A. & T. ASKS R $4,000000 THROWS NYLONS AWAY AFTER USE CHICAGO lAHFi — Lmi." Havncs. a irsidrnt h'^ro. t‘>ld p >- llCf that aHo had fuly suppli'’d " ifh 'ivImh ho,, that sh»' 'iiiiOK- tiirin fhev hccatn'' •.oikd, Tt'i. r'-iif. Sion ranio aft^r Hilli.iid I.''", boy fiirnd ’vns indu frd hy 4 f'I (ral gtand pury f'^r fhr-fi ot pjc! agf.A of Tiylon" handird hr tiitn \ r)l,l ^II■* \»t J a* thP Chiragn prv;t nfficf i; \i i.n.ii, n r mmhj" \ \\ i i:k i -I'r . \ i i }:i) \v. .n \ \ ::v, IMUCIs f>? Anny's Negro Quota Back In Use •A ★ ^ ★ -A 'k 'k k k -k k ★ ★ ★ k k k CHEST COMMITTEE NAMED Committee Expects to Have Fuller Program for Coming Year’s Drive “Y" MEMBERSHIP DRIVE NEARS SET OUOTA — L T I.igr|.-,r Ka'haniel b^pn imi«. ert eo-colonpl* of th.* f’ • sion foi nrx' fnE'. ' • ".f!'i-. Che5* campaign K.ii H 'or:, campaign geimial. anii'iut.i'>■1 lerddv This unit 'cHi .nidndp jM %>„( cjtuens '*f RalPi^h fx'cpi ibc g- ernmpnl and larger fiim rn'pl .ve*. end of tiie first week Ih'i ■ >c o i lied md $6inMi) iir,d pli''iKeH II cnibei .hip I oltci led II. th*’ 'I'MCA 'll;. C-*mp*ign ".'hiili Iv- J.ilv 1.' GEORGIA VOTE OSHERS IN ANOTHER TAL= MADGE ERA ■ le . T he I !• Ii; S' dv In o"iet Ht '•'V TrlVt ' Atlanta 'AVPi - Ano'mr Tal rr.adse era was ushered in the .-ta!*- Wrtlnejday B.'d Returns fmni '-i* .fp ..* t.tjH t r'*'.- ,n.|.. precincts Indicate tha' hl-vcai old |!..eiiii-. USHERS IN ANOTHER TAL" MADGE ERA er agencies mis yeai. '■Figuies sl«\v," said BurgC’S "that during 1945. S.813 Negrne:: -.vere served directly bv Chest agen- ' cies. Then thousands more benefited : indirectly." , Tn older to support oui Increasing services," Lightner ronrhided. ‘Ih'.' . standard ^1 giving mu>t not only be inainlained but raised" Buigcss is an enipl'.yee of Ihe Atlanta 'ANPi — Another Tal-'City Taxi Companv while Lighlnei rr.adge era wa.s ushered in Ihe :>tate .is manager of Lightner's Funeral Wrfnesday. .Parlor, Both have been active in Returns from tne stpivs i.TdBiChesf rampaigns in Ihe pai.t. precincts indicate that 61-year-old I Recently included in tne Chest Eugene Tal.madge's race baiting po-1 Hgencies, was the North Carolina litica! antics were more popular, Commission on Inlerracial Coopera- than 40-year-old Fllis Arnalfs lib- non, "AH of -'ur citizeno. both white eraltsm Hi> gubt rnalorial victory, and Negro." said H'lstvtlei. ‘'.should marking his fourth in his slomiy benefit from the oxcellenl work of political career, is based on county this Red Feather agency. Airiictl tor nvrr.fi. pud w^r •.rune, .lolui A. VVePh. right. omm.iiidaiil ind pM>lr..iM of iniMlrry siirurp ,u»l I.mIu'. at Tuskeerr Inslitiilr, Lrkr-, adv4i«- of Kmc ‘en R ft luvi-, rr rent vi'.h l>» llir in-tilntc In get A preview of r.iirppean condUlom. Gfn. navis was Tiiskegee's com mandant during the idmlnlstru* ltn» of the 1i1e Hr. F. R. Mofon. '■rcoiid prr-.idenl of ihe Inctltuto. (ANPI RACE AMITY EFFORTS LIRE SPLITTING ATOM imiH AXE, SAYS UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PROF. -• T', r,v:» p ii'f . iejm ' hd'w.iTd Kiii'-hei. Ih'i , r. C''i)dalii Waltr-r fui !• ‘ I.- iin 1 r.ipi liii t. in i.oiiii . I iiv. I ’ll It" f '1 md*. Iiiiii'i .'El ,1 I ' |it.nn I) It ihisi.' jHiinf le.uil ■' f' ip'.iitl Will' *1 e., 7, , ||. II.t tr ,111 , 't.. , 1,1,-d IIU I >. I i.'p'.itiiig fi .c nr v . h' Mir ■ ^••p. • Wr t no* yet begun tu fKpIv^ the • il.iliti" (.f edit' ilion in ‘hr r • ’■■l.ii iiu fi'ld .uid mu cf| .i’. 1.1 t.iHr ii.H Ii ’ Hild. ’1 .!.• n... ... .t thr trn‘vr ing " “Fducation of a dtfferenl kitrjf-.* I. iir«vd..d fhi both matf.rtty arid 'ni'ioritv z' .''P' for .ve need tha i ir.H of education that re-shap«a I'dn id.|:il fni (temorratle pt^ III efforts for comfjrign. "elfHrc Dr Taba concludid^ ..f V(>|fRit fflHn •. M)« ... i. PRIMARV i. Leading teams according to ac- ! vuiiiulated point scotes are. Uivl- ' Sion "A", team I Captain Z-sck I Klli.i. Viif. point:., team 3 Captain ! .lame-. Riddick. p'^intr.; team 5 i Captain tklward Fitwher, 4(V0 I polhtii. teau. n Captain Waller Cm UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PROF. unit voles rather than popular votes. The county unit votes, similai to the electoral sy-itetn. is the only thing that counts in CJeoiaia's gu- bernato'ial elcr'ion Tihulation late Thursday night gave Talmadge 2.34 county unit votes. 28 more than is necessary for uominstion. against 128 unit votes f. r .36-year-old .las, V Carmichael. Gov. Arnall's pr"- gressj^•e candidate Marmichacl. ho” ever, rcrei^-ed the popular vote, leading Talmadge — -v- Solicili.r liivcsligalc.s Yoiilh's C.liai'gi's 01 Bnitalily RALEIGH - An assertion undei oath by .lohn Bell S.mders. 16-yrir old Wnidell yr'uth, th.O lic had been mistrcH'cd by - Wetidrl! police "f- ficpi while under arrest Memhers of the pi"frssloii.it staff of Ihr John .3. .Ynriicw Me morial hospital, Tuskrger. greet ed IM. Fiigene il. iHhblc. Jr., with a lunrheiin when he returned a:> inrdttal rliretlor .fill; IMiritiz the past lo years, lli, 1‘ibt.lr lias hceti manager of the ITtllr I State-. Y'eteran'. ho-pital. With the new atine.x tn the hu.pital, Ihe in fantile par.ilysls eeuler and the new nurses home adrlpri to the he.illh f.u'ilitie.. I>r, nibble secs an eia of expansion lor the hos pital ANP) Nashville ANP> "Wr have ing,’ not yet begun lo explv* th# por- ' ‘’Education of • diWorent .sihllities of education In ’he rarlol i.s nc»d»d fbr both majority and minority groiipr-. for we need th# kind of education that re-ahapet 'he iudividiial for democratic pt^' ticipalion in efforts for Manpower Shortage Changes Draft Policies points, team 4 Capt.-»in T IF Rohrifs :>9f> points; Division "B" relation'; fl«*1d, and our ellorti thus fouii 6, C'.-iptain Claude Dunn Mhjfai- have b»en as crude and inef piuiit.-., tram I C.aptain D. D. Bright- i fpctivc as trying to split the at"iii well. ;liki point.s; team 2 Captain | with an axe." Dr Hilda T.aba. pro- .Mberl Whitaker, a.'iS pmnl.s; team fes;,or ot edu'^ation at the Hnlvrr- 1 -npGi„ Mo,c. Lorn no poinir. ] ,„y Chicago, told ihp Am rican ° liidividiioh icporling five or i Mi-ionaiy association Institute of i.i-.te membci-.lupr. include M C. Race Relations at Fisk university . HiM, W H yuarle';, Ulvsses Bur 'hcie lad week, rouglio, I-. H, Roberlr,. Edward; Advocating a curse in human Fincher. D. U Biigh'wcll, Albert | relation :■ as a part of the regular Whitaker, Claude Dimti. and David; rmi i'-uhitn from the first through .■JTfFkson. V W 307 ? « .0 m 7.?, F^rnSr Wng .nvertigated b.v SollOor W Go,.. E D River, bad .otalcd .'.....Btrkc the™ L' ?’ TALMADGE SAYS HE REPRESENTS 'OPPRESSEO WHITE GROUPS’ V/h. Iiingt"ii ' cii'vi gcin v g'li — With l»ic I le iicnrrl de- FLIM-FLAMIST CAUGHT BY LOCAL POLICE T:.;.iipow''i, the war (!'• '.tnftiiig back to it Ne .' Ic’i' and ' igii"' mg it i Raleigh — Frank Brown of I.e^s- biiig. Fla., wa. being ncld heie Tuesday by police for investiga llti grades. Dr. Taba d^tdared that special units. .Tjetical weeks, and -ippcial days for teachiiig ha' momouj rate relalinn.s is not suf- fo'ient font-icl and a.ssooiation with peo ple i.i eisenfinl to idemifiratiori .and ■indcrstaiiding. thp '■.peaker enntin ued. She criticized the teactung meth'-ds of civics and government in our schnol.-; as centering ‘too nuirh on structure and too liHl'' '.n the dynatnis of comimrnity Itv- Stale witness ad .sliiiek him . gam •I'liiic .ludcv f’ I then asked Bick- Im1>I til 196 tor third nnd H"ko OKell.v. ’'"'"'^r =»id I)' ATLA.VTA 'A'llM . 'iokl,,; 11,529 More than 199,000 Negrov. -'n-tno " ‘ '. w-.kp not nl ,\daiii I’ r.vell. bo 1. are rep-rted lo h..e voted lor the „ I'’'"". '■""'S'’*' , first lime in defiance of pre eler Co.nil.v Snperlor Coint thal J tin, n-arnlng, fron, TnImaHce In, ,,,; ••'"ise" Negme-s tn stay away from him the Dolls lanviiy A multitude of tfl-'.eai-elds made '■=‘'vri ai tinw.s in H|t"mpl t t h e primary ''oting uniisifally heavv In addition lo the unit votes ^, in counties which hiK.-e completed -H to prnho ih- charge i].' I'-pir en'ed in Washington aM of the OPIMC ''H n po.iplr cf port for integration i,,'rotmerli'-i with the "fliin- '. M-ill..11 ai'l" to ftie (1 of .everal h’cal person, army bin • Tain..*' Ii.tlin;; v alie pi 10 III le ■ aitdiei.' e- 'u.it •:.! '• lute Lull f'.i the -• fiiie. hk'- Nev WlUi • .1' Lie I h.Mt . I.'.flei lei-.l Ni-gm v.' .i. Ijatl If l..iil .Old :■ iiip" "f I’lllllig I1...0 hee pi I 1« '• • eat'' pi't I ihe Psf Miin‘>[ |ty r. iContiniied on back page) '(’oiUinucd on ba^k pagci helm; pie. . -I Ml Pu-vell Ih-i ■■lilt;; white 'll .,.:d tOl-l alll .Illd fllle.ilefl Ih-'l ti.i. liequrntly i.l a bvT It. Mff , Plans In Effect To Better Facilities at A. & T. College ■I't a'lm..' 111.' GREENSBORO - When th" 1 rcrommendinp the basic gro.ip --i state's ad'dsorv budget comir'siiod ■ tmildincs needed for ati adeipia'r VlsitetTlhi., eitv l«-.t n eek ( 'r hie,,. I-"v:- I'l "" rtrrv o„l the tnno . . - . . .. 'ions 'vhirh have hpcn assigned mal in.soection imtr of state msi,. p^Mt.ri.on a.s tim land tutions preparatoiy to diafllng 'l''»‘i ..ojicgr fm- Js.Vn,-„ps in the State appropriation bill for the iai7 gen., p-liniod out that •ral -assembly. A and T rollcar!T is cxpcricd tn give both presented if with a permanent im-, ||,p niadergrariiiHtc and graduate m pro.'ement budget amountinp to $4 •; ^irnclion in agrienlluie. encineei 9B6.34r. for the two-year period, |j„j. ^„d th- tra'tes. and the hraneh* 1947-1949 , of learning related thereto, and to The inspecting par*y was enni-;^„ insiilluion must have p''sel of Tom PeariaM. Rocky, h.iilding.s and erpiipiiient Mooi't, Brandon Hodges. Asheville. | ^ rapidlv cif.wmg -Indent Iv.'lv feving Carlyle, Winston-Salem. nffn taU also iho ro,,’. YTa.enre Stone, Sloneville. .h'lui mitlce that the r-dlege has mil Kerr. Jr. Warrenton. and t.erov Urnwii all f-anltn.r,.nnf.i sraf ,,11 ?ta'tin. Raleigh, all of \nrth Caro |.tiida>nts in itie aiidiforinm, and . i liPS Ciffirial.s of th** college \vhn j limited .'lassr.K.in-, eo''f»>ied with the eonimi.ssion r 3,,,^ shop- available •> oere Dr F D Bhif.iri. president,! all sindenf'-. had to rnn .lass'- r-harles A Mines, rhairman of the' f,.„^ - 7 p m. withmii A and T board of ir.isleps, E Rav | a L.reak sax-e ..Tie half hoin fo» Ifodpin, seriefary ind treasurir.! chapel exercises end Shelley B Cavanes-s. chairman' ji was .stated that the college en of the hoard’s land rommitlei' I'ollmeni jumped from l.non m In presenting the estimates of i)44.4s to 1.752 last school year, ex permanent improvement retjuirr- cwling all ••xiwclaions and setfins meiMs. college officials emphasized new record ft wa.s also noted that that they were not asking for the —^—1— addition of a building or two to an already complete plaat, but ware Tolinculi'c-fi red cr.'h’: Persons; Destroy Many Churches v'fte 111 (h'.i coillltv •-■•M .I'l I Ii-U T.iliii • . will '■iii tiii If t.f f'cii «h f pen iifl ;" v ff flannJiii': Hie ' ii|.r' ii.«' .o cr'i..n.tu 1'eg.arfhi‘U Ne"ri>«", iia . 7^.|•|■fi mit-h ff II til 1:1 legal f'i|* 1 W- "iiiul'ai Hill III fivvil he cMipiinit''d ■’ lucli 00; I'l lo li.. iiiipcM''l|iii.'iii ..ml .1 -.f He- l,.i.' ; .-liK'r .•Sfcoli Mff r hrT'.iiise en .' d luiniei ii'.i! l■xc''^d Hie ipiiL.iioii r.ij*'- f 111.' enh-lod ;l. N.-groes .ne :'nl of (lie cii- pul .'lOII liiii.' only 31 h.'ive I in .'III . (.Ill of :i if offici'i. (lo I'OMltod liie past five days police >'.id Hi '.wn posT-d as Di. .l.•llle, SiiuHi (Illd obtained money Iroiii Raleigh citizens by telling them that he was a root doetor. u ill. pt.wi'i s to riire rheumatism. •|ii,.k- thing., light" wdth their iiii-h.ind:. mid wive.s. obtain relea.-e of fi lends and iclalives from pen- .1 in liHili' IIS irid "keep the law .iway from them." HniWM who. acrordi.'g to offireri. ...lid In- was leleasad June 2 from St.lie pii.'.oii lieie where he wa.? erving -. vrn to 10 year sentem e for hie,iking in and eiil' iing. adndt- ed opei'.iling liis racket at Fay tieville and Wilmington and it D in III I total 9r.‘i. I h.dinvcd that he operated in other of I :il.' • lit >mP";uliio ffip. mdicaie (liat iii.'dead ' • arm'.- poliny yen llu' tiarlilioiial one •n (|c pi’c ili«- f hllein i I the state. V- Bishop Returns To Africa c >nu*i^- icludMv, . .oM hi- . loo fai III 10 to oltiT'i 111 oiir.l" I..' ' Hi.-.i the .iM'iv, 'hii SHAW U. PLANS HOMECOMING CELEBRATIONS ‘t oiitiiiiied on b e k NEW VetRK - Maklnc an im- passionrri plea for young people In volunteer for missionary spr- vlre in foreign fields. Bishop Wil lis ,I King, of the .Xlcthodlst Chureh gave Ids farewell address ill Saint Marks Methodist Chureh here on Ihe eve of his departure for I iheria, Afrira. Heeled in 1914 to servf on Africa's West i'oasl. Bishop King spent lour months In .Ameitea. during wdiirh lime he addressed M-nres of audienecs in leading Methodist T'hiirrhes and assem- hlles over a large sertion of the eniintrv. Kr was arrompaided hy Mrs. King. Bishop King t'-as srhT'duled to leave I iheria on .Inly Mh In rep resent the MeUindist Chiireli at an inlf-inaihuial ronferenre of re ligions leaders at l.ropoldvdie, Belgian longo .An oiMstanding scliol.ir, the hisliop was fmmerlv president of (taninum 'Ihenlogirat Seminal >. .Atlanta. .eorsia. NIAiRO VOTERfr GIRD FOR S. C. PRIMARY Columbia, S, C 'ANP> — South Carolina Democrats, declaring that their "ptefereniia!" primary U oirt a part of the state's election ma chinery. are saying thal federal laws and court ruling.a do not ap ply Incdllv and cuiitinued last week li> i-ui .re appeals of Neg-oea to reK- isler foi the primaiy to be Augu'l 13. Unlike other southern si oouth Carolina ir. declared to hatja no laws K'>verning or affecting the Dem'>rrafic' primary or party or ganization. naviiig abolished pU such laws from the statute b',aoke in ! IM4 when the supreme coyrt rul- '■d thal Negroes might participate ill the Texas Democratic primary. Undaunted, the South CaroUna ciiapter of the NAACP and the ITogressive Democratic party, are u-ganizing and directing attempts ot Negroes to register for the forth coming primary .'ittlv parly lules .stipulate ,4bal while Dcmocrat.s" only are Clift- ble and the state Democratic chalr-^ ni.in. Tom B. Pearce, said last week’ ' w'c arc going to conduct the prim- i (Continued on back page) Selassie Not In Accord On Plannings (Continued on back page) soppitTiii • ANT _ A foimn w tuiT* M'ltfxil w iiiT h fi.id l»een liMiir'i 'fver (11 \octf»“s fau lisr ;is ^ f lilll'l) .lIlil s li«i,| ■ ••ulding. h.ifl lurit hiiriiefl Hciwit tV» fliUMl.T \ l>> |,.is.>ii> .iioiisnl It, filly (>v ’1'alm.algf spr-pf-lii'V aixl wnluigs. .TTroilmg (■ te pnrfa llu- ( I OKs giMfis hut lirpii alf.iixlotipfl .iml t'i>iisn|iil4i'i v\Hh till- s>Ti»fil ;i| So|i-|Ic,i Thr lalift ii-vrili'il lo llu- owtu'i, liiidrt (rrms of till- ilri'd, .Illd he informed loiiiiiv atilhoiilies h*- would tiiin TTvrr (lie empty and alundoiied school liuilding In Negroes r«»r uw ax ; ehurrh :«nd Kchnoi The day alter the first rhurrii aervireH in '.he building, It wu buroed to the ground. hruiii'h' fiifif' I.OCKllOURNL I’OI.ICK HI'.AI) sHi.Dii i; \(;t:( si:i) MW (IK TIIKFT T.lin.'li;.- f'.ll-. ), kind I kill thal ■If >1 IL. I . 'ilh s -in'si jii iiiili ' 1. (|t'|>| ,1 .-'hlf Th'-y h.iVT' •'ill‘'’vi I'lfin ' llif hanTi.'- ‘if the wfir-;! |niiph' .ii'.i if ihev don’t hav ih>* rmirage ti. riM‘ agfiinut thvir misiule. th*n tin* best peu|ilr desi-rve j'/st what Ihs-y iire Kottnig. althmigh it is a tornlic hardship ou the southern Negro." Itv MXM l-ll t.f |{| \r .S( I l•o^l•^ N. I 'ANI*i Il.isite -liiesd.Tx sent (he ll■•llun ill.'U 'd t '.ipl iMldlex tV sti-iTiison, I S Hirnv. .IS liiei' lot .d ii'licr lor Hu- iiuini i li.ilMi of 'I '|l,om:i'. ,itid Si .ItiIui lo llu- lezisLilllir .ipt •stexeusoTi is at pri-s.-nl si-rvilIC a-k p'oxost m.irshal .ind rhief of siTiitilv and ilil.-lligenee at l.oc klioiiriir. .-lirhasr near f'n Iiimluis. D f'apl. Slrveii.son is pspeeti-d to ar-iume offier here l>\ Sept I. If the legislaturp confirms his appointment. The rovernor said the neminrr will hr a valuable addition to bla ataff. By OTIS I,. II.AIKSTO.N Ahimni Headrpiorter; at Sh.aw CnivT-rHly (intintmcerl thl.. week in- iti.il plitn • for a M.imniuth Hoii.ie- i C.minc Oh«.rv;„,cc mxl fall ui,- ,.„.vinv‘ Brim- Mo.illrir, ,lr, II,. ..|,n„;;„r.,l„, ol 111.' C.vnc.l , p,„, I nich-ird H'lrrh. ;ig'- -in, -if having Alumni A. .'ocuilion, j Slu'diilod to higbliglH the !hr.i(i‘i|i is f«intbill name Ort'.ber ' *6 hf'w-e.fi .muiw Uiiiv»-r';Uv Muni.s Bi'iwti CnlleKu “f Atlanta firir;;n, ond an Alumni FcHowsh-p Duiii'r the proceeding *-vening. In innoimcitig pla.'- f'U the "mfef the officT- m.idr known fhi- .sel'-i .-l.-tp-n ‘.f Ihe following rommmlf- •ff I'll n-m.an to handle details for the two day prngr.am: W n rollind of Sniithfield, and the Rcv.‘rcnd Leon C. Riddick, of ^7 '*' Raleigh- Ticket Rales Otis I. H.air- H'^rch was bound nwr o r.*- st.m, and Carl Easleiling ot Ra- cordera rnurt afler the prclimin leifih—Publicity and Printing Ran- hearing in M.ayors court, on charges' of larency from person lobivd him of «n ■•■Fillu they w**:r Ii'liiic III •. ,^'l•'>^fhnn In in f'U tnaCon gi\'''n Hu- l*eol ufficei • hv M'liihi I'-. h- and Hnirh wer ■ tuliny in the fi'Ui* .■'‘•at of the eal’. I'nrch beinc 01 *h** right The sol f|ir-i f-h.-irg'-? that when he h-f till- taxi a* the A (’I. .dntion, hi.' nu'ttey w,is gone He te.;tifies lhai ne nienlioned thr- lo.q. of the nu'n- tT» lliireh. whom he • .|eg''s 1 kniR- and ehn-ied him (Continued on back page) .and assault. Trial was set for passage of time .the impoetioo ot ' «f—an injustice.'* Monday. Washingtor (ANP- — Empercr Hiile Upla?«ie has protested imough 'tipi miatic ehaniieh against the piopn-..-,! bv thr council of foreigr •f !iii ter to postpone for a year I find decir-ion on the disposition f Krdre^ and Italian ■'^omatilaiMi. f'ltmr, Itfilran col-nie.? in East Af rica. It was ledrned lar'. w«k. Ethiopia claimed the r*tum of Hic-e arei:, on (h» gronrd that they were a pait of her territory bffc»-e leinu -.eized by Italy ITie erupv- nr' (.(.dement a" released read; The leiurn t'j Italy under spy foioi the .'olonies of F.ast Afnet acquired in dlahnnoi and used for igui- would be an immorA ift. w'hirh would profoundly Jeo- piM'li/e the political .',nd economle jt.ibdily of that area. To delay and lo compromise when and where the ■•ohili.in IS Clear and. In justice, inevitable, i* ii'U only to -lelay and t«i compromise justice, but alao to reveal at this troubled and crucial jiehod of world hlst-ary. a reluc tance tn do Justice ami perhape ev en a disposition to tolerate with the

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