hear charges againsl two former Meni- |)his ixilU'cmea accused of criminal ly a-saulting two Negro girls or. August 2nd. In u courtroom crowded to over- Ildwing with Negro ami white spec tators who had assembled to hear the ease. n-*l a single juror wj.s obtained from a panel of more than Turning to loans and govern- in nl insurance. Col. John.snn vaim.-d the vleran.s against d'(»pping their in.suraiice and aj ainst hasty decisions in ublain- inj: a loan under the GI bill. He ,s.iid that many servicemen may II' ver again Ik* alile to g«‘t insur- ancf at rates and in amounts equivalent to the government in surance thev now hold and. there fore. should hang on to it. As for loans, the colonel .■;aid (Continued on page 8) ij-iit :al egutar inc'imc by lh%- ■ ip.-iHs I( v.ould se m. thor •- Di Cobb cotoinued. ■'llvit ,> ti-iiii ii'opl'' and "thiT!; with Ilia; .ii.'i iiiieertain iiic''.mes may It ft ,,;it and they, of tsKir.- • 1 It I ist.” ?fc lit •ft ^ n. i‘Xprcs-ed b-.' Di. Cobb. ; b t of H'lward'r. mi-di- I 'Veil if thi- |HOpi''al lav. admiiii'-tiation Jjv gtil prove a biigb ar. lli.it 'om** icLd'-c not to iidmiiiiHer the when it i-o'rs :o i.i i'v ‘I iiiDs '>')»• in dinl su- i-tv li.-.jd aid il i? extremely .toubtf'l " h'-'l er r not adequate, tContmubd on page tt) Gerber’s oft-repcated ones • lions: "Could you give a Negro jus tice in a case involving a white ' man'.'” "Do you have racial preju- ]dic*’.'’’ and other qucics of .similar nature, the replies wore uniformly ' in the negative or affirmaliv**. in- ’ didating a feelmj; of prejudice to Negroes. Il was necessary ti set the trial dale up i' veral week-' in ord'*r th.it a special vemire of 250 oresoii-- i-in be summoned for anntlier attempt at a jury sc-leeti'ins. D«*fen(lants of the charges placed .auainst them by the two Negro ■'•r!'! are J. W. Terry. 27. and B. J- 1 *wis. 26, l)ofh of wnom resUn«*d ft:,ii th ' iMili' j* f.iice following ac-^ ensatinns against them. i : G»rber de-lareu: ’T want to make! ^ iConiinued on page 8) Dr. J, Ru.stee Davis, Fuquay Springs physician who was ckcted president of the Scruggs Mtdical Society at the recent 'll' (-ting held at the residence of I)i. W. F. Clark of this city. Other officers who were re- i’lect'd itu'ludi'd Di. Ciar'e. sec- I clary; Dr. 1*. F. Roberts, treas urer; Dr. W. B. Pettiford, chap lain. The out-going pn sident was Dr. K. S, Vass of Raleigh. ABOLISH JIM CKOW IN JOBS. l.AHOK MEET TOl.l) WASHINGTON. D. C — A joint agreement between organized la- bi-r and management ."t the Labor Management Conference now in session to accept and utilize "all cf our labor supply without regard to race or creed" was advocated by the D C. Brunch of the National A-'oeiation for the Advancement of Colored People at u membership meeting held on Sunday, November 18th, at the John Wesley AMEZ Church. «he received at that time. Samuel Shapiro, of Neuberger. Shapiro an ’ Rabinowitz. filed the suU On behalf of Mrs.. BeltraA. "The facte-'he-iWift •ceefr'sire'Dd» unusual," Louis Colman, ILD secre tary. .said in announcing filing cf the suit. "If they were, it would no' be so important. These cases of te- stia! brutality aaginst Negro peo ple in the enforcement of the bar baric segregation laws of our soiiti* ern states are all too common. Un fortunately, In most ca.sc8 the vic tims fail to keep the necesary data and obtain the name-: of essential (Continued on pfage 8) whot« buliei-riddle body was found in an 18-ioot welL Jnmings bad bean sbeS jtions to abolish jim crow within ithc great American Legion, rep resenting approximately 1.500,000 . til next vear when the national i A saarehing party found. mS excutivc committee is supposed to d(.nies former Negro fighting men hnvc adequately .studied the quc;:- tinn (if racial discrimmation which th( right to Torm Legion posts in sdiithern states. A "hush-hush" atmosphere ore- vailrd \vh( never the racial or i .'- ligious issue was proieet''d and ex- t’.i’me enre w a taken block (Continued on p.ige 8> A saarehing party found : body after th* man had batn reported missing for setne time. Police Homer Almon. of Fairbum, and a coroner's jury ordered him held In cennecflon with the slaying. H*> had told pn’ice that Jen nings came to hU house earl ier. asking him to go oat an opposum hunt that niohf. bu> later accounts conflicted. ■i CHARGES FT. BENNING IGNORES ARMY ORDERS WASHINGTON — In violation of War Department order No. 97. the commanding officer at Ft. Benning. Georgia, has allowed rigid jim crow practices aga nst Negro raldicrs. it was charged here last week by th- NAACP in a letter to Secretary of War Robert P. Patterson. The NAACP letter charged thit Negro soldiers “have been bodily thrown out of the camp cafeteria’ and that in the soda shop they may only puichase ice cream cone# to take out. Other charges are: Negro soldiers are disccuroged from using the main post theater which is a modern, air conditioned building seating 1,500 persons; a ‘-■miU 407 s-at au'’i'or;um on fcgregated ba i i*; the only pi'ic' ‘rey c«n us.' for viewing motion pi:*u.'es; theater No. 3 which scat" nearly l.lOO persons is entirely closed to them. The only ervice club availb-ile .ti the 3.000 Negro tro.ips is a small building inconveniently locntcd in fhc woods. After a two-year delay cafeteria facilities were finally ob tained last year. These facilities were in operation for one month when the PX which obtained con trol of service club sales on food and drinks dosed it. As the PX die® not Sirve Negro soldiers, soft drinks have been available to the c men only through machines. Negro soldiers a ' rile in 1he camp' Sole bii system and Nerro d; • Yutivw been forcibly ejected fn'ii^ tnsffi The bus system set up for NmirotL uses a different route from regular bus line, and. while buses run every twenty mlnu»r' • Negro bu cs are not able to ke ■ eVen an hourly schedule. Th’’y ninj not use the main bus static.. In post headquarters the-o ar? separate sanitary facilities f u N. - groes and whites. The NAACP requisl. • mediate investigation an .... tion of the c-onditions. A p .sent simultaneously t> f Truman. den* Gov’t Urged To Break Color Line In Capital City Transit Jobs WASHINGTON. 1). C. — With tlu* seizure of Ihe Capital Transit Coirp.iny by the office of Defense -'I'iinsinutatlon unde,' orders of President Truman, the NAACP has urged that the ODT proceed to em- "■ly p('i-;ons without regard to race . 'olur The* FKPC found that the Capital i Trani-it Company which operates the buses and trolly cars here had i r-nniiunecd a policy of non-discrlm- j ination in it' employment policies.' but in practice did n-it follow this i policy. Despite the FEPC hearings :he company lias continu(?d to main- j iin a lily-white policy so far as ; tr"Uey5 and bus operatArs is eon- ■ • rned. The NAACP telegram toj President Truman follows: | ■‘Your seizure of Capital Transit. sy;Uni makes possible and ncces-' ary following out of state policy. of company and union before hear ing held by Committee on Fair Em- • ployment Practice of hiring all per sons qualified rrgnrdiess of race, cre^ or color. We urge you direct Oflicer of Defense 't’ranspoitation put into immeditae practice stated. The first sheet of the new Geo. Washington Carver Christmas Seal.'! for the Benefit of the Car ver foundation at Tiiskegee Insti- policy by hiring qualified Negroes.’’) tute, Ala., is presented to Mrs. Fle"nor Roo®evelt. officially open ing the sales campaign for 1945 Members of the committee, which is composed of graduates and former stuaents of Tuskegee Institute, arc left to right, Mrs. P. L. Ba'ley, Julian B. Thorftas, chairman; Mrs. Charles Anderson. Mrs. Selma Young and Mr P. H Ricketts. —(ANP)