PAGE FOUK THE CAROLINIAN WlilEK ENDING SATURDAY, JANUARY 5, 1945 "‘f EDITORIALS WHATS WRONG WITH CONGRESS? Newspape»‘s, magazines, and radio com mentators have been very busy the last few days in analyzing the record on Presi dent Truman's legislative program and how it fared in Congress up to the time that body recessed for Christmas The re cord is a pretty gloomy one from the President’s point of view, and equally gloomy if President Tniman’s recommend ations have represented the wishes of the American people. In the fii*st place, congress has been very slow and dilatory about acting on post-war domestic measures, wliether in cluded in the President’s program or not. Several issues on whi^!: truman urged prompt action have 1 O' . and are being treated very liesurely /• committee. The fact that the Presideni fell that certain legislation should be passed without delay if it was to serve its purpose in speeding up and smoothing out the process of re conversion to peacetime living apparently carried no weight with Congress. Of the 22 recommendations made by Truman since Congress convened September 6 only four have been acted upon. In the second place, when Congr''ss has actc.l, it has modified the Presidents proposals so as to produce something greatly different from what was asked for, as in the case of the Full Kmployment Dill. In the case of the United States Em ployment Service Congress pointedly ig nored the President’s request that it lie continued under Federal control until June of 1917, and tacked a rider onto an other measure, the rider providing for the return of the USBIS to the states early in 1946. The President answered this move of Congress by tmexpectedly vetoing the bill in order to kill the rider, adding a sharply worded rebuke to Congress for us ing such unfair tactics against a President who has leaned over backward in trying to be fair with Congress. Time magazine contributes the follow ing commentary on the Congressional- executive situation: premise of the oarly New Deal d^s that Congress exists merely to echo the executive's orders had long ago been diitcarded. Congress has taken a healthy interest in debate. But the methods of con- troRing debate, of channeling and guid- public medical and dental treatment which will bring needed preventive and curative services to all, regardless of financial status? The ftcosin^ 1 I ONE MORE BOOT President Truman*s answer to Mr. Hou.ston’s protest agiijinst the Pr sident’.-t failure to back up tne KEPC’s directive in the Washington tra^it case was a very plain and emphatic one. lie simply tool: away the agency’s power to issue any di rectives at all. From Ihis point of view that apparently solves the problem; but it only further weakens the pr?sent FEPC. P'urthorniore it givca aid and comfort to the enemies of a permanent FEPC; f(». the President’s action will be used as an argument against the desirability of any permanent FEPC at all, or for one whoso function will be purely deliberative and advisory, and without any powers that have to be respected. The future of fair employment legislation is at present veiy dark. There will either be none onacteJ by the pre.sent, or if aiiy bill U passed it will be the kind that puls nice words on paper, but provide.s for no real action. In his order which ended the FEPC s l)Ower to act in a concrete way President Trumaj) also ordered Federal agencies to end all racial discrimination in employ ment shifts occasioned Ijy reconversio:i and reorganization. That such an order was needed is hardly to be que.sliono 1. but the latter action does not make ;;p for the President’s further sal>otaging oi the FEPC. Nor does the President indi cate by what methods he intend.> to see that his order is to be . 'emented an chocked on to insure that it will not b evaded. The whole thing seems to be o: a request ba.sis. It sounds good vrhe i said; but how about seeing that w at s ordered will be carried out? The war is over. The nation is go;.i;\g back to normal. % E ^Yi By C. L. BHYANT, JR. IWH W IMA >Wll ImM IW Wt Wjl Uy U L. HJUXifsUHTOS DON’T FORGET THE LIBRARY Now that relaxation from the rush an:l preoccupation of Christmas is over the campaigners will redouble their efforts to raise the $10,000 being sought for the acquisition of a home for the Richard B. Harrison Library. The need is obvious. Now is the tin e to act. When the solicitor oj'oaches von. think of what an a5:.set Most Americans applauded Pr^.siacnt T. uman’s action in appointing Mis. K.eanor Roosu- vt-.i one of our aelegales to the I nit d Nations Organization. It tribute not only to her iioiband. who more than any oi.itr man made the UNO pos- hibU. but also to icrself, a true humanitarian and a true citizen of the world. That Mrs. Roose velt has ciitieis. d Truman’s for- I ii.-n po.icy only add-; to the gracicusness of the appointment. Americans applauded the appointment, but not S.-nator Biibo. Not only did he oppose the nomination; he .stoutly p^.-.,, claimed his belief tnat 96 p'er cent “of my people in Mississip pi” would approve his action. The Senator’s mathematics might stand a little scrutiny. In ':.c firs: plac.; i‘ is quite poui- bic that he is not counting the r; arly 50 p. r cent of the Mh- sissippians that arc not white not pel! tax, and ihirc-.or. '.ote.s. 3ut clim.n«:tng a 1 tho^c in- Const quenUa. humans wno serve as a baSi.s for liguring Missi&aio p.'s uitu! r> prescntaiioM m Coi- gifss, and havt no poliii- lal fjnct:oii whattver, it is sti.) quite likely that 'The Man” hri« figured a little high. It U true that Roosevwlt was heartily dis liked by many Mississippi poli ticians and vot rs. But he car- li.d Mississippi by *he usual ma jority in 194-1. It is Iru ■ that Mrs. Roos-.vcU has fc'- years ben decidsdly unpopular with large nuqp'.rs of southerners. SOUbt v fair share of ?.iississippiars. But it was no more nor less than an absuid Itilboism to say that 08 p.r cent Oi -ven thos-: Mississippians who are allowed to vote would sup port Bilbo’s opposition to Mn. Roosevelt as a UNO delegate. There Is probably nobody in the United Stilt?.-, who knows that different from everybody eUc Anotner good way is to say stmtthing startling. The .-itate- ment do.-s not have to be tru»* o. rcai^onablc, so long as it i.t spectacular. Bilbo may be count ed on lo do every time the thing which p..rmits him to feature Bilbo as a defender of the pe culiar and glorious institutions oi the Soutii, white womanhood end white supremacy. The News and Observer ob served editorially, “If the peo ple of Mississippi are like those of the rest of the country thv Scnalor will be lucky if he gc‘8 the support of 51 per cent of the voters." (When he comes up for rculection next year.) It is pos sible that Bilbo may accumulate L-nough asininitics «f one kind or another to turn the majority of Mississippi voters against him hy ..Icciion time. His chivalrous opposition to the appointmen- f Mrs. Roosevelt may help. Or it may not. Mississippi has sto'd THE WAY Nineteen centuries after the liirth of Christ finds man at the erus.sroads of human relations Despite the scientific advance, particularly in the field of natural science, we find man resorting to outmoded methods ih attempting to bring about peace goodwill. One jastifiably questions the “why” of progress on the one hand and apparent stagnation on the other hand. Is the groping, made evident by international chaos, something which man can avert. Are the motives leading up to meetings, such as they h.-ld in Moscow, rooted in principles of truth? Will any good ever come of the meetings we are proned to rely upon when the rift comes, There is little hop of our making significant strid.=i in human affairs until we discover the inherent weakness in our procedure. When the truism, weakness begets weakness, is universally accepted fears, now common place, will no longer bcgi-t strife that is culminated into world wide disorder. Good can only come out of diplomatic meetings when the subordina tion of individual wills is accomplished in the outset. Starting from such a focal point will help us achieve our dc.sircd goals. The W'-akness of the flesh. -Arhiie known, does not seem lo pro duce suffici'mt evidence to warrani our abandonment of .son-.- principles. We need to beuomc cognizant of the fact that world peace and harmony dcpe-id upon the acceptance of another Way. There arc those who look to Moscow for the establishment of world where eternal peace and goodwill v/ill abide. They feel that whatever is done, relative to the Atomic Bomb, will relieve much of man's mental anguish. To them Molotov, Byrnes, and Bevin arc a kin to U-mporal saviors of mankind. They forget that each one of these individuals has a particular interest in his country; these selfish interests completely overshadow sur face interests of other countries. Does the sclf-appointd position of leadership, Russia, England and the United States have assum ed bestow upon them special abilities to manage*, alone, the af fairs of all mankind? Will the little- nations look up to such leadership as a kind of Providential Decree? It is doubted that the satisfaction of certain selfish ambitions will meet the smiling approval of the downtrodden peoples of the earth. Do you not que.stinn the cau.(r of unrc.:t in India, in Java, and in our own land where minorities have only a reading knowledge of de mocracy? To lead successfully, Russia, England and the United States must concern themselves relative to the problems of the weak whose present state, in many instances, accounts for their (Russia. England, and the United States) greatness. Many ci-niurics ago Christ aomonished Thomas with this irrefutable fact “I am the way,” etc. No conditions arc hinged around the fact; the definiteness of the statement is obvious to the most casual reader. Further we find the other part of the utterance equally aa reassuring as the former — "the truth and the liic.” Docs a statement have to be made plainer for the finite mind to comprehend? As we go the way of the flesh, wo are not mindful of our needless errings? Are we not willing to forsake the paths of misery and distrust? There are many ways pursued by man. From some of these pursuits happi.^ess is attained. As he faces a crisis, unlike any other of recorded history, will he continue to devise means of setting up a new world order, or will he follow the simple plan laid down by Christ — "I am the way.” Man is known to complicate the simple and get no where as a result of his futile efforts. To those dreamers of a Utopian 'state, how long will you allow yourselves to be deceived by prom ises made when the going gets rough and are abandoned when rosy prospects appear? No equation equivalent to success becomes a reality until "I am the way” becomes an acknowledged truth and a practiced fact in the affairs of men. In attempting to workout our many perplexing problems, we would find that adherence to the Golden Rule is most neces sary, Since we can't have a separate world for all races, why not practice living together in peace and harmony in this one? Its hard, but such a sttac !• practicable. > 1 V. \ A WORD OF COMMENDATION— For three years Miss Jean Davis. Union Bus Terminal om- -V,- laus niaiii; wiic-n ihe going gets rough ro'jy prospects appear? No equation equivalent to success becomes a reality until ‘T am the way” becomes an acknowledged truth and a practiced fact in the affairs of men. In attempting to workout our many perplexing problems, we would find that adherence to the Golden Rule is most neces- 'siry. Since we can’t have a separate world for all races, why not practice living together in peace and harmony in this one? its hard, but such a sttac is practicable. ing commentary on tho^Coiigiv.ssionai- oxecutivo .'■-ituation: ‘i'Chc of. Iho oa'rly Now Dctnl days that Congre.'^s exists merely to echo the executive’s orders had long ago been discarded. Congress has taken a healthy interest in debate. But the methods of con trolling debate, of channeling and guid ing legislation, of bringing order out of the normal Congressional chaos seemed to have broken down. To many Congress men frankly took the view that I!arr> 'Truman did not moan everything he said and that therefore all his proposals did not need serious attention. And in Con- rcss itself the Democratic leadership, un certain of its aims, had broken down, h could be stopped or Ijeaten by almost any coalition — and almost alwavs was.” Now that relaxation from the rusli an I preoccupation of Christmas is over ti e campaigners will redouble their oiforts lo raise the $10,000 being sought for the acMiuisition of a home for the Richard B. Harrison Library. The need is ob.ious. Now is the time lo act. When the solicitor approaches you, think of what an asset the lil)i*ary lias lieen lo the community. Remember that it is your library, in a sense and to a deg'-ee very unusual in this section of our country. Don’t forget ho'v much the library needs the room for ex pansion. And meet your i'espi)nsibilit>' gladly and generously. Most .\mci icans applauded the p.ppoin;m-:nt, but not Senator Bilbo. Not only did he oppose the no.-nination; ho sioutW pi-9-._ claimed his belief tnat 98 per cent "of my people in Mis-issip- pi” wi uld approve his action. The Senator’s mathematics rni;;h'. stand a little scrutiny. In ■:e firs; plac. it ij qui;e po«si- bir- that he- is not counting the r ar’.y 50 per cent of the Mi»- sissippian.s that are not while ar- his p.ople at alh They don't vot~. so naturally they don’t n.attcT. Then there are all the po' white hillbillies who don't count because they don't pay anv joiity in ia-t4. It is tiu' tiiat iMrs. Roo-S-velt has for yvars been d.cidedly unpopular with large pucjp-rs of southerners, " doubt a fair share 01 MLssissippians. But it was no ore nor less than an absuid Bilboism to say that 93 p.r cent 01 -ven thos: Mississippians who ...u allowed to vote would sup port Bilbo's opposition to Mr*-.. Roosevelt as a UNO delegati*. There is probably nobody in th - United States who knows that bitter than Senator Bilbo, “The Man" thrives on publici ty. 'There i.'s no b'ttev way of getting publicity than by being pie of Mi'isis.'Jippi are like those ol the rrsl of the country th. Senator will be lucky if he ge s the support of 51 per cent of the voters.” (When he comes up for reflection next year.) It is pos sible that Bilbo may accumulate enough asininitics of one kind or another to turn chc majority oi Mi.*;siss:ppi voters against him by Mection time. His chivalrous c.pposition to the appointment of Mrs. Roo.sevelt may help. Or it may not. Mississippi has stood L lot from Bilbo and others. Mav- bu they will take this last pe:- fcrmance in stride, too. I would n’t bet against it. f 0raet. SOME QUESTIONS In a Winston-Salem daily there appear cd recently a .statement by Dr. P. M. Brandon, city-county health department dentist for Negro schools, to llie effect that 90 per t-oiil of the children ho ex amines have dental dofect.s, many of them serious. The existence of a public .service which reveals such facts is a fine thing. Itut to uncover the facts is not enough. Some questions naturally arise wlien such in formation is made public: \\ lie.l percent age of the parents of children will know the .significance of the facts as to their children's general health now and years afterward? How many ot the par ents, if they do know, have the money to provide for the needed denial care'’ For those unable lo pay. what can l)e >loi.e on the present levid ol public health fa cilities? And finally, do we or don’t we need a revolutionary extension of prepaid OFFICIALS TACKLING THE PROBLEM Citizens of Raleigh the ef forts of the I’olice Depaprtment and tho City Administration to do som .‘thing a'lou: the local traffic condi’ions. doing about it in a workmanlike way they called in :ttt expert for a survey and recoininemlation.'*. Some of the roeommendaiions are already beiiig pul into i-ffect. Though some may not realize it Raleigh is a big and growing city, and a comnier- cial aiul shopping center, both wIiolo.'aL'' and retail, for a wide area. It is the Stal •• Cajiilol, and a popular place for mf'otiugs afid convenlio* •. It is crossed l)y import- atU motor higliways — big arteries through which a grc*'U volume of freight and passenger vehicles. It is quite possible that few non-industrial cities iN .size handle more traffic than Raleigh. Consequently it has irraffic problems. It is good to krow that those rosponsiliio for the safety and coiiven ncc of Kaleigh’.s citizens and visitors ate alive lo these problems, and are conscientiously and ef ficiontly Uickling them. By W. L. OltKKNE A WORD OF COMMENDATION— For three years Miss Jean Davis, Union Bus Terminal em ployee in Charlotte, has done extra work, saved all her money and has blown it away in one day. She gave oringes, apples and nuts to patients in the Sanatorium. Such a spirit of giving commands our respect, to the extent, that we reveal the fact to you d“ar readers. In our communiy Russell C. Caudill, aware of the destitution of one Negro family here, solicited aid f am interested citizens an dsucceedod in getting one hundred and fifty dollars. We are indeed approciative of tho spirit which prompted Mr. Caudill to aid this deserving Negro family. Docs such action arouse in us a desire to heip others who are in dire need of the bare neces- sitis of life? Tne exemplification of the Christ spirit in thee these two honevolent souls certainly should be classified as ‘must” action today, if we arc lo behold the glowing reality of a better day. M-i.-y -.luiiK? o( f i-reaching im- p. rtan.c have Iran ired durin;{ >.nu-ii u..uUl uujn .nvalujble IcJS. ns lo America. On the human IL1U..OI1S Ir-m we have witnci^sod ih fill.-.1011 ig xp.niTcnt!' whi.h deny the future of Hitlerism any ic.'pci table place in numan socie ty. Hill«ri,-m manifr-ts itself in the V.'c^Ic^^ world under many .md viirudly nspectable nani.s. Na^i wa' the Gerniun band. While siinrcmacy is the blank) cl:is.s i. ne of the All- El ropean brand. The w orst na tional brand of this commodity is tile American Jim Crow patie.ii. niirtu: ;d in the Solid South and fort lized by the segreuation laws of the S uthero States. Thi^ \v uld not be so unfortun ate if we undeiftood the meaning of Ihe Soutf-ern laws and their tol'.'rancc by the rest of the coun try, Many states have good citi zens who arc w-illinf* and anxious to make America an integrated dcrr.ocrat e country but who do , not know that their states have ' 1 :luir statute books the baric Jim Crow law. So long have the Europca.: niirtu''«d American m.i- jorily people taken for granted that racism admissible in a democracy that they have forgot ten the meaning of dcmocralic equality and ChrLstian br. ther- hood. Some organizations, how-ev-rr have come to see the light of the day and have pul progmms to work which bring the REAt. PROBLEM into bold relief against a ba.-kgroiind of status quo. The Springfield Plan has been tried and PROVED SUC.'ESSFUL. N. w York and New Jersey have en acted legislation denying Jim Crew any legal status anci sanc tion. Mmsachusetts is considering such legislation and indications arc that it will be enacted. A* least two Southern organizations are committecd to the proposition tha; legal and traditional barriers .are harmful to ALL SOUTilERN CITIZENS when they separate Citizens fr. m one another in the essential bus'ness. social, and re- hgiLus contacts of everyday liv ing. Ii is loo easy to forget that the rea' cause of our SEGREGATION COMPLEX in jVrrerica is that seemingly harmless v'cc so often thmig.-.t of as a virtue. RACE PRIDE IS THAT GREAT AMER ICAN S(5CIAL VICE. It is ihe parent of race prejudice. Mony and varied rationalizations have been popularized to excuse this vici.'US group attitude. None of them are even based on the truth about human nature. Only those organizations working against r.ace pride arc working against the ac companying prejudice. SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON By Rev. M. W. Williams THE CAHOLINIAN Published by The Carohnian Publishing Co. Entered as second-class matter. April 6, 1940. at the Post Office at Raleigh, N. C.. under the Act of March 3. 1879. P. R. JERVAY. Publisher C. D. HALLIBURTON, Editorials CARL EASTERLING. Circulation Manager Force and rijcht jrnvtMn evorvthini? in thi.s world; force till right is re..Jy. —Joubert. Subscription Rates One Year. $2.00: Six Months. $1.25 Address all communications and make all checks payable to Tho Carolinian rather than ’o individuals. The Carolinian> repudiates responsibility for return of unsolicited pictures, manuscript, etc., unless stamps are sent. 118 East Hargett St., Raleigh. N. C. The opinion of the strongest is always Uie —La Fantane. k The winds and the wave.*; are alv/ays oit the side of tho ablest navigators. —Gibbon, Subject; A People Oppressed Ex. 18-14; 2;I-10. 23: 3:1-12; 4:5 Key Verse: "An he said, cen.iin- ly. I w.ll bo with thee." Ex. 3:12. Wc :hall be Studying this quar ter. "A Nation int the Making.' which is the second unit of the unfolding drama of Bible History. We suegert that our readers re read Genesis for a continuity cf tought. Conditions aver which we have no control usher us into a new day — a new — a new world. - ••.•h-'* 'Oiild b- more fitting than to study a NATION IN THE \K1Nf'- :is we enter Into the United Natlbns Organization. Op- pi- sed people all over the earth today arc crying for help. As wc ponder the events which these les sons leach — may they guide and stimulate all of us into a more resolute d(-n3ndencc on Good for divine guidance during these cru cial months, perhaps years, as we deal with the problems involved ^ith the large and small nat'or.s ond cspeciall the oppressed peo ple of all races an nations. For verily — God is pointing the way and if wc deliberately ignore Him, we will have to repent in “sack cloth and ashes" if wc have not been destroyed. This, to a large extent, depends on the kind of leadership which America and lh» other nations of the world will furnish for the United Nations Or ganization. THE OPPRESSED PEOPLE The Hebrews or Israelites lived In the well watered ‘erritory bc- tweeti the lower reaches of the Nile and tho modem Suez Con.d now known as Goshen In Egyp*. Joseph, their leader was advisor to Pharaoh and Prime Minister over the lane* of Esypt. Here they pros pered and multiplied. Now the Pharaoh who knew Joseph died. In subsequent years suspicion and prejudice set up a chasm which led to oppression of the weaker nation or race; and strange to s.ay. for more tha.-i a thotusand years there have been outbursts here and there of racial antagonism.s of this group. Yet, in many cases, the eppresed join in to help prac tice this antagonism on other races. Even though the people were oppressed, they continued tc multiply. Pharaoh ordered f*!! male children slain at birth iSin when conceived and practied does not even spare the innoent3 Ho-v- ever. the hand of. Provldene Is seen m the miraculous escape from death of .a thre month old baby who was put b.ack into the arms of its mother an nursed un til old enough to be sent into the palace. Here this predestined leader received his name, the nec essary training and the wisdom which prepared him to later ac- Lumplish his task. .\s leaders ol his own group, he could best un- dersiana their hardships. ERRED At the age of 40, Mcscs — an educated man in all the arts and sciences of an Egyptian Oovern- ircut -- was fired with a zeal lo rescue and b»-lng iustloe to his people He found an Egyptian beating one of his Hebrew breth- rr I. with a whip; infuriated, he struck the Egyptian a fatal blow and hid h m in the sand The next day he found twe of his brethern fighting and as he separated them. ■■ ■ if h: in'ended to co to them what he had done to thi- •^gypt-an the day before. Moses' -nnr «!»ch to a b;id situation caused him to flee to the land of Midian. : (':ses, like Jacob, went to a itran.'c land where he married and became a Shep! erd. During thcFC years of loneliness and while liberate his people. God had a chance to again enter his life. AN OPPRESSED PEOPLE CRY UNTO GOD The statement that the prayers of the righteous availcth much can be justly applied here. Wc do not .•lay that all of these pc-ople were righteous, but there were some, and G« d’.*! purposes cannot be overthrown. Even today our Inter- preafion of the meaning of Christ's Coming into the work! — “I came that ye mlgth have life and that more abundantly." — Is applic.ible to the oppressed people who are now suffering. The individual, race, or nation that deliberately, maliciously and willfully oppresses a nc-son or people* plants seeds which will come up and damn the oppresser far generations to come, lei IIS beware! A LEADER CALLED Mount Horeb — out there in the an of Midian. made famous by the burning bush — has something to tell all lovers of nature. If only wc would stop and observe some of the things nature teaches, may be we. as did Moses, might realize our dicam in a call from God. There arc a few expre-ssions tn Jehuvoh'f speech to Moses which should make glad the hearts of all men who truly seek Him: "My people. . . “. . . have hUard their cry and their sorrows and I am come to deliver them." MoseL now 30 years old pleads his In- auility and raises a series of ob jections. None of these carried weight with God who in turn gave hi mthree signs ol His assurance • Rend Chapters 3 and S). LEADERSHIP ACCEPTED It is intersting to read Chapter 4:18-3!. ani to note the contrast of thts approach to that of 40 years ago This time the organization of the ciders of Israel and the train ed pvoplc holt! Moses in high esteem when Pharaoh and even some of his own people rebel. All grea; mnvoments for good meet with stubborn resistance and the loader's heart will be made heavy, but he can turn to God who has said. "Certainly, I will be with thcc." (Ex. 3:12). LET S GET TOGETHER Courteiy Appreciota Amerwo. lac. ^ i

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