I r: c’.i.'.iircoN ’t E. HAT^aETT SV. F'iLEIGH. V* QEHUND P. L BE REMSTATED **★*★*★ *★★★**★ ** *** *■*,★★★♦* SCHW HOLDS MEETING IN DURHAM South’s Most Outstanding Leaders To Be Present ■ GRFENSrJORO Spv' ml hii.i- dr«'d S"iHhprii JfMdrr> frotn »h«- J.'t states nf *hf arf-n bu inr -nuT.. farmers, prt.b s-.-ii>t:al men. inri'> trial workers, ministers and other-- • wUl :(S.semi)le ai Ih- U’a^hijtulon Duke Hotel in l)iM-h;iin, this week end for a rneetini’ "f the fsmihern Conference for Moiimi! W>-!f,,r - The rrei'lim', called to consider ht-h. FEPC IN SPOT LICHL THREATS tROM BOTH SIDES MEMBERS TAKE SIDE OF P. Em ^ REV.FUNDERSlifit /'C' \( >1.1 AIK XWI. .VO nrcanl/aliun' pi eat expannon dor- inn !hc past jT.ir. will bring to the state such .v iirineiit nation il fig ures n.s Ml , Helm Fnlltr. The Ni v Pepilblir Mis; Jo.:eph;ne W.lk i)‘, head -f Gec.r-in's Fact Fii.dir.i: Commission; T.irlelon Collier, edi- toriai writer l.-.iii'.xillf C'l.iiricr- Journal: Mi.s' Jimn i. \Vi.;pdw;ird. Mis.siairi YWC.A and v^tc.■\; Mrs. Cliffoid Durr, nf ihe N’ationnl Com mittee to .\boli.sh the Poll Tax; P;- Marv Mcl.eod Bithiinc. prisidiiit of :he Natioanl C'liuuil of NeKi'o Women. f)ihei well-known board mem bers ineliide Dr W W Alexander- of Chapel Hill and Chicago; Mis.s Lucy Randolph M.i-on, .-MhiUi: Mi.ss Lillian Smith, fla.vt'on, Ga ; Bishop Paul B. K> rn. Teimes-e/-; Dr Rufii- F Clement. Atlanta: Rev. A. T. Mollegen, Alex.mdri.i. Va.; Mortimer Ma>. T mies e- Ho.st to the regional meeting will be the Committee fie North Caro lino, statewide social act! >n nrgan- irtnion formid la.'-t fail .ns an ;tff:l- Elate of Southern Conference Te state Kroi4i of appmaltral'ly flon Tar Heels reproM-ntinn a rros%..sec tion of the popiil-ition is headed by Rev. Lee C Sheppard. Raleigh; Sen. Lawrence H V.’;>llnce. Smith- field: and Dr. Charlotte Hawkin' Brown. Sedalia. (Continued on page eight i IKALHIf:!!. NORTH CAROLINA WKKK KNOiNC. SATl^KDAY. .lANl RV 2r>, I04f> - 'fialtimtjre, Md. — The' yearly inteeUng of tne Board of Bisheqa 'of the A. M. & Zion Clnnd) wiUw iccnl here January 9-1^ wasiqnj lof the most stormy ever hiki by I'll.ini-.iiT of Suiilln rn Denio- [ igaijol the Fair Fmpl.-yincnl I'j.ictii-e Con.mi>'-ioii, was charnc-I teii7cd .i\ 'un-Anu-ncan tacti>. i ti.v .Seiiaior Deni' Chavey. 11) .M . ; 111 .1 r.idio interview. He fiilher I staed thta A small miiiinoriiy if the Senate is in.ikiiii* a trave.siy of mujoiiiy riile .ind den'.oratic pro- cvi-ses by attempting, through dtl.T- :i-iv t.ictie-. I pr 'en- me niajuriiy from expres.-inj! it« opinion. The filiburiir iia;: nrougbt from the Republican ide of the i.'le ine appuintrr.ilit of a five man commit- le to .study ihe possibility of invok ing cloture. The FEPC is an ad- miriisiratioan measure and was meniioned in F’residem Truman’s me.sa’-ge to the Caiigre.vi .Monday. The pre-ident-' -upporl of the mea.sure brought from Senator \Val ter Geoige, of Georgia, the uuiek retort. -If ihat is all that Harry Truman has to offer. God help the Demncrntic Parly in 194li and IfHg ' Whilf Senator Genrye fiimi'O &t Ihe 'tippjirt '.f the President f r •be ne...siire. GOP leaders in the East .and North show keen mtenst oci dmitleci that the rr.ea.surv's -unporl by Republican Senators tr.ig htcasily give th in the chance at the Whit" House in 1948 and would re.sl from the Demncratics 'Contimied on page eight) Mrs. P. B. Young Sneenmbs PUK:K five cents the prvlateB. due to the f^ct that I Rev. J. B. b'undcrburlL Pisiding [Elder, Fayetteville Dbtri^ Cea- itraJ Conferenct, North Caro)lna» ^demanded that the Bishop listen 'to a charge brought against hiia by Bishop W. W. Matthews, who presides over his conference. Kev. Pundciburk charged that bishop Matthews deliberatsiy left him without an appointment to the annual session of the confer- LESTER GRANGER HONORED N. C. MutuaVs President Reports Successful Year IMierbOldW^-* »l»K*ng—of -*B»ortn Carolina Mutual Iniiut-ance Cnrr.- Carolina Mutual Insurance Corr.- p. n> was held in the assembly roum of ' the nstitutii.r^. Monday, Janu ary 14th* A n-prcsentative numbci of policyholders were prc.«ent to pro,c,.tin„ th:.,i near reports on the year s opr r.ilions to elect offlccts, »nd to particip.tic generally m the meeting In his oueninc remarkK Hr bisliin.* m ’^Iftfri.Ttirs ■ centuff.''ninin^ 1945. 0%'^ during the entire war, life insurance ■> mcrea;fd Its suci.il-economlc seivici's to 'he people and today niif-r ai tl gives greater .encp, held at Southern Pines, N. C., November 1945, even though ho had met every obligation and Iruh- that ^ discipline sets out 'He further alleged that the Bishop Idle! this because he exposed his U.0F0KLA.BARS i LAW STUDENT ON RACIAL GROUND Oklahoma City (ANP} •— Miss Ada Lmii.-. SipiK*), aatlravtive 21- >{'hi' • oid Langston uhhrnally (.rr.duatv, was officially diAlild bdniis.siun to.study law ^ &e Uuhtwily of •Oklahoma‘“^here Monday Ivx-ause «the is,« i4egro. I Shv gtU'uiptPd enrollment and Ideniul on racial grounds prtM’idcs a list casc agauvt the state* of .C»kiahoma by the NAACP in fetl- :.ral caurts to force improvement of slat:* I'darationul jEacilitieb for i^egro citixcns. Whan she attempt- cvl to (Rrdlh she was accoiQuani- :1 by ;jr. -W. A. J. BuUr-*- - I j’ naac \ \ V X ^ 1*^ denyi I \. \ s S ■. .sK.ji to the ‘GUIDE' OFFICIAL PROMINENT IN attempt to witi .old monies that 'had been collected by the general >nut'ch. He also criticized the way ' in which the Bishop Matthews ac- 'ci-pted monies from the confer- once tor his own-use. Tht* trouble between Ruveemd I'underburk has been brewtag jbince November md has result** mir»n-w-mm ■ nrum mmm m action being brought lUflPTU PADni IMA u^Ri^inst Rev. Funderbur., wno llUn III UnltULliin >“ rejimiuwh- the post which _ ‘le has heM for a nmub^r of years. ; NORFOLK. Va^ .41... Eleanor .P;'«W- ■ While Young, wife of P. B. Young. '"B j ;3,-,. president and publaiher of Ih. f JuurJal uid Guide, died .1 the 4“ re.ldeagar -m Chapel Street. Uiia 'h.aun^ ' ¥30 P. M. Tneaday. Jaoa- ■r hofore." With .vppcific reference to the t pcinnro '»r N'lrlh Ciirolin;. Mntn.il 'inrii'.: Ihr yf'iir lIM.i. Dr. .Spmilrl- Shfiwn :ibro,-irt Ihr destriyir In fire hw gun aftc*- a burnlm* n nr«iwe( por t:SS Harry F Baker J;ip siik irio pi..nr rxpioded n t i» .Siifix., .fiipan, is Charlf v W**«- m: rr Ihnn t5 fed ;»b .v*’ hix gun. Mitt . Atn- N'AACP president and editor Black Dispalcdt. -ying Mis.*? Sipunl adim;- »• school, Di, G. L. Cross, idor.i nf the iini\’cr.-«ii,v. ad- d tha' bnr admission tran- tit wns in .'id -*- but cited Ih. ih 'in.i ‘•fnfi’ liaeis for th. i-i-.n ' ic*'- the iiniv* rsity't LESTER B. GRANGER The highliMt of the controw^ lUhs Site had b«n u and ministers' ^ _.>a««fer of the Guida.^bt^mg sieiation which was meeting sim- * rnc.. far S3 years a^i|mtU lak^ uitaneously with the CounciL !en in last May. one .gfla most ac- r,.v. S. G. Spottswood. Presidenl. , live and valued ofla|p| At her .topped Rev. Fundei-burk and an* Beside wheh «hg giMd Were her pointed a committee to invite Ibmband and two.sons. P.-Bernard siiop Matthews to come «nd •Young. Jr. and Thomas W. Young ibe charges as presented by ’ »iv«k-l3^DduMU||||M|i^a> Bishop. Mattbfti Presented Distinguished (.ivilian Servi'-e Award Tolir. Yd&hgfYfft- BiAe v.as advised'l^V ‘H. White; and her physician. Dr. G. sociated bi^ops that the laymsi^ Hamilton Francis. Other survivors ;'.nci ministers should aegtd a com** Cnnlinued on pace eiglit) 'Cotyinued on page 8) Treasury Dept. Queried WA.'^IHNtvmM I neporzs ouc(^smi tear CaroUfia Mutual Insurance Ctom- , ^ .-....-...l^TWfrfti 1943, u .J 1 I"*'*™"®® Com- during the entire war. life Insurance > 'ntreuseh h- suelal-eeonomlc of the .nMllutlop. Monday. Janu. se„.|ees to the people and today ny !4tl*^ A n-presenlative number iino- stron;.-r and gives greater of policyholder, were pre.eni to p„,„,i„n than ever before. hear reports nn the year's oporalicms. With specific reference to the ex- i to eUel offleci.,. and In parllcipate po,.ip„„ N.rrlh Carolina Muln.ll generally ,n the meeting durine the year ItM.t. Dr. Spauld. In n.t oi«-ning remarks. Dr. „ ^ad ihl. to say: •■The eompany's Spauld,ng paid grac on. tribute to Increased to approxlmalcl. fourtern million dollars, and tnsu- ComplroUer W. D. H:ll. to M:uor Ch.rles M Fmir.ng manaerr of the ‘■'J'",* "w 2 ' ed Ihe second year’ experience m rk J. W Hairis of the Agency the Kencral distribution of dividends oepartmen . and to other company policyholders.' Said Dr. Spauld. renresmti^tlvnc u-hn fiAnnrtgt/t iif.-, . m, . - r. The p.-iytr.i-nl of dividenns f representatives who deported lih during the ye.ir, but \vh i left ot- hind them » hrriUige of brilliant service, loyally, ;ind \^hfile-he»rled deviitlon for the iri-pir;ition onri midance of those who would fol low thim S;ild Dr Spaulding: "They have been called from labor to reward, but their lovintj dev - tion to duly will cnn.stitiile a never lo-hf-forcotten rhap'rr m the his tory of the in.slilution they loved so devotely and labored * * issiduouslv to perpetuate." HhRVM b EMBLEMS AWARDED During the course of the meetin, will be continued In 1946 as in the lw«* previous years. It \vf11 b** the |ioluy of the roDipany to return to its policyholder.s all surplus earn ings over and above .-uch funds as arc ariunlly needed for the .safe conduct fif the business, thereby giv ing til f-nn.pmy'; {> ilicyholders the hencfjls of lower premium co.s-t thu^i marie possible," ! Ill c ichi.-jin;* hb ren...rk'. Dr. 1 Spaulding stated: •'Diir nC Decf tn-I brr of 194.5. North Carolina Mutu.;l ' was examined by lei.resentatives j . . , _ ... .. of the Insurnnre Department,; -f ' . ^ ivice bolh .So„fi : J* Carolina, and (Frorgia ' rim hapi ; .Yr. ..un repfir' -if f xamm > tjon reve,ail'd that the condition ■ ’e romnany in every pha-e of o;. oration i«t ■ib-olulelv ‘ti farlnry " M W AIFMBF.RS ADDED TiVo new ineinbf r were addi J III the ronipniy's official roster. 'Continued on paze eii,h»» Shown abroad the destr-jytr mmeswerper USS Many F. Baker at Sasebo, .fapan, is Charles Wes- 'ev Mitrhell. steward third c1h.s.s. USN. 1. of 1719 Wexford Street. Mobile. Ala., as he ;-eceives Ih.’ Hronre Star Medal for meritor- imn- arhirvemenf a« operator of a 20-mm gnn at Okinawa. At me in)tai.rc. Mitrhctl cotiHntied to fire his gun after n burning Jap suicide plane exploded n I mr-re than 15 feci above his giui. At another time potted an ap proaching suicide plane In time f’I He ^hlp■- guns to draw a bend on and dcsirry it. He served on the USS Lansdale when she was struck and suuk in the Med iterranean Sea it.«, -KAACP pmident and editor, of Black Oispatcii. In denying Miss Sipuel admis- .s'itin to the school. Dr. G. L. Cross, pi’isidenf of the university, ad mitted that her admission Iran- scipt was in ord' r hut cited th; fikinhoma staluti.s cis basis for thf di cisiyn vhich the iiniversity'i. hoard of regents ordered him to I'luki aller a im-cting on Nov. 7. 1945. '•There was a dLscusaion con- n .ninp the n*-wspapi*r reports on tht f|UL'stion of N;’gr.K;.s attending ‘Continued on page ft) Continued on page eight) (Coi|^u*d on page •> BULLETIN! Speaker Says Minorities Must Have Understanding field and Ft*«mc Ofiin who bad rompteted more in thr service of the company. In his annual ad'lre.. to ihe po i- i-'-hildrr: Di Sp.aildlng stated- “Once again life insurance hn> dom cinstr.Hfd its .strength -.nd »,t.ibi!i'y in the fac- of national upheavals, jiid a i* difi in )|ic 'lagic depro;- slon s-f the '30s and during eve; . HOLD FEPC MEETING IN CAPITAL Wa hington ( A N P 1 — Congressman Adam C. Pow- ill and Benjamin Davis, Jr.. Now York, councilman were sponsors of a two day meet ing to push FEPC legislation held in Washington Thurs day and Friday. Some 300 delegates from Connecticutt. N •* w Y' k. V" *.achusetts. Ppunsvlva*iia :nd Ohio mv.'rged ^n «he miion'f cpnita* .i • i-cir c-n Tcssmen a> d urge iber.i o f** r"!PC leg--. RALEIGH R.abhi ifamld F fii.-lfmaii, in Ihe second I’uhlir Af fairs .Meclitig of Ih'* So.louiiiCi Truth YW(-'A. Sunday at the Davie Street Presbyterian Church i)oinl- Pre.seiited Distinguished Civilian Service Award Treusury Dept. Queried ';•! e Ik* given egiialiiy H" -f ited fnrlher Ihat Ihe dislor.,ler| .'evvs n-u-t have 'be r;glit to ehoo^e the place for | ih*’ii location j ^ Rabbi rji Ifman de-lai-ed that j ed out that Adolph Hitler whs ihc b »>'• -Miperi ,r rare and that f"’ I ■';-n to Micce>sfiillv propagal' discriminulioo agaiii.st Ihe .Few,*. ;)ieirrdt‘a»cd aiiti-'cnveiic ■* avc C.iMtolics and iNi aroe*. i menarel • - ■ . the dealli ''' D'-itoKiarv ..iid f bristanil;- j -. •.M i.'iu.i .h 'v . Th 'v.s he rie- The m norih:-.-. le dcrlairri, havc| iinil well* tne fii'i suffer ui df*‘d by III* majorilie.s asl i:o|M*, , ltd Ih:i' ilier- ,.re now *•' 'P «“al;. u. limes ' f rconon-.ic WA.SFHNGTON — Secretary vf the N.. James Forrestal (oduy presented the Distinguished Civilian Service Award to Lester B. Gran ger for his work as Special Advi*- or to the Secretary on Ihe utdizH- tion of Negro personnel in the Nav al services. The award wa.« made at the Navy Department. TIi»* citatinii accompanying the award reads: For exceptionally outstanding .•lervlce to the United Slates Navy h« .Special Advisor to the Secretary of the Navy from July 1. 1945. to November I, 1945, "Mr. Granger rendered .•'ound and able roimsri »o the Secretary of •111* Navy on the iilili/ntion of- Ne- ;;ro n-:lit.iry jiersoniiel in the Naval Service. By inspection of continen tal and over.seas naval activities, 'iiiring which bis tactful and forth- rlchi .-rlvire w .n the respect of m* n and offirpre; alike. Mr Granger personally evaluated the position ot the Negri) in Ihe Navy, suggesting (Continued nn page 8i On Bretton- Woods J. C. New York — A report that Li- b. rian and other dark-skinned (•c legates to the Bretton Woods li’onela.y conference to be held i.eai Savannah. Georgia, will be 11 fused accommodations at th- General Ogl; thorpv Hotel has caused Hie NAACP to imuirt; of iMith the Slate and Treasury De- pnrtmeuls whether this arrango- rit-nl has been sanctioned by the Ibiited Slates In identical letters to Secretary oi thi.' Treasury Frrd M. Vin.-son iiiul Acting Secretary of Statv *' an Ach-son, the NAACP d*- that the hotel managemcn' jiH.s been qui'fly st-eking to ar- •angc to house colored delcgat-. > .n private Negro homes in Savan nah, nin- miles from Wilmington I.'land, •.'.’here the ronfcrenc- ■will i)L' held. A bench club will also ce ii.-.eri to house deIegp*o5, ac- c(>rding to a Washingtoo an« nouncement Ja luary 14. and tha NAACP stated that it* Gec*^ organ ir.ition had informed it | Negroes aren’t permitted in c" >i the establishmenU except ■ servants. The Washington announccQMt stated that a snrall committw ol 'State and Treasury DepartnnI 'representative recently inspepU’d I the Wilmington Island site and designated the General Oglethorpe Hotel and the nearby beach ^li ay. headquarters for the deUga^ from all over the world. Tito «l. A. A. C. P. letter, signed by Iw Vvdkms. assistant .secretary, mki: “This Association would like to inquire whether uie TreMurjt and State Departments know ^ the contemplated separation of dark-;kinned delegates from tt?9 iContlnueo on page •) Dorcthy F. rum of th- minori i*ed the ctnfcrrnce. sfoi-ii No Black Nations On Top UNO Committees I Washington (ANP) — N-gni hi.ti'n membcT.s of the Unilt d Ni'tions organization arc nut fcp. re.sentod in any of the impuiTaii! con.itiitlc - ;’• a.*?.ignment.s. a-- though .sevi-ral minor nation.>' hi .id fill important pasts undr. tb i> iscnt iirgarii.ii ion With .51 nali»>n.s enrolled, ar-i Piiu’ Honri Spaak - i Bclgiuni i • Cl .-ifl nt, ,.*n:' .-‘ntativ .s . ‘ Vruted States, United Kingdnri (Ei'gland) USSR (Russia) Chin ■ Fiance. .South Africa, and Ven ezuela are named vice president The president and vice pr.v dint.s w-th the chairm-m of t: six important cnmrrit’ees foriu the U-man steering committc those committees .ind their n* tienal n presentativea are politic il and social. Ukraine; economic un fir.'rcial. F*olaad; »iK*ial. nonani taiiian and euitural. New Zealanrt, tru.‘tc .ship. Uiuguay; budgetarv, S> ria >caL Panama The security council a.s set up • cr.inpos. *1 of pcminn'bt mrmberv find members whose memberships gApire in one to two-years; per- in..ni nt nn mber.i an v U'.i'. ;s;*tci. the UniiiHi KingJiei F.'.ino'. U.S.SR, Chin.i. IT47 • . piiations. .Niiherlands. Egyp' ..•c.^.ci.. I'MH expiiaii.n>. .-\u.Vt;,i- : . Hi a/ll an : I 'oland. T.u- eoni ni;- and .oei.i| cnun- • conipo.si'd -li gi ijp- I •• mb rs hav ■ either two •.ei: ' im* xpittng in 194';; three ye'* ' ni-. lT4d a.i*i !ou;‘ y -a: *.i'rm*. In lilt* lir t group .ir. i.'- e.'mhia. Greicc. L c b a n > n l'.‘irain-. I'.ni'. ' Stau-N .n i ' Yr . ■ .-'a .-ia; for 1948. Cuba. Ind a. I '.v.T.’, USSR and th * Unit.d- h .ng’i'.m. for 1949, Belgium. Can- i.a. Chile. China France. Peru, i ^ ■’ he -tei ring committee mi t la;i | T.. sday in .determin - organiz-i- ■ a; mattiTs and prncedur;. Mrs r ; anor Rnosevelt. one of the 'le'- ' j •; te from the Unitivi Slat-:, [n rtn.e a trip to Russia inimediat-’ |1-' after the sessions. In :undainent.ils governing pro- ■ girms. thx darker nation: L«in completely ignored, eilher h’ choice or bv chanc.*. These in clude Ethiopia, Liberia and Haiti. USH ALABAMA '''Gir.TBATlON DRIVE Birmingham (ANP) — Racing against efforts to -'k .t harder for Alabama ciiiiens to register to vote • ap*. H. C. Tcrtrll, horio on terminal leave, is heading up he v't'-rans voter • registra- :icn r.cmmittca of the South ern Nc.;ro Youth congress. Veterans in Alabama are exempt from poll tax. and with 125.000 Negroes inducted from the Birmingham area. Capt. Tern'll scs an oppor tunity to add tevfra' hundred new voters. It is believed that the fact that veterans do not have to pay pell tax is one of the Fiiddrn factors behind the propcstd 'Boswell amendment" ’.o be voted on in November, which if pass^ wculd stiffen regisiratinn re- qvi'fmrts. An eight • day rogutration p'*lcd is set for Birmingh-im. Je.n. 23-5i and Bessemer, Jan. 21-23. filled Jew.c. T*’* ;m I Ihat '.Ihtp If Jiui.'Ti qi- tioii. the R;ib- r iaiidii'g b* Iwcfn ' Inri'd. •' ■ a qiii'.stion of -e- rg tl.f-r rights where their -iiggc-u-a plans fur improving ,'rignc.i hiiv bee . taken iiway." In the lol.s nf ihr miTi ,ri*i..s were oiu- Uu* hf a>ked that there be no dis- 1 ned us follows; crimination in the administration 1.Liberation of our economic sy • of the United Nations Relief and tem. through international cnopei- Rohaoilitiitinn and that Ihi Jews 'Continued on p.igr eight i I NEW POLIO WARD RETIRED LINCOLN PHEXY PASSES Linceb. U.. Pa. (ANP) — WallT L. Wright. 73-year- D'esident emeritus of Lincoln university, di'd at his heme of a heart attack Thuuday morn ing around 9:30. He had been attached at Lincoln about SO years and hecame president of the school in 1936. He retired in Octo- h:r. 1945. Dr. Wright would have been 74 years of age on Feb. 3. He is survived by a wife, two sons and a daughter. Sister Gary To Appear On Tobacco Net Work Because of March of Dimes coutrlbution'*. January 14-31, Neg infantile paralysis patient* at the Stat^ Emergency Polio Hospital Jackson. Mississippi, have « new ward and these youngsters we: photographed in It wh. one of their nurses. Poliomyelitis is one of the moet unpredictable of diseases. Th number of eases may vary gn ly from year to rear and from loralit- to locality. InlanDie paralysis leads childhood diseases in percentagi of mortality. In 1942, for example, 1 out of 7 polio patients died. Othei figures were: diphtheria, 1 out of 13; whooping congb. 1 out of 75: measles, 1 out of 420. Give to the March of Dimes and help fight infantile paraivsis. Thr March of Dimes Is the nation-wide appeal of the National Poiind.itioi for Infantile Paralyse, founded by Pranklio Delano Roosevelt • loto Serviee, I RALEIGH - When WRAL an nounced on .lanuary 2.1 1944. "Wi .O'.- '-ike yon to Grace AME Zii-n Church where the .service of Sister Gary and her cnngrog.itinn i j*j5t beginning." the country was in the thr'W'.s of a great war. Sister Gar - and er congregation were opposed lo war. So. this Sister Gary said. •;ave hci an opupriunity ta talk to ' -I larger parish about the direct oiv' i posite of war. She chooee for her ,i..i RikMo Text, ••"ciice I Ir.nvr I with vou. my peace I give unto you: i lot a- Ihe world uiveth. gi'-e I unto vcai. Lei not y..ur heiirt be truu- . .'lo'l. r.either let it be afraid.” [ '1 kniw." SiHer G.ity said in a:; jfxclu ive interview for THE CARO- j l.INIAN last Monday, "just so long as *he people Ihough' aboiil "’ar ) they oiild go on making war. A person'.* thoughts determino his .ic- liotis. It was necesiirv for siim*- n-* to d;vcrt the though's and it w.»* God's way of having it dour that ‘ lo Radio was made an inKtrument for Photo by Hiatt Photo £ , Jackson. Miss. t \ “That peace sermon brought j many n*spon*i-s. It apparently I awoke the pconie to a sense of their Christian responsibility and ' the demand for messages of peaus, came. I than dedicated my life to a crusade of peace." This dedica- tian. Sister Gary said, took her and her congregation to the Memorial . Auditorium where four thousand j people heard her tell them when tConttnued on page eight) j SISTER GARY