>.-L l .-O PERSONALS Checkers for Children Easy to Make* (Jf-arlni;j Duvis sp«*rit Mun- i (at till* iKiinc oI hi-r piiivnly. .... ».Mr1 .Mrs. Jaiiifj* M- Davio, Ni snville. .N. f?. Mrs. KuIh II ol llilUl.>ui u. N. t'- maitt H Inisiiii'^a trip in h; itijjti 'riu-sday. Mr.s. w u .- '.nsilv .Mls.-, EuI.* Haywuijd. of Vmsi Halrit*h, .1'- Hiirt .Mis Fi'd ^lln.^t>n. M. F...T.,lp!j Diiiisliin J,iiniitrlv nl If > city hut tii.w «i| Nt-w Vnrk ( ;ty aie visiliiip relaiivt's hi-iv 'ir.-i.y art- me t!;u»'st.s nt .Mr. and i\ ;s. I..nnm»- CliaMs, b. Stalt* Si. i.iis. Diinsttm wa* loinierly. Mis* F..ii;ine Surgess. L J. B D.'tVis, Kuqua" fii iigji. C, was tli«* ivct'iit Kt.-r Rev. and M..s. S. L. Vi,:- ...M J]U7 W. Caiey bi.. Ricli- nunct. Va. 'I'he Pluwei Ghi'dun '’iub im.-t 2St|i ;.i thi home of Mr,. Hosabelle Burnett 425 St. Hay- wviai at .Nt».iii /eiS pi'vsem Weiv; Ml.-. Ruth Davis. Mrs. Audiv tJinn. Ml.-.. .Wiiiniv Clark. Mrs *>*iir.v Hru-t- Jolu■.^ .Mrs. Bt-ssi'* Ii. Harris. Mis. Floye Cottun, .»iib. Dunbar, .Mrs. Peari Hcn-iiiu- ton .Mrs. Sarah Masst-iiburt .^lu-i ihf nieeliny Mis. burnt-ttv .-••iM-d 3 kinds of sandwiehes. po- IjIO 1'hip.s, Iff tea, u i a ii g > luiidae with I'henits and'iuokif-. 'I'nis flub has presented 2 yard c.iaiis to tile Saiiitonuin. Mis, Leasif Horton, Pies.. Mis. Small .‘vlasseilbuig. See.; Mrs. RoiaU Ih Buinett. Tu-as. .SIAll SVllli; NKWS .M. .\lr.- i.i.) K., A\. . HuOe.l Powell. bi ifturned to ilif fity cer.'.. alter extended trip New Voik City, Philadelphia aiui Mas.ungton, D. C. \\lu're iw vi - itert ...einbors of his family. He r»r.,.rted a most pleasant stay F.,.t luv.i •• diM'liar . husband ..f fain, has been hoiuii- ;ed fu.iii tb,. aiiiiy vid over luo years. H Holluwell Is alteiu-.- to > inx summer sciioul ai Howard Uiii- vt.j>ity Wa.diinKton. D C. The Vacation Bible School of ihe SCOI1.J Chapel CJuireh. R-v. lieve.- l.v Brown, pa.-tor. opened with un der il.e direction of Mis. Morrison i.l.. ar.d .Mrs. Otho Ivey spent with the rollnwinx workers; .\Ji, bundcN dliei nooii in Ihl.^ city VIS- K C Lackty and T D, Horne' it.np fi;. nds and .dti-nding tin- BegmneiS’ Mi> e e Evans and Ra.eign Oiay.s-Hanes Knitters -M. D Rankin. Priinarv; .Mrs, l.illif bobeball game. Brown and Marie Davidson. Jun- inis and .Mrs .Mary Darnell. Adults. i.lrs-.s. l.A'ruy Jones ami Stan- Tins is the first year that the V- ford J..i!«*s left the iity recently " " ■ '' ' foi -Nev.- York City for vucalicjn- :v.l i>'iipose.s. They aie tlie .sons of Mrs. Kniina Jones and the late Stci'.toui Jone.«, 427 Smith St. Girls Are Dainty And Expensive HAIIHIS BAHHKIi ( (It LK(;i: (;KAi)rATi':s t.! itile girls .. old Ik l.rjf Notii RALEIGH leue awardtxl Its sixteenth ; program, held at E fis Haibei C- ty diph.iiKis commc-iiceiiit .•ijle Sill ried > cation Bible .School lui.s been at the Baptist Chiirct,. 'I'ut-sdas ‘hiirch. . Witt, Ur. J fa D.,\is, The members of the Iredell Credit Spimgs, as leutuieo spe.d; t'mon are asked to contact Mr. Dr Davis urged the graduali'^ li T. Peterson. 202 Garfield Street. punctual and hone.s; He dteia:- for binincis during the absence of charactei to be tin- b«d lock of the -Munagej. G. F Dalton. lasting siicces.'-. A' iii> ilium.n- Emma Stockton of Balll- n.oved ai.mg he clialleninj and p'e- ..!.>• \'.o!et Pullen N. Tarboj'i St., .M.s Lillie M. Williams. S. .. _ ^ Ft .-t -'-t . .Mrs. Anme Cuiry. 7uh more, Maryland was here to aflenrt f’L lieaien to opre up tiieir f*yed b,' 'he tnniMal of her sister, Mrs, Mary catch a new viMmi. Kell Patiei5on. mother of Mrs Vii.a Hulln.an. i.. St., jou: s!on-Sa!ein. N. C. rcontly and at- Ici did I ,e La-giun Ct>nv« imon. ivlis. PiiLen Wo* tiH- di-lLgate, .M, M., l-i the yw ’V.loani K.ain.v. M,n ,d .M. • Joseph Kiaimy. S. >1 ^.s now u student in Midical School at Howaid Mil! am; news .Ml.- H spiration T-. work m the M; iiui tiioi.gh. It .-hould Le tne it,'- , the hope of evij v b..:bi r m ov.n rhop. to owt, a t.on.e lo become , assti to hiinsell i,i> c. mniun.iy ai i.veisJi', Wachington, D, C. , the cotiti Ml Samuel H:, of the school, wi told of his deep that bi.- studeiils :,e HOLDS ANNUAL PARTY hadf ‘OtllCH — 1 lie Progie »ive sni.-.ial baiiqoet a: 'l.,lbt.t Home, June 27 ii-.i I liad been called to . !■* was ‘■ling by ah w .V ..Kered by Mr J ..ddii s* . f the eseiiii.v 1> .\lr l'h..s G Jiving piiM Mr-- .Saiioit liiistun. tent-va Yai- riioma.- H' .-ii I J ■ii'-N .Nellie Ms- J New 1'. 1. .M . faeJie Burnette, K i'. • H Da' :n, Mai- I K» Ki, tr>i .11 Z .\l.- on 1.001 Pcitw..y of Mebai- and Rev D. W Holt of Loim-biirt v-*tre w\ej night gueste m tijt liume of tt.eii -i.-ifi- Mr* .\1 w ILywocd of Cabanas St. The? .were ii-lurning from their uneJet funeral of Maysvilie Ml and Mrs Joseph H Holt have ittuinid to their home on Oberlin Road They have been in Ma\> v.lle, when- they attended the burial and funeral of Joseph ? father .Mis.' Dor. thy W Holt, biid-eleci was leiriitly hui.orcd at a inn- celDi.eui.s sliowei by .Madams Pur ilia Walker and Saloni .Mebune at the htnie of the latter R> frestiii.eiits of ice cream, cake.-^. in.lit? ji.d candy were served by ‘•■inferring with the Ml** Delphme S. Walker, assist- td by the hostesses Aflerw flUIIUIt Hioin. shiwii to tile gue- (iin.'t.-- piesent were .Miss Dor»>- (h.v W Holt, the hunoree. and he. mother. Mrs Maude W H..H. .Me.- dames Jna .M Foust. Julia Peitwav Mine.Vu Hunter: .Mis Stetlm M Hoh. .Ml* hull, W Spauioiiig .ii.u daughter. .Miss Ruth Am.etle of Dniham: .Mlse Gwendolvn vt M o>. 1.^, tile foUilOei presented H e-ire nol only plo; but )i the part make ail s..i lie ui,td I pruLleii. ihiy field, could eflecl dignity w»ie de-j(i,bed bii-lly iin3 bhe wa- guen the b*iuran(.! KIM 'I.,- p.i-cnt Miain, the •vi n.xeci It,- capaiii. hopeu 11,at little pan, m.- oii fled 'J he yiauiiale.- Je.l that wliaiiw: eiicuuiiteiid -.ii the c-a-ily .*olv»-d b., Ro- 1 immed- Musical selections we. when as lakei, into the gift b.v Harris f5arber Cotfei furm gifis tleville iiiillia the C'hi..'ch I dress wa Mrs C K Wynn Invucblion an benetiictioii were delivered by h-- J W Junes, pa-'tur of the chuui Rev Alex Terrell |ire*eiited t' tp'-aki r- A list of !i.e giadiialt* follow • I'iuil Ailerm.>n. WiTumhi f by .\ir J R,(rfa„..»,ils ot ,ce cream, cake., f the eveim.g mints and candy were served by .li Ch ' G living. -Miss Delphiiie S, Walker, a.ssist- oie'e’t were Me?- Ill by the hoste.sses Afterwards the Haywood Nannie honoree was taken into the gift Di.iistoii Geneva Yaij- ir>om. where many gifts Weis . , , Tlioma. Rrncb 'shown to the guests, r G r. . ! ' V f' J -iie* .Nellie Als- Guests present were; Miss Doro- ' 11 i l ►:l J Ne’w'i*. I. .M - Iby W. Holt, the honoree. and he«' i r*i' I I- Gi/r. Helle Burnelle. F. mother, Mrs. Maude W. Holt; Me«- • • ,| H Davis Hal- dames Jna M. Foust, Julia Pettway Le Lly i'loadie \1 H.«t' Minerva Hunter: Mrs Steilin M. ( Kmri-.ll Z Mr- Holt. .Mrs. Ruth W .Npaulding and ( ,' Ki. h-udsoii, Ixmi'e daughter. Mls.s Ruth Annette of Ihiiti j* (' r llv a; Hiirne. G Durham; Miss Gw-endotyii .M. Hun- H„ lon’.i,id '.Mali-nc. ", „, Pcnsiboulh, V,.,; Mrs. Wil- ?,q..,s ■ .-xi i..i, .1 Bethea, W liani Mebane of Efland; Misses Bei- r J-i ts i')'t,u • n.i'h C (7 Irviiu;, nice Hunter, Delphine Walke-'. Htrbeit p, riiv l-,i.Pst Jon.-s, Ji,. Ma?ter Sterhn .Michael Holt of J Parker ana t.-mcne Aiit 11 Durham was also pie.senl. field, could be easily rolvi'd by conferring with the school immed iately. Musical selections were furni'i.- ed by Hams Bariwr College a.id the , Fayetteville Street Kupti-'t Church choir. The valedictmy ad dress was brilliantly delivered by- Mrs. C. K. Wynn, Invocation lui-l benediction were delivered by R*' ' m,. what it take to keep J. W Jones, pastor of the church |y alHaclive, Th.-.ri Rev Alex. Terrell presented the jJterally cu?t i, speakers. j„ [be rtoie every time your daugli- A list of the giaduales follow;- p„t-ed.* a new and jltraciive oul- Puiil Alderman. WiTIiam K, q,, ,he other haiui if you hav. Alslnii. Jefferson G. Bennett. John- In-, how lo .-ew for herself me Benton. James A. Blue. Earm**'. relieved your pockel- Boldtn, Janu s Bullock, Carroll Bur-, book ' f u dangerous caiircr and 'nett, Roy Cates. Jarn.-s fa Check. y„u,.v,.if a peimaiieiil hcadac-lic Aniniie L. Coui»ei, Jimuis Danleii. fami.r Yvonne Clu-ioi moiieh GREK.N CLEA.NERS K’OVi; TO NEW HOME lh oig- it n il David •King ' Ct.ic-n watchi’d Iho tiiltilhiicnt of ' till- s'l cuiicl pill I of fh-'tr l>iMg lei in tinticipatnms r*n-iitli, wh«-:i Ihi-y ,jKriL-ct the- d,r.,‘% or then- n:-w, hoine. 41.-) riou’li HI ,-dw ui :h Stric-t to the luihlu-. Tiu ir .-.! I.h-*U'- Wa-* to go iri- tj iliH rlrfining Inisine.jS, in HKi't Ihiy w.-m ml., th. 1I.-1.I, suc.v. cl ing the 1$ F, Cuhibo Ch-.ioing Cl mi.aiiy At one. tn - pnbiir .-••.nnd i>!-a?.'l. loi till- i.-coiil ol Ch-o g.- (.iieeit, Hr, luid Jr. hud frill one Ol Tin* prov. n • c\. Aiiii.j.si at cnci-. n*'w .,,aihin- i:> was installed, a new truck tnii'.-hu.M cJ and an iuit.,c-v. d a r- v. i-i oM* red. Arro-is fh.- t iv.’n t\- • "•Afieiv pec'.pli- Wi-re high in '■'•n p,aisi- of Clici.i CWaners. In .'*•-10 Da\jd ' Kir.g” fJreen w a * • all. d front nt, c-niploynient i.t '.’ew Yo.k City and instaJ!e-1 -,5 I'leta’"/ Tieasuiej m the rap-d- Ij uaildinj’ l oncein I', ihe jneujit.iiic-. u was lii.*- 'i;\iitd liiat the buy>iu-Sa wa fonro or la*, r goinc to be foic. J to find bigij*-! sp:u-e. An uiciiite. t v a- cal'i-d in and ide.i found of jiL;! what wus tiding to be desn ‘lo. folowing file nrc!iit«-.-l, a i-ari- Iractor waa call.*d iind tin- con- Hal t h-l. Duiinv tin- war pi-rii'-l the scarcity of building inati-riaL- inadi I'umpletion a .uitg dravv.i oi.l aff.iii but : ti-o t>v .step pr, gre-xs was noletl until finally th-: key.s wc-ri- iiandi 1 ov.-r. Tiie ov.-;- all cuiilracior of .le building was Ml- Ed, W. F'lncher and what u inarvt lous job he h a s done io date. The n«-w building 3uxd0 is ex actly iwcie as large as the quai- ters at me old location and is ex cellently ventilated. During ih^ V ai with the teiritic strain on manpbwvr, the liear.ing e?taijl:sl.- ii‘. e nt s twryv/heie. sutf«rrd Gie. n t'Jeiiiiei. 'a.is iio exrepti.-r. •Mr. David Green st i-int-d mo»l cipiiinLiu.' Winn Im stated that w. thin a very slioii time "Wt- aiiali be able to offer a pr>mpc and courteous pickup and deliv- eiy service. Already new equip tni-nt has been added with a vjfw , of giving better ser.ire. Twenty- four liour or oue day one spe cials are on tile way.' In order to be able to serve those person w h o go to work erily and come home late. Green ' Cleaners are opei from T OO « n.. to g.oo p m. DOINGS Ol "the a WCA On the beautiful lawi. of Dr und •Mr^ L E MiCaulev the W,.n.eu Activity Committee -eived js ho>- t'-ose.* foi the .-ecoiid ai.iiujl lawn p-.o^ f..i -he &rgani?auon Thr tat.lf which held the pim.-h liowl w\.* vet amid a bui kgioiind of love ly -umrmi fluwe*>. an meal .*eti!--.; f'lr Rie event Delegate* who hav - ju.'t leiurmd from the Girl Re xive .Aiea Ci.nfere-.ce held at H-ntiilt r .fh-4;e, June 12 19. t,; teitaii.ed I'.e g.,e>l with a ballrl ••Sliep.iig fae.iuty and an inter SO far we have said nothing coii- ^ E. McCaulev the W.ur.en ceniing the ecoimniy of leaching Activity Committee *erved as hos y. ur di.uitiiler to care for herself jei-ond annual lawn and pailiculaily to *ew for herself organization Th^ ^•nii*. luivi-Mi-. IS u.inoil imi'gs'..'** tab# which held the punch tsow! Item. Ye,-, g.rls are dainty »•>'’ was set amid a background of love- girls are also more expensive than ,y flowers, an ideal settinj bny.s, Hals, siioe.*. dressei.. stockings event. Delegates wlio hav? tiiousmid and -ne accesories leluriiid from the Girl Re serve Area Conference held at lOi-U tin V Wi.;. f. ti.e (l.il> 'v f...:t-n’r In mk; that -Ills nt ir.nihi': n; f.iic are i-jir- '..t t.; the 1,. t m-taiJ. The hi.-; .1 Ucl.iuqu,- i* In Ujji.i teaching a l gil l .-al ly JO. I h.,w to go about cai- 1 u.y for heraelf; how to luii.b htr une _-j, hair. jiR- i,ei- nail.*, pr.M.-rve her Fu.ioay leell.. darn lorn weaiing appan 1 iu.d h ,w ic pate i,l| ik.tlu-s. On.- of the must important fhingt lo k.vp in mind i.s th;-t yini cuiinoi cinwii all the ki.ow-lnuge ol iiow' to care fur one's self -nto a yoi.-tf elii.* head ..vemight. It’s a slow loi.iiniioii* pio-e*5 and slioula b.- gin •liuma tim yn ! ;- f..:mjune vears. A i'oo.i way to l.a.-h H,.- veiy yo.,"j 1* l.J aiou e tl.eli JlltflCit oy Jijv- -nv 11,em 'rv to le you. Foi ir.-lance, if a mother wan*.'- h. i diueti.e: to be u seamslre*.- I to tiike a p« r.-onul iiit t i:i plipai'ing her cloihe-i the .h^r should begin very n,rl> to have her youny oaugh’et nelp iiiullier l,x , . lui’ini,*. towtiv. doihe-. fable cloth' Y,.;'mv-s w.aruig appuit'l Havn.g tlii* know ledge at liei f.ng.flips eai.v m hte give* your daughter the necessaty t Ilf.deuce and c nln.l (t,al makes .t po -ible for hej conquer in Ollier fitkf E.veii moie than ll. -. Ill the piailual 'en-.e, n.e mother will havi- taught i,ei daugiiter a lui ialive li.ide at whnTi iiu.ny t m..k. nulln.n- i f doll.,r* ..imually S./ far w. have s^.d nothing con- i| teaching will have an open pictiic and Com munity Sing at Chavi.s Park on Thursday at B Oo p m Eve.y- ■ me 1.* invited to pa.-k a basket, drink the lem.-ii-iide provided >y the club and enjoy the old fa-sh- iuried song festival Husine** and In.tusiriHl ChiYi a yi.tne night wai' -|i.,ii-oied by the Clul, r.ij Kiiday night at the V M C, A. Prizes weie .iw'Hid.d 10 th.j persons holding high scores in bndf-e and pinnocle. After the busi- nes.*- si'ssioti at the meeting on Tuesday, a linen shower was given in honor of .Mi&. Ella .Ntae Williams, fornur president of the club and bnde-el.'ct, Refieshn ents w c . c f'Tved by Misses Laura Brown and -Uary MilchsU. 1)K. 1ATTS NAMED GHAIRAl.AN OF“Y’' VIEMBLRSHIP DRIVE Di .M 1. Watts, an .lulstaiidir g' i..cbl dentist, has ocen named gen- • rial ihaiiinaii .md Att'y F. J Car rage, practicing attorney, nas been chosen campaign director of the B.jodworlh Street Biaiich YMCA [ membership campaign to oe con ducted July l.N-ai Ut.der the cam paign iLgan "Let's Make a Bet tor Raleigh ’ these men will heas- a campaign organization of over a hundred and will seek to enlist 50f‘ members for the newly organized us.'ociation. i Assisting Dr. Watts as associate | general chairman will be Dr. N. R. Harris, director uf education, ^ Shaw University and H. H. Townes 1 choir director. St Ambrose Episni ■ pal church and Commander of the Charles T. Norw’ood Ameiican Leg ion Post. The assistant campaign di rectors are Rev P H. Johnson, pas tor, Marlin Street Baptist church and Joe StredwKk well-known lu- cal barber and supeuntendent ;t ObeiTin Baptist church S'jnday £• hool. Mem; rs of the oreonizaticn are ■‘heduled to meet at Ihe Y on Fri- .‘veniiig M li to cnriiptete plans campaign fur the Pn.gram plans for the filoodworth Street V'MCA recently unnouncetl include club nnd group crsiiniz;.- tions for all iig. s; .«ocial fcjiture-! including co-fd activities, recre.;- tional featuring bowli-ig. inble ten- ni.'t, lioise sbo.-s, swimming classes chickers; educational, includii.g forums, lectures arts, crafts, sing m-' iiTid dramatic groups, bible classes and vesper services. Fa-jihties at the Y include, a tames room, lounge, reading ro-'tn wiih cuirciit tuwspwapei's a; d rnsgaz nes. music room with das- fxal i rt popular re-■n-dinks. com pletely 'quipped photographic dark room- large assembly and a m.vdcm cafeteria. . - . V NEW YORK ilPSt — The Con- tinental Recording Company v»-iii lelea** SSO.OOo records a year . tunes played and composed by Doro thy Donegan. The artist is siaieo to appear at the Bewery Nile Ciuu m lie nm P AINT - PAINT $149 12years of satisfaction. Ail Gal color?—Stains and Enamels 320 S- WILMINGTON 5T. Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention. Railroad Salvage Co. CARTER EJectric Company Anything Electrical 3 E. LENOIR ST. TEL. 20»4t HOME-COOKED FOODS And what a meal it will be— seasonad essactly riRhl, and •very dish boasting a real home-cooked flavor. B & H CAFE 4il 8. BLOUKTET. JiHoZSHSSseSESBSSSZSEaSSZSeScaca Payne’s Business and Secretarial School MRS. S. J. PAYNE. Misign Membk f the National Business Assoeiaiion Arr-r^ited Rv; The North CazoUna Slate Boarci of Educalioa Complete Business Course • Snorthand • Typing • Calculator E Book-keeping • Stenotyping • General Ofice Procedure E Mimeographing • Compiometry E Specialized Courses Nolszy Public Public Stenographer Write For Full Information Dial 6950 416 BLOODWORTH 8T. Raleigh, N. C. i ;25252iiZ5?3S5c5e5SSS5e52525SSi.B’ DRIVE IN CLEANERS • itll-ulJll ht-r- elf .• If ..r«- d..ii,(y ixia-ii-n« f ..i.ri ,1... c. , tu kttu a Vll i girl djiii- itenis can Sr.. Clco .M. Diivi*. r.«H-iiaid Duvi*. Joseph Uickeiis, William S. Dix Es-sic M Drake, Mi-lviii J Duranl. Stophvti Edwaids, Jr, Robt-rt Fn- bhec, William H E’oust. Vass Gecig, Jr. Jo-'ephiiH Guiii?, C:t-oi-j.«i' W. Hall, Charlie Harper, Leroy Harper. James Harriiigluii, Jr. EHr.u Han>.- Th.'ina.s Harris. Rlijan H. HeiriiiK. Eddie High, Sylvester High. WilLn-rt HiH. William H. Hinton. John I). Hood. Thom.is Hunt. Herbert L Kelly. Jr, faennie D. I.arkin. S.tin- uel W. Liwi*. Lyman L.v . B»nnett College, June 12-16. eii- I guest wHh a ballet. Beauty' and an iiitcr- pietalive dance "The Jungle Prin- eess" from Afiican folk lore Sarah Morgan sang '‘Treeti''. I Love Thee." Mrs. Hattie Edmonson and Mi I. E. McCauley -erved us ehainneii for the paity while Mrs. Ford reg- . , , .■ istered the visitor in the guest cute plaid tatfeta hat and bag FOR PROMPT AND EFFICIENT . . . RADIO REPAIRS ^AT Reasonable Prices Taylor Radio a*ia Electrical Co, 8ALES l( SERVICE 224 E. Msrtin 8L Claud Taylor, Mgr. Phene 26950 For A Taxi ANYTIME — ANYWHERE HOOPER CAB CO. CALL 912S CALL HOOPER CAB CO. 1 the pii ture above. .Miss Che:-j i the Ki'imd-dauiihter of Nc* Members of Ihe CX-niral YW Board , -iid the Committee of Munagement; Yolk'* CoiniMssioiivr of - ■ ^^,urr.po,s-,.d the receiving line making S;.m„c l I hi- liaK ha, I , ,xi-eUe,., oppoi l.iaity fur Iho I fit *he i.* wealing i* imw «• , ft,|[o\n-}!hip for which the evtiit was I„r tin,IK, 1.. Sir.uu N.w a yaa,- ipecial a,- Miiuit *hup*. Hei niotnti vo i t,, (p t|,e entire e made the *anu- outfit at j mbership; at the annual meeting for $30h She would '’^'e necoci only 1-2 yard of pKiid aih ' down of .smaller committees and viird of ■•,-nir..!-lmg laifetu foi ' ' , ^.juhs then operate giving e.ich ing. 1-2 yard at criiuiline (or irt-mher who de.-ires an opportun- Mass,.„b„re, l.„c,e,,,a McCy. James '‘d''a'tt P'""' L. Marriott. Jessie Monroe. Coolidj;*' - slum' Make vour imlc gii! -f the laigest ladies 0i Pegram, Oscar P.rson.__ Scott [^^tv loo wi.h this'ea*.v to make ; William Perry, lilth number. Send a itamp telf-ad- i elope lo Mad Dept.. 5- i •t, Ni waik. N. J ui.d! reive iii.nu-diuiely com- how to make II ns yourself you will rercive inforinalion these fascinating black Slmntmig. Aluid^f f^dJij to tdk# ijihi «ii^ryuili^rif.. fiiidrt smi in Skmiii^r'i htdCk rdyon Shuiiliing with d glcUftiiiig uihiie fiigui? lor that iiiirnuciildu. ulcll-groofiiifd look... A Pdul buclii Origiiidl in iO (i) Dr. Duliart Back I'roia Bishops' (.ounril Pierc Pretty. James T. Raiford Garland Redfear. E'rank Richard.*. Wallace /-j '.’jj m,., B, Riggins. Johnnie T. Roberts, Si Frederick A. Rogers. Walter Ruf fin. Oscar C. Shealy, Christopher C Shepard, Eivelyii J. Simmons. Tiuy I Singletary. Herman F Smith, Roose velt Smith Monroe Spencer. Bur nett Tabtoii, David L. Tliompson. Wilbert Virgil. Luther A. Walkiiij, Andrew W. White, Clara K. Wynn, and E'lederick Walker. " ' , , „ An 0,1c Ihe mwn visll.,- Tl„- su,n,„.-r .se.*s,.,n >1'" for the Harms Barliei College Com- simp's Council inei m Kai Mieiiceiiieiii weie the following; City, Mo- ILv alU-mlatio- Mrs Alma I'erson, 0.sear W. Per- liiigr- as usual. Bishop G L. LUi- son. (525 Kah-igh Read Hmky Mount, ly was re.stoi'd to dll 'illicia* Miss Doniihv Jones. Lula Jone.s, iiglds and reluiiud lo Okiahoiiia Charlotte Hams. Sadie Edwarda, slate, u large numbers ol delegal - 503 Roi.emary St. Chapel Hill. f oul his stale Wi-i'e present lu ! Mrs AUiana Viigil. Mi>s F.dna greet hif^. Gafnbel. Pittman Rogers, 127 Fay- Bishop Wright is ussistmg m etleviHe Street, Fayetteville; I the woik of ihfe find Disirict that Mrs Sarah Alderman, Burgaw,' is the New York Cojiference. • Mrs. Etta High, M.-s. Glendora Rev. Duliart being a memLer Jones, of Zebulon; .of the CJeiieral Confuenee Couv Misses .Margaiet Harris. I.oretha' mission joined in the sustaining Harris. Latiie Harm and Mr. M. ..f the last work of the commis- ! D Harris of Wendell; .-.ion to hold Los Angeles, Cahf. Fom Kinston came Mrs. Dinali | a,* tin- seal of the next genei'«J I Davi.s. Mrs. Wilhe Bell. MLss Ro.-^e- iciifeieiice, iy4B. fa Warliinglon. Mrs. Evelyn H-)od He uLso attfiid'-d tlu- Corne'- , Mitchell. Mrs James Harrington, nonal Cuuncil of the AML church Jr, Suffolk. Va. Rev, C. G Georxe K.„.sas City and is at home to jiid f.imily, Sn>ithfifcld: Mr. Ben-n-au-y uut the tiisl etfoiT Ot Hi*' I me Mo*eley. Miss Bertha Wooten Daily ViRatiun Bible School. lh>' ; Miss Sarah E. Wooten, Miss Lena jjrst day's enrollment laii to 4J I Mae Junes all of Kinston; -with eight strung instructors an.l 1 Mrs Julia Tabor, Mrs. Mozelleiy bruutiful set up for each clos-. I Baker and family. YouiigsvlHe: tfit- scene is most beautiful ^ Mhs Alice Taylor. Mrs. Georgia ^i-ith the interior of the auditor j While of Wake Foiest, Mrs. Dun* !imj| and Sunday School room just ‘Bullock, Maixm; Mit; Selena Pier- '•'completed by one of the city ^ I Fayetteville; Mrs. Mildred Senders ] much has and i-t ! and family and Mrs. Thayer W it- facing done by the fine leadership son of Smithfield; the never tiring pastor. Dr Mr and Mrs, Percy King. Edei Co, Ed Activities; Gill Reserves and their friends and u solash parly .,nd weiner roast at Ci.avis Park on F'tiday The climax of •'Fun Time' will be a theatre petty on Fri- dav. The group will meet at the YW at 6: l.v The YW'.*, a club headed by Mrs I T Lifhlner and Mrs. Lots Young, of which there are 27 members CAPITAL CAB CXL MiBOva aamrKK A LifetiiD« in Fiamn* Why take chencee on bunting up • liletime'e effort In • elngte terrifying hour when iFi ee ftimple end Inexpeniivo to pro* tecl youieelf ■gainel any ponl- ble mUhap. Your home and family can be absolutely pto- tectea from ANY disaster at but a few Mnniee a day. Wo'U •how you now. SEE YOUR LOCAL AGENT BANKERS FIRE INS. CO. DURHAM. N. C. 0 DOVE MISIC COMPANY ARTHUR DOVE, Prop. Automatic Phonographs Rented For Special Occasions and Imtalled on CotnmUsioD Basis SELECT RECORDS QUR SPECIALTY Dial 3-2744 129 E. CABARRUS ST. Meeting A Need For Every Walk Of Life Our seiwice has never failed to meet any situation. Rich and poor alike have always received the same respect and attention. It is an established rule with our establishment that there is no de parture from this policy. ill The Raleigh Funeral Home 310 East Davie Street C. A. HAYWOOD. Own.r * QUALITY SEA FOODS —FROM— OUR NEW LOCATION 15 City*Wide Delivery Service Griffin’s Fish Market 523 S. BLOODWORTH ST. TEL. LEROY GRIFFIN. Prop. ron;Mrs. .Naomi Blue and Miss Jui -a BUe. of Fayetteville; Mrs. Zen-- uia R. Bennett. Charleston. S. C Mrs, Austin Taylor and Mrs. Ad- Duhait. He- will preach Sunday morning and night. Ihf Holy Communion will U; admini.*ti od and Baptist at 11a. 1. Thf Women Day program wa -iie M Hill. Wikon; Miss I.unle ^ last Sunday. Wo,?ten, La Grange; Mrs Johnnie ?24L00 was laised. T, Robert. Mr. and Mrs. WiUie 0:1- Logan, Rfeporler, more and Mr. John Pratt, all vf.p^^ ^ p i>nhart, Pastor. Durham; I y Mrs Carrie Nicholson. Mr. and | Mrs H P Wiinarris. Warrenton: r • rollegp Funfl^^ Mrs. S. M. Holt, Durham and vlVC lU VjOIICKC I UlIU*. ! Mid Inez E. Edward Chapel EUIL i - n •. Finance or Borrow On Your Car through the DILLON MOTOR FINANCE CO. Wilmingkoa »t Devi* J OHNMUrs with doorbells, radios, git-trl- iioae—may be tike iiit —preetton of iaboTB talOBL A capecMy for ihaiild be eocotiragid. IB teto^tkw 9i Negro workers fo emits awd trades, swd today ihiss am more thaa S,9M aU» tifalaas. mgb wagee aad pro- teetivs security more thaa com- peasate for thae speot studylag how techalquee aod piofaigtohal efScloney. Bvmry year, thousand « po- tonrially successful moa and womeo are forced to quit echool beeause ae unexpected emor- gancy may aeceesttate Htelr suppiaihswHag the inrame of a wldowod mother. Accumulated aavliigi, kiiwadsd for ertnrartesi and training, i or gM mast tun to ths tov^pay **tr8litfoBal" Jobs. Tzagief Yao, but It can ba paw vented by too futum now. Your N. C. Mutual andar- •aitor triK gladhr ahev JM - NORTH CAROLINA MHTHAL INSURANCE van MMia. ■uSh