VET BEATEN BY GA. COPS GOODTIME RESTORED TO BLOOD DONER WHO PROTESTED JIM CROW NF.W YORK 'Wni.i K>||f.t.i|»c Wi'l.hoMinr -'f Ki; a - mpHicn hv ihf W iiK I,' Iljur. M r C S Hn- r^au of Piisi'H.' has r^•stl ,rrt ii»oiy ,|P |m Mil'on Ki.tin'', fhiis nsakiitz him f»i pai'.h' Final of fh‘- p.ii»>Ip h- nov. bpinc wotkod mhi HITCH-HIKING MATRON SAYS SHE WAS RAPED Oxford Torn I/''A is. 22 yoar rid filling station holp'-r. h- ing hrld in an im-diirWf.rrl j,Hl Monday night to await hranng TuPsday morning fin rhargr>. fit rapine Mi'^ Willie Mae .lotir son, Durham lehMe woinan, f'tiM t J. 1. ra.ih of tho OxfoiH poIier departmrnt. ha.- leprnlod Cash said the alloj^rrl a'i,4ii: took plair in a ‘.rrlud'd '.poi ntar the Oxfnd hig'i .ehoi>l building about Hi ,H(i Satind^- right after ttir voutii h.-»d a- n pled H lip from Mr. to s h o H' hfi ivhr-e hr migl-! hitch-hike a ndr to Norf ilk. V.; , on a truck She fold |vili«T that -.he left h»r lioinr at 'ini Wa.liingfon S* , Durham, aftri .* di., I’r wnh !i'-i hir-hand. intending i-i hiieli hike a nde to her mother. In.pni- r, Norfolk, and that aftri leaehiiu a s'Tluded -pot on the Seahoar l R-:ilroad. Lr’.vi, f.nred Ikt t-. a- rnmpanv him hv plantig 'soim.- weapons" in her haek and tinea* to kill her if '•he made ,«ny roise Aerording to Mis .lohn.oir >t'1V. f/'wis .strippert ami mad ' a hed of his clothing i->r flie fi: attack ard mnimifled the -lee'in ’ offense nearei the .street in a iv‘t 0^ hnney.surkles Aftei the (f.i.d alleged a.ssault .she said L( wis held up a .Niiiall .serew Hiiver and saifl t.i her. This i. what I fooled you with " She said slie • as fl ight. ;[> | and that she alteinpte*! tf> te-,4i l•.A1lbt.w ai 0*1 ill maik the sjrot where the alleged attack took place. Failing to do this, she said she pulled haii from her head and placed if on the .^pof Police said a cigarette identified as Die piopertv '»? lighter found at the scene va. Lewis, hut did not mention fh** hfi ii Lf wtf n e I ft up a small screw di :ver and sa'1 to her: "This i; v/hat I fooled .vnii wdth " She .said she was frightened and that she attempted to fem '•.4ani)b» .'. an ain't r'liktuMi^ ’ ki- rnaik the spot where the alleged attack look r Failing to do this, she .said she pulled hah from her head and placed it cm the spot police said a 'igarelle identified a.s the property of lighter found at the .seen** wa-. la’wis. hut did not mention Ih** hail W r Tarter, stale [tighwav pa- t.clman who made the aiie^i, said I.ewi.s ncithei ariinittcft n*-i denied Die cbaig*' a'l.i quot'd thf youth a-i having said- 'Whus- kfv eaused it aH JEWSDENOUNCE ‘NEGRO LETTERS’ COLUMBIA, S r -ANP» - The Jewish people of South Caiolm.i denounced cnmpieie|\ a letter o rii- ten by M Ro.ienfetd of Flwence. and which appeared in iKe FIoi er»re Morning Ne'v- *'•■0 'vpek- ago Sam F Ree' in of Suni'ei, «aict here Tuesday Mr Reevin. presiden' of t »• Siint- ffr Judah I'-'dge 'f Pii B'DDi. past stale president of the fraternal 'u Her and a businessman, said he had personally consulted Mr Rosenfeld after publication of the letter and had the assurance that Mr Rosen- feld deeply regretted it but mean no offense " ■'Mr Ro.senfeld." Mr. Reevin said, ■'riid not express the sentiment of any Jew, Frem my pers'ual know ledge and ohservaiion the .lewish people are not .iniagouisDr nor pie- ludircd towards itm colored people, and certainly wish lh*m well in iili their effort?" The Ro-eiifeld letter had provi.k- ed bitter resentment *r'm Negmc.s It had claimed Negroes should vccr away from vofina and aitHininc th* rights anrf privilege? of white Americans Last Friday, at a m... 1 meeting in Floience. the in.fltvi Ne gro citizens adopi'xt a resiluDnn dr- nouncinc i* and local efforts were under«’ay to pull ff .■i!iy remaining "business Mi Ro.senfeld might en-' joy from colored peo.ile" • hiii'i.i foi li.ivn.. hcf.uc d"iuiliiig hK 111.irid-sniuliilled to -he Red Tie - tesiinu the Mru.'iiii/ntii p ln\ ni • •:;icu-tlleg white and N'cgio hlo'". F’l isoii officials ch.iiced 1h it Nt, i"U iiiiiicd .-muggluig 11. vi"l.i-Ml, of I ceul.iUons ! \ t'l.l Mi \ \VI. 1: M i l*.II. n c mimlina \'ri V. .11 I/. -II. I'.m; rriici: rm USE OF LUUOR URGED III '.-.i'. M •h'i'i..|i f e 1 d •'••'ll !" 'll pi lor P'. on I'.1' r'.UMpn . • • . i '.1 .' d ].in ■ I .•>• iimIicv, N'.i "i II » U II ITiie .-I I'., ,i,f, u’l . I h.ivi .C2|C^..-',l . 1',. . f.l' , ,1. Ml lloi|C ;i> , I'lii;; t". (r'.itiri.l (| III 'hr pi I iki'‘ ifli'c 1..' Aek l.ii'-'l'i '-.I- 'lU'iird I'eg.irrliii.; inu, r r.-i ld', F r-Iaikc. I-.I |CJ|M1,..I liMH Ml-.; . Xpcdl'iil PmIi ■ t 'he •; I’inii il M'»’i mg .I-.; r. ' V, - :.n I" ■ Ill V of Ii e 1- .1 1,1 Tl.iikc • ,.1 . '.f. t ' - l>'.n '.r Itic I,' > dMiiM toil' . I c t,.,| ird .1 .'.-Ml Ii, . . '.in if \e .'.iM veterans ;,re not ,dnii'i''ri In 'Triiitintied nil 1)1 k pagci TENN. MAYOR PROTEST MQB TRIALS’ SETThG LAWRFNTFBtinC:, Te.ii. ANPi Mayoj R n Uiwti'v prole.'“'i j.. ’ wei k again-I M.c rhi'diiled ti-ii f'i» Nogioe., f icmg '111 ti-: • n AugU'-l fi III cnn'.r ■ m wiilt i)- rchMiai) i.i.c . I . tU'l c||f chill c . pMpilUl'.r 'if t, ofXi .s picp.|fH M. dc'.> .1 I'lo..' rnuicoi muo TRIALS^ JETTING LAWRFNt'KBURCJ. Tenn 'ANP* Mayor R O Itiwne.v protested la 1 'verk asain:.t ttie .rncdnled trial foi :l'i Negroes, lacing charge? Ip ic • r August fi in comic non with the I'ehriiary lace tmt il Toliimbtn I.iwreiirehlirg’-S p'>p'il:il|oi' of t. OflO is prep'red t') defe.d Proscci for Rninpu. foi icclection if lir cuilimii-s with prc-cnf;, fjow- nev decisrrd >fvcial ru'ic cioiip. and Die lo cal of *hr Aneri-aii l-cgiop al o have pcfiiioned against the trial., siggr.ied that T'lluinliia wash i' ' own 'dirty linen." ^ Tin- Irial. re.lilting 'lorn Die i.i'-- III disorders In which IW" Ncgio* were kilh'd. was t|-)nsfci»sl here '1 wf k aft.-i NAATf'cf, tiad j asked a change of ven' c for the d* f'itdanis The lawycr.s did not waul l.-nvt«nrrbiirg. Iiowcv't, heiau-c f r . lepiit 'lion f"i h.iviji. more deep I-.,Ted lacial prejudice even than (>Iiiinl>ia. BILBO MUST GO VETS ARE TOLD niRMINTHAM 'AN'P. p.' ! cause hr Is a leadei if fau-, (, .ii { his TOimIrv and hecausT' hi: cl*" ti»m virtorv in Missi.'-ipp, infant i ly w;,s rcsiil: 'f ferrnr ta« li's used I lo lU'prive Negroes of that .tale »)f their consliHifi-mil -ighl to vole.- Rilho should not he .ealed in Di". Itnifcd Stales senate, the Sreilhcm I Negro Youth congrrs;, ri«>-|aipd he.•'j last week ' Direrlmg a blast against ihe Tru | man administration for alleged di ^ ■ id f Bilbo in his hate cam- t I’- which led u|) to itu' itcmo*' -i- t • c primary on .lulv 2. .SYNC charg • •Tile patent risy of Ih-'i Truman - Byrnes •idmiiiisirati .i‘ ‘ pretentions as -champion of ttu-i rights of small nafmnd is revealed' in the failure 'if the gfivcrnincnt *o) ! ifl a finger to njihoIH 'he *011-11111 > 1- right of 'tie Negro pe*ipl«. ■Tontinned on ba'-k pagei ; Henderson Patrons T old Tax From Whiskey Could Rebuild School >1' it'-i • I UP' I cml' I V'M' mil,I" I ml ' .1 «'iul r'-i'-'i I-. \1 I.’mIIiu . .iii'l III*' |>i III'i|i: tinr will'll 111'-.' .'iiiglil In tuk - "I Du ilf'.l up lix- piiiliciM "f fiiM.-idiiig I 'I'l fill Dll I .Hull impil.. -. I II ••. ill Ik 'A’lDlMilt I .^•||■■'|| 1 I h • nil r-i'h/i'.; . Il- " 1.1,:l -Wtek ; 'III.' I 'i';/' I.' i^u''. Im I'TA . •• 1 .'II I ilu' .Miiu.t''ia' .Mli.iii'i' 111 ' .iii'i -I I -A iDl Du ' •'.nil*,-. Hi. II I 'in F'lm .1'I'.ti Mil,-, tn !i - I'll'i "i-i' I ' .il • I mil'll I ilil.’ n I'u u I' p'lii.itulil V fill (iiiivi'lili'J .Ai'mi-Iiul' I'l .1 tat. imiil b Vet Opens Press War Onllprisiog Lynchings Vi'l to |{(■m■\^ ti'.;lil I lli'ili"ll I’lilflii'iilinn IS \l{ IS IH I III TUI M KI I I STI\'.M • • Mime are ^Inm n nwmheis Ilf Ihc N'cro Drami fironp which will epei. ih|. I'jp^ Arts of ilie fhe 4lrr lestival at llamuton liiMitiMe (.iis siiinniei uilh a prrroriiMnie of |||> r,r*>i«t wa» slne^^ r l.iiidj.i,-- in f>|>dcn A' IlANY ••licli.i Ill II ANPi V, I • im.'fl til l *l.ill on .'Monil... , l:^"■■'.■..lm. a ■" ■■■'"" '' '."'I''' ■'■I" in Dll- ilisl.iry >( Die Ihculr*. the i "f 'h' S'Uitli.vefie- rgld. U'lieua Negro llraniH f-nuip oflcrs jiUys j p-ibli .1'mi ol hi., v ' ckly whii-n unresirieiH hi rarlal . onsldera- ? .iisp.nid'd puhUcatiim "for In- dm D'liis. freeing Die \rnr*» acpir ! , , , Irom Dm- liadiiioM-tiiMiml e'lmep- "''*"i’'i- .se.u e- lioii ol bis lul*-, 'ml .ill Mill' inciiitii I of l i- i-'• dii'll‘'d ni''i the uiii'-d f'lri''- Georgia Racial ' f'.IlM' ' 'll' I I • Il .1 « if I I'll >- :■ iling 'if R iiK'i I H ill a, tiy cMuii",'. pnlue- l\ ••.•\in s 01 l lir THF.ATRF • FF..STIV.AI, — .Above are .shown memher.s *ir Ihe Negcri Hrama firowp which will •»pei Uie HH'i ' Arts of Ihe Theatre ' i^tivul at Hamilton Institute tots siiriinier with 4 perfnrmaner of Dn- ftrnad Mircess, Cl.iiirtla," in lledeii flail on .Moncta.v evening, .lulv 2^. Keprcsenline a new development in Die history of the ihratre, Ihe Negro Hrama Troup offers pUys unreslrirtcH bv rarial or>sidm- Dons, freeing Die Negro aetor from Die tiHdilion-hoiinri cfinrep- Don of his loir. Georffia Racial Issue Spreads l- rii II Mg will he re;.urTi'd here nii .Inly 7fi when A C Searlr^, editor of 'he fsouDiwest Ge-Tgia. i'cn*wvs p-iblu-aimn of hi.s weekly which 'imiiended pnliDraDiin "for fnc r/ur- idioii ' in n«remh'r, iOiri. Searle? and .ill male menihei'. •>( In. i if* f'.ll'-’- • di lifted into Die iriiied f'U HRIDTiWH. I. (.a I cdci i| -u . r.ilni ,dgc, i.c*. I'-ti -.v-i .. I.'fl ’I'tiin-.dav I*. Im]* .. r.l- ii-d I'll'. IV M'-rnn i-'i h 'l l.v lii.;e, INCREASE IN BUSINESS .FW ,N V 'CN-Fi —Five fi'iildic'i *U I ;iti I • .1; c •■•i|»ii, • fii. ' f'.'ii r tj • ‘J .liiin-il N gl . In ui .mr r , ,iim|. .i .t'li'i'U' D‘g' .'s' li I "I'l I'l I ••pin ' il '.1‘iv lieulthy incie;(,e m buMiie;-s ivfi tnn iiy .t.'i«),'MMi,'ino It w;is trji'iiUd. I'Ks, Di.|t l.inHl, •Klfi pc'ipii- •..'! p'lli' u ■ ;ii im'inii' • ''.'I p,.t,ic iii'.iir m • .•iiiM'inl cd tv’.1,.!11 "f -'il.''' tiii'i, 110(1 iifio It. 1(1 II.' • • I'd Tic t« I neiii;-. iti'i'i 'll il ■Ii... • d.i- I , hi I' It III tei m a., gov •M'||. Tiliiii'lgc who 1; p.ii.iding iindcr Di»- li..riM-'i- • f • •.vliilc :.*ipri' Ml iC V ,..iy Ill'll r.'c.-.ifip.; ...iti I)., cx'hidc'l fiMiii D|i 11'ii.'i'r-ilic pri iii-iiv tl*' pil' 'if • Hiiil,d .SI lie ,Sii po'i.e T'i'iri d'ci ei'iii .' Il 'll all')'- "iriii I'l v'.ii- d’l tin - ite pro I " ■ I ' IK '1 "f Di« .i.ite pt ini •' / law !■ peiTiiit a ‘--Aiulc prun-nv' suh|C' { nnl;. tu the idle,, d Die den M', rafu prtM •, At'", , •.t',.,,,. M-|„> fil'Kl I •’ "• • ' ii'c • n'T-ig T ()|i I . Ill I '1 ■ ' • '-iiaigp ■ I of l-'i .11 'lldei |. t! TCgl .ti.*i.. fi'iin di ipi.lilts 11,.^ ^■cg|•(ll•.- A I" .11 i'l,; c* I li.lcfl Rii Salurd iV III I l•(lc' igiii 'I |.v (• A Sr-i* t, ■ di'.. 'if Di' ^'l Miti- D.iilv W'li! . • ■n'l ' I. H.iip' i, jue id'-iit of Die local I ii.qiti r 'if III.' N.AAfT', ,-.iid -'•III To Tiiiifd Stales .Mt .rncy fjen- 'I it T| irk, *.'•.;i'i ' ifi/'ii. callcfi foi "I II,•.•'• iig.iiiMii lit Ml' di'.giaeclu' pi:i if .MM '.ai'ei Mmic 'I. II, I'niKMi Ilf Inc l.'ikl'i-.'V •' '1 '.'11 ;i,i .ue legisteieC ■ to \ol' g Die relca.e d a ..Ipry 'in 'lie I'lii-'l Iviiclung of R'lhcrt ll.ill In Newt' ll, (Ih . by county policc- ni'ii i'.•'ii i'gcd la .| J.itiiiiM.v. Searl* . -tDtiu}>I"J tu -l.til publication im .■...••'|iai'’ly ti'it w.i. iiiMhie to ■ hl.iui ucis'siumi All m>mb ‘ • 'if 'he 011- :.iti il -iff lia-.c I'ocii 'li K hargi-d I finm the aimed fun-'.- ,-iiicr .lami , ary cx pi :;gi Tt'-' gc Mitehdl, who is still eiving with the ma • I MIC C'llp. ' Founded in intfi by V W H'»dge.. I miw .1... i iaTe ‘lie Atlanl 1 jW lift. The .S'liiDiwiat Tfcoigi.m 1 , I n.cnil,*T .f the Naii'iial Nfti'o j : Few ,p,ip. 1 I'utili her -ii- o' l'iti'ni ■ ; ,ind I .III iffili.iic 'if tlic Se'iD N'-w -• ' IP'P'-r min-lie. Tim l“>••l war S'ui'' ' ' i (Je*ii,;i4i, w'lll icnd'-r a '•gnal- ej-.- s.iid BRITIAN PLANS POLICY FOR COLONIALS "ll’s a strange thing «bout ' merle,»n liemorraey. Secretary of St.ile Ityrnes Is eoneerneff ahniil Die freedom of (he ballot for Itnigars, when only I.A per cent of the people vote in his own state of South f arotina." Henry Moon. New Aork. as-sisUnl to the of NCr.XC, lec tures to one of (he elasses in the School for Tolitical Action Terh- nirines Mr .Moon was In North f'ainliiM in .Mi\ implemenling Die |.»i2r Negro reg'sIraDon which tntmri oil! In Ihe Sixth IHsIrlel. fi'- ‘in., it m-iy dp two. three Dr f. HI var;. Iicfore the sc lv'-'l cdn •1. eled. "Ihc Toiiiiiiittcp •.•'gg--.ted tlu«i tlu Jill} '1.. tro p'Tinitt*’d Id ih® l.v i 'if I.,'- '.li-'c .',chci.-||;; or that I'l'V li ‘ ':.ia.u«mted tn Kittrcll •,vl''ic '■( iui l'liiig mi the cantpiT ■ if Kii'i(*ll '• 'l*’gc would ill- Im, Imtli pi'»po.s;i):. w«‘rc ' pi'iv' 'l N'l I'c.i ,ori WHS given for 'D ippiova! of the ref|uc..f tfial Iw'i white ..chfiol;, fic turned over ' > Negro ( ill." ti". hu' il wa ; nsu fci.'icff Dial iheri' w a no bii;;p'>rl.')lioii In take the pupiL^ t'> Kittrcll, 'Ihc su|)ci inl'mchMi ..iiggc.stcd Di;.l N'-gm cTli/cn.i slmuld "buy .nd diiuk inoi'' whi ikc.v in 'irdur l'» liiisc more icvcniip so Dial the .MU’ lAoarrl would have nunc I K.m y to allocati to the sihonl film! " The Hoard promised to submit riirlhnr plan,?" but .so far none have b('cn mad'*. CATHOLICS STUDY RACIAL ISSUES W x.sHINGTON — The National have Dccn msae. CATHOLICS STUDY RACIAL ISSUES WA.SHINGTON — Th-j National CHth'.lir Woman's Council delved i’lto all phases of Negro problems" n the field 'if 'oeial action in a thrcp-dHy seminar rondiicted under 'be auspices of Ihe .social action i department al the National Catho lic Sch'iol of Social Service here -cceiilly. Fifiy nali'inally-known lenders in interracial justice .md klndr(^d fields were in attendance at tho ses- I 11 -A'hich were divided into kpc- iKinal meetings which discus--xf dis* ■ riminatinn by lalinr unions labor unions and solution of the Negro’s economic prohlam.s through his integration into community life. Am' iij; prominent persons attend ing the duicussions was Bishop Kranri.N J. Haa.s of Grand Rapid.?. Mich. Hold Buying: To Lowest Levejs Piirhasing Public Llrged Not To Waste Money On Articles State College, Raleigh. July 17 'SperiaD—-‘North Carolinians, keep down .vour buying! Don't purchase anything that isn't absolutely es sential. until Congress passes ef fective price control!”, came the message from Ihe -State's capital (ity I'day as Negro and white board members of the Committee for North C.-irolina met to chart a course of progressive Tar Heel leadership. Dn-Iaring the demise of OPA a •b -*ring cloud of reaction", along with such trends as isolationism and Ku KIux Klanism, the board PdiiCd resolutions and sent wires to the H house and senate con* fc..ei working n the price control bill, The telegrams staled- Tlie Committee for Noith Caro lina deplores the removal of price controls and the resulting rapid rise in prices and rents, and urges that the conference committee work out an effective price control bill ill line with the President’s recom- mpi'd.iDonj,’ ( ‘ipie.s of the' wires were sent Seiiatnr.-. Clyde Hoev. Jusiah Bailey, Repi (‘sentative Carl Durham, and all N Tlh Carolina iegi.slators in Wushington .A plea to the people of the state urged: "Recognizing the rapid rise in the price of milk, butter, meat, rlothing and rents, -nnd 'ither ne- ces-silu s. with the resultant hard ship and distress to the people of North Carolina. CNC 'The Com- iniDee for North Carolina) asks the members of CNC and all citizens of North Carolina to refrain from buy* ing alt but absolutely essential com* mc^ities pending the favorable ac- 'ion of Congress on President Tru mans proposals for an effective price. riKKrol profuiur. ” "We nrrther approve the action 'aken by citizens' groups staging buyers' strikes during this period,'* the board added. A message from board member III Frank Graham, in Washingtou. urged "Go down the line for OPA." Other soci-il issues and legi&la* .-xortri vamiiiui lo remiin irom oox* mg all but absolutely essential com modities pending the fsvorable sc* lion of Congress on president Tro- mans proposals for an rifeciivt price, les^rol prnBrain " . "We tuftYier approve tM aettan taken by citizens' groups staging buyers' strikes during this period," the board added. A message from bi'srd member Dr. Frank Graham, in Wastungtoa. urged: "Go down the line for OPA-" Other social issues and legisla tion di.scussed by the board includ ed: Belter medical and health facil ities. Prof. Sett Mayo of State Col lege declared that a federal as well as an extended state program 1« essential. He 4>aid it was igreed at a 'recent Southern Health Confer ence in Tennessee that a state health program alone could achieve only onc-ten'h the results of a fed eral plan. Extension of the suffrage MIo Mary Price. Greensboro. CNC, exe cutive secretary stated that duilng the recent suffrage drive sparked hy CNC, 10.000 names had been added to the books of the Sixth District alone. Probably one-balf of these were Negro voters. Wiitttoo* Salem and the Fifth District alho had an active suffrage campaign I.KJITMNt; KII,I.S TWO CHII.DKF.N lloivaril Slrtlniciil Rfiliiccd Vole CHARLESTON. S C 'ANP, — A freak bop of lightning snuffed flirt the lives f»f *w'o children in the .Sugar Hill section of MeggeD near here during a thunder .stormr Tiir.'-- dav The boll shot 'iown a wire rem- forrins clay chimiev and struck Ida Mac .Ifinkins. 12, and'her five v»ar-- Id brother .fimm.v from among three other children and Ihclr mnth- er. all of whom were .'cated In the eight by ten room. None of the oth ers was injured or shocked and Lt. Percy W Hardwicke of the county police who investigated the inci dent said the bolt apparently pass ed into the ground after striking the two children. •tACKSON. Mi?s MNPi — A Maferretu attributed *o Penv How ard. Negro Natjonat Rcpubli'-M commit leeman from Mts.sissi|’|v. app -aring in a loci.l diily 'ome tvo or three davs hf'fore elerfion d.iy, is charged with havin’ greruly :«• diiced the numbci- of N-'uro a^iI»t in the July 2 I)em-erotic prmiar.v in which Negroes vitod for Ihe first time in 70 .vear.s Tlic How.ird slateuu'ot urged Ne groes not to C" to th'- polls on .Futy 2. hut to be prepared to go to thr polls tn lEMK to clc;l a Republican nresident of the United States. M-O-.-'.. fAr>rful ; ••nrc'i'-r' } many Negroes made the Howard I statement their excuse and stayed away »rom the polls on election da.v. i-ii'g*'*! fi'iin tnii t»i .vi.odfi ,i-'l c-'i .c i.,*!'i-i'..i|- r ;■ fi III ■-:ii I'l S"'0 Til. • Ml, to .io' Il .! ,1 r,.i ' I.I .' ' TkY.’I'i:; n ir .^ ikm.o -m. h AooDi* I 51 ’.'•'iii.iiiK) h.i I-' • I (I 11, I' «k|. i ,,t ;->i.iii- I ■ 111 • ■ .1 ..'I'l ' .ili'i.i'i ■ "i. »'1;Im 'Vt.:; 'll- f'l I il.iv i li'g^ • III.' •.V«-I''.M|.I V'.i I- fill" ■ '1 R. pi .\fl.iti. r'l .vi-.-i p • " • ri . W (in i-i,-- ..f AT III* ' I.I I’m id* 111 'f Die : i. Republicans . Drop Veteran DePriesl IIH Xfifi 'ANf, - IKi-.ii Di'I'ricsl, alderman anil lul war raiminiltrrmaii tirir, Inst week wa.s luilifie*! Dial hr liad brrn drfipprd fr*»ni all rniinly Krpulihean siihrommi tiers hr- eaiise he allegedly salu. ".Mayor Krily is the best mavnr Chirasn ever had." Th* Democratic may or is un ler fire in ronneclion with Chicago school scandals, LOCAL MAN HELD ON RAPE CHARGE ! - liil .l. Mil" Hid-. l*'*.illlUI. Ik iiig h.'ld !'• I 'l i..’l Mil a '-h ir.;(' -d "If N K Tii.'if'i I*•null'd Till I. I'l I id ni-M :Dii I 'III : .'. lid I,. 'Iiilf Ilf WHS '■'I. *0 M i"liH'r'. fi«*iH iifir his '"•"I' ■ Diaii '.tfi luiur- ifter thi '.‘.I i"iiiu'fd pi '>unly offi- -ivii .1 pr''liiiiiiiaiy h”arin('. ' ■I 'I f'U tn-,1 'll W'.ko Sup- "II I ('••nil wj'liM'i' jirivilfgi* i.f Ixind .•\'(- idiii" III Mr- Fdwards' state- nifiii. ni-i'Wii broke iiito hi-r home where shf livse aloi'o through a rear do**r. grabbed iier about the throat and c.srrifd her into the back yard where .she was as-soulted twice. I/iN[»i.r, -ANpi — A .Imp 1 'iil-fHce 'if HiUhui'.-. r'lloiiiHl p',1 V WHS disrl'isfd h'-ie last wc'-k : Dii'.'iiig the -f'cin.iry of i-lHtc fn. ■'I'Miiir in H new ptop.iin for c'd (K.i'i dev(l'i|);n*Mt will ulii iM ■(« ly hitiu-h uiip' i iali. in fimn uM I'liiii.ti '(il'.nif ] 'll.'i'l.ur*- if the Hrilish So'i.d I " "Cl iini'ii'" • new I'll' pro jfc' mi '.V*-. niaric later u> (he hoii .• ; "f 'omoiiii; h- Aithii fn-'cti- .t"'*- . • .iiHi-r .fiftHry for colome: "lio 'id. -Ar- Hic iidivi'lv fiigauid ■ in .I' kiii;: 'hi* r'lntci'. of Du- old I lii|>«'l l■'ll■:rll, .iiid we 'HI' ;i;. ciige;- ' I iii.v '.Ih'i rouiily f ii Dc hiilld- ; lu: op of people, to fri'c- 'l"iii .111(1 -o'-ihI li.'pjiiiic " '"f'cell .loii«s l*•vf;lll•(f H f'lii I point C'llonml poluy ifw ,ilio. t ' Ik ini'i-'ti'd III nir-iin'.s i-olonc 'hioogliool til'* wild, i I ItriiHiii will ,*>f Dim di'ciiiiiin i.iiioii -iiid r.iriiil siiiK 11'lrity .u- ' "’.id' Ol dls;jp|)c;ir lis ..'I'll! Id p'l-- L i!i|f iiid Dihi Dll' iel.-iii>iivihip b'-- j twi'cii RiiiHiii and her cMl'inics will I bf 'u.'- of p.irlii' r.-hi|i I ;* P'iIuii'h! Hiid eennnniic pri-.-il- ; • iifd domio.iiinn iniist g'l. and : Di" p'opi' 'if Dll' ' 'itMiiii - sh'i'itd M f'iiw;o'| I'l p"lii|r:i1 fi'Kv} m an'i . '*• ivuiuhlf '•r'lf-;;overi*nifnt n The »'rnnomic exphii'ali'ii. of r i' n it [i -Mii'fs and the people. : "f iiidural ri's'iurre.s and the people' ■ f iher *• .Iniiifs ir the ends of (•■’rliin gronjis. wheih'r internal in col'uue', nr externally, go. i| is the respnnsihilit.v of the -iov- ernment to attack the very e;. ce of (x"»n*» imperialism. •4. The lest of the new British P«i1i[y .should not be British ad- vanl.-igc but the happinesR. pr-s- perity and freedom of the colonial peoples themselves. Beating of Vet Rejected Many Stop to Comment on Dreadful Act New York - One "f the inojJt lif'inlil' of snulhcrn police h.-uDility .-ip'iiii;! roturninK Negro vi'U. -WH.: tiroiighl fo light nren' ly wh'-n Die Nalionul As,s'iciatioi; ter the Ad'. aiK ('Mu nt of Color e-i P'-oplr: r' le.i,.'fj Du- facts sui I'liinding th*- iinh'dicvahlv liar- iiiiioii.; and iihnding of W'.o'li.rd, 27 v'-ar 'dd vet- ■fian "f 1 .’-'-UI.- l-'i to'inilis of |\vii|i-ii w'-n- ..pint 'll til*' Soiit!' I’urific Wo'.*i;.i(l. d iioiirs nflor 'hi- 'liscii.trgc fiom a (!* niohili/n- .It'iii *•(•111'I. w.t. lak'-ri from a ! t)u: in (u oigia hv two police ji’i* n on comtilain of a hiis (friv- I 'l''ii- ifilii" iiipiii'liatcl.’ attack- j'o Dll' .-'ifiaii .vit}| tl,''ii Idack- I jm k.i .III'! as i.f lay al tlu ir fee' , in a .l.iio of .ifini f';*iii,ui(\ss I'Uli of the olfii I.-, .^«idl;.tl(-all.S |g'.ug' 'l -lilt iiolh of hi.s «*vf s wilii j'li'- blunt Olid 'if a blackjack h*- fore thr*)wing oirn into a narrow cf'li wh*r(- he wa.s left intensely ;.iiff'Ting tiinuigh Di- nig}-t with out tri-atniorif Told in his own rpiict word.-, W'lodard':; sl'uy niatcin-.s any Di;,t over came 'uD »»f Du* harhar- « u . horror cfiainlx-r.s of .Na-zi (•'I'manv. 'f’ri*- following story is t : k (• Il wi'iioui (-nihi'ili.shincnl fi'.m I h f Nf-gir. v'-l'; affidavit , fi'*-d with ttic legal du'i.sion of the NAACI’ ■ I, LSAAC WOODAHH. -IH , be ing duly sworn, do depo-se and .st.ite as follows: "THAT. I re.sidc al llflO f'rank- l;n Avenue, Bronx, New York, Apartment 2. I am 27 years old, • and a veteran of the United States 'Aimy, having .seivet from the ir.D) of October, UM2 to the I2th of February. intR. when I re reived -an honorable di.scharge finni Camp Gordon, Georgia I • ;.eiveH for l-'i month.s in the South .Pacific with the t2fMh Port Bat talion I served in the Philippines and in New Guinea and earned 'me halDe .star. "! was dt.srharged about .'):.T0 P. M. on F(-‘bruar>- 13. IfHfi from Camp 'Jordon. Gi’orgia. A* 8:.30 P. M at tho Greyhound Termin al in Atlanta. Georgia, while I was in uniform 1 purchased a ticket to Winn.shnro. South Caro- liiia and took f h e bus headed ther*' lo pick up mv wife to come ■ f'l New York hi .sec my father and rnoiiier Aiiout one hour out of Atlanta the bus driver .stop ped at a -small drug .store. As he .stopped, I asked him if he had time to wail for mo until I had a chance to go to thi* rest rorm. He curseid and said. When he cursed me. I cursed him bark. After I cursed him, he .said. 'Go ahead and get off and hurry hack." so I got off hurrying back as he said. ‘About half an hour later, when the bus got t/i Aiken, he .stepped again and got off a n f* went and got police. I did not know what he wa.s doing and thought if was just a regular slop. He eame bark and came in thr bus and came to me and .said, ‘Come outside for a min ute.' and I got off the bu.s. When I walked out, the police were there. As I walked out, the bus driver started telling the police that I was the one that was di*- tiirbing the bu.s. When he stt(i that. I .started laming to the police that I was not raising a disturbance on the bus. but they didn't give me a chance to ex plain. The policeman struck me with a hilly across mv head and tf'ld mr to '.sh'D up'. After he finished talking, he said to me' 'You won’t eatch this bus o'it nf here, you catch the next bus.’ "After that, he grabbed my by my right arm and fwiste-l it be hind my back, and walked me down the street, rintiniiiilly iiwLsting my wrist. I figured (was trying to make me resifit. I I did not resist against him. He ; a.sked me was I di.>rharged. and 'I told him ‘Yes.’ When I said, \ 'Ye.?.' that Is when he starttd *ing me with the billy, hit- ; mo across the top of my I id. After that. ! grabbed his billy and wrung it out of hia hand. He ran behind my back and grabbed my arm again, I had him hy his right shoulder After that another policeman came up ;anri drew his gun on me and told me to drop the hilly or he would drop me, so T dropped the billy. "After I dropped the billy, the second policeman held his gun nn me while the other one -wai beating me as we were walking down the street. I did not see anvone on the street. When we (Continued on back page)

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