LANIER NAMED MINISTER TO LIBERIA MRS. ROOSEVELT, FEPC SCORED BY BOBO THAT MAN FROM MISSISSIPPI HAS FIELD DAY 11) l:ii i;uM / \S'u.shin(;u>n .Vll UllDx.,).. Uu KKK. f.ii) Ills voluiiiiti->. p;inU-d ji) ::.i' wuiie iiu I. 1111 u-d uiily iiL-. biu.i'iiiLiii.'0(1 o>>' njiiibi-i ol i^.oco : , . i ‘ . II. f ^uVl-lliiolll. .(» VN '.Jilo.. Ml. JSiiuii dill Mii liiiiKi- uiiy jiici tllv jd'iyiiiflll ol WlllUa l*y Uu' oiiitiicni III hi.-> own si.ii.- . lut i.> otlM-r suuthrin siul--.-,. wiu rc N l^iui-.s do nol iiuvo on (>j>i>.)iumi ily to pii:lKipaU' 111 county, nnn ii’ipal, .slau- III povoiiiiiu'iii jw's lio\s«-Vii' III Ins lii.idi- Ml. Hi bo iu.sllcil out at .'til'. Ko i.M V ' a.' follows. i voti-d aiiailist Hu- ('oiiiii m.. tiul) ol .Nils. Ito.. rVldt yr .sl.-i.l.i. uitu 1 .sliail >;u•'.'.unit- oi lU- i .i. oio.. ' H*- vva-. I'l’tciniii; lo in.s Ion aiiain.-il till- i-oiitiuiiation >) Hu- Rooo-v.k \Mlo\% as U. r« jiic-Miiitativo ol Ui>' United .Ni> tions orKani/alion. lie eonlinueo "Tlie iiio,%t disfii ac‘' ai ..ii ll;al has be. n done in lii" iJisiii ol Columbia. .i khu; m-hI, . city, a City south of .i>lasim a Ui}con’.‘: line, the e.ipital ot .> .v .i nation, was ti.]uii this dan nue Fhi’C wa ..mill! A -..nieai. Stas iiiiliHdiately pill uii ill VC . depji tliieril III WasliiiiKluii anil o do what'.' tir.e jNliJIoi-;. jot) '.' ., but to Iiilepi.ili- the .NeMc- m' ■ toe social aiiii aociai cunlaeU. : the ss’hite boys aim .s n > were workipj* m lliedtpu'i. Ill Washiniilun. Tiii- oidu eair.e down from tiie Wiiile Hou.m.' Ku tu the depai l:r.e!its an ! iip t>a. the paitilioiis winch nad b> . . there foi lUO vi ai.% and make li.' white men and boys and liirh i side by sid- at the .same tabi . w lh the Nt'lfi'o.'S ai tlic* depu' • ii*> nts. 'it sva.s said. "Go teui out Ih peititions betsv eti the toilel.s an wasli stand.s' svldeli !iud been ;-ei aside .ml deeidai'-il /or .he colored men and women * inpli.y- i-d on It.’,,.' and tone ii vtihitu boy.s and yirls to '.vnsh m thi .same h:i.siii> and the san ' , .did I III) le III, IlHl y While iii h iiiid hoy), and itii I . mill' 'IT “'iL'’,, • the Niliio.’, a» tl.g dejiio ■'ll Win, biihl, '(}„ |,,,„ ,,„i II, I'.'imiMie, 1,1 Iweeii ihe lollelH im I vimh >,tiiiMU' wldi l, hiid been le. h‘lde ,1111 ih,al.,ie,| foi III,. , t't'ttifil Mil n iiiiii wornei) i inpli.v •' uu Ih, .. ml.,/ „„d loM,; '), WbMe hoj,. ,.|||| |(|,|:, i„ A-ad, n ; '"..’m, and use Hllloe WidihiMHlim III M ,.,iv in .-v, iv |iail III vld( h I.. i.e|(iI uiiii’il III! H-tve,l . tivi en ||„. two ,.ic «, ine ideeh and tit, wbit,-, svliieh a-v' Ml widely divi||i|ii iM I S"' v 1 npi id II fiiieed I- 'Id' (itflllatiMii and (eaiiielnltiiM ah .1' the nil.I - PV'lld-«l, nilMl iilHea iiinlile dh. advaiieerl |is I'lnln, H' t"lM||,h, .hidit. H.istw. and tl • f' I'm mil l|i|(,.nlisi,i ted |,\. T„ 'I iJi’, iJnH,, ,1 ", I," '■ ''t. I hiri men,•lent,,I „n .. ..I ll.r NAAlT ,il wh|.. Ml tlo.. , n i |., ,, . ,,,.,,,,1 .... . I'd leli |. DR.M.C.KIIi'; TO DELIVER CITI ZENS ADDRESS Kit ^ MAI i iiim u, M I. «lll dehv • 'Mi'l '"I'h . HiioihiS ,il ihe ii„ ,.i "♦ till' hali’icl. Nenio c. Ihi’ i'hi riiiimnii,.,' Adi ■. - inri III,II .'4iMnlay iil thiee oel, '*• hi Ch.i.ii,,,, ciH, ''lib I ' ht'li ol the einn I h The iiaelmu Sliialay is Ibe "I Ml, .,,,,1 n„ ts 'm' '' » lllaiiis SMil h,. 'll. lal ’ "I u, I,,.Ik »ihll.l,s ot ,.Mi.,i,a the Ml. "hi III H, n vs oern •‘I '■' tl” A , ,.s, Wei .,HI ah I" loi Mh la'A Til idl oli iert, liidd H''l M w \Sil I H VV M. •I* ’ ^ 11 Miium (iiimmi'iiilril Uh , I'ai' n.sMs Hill RQlIffi AN |{e|)i'csi‘nlalive Hobbs Oiii- III' Opponenis of Tbr (!:ir\fr l!il! mm .nil \ii, \\\ I. M). N'iJki I! c.xKoi.i.v.A wva'.k KNDiNt; s.A'ii .ia.mwkv Washinylon (ANU) — Hep. Sai't U'ibbs, one of the dic-iiuta Di.x.e Diinociats, iougnt the Carver I bay bi!> in the llouse ai the lain I..mute lired a final vs'.ak broad- siue when he aitempted lo hav*.- tiii bill amended. IJoDb.s wanted lo .strike out that Character Needed Says C.C. Spaulding l*l*K‘K Tii' ri'ftion of tiie bill which road, ' nviiing the people of the Uni*- •d Slates to observe ihe day in LIBERIAN PRESIDENT GETS FRENCH CITATION Monrovia (ANP) — Preti* d«nt W. V. S. Tubman wa» recently awarded Ihe French medal of grand commander of the Legion of Honor by the French government. The award was conferred "by the chief of the government of the Fronch republic as a tok* of personal esteem for your cxcsllency and to create a tie of friendship between our two countriet," the citation - read. S. (!. i’astor Will) Slew nivir.sitifs college.-!, schools an-; Froril Kv lllFV uiiches 1)1 othe, uppiopiiale, *”” * I U til l>y Jill) aces wilii appropriate ceremoii- I , AeeoidinK t" Hobbs. “It leaves i vnmini « r rANPi _ A i^nr. ' HI. the meiii and substances of the (ANP) - A cor- ilill whieh is to d.elare January'‘f--*■ s J^'y Wedne^day exoneria- Native North Carolinian Gets Singular Foreign Post l!)4»i. his birthday, Georg. V. i-viiinp.toii Caivei ' and an- i,tri>tiA>t _ • tbiiii/i.s and rr-quii.! ibe Pre-n- I.IM IIAM- lANI-l ,,, I,,,.,-I Ih.. tor Ih,. luliiic I, l!Hr, lo a r C. u, .■xr.oliv.. ami .a,-,.. .rnliMoi, a„ ,,, II,,,, 21, i,olio:,I,... i-i-k that sane jj..j j|,,, i,l,si va1i"n of (leula - illlved at Ihe tel view liire th: Pi'osident Truman last week tiitiouneed the appuinlment i)I Mr H. O. Hau i.anier lo Ih : po- .'•.lion of Unit'.-( Slates Minisl T l. R public of Libtn'p.'. Dr. U.mii i .suceecti.s U-.-iter A. Wat* i. iri ul .New York, ininislet .Htnee Ib.t.'i, Ciiiiiiii. ntmg on the an- |.••ln(li(■'lU lit Dr. Lameiv (J-.iit- p.'.•..Ilian Wibiani L. Dew.son. I'emoiial of llliiioi'i, said, "Dr. I.aiiu i .ha.', won aa enviable jepu- l.ition U.S a vuslinguisbed eduea- im. splendid i.i.nunislrator, \ and a jji'or.und student uf African a/* fidr.s. tie is the type of itian who will not only enliace the close and f'.indly relatiun.ship which h ;i.«tcd bi-iween Ani' ' Ix-nu, but wil fne tiuu iral'oo atV ■.Ar.o*v’.'A>-^ ii. idid to make a n.ou.; I-' pubiie." Mr. Daw.son support- 1 l)i. Laniei tbiougbout for ilic .f v:ie «.i03V i.ship which America .tu’ i-arrv ‘o i Ic- i V; .'ifV '.Ar.oNt, V Mr. vValton. wh', hud Iwcn ill for s( tiiclimi’, relumed to thi.s coun try last fall foi medical attci,- t.on. It wa.s summer that ne o lend his ic.signatioii to the lemiei'iiip and .«trengiji of ciiacra- ler are attributes wh-ch should in lultivaiccl and praclicd. "lai king fiirwiinl to (he next itrii mtirm.' s;iid Mr. Spaulding win • ('oiUliiiit d on i>.)g« It) ; the Kev. M. T. Taylor amt his wde in the slashing to death of a man idi nlified us Louis Kills uf i arler, S. C., in their home early I-'iiday nminirig. Iti V ’t’ayl'jr icport«-d he awoke 'll lind Kills sUiiuliiig between iiis '>. (I md that of his wife He en- gagcvl ih-- invader in a struggle bington Carver d.iy is lo ‘.Civ.hieh wa.s carried into another (tliliraled one day in' on.- year lof.m. At his request his wife .-.nd not perpctuailv. Thi> vva;- brought him a kitchek knife '> c-ught nut by die intcTTCgati , i .which liu- minister used to inflict I. li--» 1-'-.;' (V Mie’.i-ni ■ ' ■'lie -, a wound whieh provi’d fatal to ■ Continued on page eight) Ellls. Ask Probe of Treatment Of Captain Mulzac DR. t.ANIKR TEACHERS SET AOVICE Ot^ HOW TO CURB SCHOOL RACE PROBLEMS WASHiNGTON. D. C. — A rc- ({iicM iiiat .) full invesligaliun made of (he incident reported from Marseilles November 2S-34 in which . r >me, • ' ti''! Lib '• > ShiftJloOker T. Washlngtro. was, aetiised of trying to irni iggle .. (lermaii woman into the lTnli»Hl Statev has been 'elcgraphed to Ad- oiiial Jowph F. F.irle.v of the Unit- 1x1 Slates (.’oast Guard by th- . v.\ri' The facts' in the case are very 1.loaner, but according to crew mei..- WANT NON- iSCrtiriiNArM CLAUSE ON WAGE BILL Mi % .'.aiijt. IsL- ii.;- • p.'i’iU who has lii-i I I"' - To l,.-;-,ee to I- I..I.10. r-..i -K • „.n1 >'hs and i |>eil VI I lanks 'I. .-Xoi’iel.i. (ia U. 'III. ■•..iiii. i-le-i pol M al ' ■w aisled bi-twcen America .'lud ] ix-ria, but will- carry ’n’’ the uiisr.rntion -urHl’• undid to make LiiHirra a n.uuki hepublic." Mr. Daw.son .supporl- I i Dr. lamicr tbiougbout for tlu Mr. Walton, who had ix-en ill for srnK’lime, returned lo this coun try lust fail fur meclietd alteii- lion. It was last summer that ne •I lend his n-signation tu the j..esidenl. but was persuaded to Cl ntiiuie in t)i- positior\ when the nsignatiun was not immodintely a* ted upon. Ml. Lanier is 4.') years of age; born in Winston-Saleni, N. C.: ii’arried to Garrieite Grc-en; /..llici of two daughters, Patricia Fav, k and Hetty Joe, 9; and did ■•I.- undergraduate work at Li-i- i.>i.-i Univi-rsiiy, Pa., finDhing .'itli the A, B, degree in 1922; A. ,'.1. from Stanford University, tUalif.) 1!)2K; the honorary degren .)t Doctor of l-'.-lagogy (D. of Ped.) l.u.eoln UniVk i.'^ity, tl'a.i 1941, ('il.rr outstanding leatures in his i-iii.'-liiuii.s career inelude- A.-^slsi- •roiiiiivm ft ■•!> Oai-x piigpi rmsmsr ior DR. INNIKR CANCEL TALK BY MRS. ROOSEVELT ADVlEONHOi TO CURB SCHOOL RACE PROBLEMS ARKANSAN uinu NKW YORK - Widespread re ports that a scheduled hy Mrs. Kleaiior Roosevell in Ha\ie di- Grace. Md., had liecn cinicelh’d by the NAACE’ btoni'li there because «f pres-viirr from local whiles are nol true, it w.. • stati-l here by the n.-i'-onal hradqiiai ters of the asso ciation Kllii J Hakcr. nalioiuil direelo. . f branclu-s. has ieleo'--d rorres- liondence fio^i Di. (’laliile I,. Cow- .'), piesi'lcnl f Ihe NA/\('P at llavii (irare. which ^lecla^^•.^ •‘The Havre de Giiicc branch of till’ N'AAf’P .il,.s))1u1rly n- ih’iig •o do with ;ii nmgcn.ciits made for M’> Roii.'Cvelt's atipearanee, H. v Willian. H M Ibiirii invil.-d N w York (ANP) - - Riieial fiioblcms can often be curbed in :lie clii.'vsroom by not making tb- Figr.) f-‘nlcl an object of special fitiention. 'riial is the advice to leacbc .- f'lm Angelo Patri, ii.dionaby kiinwn columnist and forim'r. w-h*- (jielan-.i that children are born '(-nioi'i:i'.'. If aliowoil to baiiillr le.cir own pioblem in tbi- cla I'l run an-.l school lili-, tluie won' ! be no . on ruee, lu- .said, f'lriklivn iiiercly follow in :bi’ fool.^tep.s of their eld'-rs. ‘ When the people at lioine cs- feeling :ibout other lae... nationaliths and creeds, the e:ii!- ^hi-n an- quick to follow," h t i inted out. "Tiie trouble doe.s i - 1'. with the children in th. si-lino!s. It lie.v in the eommunit’ i'si-lf and il is thi- eoinnuinity I' .il needs cHiu-ation. not ilie e’..' made of the incident reported from Marseilles November 28-34 in which , Liber ty Sh.fkJWokur T. Washington, was aeciiBCd >f trying tn smuggle a German woman into the Ilnitevl States has ber-e telegraphed to Ad- iidial Jii-seph F. Farley of the Unit ed Slates Coast Guard by th- MAACl'. The facts in the case arc very meager, but according to crew mei.i- bi'rs a Gorman woman wis foiiivl .iboni’d the Booker T. Washingtiu before it r.dted. and her luggage wa.s discovered m Ihe cii.sUrdy of the f.hip'.'- butcher. A lieul.-nanl tjg) of the Coasi Guard at Marseilles is re- tn.. U d a.H having -le: iisen Uaptain Mulzae id giving the woman shelter aboaiii the shij) for the purpose of pej-initiing hr, to atleirpt to enl. r Ihe llnitid Stales illegally. Th-’ H.K.kt r T W.ishhiglon was sairl tiavi- bi eii delnuied 29 hours .it MarselllvK wliili- the C'ast Guard r.ffii’i-r eoudiictcfl a "tr al" of f'ap- tain Mulzac. The woman is ri’iMiri- I'll to have roine ab-iard ship up Hie .f'oDiinned on page eight) DISOWN ATSM-^ CLAUSE ON WAGE BILL WASHINGTON. D. C. — "When my bill amending the Fair Labor Standards Act is discussed in exc- ,i-iiiive sessions uf the Labor Com mittee. I will make every effort to have a non-disrritnination clause In- h''ilcd'’ wrote the sponsor of the lioiise 85” Mmlmtmi Wage bill. CuQ’ I’resinaii Frank K. lb ok ■!). Mich.), I'. W.ishingtoo Hureuii. NAACP. At 'he hearings on Hook Mini mum '.Vage bill, Ihi’ NAACP had enilorcsd the legislation but con tended that it needed an amendment lo prilled Negroes and other min ority racial groups, from disrlm- J. W. Eaton To Head Mr- -velt Perry Howard Warns Against Truman’s “Magic” FEPC Law WAsiiiNirmr. n c ')„ |.,t. bilcb “••I"" WAMIIN.m.N. I. (• ■blit Inn,mn» n,,- lull wh, • would M'luM, III,- Unii.d .StMfeH Fm. bio 11 lilt H.ivlee msKSi lu ^Uuc lo • hiiUu-sl •iH' NAAt !• l«■ll•llM|phl d the IIV,. w,. .l,„ll ,|„ to pel RII,tile ||„. , vi.lii,' .1,1 u„. NAA(.|. I,,,.... A ‘' ■V, I""' t.i...l,l,.|,l II. n.|„ ||„. ' ' . """ I "i.Hi ,ii„l,.| 11,1. f.ili.,iil '..•m, - Negro atlmiiey ..nil i l( luililieaii I of til'-- 1.) for the Ni gio. Hut the liraii i’.-iily iloe.x nol inti-iul Ml-), idly .md vvnite the Dem-j- I'l.iiy v.ailovvs in its we.ik- aml Ni.yroc-, .ut given sui- "I It p" .h.. till. wiml equal job op- lountry will imi be nu lerl bv Hu P'''tu'Otbs’. A- a membu ol ihe nuigiiirifeiil but .lupiv :■ '.lu-. R''l»»''loan National Commiltee. 1 oiaiil bv Du- Adn. iii-tialioii l.i-' ^‘‘""'“'•od the Republicans in the week lo , loak 11,1- |•|, ^^dl•ul - Fl-'fC " W-Mli rn;0;ir M„.u, -vn i ,1.. .iw v '"ff •' camp-iign 'o force the " nil jot) dil l ,-imm.iiu ., Ohivap. .. Demo-1 :,il-.irty to j.„ ;dong on ■I ani-iil FFI'U I . ■ ..|, l(.•..’l bv Co:,. ' ’ of ihe Pd-miuu-nt FKPC rreii wlf] I'o iln’ .uul ..olv I'tie R.-- inooe(|v alii ,• Coi.iu. - .. Iiiiblu'.un I'liCv . .11.1 ‘‘''Oveiu.” J ph-dio- Ihii-i my riip- f..dlir,-- of the I lemon at ii- T>.ii-t.v l>"'‘br lijve pfiiven, i-ai, m..k, p..-,.il,l,. H,',. "'o every way pos- .'nm-tm-nt of si„-t, a l.i-.v = "As r llg Oa the D.-oi.jr-i-ali,- I'ai-- y I Ii;:.- Hock. Aik. (ANP) -- Ai- kaii..u.‘. r,liming one ot its na tive suns, the Ui v. J. C. Cla>. pu.'sling . kler uf the Fort Sim'h. ik. liu'l, lor the liip-ranking g. ii ■ la. olJiei- position of ’ditor •( ne Ubiiblian Index, offieiul oiuaii ot the C.MK eliureb. Rev. Clay is said tu have the • i.duis.meiU of tlie ibree annual renteieiK-e delegations in Ai'kari- s:ia.s and strung bucking utlierwise ill i.s a graduate ol Philan-J r L'lrith (k»llege, l.itlle Rock, where li.' majiHcd in philo.suphy, ix’ligion, j., and Fngluh. He ts i»-. cogni/vd us u writei uf proinis'. :-.iJ lias' nia'k- numerous contiibu- tiOiis lo Jiteiatiire. Rev. Clay has I'lved as secretary of ine Lilli.* Luck conference lor many ycara, ami was of the secretaries uf Uie 19.’R} CMK General conference it hot .Springs. H*- is a proininenl eciuealional workers of the .slate The entrance ol Rev. Clay into the race of the much coveted edi- toishtp ot the Christian Index I rings ih. total aspirants for this l.ufjlion to five — the others br ine the Revs. E. P. Murchison, ( hicagu; L. C. Jones, Macon, Gu.: h. C. Buntim, Dallas, Tex; anJ K. C. Phillips, San Angelo, Tex. ih vs. Murchkioi. and Phillips urc native Texan-s. Rev. Bunion r.-- f.ntly tiansfi-rred to Texjts after serving a.s a chaplain in the U. S. Army. “Tilt* Harve do Grace biriiii-h c-ii- iii oil page eight) V VETS IRKEO BY HATE SHEET tilllllies lo bi aUil ilomii ".it,,I libbUkletvrs, tlie Deinueratiu Puily ;;;j' l’i"lit Folio Willi A Dime NAACP SUPPORTS MINIMUM N V. STATK WAGE OF CSe NFW YORK — The NAACP ap- • 1 - ‘ il* f'.re co mitle.; of tlie Nc’W York Slate legislature Dec. 14 testified in .support of a new bi A'hich would set u minimum of C.*) cents an hour hi New State. Mrs. Marion W. Perry tea the NAACP. Diangt burg. S. (ANP)-- Vet- an.s of t)ie N ('. Nix post uigan- i/td hire .slimmer at S. U .Stale Colli ge, .said liti-ralure .>e.)t them bv Chiisliun Americiitis ii an attempl to imew Hteii .sedili- ou.s eami>aign agaiasf Ji-vv.s, ufu- gvcr in this »-ounty. Ni-groes an I ( jithulies. had bci-n tinned ov, r to the FHI. Til-' post. idently thought by liu- t.’hi'Dlian AiiK-r»-ans to i)*- white, leeeived ' the literatim’ if-i'in Edward Jaiiie.s Smythe, li'i -d as chairman uf Iht- "Pr itestant War Vet‘ran.s of tin- United Stales Inf." with offii-e.s at 121 l-A, Con- ii(-etieut Avi’., Washington. D. C. Aiming numerous items il sail: ‘We cliargc: That they (Jews. Rilugees. ('alhulies. Nt-groes, i-te.) luive vilified and smeaied th United States; atid auf.ii patriotic and uuLsland'ng Amir- i alls as Setts. James O. Kastlan I. William Langer, Theodore G. Bi bo. Burton K. Wheeler, and Hen- ly Sbipstead; Reps. John K, Ran- kii.. Clare Hoffman. Eugene Cox ai.ct Howard W. Sinilh: EK-an.-r (Ccfsie) Patterson. Co!. Hobeit H. MtCorniiek and William Ran.lolt'h He arst, publisher.^; John O. Don nell. Westbrook Peglor and olb -r colurnnksks; Upton, Fulton Ix-wis and other eommenlalor:-; and numeioiiK other :>oiind an.' loyal Americans, including thl abslc.^^y American patriotic or ganization, the Daughters of tb ■ ^iinerieau Revolution. R.ieial disenmination , annul tie fivi.iikd by milking Nv.,:.. cii!i! an .bjeet ot sp. i-iiil atl‘-n ti';n, he advised. He cited an •-. an.pie of a Will nu-Jining leae'i- who made the blunder. ■■Children.'' .'he said, "we iii'- i/'ing to have a tn-w pupil. 1 -.van! o’l to In- very kind to him an . I k );i bun '.) feel e.iinfurtab'■ u.->. He is a colored bov, .1: .('•, so voti uuLSt be very km'l aru ji’klile 1(1 him." II •! ! eiii;)! k.-, only ereal,’,! .-xlr.i- ni’.in.i-, e.iiiosily. The eolo-k i J.c.y Mion tell tin* ‘full weiglll r,l 41, (’liil'lish persunalilU’s cent-ik I .•pen him and couKI not stand th'- att.ntion he got. We pul him I’l -ihei ela>a', said nothing ahoti; II III, and he was accf’pted a.- a '('■iiitii.Uid un |Ki.,e eighti Board of Management RALEIGH - J. W. F.alon. prin eipal of Ihe l.iicile Hunter .School, was oDclcd ehjiiinaii ol a priiH,s- ’-(1 Ho.ud of Managers for tne Ne gro Branch of tin- Rulei -ii YMCA at a .Mass in(-(.t.iig in the Bl kodworth Kirei-i USO. Sunday. Fred J. Cju- ii.ige w.i”. elected vice chiiirmaii I'lie meeiiog f inday was to re- iiigrtioze the inactive branch which was ,i|’uniz..d in i9U4 and la t^d only one year. The call for Hie ;i-ieling vv-;)s signixJ hy Dr O. S Hi.lloek. C. A llay'A’Ood. D. H. R( ,1. Fred .1 Carnage and C. H. Fiazier. Fri-d J, C.arriage prc'ided -ind sol foil)', the nieci foi leontanizing tne a.SM>ei:ili(>n m his opening address. He deelarcd that there there hav tiei-ii tim mimy homicides In the i-iiv of Ralegh in n-cer.t weeks and that the YMCA is the mily agency that lan intercept and prevent this w.ive uf Clime. Rev. T I*. Durliarl. pastor of St. Pnu* AME Church, delivered the piineipid address. Rev Durhart re viewed Ihe work of the Association ince Us organization by CitHirge William:- in London. He said that the Associntion would not only add years to the life of the young men in ilie city, but that it would iwlp lliem lo live Hie I'fe fOr which Clirisl suffered iind died. "The Abundant Life." Tiie ministers of the city t)h*dged their support to tlie program ol re- (Continued on p.ige eight) .Meeting in Sliilnh Baptist Cbiii'ch. Wastiington. D. C.. the Evangelical Commission. Home .Mi-sion Beard uf the National Baptist Convention. Inc., laid jilans lasi week to seek 2.')0,00ii eoiivei-fs. l.zfi tu right, sealed an- D, A. H lines. Kansas City; Mr-:. Ella V. Frye. Washington. D. C: E. r.. Hrtiri.-oi'. Washinglf/ii, D. C.; T. Theo Lovelace, Chicago; E. W. I Perry. (Oklahoma City; L. A. Pink- .-Mlaiilii; Mrs. Winston. Hal- CU-vehm, Mont- tiinorc; M. C. gumtry, Ala.; Miss Pansy B.’rders. f;a!‘ Oiange. N. J. Slaiiding. D. V Iwin .lohn.son. Tfxarkana. Texas.; F. T. Guy,.Lit- tk- Hoi'k. Ark.- B. F, Johtison. Ni w-arb. N. J.; Sandy F. Ray, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Wm. Upshaw, Chatunougri. Tenn.; L. R. Taylor, Richiauiid, Va.; Wm. Lindsay, N(-W York City; Fred McDonald. St. Louis, Mo; W. U. Yerby, Bal timore: S. Alexander. Wasliitig- ton. D. C.; T, J. Jemison. -Staun ton. Va.; Miss Name Burroughs, Washington. D. C.; L. V. Boolh, Gary, Ind.; R. C. Collins. Chicago; James H. Brown, Chicago. Attending but nut shown on the picture weic George W. Robinson, D’s luines. la., and D. 7. Jack- son. Chicago. (ANP) I

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