UTURE IffifiRO HOUStON RESIGNS FEPC POSITION ★ -k ***** -k **,****** ****** ******* State Student Assembly PRESIDENT Accept Negro Delegates [[J fEpQ ROWN Special lo THE CAROLINIAN By CHAS. G. IRVINo IN TRANSIT CASE a?UT 'll liad been iniormed that be would be excused from app- ar- ing before the assembly, li he KALKIGH - With uttrr disrh- Wash,n«ton,”Br^. (NNPA) gard for the forthright warning ' ‘ ‘ Cn&rlcs H. Houston, prominent ficm .scretary of state, Thad EuT". -dr. Eure with a typew . itti n . ... , VOLl’AfK XXVl. NO. 2b NOliTH CAKOlslNA \\’P:f:K KNDiNG SATI UDAV. DPX'KMHflR. 8, 1015 PRICE No Support In Transit Case LA W BAR ASKS FEPC LAW ificm .s cretary of State, Thad Eur". '•ir- •* , *' i22-ver Monday announced his that the- administrative heads of frpy of approximately ton pagM > [,0,^1 u,,, Committea gro colleges in North Caro-,hrlore him on the speakers stand. " v p . l:na. would advise agam.st the t' which he did not refer, told th.- . itssienatiun followed the ’ ^ North Carolina Student Lcgisla- reprx.sentaiive.s that he w a s no jj^ppY^ssion by the White House I live Assi mbly extending an invi- |dHiger. and that in this as in other , directive the committee mem- liition to students in Negro col- n‘‘ttrr.s vital to the welfare of ^ ;f^ a dj^ctwc the lieges to participate with them, on • ’ g"> state of go^ , the Capital TransitCompany or- ,al)asis of equality, the Assembly , r. latmnsh.p. ^>o \vould speak i^' C ^Pixai iTa^^^ y !%f todbyamajorityofll0to48l . eorjviction But. said Mr-■ “ ,h {li icy.tc-nd the invitation. The mot on 7 ‘'r• xhe texf^^of Mr Houston’s Ict- 110 extend the invitation was made inviting N;-'gro students . rosifinalion dated Dccem- t.fv Buddy Glenn of the University I'-;: thus a.ssimb y will jeopardize ^ T •' of North Carolina and was second- of Negro education of president- 1 # Ird by Jt.hn Liveweavrr also of ' hich we are justly proud j g member of ^ |tlv- Univi-1-.sity of North Carolina. which we have inade so much i \ X ; A bill to abolush ALL EXISIT- .P’-'gress m race relationsHp. Empl.iyment Practice. IING -JLM CROW LAWS FOUND At this point Mr. Eure was hec- j^pp^pdfately • **(>■ I IN THE NORTH CAROLINA l icd and a volley of questions qo Novrmbi r 23. 145. in thfe.' ' ;b'i ATUTEIS WITH REGARD TO -Aere piopoundtd to the S'-cri-tary (,'apjtal Tran.sit Com lany Case. IPL’BLIC FACILITIES, was intro o. Slate. The .speak - thi* joint pp Committee do^cL •J (dut-cd in both the Senate and ,n;'- eting banged lo. rder and Committee voti^ to is.suie. its ;Hou.se and passed by overwhelm- plead that Mr. Eure bt permitted decision which directs' Ca^tal ORDER CHECKS EMPLOYMENT OF D. C. NEGROES SUPREME COURT NAMES FIRST NEGRO LAW CLERK Bv LOUIS LAUTIER • the NNPA News Service Give Africiin Student Scholni- jihip —- Mr and Mrs. J. B Jordan, above, thrifty but «enernus farm people of Ridgeway. -aiU pay al most the entire co.t it a cumplclc college educatioti for a jitiid.ri' from .\fi-ic;- M Shiev University youth ’ work will be .supplemented by a srhorlarsh.p given by the umvtrMty. The .\frican .student , soon will be bc"M*ihl to ihi.-i c'.uii- I try by Dr W C S.-merville. exe cutive M'cre.iry of the I.ott Cares Enreicn Mi-^s-on eonvrnti'n wh > WASHI.NGTON. D. C.—Admin iniation spokesmen were quick !>) c.;ni- to the defense of the Whit.- Ilou'C alter it b-came knfiwn that Pie.sidt nt Truman’s secrelai ia.’ ..lid .stopi>ed the issuance of a di- i.Llive to Capital Transit Com- p.T.y ordt ring the employment of . c ored men as trolley and bus ot'erators. These .spokesmen pointed ou’ i-at tile Fair Employment Prac tices Committee had been derclic. ijr, riot issuing a directive imme- ’dlstiely after tt made bindings of fact in the complaints against the Capital Transit Company in April. IicsU-ad of telling Capital Tran sit then to cease di.scriminating acam.st colonxl app^licanls for pla'form jobs, the FEPC contln- ui ft negotiations with the com- naiiv but made n> more progn-ss BOSTON. Ma*». (NNPA) — The Massachusetts Supreme Court last Thursday named Herbert O. Reid. 27, of Cam bridge. as one of its law clerks. This was the first time in the history of this court that a colored man has been given such an (appointment. Reid, a native of Wilson. North Carolina, volunteered for military service in 1942 and became a second lieuten ant in the 369th Coast Artil lery (AAA), formerly the 369th New York National Guard Infantry Regiment. He fought at Okinawa. ,BAR WANTS LAW TO PROTECT NEGRO WORKERS ng majorities. The’"Jim Crow " loncludt- hi, adrtre.'is at which to cease and desist ^otn , bill was introduced in the Senat-. by Mi.s.s Judy McLean and in the M iHfiiJK' by Miss Betty Anne Rag'-b- I.riid of th- University's Women Coili-ge at Greensboro. Two repre- oiT.tativps of the House spoke fav- ' I mg the passage of the bill. There was no address opposing • the bill. Secretary Eure Speaks Secretary of state, Thad Eure, v.as pre.scntcd to the assembly fol- Icwing the vote lo extend the in vitation to the Negro slud-nls and he Eure i THREE PASTORS DIE IN WRECK Birmingham, Ala. (ANP)— Motoring back from the Ala- . CLEVELAND lANP- - The n^c- ■ Cksity of immediate enactment of a fcder.il FEPC law »o protect the 1 rights of Ncgr.i workers w.-is polni- • ed out here Thursday by Atty. 1 Charles W Anderson, prrsidcnl of I the National Bar Association, dur- i ing the opening ses'ion nt the law I yers threo-day convention Piluring the plight rf Negro civ ilian workers along with fha'l of re turning Negro veteran.', Atty And erson, a member of Kentucky's state legislature and the south's only Negro state lawmaker. urg^J Gmonsboro N C — A viole it lawyers *o fight for the enartmeni againslthe^regalio-.» im lulri answer que.stions. putcliees and policies which have linked that the qu‘*.!tijna jn (he denial of .etnploy- ij- yu- 111 Vi iiing jj., (^j Negron, because of race, ' intinuing ih^ ,peakiT said. ,j^Qtr,rmen, bus op- lor i.mi yi-ais I h-ive plead for .^.lators and traffic checkers. This \i’ur right ‘n sw.-ik as .,-ou chotKe. r.ierely effectuates the prost'cution new I ask of you the opportunity q/ (ho ^.-ar by Executive Order 1'. .,p-.ak to you a.-; I ehoo.se. The'j.j-j, 9345 deor to my office, for the pa.«t nine ' Witnout not;c«-to the Commlt- V .ia.« bt-'-n an op'-n door and g chance'for* tnc Commit, •Neg. r.riti7ens of t.iH .state, like present-'its views, on No- V o-r oI t.iv white race, have r - ^r 24. youvMxlered the Com- i.iv.xi tH' same cimj't^ius consid- not to issue the decision. iContinut-d on page 8) (Continuiod oi) page 7) Bennett Student Ofgan Protests Segregation -NEGRO TO BE lion that convened in Mobile. Uce commission law. 'family Life Conference held at the the three Baplis. ministers and -It will be hard on Negro w. rk-' gaptjji church, here, w a wife died in flames here ert during the reconversion crisis jj the Bennett Banner, stu when their automobile collid- , to hold their own against the gen- Dijblication at Be nnett Col ed with a big truck. 1 eral job threats which affect all jj, its current issue. Listed as dead were the workers." he said, “yet they face An editorial wrilti-n bv the ed; Rev. I. Hunter, of Bessemer, burden of i.-ce prejudic' toi Miss Nancy Pinkard. senior, pastor of St. John Baptist ((,jj( deprives them of equal oppor- Mt. Vernon. N Y.. a letter to th • f ISSUE IN '46 ALA. ELECTIONS ; the hostile literature ueued by ■ Judge Uoreue Witkenon-in edvet^ fising the "White Supremacy Lea- , gue." the libel being spread agafiiit the Negro by Mr. EUis is in a hubi' erous vein reminiscent of the cam paign bunk of former Sen. Torn Heflin In a four-page folder, entitled ■"The Colored Brother, or The CrSt* - •• r '. Give African Student Scholnr- ship — Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Jordan, above, thrifty but generous farm people of Ridgeway, -will pay al most the entire cost of a complete college education for a student from Africa at Sha-.v University. The Jordan schorlarship, cmounl- Ing to $900.00. the firs loff^red to Shaw University for .African l"at the Fair Employment Prac-1 tices Committee had been derelict if, r»t issuing a directive imme- ’dWtely after tt made ■ftndmgy of youth will be .lupplcmcftted by a fact in the com^aints againrt the work .-ichoflarbh.p given by the Capital Trarait Company m April, university. The African student Imstrad of telling Capital T. a- soon will bo btouBht to this coun. .s’t then to c^sc dtsmmmatin^g try by Dr, W, C. Somerville, exc. afoinst colored applicants for cullve secreary of the Lott Carey pl.-ttform jobs, the FEPC cont^- i Foreiltn Mission convention, who u.d ''‘‘J,. I bas gone to the continent for that P»ny Wt purpose. Birmingham, Ala. (ANP)— Motoring back from the Ala^ bama Slate Bept%t eeAven tion that convened In Mobile, the three Baptist ministers and a wife died in flames here when their automobile collid ed with a big truck. Listed as dead were the Rev. I. Hunter, of Bessemer, pastor of St. John Baptist Church. Pratt City; the Rev. J. M. Jenkins, pastor of New Hope Baptist Church, the Rev. and Mrs. . A. Petlus. of 22 Avenue Baptist church. All four bodies were burn ed beyond recognition. state legislature ana me only Negro state lawmalter, urged TO BE ISSUE IN '46 ...coding years during which it had tried vainly tn persuade the iCt-mpany to employ colored men | in such jobs. I White House influence is behev- | c-i to have been responsible then i tor failure of FEPC to i.ssue a di-1 iLCtivo. One story is that the late,COMPENSATION ASKED I iv .sidrnt Roixsevclt told the com- t pon DOMESTIC WORKERS .ir.Mtee he would do one of two, It’vngs but not both; Go down the il.itc for a permanent FEPC or in- , isii-t upon employment of colored 1 iti-«'»Ilev and bus operators. | i Members of the committee arc is.sid to have responded that they 'v.ishrd him “to go down the live I for a permanejit FEPC.” . Spok«>smen al.w pointed out ‘ih-at the War Labor Disputes Act. !under which Mr. Truman acted, I in ordering the Office of Defense ; Trarusportation to take posse*'ion !of the capilal transit system, re- (Continued on page 7) tfce commission law. ^ , LtmUy Life Conference held at the "U will be hard on Negro ipirjt Baptist Church, here, was cr* during the reconversion crisis ^ (,y Bennett Banner, stu to hold their own against the gen- publication at Bennett Col eral job threat.*! which affect all in ita current issue, workers.” he said, "yet they face An editorial written bv the edi- artriod burden of i.w prejudice toi Miss Nancy Pinkard. senior, that deprives them of equal oppor- M(, Vernon. N. Y.. a letter to th'- tunity for jobs and advanement on editor and a cartoon expros.sed tne the basis of ability, which is their campus wide disgust of the gt'i- 1 BY EMORY O. JACKSON democratic right. To protect that dints who were directed to a “n- 1 BIRMINGHAM (ANPi - Despiie'of Indlanola. Miss., which right, we need now mere than ev?r served” section of the church | ihe poor success♦polJf'rians in re-1 ed in the Memphis Commercial Ap- a permanent FEPC. and this asso- when they arrived. ; cent times have had with the Negro ] peal 40 years ago.” ciation should vigorously join in the Voicing the contempt for .t h ■* ■ question, it is likely to spotlight the The views of Mr, Davis, as sub- f'Cht to bring about such permanent elections m At .ima n>xt scribed to apparently by Mr. Ellis. ALA. ELECTIONS I the hosttt* lUeratuF* isawetf -' by (Judge Uorcee WDkispcm-lb i Using the “White Supremacy Lca- I gue.” the libel being spread agftStiit ' the Negro by Mr. Bltis is in a huln« erous vein reminiscent of the cam- : iwign bunk of former Sen. Tom I Heflin. i In a four-page folder, entitled “The Colored Brother, or The CrM* tor’s Mastcrplee.” Mr. Ellis has dug up the distorted work of S.F. Davla, 'appear^ NEW YORK—Gov. Thomas E. Dowey, of New York, was urged last week to recommend to the 1946 legislature pass age of a bill which would give domestic workers the bene fit of workmen's compensa tion. Stating that it is "impera tive that domestic workers be protected." Walter White. NAACP secretary asked the Governor to make a strong enpeal in hit annual message to the 1946 legislature. ; - “And You Call This Chrislianitv. ‘ Hi* review of problems lhat face Pinkard wwte Negroes in the postwar period bO- '*^?W°TIenscle« im gar, V-yay, which was the si^a! bo toloratcd, 1 .for natlorinl rejoicing a. well as ^j(b it but never a«-- . the occasion for realistic stock- .j^be policy of tho South ■ taking of plans for reversion, rvidont but doesn’t seg- ; post-war planning and for copirig -^.^ation in tho church of Josu* j with interracial tensions." He said Christ soom to bo carrying “tn*- • that "failure to act on effective re rfjtion” a trifle too far? Tt oiil\ I conversion of governmental agen- tho existing inconsistency I eios. lack of legislation aimed at gpf] disorrpanev in religion, which 'providing security, an orderly plan sr-ents to be no more than for reconversion and the resulting -spoken practice." last-minute scuffle for action at Commenting on race relation* the national level found America she wrote. Rare relatioas • • • as unprepared for^ pe-ice as it was n>8V well 1^ thought of as good. 'Continued on page 8, (Continued on page 8) At the c'lncKisn n of Mr.-!. Ek-.m- or Roosevelt's speech at the Vic tory Loan Interracial dinner which was held in the grand b ill- room of the Hotel .S,evens. Chi cago. recL-ntiy. little Patricia Cecihini and Lawrence Kenner. boll, vK-tiii.s li infantile paraly- si-i, presented to her a bctfutiful bouquet of roses in .ippreciation ■ f the irreat contribution cf the late President Fiankhn D. Roo-'C- veit to the Infantile Paralysis foundation. — 'A.N’P Photo) m DEPLORES TREATMENT OF VETS BY ATLANTA POLICE pring. I are so ridiculous, stupid, and slm- Hany Ellsi. lieutenant governor, j pie-minded, as to be unworthy of from lew ->fficcs in Columbiana., reproduction even to display their Ala., has cirulatcd extracts from a i absurdity 40-ycar-oid piece of anti-Negro lit- The Negro is pictured by Mr. erature in announcing his inten- Davis as a (urious, over-indulgent tions of running for goveror of Ala. being whose standard “rations” irc Unljkc the brand of anti-Negro i "a peck of com meal, two pounds of propaganda that ensued from the'sugar, two pounds of coffee, three 1944 campaign hca:;quarters 't pounds of salt meat, and one gallon Jim Simpson in iiis rejection by the of black molasses a week." alt of voters for the U- S. Senate, and ^Continued on page 8> Virginia Travel Law To U* S. Supreme Court ATLANTA 'ANPi — Some At lanta police are reported to be beat ing up discharged and disabled Ne gro veterans at the .-lightest pro- -.-orat-on and practicing a general "Rct-thcm-in-linc" with po'-t-war attitudes. A number of veterans hove been arrested on vagrancy and loitering Retardation of South Is National Problem w f-rkers. 4;-,rusand.-! She omnlcd out that of rural pt^jolc who . WASHINGTON. D. C, (ANP)- , ' rharges becaii.se they hapj»nrd not qJ (be south in health, b.ive had jobs covered bv social I tn be at w.irk when stopped by L t,upation, and social security af- .si-”;itv during the war will ■ lice for quchtionina and not able to' turn to the farm w’lth littk- hope rexular place o( '■"■’■'■e |of’.''veFr'twivini Bnv (K-ncIit tr ..t, dlsablca ana ... . . c^:_i cn. .he American Sociological .soci'''y. and chief of th*' division of far.ii GIRL WHO VUHTKS Vi ITH TEKTH VIDS G.I.’S lice for que; : eport regu ... w. . .nr-ct. Spipc o( iIicip. disabled and -p., money thev have naid into t! .uaported by the Sovemment be-; ,.cur,ty fund. 1 -au.-e ot the nature and extent of ^ i^n^heon mectine of Dr. Enale wa,s intn^uccd bv D., : 'h.ir injuries durfna «ar scrv^ice. chapUT of the Southern 1 Carl C. Tavlor. orostdent-clect i have nevertheless been subjected to for Human welfare manhcr.dl'ng and brutalities, -Migration." said Dr. Engle, "is ' eorciing to reports. (j,j. n,ost significant result of thb Appeals to the veter.-,ns' bureau when a train-load of mi- f.r protection have not proved suf- ;g-antB l«*ft the south or anv oth.-r i ficienfly helpfi 1 Not all the cases suction of the country they tool' ^ Mer get on police record and to v-ith them tlv effects of the ad- jjaVY WILL PROBE cf-urt. City court mostly finds the v.;ntages or disadvantages that soldiers guilty as charged by police t!u v have had with respect Last week the Atlanta branch of health, education, and economic ihe NA.ACP entered the case of Joel v.-tlfare. “Thus,” Dr. Engle added. Tate disable veteran and trainee ' tlie handicaps of one section^- in a ' hoe repair shop, v ho had been comes the liabilities of another arrested and beaten by an officer, se^ion Accorin? to testimony in Atlanta, Lir r-ngii '-rly employed- Stopping In for a moment, hr said he talked with a • white woman employe who asked him about helping th.-m with tho Wf.rk When Tate told her he , couldn’t help at the time, the worn- Ian it raid to have jibed Tate by ! asking If he were •'rich now.” ' An "fficer Roberson, in the place at the time, asked Tate if he were i rich enough to pay a $50 fme. lo ; which Tate said he responded; ! Maybe, if I get in trouble" It was at this point that Rober«on's I partner. Officer Flowers, hit Tate. ! according to testimony. When asked by NAACP Counsel WASHINGTON. D. C.—At last virtrinia a ck-ar case lo test the Jim Crow , , ,« travel laws of southern state.* ■ Irene Morgna. on July 16. v.'hich segregate interstate nass'-n- u®**"/ oa-^nger on a GreyntwiiiJ ^.trs on intci-stalc carriers is b. - bus from Gloster county Vir^ra fore the United Slates Supreme Baltimore. Maryland. Whw the bus arrived m Saluda, vir- Chief Justice Harlan F. Ston - ^ on November 19 signesj an order back to the rear of the bus. allowing the appeal of Irene Mor- SU wm arrested and gan from the judgment of the wjth violation of the Virginia Supreme Court of Virginia affirm- requiring segrega^n of ir.c her conviction of violation of on Octolw,|;- the Jim Crow transportation convicted and fmM $1^ statute of Virginia. The case camp ^5*" c^**~** up on direct appeal instead of pe- Supreme Court of Viiginia titinn for writ of certiorari be- on June etuse the appeal challenged th'' ®- 1W5. her convwtion was afftrm- constitutionalitv of tho statute in • (Continued on page 8) Last Elements of 92nd Division Arrive From Italy A T turc. I'* Army of" i>me Foui thousand nten jli- a^^ved continuously in frontline termination of 1M5. The men of the 37()th wear three Battb; Stars on their European Theater Tate. Flowers said in court. "I did oSnu™t"on"and ;;:;»?‘'wri)W;'M!'.« bkc lb. way be ■Mkeb .0 -n, Yo-rk City .-{y™ J“STbT ‘be ” S Department of Agrictil i buddy." Later when asked hit rea-.ar-d Norfolk. Thciw-four Ibou-sand hoetilities in Mav xx. :s. uopariimni attacking the disablert vcl-Iv... re all t.bat wa.- left of the one- I erir. Flowers gave another alleged'I2.(>00-strong "Buffaloes” who 1 MARYLAND JIM CROW pointed out that the r. - • “ «•'• « heaten bv'suuth has been tied to a one crop econo.ny-band PlnvL-era at a R'jricuUur.'l! e. « . i» TK* b‘">r low income and the conse- NEWARK. N J -CNS* - Besb^ie ablod .-eivictmeii and civilian crip- Peachtree Street Caieteria. ma inability of the southern J. Blount, one o( Newarks best pie.- the art of writing, drawing headwaitei at the cafeteria ^^J^^states to provide anything more- trained nursc-pbvsioth'-rapisij- who and shorthand with their teeth rested at the same time he '(j,ar sub-stan(iard health and edti- recently appeared on CBS Network whiU convalc-cing. to telephort Tate’s wife. rational facilities for their peopl;, as guest of the Hobbv Lobbv pro Miss Blount, also pi jfes,--onal Tate t.ilrt Recorder W L, Calla-; urg*d the enactment of a L, Calla-; ^ Slum t ecauic ■>! h-i own uiiusu.il artist -i.d photoi^raphoi s irmdel. is v. .y that iie was on his way home national social Bounty 18 noinc muc)i to add re- noted for standing on her head from a downtown theatre and past-’ o^,-i,rn_onc which would >" hobby. iurnUig veteraQo Slic tr«ebe& ilis- cafeu'ala wlu-ie In- was form cliKlc fai-m p»'opk* and domustie NEW YORK—An investiga tion of the reported segrega tion of Negro personnel and their visitors on visiting days at the Naval Training Center at Bainbridge. Md.. will be made by the Navy Depart ment and "appropriate action taken," according to John L. Sullivan, Acting Secretary of the Navy. In a letter to the NAACP Mr. Sullivan said: "The De partment k anxiotu to prevent discrimination against any of its personnal." reason. w t. . I’”’.***', Hibbon. one more than is worn Noi mxn roster, tbr beadw.Irr. at toushi twd b.-eo g^nd. said he went c ownstairs lo adjust bv death, transfers and vt-gre the last units of the an air-conditioning unit as he saw ;c'seh^gis. no ,u , ‘*”nd to return from overseas. Th« Tate about to be placed under ar- At B'Wton on Novem^*r-2. the ^ rest, and asked if Tat-: wanted him i-t-'t f>f fh*’ Division ^ Field Artill- unit serving in Italy, to inform hu wife of the incident. '*’fT Within 48 hours after their ar- The police apparently 'esented this. the three large Eastern one of them taking Foster by the L 'v^ Nwem- ‘^^^usand mei^ arm and turning him around and "nArSlil-. ' ith the exception of those who later placing him under arrest. Both SD^Ial” Trooo^rt- ‘elected to re-ehlist—were on Uralv Fjster and the disabled veteran and its Snwal Troops^jjj^ 33 centers thflroughout the were taken to police station in a Hahd—-landed." At Norfolk. VIr- ‘ ou*itry—from Fort livens. Mm- patrol wagon. j-i^ja November 27. the last Despite defense counsel’s plea for , y Division’.- combat units. . JuiUce and the veteran’s testimony 3fi5(h „nd 370th lnfantr\' Reg*- . vtandards of the di- that he was struck in a spot where at Hampton Road.^. he had been injured while In army The 37(Hh aUo was the fir-t ^ (Continued on page 8) l,.oiiibJt U-an, of the Division to .Continued on page S) sarhusetts to Camp Beale. C^i- nla—to be separated from tho / J

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