UT,FK F.^»JD!HC .>\Trpr>AV. MAY TTTK CAROLTmAN RAGE THRCT; A&T Brings Suc cessful Year To Close I'iiialN \l Si. Aiimisiiiic's (iollcfio Siiiiiliiy (.FiKKNSmiDd Till' VWF'A .,f I A und T. will brinj; ;• ‘ \'*v Mir»».>«.fiil v-;»r lf> ;« floKi’ m N-iluidny. M.iv US. with .in ;i'l a .-iiri.dinn picnii:. Mi mbiit-hip an all lim' hmh 'b.-. >. ai xviHj a biyh j>» riciii-iiit' ».f arlivn t'-nlii'ipalinji m Itv Y p-.i ll.M.KKnr Ai > w wiih Ihr h.H ill l>''Rln alaiiK'iiio Negro Delegate To National Episcopal Convention Itliiid School Holds (!om- mcnccmrnl Kxci'ciscs MA.IHR kmhm; ;wi Ylv\|{S;WO^TynT . lx hrnlbf;. Father Franri?. v bn |h.i- a ('.ilhniir parish at Trinlia:*. iMriti b Wp.sI Iririies, will taki' up I l»'rin,iiu*nt n siclenre In S.»ti An* >n wnah fl> inpii- iib thi I'll.x.linu nf tiiri't. ti h“lt'i th.' • I I ii'P madr to 'h' 'h- •lar wa> tin; laiiir.itc rarnpaiKn lor I. Cam i,,n stii'b iii> ui ‘ xv'"' 1(1 Church A p in The bun 'I’lip niixi .su'nificanl i nti il» lota I'lii Lindxia Holds .Honllilv .Mcflinj; DUlillAM - Th.' ini.pilh ly niri-linR nf tin Ciiaj-td ol 1 ' i J’hi li.inib(la Snnnitv was ii' j.l .n Ibr Anj'iir FI Diikr NiUio.i llnm,' of Linciiln Ibisixjlal. STntulay. May Id. lOJh. H.isbv-x:; Inr thr mri't- tPK wpii*: Snrni.s Maty Ki-nncrlv Clay, Adcllp F(‘i/; u.sdu, .lulia Ciai' irlt. and Ri ssic Cilinc'ip. Mrs. K S Rxny. wlm rxpi • :.nli(I Hhii Chapin at the Smiih- IIP ReKinnal M. Pting in Tampa, '■ o.. gavi' a very inlncstiny and drtailf'd report nf the cniifprmcc hi’ld May 2 5 Mrs Rerry was cl-rti'd A.ssjslant r-- 'nal Dirrc-trf.ss of ihc Soutbnn H' Kinti al fhn rnnfnt nn*. Mr.s. Omeda I.ivmfi.stonc- of Rho tbaptn was awarded the In-, J hi Lmahria Snuihcrn Reeion .''chnlaiship, an annual scholar- snip which ..s awarded lo a Sorer '•bn has made nui.stamiin^ con tributions in h« r field n( w-rk and who is drstn.us nf , hr furlh- •ii\-ii- Kill'd Oin ri 1 1 w iii\ -live d.iM.i! ue • ii. i-tr d bx public e-•ll• lI•.n I i-, p' 1, ' b: • 'iirIi itulivi'lu.il e ti t' ihipeiii . .Ill i tiy mean., nl uos- pac'd III >1(11'- in ihe (• •mmiim*. M I . the t'lan .ind b>pe ol t u > R.mi.’.i': M III set a iimcb IiirI;- i| M' xt •. ..,1 tb.it the aiiiaui i.ii ■ '1 will be cnniui' n-iiiale wi! lii..t Rivi n bv ntber .-.rb', lb« .Siiiitbeastern ICpinn M. nibel.. nf lb,- Sneial Ib -p i pre.ichc. IS I'v Ilex- Tnl nn, tadfl pcrctary for Ne c of Ibe nalioi'iit F.piMopal fnrni.'tii'd KINfi ‘ihc «;ir'| Til. n I'X- Ihe mill ce rher 'lavM. orRiim^l -itid dnertnr The comint ncernrnt exeiei,'..''. |mo l‘ei xt'ill h«' held 10 Taylor M d Wi-diie«d.ty, Ma-. I’il .ii mail » xxith axx-,o'iin|. of denrees, rtipoliii. and |iii;'. - There .-ire :t2 randiriaic for rieRiec'- The comtnpnrrnt. ii l’‘ai..n - lie pf Hex Tlmmas H U'l ii'ht. |i I) . Insimp nf the dn.c. . Fn^ Car l.i I I. rl :«• I'lmpiK CeiUltV Hnme nlX Tt>..nk>J! t.’hinR fruit )• 1., , lent.; tbef' an i l.iXHiR .) pioRi.im lor tii 'in. Th* v S'Id liibet'iailnsi.s .■aal... at Ci. ’ma-- an iiilaiilile p.u;ilv.i.. .. .d. a- F.Hle,. The YWCA at A at. I T. ('nli. Re nivived Woi I 1 Cr.- tiaii Sludent F.deiatxm I)av nt 1 laver will, and ulv Sund.iy merninR service and .sponsm I olia'i- win -.bip iii.iRiam. at ctian hmiis fbiiini' Ibr var In F'n di's ‘f“' •^"'Kani/ali'.n inoiiRht the cumpu.-. and finanti ^o the Y under thr mispicrs nf the rollc; u Rl x\i..i tne pi 1nt.itioii nt niih the library staff prosirtioR. •.I'.nd m ;to MmiH; cii i.il Club direei.tt |,y Mis l.d ban ; fildatnel. xmH |ires«'nl ihe .iiinii.il n mniencenient concert in Tavli.r Hall Ti .••day e. Alinnni O.i.v Th.- .oi- nn.il l)ieinf.s.x mcetini. will be pre- eiened by .« hi ffel .Mippei in ihc Civ -ire RinldiiiK at I ,> m ano ihe tiMiini n-eepimn will be held ... Taylor 11 ill at H .A rjiceial roeep- lion for Riiests viill I..- helfi in Ihc ill the aflernnoii, nv fiFo WII.MIMfnON mial convention ot F.isi C.imlmi di'icen- nf the Kpi-e. pal Chiiieb. nt. Rev. Meni.v T WriRht, |i I), presiriini:, vxas held al (bind Slwp herd Fpivcopal Church, this eilv M.iy }j. Tlii.s was llv miti.il run veelinn pri-iided ove; by Hishop VVriuhl. a'i tie xv.i. coiisecrafeii l.i.st Odiilier The lu;;hlij'lii of Ihe con venlioii ^v«,^ ibe e.iiici^e ami force ful address of the vnile ami pro Kr.‘,"ivc youiiR bish p He acci tiled T'v. ry chaiite In inipr.’.-s uoi.n ih . I .ctiibei-s of 111,. coMventi' his proRiam'' and 'ibjrctiv' n.ationabne. I'jthii thi: dioe. II (be confine:- of br.ucily ba-e.l on ne:-s oT ihe diny of Ihe Ihe blah pa of Ihe Chnsliaii riimr-h Am Iher ilr lincMve foal ■ oii\f.ni,nn'- drliberatien wa.s the I'lcetinii of the Venerable R 1 .Ic'hnsnn. I' l>. Archdeamn of the colored xvork of Ihis diocese. N.’xv Ftrrn, as on.- of Ihe four chTi.-al del.'Ral.'H In Ihe for'hfimiiu; (tcii er.il eonvciilioii of the F.pismpHl Chinch, al I’hiladt'I|.hiii. nest Oclo- her. Hr .bihnson, l.s eonfiiied lo Itv lh;,| ! ho.pjia! Ml N.?\v Rein entirally ill vor. ' "'•■'tJ not able lo mnke his repor' RAI.EICiM -- CoinmriueiTient ex- icisi-s foi ilm .Stale Sehaol lor 'he Rliml were conducivd in the school niidilonum Monday mijlil when foi.r blind pupils rcreived diplomas. The Rev, J W, Wiley, principal of Ih'. Tri-Coiinly TminiiiR School at Rricks delivenrd Ihe commence ment addr. -s .iml Miss ReUie M.-- Fciuloii delivered Ihe validict uy address. Rlind pupil- xx'lm received di- pl'iims are. W.iliei Allen. Middlc- Iiuir; Miss Flellie MeLendon. Poil:,- mnilb. Va i Miss Kali.- Nixon. Wil- ininRlmi; and Miss Estlier Lee Floyd, Greenville. iJcuMy lalcnr proRram Miss K.=:..ie Reynolds win ebuc cd April to be the presicb nf f.. n* xt year .She is a .sopbomon .111(1 has biH I quite active a.s cha- - man of tiie Woild Relatedne-i, Cottimis-siiin this yi nr Mis.-, Ri v Holds IS from Leonia. New Jxc- SON. l.s secretary nf ihe (Juilfmd udy, nr sp'ciiil w'mk “'TP.', '' busine.sK ■' nnuini .d tin- Fyiainid Cbm Mr.-. Livincslnn,. i,„- ,n,.. n.lv j""' K-'n.-r.'illv ,n .-ill vhich enneein .sludent iiite:- t tile coleRi' x; mwly 'Veil l.liiirch Gr((u|) T(i Traill iMcm drsiRiicd to njeel the ornenl nee !• Ieoiiveiilioii Yei. hecaiise of of hiim.-inity and ir meet the.- ►plendid ree. rd as a t:hristia,i need.( in a forward i iristian w.tv j *''' "i's honnre.-t by this con. Ri>hop Wriiihl MRiiirieantlv pon.'l-i'’V beie.; eb'cled as a one ed out jn his address the fiind.i- ‘ lerical d-IcR.iles to Ihe mental challcruies Ihe Cliiilh , f-^»’nf‘r,il eniivenlion Ti i* olhei fhree this diocese mii.st face and solve .n "'bile elerrymen The conven- .1 wholesome manner. He particular-I nn.imiously voted lo send a ly stres-ivl the fad lhal the spirit-i''' *^'bn';on. (-xprew- ual and material rieed.s of the Npnr >' the desire i f Ihe conx-enlion loc miist' he suhstantially considered, I‘’‘"’•y recovery. This was a e.m- e.-pecially the educaliorial and re-1 denmnsiratlon of .i liRious phases of the na.sucs of Np.) Chri.slian brotherhood. Dr .lohnson Rroes- Titc dearth of Neyrn w-elF"'^^ made a member of the trained ministers ,ai-.d relipl :r ' board Of the diocesn workers, he said, had Drought about' PoFr>rod deleR.afes to the cr n- an awareness, on his part, for the iactively paiiicip.-ited in the imperative need for plans to dim-i of the body. AmotjR ‘•’'sh the need for thi.? era. i'be colored pricHts attending the Si. All". C.lioir On Air RAbKIGH — The Choral Club of .St. AiiRiistine's C'liege xvill he on Ihe air over st.ilion v’PTF Satur day al .Aain p. m for fleen niirx- |iite hroadrast The Rioup is under the din-clinn of Mrs, F.illiati ft ; O'Daniel nf Hie cnIleRe miisie de I jiarfment. w-ilh Pmi Theodore C I Ma.vn, . f Ih'- ini sic depir‘mrrif. ac- ; I ompanyinR. ' FOHT SAM HOUSTON. Tex. 'ANI'p — Every inch a soldier .ind Reiitleman Major Peirv L. .1 iie... San Antonin, NeRro offic-r wh'o is roiindinc ont his .tfiih year in llv United .Slates army. Maj. Jones has eleel.'d I i rema.n both world wn.s and parlirip.ited in the Mexiran border skirmish, 'A-lneh he declares furnished plenty nf *x- citrmtnt For tho.-e wh i were r.eek- ing nrtinn. He received an infanlrv t' >mmi. MOii in Ifin after seven years a- .an enlisted man. and has held .i warranl or ci-mmisinned .-.lain, since that time. AUhnugh eligible for reliretnenl Maj. Joens has elected to remai.i in the army and will leave Hrooke Orneral hospital. Rrooke Army 'Midiral renter, this week, for di.ly jwith the air hirers. He plans to retire m HM", and after vidting AvoiniNf; FV1I. By AViMi.im Henry Huff for ANP If oru- \s-o,ild .always take a x*-alic 'From i;io-.c engaged in idle i il'x FR-. lot would Ih- min i t'eltfr . If one w ,iild simplv close hi*, rarx To Roii ip In- would shed le:.- t-.-is And Iv no id irgretlrr. Save \'(inr Waste Fats!! Chills^fevei* - .. V The First w. ek of thi* ;iit ecr.ls pel bushel bonus for wheat pro duced only 2 nillinn huslicls for t'xport. •Of ro MAIAIIA? AM Af OWCf t» r»- li«v« .,, utsA by mllliont 'for r«ort , . . toy (t, iAn ■ owoc That hope, on the part of the j ^'’'’''^bfion were ®'ather L. C. Dade. Rishop, for more postulants to help 'VHfHinRt n: Father Griffis. Edcntnn: i turned from .Vversv.is ‘ she spent .several months with tb- ' American Red Crn.ss in Calcu'fi • ; nd Cuiaucha, India. She talked bi the Rroup m a vu v info-ir.-1 i/.L vBoom. r. vie*-pi ^■sy. Riving a.-enunt-s of the hieh- , ./'■'•ordinc "fhe lirbts of her experience while 'he -sfrvirc ^if the Rod Croir At the end of her very tnlere;,t ihr .'Ik .Mr.s. UviiiR.stone answer d -turstion.s a.sked by .he Rroup, Hbo Chapter was also awaid. i mst prize for skp pMseiited m in ’“bbiial allair ,f Ibi- Delta bjgnia Theta Son.wti ing vMlberia .Smith, ciri H.iry; Jhinn., "'•■'•ui.-i ( .mniKuon eh.mrman .iiv Fclena Payne. Fi St.Mk*. Ruth Fi.mcroit ^ „ Gc(»i-"ia Dcm.M lals To iHrrt III Briiiisuick Tunic (ciilcr W ins (Ki- IToin tirosliv- »'• •••• lo iii-ijj tarry on the cause for Chrislianiiv | ^•'’^ber Bunn, Kinston; Fathi among (he masses of Negroes, seem-: Warbington. N. C. Among It.M.KICiH Ttie Rapti.st Rroth- cri not lo be deferred. He said thrti'bf cob-red laymen were Dr. H. W. Cl ho id nf Wake County, a group ' he xvas working on pliiiis by wliieb ='bfl I- H Smith, Jr.. Nev/ of church '-oikirs cICMgiu-d lo pusenl activities for training I.,ay I Moses Richardson. Belhavc.i; tiain the nu-n of th.* (.burch in de- Readers would be acccmuatcil ■ Fastori, WashtnRton. N C'.; ■v rninati'inal di'^'ipline and doe- which would result in pri vidi.r-1 ^'‘biiicl W Taggard, Calvin W, La- tnne. was .irgaiiized -it the McCiil- many of the mlslons with religious l Bnffuar and W. M. Sparks. F.iy- lerv f ir-t R.-ipti.-t church in Wake leaders. He said that the h.irve.sl xv.ij I •'•l'''■'be: W I Pa.vote, Goldsboro. Ci'imty .Sunday great. The aw-areness on file p.irt A, F. Walker, E N Sharpless and Ri-alizing that Ihe man-power ol of Hit* bishop, as to the critical !*• ^ Shelton, wrimtiiRlnn; I.awy«r ttic rhiirch. s lies durniant and th-- need for more eoiiFt-craled and train- Baltlr, Kinstnri. ^ ne.-d for acli.in in development of edministers, was evidenred by Ihc The ronvention adjourtird to moot F^onti- the spiritual and fin.incial welfare fact that he said th-it it was hl«'Hext year at Reaufort. of rh'- ehureli und eoi.imi.nily. tne rir >ii,. 11 erect in New Bern, a build- ‘ — -V- - - 1 rganiz.-ition manifests great enthu-* ing. to provide facilities for the rru *• m •. *'* la.sm .ind promibcs t . launch its training of I.ay Readers. That thisi 1 hrOC ^0\V SpOIlt ' P ogram .T insiruction at it.s next .step w-as important, is revealed bv ^ ' fi’ ^ nieeling Sunday. |},c shortage of priests in cverv sec-! T|*|iunw Al S-infiri| A (■ I\,rihh |. p,.sid™t »i,.l .1 ii.„ „f ,ho ci,untr.v. It is slirkinaly : ' -l-UUUMl 1. l,.-vi.st(*r. seerctary of the Br'dh- apparent that during Ihis fiscal year ~ — rhood and the mectuigti arc open of the convention theie wilt lie con- F^AI.EIGH — Three new- Negru siden .seer' (-T.iimv 1.1 I.el.. h .'ih men and xxomen. Atl,,nta (ANP, M.-mho,., ii'o (^nrgia AsAOdaiion of Cfi /■ n • Denioi r.nn* chib-, u-,H con- vrne at Ibunswa-k. (ia, Salur- ..i f-D. May 11. jt wa.s .innounceil id.i [-■c-m th.* office of IVr.udent A. T. c,. maiden. The .stale body will !>.■ guc.sl of the itrunswick Deim.- crafi eiiib and will hold its -es- .Sion;; in the Rode, .Mak' rs butld- II!R. On the agenda lar consideiafii n willbea* tioiitovvard a'ldptioii ol Ml., I’omplefed con.-tpution r'j-'i- lattiin the conduci and ruRaniza lion of clubs over the state, plan fnd pri'ceduris to b-* l.iilowed m ti.e approaehinc pnm.ii v eb ■- Hons, fuller and more cornpleie i nie.-(entalinii of .-ill (..•ti field Mollicr's Duv Al .S.-iiidv Folk Fl.M,F|f;;( "11 iheir f T..- T- Ml.. Wild.-; od X I till ag .1 Cl • bv a G.ufie;' !• -1% •eorisl Iliri-e runs in th'.- I'sl ending folt..w.-d t.v .. lall f -•••x uin.s hy the Wilde,.ts In the ndmg Ci'.isfiv id II I' I IW.i HAI.FKHI - .Sand,-/ F Ik Com- I uiU.v of .Sandy Folk Srh..o|. R.t- " t:;li I' Irlirai. d Mother’s Day with .1 Iw-o fold purpose piograni. .\ Day piograin and a Baby i C'lntest Thi pupil- of Sandy Folk .Srhuol Ml'S Rdilah Re.ivN of Sh.ixv "ildc nts oil' Crosby seor* i Ui)ivrrsit> w‘m> sang "Moihcr Ma in Hurd, .iiie in foimh. .uni I ebree " participated xn the program, 'me rn tur fiftli atid sixth T'c | F'dlowiiiR the program the re- ildcals did ii-d '. oie ni th** third, j .stilt,; of the coiitesl were b.-ard. ('.m- >i t **oe III (he foni th. fifth nod {te.-tinq babies weir; Howard llariu. ‘ :xlh. The Wi: feats were fralui ed i .larkie Woodij, .1 ihn Riddick, Geor'te "Hh Daniel;, .md I.ussitcr. laifsil- Wilhanin. Deiilah Rayford. Bobby ri 'jiark. d the team xvilh hi' home-,-Jones. Oriell Dunn, r.itrlcia Sliell- riin in the fifth eiidmc Calvin : mg. M.irgcrine Duun, Juanita Diimi, IF YOU WANT TO GET THERE IN TIME --...J li. ii wo.s tuirioimeini ('...m 111.'off .'f ri. nl A. T. vAaldeii. The -’ate body wjH ix- guc.sl of the Riuniiwiek Dejiio- (■j.li I'liib and will bolii |(,, .ii-.s. smn:; in (he Rmier .Mak'-rs buii I- ins. On (he 3g.-nfla far mnsideiaticn willF/ra, tiontow.ird ridiijition ot tb« comjxleied eon. iMutu-n ,'R'i- laHon the coikIui-i and orgaiuza- tiun .if clubs over the state, plan end procedurij in bi- t(>il(iw(*l m l!.e approadiing itimary el"- linns, fuller and tiion- coinpl'’ie H Pie,,cntatuiii of all democratic loicfa ovii the ;-t.-ite and the cn- oidinaHon of exi’ding rlnbs imn s'ln.’ deR'utc po|iti-,il force fo. r'.ctivi* .•.I’lviic lo N'-Ri'ucj ill lU'ir -evei • .111111X11111110 ' ; pla.viiiK .ig uii'l Cio-by-Garfiei'' fri.'hv scorr-d three runs in He. first ending, followed by a lally of six runs by the Wildcats. In the -second ending Ci-osl>y scored i.n.. and (he Wilder.ts on-.’ Crosby ed iwi. in fluid, -me m fourth, and one III Ihe fifth and sixth T'c Wilfl.-afs did n-il seoie in Ihe third, bi t one in the fouifh, fifth and HXlh The Wildc.il.s were featured wuh Daniel:; and L.i.ssitcj-. lai.'sit- ■ rr i.park.'d Hie l(-am willi his homi - ! run in the '.fih endinc Calvin Rowe made an unearned h imeniri for the loFiiiR fi-am Mr I.r'mdia-; H.iyxxoori K coach f-r Cio-.hv-tb.r- fi'ld . jth Howe a- r.iplam (''tiail.- Tfef.i ..n I. ro ieh f n the Wil l, at XX nil I a two fold purpose piogram. A M dher'.- Day proRram and a Baby C’.mlrst, The pupil.s of .Sandy Folk Srhool md Miss Reuhih Rcavis of Shaw- Uilivrcsit.v xi'M) ssng "Mother Ma- cliree” [larliripated on the prngr;mi Following Ihc proRram the re- subs of the eonlest were heard, ('.n. IrstuiR babies were; Howard Hariii. Ja-.-kic Woods. J ihn Riddick, Geor'te Williams. Dculah Rayford. Bobby .Fones, Odell Dunn, Patricia Snell- ing. Margennc Dunn, Juanita Dunn. Vera Sneilnig, Robliy Watkins ai ii Kddie Rns-sell Alston Rnby R.xbliy Waikins will first prize aiul Bahv R- iid.ih n.iyford w ii s.-eoiul pru.- ■ Ill hi.s iiddicss that G-mri Shepeid paslor and W T Horton scoutmns- Ho- pital at New- Bern was courage- ter. These three new uoiLs have n , ously endeavoring lo serv-c color-'1 ^ combined (iirollmeni of forty' lieoplc in New- Bern and eontipoiis j scouts This Rive the Oreoneechec I ireii!:. The addrcsn. obviously, wns Counell a lot.-il of sixt.v Boy Sroqt j very effedive and ie*/enled that i.nils f'T Negro Roys, w-ith a total I the needs of _uH Mces, creeds a id Sroytjng mviPbcr^hip^f l.tiOn, cajil Ceiii.lc (:.mi|.l. i.- Grjim- Woi.’l lii(. i. iiiiir .SchiKil Al 11 And 16 XTiir In Nllack Tbe propii.."! Ilir.-e and tbre“- '.iiaib'i I illion dollar ea.sti Inaii to Biitain would carry an ms-'cui-- iwop.rcent inl'-re';! r.-ile Ame--i i..n fJI'.s pay lour per cetit on govermn.’iiI-guaranteed loans. IF YOU WANT TO GET THERE IN TIME 9259 ;.t. l.oni- (ANIH Mr, a ii rl Ml.*. Ait'iui Hobin.'ion reali/e-i j i.lr-lciiR .iinbition la;.l Wediic.-d."- x-Ik n lliev rei .’ivrd then Riuei tuar -clinol (lipl'mia:. ;il Rradu:i- t'Oli rxeri |S( - for Migtit ; t*bO(.i 6tiul(-nt:; it Sumner iliRh .scIku! Pupils for font yeaiRobin- :a.ii. 41. and bis wife, HI, weic teinicd excellent pupils by Sum- I.* r'l; night .school piim ip.il. Him .>‘d (riav, In Seplember. Huy pian to b.’gin liigli school with ttieir son. .loiin. 10. The oldest Riadiiate last xvei-k, tu'Wever. was Mis. Minnie F Willi,inr,. wfm reeeiv’d Ivr giani- I'lof school diploma fiom V-c.b.iii IliRb .'Clioul. A imuic teavlu r. foi eight year- :,h.. bid alteiidoi-. «la.-.r-e:-. two night-. .i w.-ek, TI." 1'ineip.-il. 11. p Saunrile, s.id slu- b-d been a gri'id i.tudent and reg- li ar in aitendanc'*. She .suppuiT- hr I self hy Riving voice and pi.ino I'.ssnn.; at her lunne. Born in Enid. Okla,. Mrs. W-l liam.s .said she bad little oppnr tiinify for formal e-lucation be fore coming fo .Si, lyouLs, allhouRb .she had studied music for .If .vears. She was the Rraduafion •liraker on ‘Educalion for Cul HAI.FIGH (!,.c, Minty Mnnd.iv r.-fl vrne in the exeenlion "f fuirtu-i P H'i nngof Wayne (•,.,m‘.v. vh.'i uled to be exrenlcil m fb.s ( har.i ,l).*r :,i fenlral Pii;'im Friday f..i rape of .Miss CTaiiiieU Brock oi .Moult Olive tin She w-as nncerlam a.s to w-hetli ♦ : or not she would alt-md big .school liocau.se of the fee Conner'- »d with the higher education classes. j.^?SZ.rasa.‘;SS2S252S2SZS2S2S?SHSE' I’AINT - I'AI.NT .'iil 19 12.ve3l.s of Milisfricti-I lid Knaiijelr; 3:?tl S. AVH.MIVGTON ST, Mail Order. Given pionipl Attr-rii|. Itiiili'dad Siilviific (ill. TAYLOR’S Pharmacy IHtKGS, SMOKFK. -WRIFS, SODAS and SI NDIIV AKTKT.FK Acruratc • Dependable PHAMACIST AVe Appml-ite Vmir nusliirvx tin llAVIH.i: ST. Tirboro. N. C DI PENDARI.E. PROMPT. AND COURTEOUS blNCOFN (iAHCRMPAwY Corner Cabarrns and Blount .Street* FOB PBOMPT AND EFFICIENT . . . RADIO REPAIRS at Reasonable Prices IT'S 1 aylor Radio and Electrical Co. SALES Br SERVICE 224 E. Martin St. Claud Taylor, Mqr. Phone 23350 Meeting A Need For Every Walk Of Life Our service lin.A never failed In meet, ally sitiintiou, Ilieh jind prior alik/* have ahvays r('e»'i\efi the .sanu* rej;pe(-t and alfeiitjoti, n i.s ail (*,sfal>li«hed rule with our e.'tahlishiiienl that Ihrre is no do- p;irture from Ihis polo y. The Raleigh Funeral Home 310 East Davie Street C. A. HAYWOOD. Owntr Pay ync’s Riisiiir.s.s and Socrclarial Sthool Mns, S. J. PAYNE, M.naqer Member of the National Businaea Association Accredited Bv: The North CaroHna Stata Beard of Education Complato Business Cours* • -Shorthand • Typing • raieulator • Book-keeping • .‘Nlennlvping • r;rner.il Ofiee I'loeediir? • Mimnocr-ipbiiig t .Specialized Courses Notary Puhlie Public Stonograplicr Write For Full Tnforrnalinn Dial S9S0 416 BLOODWORTH ST. Raleigh, N. C. • Finance or Borrow On Your Car through the DILLON MOTOR FINANCE CC. Wilmington at Davie — Phone 3-3231 FOR Coroner of Wake Co. Lawrence M. Waring (Formei- Coroner) Your Support Will Be Greatly Appreciated N. F. TURNER FOR SHERIFF Af tjie iiisist(‘nee of niimbfoii.H person.:; throtigh- ont W.Tke f’oimty who .stand for t'fficienf and im- pai'lial law citfon'oineiu. N. F, TurRer, wa.s in duced lo Iteconie a candidate fer renomination to the office of Sheriff. For ’iP year-s he has adminisicred the affaii.s nf the office of Sheiiff efficiently and impartially, ili.s record ha.s iti'en appioved from time to lime hy the voters of this (’oiiiity, liy r(‘-elecfinir him, If voii approve of eHii-ieni and iniparlial service.s in the offire o Slteriff, y-m are urged to vole faj- N. F. TURNER the Democratic Primary on May 25. This advertisemMit paid for by friends of N. F. Turner. Men, Women! Old at 40,50, 60! Get Pep FeelYearsYounger,FullofVim Onri V omi •( si). 0.tff* hii don*. CoBUin* tonlo m. ... Ml, 1X0. (nr lyv- hi imlrlv bn-Btve Inw in :mn. .I.V - BOW nly 210 Tr» fhirr* Totle 'I '"'JUlfT ‘ iDimduetorv T«hlei» (or I , .... Abo Goouia xriU a Bi, cUeliuu Boa uboavtioni*. Fur s.-ile .it all drug {.tores every where—in R.-iloigh, ;il Walgreens and Eckeid's Cut Ra'e. •strucUve rffnrts mad.* to roopor- F'^V Semt Troops were n-contlv ato with the bishop in meeting ttiis regisl'-red in the oHii-e of Ihe 0(- rhalli'nging sitiuition. roneerhee Council from Sanfortl The B'‘hnps’ address singled out ' Ibe .sponsNishlp of Ihe BUnn- iJie chaotic situ.-iltons th" world diniiim Presbyterian rhiirch. Rev i- now experiencing. Christian J K MrMilliari. pastor, John D brolhorhoori am.ir.g tbe peop' and.McIver, coutmaster, Wall Street governments of the world, sai I Ftepllst Chnrrh, Rev J F, McClew., •vas the remedy for the pre.'-ent st.aie pastor and the Fair PromT^ AMF of nniiikind. He also poinlert out /.mn Church. Hev R H Johnsoe, , III his addicss that Good Sb |>eid pastor and W T Horton scoutmus- Ho'pital al New Bern was courage- trr The'^e three new units have n ’ oiisly endeavoring tc serve robin li combined fiirnllment of forty penplc in New Bern and eontigons ■'i mils This give the Oreoneechec ^ ■ reaf;. The .iddrcss, obviously, was Coimril a tot.'d of sixty B'x.v Scout very effective and re-.-fnlc-d tbit i.nits f"r Negro Po.xs, with a total Ihe iieccJs of yll r.'jces, ccieds .i id Sco^jji^^mYnibcrj^f’ip^F A Lifetime in Flemet Why talc* chaacas oa bumlog up a lifatime’a affert in a alaglt terrifying hour when it's so simple and Inexpensive to pro tect yourself against any i>oasl* ble mishap. Your home and family can be absolutely pro tected from ANY dlaaster at but a few pennies a day. WeTl show you how. SEE YOUR LOCAL AGENT BANKERS FIRE INS. CO. DURHAM. N. C. gossip about you is an enemy of ynur ■ ' •tloti Gray.drab looking h charm and youth, it s-nys (o people—"Sbf't lo%m% btr btauty... She's hegiiiniisg fo loot old." Stop this unfair talk—take a new lease on youthful looks by giving your hair rich, natural looking color and beauty with Laricuse. Cooi ^oi/ftfer HAVE BEAUTIFUllY COLORED NATURAL LOOKING HAIR CoLor Yoor Hair This Easy Way 1 gc . ral looking color (black, broun, blonde) start using (iodefroy's Ijiricuse Hair Coloring NOW... acts quickly—goosoncvenly.easi- ly —won't rub off I shout — unaffected bv heat- -ermits per manents ancl stylish hairdos . .. known and used for 45 years. Your dealer will give your monev back ■ fied. if you're not 100% satisfied S«r BmI ■•wIK. SHAMfOO WITH lAIIIUU ShomM* S«(*.« Apvlvlf.1 tartovM Hah OODEFROY'S HAIR COLORING CAUTION' Uw Only o% Oi'ocfwt on lobal. terrifying hour when it's so simple end inexpensive to pro tect yourself againat any po^* hie mishap. Your home and family can be absolutely pro tected from ANY dlaaster at but a few pennies a day. We'll show you how. SEE YOUR LOCAL AGENT BANKERS FIRE INS. CO. DURHAM. N. C. M wiu Hi«« yuu« K if you're not 100% satisfied. T Nr SmI a*Mlto. SHAMfOO WITH tA SKomnno Brlrrr Applylwf OODEFROY'S HAIR COLORING CAUTION- Uw Only e STORE HOUR.S 9:30 A. M. lo 5:30 P. M. CO r I ON WEEK NATIONAL MAY 20 TO 25 Cotton DRESSES Cued to Summer Smartnesa ni-(-.ssr.s styled with n youthful air for woni'-n who Itk.* their ciitton.s .smart . . . And V itli that •‘down-town" look about tli**ni. .Serrsui kers, voili-s. c-hanil)i ay.;, prints-—Many with I’yelet trim---chocks, .stripes, plaid.s, .snlid.s—Size.s !) to 15—12 to 2(1—38 to 44. 1.90 lo 7.95 JIA.^I',MF.N I' .STfffF.r A Cc»niplf*lc Dppartmcnl .Store Witbii Mn#.|f --USIltN CAtOllNA t lAiaiK