i IlK C AliOl-lAirt s' W IVMJKNCI OM IT New Y ork Showfronts i!\ h(>\ i>i: i.i i{ Kl\l.lfS IU)^^ ' AS A.MI.ltlCAN I HI.A I' >KS \»:\r "ANN.A l.ri AS| \ .\F;W YOHK Oi .S i .. It, - .-Smt-i ii-.H. - . ! ■ tI III! |i.lonti:!l m :h .• -.t ll..il--n - Till: “I i\i; ivi\(;s" MAki; lilSTHin i5im;\k ici; \t KklANi) .\F\V S'ni.’K 'I'.-M*) Wi’i- I - .,,.1 ,.! in ill.- ' 1 II.rl ■ \ Kite t-MlIK- .\i Vi-rk .ii.fl liii-i.iiK (III liu'j.ii 1 •) IH - . i I ■ Veil,.: linlii li.f IJui-ktli- Si.lie - I .I'l. .1 lei I|IU||' I III i NITELIFE IN NEW YORK Mixes German And Jive nv AI.VI.S MOSFS To Berlin Red Cross Club Uiirc his ihroaty U-c-hnique. . LIONEL HAMPTON, when .• m.in| ftin Miush box-offico .L-cnrct.>: liKe i , c—... vou do 'Slrimdi WOODY HEfl-l PFRLIN ~ Six Nckro units witn . Club Miss Smi.h MAN tiiujuld not w»n-v y..u in llio'ntt fst.united .sticimdi of »mi iiieti **• "'“kini! ;iii i-xtKijidiiKi»y cimtn- Irast. ■ liii nils ..era , I .,.IU1JU1I.,|| iiii-eim..,e,l I""'"" fill:;,tee..- ,i,.- skill.el ii. V ihi- who hiivi- found ii bnyiU ply.vs jii.ino .nut iln-i-i-ts *li «• i!iLi,Y JOHNSON f’loh.s Victory Club. A weekly ovv- I.N AliTO CIJASII IN S. C. fll.ARI.RSTON. S. C. — .lust out- veiside of Chui Icslmi. S. C, Hilly .1 hi - ?oti and cicw' wore seriously huii ■iiU'd vyhen a druukoo irutk diiver with a , K i-io load of rlijck.ns orashicl into the siuiioii waiton iii wh oh the N; .. pelelJr t ••.Ann.I I Benny Carter Signs With Joe Glaser ill i':ii.e(l il u:-n.. I ..,-1 A'l II el..1,1. (. l.-i I a|.|i. I - 111 ' .S-., wlu, |•',■•. I.eelD V., .iiiiIj I: " iiiiilli . l-.ll.e II. ? ..let....I tint I'l III ••ll-.nil-.l 1 |i. W.il.l, ,Till.,I I'HUM iK-wsi.ap r I'l.Iuriiii t; rill •(l-.ar Van S' - .iiid I "iii.iiilii- li-ail: I ami l ii'ir I ll.iiry DhltMHT. .MmIi ' ■ -N S t '11. ..d. r '..I d..'- ('•■ni|j -I H 1 ■ I' tllUill '■ W ,, h and NEW YORK lANPi — You can repack those crying t .wets, .lac- quoliloe. now dial Mayor O Dwyi-r has r«.-scni(ifd hi.s unpioredentod o--- h der affecting plaee.s oi aniusemen' ^ We math- a lour nf uighl.spots slai. I mg fiuin Villata- Vanguard, locati- ’ " 111 .1 ectmn nf Manha'.taii on. r lorded over by the iiincy-ponny duli-h of ihe I'lli i-eiilur,.-. on up to ilu- cifsl ;( ■'Coogans Itluff. il-i.ilh St) wliieh iverlook- IJov.- nian Mill gun's co/y bar-irill Fiv. lywhi re wi- found people waa- (liiiMg aiinU'Ssly in citi-let... w'lieje, iht te \\a-. confusion. j ‘ i9. '— Ciiioretl Hint white o-opl- t "" ^ yl.nl to hail i-aeh olliei and la ■ simation ov:r. On Tiiesdav. February \2 *Lin- Voik OrcI.e.stra w..s ir.ivelmg i n- coins Idrlhdayi ttii.-. Hu- w(iric.‘. route soulh. Eddie Haiilinglon, tin- areale-t city, >aw- a!i Aineiicans in '>r sax. suffcied a fractured skull this nielliiig pot very glad t« taU *=» I’o"' id ^ hospilj! in Charbs- llu-ir rciiiaiH.n wcab 'ovei. The n I- ''-n lieveily Hill. chaimuiK li.wiiq; day -aw the night elnb ope.- , ".'ih band wa.s also adii illed to the inujnanient-. .d-.i . drawing a sigh of sinec.e re- h spilal wdl. multiple of cut.s and H lief. Million- of ilollais lhal usuailv biuisi'.- .las-ey ..lid IMly. were all pom iiiU. Ihe litM .lilt lyi .d ba'-. adinilted to itii h.ispiul The only l. •.on,.n.-, c..:i.Mab . te, jusl .licin'i oiii lo i-cape injury were H-oa.- pour 'I'lie i-HiWil.. who p.i;s ..iid H'- hdaid.s, M.in.igi-i; Civile Wllllam^. ,iat . ..t-li olli. . into :,oeh sp .ts jS Hooker; Oe.ii- .Muii.iv ..lid f.-eii l.alin Ijiii.tb-I, Cjf. /..el .'ibar, on the -lone-' hour l.v Ihe horn tini I h.iVe hd.i-o I'be du\., ol llie liu.k i. now lo.k.I.pL.n.-, lo Ihe Moon .>i ta.ine Ja'I l>-■ndu.}•. ll.e out.-onv ol ili. ollitr heavilily body lor ItieV were . '''''‘'bed lli-llln-. lloVN in tin- lio. - ' .-oil'pu-iMUS by Itieii absein-e pihil. AlUMily he has made Al .n-, TIN PAN ALLEY and the hand wa:; booked Ihi.m ii li.i Dc l.u.xe lleeo.t!- fway Ttiealie Row, pi.Hlueers and Eioiida and (.;eoij;i.i Manatier Ed- III Ni-w Jer.sey. the thi.ye iiian.igert. munibli-d !,.nie- waiiis -i.iles that it will be iiiiihi:.- being • Paiieme and ihing al«.ui all this oeii ■■ •‘.m irl liH niaiiy of Hie da,. .lump r.ilh ' of CLmI ' (Jlhers, not bedi -.long Hit hi' load mi^llap_ Inli it to aid III ale.di ic iile, mi-r.-ly blurted for u-.e uf h.'iuo snldie shifted club, wiiieli i.i direitid . Aliee Jane Carter. Columbus, Ohio I I'u a.sri.sl Red Cross in giving (lie (Hs in Berlin the sort of club they w.mi, M.s» rai-ter lias organized a house committee comiioseil ol . soldii-i s seltcled from each coin- an advisory e.umnittec cl oinpany corr.nijndcrK. On the seuoiis side. el.iM!e> in Geiman aiul photography .-s will us arts and crafts are offered ilu* men. whiL‘ i-nli-iiainni.-nt 1; pro- Mtlcd by a swing band. ^l:lKl^ move: and m..gic .-how^, bmgo parlies. ind boxiii.i OhlM ■ daiiglite' Ea t III (ole the final IS Hi-nny who Mie- .lUdill;’, •iittle tiuiii 0'Dw>t-i c. i poia.lbl heau.ii-hi-. why bi ing Ai- o (LmuK )u-t 'iimnier loi.-litN lio.t into mk h .m ugly p.t- IIioubIi lli-cnyY wind, inn ’ t'lajei'. who w.-i.- schedule.I . ( i.p h.i- Ih-cii ch.iiixed. iiiclub:ii;; tor nialinee pe. furm.mti-.s, cxpcel- willi III' hook- tlie b..nu boys Tlial is. everyone i-d, and Uein.mdtti their money ,-.l..t C. ..i.l 1; Ainn-.-meiit, with the et..ll».i' y.il|| ('.ipl- U-l h llix ll- 'iplioii of Bi-li Ttiel Il talk about FU|uiiy’ ollietiow - I I. .1.1. 1.1 I tty SEEIN’ STARS With Dolores Calviu |0. 1 lily f-.ooil I --Ht-M- la- i| lea-ene' Ml Andie l.ir-l.y 1,1,1 .Mvo n-'ru-d try i..'';- Ali x.ii ViVi.oi IJ.ihdogaii A;-1,1. M- If :i .l.iViilte Nulim i w 1 -i j, . , It' ■« I h kind i.( III. IV , ‘ p. I " - I llvii.l. 1 - .111 and Dl .1' ii.i . • ( 1 , - |e • ul limsii-.il ■ I Ol, I. I- Fivkh .'ind rpeel.dl'. i i - ‘ - l('fe..-.>d with till- ... • 1 Sir |l•l.llll.s^ d loi I tit i.r ■ pi-..-. .iHi«t> anno.,.it .1 'i i will loeliide a uaiiti o .ii..!i s'. .Ol,' orir- ■'p«-ij.l - 1,1 till w dl Im- a i.o\ I I: V I • II. 1 - ol Iiie few tun - ’ ’-.I I .‘h -II. t'h.-.die h.i- 1 .1 loll |, 'I'Uf .i-Oll.p.lH >-- .1 111 M : \wimi). wiiii: VI 1)1- i NCLs iiaii.(;i{f:at Tl Noirs \I!T St- \\ S I «ltt. t I'lA 1:1. Vii.il lel C.iU- (h Atlei •t..du!.-, Itii- Ii oil! Ii,. iJ. ily |,1 (• • ml till- iiiw sli.iw Voi h ■ I- ;d till- L, llio.itiw.ty log-uiy, V "This I- Niw - h.id O' imloi tun 1. L'liui F.i.;'-nd ..nil .Suilli Anieiiv in Ilf 'i-od'. Ill- Iwo iniit.s out '. to;« .:-n m.iiket Clarenee Cuie Wli te witl Lcluie at Hugei-S It.1.1- li-iin but II 'llir ■iilUl-je-t.-l, L.off.-|| |..l- 111.;- i.-.-.i.oil iiU- 'lipped piirooablr li.il 111. Oaliiei 1.1 pa* t '.i-.t* on . l.-ei.- |.j lii-l. Iir.tltli .lioti:: Wllll till- 111. lull. tin. itioU'dii up i>.\ Hit- i.iji.t. bn ut wliom Flitilit- I'.iitlei de-■■'ii.i'- iil to pu‘. lovely 'i'lii-tio.i l'.ii|ieiil 1.1- w'liti her piibl.i Cantor I) Ttioni.is. W.i-liiiigtoii, D. Red Cl OSS a:-.-istiilnt to In.' V lee eliaiiin.iii in i-h.ir-ge of doiiu - tic mvites. who visit’d tin- eluti .it Its opemnK on hi- mcihI Eiuo- iH'jti 'uivey I p prairt-tl tin- live tv and divi-i-ilu-d ploei.'iil off. - III till-1i-o..p: I'.iininamling 'L-nei.il i'alll i. h.iilsoine I f till- It. ! till Gi-neial .lohn I. Wtnh' i..w, tiinf Ilf -i.iil, W.I.. „i!i, ’loi'st'. of tin- eh.li doiui; i' op»-ii- iin* tv- livdie.'. Ml::- Carter, wtio i,. Ih of Mr- Belle J C.iMvi Loir; Sli. el. CoUm.llLI.-, i.iic of (ihio '-t.ile I'lii VI ,--I’y w'llti B A i|'i:i7i .mil .M .A. uigiees. .iiid inb« I of Alph,. K.ipp.i Alpt: I .idmim.-tiat ve mh i d woiki-i and inedii-.d M.cial worker tH-toie joining the Retl Criis.s st.ii' in M..y. IW4. Previous Red Ciois IIV HOl.OKES CAI.VI.S as ii'im ci.t'. mi-lude I'lieelmg (luo- NEW YORK CITY iCNSi - Tlie at Bella, l l.iverpnol, CliMthenhaii. I. f ol foimer alternate of ■I'orgy and Plymouth. and tie:-.' rii h l.lown l.aw-lence A I'llliy .Mu- r.illt-l .1- ploei.i.- VVtii- iianl lel^se.l ii, l.i- NeW Yo.h .lin . toi . Wirn.. i ‘t-llt- y.iioll,. h' ' - hi'liie oil Sevriilli -Nveiioe Rii.iill.v At- ei I'l...- tr.otui. ilhu, dui-r.alr>‘d .1 .1 lieidtlialil liolo It.'' ilao'-liiri i.I ,vli M.iUii 1 I.i... . .Aiiny. lie, le.idy now tor new .md K.liu Rt:-dille .Avi-mu. rm. lun.iii beltt-r rolet lol tic. b.udoiie Vuice. (Jlmi A giaihi.ile of Ihe Co;. :t'. and for a k-ad m tlie eoinmg (no- >.f Cineu.nali ii,‘I-uli'‘'''.v l-'‘iii .liiliiiM)ii l.i"lilin^ I j) l.i'vlr Willi His Jivin Jilin Ban,I I'or LSO • LEYTE, P 1. iPAPi — Lem Johnson, saxatioiial teiK r man n iw on tour of the Soutli Pacific i« lending the G L's nightly with hi gieJl band of nil .star swingste.' from the ’Big Apple,' Lem known as the 'Deaenn of the Blues" to tin Army in .Manila is currently l.cyU', He has .scorad a solid L.il with both Ihe natives and .soldiers His band includes sueli well kiiuwii iiamc; fioin Ihe musit- world a- Ray Ihiik.i . ii the BH; Sonny Wo'kI- Irv on .skins; (.loige Dorsey, sa.', Heiirv TaniuT. bass; and Men.I .■-lli-pli' n-. on triimpel. H l.il- I w-axiiigs just lelease.l foi Ilu- bii>v ,11.- juke hox lave.s all o\.r the P.K-ilie and include "Hhy lliiii of Ilu- Jiini'.le" IS .1 made la uider pi'ci.d foi hi- diumnu’i. Sou iiy- Woodlr-y II.- ti.i- itojii' iw'o othi'i lAlll-.--, '•(■-lebl.itiliK Pay Day" and "Kskay Blue;., w iih Hie vocal and Oil r solo, on tn.tli - iiU-i i-y K\- “Poi-fiv ' Ikii iloii*-, Non L\-(ii Will A|»|m-;ii- -i"'-", In “Troiil.li'.l Islaiiil" I hank dm-tion r,f William (Jiaiit Still and Ciiu-inn ti and U|U-I Nohoili Will (.» Bv VVilliaiii Ibnry (luff Far A.NP If they tiuly wani each uthi-r iiilerfurnece by a inuthi-i Kvaporalcs like dev;; While there is that itui {illracliun R-iin ol luve .mil k.'pt in actiwii N body I k- w dl do The Sepia SiviDg SensatioQ family h:i' Ljuiioion Hughes' "Tiuubled I'- Air Si-ivice Comni.md ui Day. , R..I nJ . •..ii'diif• '-i ^ o ii-i.oi. I! .\i .1 le.it.il on April I’liil .\liitll|,'.Ulo. 1 -.il, II I : aid Rom .Vi.tu.e I > ( ..I- l.om ii.iii.eio C.iiiaila to Ihoiu-lil the .A. 'h.ii Li e Sim,.- •’.Ii b . Il atm in;: ’ ('iiiiij, CIul) I Ihi- 1 'll Ro opel. Ihi Will iolitinue 1(1 di.eit :}.■ Yoik ci.st, and Oceioi:. .Ar-he n t’:i' I .ich who dill to 111 {immIuition of 'O Jm . will diici'l Hu- .1 - on Tin k.tlrr is M'tie«iuli-.i o ' - . .1. Pl.dadi-Ipl.i.i, W.i i I.! HuuRngton. L 1. w j’i.gemcnls on the v'ay V BII.L KOHINXIN'S \( ( f)\l . o|„- .111,1 1; . Idjl ! • nil t.-.lV •• II. 'll.- Woll.l •alll-li.>nt' I ' l.ill .1 II..1 f.i: • •• !•-'■ o. H'.- I-.-I.l I.; -Ml .ill Ini' III inm II any iiis|i,,iAmi.-. iiu lud- ' Ihe .iwaid ot t ie 'O'gree ol l>oc- • of Mins.c liom OtiM VV, -U y • . :i\e;-.tv ,it Delawa:dc. Dhiu, ami 1 a\ R 'm .vto,cti.ii.st .V ho .pull- . mol.il I il ; ■i| dll Jo .oii> 1.1 . inii Loo.; .Joul.,11 Tom i.y Wniui. ; .III .dl.M liiiddi' .-Ur f: I 1 "Ziev fi Id F'oi;:.- " liu- .1 Hi. . . •‘.,1,.- . :yic nr-'l I : 1 ;I.l l.ip '■’Ilie .'vi'iiio and His pi'-mised wi-II mvtr hear no moii lamj." In fact. "Trouhled Island" bt fore juinini; the Red Crft- NR-ii '■ ^ **’•!! iiiiM.'iVoiy sort of chattel pyrtly the leas n why he was in U'-*'cmbt‘i. 111-13 "ver the aiiwaves which serves ni d, to give Imn ampL- inrie Mis,-; SmiHi worked in , !i,' iu oinj.i. e; Lna Mai L.u lisle, who Retli r iniipose than to droji Ihe N*'- voice into !Vhap« for it Hull and Chelieidiam. England, if- wa;, lumor.d to l« iii Bellevue Hos- g.-., u.iy a notch .r two low vVhi-onaii, hmi'-elf. is a sir ter goini' .veisexs, and l«c.iuse of pil.il w.r. le.illy o n.i milk fano ilu- DiinilM of ‘.cheiiiing ilii-.Ainerl- j,n,. l.M.kiog, philo.sophicaJ man of to-r >k R m p'oerain plainiiiie. In i'. n.mg weir.ht since her illiu" ...n- B.v Ha- -aine token we are 33 takes thls.usiiiess. of singing was made assi'l.nd lirecl-u- of tu. H ..(.III will. bi "..iii hi^ wiif.o -, •Jlllli ( ('iituiy Fo.x a!-..i;ri li. v^uli a coimm-iciui lii-aU about lino. ( .0du al CIul. ‘•'oiii Rl,,. R ...111 4 n-a,'.. m.-r.l ..I e.irt .NR- idcDanii I o -i.ol-. Hi I ..ml k,. I:, .gi diViibllg lil.s pi ogl ..111- H..- Clji •' ’ l-n. o!t I.eie ..t!. 1 .. week i,..i ...I; ..dl mak.- I.r, lir.pp,. I imle inaiiy types of snig'. Fill -eiv ..I Rm All. II ' liaiii yil I. leit U(. iw. hoM-Hy In-luve. but will p,..,pj.. know aiu. iH'.n ,,f e. mii.enil..thiii Roni Mai. li.M, lo- lieno.'ie UiUi of ..1,4 ,ue inilfiooi. .d co|,,i. d-.Ami-ric.ms -urprisang V.ul .J I'oilr.aim . oMmn.odi.ei ..1 M.''|".. piii.oo- to ll.e Apoil.i ,-.1.0 I,e le.i-om tor p..'ioni/mg pm- leveals itself quite the QM p4iv..imel Pi.ie.-.-m C. . ex-ul, lui^-s 01 wrhii-h --II** li.i- a minoi j,,,, vimversaRonK a> tlm-. it-r i.f tti.- fji e S. i ilh till' full. p,.. ,,f adiiiiiuliuii for C tirii at Hlieiins op. Tlie l..'..n i- h1.-i..lly I..vin'. ahold b,.,mdi.l - whelluo 10 people be' ,eik on ll.e singuix of Kllatrelle IJ.IVIS. yoiimt t . i,|- -,mgs h.- infs ■ - . ^ . ,, N.gi-.. sopi.mo wl.o-e recent rie';d s.llline bail. t. be cinfortaUe KlIIJJ (.OM* 1 TIO Lrllll'IIS il- wdl al Town H..II will In.ve lo \h ;e khie suit and print Re, R.e tie n ne.iled nioi.- Hi.m ont.' if ..II wc wliu is Ihe only Ni'gio | () lr;H‘;u|(?ro ||| E, '\, iluisl ill Ihe appro.tehing Bruad- . > v.e-1. .it Hit- .Viaitin Beik o I.l o.iiiway \ O. .d cti ii ol du I'll J- w I ufipo. I |:.R R,bin; In ni Hie n Z.iiwibar .'liow Hi ;rov; into it (foi r.ng.s Rue. . . . Fillabi-He, who the Shaiign-La m Philly. Ethel p, - s:mthe poise and ability uf „n moskal, "Call .Me MisU'.. unuer Joe OLiser inana.',. - aitisl 2il ytars her senior, made u cast of ex-Gl's, fiisl ANGELES iPAl’r —- With k'oc'a.i- */.m ..k y\i At:,. G: N. : li't ; the Xiw Foilie- Cafe m the grade thiu her exceUeiit voca'i- of his bad habits. Tlie wo.rt ■ -'‘“‘••"-*s>ful eiimpletiuii of Osc.ir i.i.igu. Tl'.e tin.; Bob Hope p.'i zing itespile the lough edues one of Iu- lij.. Ill- i. siii.ill- M""ri.-> i.i«-rali„ii unJ III, c..i.vi.li-| ihe I 't ol Ihe ,ii t- -'iHi Ihe King Cole 'i 1 io will bv h r years would iiulnially have. R'* a known faet that slngi'is the K-ng Cole Trio relurnort j . Hi 1.1. nil.'ll ..'pi lo. named ‘Where There's Life." Lou's Ju't when the HEAT WAVE was ;.;h,,uldn't smoke But Mr Whi-oju- “P'’’* '^'Lith has nnmeri out j of the smallest e .ektail lounuo! _ rooms 111 the F'ar W» it after Stllkl 1 devil . . - -,-iiii^jvL- evui.-.ii.r 1.4; 4.'..i-.wv.- . ancls iii'C.c 11.,, v. i-ansus. iiiid WiliiT Doiigla- me stout fvl- Jdnj-elf Hut type. WInIe Hie King and bas.sist John Augu-'. 34 I) '.Il NiAv Voi.‘ low* Fiowt ver, they didn l fold up jr. bt-bwes. too. that he ncvf f ’'Y M IL-r lo.ik a lesl. hi//oner. elio-r shouldn't smoke. But Mr. Whi-aju to give liCj'inning to come on agam like .,„i pj,*. ;,nsw-er to rn.ii.lTe bc- • .iw.iid I itic wum.iig orchcsl a a vcr.ubl.' forest fir-up jumpeJ Revi; i-eilam ••tyjri.s" ..f singei^ LOOK .Magazine's e .iiie-i fur Hie UUKiiicir. stiikei devil . . . Al -njokc evuleidly *ie toiisiuei.- prize winning \;.1 . Ill tb'i.lh^r. imH... and I .... Oscar, the lop guitarist of the yen- COUNT BASIE I y.*' R. Vldl Ihi-alie h.i .coir p.tiri I 111 Opel •he ' h.i I u.d ilitiliue to Yi.t!; i-.'.-t, .md Oil •■■I.l Ar-Ler, u (' r ■" i .ii'h will! (tin I' I Hie mill piodiiitiun of "O-i! 'i' .'. :i' 1 .ho: . will din-el tin- " d ■ ompa. 'Ll' i.-illn-is scnwiiili-ii •(. I'! > ,“.'1 . . I Rluladi'lplii.i, W.I n, - ‘ Miiiiiinglon, I. 1. Wllll o' 'll I I j'.igciiH ids on the way V (Hl.f KDHI.NSOS'S .\ OVI- PAMsiT DIES l.v N. .1. ASItL’RY LARK \ .1 .'.M'l I'ol.iiy Dimdridge 4'. >•,•:- !i pi- 1 I lid well-known ih .1 I i.i'aJ heia l.ii-t week. D. l'•‘l (i„i n '■i\ - da.' accotnii:i'ii-i i. ■ li !l IN (' (I. -lage. M'l'ci I, ,1' .1 '- for iieaily 18 yearr. V- lly rcdiicinn the wh .d I'l icnl Iht' U. S expcc*'' It. to’-'fi I'.'i.iifMM'Hili b'ishels ol V.'lr.ii tl •pilng. ' IV 111 ilic I 1 III ol V .i.'.d at I h.i- woM him ii..ii>y 'IisR.iiAmi.'.. iiii-luit- i;i!; Hm' ,;\s.iul ol tui' cegrec ol Doc tor of .Music from Ohio Wc.-li-y.t.i Hniveisitv .d Detawaide. Ohio, and l)".i . .f law., R un .Vtoretmusi Coll. ..(• Allan .1. Ga. M '. ;h. 'CIO ariii-t 'll pi o|il(' III 111.' .Si 1 ;i! . 111.)) ., Uli V V. •. ol To.,; ' iu!i Anu'ndiiK-'.t ■ I' 'i.d, ! on Di-v'i.lu ' 21. I!*4ll in .1, :..:ioi.-' i..if..l Robind Ha.vc. V. -. Iii-.i;.! liv a di Rinucshi'd aiid- I'mc In 'he co'ceil h;.ll of Hie l.i' y of (■' i cii'-'- Coiniiiand pei foi iii.mcsr before Kill', Gi." Qiic. 11 M.iiy ...c '11011-,' in., ti. ...-Ill- :1 iii.mmie- H .1"' co.i-t.ri. Ill R y.d Albf-il n.ill London. Rn-.-lan-L m Septem* Ol r. HI43, and ihe NiiR.ioal A'l G.d- b-'.v, Lnndun, with D.unr Mvra H SS. i...Vu be •• |.; • - d by L' S Ainbaiacinr Join .S Wi -. .1 .. I.I-O .-tie (jl.i.Vt d lilt- I’a'. - iiioui.i l.i.-.t .vi'.ir with Jo..on> l.'io.’ .mil l.iniis .lout.III. Tom I.yWi'iidci. an .MG.M budiling slai f; m "Ziev- fc-lil Enllii-." has a inarv."^.iii.s t.ylc I .r I gill l.ip III inyHiiii . . H.u i-S.iVoy ai.U ‘III’ J si ol Hu- acts .iiiii't woiHi m> iition - i.M-ipl 111. W'ii.l we Woiilu C.ill till' Real of '■li- •how Hi.' .-iii'.iiig >1 .AiHoii I.'.' SimpKin-. . , Hi', u-ii'ir voic.- sai"i Doiii.';. S.;'i...d.- ,i d Rdi.igeii -r- Has tunc ()U.il ly is i( t.i . tie h.i; o|ie;; I Hai iii.ilci fur hmgin.i- lilat : a..d ’•1ail-Iiii£ ;i! ’ • " St. I1il|. 1 Hull t id i-.i R jo-i .11,> ni":ilc!u:i Hui i 1- ili'd In rr,-. .1 ' he El l ii"l .-0:1;.. AlloUi'Me olilii'l Iji dam*, iiol ;if' : . If .Vi- \s |{(!\ Viclor Arli.sl Di-v Lee Snipkim Hie hand elappin;!, Ih; h t-l j J. I'o ,.i.d im- -v.'ihg • • ;.ll to- and keej) 111 l.; ml 'hal in , I , .1 pi-i loi ir:. 1 1,1 .1 • ;,.:.i . lev • i '..ml Hi.il III; .lUiReiii-i- - tyim.". I. lu tilth the stiuw’ iMiili.m.l cnlo -■! ‘•pie m |•,.-le!.ll \V- wT-ie hl.O- !i\ (h'gil'ieil wdli ;i u V .'e .iiiniie; n .-Ri'i .1 lilm-s -oiig eiiRII.'ii 'Ihii- m ti'i .My MioiC winco R.iloi'.l >!:e h. 'll luj..li t.ipe of .\i -,.i 'iii,- lh.it .lei ninji.i'i ed ..cciHilR.ili- II-.I Uo- -Ii.w li.imili.'. -pi'k ol R.i-n . Lt;' • .1 l.i.-.i, w.oiliiii. |K-iip!i- ..ml Ihe eiiliii' clnjiii- w'..-. gi.ioin.il 111 eoiiR .istin,; bi.uk .Old W Idle -.ti- III Em i,\’.iiiiig Rom /-lot ;Uii- to oveldle-s«-tl gills m imiiK in T stock Ii .10)14 .Ill'll Ol, Hie -I'l III to liiake -ilii- Hie .oidiel,..- nliirm- op.m.; RiU li 'bniMii III Ibe n xv pt'..led mo;- Ib.m ome d .,|1 w Z.iii/.iuui- slinw. He iiuv;- into it fr.au heur rmgs true. . . . Ellabetle, who the Shangri-La m Lhilly, F.tliei p tssisres Ihe (Hti-sc and ability i.f ..i . Wale;:, iintler Joe Ul.i-er manaile. mtnt 'Jij yt-ins her senior, ma(U> n enl, is at the New Fi-llie- Cafe in Hie grade thiu her excellent vocuH- Ciiii-ago. Ttie Jirsl Bub Hope p.-; zing )4'Spile tfie rough edge.s one of wiHi Hie King Cole Tiio will bc Ic r year* would nutiiraliy have. . . named "Where l’hcre'« Life." Lous Jn.'t when the HEAT WAVE was Joi-fl.m has been chosen to giv.‘ beginning lo come on agtim like H.e ;iward 1 the witm.ng orehisl a a vi-r.iabb; fore.st fne-up jumped m LOOK .NRigaziiie's euntest for the dii'piicn's Hinkei devil . . . Al yi.nin h.'mds. imiMi'.; iis, v-.c.i-mk, ; and W iLcr Doiigla-- are stout f;-l- vie, mi Augii'! 34.h "m .NiAv Vor.'. lows bow’iver. they didn't fold up I ily In h.mormg .\ai onal Hrotlier* mule- last winter'.s prcssuri and 1 hood Wi'ik, Jack ileimy gave the fill reasonably cerlain they will be.-t .'|H' ;h of the ladio si.irs, i i.-ry on until the pimidsed land .. V-— — sighted. l-oiiis \i-ri.-ir(tn.'.Si-'iicd «i II . .sjuclacle gioviiu'. jiicicasingly Inaihiful i.iHi Hu- fiiiluros adde.l fr.rn >ejsoii to s. ;t on. . . Wondc wliat hiscious HELEN MORC..\.\ C.AMDFIN Loui'. '.SaR hmo" ’ thitik of il could that charm- Ainistiunj;, oic of te all-ti?r.e greats **'F' Noi'dicc sUigi'r come back to us in ihe wiiild of jazz, famtti lailh ''•'t’C'H-e f.r hi-: husB.v voiced v-iciiD a.id no t/:'vel!ei- hns cn- returned. Mipt'i-t} tiumpet. Iia:. inen >igned to ‘efr^-’^-hma lo sec the number III exclusive RCA V.cier 1 ccoVding!colored ;iitisls coming mm me c iiitriict. il wa.-; annm.iiced tod •>•'money class at king lacl hy ,1 W Munay. Vu- I'lc-idcnt i. ' of . . wax record- oj H,.. K.cojtl Dcvartnien. o IR'A Victor Divi'imi • i/iabb- slice of douvti-iay-me i- ■I hi- oui'i.mdm,- mu ician ,1 le-,BLAKKl.KY. tab iiled Mog- l„.l.,l I,.I Ilii',d..il..,|iljl Mvi.n.i'-' ."'J lilii'iiMi "i.il I'i. vi.-i.vl,,,.- Ill' II :( tyli- which ll.e ina.lc' ••"“* eh.iriinng girl group hull .. J i/./ Ians' i'tol. w'lll make ’llmni'i'lve'- IHF. DF.BtJT H.e in.I of 12 M-liidided RCA Viei^^'^’^'^ K.-cords ol Hu. gioiip winch h.r -id. . during the haiel;,' dale al i l'*‘^‘'mtng he i .sellers ate: Ntw Y.ul;':, .-\qiiai itiiii R.-t.imant. "**•“'*'’*' l•"". ‘I taut Begin le i.iMoii' Ai'mI l:ih , I'cR You.' ;itid "I M.iue a Riotnec .AnfeRong Risl Ii-.uil\i to playi' Ibait Riimiici at lie Waif's H-une for home 111 d.iy ago I alii-ndcil a Bov. 11. Ne.v ui-leaii.s. Hie town 01 '••c'bd at 'I'own Hall that real- hi biiHi While .still ill hr- lei'iu. ,‘-v *'l.iked on all i-yliml. he h.',; play .1 jiruft-s.-ioii.i'.ly and .iway the must interesting fe.i- n.test was tie e.l TI .' iLiiien n ciin;|di le it Hi -. Iheii t.>4i.- |..r 11 Hi. y •-OUI.I h,. WI ii.bei III -such lo- I’*"'** “f lal New Giliaii' hand- us those of 'ini'.skm-lhuinpmf; of COZY Ku"; fihv.i Kid Orav .md Fate C’OLE. , When RING CP SBY Mai.iide \fiei icveial ve.n- on the c lurmd t Hie radio loi' a 1.1 week liverboal; with .M;iiable he w'? '-'"'*- lelimed iheCHARlOi'- callcd to Cl.ieax.' ill Ik'o'bv Km ’ ‘ Cmsby persoimlly we Oliv In 11)34 he joined F’lelchi r S''"*'''''. Hemleison 11. N- w Yu;k and later "H'M liave thnlU'd millions of Aim-- r.luinr-d n. Cto. .go. |jl..yim-, vn-;'‘^"'' “ i 'll ct. ie and Rii.illy. UI t!)37. Iie.id-maiimr m 111, hi- own grcpii In 1(137 h«' old h.ix “D.m'l Wo' IV Rl .1 TO '• .Muh'. Wains Lu-..-, .1... > :i. . oi.,.--ti •]>, '..dio and sc;vii. x.iH .is or^iiiizer of one ot im* mo-l -uc (e!i(ful bltle li:-"(- li ..!1 .\u'ci- • 'a. "The M. l. ' ha- li'.-i- m. m. I' (luLu Hi.i! I . 1! I - :)iti'.Hlta-tioi. to r, i iii:in pt- 1- riiiaiice on R.. . t u.•• f ' ■ a feaureii -on)! n. I -h.k ' 1-. . film, Sui.n tu aJi'Ca.. "Li.-.Vale' tUTir. a: as t run ■ilH.'^ R, \1.WS .Ic.loi I* li-.v. I 1 t 1 of Rie loiiiiii; "Oot Wolid. ■ 'll'Hie ;ubxs:i) ir-adu,.- Ins tinmm.v Nat Col*-’; Uoj.. ".Sjix iRiv.' wh- w'.is killed la-I Wi'ik 111 (.11 .lodywiiul, W.I. '.m"i .\.iI ...lien i. 1.1.' ik.ilin;, -l.il MaU.'l F.oib.ilik. Rian .New Yoik ;.l Rir 1. A l.il. ie...litl.» l.i.ui- .loldali tuim-il dowi a Kiod puit 111 'St Loiii- Won,..I. -ll..pl,x m-c.«u'e l-.-.tlgi le- nor t.l IO..I..I 4-1 tell It W.is . 1 foi .la. al.ii lilu-lCi.ili lo lit lo -ei ■" ...loi G' Idl'l; J'l.whici I j.ie . R.iio; "Bi iKi.i t in Hoi;; I ...MHl' w .lii Hi4- Kiii£ Cole I'" lo. I eil;. { . n P: • .. -iii..-i u. loiuli b.'at to Iiiaki' Ihe loumlK. f. iiiu-erl IP III,. New- A ork nm.sic.il , Hoi Clioiolates " Twice Aim..lrnng h.i • iieiii.'.l -o|"i---fid irip- ..ml the CniiRn:'lil. wlii't- he ..)> |u-.tiid .If M.liiisi III .idiltl fionling bamlr He al.-o has Many inmie and Hin.idway revi .iptM'.i: .iiiM-s and weul of his i.ndim;.- iie now i-olleL-lo's lie Tliiiui;lmut the miiMi- woild '■-SMt. Iiino III- giii/i-d a^ ihi H'e |.li>|it--| ; .ii.ti lt-..du.i; Rgule He- t-toli'tion Ilf modriii miirii IIDWAKlII I'KF SIUF N IS ( UNI FKi Nt F SPF.AKI K wliii-li thi.-- cliarol gioiqf ii-mlcred "A Wluie House H|i in Heavi-ii’ lied.c.lied to the ili'aHiles.; meiiKoj lie ;e'i- ‘ ' EBANKl.lN DEl.ANu HOOSE- I.. ndon '■ ' w III.my of my leading iinhlic seen a lop.v PfiRTFTll ROB- ladc "The Fuilei luuiei." as he de- i-.w v.'U'd ti) arlifitst of all races and creeds, which heads out of Tidi-d . 1)Fidiloi-Publli.ltei KoaCrts wro.-* ., picie dealing with juui n.ilisRc itluis which 1 llioughl was not only ail hoiie-t-ptece-.)f-i'i porting. but .111 iXcellenI job of letiiiiK the folk wh.i Make OOP new'.'pa|M*r» )jo»-ib*.-. uiitl.-i'lami Ihe -tote N-w fancy itii will >011 BILl.Y F.CKSTINK, of the vibialo V'lil-C lets wiU'.e adii.iii'i. )iiai lii-ui'; in . i.ler to cap- •Ma •Nni lan Aiideiron HelUMog 4- lo l-.'l -I Uiote-I w’.niling CHAl'li. Hit.I, lANRi - Or •" .M'lldecai Julilron, pie id.-lit of Ho-*-..i'l Ci.ivei - ii.v. tu'.iil* the list ii.iiiis of Hie Soidliein F.irmei 111.:!- of |/eake-, to t«- pre-eiited Pv llie i/im- Dr .1 M Filleoii. Vne.una F-llim-iiip if >'niiih«-ii. ChLiichnu’H Union I'liivi't tly Kcinut Filiy of v.hin till- 01 gaiii/.ilioii iiieels ui qn- Cf(»; .md Je.ui K.nif.iX of Tus- Ri tmiiind. V.i. March S and f. An k-. ce Iiisiilut ■ :iit. - deiim.;na(loii.il. iiileii -i.d till MafCir lit. I-slas)*-ipi I.l II .vC.Ss> peiftiii ... - 4.lu i.ial IIU . . lull -I lalL ac s'p.ur.. R'u. . II W li.|. I d lle.|le•l || plil-..*,i.O of I'tui-ti.io ).'l Hk- iTlIlc.d .ttid II..-I,pit |j; obh III . of Uie ' ouHi npl. ;iie fi.hil- exp.itidi'd of i-ont-'l- SL.Ii's bioilei mail;. till- ap- ted tiei-.:0-4- liriKlileei tu pirKluclion m .nliniial .al lied list mi.it shortages, it is an iKiiimcd l>v M L Miach:mi, niaiK pe ik.-; -cl -lull.I to ad e'.iiii' -tM-ci.iiisI uf tlie Static CoUelfi a/cii me mseim* iii Apcrev «a» iaTtCaipr. L^tv.ce. Ill Id lililc .‘.nil and Jirint tu, Ru baii'-iie. Wlio is Hie unty Nigin Soloist in the apiiiuaching Bruad- wuy muskal. "Call Me Mister." featuring u cast of ex-Gi's, fitsl U'Ul us uf his bad UabilH. Thu wuial one he has. he confUKKud, is sinnk- l.ig. It> a knnwii fact that slngeix shiiuldn't smoke. But Mr. Whisun- tint has an tmswer to fha(.“re btt- lievi's i-eilain "tyfjes” of singers i.a;i smoke: evuleidly >ie cnnsiuei.s hini'-clf that type. He believes, too, lhal he never would Have been a si;iger at all d hadn't been fur the ijersuasiun 1 a woinan he admires till this day. Mary Suriiye, sister of ihe fami.up Jim. hi Wa-ihington. she kept id ler Idm In keep on singing, that he I'l old be one of the "greats" — sc he kepi uii Fie went 1 > How..id U., "btcausi the co-eds intrigued mi--." he st.itcd frankly, and gmd- unterj with a degree of Bachelor of Music CoiTiing lo New York immediate ly after, he bi'gan a Tong line uf achievements before enlisting in the Army in 1942. He .salt'' the lead in the Haitijn oitera, "Oiinga," Ha- lead in "l.i Belle Hi-lene." Hit- allerante of I'orgy in "Ihngy and Uisis’ and wi- a ;olist with Leopold Stnkow.ski and the NBC (jrchestru m Heel. I veii'A Ninth Symphony and m "And They L.yni‘iied Hun On A Tree" by William Gratd Still He was soloiyi for a 'e.tsuii with tin- lab- Kmc Ra)ire on Hit- H;i.lio ( ily "Music Halt of Hit* All' .out ui Maldi-i’j Faghtli Symphony ibru.ulc.ct ii-tr*' iiatiiinall.v I; Miloist on tlic "F'lee- lioin's IVople" la'ugraiii; GoikIwiII t>r .adeasts to South .America. m'Io- , i.sis ««i leveial Tii-a.'Uiy liroadcasls Wcighnii' 31)'/ jmi’nds. Wn'.iwinain longed to be a lawyer when lu- f.r. l statred out. Bom in South Car- > olm.i, lino Ilf six cliildiin, lit* had lhal ))nifcssion in mind wiTii his iiar- ,ont'.s u. k- Then Mis'. Euiope got I hold of him .md front llien o-n, il ; i WK-- smeuig — only. ; In the Army, WIn.-oiitinl was .si i-1 'tiuni-d ;d Foil Iluachuca m Ai i/on.i and then* hecamc Diieetor of Vii.s- i If ill th • S)>i-ci;il Sei'V-ce Division III .idiiition. lie sung by s)>eeial i.- , qusl with Hii- S.ill L'kc City Sy tiliony Oiclie.stra. M.tjur Wa.vi • . Kinc';: Gn'lie-.l..i and Hie Ru-’- ’dent's DirtlKlay Balt piojii.ims m ; Wtisitiiigluii. So. for nut r.ne m • 1 iiiciil were hi.s i.inging taleiit.s id!'* | Beiii:' a diifctor of music oidy , I made the young i-nleriainer ical z--'! ' liow tiHieh uiidi.'.eoveted tah-nt ' Hieie i-' among our )n-nplc In hav- i iiiK to get the best 1 lit of ni.iiiy I ‘t.v|u-s of men -- some .if Ilu* ilee)i ^ •i.lilh wlio h.id iievi'i sung In-fore t.f WInsi.nalil had 'o use every iiii'thoil ho I'oulil ll.iiik of. But hi' , , li.itieiice wa-- lewaidt'd wiu-n In- ' men not im;I> shuwetl gicat Mr,i- of shaping up. bill also -i iiiicd '• acltpilly enjoy Itii-ir smgiu'. ;mil lie found them tloii:.; ii-'t-.iiiti • p their .iwii time to fin t out moie of til.* ait Ju-st balk from .1 eunc"rl in W.i-L- ingtoii .it Hu- Liiu'ohi C'tunrii. Law-' n-ne*- Whisonlint a|>i>ejted on Co llin hi;i network's "New Voin-d In Song" l .sl Sunday. He simply lov* s to sing. Hi* pet peeve, since his dL- eliarge. is that be cao't iO«m to sir.j entugb. _ _ To Tmcaih'i'c A. LOS ANGELES (f'AJ*» — With ( Hie sueci-ssrul curnpleliun of Osc.ir Misiie's o|M*ruliou and his Cunvules- cence. the King Cole Trio returiied lo Hu* spot which has named ont uf the sfiiuitest cocktail lounge rooms In the F'ar West after ihc famed and pri/e winning Tri-i While Ihe King uiid bassist John ny MJlcr look a lest, hizzoiier, Oscar, the lop guitarist of the yea- in alt the pulls, uiidewent a dc-L- calc- operaTTon and at the same time gamed some lest whiL- mendin.'.. T .11* boys were of fto a flymg -Start for the year with the sho'--.’- ing of "tJreakfa.si in Ho'.ywood. Warner Dios, scnsiinoiiul rr.Us'c.iT which has Hie King Cole Trio li the st.ir studdi'd east, stating simul taneously xix'ith their fas'! engage- nfent, one of the ye-ir at tne Traca- dero in Los Angvle.-; They will stmt another lour so ij iifte.' completing ■his Iwo month.s rngugemcni COUNT BASIE KOCKY MOL'!NT, N C. COBB & FOX HALL Warehouse No. 1 MONDAY Nir.iiT ^%ul m 9 to 2—Adv. Sale $1.75 A CHOICE LOTS FOR SALE! AT ATLANTIC BEACH, S.C. BUY and BUILD on the Finest Beaeh lor Negroes in ihe Nalion. Hcttllhiui. Invtgoruling Ciiniate—Convenient Localien—Situat ed cn the ATLANTIC OCEAN Near Famous Myrtle Beach. Write lor Full Rarlii-ularx: tiif: atlantk; i{KA(:h(;ompany.Lu. I)K. I*. C. KF.l.i.F.y. .Maiugi-r — Bu* *»8. t ONWAY. B. C. Spring Street Preebyterian Church WAKE FOREST. N. C. I’foscnt.-; ROLAND HAYES In C'iiiu-ci-t TUESDAY APRIL 2nd at 8:30 P.M. MEMORIAL AUDITORIUM RALEIGH. N. C. $2.10 $2.00 ADVANCE WI in I ICKF.TS O F • I On Sale At: (.'niiiinuiiily Drug .Stmi-, 117 K. Ilargi-U .St., Kaleigh Aildii--a All Mail Ol.ti:. to L't>nc«-it Ciiiuiiittci', 123 K. Lettuir StrtH'l. Kalcigli, N- C Add 25« tn each older for mailing. Special St'idenl Hale*

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