WEEK roOlNG SATt'UDAY, DECEMBEK 22. ia45 THE CAIIOLIMAN I'AGE iJEVEN Ucconefrht^'K K«ju;hes t.181 StwuU Jnd ’Scouters The Ocfuni-cchie Council reach ed an all lime record on December ’15, when ilB renistialion na^’lii-d 1581 Seoul and 55coiiters, Tlie C’ un- cil is iHimposed of ihe following counties with the refei>-trali(»ii ul units, scouts and scouIcts: Wake, 298 Scouts. 63 Cubs. 12 Troops, five packs, and ilO Scuuters; Durham 205 Scouts. .59 Cubs. 10 troops. Ihree pucks. 126 Scouters; Franklin. 52 Scouts. 21 Scouters. and Iv.o troops; Granville 44 Scouts. 1.5 Scouteis. and two troops; Vance 105 Scon'-, 5 troops. .31 Scoulers. 41 Cubs, and one Cub Pack; Chatham 42 Scouts. 9 Scouters. two troops; Lee 29 Scouts, 9 Scouters an*' one lro«>p. Harnett 64 Sc.>uts. 13 Scouters. and two troops; Moore. 59 Scouts. 18 Scouters. 3 'riHips. Warren 48 Scouts 10 Scouters, and two troops. Within the past two years the oiincil lias moved from 452 Scouts, and 24 unib'. to 1175 Boy Scouts and Cub Scout :, 53 units. 44 trop.s. and 9 packs. This represents a growll , ' about 162 percent in the last w- years. On December 15. 1945. h 8 Scouts wore registered, represcm a growth thus for of about 40 per eent in Scouting during 1945. The growth in units fj-om 24 to .53, over 100 per cent in growth of new units. Ttie Occoneechec Council is among the few Area Councils in ttic Nation whose Negro Boy Scout registration runs into four figur«*s amT the only one in North Carolina. Henderson-VAnre Count of Honor The Henderson - Vance County Court of Honor was held on Tues day. December I8lh’ at tlie Hen derson Institute. The f>llowing Scouts received Merit Badges; War ren Hare. Asker Hawk»ns, William Hawkins. Thomas Jame5. Ii^-in Kin- ton. Clyde Richardson. Melvin Vass. Jasper Taylor. James Turner, and William Vincent. An inspirational message to the Scouts and Sroutris was made by A. J. Taylor, National , Director of Inter-Racial Service Boy ’ Scouts of America. Buy Scouts Week. Feb. 8-14, 1946 The thirty six anniversary of I Scouting in Amreica will be observ ed Fcbni iry 8-14, 1946. The theme 1 fur 1946 is, "Scouts of the W'orld — ' Building Together." Anniversary . Day w'il be Friday, February 8. This should be made a home ci .ning fur alt previous members. It might ' w« H be made a "partnl's night" and ■ an effort shouiJ be rriade to get th»- n.»mbers of the sptincorlng institia Mi(>h> ti« attend this m(*etine. SatU;- ;L..v. F.biuruy 9. will be Scouting in (he Open. 'Hiis snouldl be a great I day for hikes. If >c.ur troop hasn’t made it a pr.ictlce to get out in the winter sta.l this year. February 10. ••The Scout ar.d Hts Religion.” Th.s is designated as Scout Sunday Scoutmasters would do well to sug- ge‘t that Pastors emphasize the theme, ".Scouts of the World — Building Together." Scout week is a gre.nt occasion If we take steps to make it .so. Kulrigh-Wakr County Court Of Honor The Paklgh-Wake County Court Ilf Honor will be held on Wednes day. January 2, 1946, at the St. Am brose Episcopal Church, of wTIich !Cub Pack 57 is the sponsoring in- slitution. The host troop will be 57, which is sponsored by the Charle.s T. Norwood Post of the Amrelcan Legion, with Lewyn Hayes as the ScoutmaKter. Chapel Hill Scouts Receive Charier Boy Scout Troop 107. sponsored b.v the Orange County Training School received its Charter for 1946 the past Sunday at the First Bap tist Clturch in Chapel Hill. A short talk w.as made by Field Executive G, Newell. Others who made re- ' marks were Scoutm.aster A. J. Cald- ' well. D. M. Jurnagin, Principal of ] the Orange County Training ScTiool. and Ors. Heath, Giduz, and Russell of the University of North Caro lina and members of the Oranye (Aiunty District Committee. Cnits Whoe* Charter Will Expire Dernnber 31. 1945 The following Boy Scout Troops' eharter will expire cn Monday Deo 31. I94.i. Troop 50, sponsored by the Pleasant Grove Baptist Church of Wendell, troop 111, sponsored by the Union Baptist Church of Dur ham ami troop 123, sponsored by the Jehn Hall Presbyterian Church ol Carthage. New Field Book Not Available It was announced recently by the licurlfcll WifiliCH for a MERRY CHRISTMAS Tlicrc's a song in our hearts, as wr shepherd our happiest ihoiiilh' niid eatrnd them to you ! Pine Acres C. P. Robertson, Mgr. Nalfonal Office of tne Boy Scout.® of *America that the very IlmRed edition of the New Sccut Field Book" which was printed last year has been corngilemly dlfetirbuted find no copies are available. Pack 100 Holds Monthly Meeting At the December Pack meeting of Pack 100, sponsored by the Grace Chapel Methodist Church The fol lowing Cubs were advanced to W'olf ronk; Willie Harris. William Hinton, Robert Edward, Cornelius Donuald. Daniel Haywood, Albert : Copeland, Chester Parker, and l.t.-imctf Jackson. Eugene Hall and *Limuel Bridges were advanced to Bear and Lion rank. Robert CaM- ; well and Aitle Winsun the Wolf Silver Arrow. James Royal and j Wilbert Wilder received tbe Bear j Golden Arrow and the Bear Silver Arr.>w. Rev. John Rcdfren is the '|Cubmas;er and Isaac Jones is the I Den Chief. Cub Packs in Only Three Counties ; In COBDCil ; During 1944-4.5, Cubbing was ex- ; panded in only three counties in the I Occoneechee Council viz: Wake, i Durham and Vance. During 1946 it is the desire of the Negro Division of the Occvoneechce Council that at least one Cub Pack be organized ir each of .ae other eight counties. The Cub Scout Program Is a home or neighborhood centered program and for boys between te age of 9 and II. STATEmiEliEWS By George P. Dalton S. Sgt. William Leake, Pfc. Ro bert F-oison,. and Martin Arrendell of Washington, D. C., attended the Shaw Smith game in Charlotte and were Ihe guests of Mis. M. H. Hol- lowcll, Alphonso Ne.sbit of the Navy has been honorably dischargee’. Alphon- so Ples.s of the Army is home on furlough vititing his parents and fiicnds. Nathaniel Wilson, sen cf Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Wilson has also been discharged after serving for sometime overseas. Tile funeral of Mr. Daniel Oakley Sr.. W3.S held at Shady Grove Bap tist Cliafch with Rev. J. W. Croom officiating. Surviving are a wif*^. Mrs. Bertha Oakley, cne son. Dan iel Oakley, Jr.. Shaw University, three daughters, Ada Bell, Charlot te and Mary Neil Oakley and oth er relatives. Mr. Nathaniel Wilson has been hcnorably discharged from the Army. Mrs. Lillian Wilson, who lives In Portsmouth, Va., was home visit ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Wilson for the week end. S. 2-c William C. Moosier of the Navy was recently on furlough vis iting relatives aim friends. Sgt. Reginald Dalton, a native oi Statesville, who lives in Wilming ton and son of Mrs. Willie Lawrence attended Saipan College with a class of forty students and received 3 ccUege credits for his work there He was the only one selected to at tend theJBawaii University lor eight weeks to take up law, accounting and bookkeeping. Reginald finished Morningside school in the spring ol 1935. The Hospital Mass Meeting was held at the Broad Street Presbyter ian Church with the Dr. Renwick a« eia>tik(>r Dr MalloV SDokC attended Sa’pan College with «• class of forty students and received 3 cclleg^ credits for his work there He was the only one selected to at tend theJIawali University for eight weeks to take up law. accounting and bookkeeping. Reginald finished Morningside school in the spring ot 1935. Tbe Hospital Mass Meeting was held at the Bro.nd Street Presbyter ian with the Dr. Renwick MaUiiy u9 speaker. Dr. Malloy spoke (m the neeu of a hospital and its jdv Htnges. He Euid that there is a need for I physician for every 1000 oenoiis. Hf further stated that the young physicians that are finish ing today are taught w'th all facili ties and equipment to diagnose and lieat rases. These dotcors are not going to select places where such facilities are not found. The source of uirume f r the Negro dOcUir is cut off. He cannot go into a hospital and do the things necessary to diag nose a case. He raid that a hospital 1 would influence nurses of our race i to become interested in caring foi j the sick. He gave examples of very ' few white nurses being really in- i lere.'ted in serving tuimanity and think of the Negro as another pa- •itnl. He said that ho does not ad- V jcale that we have our physicians but at the .same time it would bo I necessary to have other physicians I of the other race to come In the ! hospital to do work in their special ] field that it does not pay the Ne- ! gr..' to specialize because of the de mand. Dr. Malloy mentioned Major Edward McDowell and Captain Robert Dockery who have specializ ed in fields of medicine but would not come to Statesville because of the lack of facilities to work with. He #aid do not patronize the Negro because he is a Negro but because he can give service. The Negro i* beginning to realize this. Dr. Mnl- loy of Winston-Salem was introduc ed by Mr. Wllllnm Nesby. He was a graduate of Howard University School of Medicine, did his interne work at Kate Bidding Hospital at Winston-Sal m and was called back to Howard to teach. He is now in charge of the Kate Bidding Hospital at Winson-Salem. The amount rais ed in the meeting was $474.18 to make the total $39,753.62. The next mass meeting willl be held at th** AME Zion Church the second Sun day in January. I In accordance with the policy of the Morningside school the annual Christmas program wu.s presented Sunday, ecember 9th, at five-thirty '"clock. The theme of the profrram was “O Little Town of Bcthlem" with the boys elementary glee club directed by Miss M. Denton and the High School Glee Club directed bv Mr. A. D. Rutherford and students displaying the story of the Birth of Christ on the stage in beautiful colored costumes. Many friends and patrons were present. The final workshop conference of the Iredell county teachers was held at Unity School. The guest speaker was Mr. John Larkins. Public Wel fare Agent of Raleigh. Mr. Larkins spoke on the Economic Conditions Which Exist in N. C. and asked for reports of cases by teachers. Other guests were Miss Rickert, Ire dell County Public Welfare Agent and Mr. T. Ward Guy. Iredell Coun ty Superintendent. Mrs. Alma Dav idson, four star mother, and her son Quincy Davidson. Jr. After Ihe meeting a beautiful Christmas din ner was served in the Home Eco nomic room sponsored by Dr. and Mrs. R. S. Holliday with Mrs. DaviJ- son, Quincy. Jr., as honored guest®. Mrs. Davidson was presented a beautiful corsage of Roses by Mrs. Morrison, her daughter, and a beautiful Cbathac birnket by Mrs. Holliday. Other guests were Mr.! and Mrs. E. C. Lackey and Mis-s' Juanita Stokes. Miss Catherine Moss, freshrrai. &l Teachers College. Winston-Salem, was sponsored in a popularity con test by the Sigma Gamma Rho So- rrrll yind was winner of the thiro prize of $10.00 in carh. Sponsors of Miss Moss were Mrs. C. Nesby. Fitch and Truesdel. The amoun* raised was $26.00. Soror Nesby wishes to thank those who made this affair a success. The Morningside "Golden Tigers” football team and ro-champions of the NWAC of North CaruUna he>d an annual Football Banquet at the Morningside School auditorium with , the members of the squad havin invited guests. ITic team was coach ed by H. L. Home and Benamln Gibbs. I Walker Shal-pc who has been in ! Burma for the post two or more i years has received his honorable dischare from the army. Mr. Har ry James also discharged from the army and lives in Raleigh, was here visiting his sister. Miss Mamie .'James. The Mornngside faculty spent thr Christmas holidays out of town: Mr. and Mrs. Q. F. Dalton. Durham: Miss Mablc Denton, Alabama; Miss M. Hanes and Whitted. Winston- Salem; Mrs. Alma Slevens. Ashe ville; Mrs. L. M. Hamilton, New i York City; Miss L. C. Croom, Reids-’ ville. Mrs. Alma C. Foushee. wife of the late C. W. Foushee announced her marriage to Mr. Banks Smoots re cently. New Army Volunteers May Choose Branch of Service And Location Civilians between the ages of 17 and 34 and discharged veterans who enlist or reeniht in the Regular Army for a period of 3 years may choose their branch of service and oveseas theater occording to a state ment issued by Major George L. Wells, Commandin'* Officer of the Recruiting Sub-Station In the Post Office Building. Raleigh. As a service to those men inter ested, Major Wells outlined briefly the 5 major theaters of operatlonj, and their geographical limits a.s fol lows: (o) The European Theater, In cluding the Icelanu Base Command and Europe, excluding Italy and the Balkan States. (b) The Pacific Theater includ ing Hawaii. Ptulippino Islands. Ja pan, Borneo, Australia. New Zei- iai^, and East Indies. fc) The China Theater, fd) Tbe Caribbean Defense Com mand including the Islands of the West Indies, Central America and all of South American exclusive of Brazil, (e) The Alaskan Department In cluding Alaska and the Aleutian Is lands. These men interested in further lines. |f teKs arc Informtalon on either Ihe Army or ed out. Servloes. or the TbooIOfi ot Opera tions are invlt^ to dtxv ky the Be- cruiUng Otfiee here to Ralei|h at their convenience. Farmers moy soon bo sbl« fa let telephone service over eloeMC l^rtEtings (5ag as Christmas ©mamtnts Yuletide joy to all our kind friends on this glov me holidoy MADAME MARY LANE BE^.UTICIAN 415 Montague Lane Tet. t9U WE WISH To All Our Patrons and Friends B&H CAFE CHRISTIIIHS / Oh the day which is she assniversary of she birsh of she son of God, how fissingis is shsst ■1 ■are should enter she friendly doors of the Church of our faith with grstsitude in out hearts for the blessings He has granted us. United we have walked the di^icult road 3 together, attd stow with the end of that road in sight, utiited let us lift our voices in ,/ praise oj she Almighty. For it is with His guidance that we shall be able to eelehrOte A >h. iuture Christmases in a world oj freedom and everlasting Peace. Dove Music Co. All the Latest Records “RHYTHM IS OUR BUSINESS” 129 E. Cabarrus Street RALEIGH, N. C. 4