f 5. C. GOV. FAVORS JIM CROWISM the C Leaders Seek Aid For Negroes \'()i IMK XXVI, SO. 10 uai.k:;h. nouth cakouna wkkk kndixc s \ti iin.w, MAiicii ih. ion; PillCF. .■=> • Gov. Approves Bad Conditions SEN. BILBO ON SPOT ★ ★★★★it* ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ Soldier Defies J. C., Beaten J.C. POLICY NOT Mrs Margiirr* Sinim.' rr‘i'**ntl> returned from r.ervice in F’urop.* with the AmeriCHji lied Cms;.. directing and participatiii? in a most effective i'nterlainn.rni pro- KiHin ‘dotu.i Mu [Kipiihr Mis dining Nnfi nai March 2I.30/ ANP Ptolo> ABOLISHED IN ARMY SET-yP Murder of Sailor Causes Alarm bl.KU. C. (AM») Rayntond Rood, allegedly by the Baruuell county sheriff, report ol’a lynching here last, day. 'J'hc slaying of n;iv.\ vpiciaM in»laws, held in t uslody l»j tipped nif the wide-spread ,, Sheriff Ji tf Klack said -Mo*- RED CROSS HEAD URGES SUPPORT OF LOCAL DRIVE Sin. Ilf B'lii'k ' ' uplainilinn • . i iiLuaL>Uincc.' -ui i ounciing t ii . tit Jill >r lilt ao-yvur-old vilcinr. whUdL id’h'oj body was f'lund •>( dawn Tiiursduy moiniii^ dang..ng ftom a lopc strung to a crucleiy ccuatiucted ergs..' a li-.s hcM iruJ.i th> town'a pi ihctpal njghftsy, ws diirultanvou^ 'With his announce- HI'nt of tiw am*si of foui p'-r- scnj, held un .-uspicion of inu>'- N'EW YOnK -- Thf new Army policy on the use r.f Nrjrn ifoop- i, a slop forward, hut •‘riots n-t nboli'h 'r-jr-giiiioii in the army” .‘nld the' NAACI' L’i an official jtaiemen' ! M.ireh 7 ■'The i «v ixilii'y provides for •lim C'rv' platO' O.- o- t«^ri of Jim t'lo’v division.-,'' the >t.itcmcnl ;>aid "If al o itatc.- flint rvt-ntually’ Ni-' officers • rc cxpr-i-ted to com- miii.d th.- S’, an- Mil* , There is J >oit>c lefci'iUT t.» -piciali-'t- a^ui i ieehi.ieinn> !>eii g r.,-ed arioi'dtnd (o! iheir ability, but the n aln body | of the reC'immenrinfious ha- to da; with the fo'-mation of still 'ppnin-el Nepro units, umicr .N'l’ro nfficcr-. for .'ejvHT in “'e army. .Milioimh it Ji' 'nt«d Mi.c| \ecro officr-r vill b jacc«n*e| and Ireoted the -ame as' w hite offi-Ti.. ii i,- .p|>arent ih.e they ivil! h.’ drperriert for promo- jtloii up.n 'hr OJX•ning^ av.nilablo in .40-rallvl Negro units. | Ktate ', and an 8*e—| Voices Out On Rights .M.\KH»N. S.V. (A.NI*) — Tiien- i.s no noetl of your '.wiling to iio%. kiinsoinc J. WiUiein.s about conditions licfv. Being u resident of lili^ ■'outily. he know.s bettor tlijiii .\«»u ami isfi'i going to do aiuthing about it. Till- above cs.sonc-, -.o .say Nc- yio nialf piUonei*!) at tne Slork- i.ili i-iuiingans caiiip near Mul lin.-. hometown of Cfiv. Williams, i.' what tluy were told by theit • j I.)}- Ilian wh. n they threatened ... o.niplain to the Governor after liner gffivaU had d.'cUncd re- i .-'-' 'e improve .'.mitation at I. eainp. Prl.siiner.', ni un uimigned fel- i .vhirh iucs ix on turned oval* i.> 'he state N.\ACP i-onferoncaa ui CoUunbiu- described numeroUB I'.iocou.' comlition-s at liic camp rr.ii ph'hikd for gut.ddc a,-,swtance. On Visit To Parents When Assaulted M:. l.\CKSON' .Mi-.-. AM' i Kv ii- . -.11 I .iiii.i'iibly di - ' . - , die.' a'.iU II. uniform, .i"p|)i> ^ he - ; . . nu father, siiU r *i-d olhe- nhil.- cnroulc 1" In- horn-. I frum camp, wa.- badlv lnulvn. .ir- I • .( d and fo cd 52J l .-l ‘m -k tur j .M'iiuiiig a loc.'l jin. cm" nnr- DISPLEASES NAACP LEADERS RALEIGH—Volufitcer workei . he .Mik C...U’.’.' twn F".-: Dri\.- wfilch Is Mated to end '.ex’ M.>r Mil- Uoiki i.eed, ( ^'raiuj'-d t ■- . J'. ad na;i; n- i bu-_\ • • no ’tu I . .M, -. Rol.-ind. jnd j h . . Jack Holand. Jll. aii'i tc Ih* refary Pafter«»n has said. ’hi l.> mer.'ly ,j .-tep toward integration, it is by no means integration and wilt not answer the legitiinat'' com plain'' of Negro ..fflre.'- and cnl's*- "ii n-en li . .-ived in 'h«- 1-. t •’-.r If (t : h»|>ed by Ihi.- rrpo.-l e/.jie Ml.' I ppc.r* .if .N.^ira*. Sen. Bilbo Queried On Negro Ancestry WASHfNrtxON ' ANP* you a Negro.'' was the question put to Sen Th-.Ki.'re Bil bo m a |. tier which c.«mi i*. his dr.'k hero l..-i wri-k. The qu'-r^ - "Are buicfi to y pointed iiruuscd in • in .ill r- I C'hi i line S ‘'mliH. ; by Ml- htrni ..f ' t. rhi.', ol lu-ces.'ity, n;.,i my m.iid a ciirio.sify ■' to your .nifrstrv, h.ivinit .observ ed ti'ut pir.'Ons who cn»>-«; over fio«,i the .N'ciiro race in'o the white rate .*1" ,i,V' oppose any public or private pk-: - fu ti-rnci''ion of ihe Nee." ' Ifii'iDi le.id I. -f your jt:.-''r FJFKOP.K Sl'.VVSPAPKr' WFFK r.ftO.MTCA.ST GOES ON All! T.ilkn iiifoi .tally in the NbC jluUiO' 111 .\c • Vo;k jUst bffoic ihi- final Neaii. Newapr.y- cr Wi-ck broadca-t went on the air Satuiday. March Z. nv. r the NDC nclwcMk, an*, K-fl to ligh:; Frank L .Stanley ot l-uui-ville. pr ^idiiit if fh • Nciiiii Now.p.iper Publi'hi-ra .\- •‘•ciali' U; R.ilpn Cooper, wnu w;- mi -tc: of cero- •nnries on tt-.i pioi;r.-»m; Dnwdall H. Pn i-. Ci'y Cali. .1. .tr- m..n f Pre a W.ek. J .mf. H,.i ■ .. '•i’.ii'i; Ilf Ml.' ptOftram 'o report . Ev .lu w.u n.; ... Mie jini cmv eeli.jn 'jf tile bus when jcveral oM.. . c lou-o |i > -.e:,.!'!.- w*i orderi'd iii ret up and ret back fiMthir. r^* ti.idy .ceupyni;, jCj'j ii. the ji’o eiow .iHlion Evan- w.i owrhea.J .'■nipjring Uuul biu • rvicc w'i:h bui .-vTvici in C'liieago .jy •. whuc j-1 .-eiifcf.' '.vl.n '..Id the diivei uboi.’ thi alle;;cd -taicmen’ >;i V '.'OPK Til.- |teech by •f ' f ‘lilt. •.nime premier of K '.MU. at WestTiilnister ■ i>i Mi niiii M ii-eh a "would ■!-• i?.-!;-e eoniiiiuation Of itil- p:riili^'T,.'' ii w..' d.rlared last '■ '■‘•k m a t .‘einert by 'he NAACP. "Gre.it r.ii'ilji'.- i/ohcies toward colonial peoples which have been eoiitiiu ed by 'he present Labor iloverri'i rnt," -aid 'he NAACP, “can r.io e ly hn.'Mor; of appreheo- -ion I.' fill ' Chu'i hlir- proposal of 111 Anclo-Amerir'iii coalllion It con- fContinued cn hick page) Tl'.e bus duver stopped the vc- ,l;jele ai.a call^^ulicc, -who. win n they firrivcfi. brfkred Evu/ts our ol ''he buo wi.d begc'in bcatina him. As a result of the beating, Evans hu.-- ' t.iined tiic losa of -.-Vv' .1 tec'.h o.id if ill- c)'c« may be permanenily RABBI ASKS FOR . iiff-i MAYOR TO ' APPOINT NEGRO .‘Tid rt'jred NFV YORK 'CNS. - The eu.-- (-lit campaisn to i uve Uayor RED CROSS HEAU IffiGES SUPPORT OF LOCAL DRIVE dtath of Uic 30-ycar-(ild veliTar. whose lifeless body wa.? found at duwn Thursday mniniiiR dangling from a lupe strung to a crudely icoirstruclcd cross a few IctjiXrojn ^th' town's t>rif»clf>a1 highway, \*fis 'siomltaneous with his announcc- jni.nl of tltc arrest of four p'-r- isonj. held on suspicion of mu*- RALEJOH—Volunteer workci-h o. hr hakt C'JU'ity IWC Fund Drivv. which is slated to end next Mon day night, this week were urged py Fui.d Chairman Gurney P. Hood to cedoubir their efforts so that the county's as..5tgnpd quota will havo been met bv the time (he ci.mpaign cloees. ITjc first meeting of campiunii work* rs vv.i.' hrtri In Raleigli on Thursday of Iasi week. A total of *2o.677..’{2 \^as repoted at that tiii.e to have been r.iis. d. The above figuTC did not ir.clude any of the donation.-; r.ndi- by peo ple living in the county outside of Raleigh. E. A. Clement, district manager or v.i.it"* II Boll T l. phere company, who is serving as col onel of (he cnunly divi::ion explain ed he was a little laU getting hi.'4 lOunl.v ci’nirnvn lined up. hii' :ai'l ••f am sure we'll r«aeh 'nir goal when vr get down 'o work." 1 Loris llcod, cstrangnd wife of ;l;'. c dead iiiuij; h' T bJ-yfiir-old mollu r, Mi'.s. Rohinci, and U hrot;*- ;i.rs, Jack Kolund, J2, and Gcoik' Roland, 30. were tm. quart.M held Wife Blames Brothers Sheriff Biack quoted .Vlr.s. Re;-'! as saying that a family argumeui I followed Reed's arrival at th . ihunie around 2:30 Thursday m.iining and was continued ou' into the yard where Reed and tl. • Roland 'brothers engaged in a fight. A sliorl lime later, .she l- quoted as saying, the iwo bi-olli* ■1.1.' ri lurntnl iasidc and .stated Reed had died from strangulation, but that they .had not intended to kill liim — only to subdue Itim. Thi- irighlened men. jcrordini t.i Slieriff Black's version, ar.* said to have tied the body'.s neck to the rope and .strung it up to >-iir.ulato suicide. However, bot . m.n have p; rsi.'itenily d-nicd any kr.i wKdg-' i>f th(' d>'ath. Tin* bod;' ''..lUinue'i on pirm i\i Mr. Cli'mcn' said early in the we«*k that he had been getting some "fine reports" from u number oi iho-e working with him. He anti- eipi-tod makina a j'>d report ;»l the second report mi-cting of the .vorkers in the Il ikigh VMCA OJ Thuirday of this week. THE PEACE white officcis. It is apparent that they will br dependent for promo tion upon the openings available in so-called Negro units. '*‘A0 atete-. and ap rotary Patterson hns said, this Is merely a step tow.nrd integration. It is by no means integration and will not answer the legitimate com plaints of .Negro officer!- and enlis*- ed men whv .'eived in (he 1:hI If it is hoiied by thi.- report to .-etui'e (lie 'opporf of N' groes fn pvacrfiire military conscription, (he chaneci. are slim." 2 BASEBALL STARS APROVED l> DIIMV IV«J On Negro Ancestry WASHINGTON ANPt — "A’rc~butc(i to you. 'Hib;, ol nece>8liy. nas you a Negro'.'' wa.s the pointed aroused in my mind a curiosity ... -.I. J T.-1 as to your anccstrv, haviiis observ-. question put to Sc. Theodor. B.l- ^ ■ bo in a letter which came to his Negro rucc inio the white I'acc | de.sk hero l.i.'-t wc'ek. The query ' i•lway^ oppf»sr any public or private- was made in all riion.iiess by Mrs. plan.': for leeognilion of the Negro. Ghri.ttinc S. Smith, iirr-hleni of ih.- "Hiiving read many ..f your sta^c- Nalionul Associitlioii of Col'n-rd. mciits .'ind noted your prc.sent at-: w'-mcn titude on the FEPC, I am wood'*:-1 Basing her inquiry on the psycho- ing if there is a strain of Neg.’-o logy ihat Negroe.s who cross the. blood in your own veins, That is- line .'Cpaiating race.s try to "out- the way I can account for your at- Herod Herod in race dcnouncalion" titude as u public Bervant." once they are over. Mrs. Smith Mrs. Smith, who has fairer skin 'vrote: than Bilbo, was rou.scd from he "I have been very much inter- u.-ualiy oonservalivc attitude by c.'ted in your career in Washing- the recent redoubled effort of the ton, re-'iding the many published Missisippi senator to malign the .'(alements which have been attrl- Negro. j NBC studios in New Y'oik just befurc the final Negro Newspap er Week broadcast went on the air Saturday, March 2. over the NDC nclwork, left to right; Frank L Stanley ot Louisvl e. president it th - Negro Newspaper Publishers Association; Riilpn Cooper, who was master of cere monies on thi- prottriim: Diiwdall M. n.ivis K.msas Ci'y Call, chair man of .Ncji'o Press Wrek; James Haney, dircclor of the program for Nrt; Williarr. G. Nunn, man aging rdito' of the Pilt.'-burgh Courier, a memb’.'r of the Press Week c immitlee. and Dean Dix on. conducto" of an . ll-Americau .-ymphony orchestra. p.->sscnKer who 'uio uie artver aoou- Ihv alleged .statement The bus driver stopped tlie I'jicle and. calM^oUcc, who. wbvo the^ SrrlvctL oiwred Evarts out of the bus and began beating him. As u result of the beating, Evans sub- Uined the loss uf .several teeth and one 'll his eyes may be permanently affected. The victim was born and reared here in Jackson. Hi- father ex pressed surprise that his son was in- RABBI ASKS FOR i MAYOR TO - ^ APPOINT NEGRO NEW YORK CNS> — The CU.*- rcnl campaign to l ave Mayor 0'Dw'«‘i' appoint 3 Negro to meni- , volvcd in the affair, terming him jj^rship on the Board o( EduegUon the quietest of his children. Maxie York haa .rc- had gifts for his relatives and left p,ivcd considerable support frbin ..itw qnnn riftPr hie rMciise from g ajjd thc ‘Parent* the city soon after his release from jail and hLs visit with it CONFERENCE TO MEET APRIL 6ili H': "Wc feel sure the pt*oplr of Zebu- Ijm. Fuquay Springs. V;n-ina. Wen dell, Gamer, Apex, Wake Forest, and other communities of Wako County wilt do their shart to help meet our county quoCi of VtT.ftCO." said Chairman H.)(^. Chairman Hood again urged the necessity for funds to carry on the larilung activiticf of the .American Red CrO'-'s. not only right in our own communities but in other pails of -Ihe world where Red Cross car ried on its work. 'ynsidetn Ti-uman ir hiT appe.il for'Red Cros.s fund.-i 'hv other nigi t ti'uL .said Red Cm,'., conation.'; will ‘n ake the clock tick faster' for tens of thousands of war casualticB.” Hood added. jng promotion of Franklin ano Roos'-velt' p\)licic.s in tlv- I'NO nifctings and an all-out figlit aguinsl en.-mies of unity on thi homi' front, a repesentativ .- .group of .-N' lerican citi/.m.- fui.- ••{.iiid a “Win iT?.- Peace" confer- rnci- to morl lu-ro April 5. 6 and 7. D daring that unity at homo and abroad is tiireatencd by bloC' which attempt to retard reconver sion. stir up -aeial .strfio and poli tical di.-;cni-u. the conferenrr eom- mittc'’ .innounecs a thrcc-day program to discu.®.-; impoitanl fac- I 'l.-; of it duruble pc-aee. Theme of the confi icncf. • I'nity niust win the peace,” is based on .Mr. Iloa'sevt It'.-- sta'. punt following the Yalta con- 'Coin'mied '-n page eight) DAYTONA BEArn. Ela. (.^XP)—This city officiallv okayed a mixed training prooKi'aiii f«i' ba.sehall play ers here last week wheii Mayor William Perry and ( ity ManatNM* -Tame.s M. Titiu- welcomod .laektv n"liin "n atid Johnny Wrigh*. the two Ne- r(. .starx .'igni'd by the Brimklyn Joricor.'; to their Mon'” ' ' ; am. to train'here witn tlieir |V-hite t.-aiiio.ai. ! Mayor P--. i'y .•'.lui "no on-- '-o Jaekii Rcibin.son an; Jobnn.v Wright training hi.rv wiC itiu’ Montreal baseball dub. TKv c.ty official.'- an dthe population i ngenearl simply regard them a.® two move ball playciti condition ing thcmsclve® liere. We woleom ; tnfin and wi.sh them llte be.sl of link." The mavor's {itatemenl. along with -similar remark.^ by Titu.'. dcfi'nitcly dispels any idea that tht two Negro membcr.s of the Mintreal Rovals will be confront- tf. with a hostile or helligcrerit p. puliilion when they begin their training here, although they will tK' compelled to adhere to local jim crow laws. Deacon Nccleeted Says U.S. CIRCUT COURT OF APPEALS UPHOLDS RIGHT TO GA. VOTE NKW ORLEANS. La.—The ri,tht of the Rev. Primus King to vote in the Democratic primaries of Mu.scogee county. Georgia, wa.s upheld hen- March R hy the United Slates Cirruit Court of Apjjeals for the Fiftli eiiruil, The ease was argiiefi February If) -Tifl the N.A.MT 1- gal .'’aff field filed a brief fantieu; curiae, sup- D'»rtin2 Rev. King. United Against Bibotry" organiza tion. The orgaiiizatkiu said in a leUar to the Mayor; ".As the parents Of j.OiH cliilcrcii now 'ittending the public schools of lhi.' city, we be lieve that no other single official i-i v.ii-ia eniu-Tis*: to the people ; .... of Ihi® city, both Negro and white, (■()l,r.\ini.\. s.r. (AND—Despito daily in*wspapei „,g import of brotherhoo.A fii'.-it d'Miion.-^tralion nirainsl jim erowism Imre im Sunday a., the appointm-nt at the time of ... .» ■ f .u- .. . ... ......J .4 Education. step would •cnglhen the intercultural pro gram in the schoo' and assure an nderstanding of the problems of Jim firow ^unHay To Repch National St te hi'.-it fl'MIion.-^lralloll nirttltlSl Jini C1^^V^ ism m--ic mi .luuutvj me ;.ppoinun«ni a; m mikI iii]lhoiili(-.s' iilli-mpUs to minimize offpctivem-a.s of the a Ncb™ w tht- b ard o( i (.March l.-atims of the AKOinst ».™att,en ?hT“intar'-uru ...ame’ed on .Monday, ••complete satisfaction o\t*r the vc suits.” In fact, they .said, the effetaivcnc.ss “exceeded uur wildest exp'.'ctalion. Gov. Ransome Hit From All Sides By Citizens and Groups LOCAL SUPT. WANTS SCHOOL SUGGESTIONS . the Negro as they may arise In our Simultaneously, it wa.i announ- Bchcsjl 'vstem and offset ten- ced that plan.s are underway ro dency towards racial tension, extend the movement into a na- Rabbi Wise also sent an l«t- tional activity, several southern ler to the maye- urging racial un- • cities have requested details of • derslanding anu Brotherhood Week its operations for consideration. V ■ Monday morning, hcudquai'tep^oi lEWHERS REJOICE the committee was besi'-'ged fo- full plans by newpaptrs of nh- ||iVJi’P VAI ARY lional importance, .ly souLi-' v f rjik I 'em dailies and powerful dailii.-; in New 'York and Chicago. “ I EQU ALITY IN S.C. fOLl'.MBIA, S.C. (ANT)—fzcadoi's fiom many see lionsof the State were most critical of (Jov. lian.sonie J Williams' failure or refusal to act on any and all cases re- jAoiKlia.s Frazier, eiiaiiman oi the fcried to his office in which Negroes had been mistreated, Citizem-' Cominiiivc. whose repn a survey revealed this week. .Supi.'i'intendenl Jv.-c.-ie O. San- dcr.'on wanLs the .suggestions of Nigroe.' on the proposed school expiin.sion program, accoidmg to JAMES R. ADAMS HEADS WAKE COUNTY 4-H CLUB COUNCIL RALEIGH. N.C.—James Russell Adanos of the Jumper Lcvvl l-H Club wn-; elertcd president of the Wake County 4-H Club Council at its program meeting last week. The 4-H Executive Council is composed of 4-H Club prc.sidcnts and secretaries of local clubs. Other officers named were Glacystine Chavis of the Fletchers Gren'o Club, vice-president; A^eolj Rogers of the Riley Hill Club, seeretarj'. and Virginia J(*nt-s of iIm- Riley Hill Club, treasurer. The Council adopted its 1946 4-H program for Wake County on an organized group basis so us to bt-nefit all community club members. .Adult 4-H Club Lcaderi-- from local communities were present and offered great encouragement to the 4-H Council &s ihey outlined their program. Other phases of the program were outlined by W. C. Davenport, county agent and Miss Aurelia •tones, assistant Home Agent. PWsent at me meeting were forty-eight 4-H Club officers, a^nts. local 4-H leaders and school teachers. Clubs represented' were Riley Hill, Apex. Juniper Level. Springfield. Holly Spring Sgn^’ Fork, Shiloh, Lovely Hill, Fletchers Grove and Eagle Ro». Savs Noted Minister ATLANTA VE'IS’ UNITY MARCHES ON Cin HALL l.r and Writer B.VLEIGH «CP) — The Rev, M, W. WilUan-.®. pr(>mim‘nl bcul min ister and author, must have meant whiit he said when he declared 'hat the deacon lo some extent has beer nrslcctcd. for ht has already pub lished three cdUion.s cf "The Deu- con's Place in the Church," and now bu-y workloR on the fourth which he says will be out soon. He i' also ro-au1hor of “WhoV Who Amcog Negro Baptists in North Calplin-i." and he Is gnttli.g out another edition of that, too. Because of its inherent value and worth to the progressive and up-To- date officials of the church, preach ers and teachers have been using much of his time, but he .said, there has been such a widespread Inter est in both books that U for us now "as far as we can find tisw. , to get out the second edition of one and tbe forth edition of the other * nany olhcr Ni griies. ►'fire halt intt’i Atl.'inta (ANP) • Mnmb'-r.’; of Uk United Nrgi'f* Vrloriin.-; organ- izdli'tn an dtlu- womm's auxiliary, in a ni3rch ostimatvd at from lOfi to 2'X' last week participated m a march on City Hall a pro tect against non-appointim nt nf N(gro police. Ix'd by Dr. E. C. Roddie. or ganizer and pri»mf'T nf the gioup. the parade was cunducl»*d (irderly and gathered momentum a.s it wtiu. dc.spite a nf»n-endorsemen* ot the Atlanta NAACP and other oi'ganizHli'>n.s, which are .seeking police through petition and con ference. Bocidk-'s banner read "For Ne gro Police." Other banners read: “105,OOh Negro Citizens Rate at Least one Negro Polici-rnan." g,,,,, Johnson, Th.-' marchers paraded around the block in which City hall located two times, then held niative called upon Mr. aan-1 , ..... derson's relative lo the program.- La.st (Detober. the NAACP s; i vvo conicivnces have been held ate ri'qm sled an impartial slate Mi'. Sanderson by represen- ‘■-■.stigaiion into the rape-mur- .; of the committee. Only on-,- 17 year old Mis.s Lctha w.xs made at the Tue.sday‘s Li He Carter on Pine Island, ostcii- 'met ling This one was the result ..bly by a white insurance agent: ,if Prof E. H. Me- tln wanton ^ho^llng lo death of dcnpcv Mo.' s Gn^-ne. a Negro, by Aiken Serious Situation* rounly officers mar Ellenlon anJ One of the factor nvealed m Hu shooting in the bark of ex- miv-iing with the superintcn- soldier St. Clair U. Pressley at the need of the Negro .Meanwhile, plans go forth for —— t!Xtending the demonstration to ; COL.UMBIA. S. C. (ANp) — Jub« ct lea.sl six other South Caro- ' iliuict- reigned ufrotig some 169 city lina citie.s and towns by the firs* icuchcrb here when each received Sunda} .n April. Several letters Tliuisday checks averaging better o:' reply have gone out of the : tJvn i500 !ach in '-qual pay, ra* Slate, headquarters said. -trcactlvc to September of 1945, ful- . . ! rillfent of a court order issued by Plans call for a pii.'Sivc piokst j„dgc J. Waites Warning public fast May. permanently enjoining agair\st jim-crowism lonveyancc' and the Columbia school board against th. g'lvral public. Don I spend crlmmutorv salaries ytur money '“""J;;'’''TO:: Thi rc.rc»eUvc p»y denoa. tht L .Kry ChuS,J" .n^hooU? v.--,. .un, .ho local school b.^ _l»l divers of olhiT organizations t>rcn able to mlnch out of the "Ne- aivcrs OI oini-r organizuiions ur- *■" .. . doing the educational work. Local sro seh^ls here - and hi«h schol stud.mts a petrlod of years. Judge Warin« eolh'Be dnu lliun sciioj .'luut.aio - •- - - , n , ah.|. hold weekly programs ridiculing ;CJi''e the bnad until April 1 of jim crow and all over the dt, :'■••r to .'qunlize and Tnu^ay pay- jim checks were In fulfillment J'.hn.sonville la.st Nov. 17 by ;m br.v-: and cirL® in the city in the fare posted placard.® picturing o , .- -.. eftieer who had prevlou.sly shot fii^j of -ducalion. Thus point was white man and colored man The Columbia action was brough -I'd at when it wa.-! revealed that jitot a .®mall potiion of the vho attend Wa.shington Acknowledgement to one of 1 letters ha.s come from thi Higb school go to college and yj*t -rnor. .Moir '■'‘ccntly. Waoshmgton High School is more shaking hands, each with a foot or. the dead careas of a crow. he N.\.Arp on behalf of Albert Cunlinued on page six) quist that hi® h rt-nec with n-gistralion by Sheriff L Li-on G.squc in his home untv of Marion has gone tc mu! aeadi nno than eiHier of the two white .'ichools. It 'was .said that for all thc.se years the school ha; not tx-en serving the need.s of the , • J , . I I. 4 noi oeeii serving me ii«-c-u.'> ui mt. iniched and two weeks ago. whiH- n. The Committee is inter ne. coloied citizens, as well a-. ,p survey of tne needs of evi ral .v , " Uic children in order that proper light his investigation into th. Jjiuliil bi-aiing into unronsciou. sugge.®linns may be made Another fact ti.at was revealed n..ss and subsc-quun. dunging in .q,, ,h.. ditch near the North Carolir.i gg'hng'i u/iil h#- ft ditch near border line by two city and on-' .state officer at York. S. C.. of an- ehmentary .school will be far re moved from that of the Washing ton school and that it will be a separate administration. It was not learned whether or not Sup- n riciu a The limited number of people in trinti ndont Sanderson wanted the I demonstration on the steps , the world who count for something Negroes lo give i.im sugge.stions I in frmt of City hall. The crowd! will lose their place H they start ^ to whom the principal should» that witnessed the demonstration out anew to gel something for noth I (Continued on back page) ing. ^ .. — be. tConUnuKi on back page) FEDERAL COUNCIL OF CHURCHES LAUDED FOR ANTI-JIM CROW STA.ID NEW YORK—Pratsv tor the adoption ot a resolution renoun cing the pattern of scen-gaiion in race relattons was sent to the F(-di'’'al Council of Chuiches of Christ in America by the NiU^CP in :hc following telegram to Bishop C. Bromley Oxnam, president. • The NAACP on behalf of its branches, members and assocl- aus, extends its warmt.s't congratulations to the Federal Council of Churchc.'; upon it® adoption of resolution to renonuce un- eouivocally the pa'tem of segregation in race relations as un- throughout the world in demonstrating that tho Federal Council neC' .-isary and 'indesirable. Passage of this resolution and sub sequent impk. mentation will go far both in this country wd and many American Christians -believe in practicing pratLl,.,«t Christianity without a color line. We trust that the 25 minion Protestants ••epresented by he F-rderal Council will follow your courageous lead.”

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