Printi:'*: '■ ! S. First : . Ls ;1 wllle, Ky. NEGRO SEAMAN WINS SUIT AGAINST BARBER NKW Y()I:K—A Ili.K.kly li.-uhor l^a^ Ifariu-d that lace discrimination is c -slly. «'Sp'Tia)l,\’ wIumi piacliciMi ayaitist a Nc^Ki* nu-tiii)ci of the National Maniiioi- rnion. TIu* scamaii. I.inwoinl (’ai iinj'tiiti, of ilancorv Sln-ct. lirooklyn. this \\‘ck collect'd l«i fr»>nj tin* i)\vner of a Noslc.iml XveMiii' harher shop, who refustal to >?ivo liiiii a fifly-ceiil shavi' Iasi ino'ilh. i’aji'iiij'toii, who liail aih ii AooTiian rncrehanf ships into (latiKerous war zones throughout the war. visittd his rieiKiihorhood barber shop on April Kith for a shave. When the barber refused to accommodate him. Carrin>ftoii called (Continued on the back pa^^e) Interracial Diner Plann^d for D.C. i’us jeuchcll liie point whi*r a;im and bilU-rly di-nuumed by » WASHINGTON (ANH)~Tiif e.stablLshim'tU .jf a midUiwn u-.s taurani mat would cater to uiJ people u tlu- objective ul a Kioup iic ally oigaiiizeit lu upper Wa^:ullr'''0 Thi^ ijuestion of bairiiiK Negroes in public eating pi is openly discus'ied over tiie standing whites. , . o . i . At ttie .same time, a radio .speech by Hep. Kowan Sunday mgh pnisid the roveiiiiiieiii cafelt 11.' the supreme couit i-arel -ii.i jIkI the Union Station tor Iheii attitude m this toueh mattei It had taeii repi»rt>d that Diie risiauiant on peimsylviiiua iC'uiitiiiOeil Mil baek pagei N'lJl.t Mi' .\X\1, NO Ih u \i.i';it:n, NOKTii I Ai;oi.iN.\ wkkk I':.\i»i.\(: sa ri itHA'i. vIAV is, imui ‘•HICK 5f White Students Clamof For Negro Professors * College Soon To Have Negro On Its Faculty HAVEhFOHU, pj "VNlu Ih'v young Ainericj l.^ moving lorwuid uii &unie fronts is shown by an edt- ■urial 111 (he tlavertouJ (.‘ullege News, altej the stiiik-ne liad he.nd an jddrca;. by Ui Ir > iJeA Hi -d, AtLnla I'naeihiiy KucidoKal. and loriK of them hau tai elil bv l.iiu lo j sociol 'g yclass. Too coll.t-.s lif htmlt j.iU t>Ugge>lb to the \sell kimvio colkgo lliai It employ Dr lieid to fill u cuininr vaceiicy in the .sociology deparitneot Dr Reid 'i.s the kind of man we want un > ur faculty.' the editorial closed There ib only one Negro student at Haverfurd Ur. Reid appeared at Haverfor'l under a visiting lectuieship spoii- fcored by the Americuii Fiieiidh Service omndtlee 'race relations ‘eclioiii This lectuierliip mak-s available to so'Cutled white col- ICKO .julstandiiig Negro teachei . .’lid M'hoUus who reiriain on Ihe cainpos foi a week "i more, and leach and leetunr In then o. •» major field.s One of the puiposes of the lei'>hip is to present Ne gi'oi s in .loiithei light then only as ••experl^ on the lace unesliun" 0* ’ relfpleadei's. i As a result ol this lectoisinp. WU- I lian. Penn College is lowa appuin' - ■ i-d Mrs Marelnie C. Foreman in- ( structor in biology last year Dr j Hi'id a few weeks ago wa.' named (Continued on back page STREET CAR SLAYER FREED BY GRAND JURY 1^'eJ '• M WAR HERO FACES JIM CROW BATTLE NAACP SECURES STAY IN SECOND EXECUTiGN MONTGOMERY lANFi M.ldii i.- who had 'lii-.i invitation wa.s extended to Mr and the four freedoms, w I Mrs S. W. While wl this city u ahh- loi Negroes eeiitly. rvipeslmg them to attend Mr Whiti- wm- w the Civitan club sponsor«*d World attend the inemoii; , Wai 11 memorial to W--ntgomeiy > son hud paid the ; ' war dead Members, appuientiy fire a> a niembei .if •hadn't reckoii.-d that a hero'.s pur- suit siiuadi.n. was ienls mmht be colnred Reserved u|M.n pieseutalmn "f a- seleeti-d to 1 because his upreme sacn the HUth Pur- •* fiisi*d .» s '.i his iiivitr'.i. HF.VI) -NFU (OOl'FR.VnVF Pietured above an- members .n' the Jilvlsorv board nf the tireat Southern ( n-operaUve nf Fayette ville. Left to righl they are; Mlv* (i, M Ryer. Cumliei land Cnuiity lluiiie liemuiLslratioii .Vsenl; I’ruf. F. A. AriiislnmB. ehainiuii; the Kev F, .1. (ireKg: the Rev. ’I'. 11. Ilwelle; Mrs. It Itf. (Jllloril; Prof, • VV S, Maize, Secretary; ai»i the Rev. II T McLean. Two «»lhi r members not shown are ihe Kev. II. L. .\she and F. L. rilley. Tile new organization if under the guidam-e and direetion of J. 1.. Kreswitz and Prof F. A. Arui New Industry Created By Colored Citizens kg,.: NEW OHI.KAN.S Altornev. Jorepli Thornton and A 1^ Tureand. lepresenting llie -Nall nal Av.«h'1;i- lion tor ihe AiK:>nci-inent of CNjIui- Medics, Dentists vi-rtiMT last work. Mr While wrote; 1 was MirpriM-d to know that Hu- iiivitati -ii did not include fain- ilu-s n| Negi" i-it:/.en> who I'-sl' War Mothers To Meet Here .oii> III till' war .iiid was iiiucli do- * presM'd to iiii-'t -uch uni. uul .o.'i Close Meet Here uniiec'-;ii> di'cnimiialioii in . areal deii.ocraiy a^ the United. FAYK'ITF.VILI.E A new iii.A. - Ill' III III 'he pooling "( laiman lions and good will n beiiig eiithu.-- liLstieuIly reulizea .i.s the Gre.d youlhern Co-opeiative. .i new in- 'h.ttty built ••for he pi ople by the pi-ople” liiimches its memheish.i' Organized .ifter c.n-lul pbinning. «> •—w. , n, vKle new and oadly i ledi-d y o "p- p'li'tuiiities and to enable its mcni- bei's to purchase iieces-sities of lif.‘ at gre.itly reduced prices. Becau'a- '.f the large luimbur of perzon.s who haw aheady nuiivalixi their desires to become nu mbers of the t'o-opi ralive>- ..le utg.n.: ' all oitnlieunls to become iiu-mbe:'- Sawyer. 1. M. l.n('k..ny. t'U-.. Hiowii and Uiairiee F Kvan.. .Mr.- Maggie Mauel. Miss Cora 1. Mcl'herson. Mibs Ruth Cl.iik, Mis- Annie Mae Galbrith. Miss Ruth Allison. Mi‘'ai Mattie Anil Graham, Miss Funnie Mae McNair. Jim Elvin Bowser; Miss A Lu'-ii.s, Mjs.s Edna Pran ces Gik'hi'iM .M's> Maude HocuJ rn«»o.>mea .Vlll'.altib. lv..>iv Anders. Kaolu Ctirlls. Caldon Wiight. Muggii Tayhir. Minnie Hodges, Ethel E Htighes. Francis Mcl.eati, Cicila A Clark. Barbai.i B Wser Croinuitie. Marie Cogdell. .Manaii Sawyer, l.sabelle Allison. E. J Elhott. Annie B. Harriiigton, Hattie McKoy, Mary Hendon, Mur- ATLANTA (ANFi Efforts to secure iiidiciinents ^gumst T H. Purl, street car molermaii. and Arthur Frledberg, railway tail clerk both white, in eoniiecthm ' with the slaying of Madijoii Harris and Phinizie Summerous. Negro .youths, failed last week when the ' Fulton C'liinty Grand jury relurne l ' “ii.i bills ' favoring the accused. Summerous was killed last fall I as he was le.iving the Pine Forest i bus. Frk-berg was released on cepy 1 and later bound over to the Junu- i ary.February grand jury which failed to indict on the murder charge The white mao claimed thi ' Negro cursed at him and shot him .IS he was leaving the bus. Hums, veteran of World War IL ' was slam April Id on Mitchell Street, his m-ilerman-slayer being released on copy and freed a* Recorder’s I court hearing when Judge A. W- I Callaway ruled It a case of ••jusli- I flubU- Iv-micide." Nuont llurifeon who is on the road to becoming a minister wt Ihe age of three. Born Oct. 3, 194J, to the Revs. Loreiize and Nettle Harrison, she is the grand.laugh- ter of Bishop M. L. McLeod Jew- ell of the Church of the Living God, Cleveland. The bay evan gelist has led congregational songs and helped minister to her par ents' congregations. (A.NF Photo) N.Y. OFFICIAL REMOVED FOR KLAN ACTION S. Y. DEMs'^i’LAN I'OWEIX NEW YORK (ANP) — Quiolly hm determinedly, regular Deinn- , i :i,i- of N«-w York arc planning! ia coup against Adam Powell come ; ' I lection tune. Already feelers are | going out to key men in various parts uf the district and even out side of Ne'w Yoork asking opin ions and advice on .sponsoring a ■•party” candidate to oppose Pow- eil in the primaries. Likewise the ! Ri publicans, w'.io also named ALBANY. N Y 'ANP) — Hor ace A. Demari-st. deputy state mot or vehicle commisiuner and a Re- pubicun leader in the borough of Queens, was dismissed from his stale job last week after an inves tigation by Atty. Gen. Goldstein revealed that he hud been connect ed witii the Ku Klux Klan. Atty. Gen Goldstein described Demurest u.s "unfit to hold public offiee," and said he refused to 00- operute with legal authorities in vestigating his klan activities when he failed to give complete answers to questions cuiiceriiing this alleged f'lrmer interest. Deniarest. who moved to Queens from Manhattan in 1U116. has been active in Repubicaii politics for 16 years. He wa.s appointed to his slate iHMilion iu IfMJ v/iur G-JW I>'w*v took office. Ally. Gen. Goldstein de clares ,e was one of the incorpoT- av-i> of Alpha Pi Sigma frulernity found to have been klan sponsored, ll was formed after the curpoorate iixistence of the Knights and Wom an of the Ku Klux Klan, Ine., was nullified in 1923. OoUlstein said. STAY IN SECOND EXECUTIGN the CivilaTi club sponsori'd World War H memorial to M'-ntgomeiy.i war dead. Members, apparently hadn't reckun*d that u hero's par ents might be colored. Reserved seal.-!. iK-ld for iiivii'-.l lamiiiea oi NEW ORLEANS Attorney.; Joseph Thnrnloii and A P. Tureaut'. lepreseiiting me Nall nal AvMicia- tlon tor the Advancement of Color ed Ptoplf. coiitiiiueil with tlieir ef- lort.v to secure a coii>mutullun uf seiiti-iice for Willie E’raiicis. 17- >eai'-otd LouiMuiiu youth, whi^ie freak •‘executimi" started a nation wide demand fi>i' clemency Th- condemned yoiitli i> assuu-d of a*, leasi a flay ot executio’i not excei-d- ing 30 days. The N.AACP has til'd writs, one tor hubea.-> corpus witli a loWvi C'.uri v\hiL'h deitied yesterday iMay 6thi olid applicaliun lor certioruii 'p'ea loi Inglier court review ot Ihe iowe coui'l's denial of liie tirsl will). There lia.-- bee.i no decision, on the latter plea. The pleas were made on grounds' of cruel and inhuman punishment and other grounds In addition to tne legal uctiun, local branches '>f| (he Associutoiii nr Louisiana have h. Ol urged to ask their -meiiibei: to send telegrams and K-liers to the Guveriior urging a cominui •-! Iiciii of the youth's death sentence j Pi'inmeiit Americans added their name to the rapidly growing public sentiment against the mhunian sec-. olid execution Letl by Marian An-1 Uerson. the group included: Rep. Helei. G Douglas; Pliiliu Murray. piei.sdent of the CTO. Hu bert H Lehman, former governor of New York; Arthur B. Spiiigarn. president of the NAACP; Mrs. Rob- eit L Vann, publishei of the Pitli-1 burgh (' oner. Funellu H LaGuai-| dia. torinei Mayo of Nvw York, anil UNRKA admiiiislialoi: Edward H Embree, president ul the Julius Rusenwatd Fund; Clarence Pickett, American E'riends CuminiUee; Ui U V Jeinisun and Mrs. Mursiud Field and Walter White of the NAACP A wiie signed bv 'he group was sent to Goveiimr Jai:it*s Davis of Loui'iana pr"lesling the proposed tecund execution of the youth. Medics, Dentists To Meet Here RALEIGH — The Old North State Medical. Ueiitul and cal Society and the Ladies Auxil iary will be guest of the Medical, Dental and Phurmaceiitical Society of Raleigh and its Ladies Auxiliary when it meet.-- in a tnree-day ses sion here June 4-0. Dr, V A. Cole man of Salisbury, p; io nt of the Stale Society, announcce' this week. The scientific sessions cn Wed nesday and Thui'sdiiy - a sympos ium un Tubercul'.sis and piiulic Hialili, with demonstrations and a Umii of the various laboratories lieie - and all of Hu* business svs- sUiii> will be held at Shaw Univv.'- Mly A Public Hvallli Meeting wiil 'Continued on buck page> attend the iiiemoiia) hecniise his son hud paid the >upreme sacri fice as a member of the HDlh Pur suit squadron, was refused a u|K>n presgot^on of his iiivilntio.i. i'll . '.wciw u»^!ne %otr'i,gi :i.«.i,i .'.u-1 verliser last week. Mr While wrote: •1 was .>;urpri.sel t.i know that tile invitati-n did nut include fiiin- ilies "I Negio citizens who had h >t ^on^ III the war, .aid was niucii d*-- pres.sed to mevt .^uch iinusiiul ani uiini-ccN.'-ary duscriminulioii in •' great democracy as the Uniletl Slates claims to be" The Adverlisei '.- edilui, too, w.i- chargrilled after the paper liad car ried an adveitisement saying that rcseivi'd .'eats would be given families of Montgomery's soldier- hei-'KS He replied: "The experience of ihes'- Nvgr ■ parents ol a dead .Amcriean sold'or is an unhappy commentary upon dcmocrai'V Worst 'if a'l. it was an .Ifroiii so eiMiiely unmeessary. Even 111 slavery days, •.vhue owm-rs gave then Neyroes seals In chure i. In tile etloit to pres.-nl .i po.'sdjie exphiiiallon of the incident lli * Civitan club w.u olleii-it Hu priv ilege ol prescnling .» slateinen' .None was made II. L. Ashe and F. L. rilley. Tin- new organlzutioii U under the cuiiUiM-e and directiiiii uf J. L. BreswR* and I’raf. E. A. Arni^ •tfuef. War Mothers Close Meet Here Ga. Y outh Shot Bv Irate Officer RALEIGH - The United War .Mullu'is of the stale me! here the 3rd and 4tli of May. celebrating: their frisl .iniiiversary as charti'r h.ip'i'rs. with Mrs Lillian Logan, pitsiuiiig. The Friday night’s ses sion was held tii the Mary Talbert's home, an informal rei'eplion. Dele- gat's froni FayotU-ville. HamJe; Pamelie, Fuquay Springs. Game- SmilhfU'Id. Mebaiie, Greensboro and R.ileigli aim Winston-Suk-m. lepreM'iiled thi' Un cliarier chap- •.ii's Tile UioU'd W;ii' -Mothers re cently rt'ceiveU (lull state charle.. Gfficei's from Hie Greeiislioro and Winston-Salem chaplei.-- were in- dialled During the evening refresh- iiieiils weie served; a short program Was lenderecl by III*' War Mothers of Raleigli chapter, with Mr Louis Haywood and Veteran Clareiite Lq-litiier helping with sopis. Continued >in back pagi-i di ilty built 'Tor he people, by the people" launches its membership campaign. Organized after careful planning, ^ -reriiiiv'- .'»y-k. _ To- vide new an'J b.idly i leded'j'.tj op portunities and to enable its mcm- bei's to purchase necessities of life at greatly reducctl prices. Becaua- of ihe large number of persons who have already iiulic.detl Hieir 'U-sii'i's to become nii'inbcrs "f the Co-oinrativi officials arc urging all applicants to become nicinbe;--- as soon as possible. I'nder direction -d J I. Hreswitz, E. .\. Armstrong and W .f. Maigt’. Hu- I'litcrprisc lia.- .-i|eudy been launched Members of the cortact committee are Mis.m-s l.aiidonia uiuim-iin, .MISS nuin /iiiisun. MiU Mattie Amt Graham, Miss Funnie Mae McNair. Jim Elvin Bowser; Miss A. Lucas. Muss Edna Fruii- ces Gilchrist, Miw Maude H'lod. 'i.uelia •Vllii.tir.b. H,.aa Anders. Kaola Curtis, Caldon Wright, Maggie Taylor. Minnie Hixlges, Ethel E Hughes. Francis McLean, Ctcila A Clark. Barbaia B Wbcr Cromurtic. Marie Cogdell. .Marian Sawyer. Isabelle Alli.'on, E. J. Elliot’, Annie B. Harrington. Hattie McKoy, Mary Hendon. Mur iel T. Coleman, Mary Elliolt. Bertha Balclwin Brooks. Tiieiiiia Henley, Ella Collins, Cornelia McKinnu.i. Mary McLaughlin. Edna Smith of Wade, and Mrs Ed. Covington of Sl-adman inuni wii NEW YORK (ANP) — QuicUy egular Demo- V I 'I' I f I A « i!i; .si'Ai!i:i) Locust Cjiovi', Ga. (ANP) — Be .aus'.- an uHicer didn't like th'* grin on hi.s face, Kirby Sinus \v .- .shot last Sunday night, according Helo" epoit; *1 he youth, his brotiu'i', Joho. and un aunt were at the local Kilroad -station waiting for t h «• tiain to .Atlanta whm the shoo’ il.g took place, It was reported that several colored people wei - at tile .station and were talkii'.'. v.'lieii Hu- officers arrived and in a vei'.v rude manner told them to gel to the baek and cleai Hu- p'ens where they were standing. Without cumimnt, the people were said to havi- slarleil Imvai.i H.i bank. Sims, described as a bignly jov iul youngster, readily moved, b o. -ai ril'd a .smile un his face, which the offici:, liaiold Cia .d and veiled, "Wha' {,: inning foi, N Sims could aii.swi'i. the olHci-r us rt'puited to have kicked ban twit, ill the sttimac!i A .scuffle lollow- e':i all ! the victim, simi in in.' sti'inacb. Tlie kKUt broHier, --ei mg Kiibv shot and iyinp aci'i-^ .h laihoail track, •^taite l to p;. .; iull. up. hut till- Ollier "!l:r''i. li- • It' as Glover Paliick. pat a gun on him and loKl him not i> m>>v- Later this otficei peimitted John K.ii'.v m the laiiiily car. but jii-t aljout wh n In wa-- I'-aiiv to ru-:i hill to McDonough, changed h". n.ind and ordci iinn out of th las ami placed jiim umlei .iric-t A unite youth was kind . nougii te 'Continued "i. ba,k pa; NKW VuRK Ten promin'in Amenc;iii .uldcd llieir naiiies U Hie rapidly giowing public senti ment ag.onsl the inhumim “secU'id exei'iilion" of l7-year-'»lii Willie Francis-, Louisi;ina yuidh, wiiu lived thi'.ugh oin- i.-xecilion in Hie St. -Mai Uiisv illc pi isuti electric chai'' Led by Marian .Anderson, the group included Ri p HcUii Gahagii'i 1) u« CIO leader riiilit) .Mur- . r.. Ht'il'ei t H Lelini;iii. furmi r .N Y G--scinor and CNRRA h.-aH. Ai ilhi H .Son.gam. I'risuU'iit -‘f the National NA.-\C1' .Mr.- Rob.-" I. Vann, piibh'he; of the piH.-- bin Cuui'ii'i. loi'inei N Mayor Fiojiilo H LiiGiaiilia. UNRRA lead; Edwin R Fiiibne. pu--ideiil of Die Julius Rtcseiiwald Fuiid: Cli.i.-iii'e Pickett. Ann I'lcan Fueinls Ci)iiiiiiillei- hut determinedly, regular /.:bL' of New York are pianniftg u coup against Adam Powell come election time. Already feelers arc going out to key men in various parts of the district and even out side of New Yoork asking opin ions and advice on .sponsoring a •■purty" candidate to oppose Pow- '.'il in the primaries. Likewise the Republicans, who also named Powell in the primaries, feel that they have been gyped and have indicated their intention of nam ing another candidate. This leaves Adam with the “People" and with the Amerieun Labor party, which also bucked Vito Mareantonin for Ct-ngiess. Certain former officeholders, disappointed with Powell's fai'- uu to "conu- through" with ap pointments for "deserving Demo crats" arc in open rebellion. Whil - plans are being laid now, it IS possible that they will be |x.‘i- f cU-d befort the Democrats de cide on backing Powell for a .second term. former interest. Demurest, who moved to Queens from Maiihultan in 1836. has beto ' active in Repubicun politics for 16 years. He was appointed to hta tta^ txxijlion iu ’{W3 -'iter Gov ,IVw«r tiuk office. Atty. Gen. Goldstein 4*- clurcs he was one of the incorpor- aV'rs uf Alpha Pi Sigma fraternity ' found to have been klan sponsoreii . 11 was fornieU after the curpoorate (ixihtence of the Knights and Worn- ' un 'f the Ku Klux Klan, Inc., was nullified in 1923. Goldstein Said. Texas High School Has Best Record ish school of this city was recently I schoo Ir-.ted by educators as having the ; hi st attendance record of any high school in the United States. to her principal, Prof. T. D. Marshall, the percentage of attendance was 8S.7^t. pupils prest nl for the last year. This .senior high .school is one of the fill! St rducutionai institu tions in the south from the point of plant and building facilitiea. Riot Victim Home for Trial Famous civic Icadi-r*- .ind i-du- catur ( haiiiiiiiK Tohias rhaU wilh .ViKlri-i ((runiyko, Soviet delegate III the I'liiteil Nations Suourily Cnunell. at a reieption in Kockc- fell'-r Center. Riven by Hie (treat er .New York t'liminittee for Kus- nuii Relief to lautteh ;in Sk.oOO.OOti drive fur urgently needed medical Hii|i|)IU-s to he xeiil to the Soviet Fniiin. Dr. Tiihias is a member of the New York Exi-rutive ('um- inittee of Ihe Kusian Relief So ciety. Tile young lady (center above) is Konnie rileasoii. actively identiliiii with young women's civic groups. New York (ANPj — Julius Bluir. one of the must venerable citizens of Columbia, Tenn., le/l l.en- last week after an NAACP rally tour, enruute home to stand on an "attempted murder' charge in connection with th* F( bruary riots there. Blair and his sun. Saul, are amon^ 40 col- o'-id residents of the not town who face court prosecution begin ning May 27. although while pri son guards, who killed two No- gioes in the Columbia jail, are free. Blair, a druggist and property owner, was one of the citizens who. at a suggestion of Sheriff J J. Underwood, aided a prospec tive lynch mob victim to escape . the night before the "storm troop* iiig" raid on Mink Slide, the Ne- , gi'o section of Columbia. When ha I returned and tried to provide bail ! lor other Negroes arrested dur ing the raid, he was jailed. An NAACP sponsored tour on behalf of the Tennessee victims of mob terror culminated last week ; when the 75-year-old Blair arriv- ' d here. A witness to most of the terror, which began the week of Ftb. 26. he heard the shots which filled the two imprisoned Ne groes. During his tour he describ ' t d the .shambles which the mob, ■ Continued on back page) I El’C mtMMI 1\ DEI’.'I' K) EMI'I.OVE! S gome of the .Irlegstcs uul visit ors at thr Eastern Kt-gluiial Coii- iercDcc af Delta Sigma Theta Sorority are sliowii ahuvr. Morr and Ihe District of ('oiuiuhiu. The I Ilian one hundred i-urors were Cunfereiu'e was iiehl In Leonard present representing seven stales [ Buildutg on the campus ul bbaw i WASHINGTON (ANPi-- With M. - than 111) days r. iiiaining to i!id up th,- affairs of tlu- FEPC si'iieduit'd lor liquidation on Jiuh i 1.0, thi- coniinittee finds iLseif n I;. iiiuddlf over inabtlnv to j)ay its nnployi-.s $Ht).m)() du. them thru ;; ('■'lunulaled back leave. and less is heard of th. 1 i'KI’C these days as eongre.s> jn.ove.s merrily on its way to stifi • I libel projects which h:ive beti.- ifi’.lid the common man. Ki'g;ir'!- Ill'S- of impending! .-lecfian.s wheie- -n the common man, us he is ;if* j f-ciionately called, will have a 1 tremendous say in who is coming back to congress, these officials sue tipparentiy doing their upmost -to their chances of retuining I to till ii- lieloved congress seats. What IS going to happen is Uji- ki't wn to any one -but th'- linn- i • •liiawing neater and nearer /nr H"' j liquidation and eunipU fe disjoin f lion uf the FKPC. Wilmington Daily Flays Work of Ku Klux Klan WIL.MINGTON - The Wilming ton Morning Star. dally hi- North Curolinu, in an I'dilorial ap pearing ill its issue of Saturday. .May 11. I'oiidciniis the revival of the Ku Klux Klaii. Tile coiiipleii- editorial follows: KF Kl.l’X REVIVED Some twenty-odd years ago a racket spiead like v.-ildfire. par- licul.irly in tin- South, which ma;:' queradcu behind the title and un- dii- tlu- sheets of the Ku Klux Klan. It practiced torture after dark , and under masks. Thousands of misguided men >1 luumineiice, indtidiug Bibb Graves, laU-r twice governor of Alabama. I and the present Associate Justice I Hugo Black ul Uie U. S. Supreuu Court, were numbered among lls members. Its c-ode was a deep secret, its; campaigns were principally against' Jews and Negroes, not because they were law offenders, but becau/.e they were Jews or Negroes, and dared to hold up their heads and engug'- in business in the communi ty. Many u victim uf Ku Klux attack Ul those days still bears the scars , of bull whip beatings to which they were subjected. Now. with the people disturbed by strikes and unrest general, an | effort is being made to revive this i urgutiizatiun It is reported that .five crosses were burned on Stun-j I cContinued on back page) I GETS SELECTIVE SERVICE MEUAL NEW YORK — Among 26 mem bers of inactive Selective Service Appeal Boards who received med als May 3rd fur their work was Roy Wilkins. NAACP ussitant sec retary. The awards were made by Chandler Cobb. New York City di rector. Mr. Wilkins was a mem ber of Appeal Board Nu. five, which handled appeals from 20 local boards ill eastern Manhattan, from U8th Street to 8th Street, and from Fifth Avenue to the East River.

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