KictlT THE CAROLiyTAN WEEK ENDING SATtrRDAY. MAY 26. 1946 Continued From Page 1 CAMPAIGN AGAINST JIM CKGU KIH ( ATION I-AI NCIIEI) Ihi- SliiH' provulf ;id- i|ii2j|’ educational facilities for No- Kill ciUzeii-. When Mr Sveeall itiad-' ills upplualioi) to the Univci - • jiy of Tex.iJ-, It was nferred to .In- iti.* All riiey Giiicral who ru!-"i i.iui ih»' State of n-Xiih was re- miiKd ? finiiish .-.fpaiaie but ••qua) law school facilities for Neiim.*?, i.iii did not have to do so until liu-ir was a demand f r such iia.ii- loi Sw«.ili hi'M' lal;- eij the position that |ualif»ccl Nc- fio 'sill'cmIj ail' enlillcU to adnu-^- Sion to fXislinK Taw s' hi ol facilit.c^ aiii' an iioi iiquirfd by law to apply for the esiablisiimftil of sep- araU' but •• lacilitifs for Tluni a u. »xpi-iiod lliai tin- cas. will U- ••♦•I loi lj*-.iiioR rally .11 Jiiiu* V — N£GHO VtT BAILROAJJCU TO DEATH HOUSE 4. Chief stau- evidemi- was an oial rLpftiiion by Clm-f “f Police Alut :l Clibsun and iwo railroad dfUctiv.s ot an a.l.-Kf-l Vdtcii cui.U-ssion by Benton of the .jjjii. UfiiUiii d.-nifd making tne coniesMon, he signed a paper aitei police ihieutc-ned to ut my throat ' and lelused to yiv( mill food f.. Button was convict.-d by .in all-white jury, which stood 7 to .'i ug: ins! conviction tioin 5:3U p.ii; Apiil 12 until 10 a.m.. April Ik- Tiu; 'guilty ' veidicl came an honr UUT alter the judge U!> braided the jury loi Jailing !•> leach a decision. a. No Negloes liave . Vel be>-n dr -11 loi jm V iviia- in Haii- niuliU County Mis. Fie.-ii.aii l.-ttiled' wa.^ draggeil to a clump ot biisites iiea. Haitiiel Coinmunil.v Ceiite: aiio laped around li:ilU Chnslinos Kve by a mail who •choked' lu i ai d threat, neil to kill In i it sh. hoi- Itied ■'1 didnl Ste tlie man Uial a.- taulted 1... Jilt ona. altei 11.:r and 1 had nev.-i ^a-t-n Uiin h.;loie to nil kiiowledg.-, ' .-.aid Mi.s. Free man' when ask-d liv th. State S..licitoi l«. ilesciib.- th. a*.sail- ant. , . "The man that assaulted me was a toloved man," she told tiic court "I couldn't tell now daik III- was because it was dark and laining." , , , Q UhI he appear to be a black Negro or a light ctiloied one'.' A Well, he liad a cap or .i J,at on his head and it was pull ed down over his luce and I couldn't tell much about his col- oi; he wa;. a iillli- taller than 1 am, as well its I could tell. 1 'wa.s fi ighleJied. W'ell, no. I don't iiav.- •iiiy opinion a.s to his size. Climaxing in-r deseriplion ol tin all.ged assailant. Mrs. Free man told the court: "I just knew hi- was a man and took ii tti u'* a colored man." Tile, record ot the liial ojte;.% no positive ideiitilicalion ul Ben- Ion a.s lilt- assailant ot Mrs. Fr.-e- man. . Mrs. Anna Leadbetlei and Mis. i.l.2abelh Gould, local Negro iicusewivts, testilied Benton was in the Leudbetter nuine along wi ti two other pe-isons, far from trie scene of the alleged rape, at the tune the crime was said to Jiave Uten committed. 1 visited lhe.s« women in their homes anti th.-y .epeated their story of Benton's Another .suggestion was that the slate take ver carr.p -ites. nutmi [irat,g and others and provide teacl.- ing per>oiinel and ctpiipmcni .m-. give instruction to the veterans 't. these camps Chancellor House ol llie University at Civipel Hill, said I hat hi.* expel lent-.• v. iili the v. '.- erans at the University had con vinced him that the G l-'s weic tir.d of a-iyihing lirte a rnmp. and that if they were going t. hg- legt it had to be on a ciun- MUS Ur ‘•'rank Porter Graham, I’rcsi- dent ol the University suggested that the high sell lol.* in ih** .stall* be made ,unior colleg. s and in that way, he said, the freshman enroll ment would be gieatly reduced, for In- m-xl two or thin* years. To Appoint .A Committee It was finally .agreed t - app.>int a coiiimiltec of lh( various i-diun- iioiial cirg..niziiHons t gether with the state machinery to work out a defiiiii.- plan Pre>iileni Frank At kins. of Winston-Salem Teaclieis C'.liege a.sked that in appoic.tiug this committee the Negro college conference be given ronslderatlon. , Tie Ooveinor agreed l. inchitie a .Ni-gro in his appoininient. Ur J W Seabrook, of Fayeire- . Ii St it. Teachrrs College and Ur S D. 'W’illiams of Flizabeih Ccy T- ..I !iei> Collere were present at ;t',' .•.mft'iciiee. LYNCH SPIRIT STILL LIVES SAV TENNESSEi. ..nORNF-YS al chief, has been i:..-.-atened with a watery end in Columbia’s Duc.t Pond Mr. Weaver. Southenu-.- though he IS, has "serv-d his conn- tr> III a war to end fasebm intoU-i- aiice. and the It-rioi'Mic lidimid:'- lion'of initiorilie. legardless of th.ii ■ oloi'. religio/i'-, or aiiv nlhei- diff.-T- eiices.' said .Mr .Muisl'iall .\li- l.ooby. a veteran NAACP at- I I m y f.'om Nashville. Said li at Columbia was only seventy-five imle.s fruin the Klaus' origtn.’rt horn, fn ihilaski and that mob spirit had alwavs ii.en .slioin! ilnre 11.- de- cGied that Cob n.bia Neyreos had ..•III three parlti*ula»5y s.uM.tic Ivnelimgs, aiiU in on.- Ibe body of liiv vicliu. had been proudly ex- liibited. banging fiom the court house window in the main sqiiaie. “ThK time when the Sheriff t'dd them to hide the Stephenson boy" said LoooJ', *'he iiV.ffect notified them that the- law c uM give no pio- lection." Walltr While, NAACP Secretaijr ai.n •'ccielary ol the Coinmillee. erg.-d lhat apptab; b.* sen! to A.- torney Oeniral Clark la Wa.shing- toi. to urge Justice to all concernea. NAA( P CONTINUES FIGHT TO PREVENT iSV KXECI TION and inhuman punishment or vio lation of federal rights involvetl in the, declaring that there were no legal grounds for granting l-'ie relief asked for. A petition was im mediately lilt'd with Hie State B->ard of Paidons of Louisiana re questing a remomendalion to the Ooverii'.r fur a commutation of sentence Willie Francis The petition pointed out that' •■Petitioner further represents lhat he has undergone the provided by law fo; his exfcution, and that by lh»- Providences -jf Almighty God Ins life was spared; and that to hillict LDoii him the further ordeal of going through the pm- ROBESON KILLER biVEN PAROON Harlem’s Oldest Methodist Church Burns Mortgage .Vs a rliiiiux ti> its alltli anni versary ; rJebratii n. .'Slty. .Arthur W. MUelu-ll of I'etersburg, Va.. a nuuibcr ol coiigres Irnro IU3t to 194.3, will deliver the commence- meiil .iddri s- ut Fort Valley State College Monday, .luiie 3. Iluring ilACHLflS m YEAH 'Ml KAl.KllUi .ml i-l .l.e;p..l- ,MAt(l lo . h I ■ III. I b. Ri.leigli pi.till, ichool- dm- ini' Ihe J!Mii-l7 •eiiool yea; were aililouneec by Supl of bools N-- le O S;.i;;ii-r-or: ben .M.-i day. Rclirciiieiits and lesignatioiis will become .ffecliv* al the end of lb * cin reiil M-hool vear. bt l only tnr.-i' |j. ix.iis .1 I. I.evolei. Mis He* .Seiilu .iml Mi- It u..lil V.' Wib'ii - will letire and jn .m ipuls conlin- uetl by the choo) n.i,.d lo .-ei ve in the \..iious scho'ib are; Washington High SvImoI M W Akins, pnmipal. J H IJiown. Jr.. Margaret B Bugg. Mr.* Flb.l L Clark. F.lta K Uaien ,\lr.* Min etla B Eiiloii. F. EllioM Mrs (i.-ilrude Hariis. Jeanelio Hicks, M C Hill. H 'I' Johnson. Mr- Alb. rta l.evingston J C Lev ingston. .Maye Edna Ligjii. Mr* 1. I’iM' Herrin. Mi- EKie H'ini Perry. Mi-- Susie V Pirry, W. W Smith, .Mis. Ida Wasbiim Ion P. H Williams t.lfn- M Year- gin. and H H Toole l.urille IluntcT .School -- J W Eanm. principal. Mrs Lueillo Bry an. Ml- Eliza Allen Uiivb'. Mr« -Marion Ei.-irrling, Mrs. Nan P Frazi.r- Mrs Augusta H ('.ray. Mr* Oia B Hurdif. Mr* (ii!,. S HaniH. Mrs. Alice Jones. Mrs Mrs. MozelU* Lane. Uoiothv Lane, .Mrs. Clinton ids years in congress. .-Atty. .Mitch- el 1 represented the first Illinois (ILstrii't. The baccalaureate ad dress will be delivered Sunday. June 2. by l>r, VV. 11. Gray, presi- d> nt, Fluri .a A. and M. Cnlltge, Tallahassee. (ANP Phulu) Mrs. Micliiifl (iliiir.'li Mffliii” III (iranil l{ii|iiils. Mich. ASlIKVII.l.K .Mr- I. b Mi.-l!- ,iel who wa* elect.xl prei-iileiit of the Blue hidi'i Syiniical for four years in III.' fait ot 19ta i; now ..tu-nding ;i..- \..iioo;.l (’.niiioil -.1 Won.Pii’s urgani/ • I th.- Presbyterian ('hi.u h in Ih.- i:'. s winch u now ii , -ion G • !{..oi-t*. This meetiiiK which convene' v.-i I in ye I ii ...itoii- larj* cities is iiiterraeial an-l she repori' that it is most inleresUng to con- lael wom.-n of all raees who ronie tcigc-tlier as on.- •Si.-ierhtxid,' in Chiisl :i leal Spiriti al Feast, dt*m- -lati.i Mi. I..CI Ih -t ■'ll. ClinsI itiere is III' east m- weft, in Him ii.i louth or oorlli but • ne gie..t fellowship of lovi' Ihroiiglioul th«‘ whoh wide world" RALEIGH — Booker T Willtnins of Robeson County, saved the elciiric chair by executive inter- v.niion in 1927 after he was convic'.- ul of first degree murder, received his freedom here Saturday afiri* 20 years of "honor-grade ronduci ' Wi'liams whe wa* paroled by .1. V. 11 Grefig Cherry was sentenc ed to death in the electric chair for the murder . f M- B. Robers. Robe son Co. white man in the January. 192(i. ii; m of the Robeson County Si.peiior Court. The sentence was commuted to life imprisooment in M rch. 1927. and in December. 1940 |•.-.v• r.d to 311 lo 40 years. The pur.le has the approval of Roberse n County authorities, ac cording to i>arole officials heie, feels the prisoner should now be allowed an opportunity to •‘re-est.ablish himself in society" RAIFIGH MAN (;f,ts reprieve RALEIGH — Fab Stewart. 4.1. of RuU'igli. sehtdi led to die in the gas chamber ut Central Prison Friday, was granted a 30-day reprieve by Govern'r Cherry In order to al low attorneys to gather and present .-ill of the fact* in the case, it was an nounced here Monday. Stewart was sentenced !n the January term of the Wok.* County S.iperi .r romt fo;- the fatal shooting of Tech 4 Ernest Jones heic De- 1.11 III I- If), but the 30-day reprieve .aiiom.iiically expires June 12 and his i-xecuiion is set for the third > Ol.- li re.- Fi-.tlay* ih'-reafter. Juu - Arc- rding to tevti.-iiony in the ca*e, lit- fhet Jones following an «r- .■uiiieni between the two legardinf* I,I,till r niaii whom ttie defendant I H.iimed h-.d been "keeping com- I ..jiiy with his wife." ' Stewart ha- previoui-ly served 1- 1 vears in a Maryland prison for mui- di-r i) a man in Ballimore and live years in the Caledonia Prison for i miir.l‘-r of « Wake County man lli-avv tor-gin demand is ex- for Ameiican p^- M.-v ; hri-ad gi'atn. ceieuls. s^d. fnt* ami oiK. mi at. ... cotton, wool, coal and lubr. • nis New York '.-\NP. - M Igag'- bi.rning ceremonies v en- n.-ld at .\5other AME Zion church, regard ed a.s tiie oldt-sl and largest Meth odist church in Harlem, Sunday. The church, founded in 179B, is pastured by the Rev B C. Robe son. a br/ther - f I’.iul Kotieso'i, famous ji-lor and singer Celebration over the lust pay ment on the $I2!).10(I debt murk.: r clln ax to the sncce.ssful lu-year- leadt'iship of Rev Rolx-son. who .s M-iedited with ;iddin;i S.lfift new j mt-mbt-rs to thi church Kxc.tvatio*) for th.- present building b'-gun m ,Jul>. 1923, and two vears later the i building was finished. Dedication 'ceremonies wen on Sept. 20. The first building ti h use Mather AME Zion church was ererted .n 1800. and rebuilt In IH20. a year before the first anniiul .-unference w.-is organized In IKIH. the build- buili III 18411 The church's first Sabbatli st-li.M.l was organized li* 184.1 Mothei .AME Zion moved from Church and l.txmard Streets ti West lOth and BleeUi-re Street* in 1864, but 40 ycai** later moved into .1 new building on West 89th Sts. Under the leadership of Bishep James W Br w-n. pistor from 19iS to 1936 the church moved to tht- ediflce of the Church of the R. - deemer where it remuinded until occupying Us present building. Sav)- Your Waste Fats!!! Vote For Join Today! THE LICHTNER Mutual Burial Association .Serving Wake and Neighboring Counties A Superior Funeral WINTER CLOTHING Siiatild be properly cleaned before storing e I'lii-ck your wardrobe today • t'lotn-l youi iiiv.-slinent Call 6437 Complete Dry Cleaning Service for the ENTIRE FAMILY Peerless MASTER cleaners A UYKRS. h Main Plant--SI6-S2H Fayetteville Street BRANCH BRANCH UKANCH BRANCH Cor. Moiyan 103 Si3 and McDowell West Jones Cor. Glunwuod Hillsboro St. and Peace WATCH EACH WEEK FOR — Helpful Radio Hints — If your set happen* to be une of the »mull table iitudetxAC DC tyties, uiid neither the dial lights nor tuben will “bum,” the result is an iituperalivr radio. POSSIhLK CAUSES • 1'lie Ol nioie "hUiii.'U Otil ' li'Lpt' • broken power pin ; or rord • ij (-.i-iiv.- ballast III lint- n';>Lsti)i • Faulty olf-on switib CURE—TRY AN EXRER'I'! I'liiiiipt attentiuii by a competent rudio service man FUli FRIKNUI.Y AND KFFIt’lKNT SKKVU F t'Al.l. - — Arch T. ALLEN ( VelHraii W'orltl V\'ar II) ._for— House of Representatives WAKE COUNTY Your Support Will Be Greatly Appreciated .IIVMIKK & D.vnUHTEU .\.SHH>.\’S , . . WOMEN’S DRESSES IN ,\fircH WANTED SIZES in 14*'.' tu 24'v a coluit'd man.' Tin-, ii-cord of the liial off.-;.* no |XA»ilivt- iiit-nliticalion of Ben ton a.*- Hie assailant uf Ml'.s. Fi ve- man, , ,, Mrs Anna Leadbetlei and Mrs. , , ... ... Llizabelli Goutd, Jocul Negro petition pointed out toat. l.pustwivcs, li-stiliecl B.*nton wvS ••Petitioner further n til III.- Leadbvtti-r iiomt- along wi.h iwo oihei pt-rson.s, far from th.- scene of the alleged rape, al the tune the crime was .said to have bteji committed, 1 visited thus, women in th.-ii homes and they .ep.aleil th.-ii story of Bentons Visit. The court record also shows b* ntun denied undi r oath he had loinniitted the enme. But h.' was not given the light to pie.senl tills tesliiiiony lo tite jury. His U'Mimony was olf.-i'id tUiring an aiguinent o -.wim e-ounsel and the stale solicitor on admissibility d tile aileg.-d c-olllessiuli. He WJISI. I pul on the stand again when the jury relumed lu the court rooii'. '] h»- fact mat .Major Benton w.-s tiled by a Jim Crow jury and dr-nii-d the light uf trial by a jury oJ h's peers, as guaran teed by the U. S, Con.siitution, v/as revealed by my I'xtensue investigation ol jury .si rvice me-thixls in Richmond County Courthouse, Hocking ham. 'J'lier.- wi-i'c no Ntgroe.s on the April jury panel, from wliich llie Benton jury was chosen. The County Clerk and ufliiculs ul tiio reliei asKea tor. « pe.uiun wan im mediately filed with (lie Stale board uf Puidoiis of Luidsiana re- a ii-moiTienrtuliuri to thi- ^ ^ ^ ^ Giivem.r for « commulHlion of -seiiUmee Jtir Wilhc- Franci.s The Ml.- Albi-rUi I.' ingston, .Maye 1. riiigstoii J. C l.ev , Edna l.iguii. Mr* ' Elsie H’lii* ‘ Yea:- Petitioner further represents lhat he has undergone the provided by law for his execution, and tliut by the Providences -Jf Almighty God hi* life wa* spared; and that tu Inflict UDoii him Hie further ..rdeal of going through the pro- eesy of electrocution would be L-ruel and unusual and which is prohibited by Article I. .sec- lion 12. of the Constitution of tile Slate of Louisiana. "Pc'liti'/ner further repres:ent.s lhat the primary object of his execution is to deter other per sons from the commission of crime and not for the sole pur pose of his punishrhcnl; that to subject him again to Ihe phy sical and mental agony of flealh. incidental to a second 'al- lempl to i-xeculc him. would be cruel and inhuman." ■i KILLFI). 49 lil'KT .\S TGKNAIH) STRIKES KINSTON de-troyed. six store-h"Use.-; destroy ed or Seriously damaged William' .Kill* gin. and R H Toole Lucille lliinler School - J W Eaton, principal, Mrs. Lucille Bry- an. Mis. Eliza Allen Davis. Mn Marion En*lerling, Mrs Nan P FrazUr. Mrs. Augusta H Gray, Mr*. Ora H Hardie. Mrs Gila S Hariis. Mrs. Alice Jones. Mrs. Mrs. MozelK* Lane. Doiothy Lane. Mrs. Clinton Ligoii, Mrs Addit- O, Loguii. Rachel McCauley. .Mr* Hattie Mitchell. Mary Phillips. Mr.s Heilri Slrod- wick. and Mr.* Celia J Wortham Oberlin School - Margaret Ha* • ns. princi|iiil. Mr.s. l.ucilh- Caiup- bell. Mrs. Margaret T. Hiiyw-...H!. .Mrs. Mattie .0 Kelly, .-Ymandu B Rh ne. and Kathorine Young. Wa.shiiigtoii Elementary School James H Bakei. Mrs Geneva Brown, Mrs Rutii D Calhcau. Helen H Davis, >:is Lucy P Eaton. Mrs Gloria K Green, .Mrs. Martha Jackson. Mrs. Mildred T Jamei. Dons Louise Larkin. Mrs. Carri.- M p-.ither. Mrs Gwendolyn Y Reid. Fannie J Sini' Mrs. Wiky. L'i.ise R Williams, and Pe-arl I ..iiise Woitham Crosbv-Garlielci School — M age store completely demolished w lhams, principal. Mrs Mattie F ind 26 h‘uses, 12 barns and 2.') on s..uuiaiY o..ii.'iiv aaiu uiaimuia oi iiiv ..... , . , . j S)iurifr.s office told me no Ne- buddings riamaged or destr-iyed gio taxpayer ever served or was ^be iwustcr first struck m the colled lo serve on a Richmond Southwood Section whore two ten- County jury. •*(’( families were left homeless. ___ V- - - Then it jumped the Neu.'e River NAACP BOARD .MEMBER HITS to the West edge of the city at Fair- WASIIINGTO.N CLACllOKNS field where two service stations inkha!*. Mrs. .Addie H. Logiin, over enough Republicans to pre- were demolished, one dwelling rn:.** mvs M 'rgaret RobiTts, Gertrude vent adequate apprupiialiuns for ed ir.d a n'w home under eon- p Rogers. Mrs Mary E Watson, the FEPC and to prevent Ihu.s fjr struction lifted from its founda- Mj-s Garnelle Walts. Effie k.-. Mrs, tha A Rutk-r, Clarlne F ChrisimaS. Mr- Maiv Culler. Annie E Duns- ;o-. Magiie E Elli'tt. Mrs. Mary A Flaug. Mrs Marie Gorhaif. George M Haye*. 1. D Haywood, Mr.*- Ethel H Hunt. Mrs Nora E. passage ol a permanent FEPC bill.” PL'KPOSL HIGH SCHOOLS FOR jrC'NkOR COLLEGES -have time or force to give it The president asked that in seek ing a solution tu this problem o veteran education, the state con tion. Cutting and Jam’-.s Sylvesi PiaiiM. at planning Tiiwi. aiii at tlle I. >1 (i!Hl HAI.biOH (ii-i ;.l THE LICHTNER Mutual Burial Association Serving Wake and Neighboring Counties ... :tiikt-r. .ind Mrs Alma T Wil- palh 20(1 y.ards wide hams, when ver it hit. the t.rniado then jumped northward and destroyed the Stanley Baker home on the Ely Perry f.-irm and dipped on the Sno.v Hill Road and razed four dwi- Ings, plntea the roof otr the swana sider the New Y’ork plan, whicn '-t- rmonv Hardv re-id^ nce and rr- he said, was pr ividing a State Vet- di.oerl to debrii numeroue tob»» erans University lo be known as (*(, barns the Dewey University. Col. Harrc-l- —■*.• - son of the N C. Slate College of I'lfESIliFNT SIGNS BILL lO Rulcigh, also asked that the gover- INC REASE POST OFFICE PAY nor consider the New Y'rk Plai'. consideration, and passage. If it Twelve Hour Day dots pa**, as it is ‘‘xpccted. five of Dr. F U. Biuiord, piesident ol the Raleigh Negro carriers will hi* the N. C. Agricultural and Techii.- L-ligible for immediate reliremont. cal College, Greensboi'u, told G.and Frank WaL*''n. who was ap- Cherry that his .school was run- poinli*d in 1923, with more than white persons in the field ol oing twelve hours a clay Irom 7:00 one year'.* military .*-«-vice will |. ’inn:!. p, m, with J 30 minute.* lunch pe- eligible next year. With the retire- Among thi.* year's grunts ar - riod He stated lhat this siluatio-i mem of men. only Charles thi first made smee invol- iiud worked tiemeiidous hardship L. Williams, an appointee "f 1949 ving*oii travel .St Clan opmi his teaching persi riuel and will nmain. I':ak', co-aiitiioi ol Hlack .M'-;- Ihjit Hiey hud not con-plauu-d; he Th«- present retirement r*'(|uire- ruplis, will .study tie- impaci ot asked that they be given some iv- ment is thirty years -ervice or (!o Fuiopeun Ne.-'i'a-s on tin po|ni!a hef In this coiineclioo The iinmal ye:irs if age, with an annuity of tion of the Isles durini*. capacity ut Greensboro. Dr Bin- $1200 per annum. Th- riJiremi-nt th war. Roiiert Criice Kvmiuii. ford reported, wa* W)0 and lhat the bill, it is reported, is $144(1 per an- Beikely, California carp«-nier. will boarding students enrollment uf mim with 25 y«-ars service witnom go to Elliiopia ••- '" '* ' present is 7o0 and that Ihe total i-iunds to age. nein.t iirollineiil is 1809, More than IlOO Those who have had •J.l years * V-- - Norlli (.aroliiiiaii (k‘ls |{(is‘imal(l Ft-l!o'vslii|) CHICAGO. Ill-Wilmoth -in vite Carter of Ga-stonia. N. L. hi!*- bten granted a Rusenwa.d ■i-ilowship to inaki- a .-oe:ologi-al anelvsLs of th( Negro main streets Souiht-rn cil:e' at Columbia L'nrversity. it hat; been un- noiinf. d. Awards totaling $10U,tlb't weri- i.,ade Fiidav to 3! N«giu and 1C Southern m-d thn -• N-> ud.'- lit- ol liuit eoiiiitrv Biaxt’.n Mb A Superior Funeral At A Minimum Cost Lightner Funeral Homes HOME OFFICE: 312 SMITHFIELD ST. RALEIGH, N. C Telephones 3-1676 - 1-1677 BRANCH OFFICE: FUQUAY SPRINGS. N. C. POSSIhLK CAUSKS • Due or nioie "lj»lii,ed out ' li-l.e* • Broken power ptu -, or curd • IJ ft-ellVe ballast oi line ie.‘,Lstoi • Faulty ull-oii switch CURE—TRY AN EXPERT! Pi-oinpt attentiuii by a coitpetent i*adio servive man POU FRIENDLY AND KhFIClKN’l .SFHVK K' BUTLER’S RADIO SERVICE DORSEY BUTLER,, Prop. 743 Fayetteville St. — 24-Hour Service Dial 6273 in Mill n WAixir.i) :)«to n2 M'-- to 2-4'» applicants had bet*n tefused. Dr vice are H H Town*, of the Ha.’cs Bhiford said Barton Host Office; S. G Turtii-r The peak -f applicants, it wa-! ,,f stale College Post Office; VV /> p itted t* expected to be reached P.riy. Wavland E June* ami Cl.a in 1950 and the conference wa.* •■all- o Irving of the Noiin Post Offi* (t iij ii..l.t; t provide foi the Mr. Willium?, uikUt Hu- new l>i growth until that time will be eligible in 1905 Plans SuRgesled The carriers eligible f-’r retire Ur Clyde Irwin, Siipenntcndent rrenl were appointed following the ,f Piibli Iii'iruction, -uggestc'd first World War. it was learned and that the state »ecure centers and ;-i'ieivi-d their appointment bccauro use facilitier. of the Itigh schools of their military .service, together uig April, Mrs Loi* D Durham, lege thi" relieving the rolleges of with the aid f the late Captain J e>:tu.ive stci.-tary of the Wake to teach the first two years of coi- E Hamlin. No Negroes have been County TuterculohU Association, th-e junior college ■w’ork. ^apyointed d*«.Ting or since this war.; anr.canced here Wed.-'.&saay. A ul tiUU pii- hiiigt ;• High Schorl >- rvulosi* dui Wr are filling held order* for telephone* .tR fai»l a* equipment can lie itiBii tfurliireH und inr.ltilleil. 2^2^7i^^leleplionea were InMalled during the past six months—ULb.W of them during Ihe first three monlhs of thi* year—but we still ha%e many llioiisumi* of appiieutioii* for service on hand. ttur program for the next few year* calls for im expenditure of $.3(K),(l00.0IK) for fmildiiigs, swilehimards, wire, ealde und other eqijipmeiil to provitle more anil l>eller local and lung disltince service. There is yel a long >*ay to go lo cuich lip on prcscnl held orilers for service, hill we arc iiioviitg lull speeil aliead and looking lot-ward li* the day when all who want seiilee can get il without delay. In the meantime. \ -,ir . ..*•/, .Ilioti i .f»‘»ccciittc»l. luLtPHb.i- .iiiU (lLlUHAI'H uUMPANY INCbHrOBAYiD ♦ ♦ : Spacious Chest i at... Rhodes-Collins Five Drawers $4.0U DOWN ^19.95 $1.25 WEF.KLY Get the exir'j drawer spac** you must need lo badly in ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ * «; ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ i ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ; ♦ ! ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ LAIiC.Kli .SlZf^; THAT ■MANY KI.NI) HARD TO I; K'l', CREPES PRINTS SPUN RAYONS BEMBEHCiS PRlN-r jraSEVS COTTONS •ntirelv oJ choir, harilwoods e i ♦ thi. heavy chcl. Mad. and s.ncdlhly .andtd, ready for you lo litii.h. Five large drawers atrd made by honesl crailsmett. ♦ ♦ ♦ i-OTTONS ■1.8.5 In 8.9.5 oTiiEra 10.95 to 24.95 I and 2 f'o. STLVES , JOMPLEIE' . rURNlSHEKS Wilmington & Mat tin Sts. Raleigh, N. C. IH R.ui:iui it's FASBIOHS Insurance Building