PA':f Tn^:M‘i F^iclor; THE CAROLTNIAH WEEK ENDING SATURDAY. JITLY 20. 1948 C. Anderson I I o V.' .sniN(. ION, i». Conlinucd From Page 1 VI TfRANS OENIFD o SiMi .1. Ill ihis. Snyrtpr said; • Thr p«iliry -.f hnnsirg N-gr-'CS ■ I thr univPis-ily Is Hoti-rmined by 11)0 h Hr/| r>f . gH Iho pub- li. oiihmonl of Iho ro'nmunity” .ml mduiilDd Ihid il didn't appear h.iiiRi' il 'VdiilH 'if -illprfd. Hu ri Iho i-ivivoiYihon by say* Ihxt .'III iMiorn;i'i'>ni(l hnii.>o, In “in- nti tho llnivPisMy 'd i I Htiipi);- whifii hmisps nii I- • r>t'r\'., has l»opn prnpnjod h.iil- . r Ifondprs ii of North- loiii . I'onslmotinn dopartmont, I lorioiiMy that \'nrtlnvr':1«rii no vofoiHits 'hon-iinc probloin ■ il Iw, i>n NfUro veterans. ,1 •• . li.niioH id If ;»IT alloiidliiB 'iumntor y..- II. .111*1 liviiiR in (i.Tirpod nuar- . n F:\jin-Ion’s Nt-gio VMCA I I Kdwin n. Jouniidii. only N** rii*iiil)Or of the Kvan.dnn City iiu-il. who for maiiv ypars h. :^lit iim M'l'w .-el lip Ht thP hoa\ - rtulnwod instiliitioi. said hr : •- •i'. to .* r Ihn NH ^ J-i'and by its ■nii'.o to wiibhold priorllirs whirh iild hr iisrd for -enirgalPd hons- ■HR _V- vTVi.. : jjjfr 'HF' i Jk II M I Mill TOIO. HITEtR. 'I HO aii'ST no VETS ARE TOI.n Mississippi In VI tc. ” .Sorkinc to obtain .signal'ire'- of imi.iKiO .Missisippi-'iiis on a priilion ■ ii'h fall- npo’i Ihr ‘onate lo rr- •■n r 1- I'.ii Rilbo 'a'r; unfit »o hold hi- hi:b offin* of Unit'd Stairs .ven- .iini.' tno ^onu^p^s also is iirRiiiB all Ni-Ri' vrtprans of World Whi II -ii loin liir fiuhl to oust fascism in ; tills country just as ihry did m I .1 ijian iind r.r'many : .lust prior to Missi' -ippi's fV-nm I ifn pvi'iiary. .lamr; F. Jackson. [SYNC dii'PClot pt sp“oial projct •. , -p.*n' -r' oral d.ivs in thr itato dis- iidnitiic li-atlfts that partiridaily iiiio'l vofriiins t ■ vot* 'i'h'' Irafln • ‘ I iiriPd a inuinder t-- vrtcran- .'..i, wh*) bud Id Hitlri low. don t , .. I-,I Ilf ..Id r.ilbn. jir-t likr llitln' fiioii'l. Toj'i. Bilbo, too h'• Only in per rent '*f 'bi- p-'pul.i- 1, III "dois aRr ra'.l ballot- i" .1. i ippi. ‘be rongi'-si ‘rclai i'. !■ II - .1. I • du fraii' |. inriil of I in h-in.oO' fiiini'Cti opriat'ou "f t; ,...11 • ; -v ipn- and 'he out- , ii! .. fn- il if offi' i its to pcriPit i'0|sfPi and v'Vlc. V VFT BFATEN. EYES GOUGED . I SI GFORGIA COPS ^.ii In Uu‘ do»r III Ihi- polirr t-la I, II. In -siiiK K nil- .*Kuin a ti d Ki.nik-ii nil- niiron.-ii'i'iiis Altm I . nil..I I tin i 111 Dini- t" m.vsPlI, b- holU-i'd. (u't up.' When V '..111-' to Ri-t up. b" ai.irl«Hi j.nt.i-riinR nil- in iny «-.v«'5 witu ih .mi oI hLs billy. I tinally Rcu 0,1. iiiid Winn i roI up. nr pusu- lo tnr in.udr inr jatl huiLst ami lot ki'd nil- up. 1 C'liild still far n 1 w minuti'i. .vs i can lemmi* 1.(1, lii'causc I win-i hardiy enn- SCii/US. •‘A few minutes after hr- lock- in mi- up, lie camr in a thrc’A nn- my puisr. Hr wi-nt bark out j.nd locked the door. I picked out a cot and ited down. woke up the n»*xt morniti}; and couldn't sc. S>meon«* brought me my In the bed. Alter ibal, a policeman came to the ..rtU i.nonnH the rioor and "The doctor cfnie in and he questioned the policeman and asked him what war. the mattri. Tlw polireman told him that I V as raising a dLsturhanre on the ills and drunk The doctor ..skrd thr polirrnian was I drunk ihin, and hr .said no. S*! the dm-- tni had an attendant catty nir in P r'»om. and the attendant un- Hies.srd me and put me lo bed. "Ah'Uit ft or 10 minutes after 1 wa.; in the bed, tiie nurse t-ame jiiound and .darted civing nu! .shots in my ami. "One nf the con lari men came arnitnd one dav and said to me they were going to take out a pension for me. I brlievp that thr riortor who i-ai • rd for me was named l>r. (’lai- enre. 1 told him what liad Jiap- petied to me. Hr made no com- 'ineni. but fold me I should joui .1 blind school "1 .stayed in the hospital for two months — I went in on tn*- l.’^th of F'ehniary and came nut on the Ift’h of April My sisters were dowr tie re, they hroiielit . Ihty disch uRi d me while thrv camr down to ;;ep me. and .since were down thr. they hioiight tie ni‘ back op to New York to my fiiiiier's home in the Bronx, v-hne I am still slaying." Wallet White, executive, m';' retary of the NAACP. who as 1 a war eorrespondenl and .spcrial • rhseivpi for the War Department visited Negro troops in both the Kiiropean and Paeific theater.s during World War II .-lated: ' K'.r .shcei iM-stiality and fascist lerioi the terrible story told h'/ young Woodard i.s without par allel in all niy oxp*-i ieltee. Tt.; man .serve*! his country fm f*ui .", fifteen innnths of that time in the S*utlh r.ieifie where b» managed In live through and »c- et-pt all of the hormr.s of jungle warfare only to return to what i li - had h* en loltl w.c; agi .itefiil ! natu.n Hen- in th*- homelan*! ’ le’d fought f*> rand pr*ite*-t*-d b- i was given a taste of that grati : t.ide hv .-.ou'licui policemen whii maimed liim for life.” Dr Chester W'. Chinn, web known eye who exam itud W'lodard'.s ev*, at th* : quest of the NAACP drclar*‘t tiiat th'-re w.i.s ab.s'iliitely noth ' ing that medirai science could Ho 'for the vet, "The Iroy’s eyes are I completely hopeless." stated Pr. • Cn;nn. Chills^fever »irt re MAfARIA? « AT e«»U (A r« H««a by IKHIlAMt CARTER Electric Compemy Anything Electrical 3 E. LESDIR ST. IFI.. 20Ri1 A* Cm* R«]r«Mi4 Writ* f®t fr»* T«f*n"*«l.® M. WILLIAM3, D^I * , JOURNAL SQUARE ST A. 'JERSEY CITY. N. J.' | WAKE SALVAGE CO Wc Buy asd Ball EsrarythtfH of Valua rURNITURE - STOVES BErniGERATOnS TOOLS — RADIOS 337 8. Wilmingtoa Si. Phona 2 2327 Ifyavinel FOR SUE AT YOUR DRUGGIST Tho Boyd Mfg Co., Inc BIRMINGHAM. ALABAMA Icfia! Notices AllMIM.b'rRATOtt NOTK’F. NnPTH CARnMNA WAKE COUNTY Hating qualified as ;)4minl6lra>or "f the Fatale of Alice Dunn, de- .'•ased. late -f Wake rounl.v. North Carolina, this is to notify all pei sons having claims Hgaind the F' ijto nf ajri Jp'-eas*'d '*> exhibit them to *he iiiHcr.-.igtied at n F D 1. Box ftit, Raleich. r/'-rlli Carntina, *iu '"i 111*- ai'.l d tv nf June. jftfT, o t: i-. Il'lire >vill be |>]r 'cH '. ■•(. lliru le.f.vei Ml l.* indelitrfl In the‘e will pleH-" *li,>ke in\iM''b.l'- piV'i'fllt Till. ?J-.t d*v -.t 111 c. 194k Orange p lYun-'. Adn'ioi.«li k. i:i .'n, .’7. A-igi ‘k\Ki,i(;in • SKAT CDVKIl.S • FIXHtn MATS coNVKR SION kit;-. • SFAI.KD HKAM • sr’fvn.i(;MT.s • FOG I.IGHTS • RUMPKft GUARDS • P'OOT PEDALS • TAIL PIPE F.XTENSIONS TEL. 32tR4 131 1-2 S. Wilmington Si. CAPIT .1. COrA-t OLA BOTTI-INO rO. 613 W. Mni.jan St. PROGRESSIVE CLEANERS Onc-D«y Service Satisfaction Guaranteed Phone 9142 Cor. Smilhfield and Bloodworih Sts. Branch Office: 702 E. Marlin St. ■ ur IN Tlir ‘dPTRIOH ‘OI'RT NiiRTH GAFOUNA V/.\Kl rnttNTV N’ont r fiTIM FAI'-ON MAnt.i; P FAISON The drfpuHaiil. M ible P Faiv'n. •• )M I k" ii'-li*) lb.I an acll*Hi eo tjtb-rl as abo- e h.*-* b-eii eo > n en* ed in llir Si'prri**i t'o- -if Wnke I. V Nnriti C.*! ■he-), t" obtain .-n ahs lute diver e .m th*- grouurtK •f ivc*» y/’Fir'i sepii iti lu. ;u pinvtd- ed in the Statute-^ 'f Nonh Gam iiui. plasniifl nnri '•■cfei Haiit hav ing lived .separate and apjr* for mere than fwn years next pre>-*'i'l- iim ttic in.Mitiilion of this ;etion, and that said defendant w-ill furth er *ake notice that -ine is I'-qiiirert i-> appear .il the *iffi!e f Hi# Clerk i-f the Ruperi'ir ('otirl of Wake County, North Carolina, in the Courthouse In Raleigh, North Car olina on the 12th day 'tf Augir-i. IPtfi. nr within thiity days then • after, and answer -ir demur to fbt Y- / -1 ■ JK: en in me Tiiami*’'* 'u «oi o ,11.;.. ;.nrt 'efeidarit hav- .n;-. lived .‘•rp.araie ai-d apir' for more than Iwn years next preemd- iiiy the institution of Ihi* ;etion. and that said deferdinl will furth er ‘ako notice that sne is (equired *.> .jipear -it the offire 'f tb# Clerk of the Superior Court of Wake County, North Carolina. In the Courthouse in Raleigh. North Cai- nlina on th' 12th '.b*.v of Align-... 1!H6. or within thiify days ther* after, and answer --ir Hemiir to lb- I'oinplaint uf ^aid a*-|ioii. or the. plaintiff will apply to the Coin*' f«>i 'he rebef demeided in f-u ' complaint. , Ktb day -if Jur.-. ISI6 i .SARA AI.I.FN. Assistant Clerk of Superl'ir Couit •tiily i;i. 20. 27 Aueu;-l J IN THF SI’PFKIOP (OCRT NOTICF then l>d NfiRTii f'AROLINA WAKF orsTY RFBA F REAVES PANSON VS HOWARD F PANSON THF DEFENDANT. Howard I- Piii.-i>. will Mke ir.'i-r that r-n arlion (iitilUd as at*‘)ve hai been ••oiuiii* II’'•! OI 'hr Sin>eii«r C'ur* . f Wake County. N -rth Car-'Hii:*. t*i *ibt.iln an ab.-olu'e divoire o|, hr qi l.akrd me up. I could .-itill aut. fni t w minutt* a,s 1 can remem- i,«i. licc.'tuse 1 wa.s hardiy cnii- SV1VU£ "A few minutes after h«* Jock- eo mi up. be came in a thics. m*' my He went Saek out s.r.d licked the door. I picked i-ul a cot and lied down. •• woke up the next mornitig and cntldn'l sc. Someone brought me my to the bed. After Mat, a policeman came to the l(■.>l iiiui opened the qoor and told me to conic out. H*’ said, i.'-.'.- go up hero and see what till )U'le« wanUs.' I loM him that I roiild not .see how to come out. i vi.a* nliivi. Hi .said. Fed .v»ur way out.’ J did not niak-- any move to come out, so he walked -11 and led me to a sink and mid r.u to wash my face, and .said ’.,..1 I would be all right 1 washed my fare. He m*’ up to the jiidg»'. a n ri tn* judge said to me. You w*-re iau>- it;g sand on the mis night .-tul-iiorn.’ So I said In him. No, .k;.-,' and 1 t'dd him what hap (iini'l. Alter I told him what i-ippenefl. he said. We don’t hav( t;'.al kind of stuff down here. Aitcr he said liial. the polie*- m;.n spoke and .said. He wrung iiiv oillv out of my hand, and I tinn. as pimidcd In the .Staiut- • ; Id him that if h»- did not drop Nuith Carolina, plain'iff ai.d dr- I woul‘1 drop him.’ ihat .> (pudrfiii having lived -epara**' and I kni'.v It wa.s the .saiii'* p'- apart foi m*sro than two years next c' lnan as had hi'al my eyes out. i..i--*'. dm.; m* niMi'iiii u of thi-. .\tti 1 that, the juogt spoke action, and that said defendant will i said, I fine .vou $fth.l»0 o*' lunhei take iioine that he is rr- .) flav.- fin the loafi.' I said that fpimd .ippear at ’hi' office i .oulri pay he .$50,0tl but 1 did the Cleik ni th* .Sii|iei ' hav»> the y.fth.OO at the tiim . of Wake C’ouiU.s alter il'' r f 1 ■iimiv. plc- s shuw me I'lu- 'if Ills id n'loits in the I’rii- I m.- w id h Im v III .Y|r. .\lH|PlSOIIS - 1 Y 1 I.r I .. I Ih.ii lids ■ lllsl I I Mitv iMlill lui . •» ' Il I il r .II I t.I- ■ -I |i I , .1 • inipli- of I- Il I mil • I'-S of YOtllh f, I uiinlv -I ’ll 4i.«lris*m .KUMI’ Ilf I’m- v*-. Ii.m- do I-' . r... .lii.i.U \!;nrnt- .1 III. 4 IMlIv * ll••■•! •■It*-I of ft 'liiiii^ iir i.(rrt**d I I • 1 xeMINT. I.r I-' U’ar II an- •• ..It ->i.- "t Hill » Il iiuur i.trminc f I.r . I . >■• ' .cri-ult’irp ■ 1 ••-. ''■r C lint’ i ’ ' M’ • ii(tfr*«n is .) •••1 —lional ; . i- s r '-isiriirtlnn. and iiunu-rods other sub- ’no pourenian said. Vou havp .-■•me money there in your wal- • ' H’ took wallet and look .11 I hod out of it. whirh was a •• tal of $}ii.on, an took $4.Oh t '.in m.v watch poeket. I had a • rk for $Hn4. 7.1. which wa.s in- 'tviistinng out pay and .soldiei.s ■| piLsit- He .said to me. (’an y.e.i .. •( how to sign this cheek — •--1 have a g.iverninent check.’ I -old him, No. sir.’ So he gavi hack to me after that. Hr loYik me back an*! locked me up in the jail I .-layed in the jail. I stayed in there for . ’.■ till" and after a few minut-’.s : II. rami’ in and asked me it I l-.’.inted a drink of whi.skey |:: I to-ik a drink ol whi.skey I • ■ iild piohably feel bftlei I t'lld : i’ ni. No. sir.’ I did not care fo- ,..tiy. Mr went and got sonv kin 1 jot ey- modicin*- and came bark Mid poured it in liolh my i .ve.- He went and go* a hot towel and .-pi-ead It across my hea*i I .ta.\ *d there for the rest of the da.v until about 5;3n that evening I I' tild tell about what time it w.)> hecaiLse I asked a polireman an I he told m- il was late I do ni ’ know if t! it was the sam** p' lictman A' that time he i-ami in ; nd got me and told me tha* We’re going tn lake you to fk'- hospital.’ I did not hear anyone else in the room He loiiK me io the Vel*-rans' Ho-spital in Columbia. S. C. When I got there, the doctor was not .a at t.oo tune, so ne laid m.' on a bench. A nurse took my narr and asked me wher. I wti--! from .'.lie everything, so I told her I V. it.s from V/innsborii. S. C. Cum t ; North Cainlin.i, : Coiirlh'i’ise in Raleigh. North! arnlina. -n the Iflth day of Aiigie-I. iniR. or within thirty flHy. thi-r* - after, and answer or demur to the (•oeqilaint >f said ariloii or he plaintiff 'vlll apply to Hie Coint pi. th' leli'f ricmaiiH'^d in said plaint. Tliis 19th day of .lulv. Sara Alim. Asst (.’let .Superior C’ uri F J Carnage. Attorney July 20. 27; AitausI 3. 10 A l.ifriunr in I Why chanc®* on burninij lip a lilrtim#’* pifofi in « ■Inole leriifyinq hour wt.*n il'i »' ..impi* and Inaxpentlva lo pro ‘eel your«cll ngninal any pnmti t.Ir miihap. Tngr horn* an' ifimily can b* absoluielv pr- tected from ANY dlaaalar at but a faw pannia* a day -you how. ••"•o I nr-Ai. artrKT ; NKtRS FIRE INS CO. DURHAM. N. C.

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