Prlntl r* Ftr't . Ky. 3 NEGRO GIs HELD ON SEX-SLAYING CHARGE iANP SPECIAL RELEASE, M WII.A, V I i.Wi'.' 1.. N, . I.' l'l ,,lri T.,, .-.-X M . M. ht.m;- •. .. y : i.iitu-ri ^vjll , I city -'il'tiii III ti!. •• :• A w ilii liu' r i-i;. iin III II ■ r. i(K ntili'. f>v ln-i diKij^ht- r^. .1 i.irh.iil Ilf Mrtnl:> The i" .1 'In' nllU'l IWl'il jl'L- .Itl'l'JVMII il'A iUi-.'U- til the .*l;iin xLm, Li C'.ii, J. K. Gii , i, rn -nn ii.indl«-d by the U, Ai ntv Cniiii- t iHj.i II ti liVL .on iind tni 'iifu'.-; ^■^lll•lp^ny 'rartial pr iri't-d'iiv. Miiilary •itiu ..U hfi- n-lu^rt .ildieis 1.* il;sriii-.i luildci iiiionn; Maiilla .'iimi.fidv di'UfCtive who :ir.» priparinK court thf OHin . ot toi thjvi- ‘Carmen Jones’ Snagged •vA'dii.-.f; lov M*' Ill'll;, H 'l- ri- : ,ri.,- rlii-'lii'i-fl Im , I' >11 Oi .1 I,:| Nf'ii'i" .til' ii'ii 'l..rv au'fi c-taini ih.M :iir .^l•'>lloli« .ifid p'-'-i'. inini' IS I, fi r; i''i *>1 - 1 .t.i.n. ■ tr.irk- to ,1 , the riin.' if the fir’ inv III- .iinok *fi"ii. ih n^in. '' I’a.ii fh.!) I Wi- liii'tk' il at I'lim A. 'n.i -ii ifi tmn • M liar..I hi-:, la..' ' I . ■' j Hill -11 ■■ I Ilf (‘aniii-ii .l••lJl - 'I' i*i. _’*i aii't 27 1 na. an al n.- M-ia ic: Hi- Id. a - ,-n"in:h 'll Hu .. not drau'ii and >;n ain hail flitlii’iij. •"! • CASE AGAINST OKLA. UNIV. STILL CONTINUES C»KI.(.»IU»MA I'lTV 'ANPi rO-'|a; ro.-f,rui..iir»- Ui 'll o .:,ii L'hi>ci.>it.' '.ri.ul of n- icceii'.. ly for li H i- 'll Vi' tilro in ■.a- ca..c of A-'a I.o, Stj-i v, uu board m di-tik" m.- Mi ~ Sijm. I th.oujjh iht .\AACK i ..s IjUd j pctilioii of KiaiKiaiDu- 'y h.* .eci,- .0 riii-'il ho thf OkUih'jij.. r-h...»| of I .M Ally, ('.oil Mi.r Q Will;, in n. POliii -. l for the -tale .iiid iln IkhuJ. t •aid ' in poiiiint f|o- .»or. -.iLi-d by the liligalioir' in jHe ili.’ spiy ‘ neci-siiy. h.-.irinj -.tlirHiilrd ’ for "lay t»l. ' r.^mtr.enting on Uic action. Jlj-. 'iw Ehmicc, fdiioi oI 'kt Black L*i • I pa'rh and prc^idcnt of ihr Okl.i.| luma Conf'rcncc of .VAACP' n.Mii. lir.. -uid Ihr suit wu' filed lu- '^^>rll ifl.-r Ml' .Si|iui'N' .’ipphea-! -Imi' m The Kchoot of law in J.nnt-I *»r>- 'was Ignored. He -ipid; ' 'ThtTC L«. no ails 'cr the -'ale ami ir^I- P.-iXiIi: Till Kni;el of i. icgr-- 11: If ihcr ihiin lo admit Ada! I.olIs Sipucl to the University uf| OkiiihoiDJi." FORMER GIJ5, PNRnil.^flT I Poll Tax Forced on South By North, Says Speaker E'actiirs Tiriii.u' On 'I'iie Isionu.'iit.' OI' llillioism ami Kankinism .\i'e Initiatcil Fi'ain Uu- .Xni tlu-i nm- Kntei-pi iseis Bog Down On Democracy WA.MIN' If ! I pllv M.MtION .\.M>l-.RtiON. 01.1) It HKCmVE auarias \t ii\(OL.\ f. Khiitt naiinve are llaroti lcke.«. form.r sef-r.-lary of interior irifiliii. and .tiarian .Anderson, iaznoiis (-nniralto. r.-i-ririnc thr first aiiiiiial mrdalMnn awards cf till* .\lphu f’lii .*lpha ir.-.ternity at l.lne.ilii I'niversily. Oxford. Pa. The tun iiatioiially • kiiou'ii riiests reel Ivrrl the awards on 'tlnnda> evening. .Ma vl:5. at the Dewey Accused In. Freeport Case VOHK '.•\ I’l (iiiveinor I'- K ])e-.i.y 1- it. i|b.T.ili.l> .it- .\. ■» York t ANl'i No d.-ui. t •'.I- pl.>n to hiiiii'-. '. o! the lt inocraiu- uii-ii! li-.- nr ;.: f.-i l.ii-k 111 our .-Xiin-oi-i.n M-hi-. sy.'.vin, .K-cor»iiny to Di Hi-n-.i n'lii .Moy.s. VICO pi..'iih-n' •: ii r -.'i i'.ii t.'iiuitcil III' Chuu:ln- Aeimu the qin-i;’ m tl.i- i- om nioi’.ixiiii ..oim, '‘ hT-i. :i o th«- Hilly N.kih t.a .1 pan- •' . xperUs. l)i .Ma\s uint-ii pl.r f'u ileV '’lop:iuir oi .ii-;r.ui lai y T ■'W.izisnt giippt-tl iht- iiiiiiil an *r.m Hi i., .p.„n s-.oi -V a plan, !>i. M..y.^ .said, an 1 -m-isial that .iiiMHiiacy .an i- .'wv. ..n Hrt.ini/.i-.l pnn-i liio- n ;.;t; inini-ni ot -jiials, !u-;,’mun; •.-.'itii revi.'..»n of im-iii-mii,i.i!i. : Ali'.i.jk.' .so •'\',’i\ tifious. ao'l ;iioup i- .•> n- p.i'hitiv-. .Ill just;, ii.,,!.-.! VVv ..J I \i-. .---no..' .• -A.M liall of 'h.-iTi .\ - II.t- I 01,^11 JO .,.! I'.r nn ,: U> U-l .S'.iil. ; SVediic-daV- . V- !.i 'auiift. .1 i.inuni.iit. lo nose til.- .Si.iiilu-rn Conf.-iei.o- ■ ui Wiil.ii.' ."li to .ip!il..nJt- M.ii-old I. k»-.'. t;-c ; of h-m-r. X.-henle. owin-i-.tup .o:d lin.j'UUii [,1 i>!i 1. e- r -aiilroi of util !-.> thi oorlli ,.,„i,iininlly ;dnt ioi.tiTi-ii' uui 'h.ii ihe 't iH‘ h I.- ix burJ.n on tin. I ibi'l To p.,y Ff r- •s(' ih. BULLETIN Norfolk Jury Frees Wilmington Girl MHtf f»t.K. Va. — Mrs. LaaOi Maiiui-l :>illin'. Ilf WilmiagtMi. UJ-. freed by .Jury here Monday •'vrniny fur allered kJMlng of her Ax iil husband Sammy Collins. 'Iriai hetjati 10 a. Ri Monday aBfl iinil vi-nflet released at « r>. III. \llv. t'lilorcd. WM .iiiiunK the aitiirnirys represent' in? Mrs I uilins. ^|rs. Colltiif l-aiias she shot hnr husband in self derense. .Mrs. ('ollitu ef>- Inraeil to W'ilininirlon Tnesdmy niaht KKX REVIVAL i MEETS GREAT jOPPOSip KNUXVU.I.E .ANP. - A sirtHsh* I Th-'Kiui tno'-e sv-o iidvocated hi .e hi-i week in :io enitiriiil ap' piani. I!' fill- .Nine.- Sentinel. H « Ir.i-;.l !■ laic d.-lly, fnlloiring Qie j If'- 111 KKK KonklTve" .-itop Stone I 'I'liiiii >ai. ■ 'i'll' Klaii h...- di - its 'vbite I slici-'s out of the Tnnfhl'all-." the j iKthorvtl -nid "Men "i ii'iulerimefr. l|>Tao'i>, i|; .iml i-iintnal ih* I'CM I. Ill eparlni.' , ---i- m.'rr la j ik'i- in. .■ Iiiw unt I th ;-m>Iv - .Soma 2fi .vi-Jir.'- nuo. when the Ku Klux ua-* dtiven out. some ube ! nr. di-U‘d 11 w. ild .-oturn when jmioihei- crop of snekiTS was ready I fin ilu- hiir\»-si. Xpparently, the j Klao livaiership liui '-es that time 10111'. id I'HI I'Ollull' I'i rhap* looked around ■f I1....I .0(1 other' i.;li.-> l-.iIiOli Ill' i>niii-i|)..l f:n-f" - tha: f.irc. tie poll ;ax upon lO.oniHjon voi»*ii.«..' ooJhiiiu.i>, lu- eli.iiutsi Hi- t .l.d till- n rilierii fii'iaa-u-rs .md!>-nl.-«- in-iu-i of th-- .south's oi.i- tui' riiid indiisti'iul in-'p. foi inaiiilauun;! 'he politii-ol ’ j, . .indi'ioii- ih.i! all- fjn-imj Roi-jfi.i; , xiii, H.lLx. .out n.-i-i-e ' upon the j ,1,, • li.ih pulilic J:i ill!" tli>- poll iix I-!»(.,. m , • I- fiv iHiii-iit .ongry.v.(n.-'i.' ' (j,,. 5^,1,. .1.* ..-i.i. -I : .4 ii-.i: on V j "i -fi-; am.'ll pLii.-nii^f of vnt.-. ..arni.l^oin ot • v ILiikm. Uiib. and IteeiC. |i>, ..b.viiiii- owiu-r.- t. flow b«fk I •vhoMi hi- p.tii.ieri a« . ihe 0’!. o; ilu- fni-ni of p.ilii «lu.i> II. ti.a-il..ii..l dtnirtiT.iry' fa,„i. (o,- .uiiTrnl ' III; ;' iiu-'i. Ill liu- 'Hiilh. -on- hi- mall vo'. wiihoul 'viiii-l; tn-> I 111-,' lioin tl.i no:-!’.. Iiki> the pie>. ri i-. >i-'.n:-.t:iii-.-«ould n-l ex .I'll r .i -111.: loth' ''M-’deT,' .181- nt 'd Mr Ii'kv*. So iiiui'h -if Itii l»r./•, ’'’i'l,. ,i> • i 0 II 1..). l.iU ji.iyine itu-ii ji.itly' ‘*|.irid r.-Dont! ither things noted ru- ct-iii icii .if ni"otry and Intoler- iiH-i- riuht hi-re in Tennossee and iruTiiroled ' *-venls ih.ii thi siiek«-r crop is ripe. KInn aitiviiies wen- confinedi flc.-riin; u few thousand suckers^ .viinid not bt‘ sn outrageous. [ Its hhlory is one of murder, . ,,thu‘V«Ty. prnslitutiTin of put^ .ind mob violence of the t i vii-i.o,--- kind •AmiMiraTui must I Klaii c-m.- It. life agoln. There I ■ mi pliicp In thii country for Wh^ Shots, who nn- i’- i-angerwis . , . ,, t .m.iri..o -jaere iMhr.-'s Bvtl . '.TlShirt. ,,„d ShJrtJ iiur, .iM- Ifo- out .nil' IllVOStUi i oh iiguimis niKl • .|i|io.'0i..ii li. liiii III 1 i>r- Hiiii -nvc' taxae. I'l ■ I.-*- ll..Vi‘ .;npi'ia'd .-'rth*-' l-Hii -as I'lmr.-r c I voline ilu-v have no .III of )i'oti-.iiio( .iif.iins'. I • I Ooi h.'ri.'Mi, ibitl, _v— ;M0THER of 1946 1 PRAI^Fn IN II. aid Ihr .,11 r 1 filed in April ..ft. I Mis. .Si|iu«-U .ppliea-. -Fr arii.Hit of Ixw in Jar.i.-j ary -was ignored. He ssid. Therr j* nn ana = er the «»8lc •r>: ti.r Mirvl 'll I. logr-- '• llici 'him to atlmil Ad-i' Loti. Sipuel lo '.he Univer-ity ...fl Oklahoma.’* i FORMER Gl, 6.5, ENROLLS AT LOCAL SCHOOL ' It \l.l-.IOH .\ii lie. (hr miroll. f'ji ii IIU-llI I.r .Inloi. fur-;,I Kilkoiid. «-.• ,-eii-"l. .V;h.' ••'criin. iii ihr hi-h »rhfiol dcpo'im nt of ’i.r VV.t (o liigh ch'.l T I study .-i • k.;. T'kiiie oi' -iituar of 'll' OI H'C "f lti-||t., tflrr I lifr'imi .i( . . I'.-ilI.rii.-i J. ui la..i t.'iKing his .1. .- 'Ifii i«- iviiii-.r wi'li rniph.isi 'in 0|.,llirii iltc .i-liirl- Jl'- rxp's-t - I,- liar . hrn I r .jnr- ipt" tlu- rc 'l • I'.r '.U'-UU-'-S, He I.. D>rii in VV'nrien .-oinity: '•n M .ich IR. Iftftl. .in-l .il tin ,ici- «if I'lili'.tpd in th.- .N-ivy .-ind -'orv-' rd »jii(jl -May ltH4 D'ning hi • .'s f,f ri-'ii-f hr wa- -hip', i-onk nhoarrl many -hips -md imrlrr imm- • ro; - '•'imm-itid.s ini Indin,: Admiral Enu-.t .1. Kins in 'hr fir ' World War. L^'hil*. Ill 'lie .cnicr 1»- .it'cuu' f' -ru-ral X I'-y rhool- uiid when lelic'-rd Ilf duly u:'. ;,hip‘s cook, fir • (-Jos .. kf ci. cifieil to «-oiiiini;r ill education. .M.CRION AMtKRStf.N. HAH- OI.rt It KKS REf FIVE AWARI>y AT LISfOLN 1’. Show iiaonve are Haro), lekes, form.r >rrr(-lxr> of interior Irighli. and .ttarian Anderson. I famous rniiiralin. rccrivinr tbr first aniMiai medallion awirda i-f tin- Alpha Phi A'pha ir.'.trrnity at l.lnroln l'nivrrsit>. Oxford, Pa. Thr two nationally - known jncsts rcfri'rrt thr awards on Mniidai rvi-nlne. Ma ' i:>. at th.' Inivrrsi|>. tin- nldrst institullon foi hichrr rduraJloii >,f Nt ernes in Anirri'a. Pr>‘s«nline llir aw’ards ''rrr Itr. Ilorat-r .Mann Rond, l.ini- (-rill iirr'i'Irni ilrfl. and Jack O.iwley. rcpr.-scnlinc ll«r fralrr nity. i.XN'l' Photo' WAR HEROES KILLED IN BOMBER CRASH TL'.SKKGEE 'A.VP' Thi- h>- rof. of -i." tnrnod :i:;2nd fi h'.r ci-tn.|i n-i-n- .imnn- ti p k y tin: :i It-'.*'* l>onibr|it-H -a th i(> i-M-w 'HI'- nulr soolh -f hiip ,-i midniitht .Sondoy Adv-i-s. wr.itlii i ronditi-ms ur'' rrjiort.-d I', hr I (-'P'ln.'iblr for Mn di'Jistpr. trim- cri HOP '.f Ihr 'VHr--t iii ihi- lii-tT.v (,f Tii-k- af-i ar -ly ,iir field Tiip -It-ud 1 hri or.- .in- C ii': ‘-ktw-.ird .M Thoinii'. .lol'ii rjanu: tind Arnold W Cisco. Thoma.'' and Ihiiciii- "i-ie iin.', wliiIc foiiiim ed on link ..u.'e) Dewey Accused Freeport Case f.i L-aik nia.;.iz:n. i i' Ihi- Hilly .Ni .in. xpi-ib*. Di M;r . •!.i(.:i;ini .it .li-:r.H-i:ii y zism ^1 ippi-d the iiuiui ai piin-t I ' pi.n ; . «>>(-tine la.nn*' I ol.o .> tu .1 /i-l !i; knai.'. 1 . • TI-*V( t . lh : -Uih iii-.l 'lUlin ; 'i.’ii'-.'-" Hastie Finds Filt!' iinfl iN'vefty Must (.lO In I. It!-, .'■(■vu.ion "if nn .sIi.o..l;s 0 thill . V. I • “ iij I'lus, iiiifl n«i'.Hi-.,il ^l .N.NI’i fiovoiujr {v.’hft’ciiH.v ami justi.. ; .- ,1 iibPr.iUi.\ Wv sli.iuld i- ' i-. -t-hoHl pi ttemioi kranis ii. iiu-lu.ii th '-ntlilrt-n 4.v'-n ciiminuiiil,' -'n 1 tiH.i .n-giiti-ii li.i.sjs .iiiii ... ii,. - .11- W-‘lH Wiiul'l il''l , • )> :iii i|)I public is.ii.; "I '.WO Ne- • .11 11. I,. 1 . on* ic .ni{»iiii ol : W .XNP Wi 11 Hii..'ii, ..I- ni:>;t*.' : : I, sf N’:-a; ; 0"i "I li-' - •' I-i.-ntU. liwt W'-» k ..iiJ isiaiidt : nin.-' incHiii t;. '.h'-in : • F*i I'-iii I iin)>i II Clemency Urged For GI Prisoner '.1. nt p. Hill ' T. oni.'i'. .'.inJ hi- li'.p . !■ • t.'iiioiuy 'll till ulaiiil. .\;:aa : Ho pi ]• c«-nt populat'-.i b> .Ni^ii- .- A’.' ay from the '-liin'l.s sinci Whi -.I. in-n C'lni Imi'-d a '..-iiv. .:- !: jji-,. 1. I luiigi f-i.isl- said ht- v.-Hu:il t:* ' iii.ik-.- kim-.-.. ■ |i tri;- unn- 1. •> ... -n 'i.'Uti..,.. ".'Itil I-Ul .ill’ > -. ■ ■ ill.- ill..l ‘ 1.'!' ill iiinual ..It M.i: II’-- fi'.i .. ..n ibsiihn • ici'ii. th. United St.f.-.' Ml--.-' •I.. the- ...:.v to gHV' in their L'nJi-i 'i'l' pi't'.si-i-t .-.•.-I'-h; til Pr.-?ich-n' appi'int.s •]•.. i-.i-.-' i,. NFU V'JRK P ..m,.,' K Ih- li niptn.g to di llUi.l- p -llt- ai II bi'oti,. ; ■ i w in-ni J .uni> jiiu.ii. ii '111.' 'Mil.-. ;>> cK-.ii- Hi.; -liiM- .. -mM ll.i- Ko Kh.n. 1; I'-.i-s 'n..i*;cd ll, w»-i-k Ii,-. .\1 - j).i ii;:iy I, 1... • . > •xi-iu'.iic .v-cic-Uoy lit the- Nc.v '’oik .’on iniM.-i- f,'i Jii tici- III Fi p-ii' ill . li-'I(-i to (hi'n-i.ui- U , -ii-.i l.-ilU.-ti.H ■:ii-l..i.- : tnat Ai- tv Gcii. N.ilhaiorl 1. Gold.'l.-.ti n -h.wii .;!!:.-ii ml .u.-i.i.i- m- ll.C'l .11 lh" .-Xlslc-'l ' f tl.r Ku K!"X Kl.iii II. thi,. -tat . king .i '! '»b’."iiH;.^ pi.blu-i',.' I'-i .. aon-i-x utci,i ;.iiii-i Ihi- Kl.n all(-gi-ll\ 'H hiiv 'A-hil at *'i- sum.- lun. lctibi-i.iit-ty .it- 'eiiiptiiig to obsciiic- the f.i'l th.i th'- • : i-e "f '111- Klaii c.ill- e,. -h" it'ctii.i. lit Ml Golds!.-' ing . .-'I FINAL RITE HELD FOR K. OFF. HEAD UlIlMIN'tiH.'.M 'N-- ■ r I ,1, .-i'.'i'i- .i-r«' lull l.i-i- ■.i.’ho ..-. [ •t 'il'>'..pu;!!. . .\ .:F . i-hoi. 1!' f.'i i)'i-.,i' W .\'l.iin.s iijirrn »-i-li..!'-i c. Il.'-r -.f 'III- Ki', I-.’ ii I'yihi. • • illlll f.-lHl'ill ..f 'ill- ili. MIHlVllain It.-' {III. ii-r, .1 !.>« .1! wick!. uh.i .li-.ii ..--14 ii;i uusiiiMUOiiiK. pWH'- -' • ' , -■.lirti*;..- ail- ■f.rvii.K R-ii'-Iti.^ . .n xiii. Il.tbii .0.(1 n.-ei-r upon th.-. A !.VI.can public- '*.71-1;- 1 ..TH IJi- l UbiM.- Uu- -j.iJ, 1 ,x h au-Li-'. reel ( m-.n- ‘ .r« i f v pt ri rnt .on|;r«eMi»r*-i.' Uj„. ^j, ^ i„x . . .= tT,v ... y. ., .... «m.,ll .V ii,.r’i.,i;r ..f -ol - i-antcl v«m -tl h- 'V K.-ikiii, IJllb " .'lid llecte | t-y b I 'l.- -.'it-r i« ti.-i tm.-x vh.Mii h- p.ctL-ieri .•oph.ii.n-; to the '>-*h o ih.- of polin • lh 'll nirti-r.try • ,, i,„ ,t,,,-rul •' Hi-a h •iiir - Ml lae '■uilh, -roll- 'n.- mill vo-. -.i i... .t '-lint ' 111", n Jin the ii'if'i:. tikc-> the- picMr: 11 a ..r. t:.Tu .s- .. jid o'' rx "'ll t ,v .nii; I'lilr u-midt-r'■ iial- i.t d Ii-kc-». 'Sh murh .if ili» pr..-, ‘■'flu v ..! . i! (.,\ t.-. « ■|t fi-,-iTi -ouliien. inoi'-'i ■- ii(■■1,1,111.. n b-.i-k pavi-i Boilermakers Seek Negro Membership s ad \mpi n- •• ..u - -rr n. life , ShTt- « hi. Sf.* f ihi.n-i .. . i 'Sim-'. ,..rt ,-r Btoek 9 MOTHER OF 1946 PRAISED IN BOTH HOUSES i.\Kt..\.\;). c.. ' \NF*1 Ion lute Ik il«-r .'-k 'tuo-'-b 11 -tly lini'h Tih- I,.; t Tt i-.-dov .if Fi., r.. i}.- lh Hil III lici U-: th.- R' pul il" -t:.’ KKK Outlawed IN California I Cl. n.itrtp^ a.ivt-n- :• .. 1-.. la; li'-utmant tt.ivern'i. riflminL'tiatnr tor t-.i- ^j;:t-i it. Cmis. hi:.., si '>! th. 'lit . - I,. ic'i iiuik 'iji .h, K.o 'Continued n b.ick ji.ik' ' ',s I.'!. Ill .-ii-.iu- .1 lull,'Mi 11. lit- .'I. :• ll-;.|1 .lili-I ..Itnivi.-jn ij;-II..-' Ml Ka Klox Kl-m ("i' ‘h. O'Mill.' |ntipii.t "I :iliiia pi'l'- s-.ipii'l I'M 'll.- f'.rth(Hmio2 i-lt-''."-Ii. iipaii-'hili- -p-ortiiii; I.) diii.;i ity t .ivuiil takiii,; .n-ilint in Kinny. . . I-.- -it l|-MI,hf Ul’inliT nt IWI ■[ ',1,; N'. ^i-i n-.'iih'iits ii.-.-r-.-itikatiiiii V.'.- ■’ G"' Lh-v. y li.lH'i ..f I,'- i,u.l.. Kns Kliiii in t'. !m-i ;.i-' ' ll . (.»• .III.^ i.-k priT. CP Tak'-.s lip l-'in'lil I'or l’\-l. (tulicrl l■.olllr. Alloiri'clly Accu.scfl of Hap- I PRISONERS GET PAROLES { .f ft. w I IfP },1.-- I toiir-|. Ilf tifo MMFfGif Hc7rK- .h Wo..-, ''f W ikr (■■flinty, t-ntriir-.d jti the Drcr-mh. r. PM.S. 'crm of 'hr Wake C -utily .Si.p'-rior Court I . M in"ntJi., on ' rharpp '»f 8>>aul( with inU-n'. 1-) kill, w .!.• one of >c'en prisnnrr.s gfi.t-d parolps liy Governoi- R, (ii-i - Cherr'- Hall a-vuy Cr . Co:’ ujt t'lnrr of paroles, announc- M i-f-re Wrdnpsdny. G'lvorn. r Cherry -aid in ‘lie p-i-'ilr ord( I 'hat th** pri.s-1 er h id h-an of iiond condu.'t find that J'lditr R- Hunt Parker, trial judc« and thp Wetif'rll Chief of PoHci h.jd recommended parole. nthcru paroled w-erc; Eli Griffith. • •nion-.-ed in Cabarri ? County in August. 1945, for manslaughter to a term of tw-o to five years: Hci- acr "Bino'* Wack, convicted in Durham County July. 1937. of second degree murder and sente -c- .d to lEi tu 20 yeari in State Prison; (Continued on hack page) ■ >iini'”il Loiia. .' f i.:f i IN' - It - - « IT'MIh l.'bor S- ji- 1' i-mn Cunip 1; v. v ;is -i-iod b a G. -I ll Coufl-Mai-utl ill Ch.- 't'.iny 'll. Ill JJti'l day of 'I:iy, 104.'. f'lr 'll illem-'i bi-ci.h of the !J;:;iil .Nr’ii-lc -'f War The- ii rifii-itioi'. tritofj hi- h-id - mn iilr-ri tlm crino- f,f I'iii'o U'-'i A:..r’,. G'lh' Th.' |M-iiiirin i">iiit»-d oo» ilui' the def.ii'. .'oiii'Cfl nj'p inic-d •'•- I'rnd l.nnu fiiilcd to b.- prc-.'iiit at 'b'- Ti ll, ; .'d tha: .. minni officer ariing i> .i-M 'imt riefeu-.t- c-ounrol hand 'o conduct the .irfen!.c of ihc -.•r'-iceman II wa- 'tilled 'hat 'hi- failure /f the defen.T counsel at the tri-il handicapped Pvt. l.img. as his di'fense was baiidlcd prajrly .•mi inexpertly, .'hnwiii!: either a lack of cxpciience or InUrest. The petition further p- tilled out the testimuny of the prosecii'.- Ing -viliicss was confused, contr-’- (CuDtiuued 00 back page) \v....,.!ti*;t.-n ' ANH’ A tribute t . .Vila Ftiiin:i Cienw n*H rwnVly s- . t'-ri 'h. Aiiici-c..n mother for I firt, i.a; c-Mcfui *'1 in th.' hoiiae (. m.i'i' ’ h« ri- last week h- Ki p- Franc- .• i* BhUpu (Rep. .Jim ('i'i)wism -S.-t-.s I^asl .St;ii\(l !n I'„.ili-rmaki-i-s' iHii'.i-i: Given F.iual .-i-.iO'i tl.e pov\.-;--ll‘-ii«»’'.na Mr- Kmma Clartaw .. .' Cl io-n» if I- jisviU*. incther •■'f ^ ib. :iia 'ii't .r.' p-.Mtum in the i, i- c f.ii.ons -iidiUniJirib i!i:H w'i,'-i. th.y have gone." .N-iwioif' I’--;:", , c : !ii..n til ht‘ KiV.-n ’Hi's Goiot a m ; !oitm-|j .. ... .r.., Mr.« . picoucint 'w ^-yicKiiant Ji nH'n.^Mt-- in every unun if the Sliip-j ...^^ highest Coiii'i.ii’.ie |gu.nJai.Js of inotii^rhood. .oil. "tiit' -.;ite«l clear-. j |.(,n.iai.- il-J vm': real priv I ■' .i-.iih I'f 'h- 8. ler-' pj pii* ji;;') rreord of HO. Ill t!(l.ioriiia shali'iii, Uniu’d St.iter t-ongroag the i.)c-c js full members,lurnisiu.i by ihi- C(.tTimi)la« -c-ic..tiHiif' .I'd ih.M ‘.ill 1V.hi. i ho'e h.-I-t', rtpresent Amer- 111.!' Ill clai’lt'ifii sh..llj.caii .n--h«'rlioo.i fur tins year of :.(l . jl'-Jh I W'afh I} W'CV pCKsSiblo to r Ii.u'ki-c. . '-ilnax to ;i iiuJUilv hci-- pie. ii'- that all Who , Ix^.-n in 'it'.* -priiig ofT -li iliuht .:c IIS« the spirit tflftt i .i"Up -il workers, 11-"-'tat. - ( hr;. I have -ionip>'oii. n -idi-, ‘ - I ’ll Ship Fil'.vrs local -.f Li'i i-.'4arihi.i' ihc-ir p"li-l .. .» j/..luaii'g TsegriiOa. Joined by t 1. U.i.' t'oiuiL-il \aninst dus- eriiniri.i',1111 Thonipson'-- rfi'inp »-i liBlcd tin- .lid cif wlutc* wui'kcTs 1 PCI ll ic.ioii,. 'ill- inic-rr.ttiooal union ft; .« lair p. Iii'j lo'vi.rd leh mm- ROLLER RINK iLOSESJ.C. FIGHT i.iii. i .•k..iiiiy .ink ..j*.eHl ,) a limi .^ I".' .m a p.ii '.Clin "lilt'' 'I- .nigJi Roiji’l .'.i.i-hi-l. in.'ii.i^'-i •■•'O appi'Ul'-' in furc .\Iuni. ip.i: .lu.ii, Li> .Si!.i!;.'. ..1. .ii:i;'M- •! . i.-ialin.' , ,1. . H--- - . . -. .'I 'imatict ; Mi.'h ! " I- I.IHI -Ian "it ;li-i. !i:ih . . I ..'ll .ll.lltlL"ll>li 1" ilU-. .ikiltlllj ;:i.k T..\ 'M-., Willu.rn C. 1 ;.yiu HaV-.-s Wi!.- '('"i.tino'sl II > k p.i-o'’ • nicin s-ai.i W'.iLe oi.i ritn.ii.i .u !•. -h.i .ill •11 -.ui, ndfillt -i'-rfl. -• ilh tiO li-c -iiixili.ii - I'll fnuir. Ill ■ , 1842, '.i-.-M headcsl iij nroiesl ’ll ’ '..III E'l "111; SilU IlHil • ii'irfgl' " coiiir. qu. Inch wi.'. I'l-r cd Thompi.'jo Hwn . s tu liow he of Ilu‘ iiuon’s Atlanta Set For Baptist Convention Washington (.ANP)—^Maj, G-n. Paul R. Hawley, jiftmg aurg'nm end Hied ^;c^v nanei TROOPS TO BACK MISS. VOTERS Miown hfrp ar? Mirnr 'il Hi- spvrral hiindrt-d la)nun who pai- llripaird in the a'>si'inhly of ( .MF Uymrn held each momiiie prior to thr opening of thr griirral'con- ferrncr at Saint Louis. ITof. Hen ry J. Carruthefv. prumiornt t'hl- caguaii. Lh president of thr Lay men's council, t. F. Durr, Bir* inintihani. i.s (.eneral ".n-rriary ot la> aclivilrts. Ilr w:>' one of the four ('.Ml' griipral officers who rr- rrivol thr unanimous vote of the enlirr c'nfrrcncc for rr-elertion for thr 1946-I959 u'udrrnnium. lia'ing welded (hrmHrlvrs Inlo .tn .TrUculate body, ibr laymen af* ffcird legbUUon favorable to Lt'mcn — rtjiiali/aliun of lav rr.p- rrsrnlaliiin i,i ttn- annual confri- r with that of the clergymen; • aising of the- Hiatus of ilir lay men council to rerocnilion; and revlHlon -f thr ronstilolion of Ihr drpartmrni of lay artivltira. The i..a.'men's council ai. ited Gen. W- Unlbrrt. Chicago, to pnliUsh felt u> to.iniiti-; ^if the iiuons jv- -* **- "aJIiLi . 1.,- . S.-neral ot the V-k-ians .dmu..- . . ,1,.. 1100,1 111 thi- -irueale s'l-a'l"". '“o' remind- ... lh.,,. $.1.00,1 111 ^ id that Noun, nursi-s are Amer- ,r.e> hi. -„mr ,hal the only quail- fications required fur their em- ipl'iyrnont -thould be that they mce! .'Standards set forth in th« i pt rsnnnnl practices of the organ* irntion or institution. This wa« • irtphasiztd in a letter from Mrs. Mabel K. Staupers. c-xecullvr see* ti' NA-gto c-ouiu-il of this cii; , ] rotary of the National A-^ociaUon I'l a I l.-giain lo Piosirl mt Tru-jof Colored Graduate nurse*. ■ ll made public here- last week. Mrs. Staupers. who has Just i«- 01-1(1 h'm to .'.end United Stai siturned from a survey of section* imTip.'- to .Mi.-tsissippi t.i prottf-t jal conditions for nurses, said do- '1. ripiii "f .N'-k"' ■-‘■'ht ■ teraiis spile the scarcity of trained nors- i’-ir.- t" vote H' tin* prini.iiy cloj- 'es, a facility in the Californu atm Juiv 2 u ithoul p.a.vm' iit jhowrvr.. she .'aid health agen- "Mhc poll icirr are alert to the need to [kcliii inc th'Tc* uie luU.WO Ichiinge from policies of discrim* V iiru V tl an.-! in MisaLssipti.'. I inat..'n. and that the. Veterans’ Kucar C. B.'-nvn, din-ctoi 0/ the ,adminL.l'*ation should set a pr«- icounc-il decii.i-ed that such action !has employed a Negro nurse for l>.imcii W-Ml hereafter have one I,,,, President was '■! impera- the first time. This mdicatod. layman for «»ch putoral charge (.ont-fm lo Negro veterans cedent here. In the annual conference where* warrs9rvice was 'slurred” I No longer can a itovemmOUl u heretofore (her r have been jj,,. UniK*d State.^ senate by agency afford to ' »e the alfbi that four laymen foj each premding Bilbo during the three weeks segregation and diocrimination is eirter’a (ilfctrlct. tANP Photo) Ifijibustfr against th Fair: Em* an outgrowth of local custiuPk pluyment Praecic VTommittee. ^tr Lajmcn'k Journal. In the annual conferd the Mrs Staupers declared.