I i ’-3IGU. LMNGSTON STUDENTS Jf, Jf, Jf Jf 4, 4. ★ ★★★★★★ ★ ★★★★★★ ★ ★★★★★★★★★★★ ‘NEGRO EDUCA TION’ MUS T GO-DA VIS Gjurt Signs Order Com pelling Administration To ShowCauselnExpellingGirl SEN.BARKLEY COMMENDED FOR SUPPORT OF FEPC Salisbury, N. C. lANP) — A 9iudt-nt'a strike is in etU'et j‘ Livitittston c-ollrge, the AMR Zion achooi here. Clu.Hse.s hyve been disrupted fur the pusl week, ne- kuliutiuns betwei'H the striking students and the adinmisttrui lun liavitig failed tu produce an agree- fi.fitt or a lesumptiun of the m>r. nial life of the institution. A >udge in the local court sign ed ah ordei Thursday which pre- ,«bly hailed th,. dismissal ..1 ai-vwi stud.-ius fharaod wilti I support foi Fbl C and ol loi.mnlina tlip sliike. Vlip nidi-r !''-dalion ot (iriiu ,■ m pi,.von' ■ elutr.-dl’i .-s. W. J. T1.-111 to she.'. Il','l;“i‘.'V»._^'-spiI. _lollois hr ha I V/hy tile students Were being d reteive.1 from Kentucky protest rnissed. The Jute of healing' was stand. Senator Albcn t fc'-j. la set a.s ot Feb. 14 The stiike began Jun. 24, the walkout ucciiii'ii.g ufler 24U stu defats acting in iinusun had d'-- Uiailded belle] fraud, mure heat in the dotiiutuiies and Uie cui reetmii of ceftalti oUier vulidiliutii winch, accuiding to the students' bill «f grievances, cun;iisted ul luaches, vermin wustc in tuud and uih.i contplaints. Ti.e students have rr fused to atiriid (lasSer. ui c.« aiiaUiatJun-; uhicn weir m pi>- gl&lU; at tile tlllir Uli(l) llu can Uatitilas winch they apecily liuve been leineuied. Seven guls were disiiiisst-d, tie- (.t hjg accused of sponsoring ttie>his walkout., l^ose idcnilied iiiclud l.ot Geraklihe Guidon, dauglitcr ul.iion.s. Bishop Buford F. Gordon ul Chu. L'-aid, Ititte, prelate of the AME Zn.n ' i; iat'i klify. Majority Leade . mmended by the NAAtT’ ■] Ul eneinii'.s of FKPC kept eg*; ir.g Sen. Baikley aliout hes .vuij- poi’t Ilf tile bill He tinaliy arose ..ltd declai'ed tiiat he tiud Vol-d I (haft all yuung men ot llie coun ti) to liglit in tile war and th. l iti draft law had made no disinc lion a', tu luce, cglui oi religion He -.jiJ tie tell in hC. oWI. coll -■ l.-litt ihjl J.e coi'ld licit Vote jguiiitl J luejMili- de>lgrird to ri\« jll pei.-.uit, a tall chalic- .t’. I llipltiyilirlit ill- SUlU lie vva.s ile t'liiotii-d upon ills course deapile Ih* fact that many of his conatitu- in Kentucky liad protested iew ami Itad threatened l.i against liiin in future el. I hav«' u.wayf tell,’ hi that tile filthiest.T a.s a leg- - lastitutioii IS uiiJuslifiabTc d'lurcii; Gwendolyn Shelton of Chicago, Anna B. L. Dant^ler. N ¥.. Gordie Mae Zlegiel. Detiuil and Jej'usha Tillman^ Asheville, N C Othej studeiib. claim ttial girls did not fumeiit t ii •- stiike but Were elected a.s a cuili- Oiiltee ufler Fresideiil Trent tiad invited the group to send lepie- uentative.s to a conference. When President Trent and the faculty discipline committee sought to interview the girls, they refused unless a grievance (--om i s iij c*. ■> WU'. abo iieuid. 'I'he abandoimien* ot eWsses by th entire student body fuliuwt^. Piesident Trent explained tic- stand ol tin* adinmbtration. He tout AhIP ttiat the aiiiiiiiiistiation Wi uid lefiile to leilCstate (lie •tiikei'.' aiHl that all stiik.ts Would ia* dismis.-»ed. Up until the last of tile month, all ol llie Aiiik and mdefciisible . . I intend I' vote toi that Mioltun (ciotuie) . . Till NAAl'P lettei decluied: "Ytaii stand on thes inultei iia:; given tiope to milliiMiH ul Amei:- eaie. who air looking luiwiiid to a la-lU-r day . , Tin* AssiKiatioii I-, hack of you with respect to you! ideals which you fiave .so ciearly and unet|uivoi-aMy slated. ' Will. FimmI Drive Fiir VOI.I MK XXVI, NO. 2r. IIAI.IOIOII, Nolri l| CAKOI.IN.A W KKK KMIINC SATI KDAV, KKllia'AlIV ',1, I'.Oli I’illCi: 1 IVK CKNTS Mitvilli! 'hi lid Fid Im Policoiiien TWO MEN ARE SELECTED FOR NKW YOHK CITY 'WULi - Th- Wuikeia Defense League's drive t.i colleel food for General Mutuis I'tiikeij. is under way. (bocc-nes I lleiteit til the l.eague's offiie. have Peeii iteliveied to (he iegion.il offiee .if if.e Uniti-iJ Auto Woik— .M • delivereij .vas ^40 vvortti of fond hougtil at the F.asieiii rtiu|>rr-i- ' i..t>c;:7jfen. TEX. 'I’oriiado vkatms whose persouai oeiut^ings ■‘wenf wltli the wind'' .taikitary 5 srarett t wtHiliiK i-|{MirH In a Red Cross clothing center generously supplied by syinualhetlc lowiiRpeoDlsv Citizens Balk onSchool ASHKVIt.I.E A heville is g., iiig to have Negi.. polieeiiieii lu; woig ill (lie Negrii disinels ot it.' . eity. Chief of Police C W Dernnd aniioimced thi.s week. Two are being put on immediate ly. subject t. approval through -i. examination by Itie Civil Servue board, and tliey will be given ample opporliin.ty for Irainin;* so that they will tie of the greatest service I" iiieinbi'rs of then own race and to the comn unity. The two m. n chosen are Uelanev A Horne. :i6. of 41 Grail Street, iiou • iiipto.ved as a leacher aiyd coach in (lie city M'hi ol system, and Gilbeit Sligli, 3f), of 22 1-2 Short Streei, einpJoyei; by the Publix-Bainfoid thealera. CInef Dermid said he felt certain lioth men art well fitted to hatidlr the duties thal will be given then ;irw} tb;d. f)i«c »-bp^ one-in keepii wfin the trend'^nerally Sol th. Decision to put on the Negro (mj licemen for use In the Negro li-- iricls of the city Is the result of u loin- aint l areful study by iiiemtH'i of tlie city c aiiicil. P M Boidetl , the cii> manager, and J Weldon Weir, director of piililic woiks aini -;afely. C C. SPAHI.ITDINO C.C. SPAULDING iitfUSTORY MONTH SPEAKER HERE RAI.KIGU - Ml J. W Katoii, l•llrlllpal of the l.uiiie llunier Sclioi.l, open d fii*. Negio History II.onto cflebr.dioii n-. piesenllnd ;'i MAKES DECLARA TION IN HAMPTON FOUNDER'S DAY ADDRESS Hampton Instilue, Va. — T>r.yw* ing a .siiarp di.slinctinn In-tvveen "gro cducution" and "The ed ucation of Negim-s," Piesideot John W. Davis of West Virginia Stale College declared at Hanip ti n Institute lunt Sunday (Jan. 271 tiial "Negro ('ducation as a system o. pattcin of training mipd Im : dfd at once." Speaking at special exercbits v/liieh concluded a two-day com- ii.cmuruiiun of the bii th ol Hantp- ten'.' luunder. Gcn'-ial 5iuuiuel Chapman Ainpitrong. President Davis ilesrribcd "Negro educa- l oil " a.% 'lased on an nhii-alional liK-oiy which ‘postulaU-N docli laaa .)! the ituiumi/atuiii ol peiRiinal- dy. .social and cconoiiiii iindiuc- lily, and -.ecuiid cIusb ciii/eiudiip." 'hn la.->t I’emaming ta.%k tor it,” tie slutid, "Is to die Tlte .aim of '' -eglej'.ateil institutions sliouldl {•' to Work ilu-mselve.s out of a joh." Ii.-nlenl Davi. .aid Hut re moval ol "Neitio ■itucalioii' aa a v..ai.ilioii and educalion ol peo- tiomic dividends ioi l|ie and America, besides pointing io llu freedom ol Ameiica loi wul'id l.Kiel ship. In place of this lilying amt paralyemg" lirand of iraining, lie calletl for an edun- iioiul .-.yst'-m whicli would imtet ' to tile eilucaiiun ol fieeinen In a liei' .siK'iely and the eiiuncipw- uoit ol llu- body, mind aud aoul id lil.n 1 lulk. and Which Would Ik.. I as I’s ha.-.a' philosophy thtt valoaloiit .iinl etiucittiuii or pHO- ple III Nine, ot then pel .uuai ' ..:tli and nut III .syinlioU auch as ' led las.v I olui or ii.it lunai urt- hkliii attoiial progi anvi of thia ptohHopliy," lie Went on, "would ill ess the Reaching of people to Uyr UiunuAUousjy coup«isiivtd|r .^iiti to a hpiiil i4 mulUiM N's'ing iiiuf giving within an atmas^^rv tie. fmin loiced segregation arM d-'ci'imriialion. "Mental and spiritual |>ow«r d e|ilv jo.ite i III Nrgio aiui wtlltO .I'K ' li-all . ahki H In ee e.ary tO da I oiitiiMlilig deveiopiin 111 of a iglii .\nieticah attitude toward iiie Ktpialitv among nien 19 ui- : ■ ■! lit 'll then hUlliaiiitV euUat- ^tativvs to a conitrenc* ' itiepi.y ana uiu-uuivotany When Pwidenl Trent and the V faculty diacipline comraittee Bought to interview tha glHa. they uaj abo heaid, The abandonrnen* WDL F»mkI Drive For y wiBW .... NEW YOHK CITY 'WDLi — Th at cluksas by^ the entire student ^Worker* Defense League's drive to ' " ■* lullecl food for General Motois (irikers is under way. Giocerics cdlectetl III the I.eague'a offitc, liiive been (li-livcied to (he legiun.ii office of die United Auto Workc At-., itelivereil was $4u wortti of food bought at 'tie Eastern Coopera tive Wliulesale with funds sent m for life piip se by WDL member.e dl distriholei area : The I-eague urges its members * and friends to continue contribut ing .e much food as possible as pii.(sible Chief Dermkl said he felt certain iioth men are well fitted to handle Ol l/i u(itki8n{»hy, ' he 'went"o^ "WiBff a the leucbiivg of ! body followed. Piwdent Trent explained the stand of Uus adminuiiration. He told ANP thal the adininbli ation Mould refuse tu leinstate 'he linker.- and thal all sirikcis ivuutd i>e dismissed. Up until the last of the month, all of the sirik ers, he said, had rrtused to leave r;X TU .5^;;: W. J, Walls ot Chicago, ctiaiiinan • ( the board ol trustees; Bishop J iid Mrs. Guidon, Mrs. Gordon, Irs Jaine.s W. Eichelberucr, witc (Continuetl on page eight) Dr. F. B. Washington Key Speaker At Welfare Inst. RALIGH — E. H. McClenny. of ' St. Ai.gslinc's College, accepted the Icinporary chairmanchlp of u suh- lummiitev to confer with Siiperin- lendeiit Jesse O. Sundersun. on the wishes of the Negroes In the pro iiio rii uetdilion tu the Wasliitiglon iiigh .School and the erection of a pew elementary school, ot tJie Tu-;- : ila,v'h luecting of the Raleigh Neg.o ;(.'it:/en's Committee “.o" a:..*;:, hold thkek who '■ leniporary cluiirimaiiship when H bukikd live baby ;i.trt:.e"iir NTth* Columbia. S, C. ANP) - A ‘^elefne.t «c|ai workers in Raleigh Fep-ruary •m. ing figured in the burying alive .(■i,g;,joii over a move 'e TievsUinv will be held ol Shaw infant whom, the mollu University and St. Augustine's Col- j^yjj -y couple days lege Discussion meetings will take belore Chrialmus" place during the day at the college 'phe women are Mary Diehev. a»>d the evening general session mother, Bernice Mason, who aid- vinH be hel1 in Shaw's Greenleaf ^id in the "buriiil alive" and Dui iy Chapel. Long, described by city ileteclives The program opens with the reg- as an aunt to Mary Drehei. uiration Wednewlay alteifnvon Keb- City police said the decoinposed lUBry IS Discusions that day wdl hndy of the infant was discov cover piinciples and methods In re- •‘‘.'J Monday by David cording and case work techniques Fiad noU-d a dog diugging ill probation Dr. Allen Winston. 1, yv.- ' Parent-Teachers Council! Leondius oommissloiier of pu ic welfare, to Haywood. wm welcmie the g.-ou. D?ehe. Wid. in testimony The Propm.enU of the move to Speakers on Wednesdays pro- officers alu had drop- 'hange the Washington High School flam will be Dorothy Druschell of p^.^i baby on its h.-ad while elementary, advnmed the Oie Social Security board, Wasn- taking it to the burial site, Sh'* .'dea lhat the school had never been ftiglun. D- C.; and Charles H. Mil- called tu Mrs. Long in convuni for u high school and that ler. director of the State Welfare yy, adjoining room of the house ‘’s upproacli is hazardous. Mr Department's division of instiiu- for assistance but receiv'd m Leoiilias Frazier stated that when rtonal and protective services Pre- .'ii.swer. Mbs Mu.son jemed her Hie >rhuol wax ciecteii. the school ■tding will be Mrs. Marion B Wil- and the two buried th>- chili; board promised the citizens then iCoiitlnued on page eight) v.huiii utficv-is helieve wa^ alive irontinutd on page eighti • • WIVXA ■iwirrjrt#. *r*X - 'fomatte viciiiM whoee peimnbi oetotigjrafi. 'Sr'rf wuh twe '.'cnnmrr » or suiuble weeilng epparel In • Red Cro« cloUilnf center gcnerouily suppUed by ayinDatheilc tiiwimuevioie. Citizens Balk onSchool Building Proposal Here FIGHT FOR FEPC ON BOTH COASTS nen are well fitted to handle | l the dutlaa that wiU be given theiai|||0«rfY|||| EArtOTii Ja ;Sorth i Decision to put on the Negro po- ■ licemen for use In the Negro di-- trlrls of the city is the result of u lone and careful study by membei.s of (he city council. P M Burden . the city manager, and J Wehloii Weir, director of public works and safety. recent report irom the Noilh SPEAKER HERE . 4 Ad am ,Jeti*f within an aVi. fret- frirtn forced BegregatiOO aM L''TmiHtatiufi. Mental and spiritaal power tieplv looted in Negio and whiM HA..E1GU - M, J. w, tI print ipal -f the Lu. lie Hunter ^niericaft attitude toward .peii.d his Negro History Kquahty among hh-ii ta In- moiitli l•elebra^il^ll by preaenlligi ;o j.ei cut ii» their humanity etiual- hls students and fueulty, C. C. ,iy .^ptirlunity is a_^ nat^al i.-ihingloii High School tu an eh-- meiilary. and the subsequent erec- ’ on ul .' I.I w School ii„ . j - nti;itly locuti-d. I 'I'lie foil wing citizens were up- I lioinietl on the education Commit- I lee to work with Prof McClenny: ; Dr. NeUon Harris of Shaw Universi- Uy: Dean C. D. Halliburton, of St ’Johnson 1College: W. L. Greene, jonn.suo Carolina Educalion A..- A t'fail aTbtou.lj.r:'”'""- ® NFW YDRK (WIH.i — While Boutlieni -irnatwr!) rarrletl on Uiekr rillbualer. Use btruggle fur FKPC prot-eedeti on both Uie Atlunlie utitl Paclfh- loMta. In New York, Mayor Wlllliun ii'ltwyer proclaimed aa FKPC Day February ‘.i8Ui. dale of the Madi-son Kquar fiarden rally of the New York (^omxcll for a permanenl FEPC. In lasulng his pn f'.sr ..'h ., ..^i>or said; - | am heartily in favor of the biimediate enactment of the I'f.lS' nteasure now before Con gress." In California the FEPC fight, which i» fronl-paae news, ren- teieil on tile xtate legislature, where a hill modeled after New York's FEPC law haa been In troduced by the state'K only Ne gro assimblyman. Several other slmtlar bills are In the hopper. Fiuiii all parts of the ountry came letters ot Wa-shlngton pruteslhig the filibuster. raroliriMei;, of mL,;;cUli.l™ Sp.iuldi,„, p,es,.l-n, „t Ih- N. C. ,.f B Mic-n.i'n an. b- M""'"' >■'" t.'llows lint all men uuthtW tiav« ii,2 .Twllh Hoad raaull. In Char- ‘I.'.’’!.;?,!!: ^ -hU"' '>’*.»>-• '« lollc, which has 6; Greensbor' . , j • which has 4: High Point, which has \»\\ /''f tw.». iinrt Raleigh, which has two. No report was made on Winston- ftdtnes: Salem, but it is known that Negio piilicemen have been employed there for -nnie time. The Negro pollcemep will be paid the same as the white poUcemer.. ifiey will be under civil service, and . will he under the jjension fiini'. Their work will be directed by Che f Dermid pcrsmally. ioLH school auf’itorlum The speaker of tiie capaiitie*. with whiek tfeef pul diiwn Ins planned speech and ;irr entlowad " talked to the students out of the Prr-sideni Davis descritmi “N*- llness of his heart. He sounded gm education" as being ciiarae- (Cuntinueil on hack pag.O fContihued on page eigM) Cafe Service Refused Mrs. Bethune At Ala. Airport ‘Don’t Cut The Rope ” Says Palmer Inst. Head Asheville Congressman Explains Refusal To Sign FEPC Petition ASHEVTJd.E Rep Zebulun R.p. Weaver iias written as ful- Weaver. U. S. Coiigressiiiun for the lows: "1 have consistently refused I2l)i district of Norlti C'jrolinu, has to sign discharge petitions, becau-e exfilained his refusal to sign Ine of the fact that I do not feel this to discharge petition to release the Pf h-giliniate ■ r fair method of FKPC bill from the House Juditi- legislating Regardless of the legis- ary committee in letters to hi.s cun-'i,,tion which may be pending, it has stituents who have requestetl that always been my viewpoint that the he sign such a petition. Hep, Weaver staled lliat it is his •.pillion tliut legislutln,' through di'- (liarge petition.- Is an unfair ineth.'d and that biU.s shoi.ld be consideri 'i III an •>inleily fashion by the cuin- n iltee charged wllfi the responsi bility for each particular bill. latter should be considered in an oiderly way by the committee iliaigetl with the duly of its con- slderalioii. and I do not feel thal In this instance, or a:iv other. I am justified in igninK the di charge pe- htion 10 dischaige tlie toininttec PRINTED PRAYER PROVES NO GOOD ATLANTA fANP) — Wood- row Freddie t.ong, 2C-year-old leader of a religions group, was found fatally shot In Uie bed- mHim of his luxuriously ap pointed home laat week. Police said they found In Uie room a printed prayer written by Lung and bearing thia Intro duction: "They who Rhall repeat this prayer every day or hear It re peated or keep It about them ahull never die a sudden death." Atkmla (ANP) -Dr, Wither- Bjinon DodRc. field repri'sentalivi' ol tlif SoulluM'ii Cimference for iluinun wclfaie, wus back in At lanta last week, Itaving conclud ed a succi-Siiful tour for the or ganization with Mrs. Mary M. B thum- TiiP noted Woman leader ad- di-e.ssed tmlween 2D.0Ua and 25.01)0 persons, seeiir»-il and promi)t-d th. raising uf $1D,00D and IS.DOtJ F.CHW memberships in the eilii-s Visited, the former FEPC region-.i director slated. No eity turned out l.-s.s than 5(10 persons to greet Mrs. Belhun.*, vl ile mast of the attendance rat ed between 1.0DD and 5.DOO. In .Mobile, Ala., the speaker addfe*«- Li' some 5.00M persons. Her vote-* held up wonderfully and her ntuii- ner was ever convincing as well as the m(*S8uge inspir D*”- Dodge staU'd. Un three occaskma. aerv'ice and >.'ating arrangements in pla^S Ly which Mrs. Bethune ami Oc. Dodge traveled wen-, challenged by j>me:ow praatiecs, but the piincipals rose U> the occasion and Mrs. &‘thuue held Iwr St>at along side Dr. I^dge in planes and M ait ports. (Continued on page eight) CAN’TESCAPEDUTYTO MINORITIES-LINDEMAN NKW YORK — In an eloquent and impiksionate appeal to the grad ual*.; ..nil lu a larpc r-udience, Dr. f^arlotte Hawkins Brown, regard ed a- line of the most dynamic apeakeri on the American platform, challeiigeil the young wAmeii gra('.- uair- of hurlein Hospitnl tu start a • ti.Oidf for better health habits am'-ng the people of their own race in ihc d-ep .South "where hospital fa. litie- jre woefuliv lacking.” she ^oid. "ai..l doc'lurs. deiitists and hi i:e» wr*- t€>o few." Dr Hiuwn said that young peo- pi riiloying (he educational ad- v&ptaged of any kind m the North ought to catch the vision of the Caucasian group who in spit* uf contudely and scorn gave u-. our f rst ctiuiice at educalion after the (-muiicipution. In no uncertain terms she called these young women's atttentioii tu the cr.e- of mothers dviiig in labor, children being b>rn blind, babies dying at birth, whole families being wiped out by ravages uf disease I ni'h.-cked because nobody cares “Th‘ liealth uf six million or mure Negroes on Southern soil is a ehalieiige tu you young women who. without ffiCney and without price, ’xcept fur your conscientious I ndeavor.-., have been given the op- porunity fur such excellent train ing." she said. .She quoted Kipling's “The Ex plurer" and in a dramatic moment callel upon them to go and look betiiiid the iiiountains of piejudiii, (tiscriniiiiation and injustice am' find their people "They are lost and waiting for you — Go!" she exclaimed. At the close of the address she lecited un experience In mountain climbing where a group of climb- (Continued on pagO tight) Atlanta (ANiL - A pndiitinn that the voice of th.* Unitci Rlul*‘.s in world politics will lit- a inock- I ry until .soin.-thing Ls dune to hi ing justice to minions of Amer icans who are 'iving on an inf.*!- ii.)- level because uf a light Uil- f. leiice in skin coloring was n.ade last Week by Dr, C. l.indein.ui of N.'W York School of Smial .wu'k at a public forum at Atl.m ta university. As a gue.st of the departn *'nl of .sociology. Dr. LIndeman ilis- cusfen the responsibility of * ii e lUmted States to the rest the world, declaring we will only luil;l j i.ui' pri'dominant place in '-he 1 v.orld for tin* next 3D or 35 years, alt.T which we will luiw out to ] Hos.sia. which wil) lx* ahead ul us ; in poinilution and our equal in : wtalth and technological skills. | Towai'd nus.siu, he dcelaren, we ' .siunild lx* sini-erc and straight- i (ol ward in our offers of help, and j v.’ary uf anti-Russian propugaoda ' v/hich is now fUsKling this coiin- liy from Germany. We sdiould not ' measure th.* Russian people as a whole by our conception of a few , cemrnunisti in this country, he | stated. ' Mrs. Marjorie MacKenzIc Law- ton, above, center, of Wathington, D C. was guest speaker laot week end at the joint Fuund.-r t Day observation of Lambda Ome ga and Gamma Upsilon Omega chapters of the Alpha Kappa Al pha Kappa Alpha sorority in Newport News, Va.. ri*apecttvely. Events mcludtxi a closed banquet, a Bpeciol Service- at the Queen Street Baptist Church in Hamp ton. and a reception at the home , of Mrs. Norvelette Downing ot l.umbda Omega chapter in N^W^ port News. Shown above wMi Mrs. Lawton are, left tn righl, Mrs. Lill.an P Smith basileua ct Gamma Upailon Omega, and M«s. Verna Ridley, batUeus of L'ambdk- Omega. — Cooper PhoW

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