WEEK SATTrBDAY MAY 55 15 !S THE CAROLINIAN 'AGE ' Durham Eagies Off To A Good Start no Hard Hitting Eagles Take Two Conference Games lUtPHAM Th.- f)iith:.n, y hivp me Ihi'oi'i,'^’ Hull » t" >> I ‘. 'll - I’l II [ I I.;i «• Jj.itin , M;i\ .lailril NKW V«>tnx f N’- A.-.MifliiiK 'll ,1 M-iiii'iif^ i.i'liM iipMii. 1 Rn!- I h 'n'li-ii.il 111 riiiniii ■->! iht |yi,i t- f'.il Mh,' SihiiiPliiiu fii Hire*' m'lTiC' III ini nn .iiiri fjiiP/; lurii IO.{KH> nii.rk> r.il iiji l.nCH) diill-ii i fm bMiMin^ ,1 hou ■ in dcfi-'ino »r -ii,- Oii-i i'ii", Till* fonin r Imxing ch;iin|iioii h- bppii orHuifi f'l hull turn "f ihf- hfi'i-p. hut hr h;»l irsiunrfi !'• 11 iiiinUi'^ lii'iT fir ;>iti' ihr w.un- mg litMiis Is .'^2 ^ r;n’s 0l! IvtMrTON I.AKF 'ft.'Si - .lofi I.IU.1 rrl.-hr-tirfl 111. fhiity -tnuiH hiiihrl .y ii';iinit)e to firfr-id his (i- Mf. .Iiiiio iiinrlprnlh, Brforr a la't;r '•iti"f| It Ills triiinin;! camp Joe fltd ffiiir f'l I rniinrt', I.fuiky Al lh orin;tn grtfini; oni* uf the Chnmp- mu i lir.nv puiu-hr.- wa* barrly haiiBMis m al thr rnri .>f thrrr min- utr-. Jimmy Bill. Park Daiiiels and Goirgr Fitrh ill wen. a sound 'vilh Ihr ni'CiM’i) Rpml),'!. ' II - riiuM|\. Thf y " ri.t If.i rulum- hi I, S C la t Viffit and won from ih‘ ( Mlumiii.i iMI-Siii' 'l-.'i, and ro- liiil.iii lu IJiirhain AMilutic PatU W.iini (lay nn>ht May la. lo Iroiiii'.o llut UiliniiLtuii Red Sox 8-1. M itty attii.cti' iis wen- fraliriJ • I thi fir-ij haauc e;.imf in Hur- li iiii. l’.( -iriiii 1.. F. At.'liii fif !hi* (’.iiiilr ,1 I.iMciie A-a- pt«"-eii! U I'.lk ill'i 111 to ■•'ll thf ns'":t p.lll Hr it ii inl^ll'^•r^d | i',ir Sc'-'y f M Will.-Ill-;tor uni i'll of the nlayrr nf l.nih li arii' Tlic Hillside Higli S'.'honI hand played, and In. I;y l.idics win viveti fr. r nylm h'l- !• Ti r '.lid wrif packfd for this fir-l NV;;io T.'-aRue Ratne ever to be pliiyed in Durlrun Alhlftic; Park. Pilfhci l.'.fly Jnikln- held hf fhd SiiiN hi four hit*: as Prince’s wild Ihiow from third to lir.-t hio areouiilt'd f 'l- the only ruTi for the vi-iteiv. Tim fircwnik: start'd ; the ilnrd inttinc when Mann. Bio* ftarhee and Lam Barbee rrossed '• nil- plate liehmd Ihrir own liitlinc - I'I 'ha' nf Rfio.'-i velt A. hford. The eiithth itminc 'ras anoiher i bi:i one for the liomr leiim. Fi>i j roti.i laine in as i tr-np of clea.i | hits -IS Will ,ii- errors in the Wi! . mmaton infield n.Tlferie.*-; D Oiren, R.-ihant arni R'ncy; for Durham .' nkiti . A h- f rd, Cameron timpires- .lnhii'on utid Henderson Buddy Johnson And Boys Clv.ifn Good Baseball Team ' 'V >I •»- ".Innn nn' Hii Ih' 111 bu • uali li ,1111 I .h'llli ...il .. UH llttbl.l. ii ml.v to i.ik, uM .IP,' atnj . in III' II' Mil .1 an IP 11 i'hiiiii|'.un.snip ul i niu. Hk tin'll I i)i:ai;en, in i I'linah 1 liii.i past .i"iin.s"t) 'niiK foil' cti'.. haitmx link >Jiin. oy iioiKiiik on; I'l Miiiik pratiii'i- .I'Siiot e!tanipion:hip ttame, aP proceeds i "in ’.111 ! wiiiiiil he Hirnel over I . 'h\ chanti- . Sii\iiiiiinli i\ t \r,i’ ^"Ulll \!o\CI!ICI|1 I" Ili'V'-oll Ihill Pari, BCtOTI.Fti 'ON(TH)N OANtint- Ot'S ItltiNK, RI-TOIcr .1 \CK''0''J, My. 'ANpi .\ drink mad* fion' "arte." a deriva I ivi "f deiiat'ii ed nirh I. and eoro- rola or pep i-col.i sirin i- fl".i - ishins here, it was •ipoii'ft l.i i week. Tlie mixturn. 'viteh prorliie- I type ..f di'itnne-.;-. i- ix Ireinely dancetoi. , iinh'iini"- d'- elarc, and 'ay it m.'v tjr the basi.i for i'lt "exriiriti n "f 'rini* V - - liloxe . f'.i, f ;:\c \ '(III- Waslr FalsII! iiin*"- -it'- 1 , •ind .ip.-ji. , 1 I • 'iniii Ih nni ' lU.I iiok' I. Hop' t.' el kiiiii' t" I'l' pla>' o "II w 'i"ik rli'jniMini, (iui.in; Ji. IJil’iis'in (i;(;i'Kotioti s a|>{w.ir:>ii-- lot lilt Savoy Balli'ioin in llii hern. W'hic.i a- Xa nndei'way M, i^il. Buddy ha*! invited daek.i T tlOSE gloved fists of Champion Joe Lo’iis pack plenty of wallop. | i''>:)in.-ain. star slim tstop of llie Thal’s the verdict of gagster Joe L.nurie. Jr., of "Can You Top This?” lon're.'il Royal,, m ilii Int-niii- fame (NBC, Saturday. 9:30 p.m. EDST) as he gingerly feels th*' Brown .>nal 1/ akuc. hi be the I ani. Bomber's mighty mitts during a recent visit to his trainirig camp at Pompton Lakes. N. J. Louis, who fights Billy Conn in the Yarkes Stadium, June 19, boxed a few rounds wliilr Laurie server] as the second. Said Laurie. "On second thought, J’m so sm-iU, you'd belter call me » •plit second 1” ^ BEATING THE GUN IIV AI.VIN .MnSF.S MFI.TIN'G rOT nm:\v vnrtK 'AnP' thk VNMsFFs, In ••h.ll r-lnb f Ihr Negro N':t|inn;i? league, ini .1 P"ik up nr thr HHli bca^uii wUi be I* niigbiv fli •'•inii.'. I'lK’ f ir Ihem fn*n» ^ faii*.]Hijnt'rr.vicw if not frni" .' fin.'i rial one Snmothing .k wr*ng wiih the team .-piril us well hr Ihr calihrr of th'- playpi- them* 6p|\rs. Thr rirh Inc.'il field dtjorves l-'-e high class tolorrd bull dubs ^ to kprp |>;K'r \iiih the N, Y. Van* k'e*. iindgri*. and N. y. fjiaiiu, Pi'inp'/'. Cl.bans urc -i mlurful d'”'. full f ii.i h and fpc .„),j sc:« on Ih^rp is an inllux of new bloofl. , ''Soldie.' Ivy" .SointPi has a par- lay everythin; on u good club nri fine jaiiipi, ill wlik'h hjs outfit i*, part of the nttraclion. playing t.i the Emiillesi crowds. Wr ore not pulling any punches in this brief| epbtlr to o\ener Semlcr for letters! are beginning to pour in at thi«j early purl of die sca.son a.-kinn for '(ow.i oi'i.si t :>iii I JON fJATI Cl" .f." k Meinn '• .lor f :;ht pn •• tloll.l g, I.I'l i. 'o none prill th:i ' ..X P''l.|l '*de a r his day while or in I'ereiving hi' narr* I2.^'h St Br.'iddocli rhampioi lai'K raii.:emei tilleholdt Ul.'t A well of a » ■••111 'ik Mil;'’ J. i-nt> pr . • I ;i foiii-.iriilion- of ii'iir ei h-ive fhr .ik" of .r tf rhai’ipfi'ii eefiiid h-ng history. I ■I* eti 'igh 'wh 'll with himi '0 hiy ■ s'lme as agaiiTl eni And i'- uoii'ct. w‘,.t f ii; .ibout him yeai for use of '"1 thcoming we; f tir.int deal'’ nip.sey and other •ceivid (and till ■ this modern ai- n *p '.-airs iiii'l f the sport fields. •AN ITK.M OK TUd AROI'T \ SIMHtT OK TWt» N'FW YORK ’ll- I'l.tl't l»nn.;,v f'.ii. In iriil'O'il aie uv. in.; i*' • . 'Il'fll-I l|.. .Il.'l" .'I W.'ltlll^ I'oi the Louir.-Conn bruwl to roiiie off. • nd i n» i^ 'hey h.u ■ taken f "ei. Inn;; thr.t in ,1';;! .'tii'U.- 'vhi'.? ti'.'.in;; In lignie out po. bible end- iti, |■•r ilii- Il c-fest Most "f ih" t.ilk indn tlu.t .liillini* Joe v> ili lin t Ci'iii. ft '■••uly III the fir-l -i-.- -.ion and i .'11 it a iiniht Ib eeiit pi'• line, "f 'iir iv" liuhi'i-* give Loin- all ihr he: t of it Hi - Li'dy i- iiiin- m'"' .f 'll fa* ai'.c* It lia. ,1 lir-ihh^ fninee*.: Hi- aim* air hi; .ind P'lwerfiil. md th'V !(• k like t'voi pi ll'll . ha'ji and pre^isi. ic.idy In’ hoot into aelinn with unerring kill Cl I II, . ' 1 in hi- picture. lllOl:^ to be trimmed down monch. i'ut i ih'T'- is a suj'gcstion of softnes choi.t hi^ body. On the the piefur* • rerentl hi I* lal'clird ih'le]>i'iident of I : ..hih'v RrnanU'S.| ,‘|,V I'l. On' he h.i. d'-ii r.idily . N'.'i;i'i ( would hj i nil ' 111 a f. ' rd .i'l\ anlaui "11 111 'chi'ti j-ii 1 nil iniM I’ll I a;;ier m pul nni for lln* fiinii ■Ain'li '1% in' ehuril'itili h' ' rl I !' h' I’l he "lie Ilf hi- n >rai'y coach ami hop'.s to h. '•ki* to : "lit the III'.: Iial wli- *1 . niin'''ns make then New Y.'ik iiiit. M.."si(i. .Inlii .on bnuj-lf uill iinabli' :n p]av op Hi.' team hi: ..kiilfiil piami-phiving hand • ■ il en ill .nred tm ^iliO.OPlI 111" pad .1 veral yeai . by . ' j..n;il .p nii.Mu-- eonipanv, • u.i ',;i-iit . reci'ntly imtif.* ' •'Id,' 'bat any injuries he .siL-• in, t" hi* hand;: in playint; ba*-' Ii M'lild ii"l III eoveferl iiy in. 'll' y. ti iimi'ing .'lit local elm. •which lh*-\ fe.'l sill:' II.'- ill 'In, '.Inhnumi’s H'it!*li * ' 'll i like In cr>:.- (vili with till' .'iiy .f;'iii.'; niii'' . prc..'ntly "'»gni/eii as nianirir.ii ch nnp; batid bii.-in'':-:. Ti - .loiir-*'"' 'p. 1" Ih" .la*n* • I*"' '• the hrdi pa"k.- in r';.\V'\N’NMI. r;.' -■ The NA.\CI* I N’liiiti. Coim'il «;h*'«*d it*^ ;cM\itic f r Y'’iilh Wrok at a mas., meetirg .I'terided by more th m aiie thou- H'l }'"iplc here la ! week " .|"•|«l|l 'ilnpleil by fhr I'ody • i ill nioti n a 'ity-wide efforf lo hoy lilt the Sav.ainiah Ra'cball Club as a result of il; dbri'iii inatoiy ; 'inn apain.st .l.irkie Robinmn of the M' ntieuler- Thp re "lutinn r'erVnrd the xe- '11)11 of the Sav.niliah R.iseball '’luh, • II ' ' I > '..v'll . . a partner. I" O'* ai;.iin't ii'il jiis' two Ni gm 'll p|:-,M I , lull aKJi'r..t the entire i N’e:i . pop'il.iiji'n fh.ii the eliih -lid J nni i| ei\i III Mippoi I Ilf Negro fan and all S.i'. aiumli Neernu • w u- , urgcil In lefraiu from ,'fl''iiilin't ! names al 'hr Miiincipd Sfariiinn. V--. Blue inolf], which ajipfiired in Mi.I i.n. n Ml;.' !;i Tii.ki.,li 'ohai eo beds in North Carolina lusl s ;'.. r.:. ..nut bci- nn-p irt d :n n*lt) plant b"ds. .'lid II woliH .\n of Ilirnnu: 'he cull' c' liniH -pul-I Th. nitie fa •! ,v M W wiirn iinph inner and still eh.iia-1 i’tn«‘ n nney pinn. The impatu-nt, and unpredte. 1 rijmd the loadwn.v column- nc'v--piipcr .sta'- erf the afiireircntionrvl .i frw d.iy.s f:.; t,ikin': ihi' ari’iiment pictures as the final aiifhnrJ.v, I I ■ I. tx-itinc nt. .1"'' to win by a knrickoul, hut theyr** not Uetiii.t that stop them flam thinking and talking about a win by Conn. I';: ml.'Mil Hur -I uie l ' dll ""ar tl’-'n in LH.. .'NA.A. "-'hicli I'ccpiiLy pa 'i it'. 11’.' lie nth hi; thd.iv • 'iff:«'iall'- liih'l I’l•'ij'-'iici a M.ii ketii'g '.'iulin' .iratir.n OeiVE !N GlEANERJ; Cash and Carry S. RIoodworth St. There ha been a hit of >''oiii Ui.rs.sini; S', to tin pinini-e .f ./acx I>"iup*ey’s new .-.vi dicalp in the IrniCth nf|h"XiiiK field. f)f conr-a*. we l| puhli‘herl, I .a.cu tiila it i. pi itiv. dvy to nu'k'' 'k M'd he b.K'k* npmt that .lack are no*|l'’i: ide'dislieall.v -ii eii; ii> Ineak 'f any et .if Lncle Mike .? .c ii.ni'i'e-h Id i tl'e game so that some new bloo.d cat) fie infii-ed Whatever it m.i;.' n*'. this one Ihinit is eert.un. ihc Mana. - sii Mai ler has ne\ er given up hi.i hope that a new white hope will Billy, some of llu:;u say. t.an hr ^ be found who will be .liK tu hang doer iihuut keeping out of range, inn lo the lille and ind go lel1i*)g . Mfl con.'eii'ntly mighl be able to! ''i.n' l.i ., Iti'o-n 1*1 •.•iij'ly cunu’ '.'.n the full di’liince In an.s-.ecr tnl along and knock it off hi> lilv- QUALITY SEA FOODS —FROM— OUR NEW l.OCATION ® City Wide Delivery Se* vice Griffin’s Fish Market S. BLOOnWOHTH ST. yri.. LEHOY GRirriN, Prop. COMPLETE ELECTRIC SERVICE WAKF, ''M.VAGECO ti Huy end *t»'! Ev«ry^htB« of Valu* FtIBNTTtJPF STOVES REFniGERATOHS i TOOLS — RADIOS 137 S- Wilminotoo St Phona 2-2327 A NEW .STORE IN AN OLD LOCATION ! ! the economy store WINK . BEER - GROCERIES - NOVEl.TIES 341 S. WILMINGTON "TRFET r# — AT — Atlantic Beach, S. C.. Buy and Build on the Fin«iT Resch for Negroes in the Nalion.->o Healthful, Invigoraling Climate—' , Convenient l.ocaiion—Situaiad on the Atlantic Ocean near famoQ« Myrtle Beach. Write for full partieulan: Rrarli CompariV INC. ^ D'' P I". Kelley, manager - Box flfl. Conway. S.C. wr^.. For A Taxi ANYTIME ANYWHERE CALL HOOPER CAB CO. Henry F. rx iir*- f In '.•:l A well ed Hie rii back and ; ornin'‘nt .MFMOI Acro's jh the agi*l pMr-e 1" : ki-e-. Dodgers .and N. Y. Ci.iiitw Pcmr'/’ ft tKMi*; arc a ci'jrful il"’’. full f 'la'll and fi'r .iiifl »j.ic!i hji n'ltre *C'i on lh''ic IS ;ii> influx of new * c, blo'-I T> .a , , .Soldier h..,v .sornir, h., |, pi.r- I-iy ev'rythi'i; on u good club or j j fill" .u'lnes in which hii nulfit is.omen part of the atimclion. playing . ,,p the smalle-t crowds, Wc arc noli pulling any punches in this brief] cpi tie to ov ntT Semlcr for letters are hegiiinini' to pour in at this cai'l.v pai'l '»f the .-e:i.*on a, xing for a canipuign fur a new elub-roilei' aj'o climinali n '>f the word ''Black'’ In the Yankee 'luj). One letlcr wriler say- in the latir connretior'. Why in blare miiil they be ktiow .t as Ihr 'Black Vankc'.'s*. Is it bi- cause Bill I Bojaiitiie. I Robinson was the p.*i of the Ya. kcc club -.f the American leaitnc.' or is it bc- cati e \vr ju I feel ihc urke to natno "I'i rvfliina black lhat t* composed of colored personnel' — .Somehow, f )i-i=t don't gel It all and I kn' W .it least, a bundl ed neighbors in .i y lown who frol the .same way. Fiehl ngiiiirl Hti' ilnn^'. Alvin, like I know you can," Walter Beckett., * Newark, OPENLY, AND NOT IN A WHIE- PF-R, '•erlaitt hitter coI>rcrl) ’railing Hie r» cctif 'M'lnd-iv. M y 6* fed H'i'l''jn-Tiinitn.v BeM fiy'it — a ph‘.«n>. N'l"-. f.-c .eop Bdl. Yoijn;;:-l'jwn. f'. •Inf’-rer. in fbei-e wl'h Jake ''tiie man riot .'piatit la’'I'.’t*i -md on ih'- .irencih » Pell’-, f'ghf .•cajiv:! Hie Hall: I U jliir I'd -''.v the Hudson.Bi ll fight tookod nueer , Buf, one ue' Ti knmv.s. flops one'’ ndi earned a creal repui.iiion ba '.'l on Eirmtht and iMne'i effoti;. j would 'ibf Hie la.st one lo r'ln ■ red her- rill; irro's .-iich a rcconl. HOMER fHLI.S, but recently acli'-e ec'i I Gu irdsman In the .ner vier of Itm-le Slim, was a bin in New York Ifuivri.-iiy's anivx- atloo of Hie Ml tinpii'it.M' InteiT' I- leciate .Mhletir \s-oci-i’in»» m.idi track ai'd field rhurnpion-hips. held on T'n.rsday, Ma*- o, ji| V.'ii Cnri- lau'lt Park ,' 'hum. Bronx Cn-ich Emil Von fhiin • .,f v>'ir ha'l h'U'ki'd heavily on the colnrerj t’vins, M mri"" and Stanlon r:i|. Irit'lrr, »>vi Hi 'wo kids retired u'li'k ''"mpeiiiinn for *bc b-l- *nec "f the 'tc. -e. on. Tluis H,c lmporiat>i'«' Gilli ’ fimt in talc ing both the ipo aii'J 2L>n -print C\ pn|i. jv mne'l mtn rtant propo-. h"i): ill NYU’ final in'il nf !t;; poll)*', In an exhibition 1|a yard r.'ce. fh-'M feilii'i: 'iti;trtcr milcr Fl'fi't-e Harris. Shore Athletic Cli.l) rf N. J.. -pun .around the saucer in 498 to Ir'iri Hal Roco’v iwhifej and the v"ter»n star Jimmy Herbert. Gr:>nd Street Boy.s Club, by two *nd f" e yards re.specti'-el.v Mi|. lord Parker, placed behind ForJ- ham : Frank l.eary in the collego on li ier mile raced in the fa.-t lime of n.-,ni _ Oillls. WMF timed for •he ecniiirv In 10.1 .md the fur- ion; in rrcdi'cre time. , Dr neginnld Weir, craduatc of C’C'NY 'Citv Collese cf New York. I- iioiecl. wl.il I' ;i; .tbnul him yeai for use of u'lhconiinR weft irnni deaU iip-ey and other reiv'd (and :till this modern at - ^ 'p 'i!:ors iiD'l the sport field-:. o.adway eoU.'mn- nc'vspaper stai ned n frw day.'* I't had chance to ip to now . RTMENT I'll') of time, in 'if Valhalla, w** irl) hell'* 1 our formi t operalive GORDON CRO- QUES. areat fellow, beloved hr Mlow men and wott.en Au':, kindly Sf Peter, remember me to S.'\M .McVFA, .t.maiean Kid. ,fnhn- ny Rorican, Benie (D-Wifi Clint land P"-rv |n natne but a few ii,, mates of ours. ’’EEPll'ff THE RALEIGH TIGERS HALfIfiH - Tlir Pakigh Tigei- made I' fin trip la.st ■■ pck when Hi.y vi'iitcd DarliB;:tnn. S r on 'Ihur-day and Winsl'm-Salem on l■"da.v nicht At tlv narlinsfr.n s|)ol. Hte local rnmp'-d t'j a f) t * ? .ict'iO "hik- Jimmy Mack, 'limini^ live right h.iiider, -b.irkled H." Dill linc'nn Elite Sox. HagRic .‘’niitli. Ti:iei'* .-hirt top hit for I'-i cu'iiu during the melee R iiti ea'.- cfl .1 p-.-t iionrimeni at Win-ton Salem where the Pond Giants were to be played. Saturday neniug the Pend fJianis pimeided In djs.'ippoiiii ih" local fans for th 'erond .uccc.-sive s.il* iiiday I.oc'il niongnls .'le imi pl:->- I'll- el'll' III na1ei;h for finite .» ' 'll' "tne. r)ui of re-|vx'i ii) Ihf t.'iillifi 1 fan S'jnd.'.y. .May I'L the loc.il- j''m- nr\'''l (o Hamlei, At Ihiil point. Ihr H.imic-i Rrd .Sox .I'lmini■tei-i! timely spaiikiiig by the score • f Till' 7,.i|u •f 'k I 'll" Tijier'- .I!'' I t" pl.'v Hie Zulu Gi,ar,ts III Park II poo r M The H.iiil* n'r jil'vay; a friili!,, (’h; 'm .'V. . lon:;aled nt;},; IjIC'I for Mil' tiifin;; .ts-.ipn. the Hilld: 1" 1.0(1 nf N"Mh S'lM'l-ry utornini; t.’bi;.. "It •( kiio'vn Dai le... '■.ill come to Raleigh i •• ilic first time. .Moiidii;. evening tl. I'o cliJt.s play their la.sl game '■>{ I' e. ion u .'Ltio p, M, hfonday nicht at n.LS the Ticers jump to Grern.-boro t’* pl.iy Hu* A, and T Bulldncs. Tup day and Wedciisdny. South C.’arolinas’ own Columbia All St ir.- here on their lirsf visif fo the city. May 30. the Tiacr.-: co t.i Hark- ille. S. C . f'lr the Decoration Day In an off '’ to present a hustltnc hull chih. Oivncr Arthur Dove I'' DirreU.r' ol Health'and'S.ifciy' cIr.s nl -311 rvn, amoneThe" ilo' ' To'",.' '’'a'' i"'' M"'"- '■■‘''I'l Hxec'l'-e. N": • eiH.s t .111. vn.* nmonR the rm- otilflelrlers ready lor reei.I.ar pla-; rolk Va The Camn SehanI ..^1 s. rer eiiert, who nllonded th. ] l,y June l.st. Ceeil P- kins and 5?r«-led hv wm ^ 1 Twrenco Na- •rdehrafinn nf lOo >enrs nf Sports; James Brown are the heavy hitters fjonal nirediar ScoulinD Awivi at CD- CnHece." in addition to the ’ now boing soucht. U« BeS MiwheH wiU rejrc-^^^m sperini trihuie in rctinm* Prof. Her-I y V,"’ ^ • ben Holb n. for 40 year.® a faculty And His holy .spirit, the only pow* Camp School He wilT'-ilsn ser\'e a* member th^e. on Fiiday night, or victorious over de.Mh. He want* the LsUtant' Camp 'Director a* Weir was once national j all men everywhere to enjoy, when I Camp Whispering Pines July 6 to LS ehamnion. Inolhlng else is le/k August 4tli. •iDoi.l lu.s iioov. iin 'lu* sir« num ni the pietun-: recenlK- publidieri, 1. Mis is the wini)''. and s^till eh.iiii- pinn. The impHtient. and unpreriie* T- lit fan*. Itow' i r. are no* (akinc lha .nrmiment of any et of pictures as the lin.il aiilhnr'.v. 1 "' 'r' iii'tlim; ou J"-' to win by a knnckoi.1. but theyre nni Itetin; that stop 'hem fr.im ihinkinu and talking about a win by Conn. Billy, some of Ihi'ai sny, can b( elever abuul keeping out of range I I'd comeiKnlly mi;!hi be able in go the full fli tanee In an.s'A'cr to tl •' "b-ervi'tion that ruing the clt.** i'nee 'vHt not iipi e.ssa; iiy mean tak ing over Hie ehanipton-hip belt, the falkcrs answer buck '■'>'/ saying that if Conn '•••m K ' the di'l.mci'. il will mean 'he Juc ha.- slipped .md will il tVi- 'lii on a l):id eii uijh perfor. :i .u cc to earn the .-owl of 'h' Jl.dgcs, Suim- "f the moi'i' pr'-iml.sl ;• souls point mil 'be pn-'Tiiulity of Cunn fiiggmg up a h'l,*.-maker fruiii somewhere and tucking Joe in ix'ail' ifttr f igiiin; him up a.- d.'iicing around him for a L’A' loiinds. The boys laugh Hial '-ne i.fl evn 'hough It I- pointid '.ut to them that J* e ran be had. f>r’ca,-ionnlly you hear .^omc me'i- ti'in 'if a stand-'iff. with I'.-iufi'm ■'1 Ilte purl ''f i’ntll boy- -illlM4 fl'i* pi IV Email.) everyb 'I' a ;'- Ht.'i Ht'-ie )' .Mt hi .1 dr.*))- i" H', h.->ti|e, Olid ilt.ii fo and av.-av .lo* l.oiii, I- Hu- il.-idiHi*' Tlten 111*-) • I art all o) er -ig>in •periilain.; By the I'nio Ih'* fight re.illy enmc' off,; ■•)•- infly D ill b' ma'l, bn' Ih . : ))ii* top Ihem I'l'TO filiti'g mt'i| 'll' III rminds aiul realK fiii'bvrfj nut ' It ciimeb tnil ' A KF.\I. (IIA>n’H)\ Bill [!"i*iii' II. H"- II I I'tti' |l'|i' I B.jangle-, of llm dHiinng feel win* l•••|f’hral•'i -ixty yi .•ir-* it. ,'l.b ini'ss .1 few week- back it''!'- tlu-i linrt- "batin'I becuii'c of his abil-1 |iy I'l be-1 all com i’.'* riii.ni_| i'I ' .10 Bill V, I '> I i.'.i i.l-.' , . Hie kiiifl nl -'veil p* i ■ nn.ilil.) .)■'': ..trim tiita It i'l pt-im'uilyy to make ome n miey foi Jack led he; tnek- '■rs. and there is a rcjxut that Jack has id'-ahstjenlly S"l oui lo brra'K Uncle Mike Jic'h's ';|raii'’le*li. id on 'he r ime so that some new blood can i'c inUi-ed. Whaloer it may b''. this one thing is eerLuii, Hie Mana. • -a Mai ter has ne\er I'ivon up hi:i hope that a new white hope will be found who will be ..bk' lo ban., '•n to the litic and m,l go letting -ni.ie lijg, brown pL conv along :itid knock it ,{( hi- lily- •.vi;iic- mow ,Iaek lui- never b'-i-ii too fond 'if the Negro heavies, .and :it one time be wa- s.' eager to «. .Il I’lUg .I"'- fli-ei'i'd'u-'l. be would pi 'die I I' Il any whit** 'eonrl rale" could whip him — IF Dempse.r haf alw.iy;: ronsidi'rod I ‘iiis as n .-loU I'f -I -.'i'll lu ih.-'i happened whci. everyh. dy lA'asnf l"■1killg. Il will harden his artri ii*.- for keeps wlii n .k'C kitfiek- uv'r Cunn next month itfl u'ltjfi - Hie w ..IH, Dempsey inel'ided, that be is ihe best who ever did it. ard that h infeursi'to retti,(iit Il'o hesi until he geD fried "I it all and retires imoefented. The ■ >iily way In pi I a new white hop - oil lop 1- I" prudiie'' belter num Hii'n Hie :;iiy ivh" n')*v 'Its on the Ihio'ie Wi hfnl thuuung w'lu’l 'b) r()i/ii:Ki.» I,AH' iKi-1; •- iiuti'fi I'.i- : Cjiy Spiiil.u'-- D PHiliBuiil, .'i''.'!fl_\ v.fir’ i»,ii.v . 17 r:. (i.i\i. SI. VOTE FOR ■ 1 : i!' le i-iir. ho ha. IH'( III'' woi'liT- gic'i iiapp*-, d.meiiig l>*' b..H cemMi;.-, I ' ’.'p (l.•■1eer Bee It ab1 to cc'iitimie lor " ell o\.-i j prohahly h,i.' (j|in|i \ii(l A(|ii:itir •ScIkm'I lor Scimi'T- f'UKKNVM. .Six nhi'b i' Be^i nd Fl'>ri'i;i u- • pun.'''i iiu; a Cai.i.. ud .\f|ii,.iic S'hool f 'l Ne'41'u f’,"- ' . -.■in.'l .-iii'j V lunP « Seoul, i a> 'amp Siaiiley A H-i ris. M,i> jr. June I. al Gre'iivilb. .S C Tin aqua'ic • huol :lic fir-l tvei I" i-ored by Ihc N-tiiu.*! C'lim- if the Roy Scu'.: of .Aui")' for Nrgioc.-. Tin ;ifp Hie ■a'li'-"l w.i: led by Cap: Hu Fred L. Mills. N’ltiiin.il Health Dire«'or • i' Scouting Sei vices, He will be :• jsiste.'i by H. H. Haisbori, A--isi M-jy irt Ncjfro tennis ebampioa R. N. Simms, Jr. \'f-t.'r,'.i'. *-f r.-M W;i'- !’ FOt> - - SENATOR Wake County Greatly ApprociaUHl Your Support Will Be * C'ify Wide Dolivrry Seevire Griffin’s Fish Market 523 S. BLOODWORTH ST. XTL LEROY GRIFFIN. Prop. COMPLETE ELECTRIC SERVICE rallies IPei)airfMl Pick-Up and Delivery Service Stevick Electric Company 108 W. MARTIN ST. PHONE5332 71.1 K. MAKTIN ST. Henry F. DeWitt CANDIDATE FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER William T. Hatch —FOR— Hnmne of Representative* WAKF. COUNTY Vniii- Vote and Aefive .Support F.Arnr-.tly Snliriled FOB • WALL PAPER • PAINTING • VENETIAN BLINDS in W'lrknuinshi)) and Matnrial AT BARC.AIN PRICK.S WIL.SON WALL PAPER & PAINT CO. TEL. 3-1.14.'! ABiilMgl«9ii4 e fei vi'Le I .(■( II:- i-an',\- .vein- ill and in.jiir'd tn and from llic hospitals in a moil- I’ln and c"mfoi-t;ihlf' amhulanct from LIGHTNER —Funeral Home TRAINED attendants 3-1676 Telephone* 3-1677 L. T. LIGHTNER, M*,. AMERICAN EXPRESS TRAVELERS CHEQUES li'x 11 great titk tn carry rush on p trip. An unn^cerMPT (iilu too. hecauie we ran rum your travel funds into Araericta Ftpress Travelers Ghettues • spendable anywhere, safe cvecy- svhcrc. If these cheques arc just or stolen, you receive a prompt refund. They're more ronvenirnt than personal checks, hecauM , no identification is rLquired except your signature. Denomi nations of $10. A20. ^50 and -SlflO —for only pet $100 (mioianun diargc, 'i'Js’j^acc on sale at this bank. Mechanics & Farmers Bank DURHAM-RALEIGH Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.

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