two TTTR CAnOTTNTAN WKKK rxnixo. SATrilDAY. -TANrAnV 2?. in hi Raleigh Personals BY -PETE' WILDER V.;M Hiiltio D;iyc and Mr. Alph.-iuu c were married Monday iiiiilii, .nni .ary HI, iJrtiJ, at the home of lUv. and Mrs. T. C, Haiiianr, 1001 Matiky Street, iMlh Rev. Hamans of- .ftVi.ilinj;. Ml'. J. Bernctle Hayes of LuiiU* 't)urj;, was in the city last week cml. r!e\'. Marshall Shepherd. Recoid- k-r of Deeds at .Washimiton, U. C.. j .and pastor of one of the leading I in.iptmt Churches of Philadelphia.! Pa. pa.ssed thruuttht the city Tue.>-; .day. . Ti.e Helping Hand Club of St. ' Malilw'ws AME Church met All . Mamie S. Hieks. 420 Smith St.. Wedne.-day night. After a most in* 'lornntive session, a delicious in. Hie order of the evciiin.^, hecii {jurii't^rs on the Shaw Univi - fity campu.'. sans "Ave Marla" from Cavalk i-a Kaslicaniia by';i';. Mr. Dlaekmon, former student at Shaw L'liiver'ity befoie induction into the ill my. sane "Irh Liebe Dich” by Edward Grieg. Blackmon, recently leiurncd from the army, has enrolled at Shaw fur th, ac •• ond seim'.ilei'. Ml. and Mr.*'. Travis WWh' f Baltirr.o; 1', Md.. and Mr. Pay: >n were recent dinner guests of Mr. and Ml'S. J. Kenneth Masenburg, 303 West Lenoir Street. fiiSaii fiWi fJSV, t.i .tm 'tmm R:,-. .r. E. Hull. IJfOSidiiiR tlder i f the Riileigh Un-liui. will hola h .^ li;*si quarterly conference at St. Mi.lthews AME Cliurch Siindas Rev. Holt was the mii.i.-ier at i. local church i-nly a P w years ago A dolighlfiil birllulay iMi'y . fiioyed Monday, .laniiny 14. llMti. lit the In-me of Mr. .md Mi>. M. st" M(.*Jumb of Fl'iend^hlp, honoring their sun, Waltir Jerry, on iii.^ !h-. birthday. The children sang. ‘Tlap- py IJuthday," and pl.'vcd t.aines. At the conclus.on of the jiamcs they cnpiycd n en;*- of .potato salad, mincid ham sand wiches. pop com and candy, A oakc with nine c:.niile> dcci-i-' Ole'J the e* liter of the l.iblc. Lillie Jtny received many useful ati'i, 'bcuitiful gifts including m.,noy. i Among lht;.e present were the' /ullowing: . Beatrice Edwards. Lonnnie J. Rv.l!is. Zubb:e C. .1. 11.i d.-. Hueland Walden. Pliylis J, WakL-n. Sh'i'lie Ann Walrii n. L‘nn Harris. Gi'i.ce Harris. Peggie Ann Harii--^ Wibtrt Whitehead. Tlu-lina R Whitehead, Riola Morri.'on, Ja:-pcr Morrison, Joyce Morrison. Knn-s- line Lawrence. Clyde Evans, Lin da McClnmb, Frrd H;irris. Jr., John Lc3 Evans, Jchiiie Stewart. N’ovella Stewart. Ruffu Scot; and Mrs. Ca.ssi6 E. Spcncc. Mr. Thomas Tiatc and Miss Annie 6aklcy were (|i| diy married ' .i January I9lh iti Sumter, S. C. They will mflkc thiir home at 13 Bladen Street. Miss Oakley was employed in New York City Mr. Tate is a veteran >1 World War B. having served witli the Red bail Express in ETO. MV. and Mrs, Sidney Bradley. 13 Uhiden Slrect. journeyed to Sumter, S. C..‘reccntly to attend the Tale- Oakk'y ceremony. ■ Mru.ltloWiie Jones, 711 E^s* Davi ; confined to her hone by illnosj. We wish fur her u lapid rccnveiV- MVlSiid Mrs. Robert Powell. Sr., aiinanncc the marriage of their daughter, Roger Mae, to Flight Of ficer Reginald V. Smith of the U. S. Anr.v Air Force. Salurdav Novom* laden Street, journeyed to Slimier. r..-nvi ntiv to attend the Tate- ’ 'kiey ceremony. Mru'Mamie Jones. 711 EWi Davlv • I’jd'.'ts con..ned to her home by Inqis. We wish for her a rnpid ,coYCry. AlVt'and Mrs. Robert Powell, Sr.. UJin .uiire the marriage of their d.mgliler, R'ger Mae. to Flight Of ficer Reginald V. Smitn of the U. S. Army Air Forcr, Saturday, Novem ber 34fh, at Turkegci'. -Ma. Tl.'cy will h.akc their home in th b cilyfdt 12 Fort Avenue. Mrt. Bctlie June- Hooker is in tf.e city on account of the illness of her .niother. Mrs. Mamie Jones, 7’1 East U^ivie Street. Miss Mildred 'niornhill. miirir di- it’clbr at Shaw Uii vei'ity. ro’-.l i take |u-idr ‘.hi week in the outcome of the Musical Talent Hunt sponso - Cc‘ Monday niglii in tiu auditorium of Crosby-Garfield School by Iota luta Chapter of Omc-ga P.-i Phi fra- ternitj. Inc. Both .Mis-i Mai.aie Wil liam*!. who won firrt prize of Sla.H'l nnd Henry Blacktron. who shared second honors with Gcirge Mas'k. were prepared for the contest un der Miss ThormidlV fiirrcliun and were accuinjjaiiied by her at the pianj. Mi.-ss WiMi.ims. scTiclai'ial worker .at the Bl'iodworlh Street USO anJ former stenographer at Baptist H.nry Davji, Jr. Std. 3-e. w ha.s been serving aboard the U. S. .Sa 111 Croix in the Pacific, spending liis 30 day l«a\'e at home with hi.- pareni.s. .Mr. a Mrs. Henry D.ivi-, 3,-i Bragg SI. Steward Davis has lucn .serv: in the Pacific pail- langing fn GiiridiiUanal in tin- Solum .115, Ficiicti Indo, China, OKKIlbilTltOtl) RV AW 15. MORGAN- .M. B. C. SI i|.I » of Danvdli’. V.i. visiieil her f.augh'er. Mi- Wade H. Hui.ter on V..11 Dyke .^\c. rccenlly. Mr. S|iui'L'-oi: H.-'V!,--, s; .. , Spiiii(eon. Jr. t; K-I..rned fiom Ihoi; \i i- .,1 .Now Yoik. Clat'o. 11 Ml.-:- has reti.nied lie- .1*1 el.;: and frieiulj. in Wa.-hiiic.luii Shelby. • ) I'lriHl- 1 ■ 1. ;iiri; -d to ivL.imi, Fla,, af’.e- .'j*; nvi lel-i- ti\-a and m':* I c'c. Mr Wilh.i:- II ! ,• !.. cii\'ed an bon •- .,f* . serving 23 moii'.l'.- Bo'lir- is now -.t‘-ii '. ■ College, CpI. Richard N ... ; -.m fro.m oversca.s wLero h- -.'I've 1 1 mmitlic and i,- .-pr ndii-K .. 9o fl v '■ . loiiah in tile city with rel; -: , Mr, IL rh* it T. Kellv, Sr,. • turned to his home after U:inj ' i" Si. Ague’s hospital, and is now doing fine Mks (ilirisleiiia K. Siiiilh Recomes Bride Of John L. Priiiee . R.-ILEIGH _ .Miss Chiili,ima Elizabeth Smith, da'igihti of the late Mr. and Mrs. John H. Sniiih of Raleigh, hec.ime the bride of John Lindsey Prmcc. -on of Mr. an.l Mr.«. Henry Prince of Brooklyn, N jY., ill a formal ceremony Wedne Idail evening, December 2P. >it 6 u .clock, in the First Baptist Church. 'Raleigh. Di. O. S, Bullock, pastor, 'was the -.fficiating minister, using ;tht double ring ceremony. Wedding music was rendered by Miss Ruth Ray Mitchell, organist and Miy: Elisabeth A. Sapp, soprano soloist, both of Ralerch. Candles were light- ed^^by Mi-s Ebip Hicks of Raleigh. hita-— Ml’--. .Lh:i !. I’rbire v l-.o.-i' bn; ..; ih- ;.. . i'.,ci’u . i.' IT Mi--! Cf,:i.!:.!!...-i .‘11. ih ■ i I!'.- 1.-. I. P’, ■' .f ..iHl M: . H I Pe.iKo of Ih -.1.- Ivn, Vr,;;. E dlo’.'. i!.'.; ; •• ;; it;.- iv ’ d ’"I- k-fr for .1 -."r-d-!.i:u 1 :• .-. dr.-p.-i . I Ih. I n •; OMEGAS TAI.ENT IllMT GOMEST COMES TO A (l.OSE R.^LEIGH — Mi'--! .-I. rjoric Wil- ’i-ims was awarded fii.t prize .Mon day night in the first annual Mus.-, tal TaiLiil Hunt of t!i.' Iota- Inhi Ciiuplei- of the Omc :i P i Phi Fra- ' tcinity, Inc. at the Cio.iby-nai fl Id SIhooI. The prize wav S13.(i' irp.nse to the Sixth Disirirt Me.t- n.g In Chartotte. in -April, whnr,' sh; V .11 conii)etc for entry into ,hf Nalinnal contest. Miss Cceilo Beaty and Ikii.y , Blackman tied fi>r second prize and! Mccivi'd $.1-011 cacii. Mir.-es Eiiniee • A’c-ung and Goi-aliiie Jones rr'ceivcul •nnorable nientii n. Tiie Girb' sex- ‘ !rtte wa.s also given honorable men- ' til'll. ^ The Chapter Is plvdgcd to g vo, furlher .is-i'fance to Miss WillianiS; if she iv a winner in ihe National ! • (.'mti'l. Tl-o judges in the contest we;-’:; .in- L'llh Edwards-, Directoi of' Mar re !.. .ila ic Doparmfii! North Carolina i iwiO.' and 194.* In.-li..n . .■ for N.rrnr,-. Diiihani; Al". • /n'li'nia’.e will la.ii'aj P. J, a,!i;’ie!]. Mnvic r,ra(li!al- Lnbnratory receiuly i i-n;. C.Ja.nb.a Unr-r-iiy. N : the I'.cw wii.g of 1 '-•ork. .md Mr. Ru-‘i| nro.mbto'', I AmTew Miinur;:il Ih:. .-..r of M'l-’.- St,'s Juni .r! T.l^ket:v■.• Jn tin;:., (', II, I iiht.iin(’d .- B S. i- P.-i ;.l. I). Willi.iir.s. pr;nc;.. 1 ml technology .and v.- f me Gaifi.ld-CroibY School. \.:iv' In her iirofcnt po.-it ehainran of the Jo.-al e-.mir.iltt c. i bor. Aliss 15. N. ^'illiams tian-ie.s boiils E. Ilarriv RAI.EIGII • . f • •• of J Mr. and Mrv. W. O. llan The wtildii .- took pi.I' ' • P. i 115. lllJfi, at I i ’.111 f.'cloci;- H.inis, • Jr;i ' Bhmeho M. Ch.:!. • ame th' ■, ;-on ;s I f B i- .d Mac \V’.' A. ..i.l 1 ‘ I .oni. i'- - rooin C’ . tin r. 'i !v- m'd :i ’aliii d'l v.'i’h ,i ;i|) \.-ii. Mr. l-'iCfl Will ams. ane!-’ iindt-.iooir he-t man. M ; Ma.i Willmm - v';.- r. , ;e the new rnr-ph-ted in he Jo!'..-, A. lu-pit.,1 'f ^■-^mpl .ywl •.11 In O-'-'..' • — (ANI't • Kn. lyW;,!, M' - T.ucile Warren. Mrs. Julia Coley and .Mr:. Hazel Willi;ims were in churgo.. Alpha Phi Alhpa Era- tcriiilv (iives Smoker RALEIGH -- Nearly tw-i score '”.!i lodi.’! of Shaw University •.•I'lcndcd the get-to'.ethcr sm,ik.'. given by Hel.i Rho cli.'Pter of .Ai- ph.i Pl.i Alph.i fralerinly Monday ’;i n* m 111'- din ng room of th ’ Har- I s VocaCoi’iil Coli 't'’. Ttie afl.' , "Mil with tile as-isiaiice of ; hi hda. gr.idiiale ch;ip- ter of Aiplia Phi Al|)h i and iia-: ; , ii'h 1 : l-o by .-evcral meniuer.v of I .>1.1' iinil. i n. V. Alfn’d .Snrtli. pre-iident of ' tile mail rgradii.-itc ehapt-i. .--ci' id I toii.vtmavter for ihr’ occasion. An .nidi-cs- of Mckiini- V .IS ikhM-- DON’T COME TO THE OOLBNAOF EXPECTING TO BE LONELY. by Darius Johnson, Sphinx club member, nnd response was made by Luiher Snipm.m, president of the ihi’vhiran cl.iss. A group of instru mental solo- was • fforert by Rev. A. I,. Mason. Beta Rho member. The .address of the . vening was (■.livc’ed by J. W, Eaton, mem- he;- of Phi'lKta and prneip.d ot Lucille Hunter elementary school of R.ik’ifii. Remarks wore made by i W. H. (Jnurk'V. secretary of Shaw UiiiiTi rity, and by J. W. WaRac i o-.idv.-or of the chaiiter. V F.innerv intend to hav' about four per Cl nt more sows f*rrov.’ tins Spring then were farrnwed m It) I,'. ' »BaK9gc8«r^O!ggo5ajaiB^^ f. yfi-! M:l,l, 1.1,0’ Col.- a' I I ilclb-y am ■ pi.,no. T.': ri \ i n.- fror. I Slock peanut'- j-rici’s I porPd ;ii tin p. r ten' ” i.Tiily Ifi, Ifliii. the bi':;i I marketing year. pi c-. iEii'hl Poli.i Yt ilh A ilinu’ wil;. 1,1 P !■, ...i!l‘ I- .'h;- Kaki;.h. F..r I.a.’ ; ' ' ' . • I b,-pn hi d *'!-!' . • li* p f mr I . of F-’ ' C " Th i-iit:- " . •• d ‘ Univer-;’.-.-. R..' r ’ •; ' l.v been di- hiirt; . . -; . m;.-. after five \ ("Ur m.JiitlM n llm 1 .1.11 -.. .. .‘- tre of opf-ration. ,I()\ESI5()R0 AOTES BV MILDRED McKOY ST, JOHN PRESBYTERIAN A lIERf ii NOTI S P:r,.ehing Sirv'cc cl SI. John Churcb 2nd and 41h Sunday in each month, pjvlor. Dr., J. E, Mcfyilaii Sabb.ith Scho I each Siiiuiay at 0 a. m. Snpt, Mr. G..i field Jini'!. ,wlio reciiitly returned from inc am •'d f’ t ee.-. , Missicnary Soci. ly meets once per 'month. .11 Fiid.iy after .. h i •!Ccond Snndiiy. Mrs. V’;vi',1 ni-;gs ; i.s jne.'idf Mra S. F. V.Mliain-!, is ' acl.'.i; pre-ideiil. ( The vervl-r hat .Sn.'-’, y. .t,-; - al haM- • iii)-('rjUi’i P, . .la.iv-dii.l f; fiaiJ of f-l'ri, ■h !'■ p. ’ll in yea:-- Mr. ‘s MeAlis!". t-lr. •. o,; M;'>, S Wi;.i:.,n.-, n. chmi ni;,.-. • 'o.-. 1 1- Mci.f d. vi-ei-e!:.i,v. W-- cxt»’iid to tl'.e public a - tr.i.d • au. i( -I to be j ; j.-mi at all a'j.-'j for .1 go-.d bi;y ' cv -- fim weave, littl.’ , loii:;lh, '^11.00th aii'i : b("if .-ize.-: Pillow-care.; j loo large u.iiikla nnder tlic h::id. I C.iscs 1 ju small bunch up the pil-' 1 iw iiiio a li:>rri h.rnp nnd are likely to t;e A’oiir be.«t bet is a cave I i- inche.; wider and G inches longer (h.iii the p How. WAKE SALVAGE CO. Wo Buy and Sell Evgrymay of Value FURNITURE — STOVES REFniGEHATOnS TOOLS — RADIOS 337 S. Vt’ilminqton Si. Phone 2-2327 HOMC-COOKSD FOODS And whal a meal it v/iP be— seasoned exactly right, and every dish boasting a real hon.o-ccoked flavor. !5 & P CAFE 411 S. BLOUNT ST. PARTIES A SPECIALTY WITH ALL OF THE BEST THINGS TO EAT—AND DON'T FORGET — AL WAYS A TREAT IN TO? ENTERTAINMENT. Spend A Pleaaant Evenin" at DINING nnd DANCING John Lindwy Praicc. -on of Mr. an t ; Mrv. Henry Prince of Brooklyn. N. lY., in a formal ceremony Wedne-* Idail evenhig, December 26. >it 8 ■ clock, in tlie First Baptist Church,; I Raleigh. Dr. O S. Bullock, pastor, j ' wns the -ffirinting mini.ster, ushiz ' I the double ring eeremony. Wedding | 'music wa. rondered by Mls.s Ruth ' Ray Mitchell, nrganl«t and Mi';-;' Elizabeth A. Sapp, soprano soloist, | both of Ralereh. Candles were light- i j ed by Miss Ekie Hicks of Raleigh. 1 Tile bride, g'vtn in mnrrJngo by I her b’Other. Marcellus H. Smith. ; were a wedding gown of whit.’ ;Du.ehcv.v .v.-itin and chantilly lace Preaching Sirv’ee nf St John Church 2nrt .ind 4lh Sunday in each month. Pavior. Dr.. J. E. M'-'^ynui Sabb.ilh Scho 1 each Silt .’;iy a' 10 n. m.. Supt, Mr. Garfield Jonr.i. who rccr-nfly returned from the .iriT.ed f' Tcev. Mivslennr>’ Society meets rnce per month. '.1 Frid.iv uivht after ca.h iceonri Smidav. Mr-. V:vi m Di' gs i.-i prcvidc’ii; Mr-!, s. V.!. is ael.iu; pre-Menl. The vervieev but Sim.'.;.", .f.ifu- ary 1.3. were feiluie.' by 1 ^ CHAVIS HEIGHTS BV MAY L. BIlOADIi; Mrs. Roy Dark, 2.3 Lincoln Te-- roce, has been confined to her home by illne-s la .-evero! days. Her many friend.- wi.-h for her a rapid rccovtry. MLs Frane’.s Yarborough of A. and T*. Colkci’. Greensboro, wav the recent guest nf her aunt, Mrs, Clara ' Yarborough. 11 Hyde Ter race. Mrs. R N. Brown of Baltimore, Md.. and grand daughter. Juanita, hkve returned home after vi.siting Mr. and Mrs. Alford Bi-.iwn, 8 Dare Tien-ncc. Mr. Willie Hunter of New York Qi*y. is Ihe guest of hi.s mother, Mrs. little Hunter, B Edgecombe Ter race. ‘Miss Thelma Hardee. 11 Smith celebrated her eighth birlh- !with fitted bodice of lace wi’h pepliim edged with ruffled net. | IPah i.erkline with net yoke, oid-i' lined ruffled net, long sloeve.-. I edging in calla points over the- hands and full satin shirt forming, a full count liiiin. The bride's veil was .T Mary of Scott headpiece wiih mesh illusion finger tip veil border- ' ed with malchhl,' loic of her wed ding giiwi’.. Hi r only ornament wa- , 'll sting of pearls, gift of the bride groom. She earri-'d a cascade bnu- .iliiel "f bnd'‘'v ro«ev anif while i -n;it diai.ons n nte>-erl with a piiipk. j orchid. ' Mi-.- Hermia Sthn-.okc of gh iw.i- maid of honor. Her gown i ‘of .Alh-e blue lU’l (a.hiontd wilh a; 'full -hirt. fitted bodice, sho'tl l-l.fve.-: wilh which she wore 1oi:j! white gloves. Site rarried a l;oucii;t-t 1 of pink io'!es nnd pink smipdi JK-.n t ii (l with ]iiiik (ibboM, and lu r lu-ad | Gi ev^ was .1 lu arl shaped blue lu ' •P- Biide.-i re Miss Lufiik- Smith and Mi-.-’ Sarali Morgaii. vk- toi-s of the bride. Their gowii.« were of .sh.-ll pink net wilh full slrrt and fitted bodice and cap .'!levos. They won- evening length while phive.; nnd carried boiiquotv of pink ro!"v and pink sn.ipdragonv tied wilh blue ribbon and their headrirc-ses were halo caps of pink nt. W. Liounrd Ford of New Rochrlle, New York, a D iend oj the bride groom. was best man. Ushers we,-'-; .Tohn Copeland. James Ncl.-on William W- Smith nil of Raleigh. The step-mother of the bride. Mr.-. Puttie Smith wore fusehia with hlac’k accessories and her flowc; were 0 corsage of while roses. The hridegroi>m.'s mother wore blue vevetun with bl.ack accc-.'!Horirs and a (- rvagr- of wliitc roses. Immediately following the ceri'- mony a rcieption was held at the home of the bride's parents. Tlw Qiieti;:' day recently. She received innny I ,, j -,1 useful sifts. Happy birthdav, Thcl-1 '“’a u • i lace cloth and centered with a I r.ini:fmenl nf white caranalions and jw'hfta lapcrs in cry.stal holder , during which time the wedding Mr. Samulc Harris, Jr.. 20 I.ii coin Terrace, ha.s been confined to j Ills home for several days by flu. j Mr. and Mrs. J. Blount and Mrs. I,Uia Atwater, of 23 Smith Plaza, were the dinner guests of Mrj. James Blount, 8 Chavis Way. Rev. A. W. Johnson, of Golds boro, was the dinner guest of Mrs. Jilffie Da'.lcy, 21 Smith Plaza, last Sunday. Mrs. Dora Mae Allen, 304 Heck St.'eet, was the dinner guest of Miss Cocheys Ellis, East South St., last Sunday, All friend.s are in deep sympa- Ihv.v will. Mrs. Ora Matthews and .mtily in the pa.'ising of her foster .\Icxandcr Matthews, whoso al w as held from the Llghtncr “•lal I’arlor last Sunday. Ux'ker T. Washington Club -A -iii TT- ’ Sunday. January 27 at 4 1 1 iL of Mr. and Mrs. William Your SPENCER Will Rest You Imrautw' it will Ih' Individually Desifiited to im* prove posture and relieve fatigue. MRS. M. Z. S.MITII Phone 2-3II6 .MS E. Worth St. SPENCER“SSSSrSUPK)iaS *M**ti. £«k •»£ ELITE CIVIC CLUB G 0 LON A 0 E 427 S. Blount SL, Raleigh -■ZSZSESHSESZffaSHSZSaSSbTSZSHSSb Panic's Biisinc.-s and Secretarial School MRS. S. J. PAYNE, Manager Member of the Naticnal Business Association Accrrditi-ri By: The North Carolina State Board of Education Complete Business Couisa ® Shortluincl O T.vping • Calculator • Book-keeping • .‘Stenotyping • (loncral Oficc Pruct-cluro Mime ograi’liing ® Cf'inptonu'lry • Spcci.'ilizcd C'lur.ios • FAoning Clas.’^e.s Notary Public Public Stenography Write Fur F’ull Inforinalion Dial 8950 416 BLQODWORTH ST. Raleigh, N. C. inc. nc.w Royal Friday and Saturday .'Mian Lane in •TOn.KA TEimOR* —AI-0-* .-M.-o D, n ilU'ii) Barrv ii -SI'NIHiWN KID' Sunday and Monday Buck Jones in •GHOST TOAVN LAW* wilh Tim McKoy Tuesday ard Wednesday Bcl.i .11 ••/.OMRIf’S 0.\ I'.TIOADWAY" Thursday BARGAIN DAY —Double Feature— AlbSIG COMPANY ARTHUR DOVE, Prop. Automatic Pliono^raplis Ib’iilc-i For Special Occa.-iions and In.stallcd on Commission Basis SELE T RErORDS OLR SPECIALTY Dial 3-2744 129 E. CABARRUS ST. UAHClItiB wriie ror run Dial 8950 416 BLQODWORTH ST. Raieigh. N. C. 'T£lSES253SaS«L52S?‘?E5?‘r^SES^'7?=- liiai 129 E. C.AB.VRRl’S ST. SUN. MON.-TUtS. JAN. 27-28-28 (lii’-trct l.ana rufiH i- W’altrr l‘i}ri':UL \’an .hihnson —in— Week-End at the Waldorf .tlETROTONE NEWS Carlcnn: “Blast The Japs” \ - WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY JAN. 30-31 (TIAia.K.- l.Al'Cin'DN aiul l■■^.I..\ K.AIN'K- —in— The Suspect NEWS Cartoon: “A.B.C. Pin Up” ‘•CAPTAIN AMERICA” Chapter 5 1 T Batteries • Tubes • Parts INTERCOMMUNICATION SYSTEMS BUTLER’S RADIO SERVICE DORSEY BUTLER,, Prop. 743 FayelleviHe St. —24-Hour Service - Dial 6273 FRIDAY nnd SATURDAY FEB. 1-2 DOl lil.K I'luXTUUK ll:ili .MiUhiiTu. .-Xmic .h’l'fi'v.vs, Uuitm (I>iK I»*>y) William.-;, Ntim-y (iali-s, Uivhard Martin —in— NEVADA I'T N'-ST.AliVED'? Ml'SK'-MAD'.' EUVE-LOUN'; ATLANTIC CITY with I.OtTS AliMSTUONG and hi.s Band ‘‘THE MASTER K.EY" Chapier 6 ■ —

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