'.leig::. TWO VETS HE M PUNE GMSH ★ ★★**** ***★*★★ *★★** ★★ ****** Gov. Opposes, Di. Graham Condones Assembly VOLl .MK XXVI. Si), -r. ii.AI.FiCti, NOK'I II CAIiOMNA \' KKK KN’DINC SATI IUDAY. DKrivMBER 15, 11)15 PRICK •■)( PROTEST TO NAVY Says World Biothesihood A Must OR. FAVORS STUDENT ASSEMBLY VOTE RALEIGH — The re.snlution in* vitinjii Nc}{rn Collette Mudents to atto!)d next yciir s mcctitiR of N. rrT. C.irutiiiii Student A2!.scn)bly hu' btuiJxht rrp(rcu.tions troni all an- 4le>. Gowrr.or IJjPiJi: Ctirny, Monday LT. ELLINGTON OF WINSTON- SALEM ONE OF VETS KILLED PROTEST BAR ON Two Beauties and the Beast 'its a FROM GARrilER Tru- Washington. DC fi'fal of Navy otf.t . . iji.ft carruT Cioatan to ai '.vv 1‘? Nt'gro soldiers to com. ivniu- >0 that Vfs.sel, soJily In , 'Ir vvtro not white, diew a si .1 i> list lust \Mvk‘from ih. N'.AAf to Sccritui y oi tiic Na‘-v. J..111 V. FoiTcslal Citing an mtiaeni iioin W i- War I, uiierc a Negiu vosi.-e. ’. was bailed from rc*u:n*ng In ’.h United Slates from Fianec b> . battleship captain who :!i ciari-,. Ntgroes had ni vei ridden texcep as servants) on a battleship “air never would, ihi- NAACH leli “H is 27 yeari since 1918 and ^ despite tin* progress that has he. i made in many ateas of human r*' lationships. w. find th> Unit- States Navy m hM.) n taru ahead in :ts afitude than it -■ -•in i91«‘ Pointing ••.u i:iat BIGOTRY MOST BE REPLAOED SAYS WAR SECRETARY Port Kaltalion Sends S32()T(i NAAt.P NEW YORK 'ANP> — Thv bui--, for . L'i.i., jx-itif will tie the soo- ►lUutior, of prejudic** rnd hate f o world brothcrhoixl. Tt). • fora Ip . f - pi niiiinctit wot id peace was given here Tist week by i-cr--!;.iy of AA'.ir Rol>ert P Patter son during a dinner tribute t > Basil O'Connor, lead, r rf a natioi al • . lhi - ho'.d m ivetrenl. at the AVai- dorf-A.-t'ri.j h->l'.*l and was «*chotd by other prominmt ‘•peakers, 'ie remarked that the w. rl-. lijoks to the United States for celdance. •'be- , vaese we pioneered the deinotxa-. , iw. wav ol li«* “Our armed strength and worid organization will be ineffective for peace." Pattc-rson -.lid. “if here .1; I ' nme and in our Vrfun relations w. p«‘rn*it prejudice' and hale- I New York — Memberships and contributions in the amount o! S326 have been re- ct.»Ted by the NAACP from the men of the Headquarters company. SlOth Port Battel* loe on the island of Tinian in the Marianas. The membership campaign was asaisted by Seaman Le: ler Coie ot the Sixth Con- Slates Navy, who provided slnicticn Brigade. United the Army coniingent with N. A. A. C. P. literature and cam- paiqn material. The member ship drive in th .^atalion was olraeicd by lit bgt. James Parrott. Joseph CampbelL and fosMr W. Scott of the 2S0lh. SlOlh. an^ 632nd Port com- 0 k Oa^. Sprtngffcid, ilSnois. branch the NAACP. on hi» return from tbi confereiit' if Souihf rn Govi-rnora in Now Or- ' IcaiiK, rcgistirod his opposition to jro.'olution Tin- G-’vernor's op- ipcs.tion according lo tne pre>s was I bascii on tiic f illowing statement. [ I don't brlicv.' ir u.'king jnyoni. I to p:irticit’.-te in anything lik- tha' unji's». they haw given indicatTan th.it they want t*> So far as I ca ditermir.e. the Negroes never havi indicated any such intention ’ The Governor' publi.-hed - ment has brought many inquires . THE CAROLINIAN a-kwiR if i>- Governor or any -ithir state offi cial had made .my ser.ous iXforl ' ascertain the inuntio.i or a.-po tiotis of Negro studiTii A lo' g d tanre te!t |)i on coil from AA'.;, ■ig’on. I) C. whire a North Car .ii. i .tudent - -ow .ii'.. o.li 4 hoi • •i.-'ed ih.it her 'ibstivilion of • • -ituatMn in North Car-ilina. ..hiii- '■ode .t here w;-- to il'e . Ifnt •• hv I'i'.er.tion .iiu' ..vpr ition. a.- c criung bir.ic al meeting i ad b»« .uppres-a*d Shi called .ii'ei-i o - puhb'heri .'t;.t*nent .»f D, Kr.mk Gr.iha;-> •- the Unlwi-ily "T ■ »> •.'* N'.ir'" Carobra. aa c*in;pared to tm peaceti-re r ileiTce of the Negro a'^mmistrali .• r... ■■•d . h'.id- 111 the fa . of the statemeu' Ha- le rtt ^ -i I f Mr Thad Eiir.', wh' dwt..;- ' • > ■ I-= ' Scho I. ..t that thi-y wi.uld advise .;guin.l ic- f ns f- >nitr. leptmg tre irMtalion A'MU.A .Strday .ilteri. While inquire* came to THF CAROLINIAN from oot-oMhe-ciy ie-t t-haw Univi-rsity stude.'- invitee and listened to a respucKient Uow fhe AsscusWy call H day of hope and salva- ftfon. not only for North Carol.na Filst I.ioiitfMijint.s IlicharrI W. Hall and SpurKPt’^* X. KHinxrton. votoran coniiiat pilots of World War II, woro Uillod Mondtt.v morning-. Dooombor 10. while on :i ixjutino fro.s-i-eoiintry flig'^ht from Tuskojfeo Army Air !'ipld whon the singto rnirin-' trainer plane In which ‘liov wf*r«‘ flyitiK era hod approximatoly 5 miios .-south of f’tillejro I’ark, .Atlr.nta. G.i. Hotails of the crash are not i.\;\ilnl*lo I’Ut a hoard of oualifiod officers ha.s been appoii.io-l lo floti’i'inino th** 'au.-At‘ of the accident, l.t. n.tll. ilf »u of Mr. and .Mr.g. Henry Hall. .Merc er A\o., AUmny la. aiu! former student of Hump* on liLstitule .sorted 11 months ovei-sea.s with the :5;i2nd Kig'^htc*!' flroitp, where he earned the .Air Medal with 3 Oak Leaf ('lustei's. He was marri**d itj the former Mina lima Liiyat). of Saxannah, (»a. l.t. Kllinjflon. the* .'Win of Mrs. Kuna X. Ellinjfton. L.o} \. Ilijrhland. Winsto»i-Salem. .X. (’., »erv'd 16 month' of tainbal cluiy witli the ;5:l2nd winninjf the !)i.tinjfuished Flying ('ro.s.s and th** Air Medal wnth -1 Oak L»*at Clu.ster.s. He wa.s graduate Wnisioii-Saleni •'eaviMTs Collejiv. ai»d was marro d to the former Miss ..■■Ii.e \. llav . . of ilo.sto'l, M.iSS. Hastie Against Conscription V-'I’i •h«-r •- WiV- !! prepared ,iid Ilaslic. The n.xt w.ir. if w.y. will rmilt ill the destructum *>f civilization. “Coniiderin* the racial uspceli.'* Publ*c Af- H:»atie continue. “I am opposed te Pme Stn. t ci.mpuiiwry training because it is .n He -ic- doubtful that it wnutd be csrnca on hal compulsory mihu.y without scfregation. One yesr la a .- ; would prove futle and fsderaUy sponsored system of seg- ouid be harmful to raci.!] equality, regation would have a lar(% and 0(Mii Hiutie bared his opposlti-.iii serious effect on our youth and the 'jnd THE CAROLINIAN )H» pffac«Ume conscription upon his principles of racial equally toward *'txf^riedee V LietHmsml Simeon . ;uid'lhe N«rci. bat for Ih. nipr,J»- , to with the segregated sy*- which we have been working. "Ka*- ur.-Amencan polkie* of tie resigned in lM3 a^ civilbn aid i.,vtih>mtat sel-up while aerv- i© the Secretary of War in protest • Cemtinued on i what be termed out-right ination against Negroes In r^rognftt of the A ll durtOK the war, pretty junior [ ami older volumeors help service attitude- toward th-,c hosu-.'isos Jean Stovall .-vmi! ni«-ii a*- w. ]l as s^-rvlcc men s wives . _ j, . dcx.-lop the earth Ro»a Walker (abo.8> h,.lr«l i™:,.|.hro..cl. the prc.enl Hlfflcull and [...judiee and hate, the ees-.lurlnB their shore have tn>m;ie.I.«. «,.M)n.ierin| l„a , di.t.lr ■!,. t t.,lit.,nan rincit ili.i.' V.-y.l Tr-Mi-.--‘. .%-fail** 'h- N.Pit-nul 1 »\ t..A IS _ Poll Shows Public “Strange” No Negroes Won Medal Of Honor Say.s Crisis Editor iiatll'-ship 'af; NAACF ivti N» gro*; iVi'l ni l fa- wi ••'.mis) .in K-v*.- would. 1 deejared- “B is 27 year* *.iK-e 1918 an- despit*- thv propr»-ss that h'-- pi; d: ill many laL'iriships. Navy StQt- a’l* ad in ;9l« " Puintinj, o.i! Ni'p: ■ t g.’’inc id Irum !)■ -t ii *h' opran '.h- : than N:iv.\ in pl( li ly wiiJi'm rin.i ti.i ' iiiiin ii '.'nltrd States for Biddanci r.-use w piomared the demoura- ;iw- wav of Uia, •Our i,rmi-d strength and world . organiziitiiin will hi* ini-ffertive for the Negro, but tor thi t (.'oiitiiiiied on pAge 8> la -irli than It ■ >f a a: •h'-ii-an.l • hn : ■ '.U- Ii i!;. ad Ku! a.;-, ■np'. . . gati'in. ■ N..' pl( 1 .. Vwilkin. 1.1 '.''-I ■ li Ti-inai'-nil unl.v to say t" 'h-v.- nvn ‘ha’ • could r.iU lo'iiir cm .1 Navy btcaii.s- of Ih ir If li; L'r.itod S'ai. -c Navy 'u to Ivav a final m- moty in thv mind' Ni pro .-Anv- r, su’d: 1 I'm- tfi-: the htftcr ihojighf ''..i' cau.se tl’.cy are n it wi'i*-- th'-y ■ not roce vr at the hands of Ih. i country'•• Navi- I'ni A I^Ldurlnrlhe pretty junior hosh'.sses J an S'.ivall nnd Rosa Walker (sbov«) helped Iraiii- ees—iluriiig their siinre leave from the r.rrat l.rfik‘-s .Naval Trainme St.atlim—trade their sea lees for a roilirking gallop un hnrselixck li seem-i iinnere.-sarj' top-inf out that the :iv.alry division of (he Wati- kegan. III.. CSO club was on»- of the molt popular land aiiivi ies with ihe marine-minded (ontinRont of »iiir armi'd forr.-i. Th- iroporlam thinp Just now is fbni young mlssos like Jean snd Rosn are still on the job. Artiially, hof-i-haek riding is only one of th-- couoll«MS wsys junior hostesses and older volunteers help service men .1' W-Il as service men's #ives ihroiich the pres-nt ritfllcuH and resth-ss waiting p-r.od. Ileranse ih- National YAA'C.A Is th-- r.so m* nih.'r agenry jininurily 1 with women, many of tlo f. niiiiine-il.inted projects fall iriliirally >mil-i Its wing. Today, for ex.impl'-. volunii*era nr- weicom- ing Ih- }1 wife who comes to visit her h'-'pii.aUted hiisband; running I,ally ch-'tks for %-islilng mothers; and Inviling reunited service nu-n's families into UdOs fo. a home- -o-iked dinner. Tromoting belter ra-- re:.iilon« is an tinderlylng theme m all A'-W.C.A. »ctlvllic». n! :.; oth- foiivht Will jiu'iin.'t Hill birii ■*'on. Thi- Ul-on ’.'III :r» ; c.'iinmiiP-i r.s o' iiig iii-d to I t III I'nitfd Sfnf'' Ri-iil •; ;is fhfdii to rnre or color •1 . Young Ga. Demos Discuss Negro Part In Forums I>ence.'' Pntlerson '.aid. if here ni > ar.it- .and in our f- -"vn relations, we perrril prejudice- and hat-*- In warp our attitude toward th—^e who po'.;i .-v- and rip\.-lnp the earth --.ilh us Pri-jiidire and hi.le. the ingredients the t ifalit.iri.an g.angs lers used in their eff n t lo subvert fl-.- world, mist be eliminated if we •are to rebuild it. "Intoleianre. failure 'a rrcogni/e lhat 'if me Mtaid an- all natioti.s of men,' will promote another wave of the I riit:il .>nd degraded raci-m Ih.il in-tiired the '-xis co-- pirney :uio*hf r w. rid war whose ‘luteo ne mav well h- Ihe end --f eivdiratlon.'’ The wa u-crelary's nh-a for , wr-rlri Ijrolherhtiod wi hacked by Rf.-ir A.lm Lewis 1. Sirait-s The advent of 'he aiomir bomb pre.sent- rd ‘'.in immediate ehallrnge lo statesmenship and to -ririlual le.ad- (-••'■111 .1 I'hallenC' 'viih riviliri- (ioo .l■.•'f a-: the nii-.' -if folur- '• Poll Shows Public Believes Tan GI’s Good “Strange” No Negroes Won Medal Of Honor Says Crisis Editor I e Chicago (ANP) - Miv-t Amuri- c in.-. g.i.' -ni -' --f iK-h-'v '■ • I gn--; v- 'l go.id .vnl-ia • •n World Wai H In the Nei’.ro Die ' jioM fo • f)e- c* orhi r, a iMiphn-. of ihe pnpula- ■ L.-n in C'l 1- i'o 'he n iiion ui I'l. aled tha' ' 1 - N- ».r" ildu ' while not held *he highest esie. ni in 'ome tirt i- . ha.s .‘.■*11 miK h atl- I .ration f-.. id- W’.at r-i 'T'!. ] . ir, •!-, ; n pe: sen . ol ' •'•Ih N' gi' i and '.s In'' OI-. -I.- 'oi". '. . .-\l' .S' kiO, (i ■ diet were mo-tiv Dixa insni'-d >• e.l Smifhern whitc.s on the •the. air.^n.* w henti felt the Ne jro would m 1 | .di w r- r'luul up undi 1' fir* ttnd shtiuH he rcl.gatecl t> sepaiaU' batlal 'ii-. N Dn Mi,nv .p.ikc- th.- -,b»rt n . -tru' -.yi st , I t|,.. q2iid division tir "that eol- f>(>iitn Italy." Risult.s N'w York — E)eclaijng that Prv.siJent Truman has awarded eanva.s.si'd in the Ye-- No Undecided KPL n"! 19G 7.')^: R'i 2!^ nO'; 5R': 12*^ Na HEAVY DEMAND FOR NAACP CHRISTMAS SEALS 19-} . r ■dr. New York —• Heavy de mand for Christmas seals of the NAACP, especially front southern states indicates that the total sales may reach ono million, it was announced here. More than 900,000 seals had been distributed as of December 1. had ''loi forum, 'I'.a! a-keit lo parlicipa'-- ihiit th»'y W'-re free iiri hoM forums it r-d .m l that it a . diM'u.'S any quu O'Connor, lauded for pu.'hinH th" hroth'-rh .nd movi menl. '.vas p'-*- rT.led .. srroll in graeful r.-co-'nl- • iM' «.f .1 lif dedita' d *•• ihe vel . • the N.!- '...I .1 Conf' lenct of i'»u -'ti.-io'- ••lod T. IJ. '. ii'.- OM-. idei - of the lo- Full-H-eifin ' ir Tnfan • ! . o ' .. ni.in ••'■ Tie .^mer- r i fv,.- . ,1 !*• . Rfd Cr' !« I. . Vo;:-! ■•! •^-•^•f•^l■n'^. :i> u-.'li !•' member of the Natlnnal C-uiferenee of Christi'tns and Jcwf, •ridiei Report Shows Mortality 30-40%Higher Than White N. ilh \v -t IS' iilh 1 Th 'l' NV L'nil-'tiHt- i : iT'k in-: f.i- i i.' , -in'- I-,- . •itofiK soutii Ml •.’■'•iiU't .111*1 N'- Yi r.. - /{. p. iaM--, However, the tiia- Jr ii-- ill whUi - III !h.- N*i- lh t. '•!: i) tiy intifh f-ir grantu-d th • i;o -I o! the N-«io in unifurm, ■ tcli liiut attack- 'in the N. fii'o -iul- i(*i over till- fEPC NEEDED TO Hon. Thad Eure Makes Statement To Carolinian on Student Assembly Position PREVENT RACIAL CLASH ON COAST NEGRO MEDICS CNREO GROSS HEALTH BCARO BV t HAS. i. IRVING iSperUI To Tllft ('AKtH.IMAN ' -(Ju.U.. ■V. -pajic- Ni-qr.i puhli-.h> rs. RALEIGH It Nvgio Ju.idor.-. of 1 number • t die i.i'c -.'1 h lo u.* u " me or buili. up re.-eiitnieut aga.iul ^ mic a.s a juibhc' .'Civant. .ui .U'* I ctiuose. Ill the leceni Suident L«' 1 • . laiive Asst-mbly. to ex,u•e.'^ m-.- ji* - J] K. nal coiiv'ctioii. . '.liein that ih,. >• arc attemplii.g t> .-n:eur or build a;: rc*cntmciU against -me • i then pe-l ( friends.'' i«'i'larcvi Hoiv able Th.-1 Eure, .Sei'M.'iary of Sdiu, ai t- •■ conclu.sion of .ai luiur'' iuieiv'*'.v 1 1 hi- offic. Til.-d.IV The.'.- .-nu-ai- g. and rc.'i'i'.tn.i lit.-, tl'. -ein-laiy sail u would tuit engL-udv: in him -ii - \ scintilla 'if hate, .iiiri that he \v->u-d tt go on in the yc.ii.- lhal he.- ahi-a-i p just a- he na.' iloin- in Itie pa-l. Cl inq till that he roiild t•lr .dl '-t the 1 people, irn>|i>'et se of r.iee. in h, ualiv ''..••n,' .md tutu: tin It" : but an 1 'iidncn t.irn b iri'c i- . \KH il ** Gl'l ni'j Ml' Eure naui' de>pite tin- laet tiiat h. h.id pre viously told Mr I'.iul Jiivav, pi.t> , lisher ot THE C'HO! th t- he would not III- ipiiiii'd .aid that 11 uid I 'Uitemenl r ii- 1: I . I,. - 11 •.un.iiU'ini'.iv. ' Eiae ..%•• .nil l^u^1ra- of the iiie -.M-rk i.f Dr. Jam*-- K Si;-;• .Jal Dili'. .iT and the F III- U' ‘ ■.vhirh he had aecorr.jtliMi- fd so m».-' He called Dr Slupaia . .•i.,r. and avei.-I ti.e ill- h.id d'tiiu much in tiu '.-.'ay • .hi. , ••I’.ie;.'.. .. .il fiieililii .• fur hi- tare He -.in! that these pn - p.. -.r 1:. a-Jiich Hide-;! of the N - t'.iu . -ee had rcreived In’eaiisc f t.;- d.p'n.if Dr Sh.-pard itieir hail fitted them for the ecu- iiomie I-pniiMbilitM';. of life ami ki'.'ii. tlietii eili/.eii.'hi|) llier-cby iii.ik- 114; diein a jiiii of the machine y of !h.' 'tale He Ihuuuht that leeug- t itnni should come i.’ractuallv and I, , . .'uie. •- I.f i-.-p u'ibihly K... II I on In- tliough! Ur Shepa*'l wo'.ld - .u-inn-i ii He made i.*i -lalinn-iit a- to the basis for hi.- a'iii.liiiiu li on paxc hi Uii.iafio lAN'Pj Fna' iinunl of - Imiural fair . inplnyment prar- Lc rommi.v'i'.n law by conj'rv.'t is lu-edi'd lo previ-Pt laeial out- ou ak.s i.n till w»-sl roa.sl, accorrl- ir.K to Uaicy .McWillianvs la>l v ick. McWnl-ains, author and luctui'- . i' i.n race rulatii.ns, said in Ihu f.Die. Ill 'ill* Ann rKaii f'ouncil on l\:.ic K-lation.-i luie that racial t'a.-ihv.- ar- like ly on the v.-c s t to; St unle.-s FEPC Jugi.slatiun -a p i.'Si'd. Ip ••xpr".'.sinc ho'.v unfort in.t-c It I.- th;it tiic icdcral guvcinmrnl i' "al •i.calina" its rcspon.-ibilitt ■.' ii'.inii!croups at a Lm.- ' l.cn tlni i is gr.-atrst nc'-d f-r } I'l t. cli'jit ol hou.sinc and job op- rioiiunitii-.s. .he ciu-d a curi'cn; trove Id u-turn the employim-ni .service *0 the sluti-s. H - .ilso mentioned the immia ml elo.sinc of tlu- War Relocation ii.ithorilv and ftiiluiv of C'lnifre-.' If establish a fair employnun* piaelic-'.- lommis-ion as aclditiiri ;-] pr-of of how the gi-vernmtn’ li;r' r -i-.iken niinority B'bup l- - spiiiusibililies V.'a.'-hinplon, D. C. - Th-- ao pniiitm. nl of t-.vo Neyrt. physi (i. ns and a Nepro nurse to ;m At! 'vi.'r*ry D'larfl on IletiUh Si-rvit"'-" I'l cu'ordin;-;.- aeti-'llius '»f th li'.nu-rictin R- d Cress in the hc;iUit fuld lias been announced by Ba-'- il O'Connor, national Red Cro.ss ,'l.;tirm:'n. T -i- two men a.i. William Refi ll rek Brown, Jr., .M. D.. of Pi'.V* L’jrgh, Pa., an*! .loim W. Chi-n- M. D., 0: TuskiHOe, .-Mfi The iinan is Mr. Marion B Se\- 'I'.i-ur. a.s.'isla'it directtir of nur.s -s. 'EV. edmen'.s Ho.spitul, Washingt-in. D. C. ■ The cominiilee ei)nsi.sl.s of 100 n.en and women from 2.‘> sl..te.-' ImkI th. District of Cfilumbia re- jiMS'-nting every .specialty in th - fi« 1(1 of health. In .iddition t-) f.I.v sician.' and_ nui.se.s. dent's'-, liciilth educators, medical and p.-ychiatric .social workers, ho-spi- ta! adminislialors, medical pub licists. nuti'itionLsIs, pediatricians, public health administrators, and .sanitary vnijineerj have been in- cluded- Th(* n-.-w jfiiiup was appoin'ed as a I'c.'Ult of ;i lecomm-n falion r.-iiie bv a Spicial Medical 'iri'! ill alth .Survi-y CommPtee which • Mr. O'C iniu r named m October, i (('oiitiiiueil .III pai^v 81 V.'ashmgton (ANP/ f’r a'.h r.it.' among Negiocs i.s !tb to 4 i p'-t ('-nl hi|dt*''' than .-imor. Ill- p'■•.sons and Negro lib ( ;-- pKtaniy is 10 to 12 years shorn-, Titi.-.e Were amoni! t!ie shockin.-, f.icis on he.ntlli on- hitin.- amon.-j l.-,i- N(-‘i'o j)t ople givi n m an a-.i di-.'.- ‘v Dr, Ptiul R. Comely ol Howaid'univursilj to uelcgate.s of th ' International Work -rs order at a ronfeiunci on social scrurjiy ;>nci heallh held in Wtisliinglnn hist we. k. Olhe. facts n-vi-aied by Dr C '.I nely .-ire ti at: L Twice as many Negrois di of pneumonia and influenza than whiU-i. 2. The numbi-r of Negro phys - cians has .'iecreased by five per rit.t in Ihe nation although th. total numbi r of ph.V'Sicians in the I ni'erl Stales as a whole ha.s in • eic:,M'd 12 per cent. Though e ratio r,f one doctor for every 1,50-) persons is considered e.ssi-ntial to safeguard h'-alth, in a slat, like Mis.si.s.sippi there i.s one Negro doc tor for every iK..')27 persons air.l in South Carolina, the ratio is (.n*- to 12,512. 3, In HH2, 45.7 per ei nt of Ne gro liv'.- births Wv-re delivertd hi' widwives compared to only 2.2 pir cent for while mothers. While de.iling parlicularlv with lh( deplorable conditions anuma t ie Ni^fiio people, th.- physi'-ian p-iinled out th.'*t Ni-Kro health pM-hlein.s may be considered as i-Micly evaiigerations of Ihe pii- tur' of *iie eoinmi'"'ty .-u. a v.hole.'' Passage of thi Wagni i-Munay- Dingi 11 National Health act f.'^- ’f.OU) and Ihe Social Security bill S-IOSO). said Dr Ce “ly to th'- t.'uf' ence, ronv- neci . mnbiliz 'M.ppiirl f"i thi.se measures, ''will do much to improve the heai'*' 't.iUi.s of .very ritDen of th- I'liiled Si.ile.s, th, Congressiona! Mt*dal of Hcin- .ir "hte-ally in batches” to whita : ■ lOb of the war. The C'-isis mag- ;: ;nc remarks editorially that it sums ‘‘.strange to Negro Atrerl- rans” that nut one out of neail/ million of their men in the sei- :vtres .should have won the nu- •linn's highest honor. The pdl'or- ;ial m tlic December issue en'it- iled. "Not One Out of a Million." follows; ‘Brave -white heroes in our aimed serviees have be* n award- .d the nation's highest dccoi-d- tion, the Congressional Medal of Honor, literally in batches by President Truman. The Crisw v-iuld not take one ounce of cre dit tmm 'iicse men who.se cita- t'.'.rs suggest that the honor they hdvc won, high a-s it is. l.s no* ade quate thanks for their sacrifi'.es and heroism. Yet it does S''oro Strang-- lo Negro Amerirarw tha* out ot the nt irly one million of U.« ir men in the armed .services not one .should have performed in sueh u manner as to be cited for tltc Congressional Medal of Hon- 19 NEGRO POLICEMEN PASS EXAMINATION FOR DETECTIVE REV. S. F DALY REV. CHARLES JOHNSO.N Phil.-idelphia (ANP) — Tiu- po- .sibilit' thill Ihe number of eolo. rd (detectives on the local p>li- foice might be inrren.sed early 10 tl'.f New Year was seen r- Uet \.-fik with the posting of the ’’e- ' suit of an examination for detec tives held last Septombe;- 7 There are presently approxi- luiitely 70U detectives, of w-heo. i.lH)ut 10 are colored, holding th ■ rank of deU-elive first graJe. Th ’ l:^t rhoW‘‘ that of ‘he f'OO -.ui’rol- n.en who complet(‘d. 19 eolured nu n (|iiitlifjed out >jf il total of 41il. EXCHANGING PULPITS APEX~Thc First Ii..ptiit ''hurch of this city .mnounres two b;-ecial dev-ices far the holidays, according to the officers. A special New Year s service will be at eleven A. M. the first Sunday in January, ut which time The Rev. Chas. Johnson, white, a graduate ot .^-b»l''^ C(.!li g-. Wilmore. Ky., and of the MtHiical Department, Uni- v.'rsHy of lii*tialia. IndiunapoUs, ind. .tiid at pie-w-nl ngisit-red lu ..he eriidu.no l.>epartmrnt of Drew I Ur versity, Madison. N. J.. will de liver the morning sermon. At the same service, The Rev. Alfonso Llor(Jd. white, of Bogota. Colombia. South Ar -ri'-a. will peak on his country peopli. Hev. Llored is a graduate of Prince ton Un.versity, Princeton. N, J.. ani registcretl now In the graduate D«- piirtmern of Drew University. iCuutiuued on page 8> J

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